Разработчик: Brilliant Skies Ltd.
Вы можете загрузить в мастерскую чертежи вашей техники, планеты (фракции, кампании, миссии, карты для игры по сети) и моды.
Список возможностей
- Огромный игровой мир, готовый к новым исследователям, от всей глубины наших глубин, и до чернейшей черноты бескрайнего космоса.
- Физическая модель, включающая динамические повреждения, механику мореходства и погодные эффекты.
- Сражайтесь с ИИ во флотовых баталиях, возглавляя свой собственный флот, специально созданный для встречи угрозы лицом к лицу.
- Стройте летающие крепости, добывайте ресурсы, сражайтесь с другими фракциями в кампании, где сила и дипломатия - ключь к победе.
- Внутриигровая поддержка мастерской Steam поможет вам показать всему миру ваши творения.
- Всеобъемлющий редактор миров, кампаний, миссий и многопользовательских карт.
- Игра доступна на ПК, Mac и Linux.
Об игре
Краткое описание
Во From the Depths вы можете строить и лично управлять от первого лица линкорами, самолётами, подводными лодками, космическими кораблями, танками, воздушными шарами и многим-многим другим! В игре присутствует довольно широкий диапазон контента для одиночной игры, например:- Редактор, в котором вы можете собрать и отполировать до блеска ваш аппарат, дабы стереть с лица Нетера всех ваших врагов.
- Кампания, где в режиме стратегии вам предстоит побороть 8 уникальных фракций, расположенных среди сотен островов в открытом море.
- Сюжетные миссии, где вам предстоит выполнять задания за каждую из 8 фракций. Чудесное слияние стратегии, творчества, симулятора и эпических баталий! Защищайте ваши войска от несметных полчищ врагов, набегающих на вас волна за волной в череде жесточайших испытаний.
- Режим приключения, где вы стартуете на хиленьком судёнышке и прокачиваете его до полноценного боевого корабля, а может и флота! Путешествуя по опасной вселенной, сражаясь или доблестно убегая от противника.
В игре присутствуют и сетевые режимы:
- Редактор, в котором вы с друзьями можете вместе строить технику.
- Большое количество соревновательных режимов.
- Или вы можете пройти всю кампанию целиком вместе с друзьями.
Ключевые особенности
- Здесь вы можете сами, по кирпичику, создавать свою собственную технику, объединяя её во флот, строить базы с летающими крепостями или обычными зданиями, всё что вашей душе угодно. На данный момент в игре уже насчитывается более 1000 блоков, не говоря уже о 38 различных модулях ракет, торпед, мин и бомб, плюс порядка 34 модулей снарядов артиллерии!
- Для полёта фантазии даже небо - не предел, вы можете установить на вашу технику пушки, лазеры, ракеты, мины, бомбы, торпеды, ускорители частиц, гребные винты, рули, реактивные двигатели, крылья, подводные крылья, воздушные шары, якоря, проекторы чертежей, ремонтных ботов, воздушные и гелиевые помпы, автоматическое управление вооружением и многое-многое другое!
- Физика - каждый блок, установленный или выбитый, влияет на характеристики машины, физику её поведения, управляемость, функционирование отдельных систем. Точки приложения сил, сопротивление среды, центр масс, герметичность отсеков, плавучесть и инерция, всё это зависит от того, как вы соберёте машину, и от того, как её повредят в бою.
- Вы можете стать частью удивительного сообщества, которое каждую неделю выкатывает что-нибудь новенькое. Регулярно организуются турниры, люди выкладывают свою технику на всеобщее обозрение, обсуждают технологии, и в целом это неплохое место для общения!
- Огромный объём контента, как для одиночной игры, так и для сетевой, где вы можете использовать свою собственную технику (кампании одиночные, совместные, миссии, приключения).
- Вы можете создавать свои собственные карты, миссии, кампании, карты для сетевой игры, всё это при помощи редактора миров. Или вы можете добавлять свои собственные моды при помощи встроенного интерфейса для модификаций.
