Разработчик: KONAMI
Спустя девять лет после событий игры «MGSV: GROUND ZEROES» и падения Главной базы «Большой босс» Снейк выходит из комы. На дворе 1984 год. На фоне холодной войны продолжается глобальное обострение ядерного кризиса. Движимый местью, Снейк создает новую частную армию и возвращается на поле боя в поисках тайной группы XOF.
Команда разработчиков METAL GEAR SOLID продолжает амбициозно использовать такие серьезные темы, как психология военных конфликтов и сопутствующие им зверства и преступления. «MGSV: The Phantom Pain» — одна из наиболее ожидаемых игр года, которая будет характеризоваться игровым дизайном с открытым миром, фотореалистичной графикой и богатым функционалом. Эта игра войдет в историю как один из эталонов игровой промышленности за кинематографическую сюжетную линию, глубокие темы и увлекательнейший тактический геймплей.
Главные особенности:
- Игровой дизайн с открытым миром, в котором игроки обладают полной свободой выбора тактики миссий и игрового прогресса в целом.
- Графический процессор Fox Engine обеспечивает фотореалистичную графику, высочайшую детализацию игры и по-настоящему инновационное качество изображений.
- Онлайн-функциональность переносит игровые впечатления за пределы консоли на другие устройства, значительно расширяя внутриигровые возможности и доступ к игре.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, japanese, portuguese - brazil, russian, spanish - latin america
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows 7x64, Windows 8x64, Windows 10x64 (64-bit OS Required)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-4460 (3.40 GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (2GB) or better (DirectX 11 card Required)
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 28 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
- ОС: Windows 7x64, Windows 8x64, Windows 10x64 (64-bit OS Required)
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-4790 (3.60GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (DirectX 11 graphic card required)
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 28 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (Surround Sound 5.1)
Отзывы пользователей
It's sad that the story wasn't finished properly, but the game and the game-play are peak for the Metal Gear Solid franchise.
A good game but it is VERY long to complete. Good graphics, sound, and combat.
A decade after its release , there still isn't any military open world stealth game. I've 100% this game on ps4 back in the day. But bought this game on pc as this is a MUST HAVE for stealth fans. This game is a TIMELESS MASTERPIECE. Is it perfect ? NO !!! Its an INCOMPLETE GAME, WITH INCOMPLETE STORY due to the abrupt exit of KOJIMA. But what's here is UNMATCHED TACTICAL STEALTH ESPIONAGE GAMEPLAY. Every mission can be completed in how much ever varieties you can think of. Fox engine offers great performance and solid visuals. 10/10 for gameplay !!!
This is in my top 5 best games. more than a decade later I still play it. Matter of fact there's no other game with the same quality as this one. Peace walker maybe you get the mechanics and sandbox but nothing as well put together as this masterpiece. Also 'she needs to be half naked because she feeds through photosynthesis' is one of the best plot points ever fabricated
What a game!
Build your own army and take on missions using a candy shop of toys and tools. While this isn't a traditional Metal Gear game in terms of story, what it is, is incredibly immersive and engaging. One of the best stealth games of the modern era.
Set during era of the cold war you sneak around collecting resources to build your base of operations, and recruit soldiers of various talents by putting them to sleep or holding them up, and attaching a giant balloon to their backs. hahaha. It's a wild ride.
Pros. for a 2015 game, it still goes as smooth as the games until now
Cons. literally chapter 2 was unfinished, it was great until then. (story and gameplay)
Absolutely perfect, down to each and every minute detail. Venoms story was sad, the end had me staring at the screen for a good 5 minutes. Love the game play, side content is standard and the harder versions of the story missions are excellent. Weapon variety perfect. When you can't even say my name
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Go and call my name
I can't play this game, so I ask again
Will you say my name?
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Or have I become invisible?
