Voice of Pripyat

Voice of Pripyat

Steam Store

Разработчик: Slav Pankratov

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Многопользовательский шутер от первого лица в постапокалиптическом мире.
Зомби, аномалии, огромные карты, динамические бои в реальном времени.

На данный момент в игре доступно 5 режимов: - team deathmatch(TDM), deathmatch(DM), capture the flag (CTF), zombie mode (ZM) and peace mode.

Игрокам доступно множество карт, от маленьких - для быстрых боев, до огромных на которых присутствует наземный, водный и воздушный транспорт.

В общей сложности сейчас в игре 15 карт.

Доступно около 70 видов различного оружия , которое игрок будет получат по мере повышения его уровня.

В игре имеется своя система кастомайза , с большим количеством одежды, масок, противогазов и экзоскелетов, благодаря которой вы можете придать своему персонажу уникальный вид

Кроме того игроку доступно множество артефактов и расходников , которые влияют на характеристики персонажа в бою. Например, вы можете купить артефакт
"Попрыгун", который позволит вашему персонажу совершать очень высокие прыжки или же воспользоваться расходником "Капкан", который можно
поставить на землю и ждать пока в него попадет ваш противник.

В игре присутствует большое количество ачивок, за которые вы будите получать вознаграждение, а так же лидерборды со списками лучших игроков.

Игроки имеют возможность объединятся в кланы . На данный момент в игре еще нет клановых воин, но в самом ближайшем времени они появятся.

Общаться с другими игроками вы можете по средствам глобального чата, боевого чата или же отдельного чата для вашего клана. Сейчас ведется работа по добавлению голосового чата.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian

Системные требования


  • ОС *: Windows XP
  • Процессор: 2 ghz
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • DirectX: версии 9.0
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 600 MB
  • ОС *: Windows 7, Windows 8.1
  • Процессор: 3 ghz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • DirectX: версии 10
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 700 MB


  • ОС: OS X Lion 10.7
  • Процессор: 2 ghz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 600 MB
  • ОС: OS X Mavericks
  • Процессор: 3 ghz
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 700 MB


  • Процессор: 2 ghz
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 600 MB
  • Процессор: 3 ghz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 700 MB

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 12.12.2024 18:31
0 0

this is the real stalker 2 bro trust me

Время в игре: 19 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.03.2023 04:54
0 0

first of all game was free on facebook and playble and now its a cost and useless ones u bay that game on steam u wont be able to play it cuz it doesnt doe shit its not function at all and idk if that shit gonna be fixed. but it use to be fun when it was free back at the old gold days. now the just trying some bullshit.

Время в игре: 12 ч. Куплено в Steam Получено бесплатно
Не рекомендую 13.06.2021 15:00
0 0

Well I would be happy to give a good review but I cant. I have 12 gb of ram, a brand new HP laptop with AMD Athelon Gold 3150U with Radeon Graphics with 2040 dedicated graphics card memory, far more than the game says and all i can get my game to do is start up, no exit button, cant access the setup menu until after I choose to start a fight and even on the lowest grahics setting most of the menu buttons dont work and by the way I tried for 4 hours to connect to a server and it never connected. I am pretty disappointed..

Время в игре: 12 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 15.02.2019 23:33
6 0


This game is broken as well and I have reported it. I encourage you to as well.


Время в игре: 24 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 31.12.2018 18:24
3 0

The game is broke and wont even load any profiles or anything i used to play this game on facebook but it stopped working and it isnt working on steam either please give me a refund or make the game actually playable again.

Время в игре: 12 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 15.04.2016 00:30
10 14

This game gave me autism.

Время в игре: 516 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.07.2015 19:31
9 2

the legends were true...another indie survival game abondonded by its devs

Время в игре: 113 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.07.2015 22:48
11 2

oh... dear... god... WHERE IS THE REFUND BUTTON!?!?!?!??


Время в игре: 762 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.06.2015 03:58
2 0

i love this game i could see the graphics way better this game is fun! :)

Время в игре: 643 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.04.2015 23:59
1 0

check it buy it alot*89

Время в игре: 97 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.02.2015 17:28
2 1

I spend 8 euro for this shit, but on russian websites, this game is free. make better weapon or I will try get my money back.

