From the Depths

From the Depths

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Steam Store

Разработчик: Brilliant Skies Ltd.

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Вы можете загрузить в мастерскую чертежи вашей техники, планеты (фракции, кампании, миссии, карты для игры по сети) и моды.

Список возможностей

  • Огромный игровой мир, готовый к новым исследователям, от всей глубины наших глубин, и до чернейшей черноты бескрайнего космоса.
  • Физическая модель, включающая динамические повреждения, механику мореходства и погодные эффекты.
  • Сражайтесь с ИИ во флотовых баталиях, возглавляя свой собственный флот, специально созданный для встречи угрозы лицом к лицу.
  • Стройте летающие крепости, добывайте ресурсы, сражайтесь с другими фракциями в кампании, где сила и дипломатия - ключь к победе.
  • Внутриигровая поддержка мастерской Steam поможет вам показать всему миру ваши творения.
  • Всеобъемлющий редактор миров, кампаний, миссий и многопользовательских карт.
  • Игра доступна на ПК, Mac и Linux.

Об игре

Краткое описание

Во From the Depths вы можете строить и лично управлять от первого лица линкорами, самолётами, подводными лодками, космическими кораблями, танками, воздушными шарами и многим-многим другим! В игре присутствует довольно широкий диапазон контента для одиночной игры, например:

  • Редактор, в котором вы можете собрать и отполировать до блеска ваш аппарат, дабы стереть с лица Нетера всех ваших врагов.
  • Кампания, где в режиме стратегии вам предстоит побороть 8 уникальных фракций, расположенных среди сотен островов в открытом море.
  • Сюжетные миссии, где вам предстоит выполнять задания за каждую из 8 фракций. Чудесное слияние стратегии, творчества, симулятора и эпических баталий! Защищайте ваши войска от несметных полчищ врагов, набегающих на вас волна за волной в череде жесточайших испытаний.
  • Режим приключения, где вы стартуете на хиленьком судёнышке и прокачиваете его до полноценного боевого корабля, а может и флота! Путешествуя по опасной вселенной, сражаясь или доблестно убегая от противника.

В игре присутствуют и сетевые режимы:
  • Редактор, в котором вы с друзьями можете вместе строить технику.
  • Большое количество соревновательных режимов.
  • Или вы можете пройти всю кампанию целиком вместе с друзьями.

Ключевые особенности

  • Здесь вы можете сами, по кирпичику, создавать свою собственную технику, объединяя её во флот, строить базы с летающими крепостями или обычными зданиями, всё что вашей душе угодно. На данный момент в игре уже насчитывается более 1000 блоков, не говоря уже о 38 различных модулях ракет, торпед, мин и бомб, плюс порядка 34 модулей снарядов артиллерии!
  • Для полёта фантазии даже небо - не предел, вы можете установить на вашу технику пушки, лазеры, ракеты, мины, бомбы, торпеды, ускорители частиц, гребные винты, рули, реактивные двигатели, крылья, подводные крылья, воздушные шары, якоря, проекторы чертежей, ремонтных ботов, воздушные и гелиевые помпы, автоматическое управление вооружением и многое-многое другое!
  • Физика - каждый блок, установленный или выбитый, влияет на характеристики машины, физику её поведения, управляемость, функционирование отдельных систем. Точки приложения сил, сопротивление среды, центр масс, герметичность отсеков, плавучесть и инерция, всё это зависит от того, как вы соберёте машину, и от того, как её повредят в бою.
  • Вы можете стать частью удивительного сообщества, которое каждую неделю выкатывает что-нибудь новенькое. Регулярно организуются турниры, люди выкладывают свою технику на всеобщее обозрение, обсуждают технологии, и в целом это неплохое место для общения!
  • Огромный объём контента, как для одиночной игры, так и для сетевой, где вы можете использовать свою собственную технику (кампании одиночные, совместные, миссии, приключения).
  • Вы можете создавать свои собственные карты, миссии, кампании, карты для сетевой игры, всё это при помощи редактора миров. Или вы можете добавлять свои собственные моды при помощи встроенного интерфейса для модификаций.