Truly a staple in stealth games
It has everything you can dream of from a military game where you sneak around and do missions besides other things. I have over 300+ hours in this game from other platforms combined, and all the time spent was simply amazing. You have a truly incredible amount of freedom, and unlike in many games today, I can literally go around in free roam, and still have fun without a preset goal. So good.
There are decently difficult challanges and achievements you can go for.
I have never played former Metal Gear games, but it didn't matter at all in the story or gameplay. It is perfectly fine to go in this game blind without experiencing the older games first. There are some weird things that go on, but usually, if you are that interested on what they are, just search up the lore.
I look forward to the brand new remake of one of the older games, awaiting it with excitement.
This game will have a place in my heart forever.
Buy it on a discount.
Much love<3
ive been playing this game on xbox since release, been on and off pc through the years and the game never disappoints me. the replay value is 10/10 and the FOB missions are what keep me interested. im sad the story never got finished but i love the mgs franchise and love this game to the end. if you havent ever played this, definitely give it a shot, you wont regret it. just keep your gmp out of the red.
There is genuinely very little I would change about this game. The missions are excellent, the gameplay is tight, and the graphics hold up super well.
Is the story dumb? Sure. Is Quiet a completely ridiculous character? Yes. Is Hideo Kojima an insane person? You betcha. Still an incredible game.
Love this game use to play it a lot on the old PS3, still great even in 2025.
This game came out almost 10 years ago and its immeasurably better than the vast majority of triple A games that have released since then. Konami may be pieces of isht but Kojima cancels that out and I can't stop playing. This game is fucking amazing. If you've never played Metal Gear before dont let the prologue mission turn you away. I have 52 hours in this game and Im only barely playing through the second region in the game because you can sink that much time into it and still find new stuff to do. It rewards you for taking your sweet time and doing everything perfectly, and the best part is that absolutely none of it feels like a chore.
I love D Dog
buy this game please
Even though Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was released back in 2015, it still holds up as one of the best open-world stealth games ever made. The gameplay is smooth, the AI is challenging, and the amount of freedom you have in completing missions is unmatched. The story might be divisive, but the attention to detail and immersive world make up for it.
Even after all these years, few games can match the depth and creativity of MGSV. If you haven't played it yet, you're missing out on an incredible experience.
Thank you, Kojima, for this masterpiece
One of the best game i've ever played, if you're only thinking about buying or playing it i recommend it without thinking even at full price, you have a shit tonne of content, i recommend very strongly
i bet the main story game within 12 days, i already knew all the spoilers from watching game play late of last year. sitting down and actually playing the game myself made me love it 100000% more, its so well written and some parts even made me cry, this has to be one of my favorite games of all time, the only complaints is how hard a "certain" mission is, i wont spoil it but god i had to try a billion times, this game is so beautifully written and i love kojima and the way he writes his games, especially the MGS franchise.
This game made me turn into a kleptomaniac who can only think of stealing anything and anyone that isn't bolted to the ground. WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T FULTON A HELICOPTER!!! LIQUIIIIIIIIIIDDD!!!!
Way too repetitive and grindy for a single player game.
Side missions are all the same, and the increasing cost of developing and researching new weapons and tools take way too much money and time to be worthwhile.
And since all these "30h+" of mine I have spent in it is only around 25% of the completion, I am not gonna spend 120h+ to try and 100% it. Not valuing my time.
Outside of that, game is kinda fun, but again, except actually rather capable AI for its time, gunplay is atrocious. Aiming sucks, recoil does not make sense, and unless you are doing quiet one-shot-headshot kind of kills, good lucking doing anything else.
Hideo Kojima's last game in the metal gear franchise and one of the best in terms of gameplay. It took me 126 hours to get all achievements but it was fun through almost all of it. Def one of the better stealth games of the decade, play it 100%.
This game is an absolute masterpiece! Not to mention, this game is extremely well optimized.
Fantastic game, despite the bad story.