Время в игре: 105 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 05.02.2015 02:03
22 2

want to burn ten bucks on a unrealistic game ?


then stay away from this

Fuck i wouldn't even play this if it were free

i entered two lobby's and both had major issues

first was a zombie mode lobby where i wasn't even damaging the player zombie as the human

second was a Team Death Match where i emptied two full clips into another player who for the most part shrugged the damage off like it were nothing

i wouldn't even play this if i was paid to ...sure my time says not even two mins but if you spent ten bucks on a game which seemed rigged to shit you'd be stressed out too

Время в игре: 12 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 02.12.2014 00:22
60 0

-Not Recommended Title-

This is like CS except it seems like it was developed in the 1980's and without the flair. Dissapointing game. Needs ALOT more development to perk my interest again. Save your money for now, and when the dev's make more progress with the development, then maybe it's worth a second look, well, it will be in my case.

Early Access Score: 3/10

Время в игре: 6 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 01.12.2014 20:48
80 0


November 2016 edit

Not a single update for over a year. Don't get this game, it was nothing but a money grabber. "Early access" my a$$, there's no serious plans to ever fix (or finish) this game.

December 2015 edit

I contacted the developer and he asured me the game is not dead, but being built on. He announced that "the game will be taken up to steam standards". Wait for those changes before buying, or play free on Facebook.


-Ugly graphics. Like, REALLY ugly, the textures don't feel to belong toghether, sometimes they are not even in the same scale. Many objects in some maps still miss textures.

-Terrible animations. Can't stress this enought. "Running" seems more like skating, the "reloading animation" is non existant. The character's don't even hold their guns straight (which afects aiming).
EDIT 05 JAN 2015 This has been adressed, and there's new animations for a couple of weapons (knife and AK47), but it's a long way from fixing the game. A step in the right direction, none the less.

-Lame gameplay. Just a deatmatch game with a zombie twist. But the zombies are akward to play and really badly animated.

-Weird ballistic. Weapons don't feel very real, it's not easy to aim, some weapons don't shoot straight. (For real).

-Fully featured "pay-to-win" store, with 2 currencies (gold and bolts).

-A port of a browser game YOU CAN PLAY FOR FREE. I'll advice you to try that, or wait for future releases, before buying.

I'm going to post in the forums my general views on the game, and if the programer improves it, I'll change my review.

Время в игре: 306 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.11.2014 19:53
1 0



Old Review:

Nice MP-Game. I have lots of fun with it. The time will tell, if there will be more updates, but in the moment, it is fully playable with some glitches.

Время в игре: 476 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.11.2014 13:49
225 4

It's pretty much a scam and nothing but. I don't even know what else needs to be said. It is not related to the STALKER franchise in any way and you'll easily get outclassed by anyone who spends money on it or has played it for an extended amount of time, because nothing is for free. The graphics don't help either, they remind me of Half Life 1, and it's not even a tactical shooter because you can see anyone's health bar and name when you are anywhere near them, even through walls. What is the point of that? It is also very crash happy, and the game modes are sub-standard. If you like this kind of game, you can at least do better and find one that only has the in-game purchases, but allows you to at least start playing w/o shelling out ten bucks on this piece of garbage. My word. The worst part is that nothing indicates the developers have any interest in improving anything about this game but the ingame store itself.

Here is some gameplay footage if you want to see more:


Время в игре: 44 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.11.2014 10:15
298 9

[Updated the 26/04/2015, scroll down to the end]

Let's present this "Stalker impersonator" [Long review].


As a Stalker, a modern scavenger in the irradiated "Zone" of Tchernobyl, you fight for power and fame against other Stalkers and horrible mutants.


You have 2 currency: bolts and gold, to buy weapons, ammunitions, armors, items such as food/ medkits and bonuses (you don't need to use real curency to buy items in the game, contrary to the browser versions with microtransactions). Items are great and bring a fresh air to this kind of game, the only problem is that some fights became longuer and more complicate if you use all items availiable.
As an example 2 items gives you health, and 1 item, the most expensive, gives you the ability to nuke the map and kill everybody. All items have a cooldown but in general the more bolts or gold you have the better the chances you have to best your opponent.

