Разработчик: Stardock Entertainment
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Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, simplified chinese, norwegian, spanish - spain, portuguese - brazil, finnish, italian, russian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7/8/10 (64-разрядная)
- Процессор: Четырехъядерный процессор Intel или AMD
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Видеокарта с минимум 2 ГБ видеопамяти
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 26 GB
- Звуковая карта: Совместимая с DirectX звуковая карта
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 (64-разрядная)
- Процессор: Четырехъядерный процессор Intel или AMD
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Видеокарта с минимум 2 ГБ видеопамяти
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 26 GB
- Звуковая карта: Совместимая с DirectX звуковая карта
Отзывы пользователей
It plays a lot like Starflight. Yes, I am a very old gamer.
Funny quirky and easy to play
Really feels like they copied a lot from Spore. The game is as repetitive as Spore. You are flying your ship in Hyperspace, encountering enemies as you fly just like spore in the cell levels. Hard to get anywhere, one encounter after another. Then you die and game is over. Fly to planet, gather a few resources... repeat. The game is as repetitive as Spore. You are flying your ship in Hyperspace, encountering enemies as you fly just like spore in the cell levels. Hard to get anywhere, one encounter after another. Then you die and game is over. Fly to planet, gather a few resources... repeat. The game is as repetitive as Spore. You are flying your ship in Hyperspace, encountering enemies as you fly just like spore in the cell levels. Hard to get anywhere, one encounter after another. Then you die and game is over. Fly to planet, gather a few resources... repeat. The game is as repetitive as Spore. You are flying your ship in Hyperspace, encountering enemies as you fly just like spore in the cell levels. Hard to get anywhere, one encounter after another. Then you die and game is over. Fly to planet, gather a few resources... repeat. The game is as repetitive as Spore. You are flying your ship in Hyperspace, encountering enemies as you fly just like spore in the cell levels. Hard to get anywhere, one encounter after another. Then you die and game is over. Fly to planet, gather a few resources... repeat. The game is as repetitive as Spore. You are flying your ship in Hyperspace, encountering enemies as you fly just like spore in the cell levels. Hard to get anywhere, one encounter after another. Then you die and game is over. Fly to planet, gather a few resources... repeat. The game is as repetitive as Spore. You are flying your ship in Hyperspace, encountering enemies as you fly just like spore in the cell levels. Hard to get anywhere, one encounter after another. Then you die and game is over. Fly to planet, gather a few resources... repeat.
Good, pulpy, funny adventure
Excellent Star Control 2 reboot. It feels a bit unfinished, some of the plot points seem hastily abbreviated, and most races have voice acting while others don't.
Still, if you're hungry for a space RPG with fun 2D ship to ship combat this game delivers.
A great little game from Stardock that has some lighthearted gameplay and a lot of fun dialogue.
I never played any of the old star control games, so I can't draw parallels, and I'm coming into this with no particular expectations.
I've seen several reviews complaining about graphics and writing. For me graphics are not critical - I found them perfectly serviceable, but there wasn't anything impressive there. The character designs and art were decent to my eyes, they just chose to make it cartoon-y, which was fine with me. The writing was certainly silly but I found it amusing rather than offensive like some did. The overall story was decent in my opinion and the different interactions were fun to navigate.
The gameplay was enjoyable overall, but not spectacular. Exploration was fun, and there was something to do in most star systems, of which there were many. Upgrading the ship was enjoyable, though not particularly challenging - exploration being the primary requirement. Collecting resources was a bit tedious, but you don't have to spend a lot of time doing it. Combat is easy to find and offers similar rewards for the same time spent. I still preferred to collect resources for my cash, because combat wasn't particularly fun to me either. It wasn't terrible but running away from the enemy ship and taking shots from far away is the easiest way to not lose ships, and that takes forever. The variety of ships and weapons was pretty good but i do wish they were a bit more maneuverable/easier to control/aim
Overall I thought the game was decent, though not exceptional in any way.
if you like the older star control 2 then this is good
I like this game, but would appreciate a follow up to the 2nd one.
game constantly crashing immediately after I my conversation with the first Scryve and right before ship selection for battle
Would change this review if they fix the game so i can play
For the time i have played this, I think it's a good and fun game
If you like original Star Control games you'll probably like this one too. I enjoyed it a lot! Exploring the galaxy is fun and space battles are really engaging with many types of vessels. Aliens are funny as heck. Overall it's a great modern take on for this series. I think you should ignore the negative reviews completely. I don't get what's everyone's problem with this title.
a wonderful retake on an old favorite of mine, Star Control II. combines exploration with 2D space shooter. Great fun.
Hot garbage that I bought because I got gimmicked by paid influencer advertisements.