Настраивается всё
Или почти всё. Возможности настройки модулей и подсистем во From the Depths позволяют вам поднять свою технику на новый уровень:- Вы можете создавать свои собственные ракеты и бомбы, мины и торпеды с различной боевой частью, взрывателями, тепловым или лазерным наведением, различные виды двигателей, алгоритмы полёта, торпедные винты и сонары, балласт для настройки глубины хода торпеды, всё для доставки противнику неприятностей ручной работы.
- Широкий выбор компонентов артиллерии, таких как стволы различной длины, эжекторы, пламегасители, досылатели, компенсаторы отдачи, различные компоненты самих снарядов и различные вспомогательные элементы позволят вам создать всё, от зенитного пулемёта и до гигантской мортиры.
- Вы можете оживлять ваши творения, устанавливая на них блок мейнфрейма, сердца ИИ, с настраиваимыми картами поведения, выбора цели и точки прицеливания. Оптика, радар, сонар, тепловизоры, лазерные дальномеры, в сочетании с орудийными контроллерами позволят машине полностью, или если вы хотите, частично вести огонь по противнику без участия человека, равно как и перемещаться, становясь полноценной боевой единицей. Вы можете сделать всё, от авианосца под управлением ИИ и до дрона на батарейках.
- Для обеспечения энергии вы можете собрать необходимый вам двигатель при помощи коленвалов, цилиндров, инжекторов, карбюраторов, турбонагнетателей и системы выхлопа. Электродвигатели, генераторы и зарядка для батарей дронов и дублирования главной энергоустановки так-же доступны.
- Помимо всего прочего, присутствуют как боевые лазеры, так и лазерное ПРО, боевые буры, прогрызающие себе путь даже через самые большие корабли, ионные пушки, реактивные двигатели и прочее.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, simplified chinese, russian
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows7
- Процессор: Intel Core2 Duo 2.0 GHz (or AMD equivalent)
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT / ATI Radeon HD 3870 / Intel HD Graphics 4000
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX® compatible on-board
- Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game
- ОС: Windows10
- Процессор: Intel Quad Core i5 @ 2.5 GHz (or AMD equivalent)
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 7800 series
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 6 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX® compatible on-board
- Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 6 GB
- Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 6 GB
- Дополнительно: Steam connection required to play the game
Отзывы пользователей
In the midst of refunding this.
I'm sorry to all the diehard fans who stand by this game, though I'm simply unable to wrap my head around the game's controls and how it truly plays.
I generally believe that if I have to consult a youtube video for a tutorial on how the game is made to be played, then it has failed. The controls feel just a bit too complex to my feeble mind, the UI too unsightly, etc. I hope others enjoy this game, because I sadly cannot.
i've spent four hours and started taking ADHD meds trying to work out how to build my first ship... i am still trying to this day
Played the tutorial for about 1.5 hours, struggled to make a ship for 3 hours, watched said ship flop around the open ocean for no discernable reason, make a fleet of the floppy ships, declare war and then proceeds the thrilling gameplay of fucking nothing for another 2 hours.
It sure is complex and I'm sure it's up someone's alley but for the live of me I can't be fucked to play a game that goes at the break neck speed of a quadriplegic turtle
Super steep learning curve, but there is nothing else like it. 10/10
This is, without a doubt, the jankiest piece of shit I've ever played. Looks like shit, sounds like shit, and requires about 3 hours of tutorials to get the absolute basics down. The only UPS I see is the ability to not play it and let the AI do all the work, which considering how it feels to do it yourself, was probably the best design decision the devs could have made.
well if you know what you are doing this could be very fun and if you have the time! but if not it would probably will not be fun to do all of the tutorials but sometimes it can be fun! but if you know mostly what you want you can make ships and complex systems
Spent 6 hours ingame and YT tutorials trying to get a propeller to rotate via steam engine.
It has yet to rotate.
I'm going to keep this short and simple.
This game is great, it is pretty much one of a kind when it comes to Complexity and Design options for different crafts...
As many have said before, and many will say after, this game pretty much requires you to get a degree in engineering.