In the main menu you can buy gear, see your level status, your global stats and a browser to find matchs or even do some "jobs" to gain few bolts.
Theses jobs are not in-game missions. You see a progression bar near the name of the mission: Kill rats, escort scientists, ect... with a required amount of time. You can't fight during jobs, so you have to wait for the result and it last for hours. The shortest ( 30 mins): "Killing Rats" gives you 4 bolts, the longuest (8 hours) is "Exploring the Zone" and gives you 150 bolts . This system is not bad but forces to plan exactly when you will be back on the game. The job continues even if you're offline but all the progress will be lost if you cancel it to play a game !

Gold can be scavenged if you log on the game often (like Warframe log bonuses), if you win a match or get a new level. Gold serve most of the time to buy weapons, ammo and valuable items.
there is always a way to spend some bolts if you're short on gold but the gear won't be the best.

You gain experience by killing players, it unlocks new levels and of course new gear to slaughter in mass. A good aspect of the item store is (contrary to the very bad Counter Strike Nexon), ammo upgrades are granted forever and there is no time limitation for weapons.

But this is not a clone of Stalker, there is no story, no different characters.

You start with an uggly skin, maybe the most usefull i've ever found on a fps.
It's a man who has blond hair and a head band, to be fast: as if you had a target on the head...
The chacracters have strange movements and ways to hold their weapons, like in the inventory where the dummy you have to try you cloths holds a rifle in front of him but it doesn't aim straight.
You can customize them, you can even buy a femal skin or masks.
The problem is: nearly all players doesn't change the skin of their characters. I choosed a dark cap and a dark armor and surprisingly... i was shot down quite rarely.
And i'm not saying i have amazing skills in fps, read the following.


My pc for gaming is out of order, so i downloaded the game on my 5 years old laptop.
And the game is very slow. It's so slow that some times i just cannot shoot right in front of me.
So okay it's my problem and i assume it.

But with an average ping of 70, i was deadly even with the basic sniper rifle. From lvl 1 to lvl 8 i had the upper hand (the 11/20/2014 after 5 hours on the game: I'm number 4 in the global ranking with 267 headshots for 465 kills so i've done around 57% kills with headshots... ). Fights are extremely boring. People are rushing mindlessly on enemy spawns and runs around players until their 4 secs of invincibility finish. In general when they doesn't fire at each other, players spams grenades everywhere to have at least one kill (you have 5 grenades, on a regular game with 10 players... you can imagine how "noisy" it can be sometimes). Even if the game gives special items such as traps or ways to summon beats and anomalies, spawn camping and sniping are too much rewarding. Mutants are uggly, they are far from the ones of Stalker except the pig, and it's the same for anomalies.

An example of a basic fight: behind a crate you explode dozens of heads, raise your mp5 or better when a dude rushes at you, throw grenades everywhere when you respawn in the bad spot. Continue that until you get a next level.
OH ! ! !
I was close to forgot that you have a radar to locate players and when somebody is close to you, you see his name with his health under floating trough walls and ceilings. You can't disable it !

But the worst is coming...

4 different game modes: Death Match, Team Death Match, Capture the Flag, Zombie.
You can host 10 or 16 players and you can enable or disable loadouts for players. Change the duration or select one of the few maps available (around 16 inspired of Stalker: Good point !).
You can choose 2 global lobby, lvl 1 - lvl 8 players, you start quite at ease. Sniping safely blond heads all the time and laughing when grenades are falling everywhere...
And when you are at level 8, you can buy new cool gear but your new lobby is:
Lvl 8- to ..... LVL 60 !!!!!

Of course you can't give a level limit to the game you create.
And it's obvious that when you enter a game you are slaughtered by bigger levels in exoarmors (the best gives you 170 hp, nearly 2 times the basic health without other upgrades) and of course heavy gear that kills you in one shot. The funny thing with theses players, quite smart in fact, they camp your spawn and farm you.
Frankly i would do the same but there is not fun to grind 52 levels by this method...
Especially in a game like this.