Настраивается всё

Или почти всё. Возможности настройки модулей и подсистем во From the Depths позволяют вам поднять свою технику на новый уровень:

  • Вы можете создавать свои собственные ракеты и бомбы, мины и торпеды с различной боевой частью, взрывателями, тепловым или лазерным наведением, различные виды двигателей, алгоритмы полёта, торпедные винты и сонары, балласт для настройки глубины хода торпеды, всё для доставки противнику неприятностей ручной работы.
  • Широкий выбор компонентов артиллерии, таких как стволы различной длины, эжекторы, пламегасители, досылатели, компенсаторы отдачи, различные компоненты самих снарядов и различные вспомогательные элементы позволят вам создать всё, от зенитного пулемёта и до гигантской мортиры.
  • Вы можете оживлять ваши творения, устанавливая на них блок мейнфрейма, сердца ИИ, с настраиваимыми картами поведения, выбора цели и точки прицеливания. Оптика, радар, сонар, тепловизоры, лазерные дальномеры, в сочетании с орудийными контроллерами позволят машине полностью, или если вы хотите, частично вести огонь по противнику без участия человека, равно как и перемещаться, становясь полноценной боевой единицей. Вы можете сделать всё, от авианосца под управлением ИИ и до дрона на батарейках.
  • Для обеспечения энергии вы можете собрать необходимый вам двигатель при помощи коленвалов, цилиндров, инжекторов, карбюраторов, турбонагнетателей и системы выхлопа. Электродвигатели, генераторы и зарядка для батарей дронов и дублирования главной энергоустановки так-же доступны.
  • Помимо всего прочего, присутствуют как боевые лазеры, так и лазерное ПРО, боевые буры, прогрызающие себе путь даже через самые большие корабли, ионные пушки, реактивные двигатели и прочее.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, simplified chinese, russian

Системные требования


  • ОС: Windows7
  • Процессор: Intel Core2 Duo 2.0 GHz (or AMD equivalent)
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT / ATI Radeon HD 3870 / Intel HD Graphics 4000
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 4 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX® compatible on-board
  • Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game
  • ОС: Windows10
  • Процессор: Intel Quad Core i5 @ 2.5 GHz (or AMD equivalent)
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 7800 series
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 6 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX® compatible on-board
  • Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game


  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 4 GB
  • Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 6 GB
  • Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game


  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 4 GB
  • Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 6 GB
  • Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 24.12.2024 03:08
0 0

I've played soo far this game it's in did a great game except for the lack of full gamepad support (partial xbox one controller) due to this lack of full gamepad I'd barely couldn't play any further it's like it wants me to play with keyboard which I don't prefer. I even tried modifying it to my liking but still not recommended it either. I think for all you folks who love gamepads than keyboard I recommend waiting for further updates.

This game is amazing and interesting but patience it's my suggestion.

Время в игре: 30 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 24.12.2024 02:07
1 0

the new camera control update has rendered this game a million times more difficult to play than it used to be, please add an option to revert to how it was as of yesterday

Время в игре: 116236 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.12.2024 01:40
0 0

takes forever to learn properly but the gameplay is sooo good

Время в игре: 53188 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.12.2024 23:26
0 0

This game is very in depth with it's mechanics but if you watch tutorials and break things down into their individual components you can have fun without needing to invest insane amounts of time.

I managed to get a basic ship with a crappy advanced cannon done in my first few hours and that alone was very rewarding.

Время в игре: 342 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.12.2024 20:08
1 0

really good, easy to understand, only took me around 5 hours of doing tutorials and a hour of testing to see if I actually understood, managed to build my first heavy cruiser on the 2nd day with 330mm turrets and a anti air gun, really good game and I honestly think the fact it lets you do whatever is nice, the recommend is very

Время в игре: 922 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.12.2024 18:24
6 2

why did they make the default controls terrible the tab button does 3 separate thing and you have to guess which thing it does

Время в игре: 6629 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.12.2024 17:27
0 0

grate game love the designs of the enemy craft love that the factions stick to there theme sometimes i feel there is not a block that fits just right but i probably just cant find it

Время в игре: 23710 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.12.2024 23:37
0 0

Steep learning curve, recommend only if you enjoy spending tens of hours learning to build cool stuff that doesn't look that great but you're getting better.

Время в игре: 11235 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.12.2024 17:24
1 0

despite my positive reveiw, i will say this. THIS GAME IS HARD. and by hard i mean this game makes dark souls look like hello kitty adventure island. i spent 5 hours just trying to figure out how to even start building. so if you dont have a lot of time on your hands, or you get frustrated easily, dont get this game. however, once you understand the basics, this game is incredibly fun. if you looked at games like scrap mechanic, beseige, ect. and said " this is cool, but i want to make every single part of my machine from scratch." then this is the game for you.

Время в игре: 765 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.12.2024 22:43
1 0

I think i would compare this game the most to Stormworks, but with a focus on fighting rather than saving.