If you do not like learning, if you are not a fan of school, or if you simply have a short attention span DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. This game is not for you and it likely will never be for you, the tutorials take hours and actually learning how things fundamentally work will take 100's of hours. I am still learning the game myself and I will continue to enjoy it on the on and off, but I think I find the most enjoyment in watching others on youtube. If you are coming here because the game looks cool but after reading you realize its not for you, feel free to watch Lathland and try and get your fill of the game in the best way for you. Yours truly- Plebus
Great game very complicated and has a steep learning curve. Besides that this game is really worth it.
There is a lot to love and a lot to hate about this game. It is the only game though where you can build a vehicle from boat to plane brick by brick with almost autistic levels of detail and customization where you can then use it as an rts. If you like vehicle builders and battlers this is a must have.
The thing I dislike most about it is it's lack of pvp support. Let me play a campaign with a friend controlling a different possibly hostile faction. Currently you can only play the campaigns Coop as the same faction and the pvp is limited to pre alpha proof of concept levels of scenario lameness.
There is only one other game with this level of attention to detail and customization and that's Stormworks Build and rescue. But From The Depths easily beats it due to better polish, focus, and multiplayer stability.
This is a good game but to really start to enjoy it you need to first watch a lot of tutorials (not the in game ones) and commit hours to understand how to build a ship.
Tutorial will run you about 3 hours if you really wanna take it in. Messing around in the designer(sandbox) mode will give you 300 hours. Campaign mode...
soon comes the dawn, when we shall set our sails and conquer our enemies. for the sea is unforgiving and only the resilient survive in these waters.
If you like bashing your head against a wall, From the Depths is for you! This is one of those games you're gonna have to LEARN and when I started playing this game I realized that fact really quickly, but what I didn't realize until many hours later is how hard it would be to learn some of the crucial mechanics needed for builds. It doesn't help that almost all of the tutorials online are outdated by at least a year making them nearly obsolete alongside the devs giving this game facelifts to improve it, further complicating things especially for new players, even at the over 300 hours I have in FTD there are many things I still don't understand. The reason I recommend this game is because deep down, it's good, and it's unlike any other game I've seen. But to really stick by this game you have to be a healthy mix of mentally ill and really smart because learning this game will drain the life out of you as it has for me. I will continue to play it, I will continue to be confused, I will continue to be frustrated at this game but most of all, I will continue to have fun in it. And I hope that if you get into this game, that you don't give up early on because in the end, I do not regret my purchase AT ALL because my money has been paid back in knowledge and in sheer fun.
After 500 hours in the game, I can comfortably say that the game is great. The tutorial isn't the most helpful, but honestly it's already overwhelming and so making it more comprehensive would probably just make it more so. However, there's youtube videos for what the tutorial doesn't teach, and over time you start getting much better, like with anything. It's got a unique keyboard based building approach which I personally love so much more than a mouse based one, to the point where I can hardly play some mouse based building games without realizing how utterly slow it is. The building itself, particularly once you get good at it, is very relaxing and enjoyable, for me, at least, and the ship fights are pretty cool to look at. I do think the game could do well with some more optimizations, but unless you're building very large it'll run pretty well on a medium end pc.
This seems like a cool game, but my suggestion to the devs is simplify the building, especially in the tutorials. I spent 5 minutes just trying to figure out what direction it wanted me to rotate the carbs in order to put them on the engine, mostly because between the green box on the carbs, the red box underneath, the robot standing in the way and the glittery symmetry stuff, I couldnt see what I was doing properly.
I can build flying death cube, if that doesnt scream good then idk what does
First bought this game years ago, struggled with the huge learning curve and ended up sticking with Stormworks, but after the devs ruined that game I came back here, and once I got a grasp of the basic mechanics have become addicted. The building mechanics are intuitive and allow for fast building, with decorations able to be edited to fill in awkward places and take the shape of anything you want, allowing for extremely detailed builds. The weapons can all be built very simply to begin with, but the more you learn the more performance you’ll be able to extract, resulting in much more efficient and devastating weapons as you progress. The game itself is fairly balanced, for the most part there isn’t a strong meta, each weapons type and armour scheme has their own strengths and weaknesses, with nothing being significantly better than the others. Multiplayer is really good as well, my brother has recently got the game and playing the fortress game modes of LAN has seen really good performance and forced me to build better faster.