Because, Like Counter Strike Nexon, they dared to put a zombie mode.
In the first lobby, you are infected by a virus, it gives you 6000 hp and if you kill a human (with your 2 uggly arms that shakes as if you were dumb) he becames like you. Humans can shoot at you to slow you or, with luck and and tons of ammo, to kill you. In general zombies wins due to overpowered stats. Allready annoying things turn bad when you go to the second lobby.
Even with 6000 hp, human takes you down so quickly that you have no ways to do something.

Add to that the fact that nobody talks to you in english.
It's is like as a stupid guy who said during a game on TF2: "I have the right to say fu''' you without any reasons. Enjoy the magic of the internet !".
But frankly even on a game like Armed Assault where Russian and Ukrainian are numerous, they try at least to speak to you and the game is much deeper !

So you laugh in the first lobby in front of such a messy game and when you are cursed to level up and go to the second one... you cry. Maybe it's the voice they are talking about in the title...


This game may have potential, if they really work to stick to a universe and a gameplay like the Stalker we know.


Review update: They've added some new weapon skins and gave more balance to the second lobby (apparently) however the game is still buggy and the most important: boring. I've joined a game and like few months ago it's the same awfull player base and poor gameplay. Heavy machine guns that kills from 100 meters, or mindless rushs to the enemy spawn and being unable to counter attack because they have a clear view on you.... I only played 15 mins because i couldn't endure more.
Like the fact that they've kept the radar or the name floating above player models.

After 5 month nothing changed.

Voice of Pripyat is boring, uggly and punishing.
This is not a game, it's a torture... don't buy this game at any cost !

N.B: I want to say again that this version has no item shop, you pay for the title and the rest in unlockable via in-game play (contrary to the browser version).

Время в игре: 519 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.11.2014 08:42
112 2

okay observations thus far:

- it's unfinished, but it works for the most part.

- it's not really an MMO. or maybe I don't understand. it seemed to be like your standard 2 teams extremely dumbed-down shooter, about a dozen people in a match. all of the players get experience points to buy upgrades and you get to go out there and grind again to get more experience. I wouldn't really call that massive, but it's early access so who knows. but being a facebook game, I don't see them making a true MMO out of this on a grand scale but if they could get the maps 20 times bigger and add tons more users it might start to feel like one. to me I would say a game that has an inventory system, experience points and levels to have RPG-like characteristics, not MMO-like. or maybe any RPG where you can play with your friends is an MMO, I'm not really up to speed with the lingo. maybe there are lots of huge maps but i played 3 matches and 'quick match' at the top always brings you to the same map. will check back again!

- lots of potential.

- there seem to be a lot of users already because of facebook. this is a good thing because games are basically dead when no one plays online. this game has that huge advantage where there is always people playing. hopefully they can add some graphical abilities to the Steam-user side of things because the graphics seem toned down to the point where it looks like it was rendered in a browser. I think they could do that though. being the first day of release on Steam, I can't expect that to be done yet. if they can't do that, then it's pretty much a bad facebook game that happens to be on Steam. the graphics have a bit of a charm to them too, like if you wanted to play goldeneye-on-N64 graphics in an online FPS, this is a very well-functioning example of that.

- I can't see people on steam having access to so many FPS games sit down and actually play this game because of the gaming experience isn't a fraction of what you would get for your $10 elsewhere. but I totally understand, it's far done and I am glad to contribute towards the end result.

- i've changed my review to negative. i didn't like the idea of posting a negative review on launch day but maybe that would have been the better thing to do. is is a pretty bad game overall, but like I mentioned earlier, they could turn it around with a budget, it could be a niche for those who want a budget fps. the RPG-like elements are relatively unique.

Время в игре: 48 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Slav Pankratov
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 18% положительных (17)

Отзывы пользователей

3 положительных и 14 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 05.03.2025 07:40


Action Indie Massively Multiplayer Early Access


Multi-player MMO Cross-Platform Multiplayer Steam Achievements Steam Trading Cards Family Sharing