Holy shit if I were the actual captain of an actual starship and I asked my first officer:
"Any advice on this upcoming trip were taking"
And she responded
"You've already forgotten how to captain a starship captain? That's not a good sign".
....I would literally jettison her right into space.
This is the first interaction of the game. Why do people write such absurd & unbelievably quirky characters these days, it's as if dialogue writers have never had a normal human interaction in their life.
Beyond that, the gameplay is an absolute snooze fest and the controls are abysmal. Who the heck imagined flying your spaceship around a solar system with no system map and sluggish & slippery tank controls on a 2d vector was fun?
Driving on the surface of planets is even worse as you cannot seem to change your elevation at all, you can just skim along the surface and you are forced to bounce off of mountains like everything is made out of rubber or drive extremely slowly.
Combat is a horrendous exercise in tedium and frustration and not in a good way whatsoever.
Brings me back to my SC2 days with the humor and play style we fell in love with. Now with more ships.
If you are a fan of the original games do not play this one. It's really bad. It's not even close the original stories or gameplay or features. Graphic wise it's terrible like I am playing a OG PS game. Dunno how they thought this one was good to go. They ruined a great series with this flop.
The exploration and story are fun elements. I like upgrading the ship and shopping for those upgrades, but collecting the resources to purchase those upgrades gets seriously tedious and repetitive. There's some mildly humorous dialogue, which keeps things interesting. Overall, I like the game.
После этой игры ещё лучше понимаешь, насколько же хороши Космические Рейнджеры.
Хотя очевидно, что ни на что серьёзное создатели и не замахивались, получилось у них нечто совсем простенькое с аркадными мини-играми про космические бои и сбор ресурсов для школьников ранне-среднего возраста.
Almost immediately, you get to a point where the main story cannot progress because you need to retrieve a resource from a nearby moon, but that moon has inferno temperatures and destroys your lander immediately. No clues provided on how to deal with this.
This is a good game, it is simple to understand a real plug and play game. Cute in design and a compelling story, its worth spending plenty of hours in. 45 hrs in and still not at the end of the story, having been delighted to explore as well as progress the story. In my mind if you can play a game costing £2.27 for 45 hrs its a bargain, do not hesitate to pick this game up in the sale. Well worth it.
great for kids and those that enjoy a good story
I worried about how it wasn't the same story as the classic.... but they make enough "alternate universe" comments, jokes, and inside references that it grew on me. Catch it on a good sale, it's a good time. I'm enjoying it and will definitely make it to the end.
It has glitches, sure, but nothing game-halting. It reminded me of Star Control 2, and that's a good thing.
Planet exploration and moving around in general is the majority of this game, and unfortunately those things are terrible. Planet exploration in particular is a boring time sink.
Writing is very hit and miss, the overall narrative is a complete miss. The antagonists lack depth, and mysterious you are presented with also lack depth. It's very common to run into something and the whole sequence is go to star X, and star X you find a ruin and the game tells you that you see something interesting and you don't know what it is, and that's it. Nothing really goes farther than that.
Tons of fun, worth every penny.
True to the two games it combined
A really good "sequel" to star control II. Keeps a lot of what made the original great.
However the space battles are worse. somehow they didn't grasp the asymmetry design of the ships from star control II. Star controls II ships are all so different with unique abilities.
So far, most of the ships of Origins are samey. samey lasers. Star control II will always be replayable because of that feature. also found the power-up drops to be immersion breaking, plus they are pointless.
Once i'm done with the origins fun story and engaging enough rpg mechanics, i won't be back to play ship vs ship battle. rather do that in Star Control II.
This game has a good sense of humor but not a very good sense of pacing. It just feels outdated, doesn't respect your time and everything just feels overly simplistic. The biggest offense being the planet exploration which reminds me a lot of Mass Effect 1's space lander sequences which were, at the time, somewhat fun albeit tedious but are completely out of place in a game from 2018.
Just a fun game overall
love this game, it's always a "one more turn" type of situation
I am so mad that the fake Star Control game is actually decent. It can't touch Star Control 2 and the story makes no sense in context with the Ur-Quan stuff but as a stand-alone game, I am enjoying traveling a galaxy that I don't have memorized.
Press W toward triangles for hours
Goofy and fun.
So. Freaking. Addictive.