Honestly the best gameplay in the entire series, I don’t care if it wasn’t completely finished it is one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had and I’d honestly put it in my top 10 favorite games of all time.
great tactial game with multipale ways to complete a mission, and a rich story. very good game
Such a beautifully made game in so many ways, from the design of the story and how it plays out to so many small details to be discovered, this game was above and beyond what could have been expected of the series. A shame it could not be finished properly, but even then this is still one of the best games I've ever played and my personal favorite of the series (aside from MGRR, but Jack's story was awesome for different reasons)
Regardless, if you are thinking about mayyyybe buying this game, just get it. It's Kojima's beautiful Goodbye love letter to us. You'd be rude not to accept it <3
Has one of the best gameplay and a nice interesting story that adds more to the series.
I thought I beat the game after beating the dumb ahh purple 🥷🏿but apparently it only unlocked nuclear weapons and im a dumb lil birch. 🤷🏻
Game is about a Phantom.
The first 5 hours are boring as hell. Once you unlock some weapons and tools, the game becomes very fun to play
Fun and challenging, a interesting open world type game. I think the only thing I disliked was that the game was meant for controller and I dont play controller so having to do the opposite direction to turn right or left was challenging. I did also have a hard time not laughing when I hear "Why are we still here? Just to suffer" because that is such a funny meme and it was interesting to play the game where the meme came from. Overall fun but the same map over and over does get annoying. And shout out to TheRussianBadger for making a video of the game and making me interested in playing it for myself.
This is one of the best metal gear solid games out there in terms of the gameplay and mechanics ofc, the story is a bit strange but i really enjoyed everything about the gameplay, best part about the game is how you get to use a wide variety of gadgets,weapons and the buddy system is also a really cool feature, thanks mr kojima
This game's gunplay is unmatched, the movement is grounded but not to the point where it feels restrictive, the missions have high replay value, the base management elements give you a reason to not just kill everybody you see and the game is incredibly well optimized while still looking good 9 years later
Its just a shame that if you don't play/read up on MGS1, Snake Eater, Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes the story will be utterly incomprehensible like the campaigns of several COD games got mixed in with Silent Hill and GI Joe all told from the prespective of a man tripping off enough hospital grade Morphine to kill a whale
I personally enjoy this game maybe too much and all the previous metal gear players say it sucks and you would have to play the others to understand. I have never played all the others and , I love it. From the fluidity of how it runs to the array of things you can do, this game is a true masterpiece. I mean think about it this way, what other game can you ride around Afghanistan in a vehicle freshly stolen from an enemy base, with a sniper shooting things and people on your command, a rocket arm that you can detach and fly around to hit people with at your leisure, with your attack helicopter reigning hell on an enemy base, all while listening to "take on me"? And the main story and dare I say the only reason this game has so much hate is because of the ending (which they kind of smoothed out with four different possible endings . So I emplore you, now that you have this knowledge at hand, go get metal gear solid 5, play it and love it like I have, and when you do get to the ending, don't throw the game away, replay it or go to online or do some FOBs but above all else, help me make sure this game goes down as a great game and an even better metal gear game.
Great game
I really enjoyed kidnapping people and forcing them to work for me. Also I'm not entirely sure but i think Hideo Kojima worked on this game, they should add more credits.
Despite its narrative flaws and the disappointingly misleading trailers prior to its launch in 2016 (poor 16 year old me), this game is one of the strongest installments in the Metal Gear Franchise and perhaps the strongest stealth game in terms of gameplay still today. Great mechanics and very fun. Narratively awkward.
One of Kojima's finest, and misunderstood masterpieces.
The FOX engine provides one of the smoothest and crisp gameplays you'll ever receive out of the Tactical Stealth Espionage genre, with satisfying movement, gunplay, and graphics that still hold up in 2025.
The Story:
The story is one of the most misunderstood parts of the game, and this is largely due to people either not being well-versed in Metal Gear lore, or simply lack story comprehension, which in this game, is told a lot more differently compared to previous titles.