Because along with Stormworks, the focus of the game revolves around Sea battles, but also offers equal opportunity in Land and Air combat. Its pretty fun.

Designing your own stuff is the GOAL of the game? but, I could'nt figure out Stormworks, i wont be figuring this game out sadly. So take to the Workshop, and find some things you like.

Just expect to lose a lot, and lose hard. Its a learning curve.

Время в игре: 1763 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.12.2024 00:06
1 0

While i do recommend "From the depths", i will say its not recommended for beginners. the building system and ship/plane controls is a little more complex than certain games (IE scrap mechanic)m but once you get the hang of the game, it'l give hours of fun to the player. another problem is the DLC's, but its not even a major problem, because you can avoid them entirely.

Overall, i give the game a solid 7/10

Время в игре: 575 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.12.2024 01:35
1 0

this game doesnt have a learning curve is has a learning wall, you need to dedicate atleast bare minimum 10 hours to learning the BASICS, but once you get into it, its very fun as a naval sandbox game

Время в игре: 5015 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.12.2024 00:52
0 0

Will make your brain hurt unless you have a engineering degree. Its basically dark souls if it was more complicated and about building ships and other interesting craft.

Время в игре: 2175 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.12.2024 18:54
0 0

There are a lot of things to consider when building your vessel. Very hard for beginners to learn. It's almost 2025 and they haven't improved the trajectory prediction code.

Время в игре: 48174 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.12.2024 06:24
0 0

This game is addictive. In a good way. It has everything, robotics, battle, modeling/building, strategy , ...

Время в игре: 8138 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.12.2024 02:13
2 0

If you've got lots of spare time (or no life) This game is great...this is basically naval dark souls.

Время в игре: 42722 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.12.2024 15:44
0 0

This is one of my favorite games at the moment.
If you like to blow stuff up and have the mental capacity to learn the game you will have a blast.
I recommend having someone to play with but its still fantastic playing alone.
Put on some pirate music and what out for nukes.

Время в игре: 18273 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.12.2024 20:55
0 0

my bomber swam and my fighter climbed to space 10/10 would waste another day building

Время в игре: 1508 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.12.2024 19:02
0 0

As someone with an engineering degree, I believe this game gives you a run for your money in terms of complexity and customization. The process of learning is a cliff you climb which you only learn from by falling off it over and over again and I love the challenge it brings.

Время в игре: 21059 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.12.2024 02:11
0 0

build boat
boat blow up enemy boat

comes with submerged and space combat

Время в игре: 1672 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.12.2024 02:56
0 0

One of those games that never quite make you feel like you've mastered it. There is always something more to learn or a new trick to be found. Over all 485 hours in and I still feel like I am in the tutorial. Learn from the faction builds, it saves time.

Время в игре: 29207 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.12.2024 21:27
0 0

kinda frustrating but a fun game nonetheless

Время в игре: 7700 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.12.2024 10:18
0 0

i love from the depths even though its a hard game and takes a wile to get the hang of, but when you do its a great game. (i hope this review helps you make a decission

Время в игре: 417 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.12.2024 16:40
1 0

I've tried this game multiple times, but controls and UI are completely horrendous. It looks like this game needs tens of hours just to learn and get used to all keys. Using OS from shell is more humane than this UI.

Upd.: Just read developer's answer to another review:
"I honestly think a lot of this is just you not sticking with it long enough to understand the why. If you do stick around, the discord is a great place to get information in the help channel."

That's not how it works. If players don't stick long enough to understand the why - that's bad game design. Your game might be absolute brilliant in it's mechanics, but if most players cannot stick long enough to figure that out then what good in that? Some physical simulation software might have amazing features, but that doesn't make it a game.

Make mouse construction by default, make it intuitive taking inspiration from other games: Space Engineers, Stationeers, Kerbal Space Program, Juno, make modern and clear UI, and offer keyboard construction as an option, with tutorials in some advanced section. Because for now, this is literally the worst UI/Builder I've ever seen. Sorry for harsh review, but it is as it is. Maybe there's some games with worse building controls, but I don't know them.

Время в игре: 458 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.12.2024 19:28
0 0

Very fun, but I do not know how to play, I highly recommend watching tutorials on youtube and lots of play-throughs and doing the in-game tutorial as it isn't useless before you play/ once you get it.

Время в игре: 783 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.12.2024 06:51
0 0

I like the boat game. Building things is fun and engaging, and you learn something new every other day. The best feeling you'll get in this game is when you finally finish a design, and it performs spectacularly on the task you designed it to do, like sit around in a resource zone looking all ✨pretty✨

I can count the number of actual combat craft I've built with one hand, and at the time of posting this, I've spent a hundred hours in this game. I really should stop building civilian craft.