Its pretty alright, although a bit on the cartoony side in the ET artstyle department. But I'm just gonna get it off my chest the one thing that really gnaws at me about it however is the <<'hyperspace' "travel">> quote unquote. Well I got some bad news for you Stardock writers, because if you know anything about anything you know that NOTHING can travel faster than the speed of light, its just physically impossible, hypothetically unfeasible and just plain stupid, in the words of one famous scientist... "its not even wrong". The only exception being the cosmos itself during it's inflation era while it was pure plasma compacted into a singularity the size a quadrillion times smaller than an atom, exploding out into the vacuum in a big bang crystallising into the known universe, a monumental event forever imprinting the cosmic microwave background radiation onto the 3D space which can be perceived as static on antenna TVs and radios, propelled with the one true superforce thus seperating itself into the nuclear strong, nuclear weak & electromagnetic forces as well as birthing gravity, the weakest quasi-force, thats what happened to the last thing which travelled faster than light speed, whatever would happen to your ship is a whole other can of worms. But back to the topic at hand, the whole cosmic inflation era lasted for a second or so but now thats done literally NOTHING can ever go faster than the speed of light, not a neutrino and not even a... you guessed it a photon itself! Now when a weightless particle such as a photon accelerates to lightspeed the trip is instantaneous and paradoxically can go on for billions of lightyears, while advancing the external(stationary) time accordingly to the distance travelled while maintaining the same trip time regardless of the distance. Meaning if you're travelling at light speed you also are traveling fast forward in time. So its as if though going past the speed of light is a waste of energy, because it will take the same amount of time! Anyways lets not turn this into a science disquisition, in the end I can stomach the cartoony artsyle, what i'm not gonna put up with is the fake abracadabra science, so there you have it maybe use wormholes next time.
Well i mean I got it for like $4 so its still pretty alright considering the price =P
Serious bug that game crashes after first alien encounter. Others have reported the bug on the internet. Still problem. Waste of money!
Honestly, the story is great at first sight. But the track the gameplays takes to follow it is pretty boring. Find a planet, land on it, walk around, only a few new things, leave, repeat. The battle gameplay is interesting when you find other ships to fight for you, but overall, you just wacth.
Don't recommend it if you're looking for space gampelay.
Very fun game with aspects from several different games including Mass Effect, the original Star Control, and Starfleet Command among others. Oh and it has a sense of humor too!
Doesn’t run good, isn’t fun to play. You see pictures, you imagine surely simply melee style gameplay is fun, but it’s not. It just doesn’t feel right- movement and collision just feels off and unexciting.
what SC3 should have been.
I have been yearning for this game for so long, being a fan of the SC2 and even participating in fan-made off-shoot projects (none came to fruition, unfortunately), but, alas, it is barely a shadow. Boring, repetitive, uninspired. I can enjoy occasional jokes and references (including those to the original, however week and irrelevant they may be), but there is no core, no drive, no purpose.
Also, original (SC1 and SC2) battles relied heavily on 16-position orientation of the vessels - and now it's gone, but the devs did not bother to provide a proper alternative system with visible aim, improved pseudo-physics etc., just thre everything in one pot in hope that fans will east it whole. Shame, it could have been great with just a bit of extra thought invested.
P.S. Go pay the original (UQ Masters, with remastered mod), and you'll have a lot more fun, for free - if you do not mind outdated graphics.
I bought this game when it first came out and recently came back to it. Apparently when starting again the game now crashes early to the desktop in the same spot after you first meet the scryve. I can't recommend a game I can't even play anymore and that perhaps will never be fixed. I'm not sure why it no longer works and all the fixes they suggested do not help. So for your $29.99 you will get about 20 minutes or less in game play. You are welcome you were warned!
gotta love it! good sense of humour combined with some space adventures and blowin up some bad guys :D
I liked it though it's basically a kinder, gentler version of Star Control 2.
There is no time limit to your goals. Yes, the main enemy will expand its territory over time, but you can always take it back when you feel ready to do so.
There is a random alien that attacks you like the Slylandro Probes but they aren't as aggressive and dangerous. Overall the game is not as challenging, but there are some optional fights that are pretty deadly and take you by surprise if you stumble into that star system.
A few of the alien races are too similar to the ones in Star Control 2, though there were a few like the Phamysht and the Mukay that were pretty funny and interesting.
The landing segment is different from SC in that it's 3D. Mining in either game gets boring fast, but the 3D terrain takes longer to navigate so it's worse overall.
This game's version of "Super Melee" is quite fun. The ships are easy to control and there are powerups scattered across each map. Instead of the screen looping, you're set in an arena with a deadly outer zone. This can be useful for whittling down heavily armored ships. Because this game is newer, I found the ships easier to control and had a better time. There is also a large variety of ships and most of them are useful.
Overall, if you like Star Control 2 you will probably enjoy Star Control: Origins, though it won't blow your mind.
The DLC is ok. It doesn't have as many voiced parts and it feels unfinished. However, you get access to some powerful hybrid ships that make the final missions easier.
not worth the money.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Stardock Entertainment |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 77% положительных (1594) |