Instead of CODEC calls, most of the conversations that are important to the story are contained in cassettes, which you have the option of listening to. I believe this to be something that Kojima implemented, as a means to not cause people to complain or be bored if these were done as CODEC calls, because there is a LOT of conversations, way too many to fit into CODEC's.
The story is crushing, it is a representation of veiling evil as "good", with pursuit against "evil" being an act of revenge, veiled as "justice".
The biggest part of this "good" veiling as "evil" is the way the real Big Boss turns his most trusted lieutenant to be a phantom of himself, to uphold Diamond Dogs while he works in secrecy to develop his own plans. He uses his phantom the same way the US government used Big Boss in the end of Metal Gear 3, a pawn for a bigger picture in the war economy.
Metal Gear Solid V is more than a game, it's a message, which has stood the path of time for 10 years, in being the quality that all games should look up to being like.
Once you complete the game completley. You get so compelled to reset and go again. Something allways brings you back.
Gameplay at this time: 100% complete with 627 hours.
Good for wasting time.
At first I played this and got bored due to the complicated mess it throws at you; yet after an hour or so (and overcoming the horrendous UI mixed with a thousand instructions) I was heavily invested in both the bizarre story and about completing the missions to an S rank (which was all about speed & damage did not seem to matter).
Overly complicated in many ways, and apparently unfinished (which shows in several areas), it never-the-less is a captivating game. It has that strange attention to detail that the Metal Gear Solid Kojima games have, which can draw you in. And the gun play, as well as character movement, is very satisfying once understood.
However, it is brutal and you will die many times... yet that too is part of it's charm.
the story and gameplay is really solid heheh get it
It all made no sense, I beat the game and it started to make sense and then made no sense again. 10/10 game, I love schizophrenic snake
This game really makes you think. How has the Metal Gear universe led all the way to this prequel? With it's lackluster map exploration and frankly boring side missions (considering the delightful inclusions of silly minigames in Peace Walker a game that came out years before this title) this game truly could have been so much better if Kojima and Konami actually finished this incomplete piece of media. Overall however it isn't really that bad except for one of the most awkward moments in videogame history. I really wish there was a neutral option on steam for games like this.
METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN is the kind of game that will make you question your life choices while simultaneously making you feel like the coolest person in the room. One minute you’re sneaking through a jungle, silently taking down enemies, and the next you’re riding a horse while firing rockets at tanks like it’s a normal Tuesday. Seriously, you spend hours stalking through enemy camps, hiding in boxes, and giving cardboard cutouts a new meaning. It’s a game where stealth is key, but let’s be real, sometimes you’ll just throw caution to the wind, cause chaos, and try to outrun helicopters in your underwear. It’s absurd, it’s brilliant, and the moments of pure insanity make it unforgettable. Just remember, if you don’t get spotted, you’ll feel like a ninja—but if you do, you’ll have an army of enemies chasing you like it’s an action movie. And hey, there’s no better feeling than dropping from a helicopter with style.
METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN is an open-world action-adventure game that gives you total freedom in how you approach missions. You play as Venom Snake, a legendary mercenary leader who’s out for vengeance after a brutal attack on his army. The game offers a huge world to explore, ranging from war-torn deserts to lush jungles, all while giving you the freedom to tackle missions however you want. You can go in all guns blazing, silently infiltrate enemy camps, or even use animals (yes, animals) to help you out. It’s a blend of tactical combat, stealth, and vehicle hijacking, all wrapped up in a storyline that will keep you hooked. The mechanics are smooth, the open world is rich with detail, and the bond between you and your team feels real as you build Mother Base—a central hub for your operations. The side missions are varied, offering everything from rescuing hostages to collecting resources and upgrading your gear. And don’t forget the famous buddy system—whether you’re using a wolf or a helicopter as backup, there’s always someone (or something) at your side. It’s a game that lets you do whatever feels right to you, with a story that’s equally thrilling and full of emotional depth.