Время в игре: 6772 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.12.2024 06:49
0 0

I get bombed by the first faction, can you do better? Try From the Depths now and beat the Deep Water Guard to avenge me!

Время в игре: 36537 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.12.2024 02:04
0 0

This game is a hidden gem.
-spend 20 hours building ship
-put it to the test
-guns are good since you watched 5 hours of videos learning them
-didn't watch videos on how to armor your ship
-round goes straight into your large gun
-whole ship has chain reaction explosion
-realize that you'll need to recreate the entire hull
-spent 10 more hours building
-beat the marauder
-rinse and repeat

Время в игре: 19700 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.12.2024 17:48
0 0

Best builder game I've ever played. Menu is difficult to get your head around but after a while becomes very intuitive. The sheer amount of different components for weapon systems, AI, detection, structural blocks, decorations and more is difficult to organize and the designers have a good job. Learning curve is hard but for me it's the most difficult with AI.

I built a few designs and started doing well in the campaign until I had the incredibly big brain idea of starting a war with the based Cold War navy faction, the insane priests faction, and the literal space aliens from space with doom railguns, all at the same time. Now my allies won't help me, I'm getting crushed on the campaign map by a single ship and I've started a panic crash program in the designer mode to build something, anything that can combat a ship that isn't even one of the Scarlet Dawn's hardest thrustercraft to beat. Next time you look up it's almost midnight and another 5 hours have vanished towards making an overspecced airship that can barely fly and whose weapons are definitely suboptimal.

Incredibly helpful community, best fanbase I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with. 9/10 game (the dislike is from the Marauder).

Время в игре: 20225 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 01.12.2024 23:43
0 0

"Keyboard controls are perfected for this game" is code for, "The developer had no idea how to get the mouse controls to work in the ship building." I tried to learn this through the tutorial, but the controls are so intuitive and annoying. Developer has zero idea how to actually teach players their game, so you're basically designing a lego set for the first hour or so all while the narrator says, "Move the block into position. Move the block into position. Move the block into position. Move the block into position. Move the block into position."

All while you're struggling to do so because the controls for moving the block into position change at will. The mouse controls are even worse.

Skip this. It's atrocious.

Время в игре: 14 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.12.2024 20:20
0 0

Spent 3 hours making an airship.
It proceeded to fly directly into the ocean.
10/10 would crash again

Время в игре: 1629 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.12.2024 14:45
0 0

As a naval history nerd who loves designing things, this game is basically black tar heroin.

If you don't fit one of those two criteria though, or you actually have a life, this isn't the game for you.

Время в игре: 24867 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.12.2024 14:06
0 0

I personally really enjoy the game but it is not for everyone.

Let's start with the bad parts. The ui is horrid, it can get a wee bit janky at times, the learning curve is so absurd it may as well be concave, and the the in game tutorials are less than useless. But if you're willing to put up with all of this and learn how to play the game, you will find no other game like it in how much freedom it gives you in making your builds. Want to to build a boat? a plane? a mech? a walking skyscraper? an anatomically correct skeleton with laser eyes? well in this game you can do all this and more. If you're willing to put in 200 hours learning the very basics, and another 1000+ hours learning the rest.

Время в игре: 99544 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 22:45
2 0

At 30 minutes into playing the game I built a full functional boat
five hours.I built for functional missile systems
at 13 hours I built a fully functional laser system.

Время в игре: 932 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 19:09
1 0

100 hours in this game.

I finally can make a simple boat which doesn't get obliterated in a second.

10 learning curves out of 10 flying squirrels

Время в игре: 9606 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 18:56
1 2

Very fun and cool once you get the hang of it, however, getting the hang of it is very hard. This should be quite obvious as the only achievement that over 10% of players have is completing a tutorial.

Время в игре: 3728 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 16:38
3 0

didn't know i needed a fucking degree in engineering and naval architecture just to build a tiny sail boat. only to be destroyed by literal sci fi spaceships

Время в игре: 1010 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 01:15
0 0

Incredibly fun but only if you have time to waste and infinite patience for learning game mechanics

Время в игре: 1320 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 29.11.2024 15:33
6 4

The idea of this game is incredibly cool and I really want to like it, but the controls and UI/UX are just so incredibly bad.

It's not just that you control everything by keyboard, which is rather unusual, but it feels like you're fighting the
controls at every step of the building process.
After placing an object, the indicator moves to a random location, sometimes a level below, left, right, etc, it is absolutely inconsistent and a pain in the ass to place multiple things in quick succession.
On top of that the "holo" view that indicates where an object will be placed is extremely hard to read, making it nearly impossible to determine the rotation of that object.

Those are just two of many examples of the massive interace jank and I'm not even getting started about the absolutely horrible menus.

It's really a shame, because I think if this game had received a proper UI/UX, it could have been so much more successful.

Время в игре: 80 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 29.11.2024 10:28
2 3

Good game, but less of a game and more of a designer, builder. UI is terrible, map is terrible, looks and plays bland, no decent sounds or music. Easily forgettable experience

Время в игре: 2311 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.11.2024 15:55
0 0

Legitimately the best game I've ever played. I bought this game at full price knowing it would most likely go on sale soon, but I'm still overwhelmingly happy with my purchase. It's everything I wanted in a building combat game and more. It's very tough to get into, but it's absolutely worth it. I'm getting my friends to buy this and holding their hands through it so they can enjoy it too.

The only problem with this game is the lack of polish. It's a rough, uncut diamond in terms of new player Quality of Life and some UI stuff. Even with that, hands down the best game I've ever played.

Время в игре: 4286 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.11.2024 10:14
0 0

good game although the time it takes to get to places is a bit long 9/10

Время в игре: 2912 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.11.2024 14:09
0 0

This game has a torturosly hard difficulty and learning curve but goddamn does it have an insane depth of customization because of it! :3

Время в игре: 1991 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.11.2024 17:57
0 0

You need to dedicate you brain for a few days, but once you figure it out it's really fun. There are so many possibilities and it is really fun once you understand the core mechanics.

Время в игре: 939 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.11.2024 22:19
2 0

This game is solid.
I am nowhere near getting a proper battleboat together but I am having fun building, experimenting and getting to know the game mechanics.
The premise of the game is great too and quite unique if you ask me.

What almost made me not recommend is the controls are clunky as hell and the tutorial is weird.
The guys voicing the tutorial sounds so dull and boring and one even has a kid crying in the background, very weird.

Время в игре: 356 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.11.2024 07:16
0 0

The Learning curve is huge but when you get the hang of it its great fun.

Время в игре: 975 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.11.2024 15:52
0 0

man, if you like building crafts then you are in for a real treat. this game is amazing. sure its a bit complicated and unforgiving, but even just building and testing is great. im even impressed that while this game will make your pc run hot, that it performs as well as it does. its really mo joke that if you want to build various different weapons, and the ship that its housed in that you can to fairly insane detail. the 24.8 hours i spent on this game? that was just on one ship's body and i loved ever bit of it. only thing is that my pc was having a memory leak with the game and it kept crashing while in practice and that was ages ago and i THINK in early access. but i dont regret getting the game and have been eyeing picking it up again just.... man it'll be selling my soul for a month if i pick it up now.

Время в игре: 1487 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.11.2024 15:58
9 0

In the midst of refunding this.

I'm sorry to all the diehard fans who stand by this game, though I'm simply unable to wrap my head around the game's controls and how it truly plays.

I generally believe that if I have to consult a youtube video for a tutorial on how the game is made to be played, then it has failed. The controls feel just a bit too complex to my feeble mind, the UI too unsightly, etc. I hope others enjoy this game, because I sadly cannot.

Время в игре: 76 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.11.2024 07:50
0 1

i've spent four hours and started taking ADHD meds trying to work out how to build my first ship... i am still trying to this day

Время в игре: 251 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.11.2024 01:47
3 7

Played the tutorial for about 1.5 hours, struggled to make a ship for 3 hours, watched said ship flop around the open ocean for no discernable reason, make a fleet of the floppy ships, declare war and then proceeds the thrilling gameplay of fucking nothing for another 2 hours.

It sure is complex and I'm sure it's up someone's alley but for the live of me I can't be fucked to play a game that goes at the break neck speed of a quadriplegic turtle

Время в игре: 390 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Brilliant Skies Ltd.
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 26.12.2024
Отзывы пользователей 90% положительных (8530)

Отзывы пользователей

7,713 положительных и 817 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 24.12.2024 04:39


Action Strategy Indie Adventure Simulation


Single-player Multi-player PvP Online PvP Co-op Online Co-op Steam Achievements Steam Trading Cards Captions available Steam Workshop Partial Controller Support Steam Leaderboards Includes level editor Family Sharing