What truly makes METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN stand out is its combination of storytelling, open-world gameplay, and insane attention to detail. From the way the environment reacts to your actions to the intricacies of managing your own army, everything feels alive. The stealth mechanics are top-notch, and if you’re sneaky enough, you can complete missions without ever being seen, which feels absolutely incredible. But when things go south, the chaos is equally satisfying. Plus, the story is deep, with twists and turns that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the series. The game is visually stunning, with fantastic animation and attention to detail in the world-building. The pacing of the story is perfect, balancing intense action sequences with slower, more reflective moments. If you love stealth-based games with a gripping narrative, open-world exploration, and plenty of freedom in how you approach things, METAL GEAR SOLID V is a must-play. It’s a masterpiece that combines fun, strategy, and storytelling in a way that few games can. Definitely recommended for anyone who loves a mix of stealth and action with a side of utter chaos.
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Game Size }---
☐ Floppy Disk
☐ Old Fashioned
☐ Workable
☑ Big
☐ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive
☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it
☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☑ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☑ 9
☐ 10
---{ Author }---
☑ https://vojtastruhar.github.io/steam-review-template
I owned this game on release on PS3. It was among the first games I owned on PS4. And, when I got a laptop in college meant for editing and rendering high definition video, I got this game again. And each time I got it, I completed the game start to finish, completing all missions and side missions.
While obviously, the game wasn't finished and chapter 2 is just a mess, this is by far one of the best action stealth games you can ever purchase.
I just cant clear outposts anymore. Whenever I am on missions or watching cutscenes, im having a good time. Unfortunately, a vast majority of the game is just moving through an extremely dry and repetitive open world.
The game has a few flaws, the most annoying is the lack of consistency with headshots in FOB against NPCs. %100 accuracy and then running a base where the enemies mask's have inconsistent hit boxes. Always the mouth, always shoot the mouth. This weak spot is not consistent among bases which is beyond annoying. Anyways, weak spots aren't consistent. For an almost perfect game, this pitfall really is such an easy fix and shouldn't be a reason for criticism.
Come for the lore and promises, stay for the gameplay!
Probably the most disappointing Metal Gear game. So many promises, so little delivered. When you played the previous Metal Gear games, and know where the story is leading you will have expectations. Mine were not satisfied. It has its moments. But no manly tears in the end. How un-kojimingly!
And yet - the gameplay is pure genius. If only there were more than two enormous maps to move around. But still, you just want to be part of this world. You'll want to complete the missions, even if there are like 10 templates for every mission (and even places they appear at).
A masterclass in emergent gameplay and open-world design, and proof that not having a story is actually better for a game.
Every action you do while sneaking opens up to at least 3 or 4 different things you can shift to, which ultimately leads to a hectic moment-to-moment decision making while infiltrating. Now add a pokemon and base building mechanic on top of this and you have the best stealth system in gaming. You get your story dump in the beginning (with one of the craziest opening sequences). Then you are left to mess around for about 100 - 200 hours or so with cutscenes here and there.
Definitely deserves to be played in 2025.
Yes. Yes And yes. Btw get the definitive edition while on sale. Same price as both MGSVs combined + DLC. Played for 300h on Playstation and 70 here. Recommend 100%
I've bought this game a total of 4 times.
Once on PS3, again on PS4, on Xbox and now PC.
I play this more than any modern game, because it's actually made with passion and love, and it shows.
Modding community is fantastic and still alive.
Metal Gear Never Dies.
The Best Stealth Game
it Makes you feel Invisible -Duran Duran
its peak so far. incredibly hard and confusing on some missions but i would recommend!
Played MGSV once a long time ago and again more recently still golden still a jockpot of memes and memories.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | KONAMI |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 91 |
Отзывы пользователей | 92% положительных (38217) |