All in all an amazing game, and one where the devs seem to care a bit more than some others.
only have played 9 hours (straight) of this game I don't know 90% of the things, have no clue how AI works, but it's super fun and made me play 9 hours straight, most games (like all) could never have done that only like 2 hours max but it prob would be an hour, super fun game may make me stuck in my room for the next week
I really wanted to like this game. But I have a mantra when it comes to trying to decide whether or not a game is for you. "What aren't they showing you in the trailers?" I should have followed it for this one...
In the case of this game, what I wasn't seeing was the actual gameplay process of building anything, or the utterly atrocious UI. I was warned by some friends that this game has a 'steep learning curve', but I was undaunted by the challenge. I like learning new things. However, if you're going into this game expecting any sort of streamlining in the building process - forget it. The primary block-placement controls are keyboard based. There is apparently a way to place blocks with some mouse control, but couple that with a terrible placeholder-looking UI that doesn't look like it's changed since the alpha build ... and I was having an utterly infuriating experience before I'd even got halfway through the tutorial.
Maybe I've just been spoiled by good building games with a streamlined build system like KSP, Space Engineers, etc. But those games are enough of a timesinc already without having to fight the software to build the thing I want to build. In the over 2 hours worth of tutorial (bad move when steam's refund window is 2 hours, btw), the game calls it's building system 'novel'. I call it 'antiquated, unintuitive and frustrating'.
Refunded this one.
Also, maybe don't have blaring Hanz Zimmer music playing over the top of the tutorial prompt voice that I have to turn down manually? Felt like I was watching Oppenheimer.
best create a craft and fight other craft game on steam
lots of depth but easy to start
game is updated every once in a while with new enemy updates and more stuff to build with
pretty good for the price
I really want to like this game but its just not user-friendly at all. The menus and sub-menus are labyrinthine, the key bindings are completely alien, and the complexity of every aspect makes it unapproachable and unfun. Hopefully they can address this in the future because there seems to be a lot of interesting stuff here but its all inaccessible without massive investments of time and focus to learning how to do even the most basic things like using the building menu.
pretty good but you at minimum need a degree in aerospace engineering to beat easy mode
Helpful tutorials and community supporting an advanced voxel builder.
it would help if my ship didnt keep capsizing after being hit by a SINGLE cannon (im in a steel ship)
I've tried to like this, i really did, but there is something that really pisses me off about it
this game albeit great is alot like factorio (addictive as fuck) and its not for everybody (after a pc replacement i did loose all of my saves but that's just a skill issue on my part :) )
be warned; it is hard tto learn and will take you a long time to "get", and it can take HOURS to make a single vehicle, but it's in my opinion quite worth it for the awesome naval battles!
its really good but also kinda a pain to learn if you have a major skill issue such as i
hell yeah its a great game you can build stuff from underwater walker to subs to jets to sapce ship TBH what u can think and dream u can maybe make its pretty epic
Very steep learning curve and you have to do every basic tutorial at least. Very fun blowing stuff up though.
TLDR: It's good and you should buy it if you like combined arms aspects, craft building/designing and are okay with a steepish learning curve. That learning curve is part of the fun and there's an insane amount of value to the dollar with this purchase. I'm still having as much fun as they day I started it up with no decline in enjoyment in the near future looking evident.
Bought it, expecting 20 hours of enjoyment before I got bored and it's became my #1 played game on my playlist. I've owned it since around march and at the current time of this review 430.6 hours. It's a really good and in depth game with tons of replayability and freedom. There's a community for it however, I haven't really made my introduction into it. There's so much PVE content here but also even just on a sandbox level in designer mode there's a load of fun. Some like to make ships, some like subs, some like planes, some like helicopters. I like to make crabs made of heavy armor and lead with harpoons on them that pull these things to the bottom of the ocean... Theres a massive campaign with combined arms aspects and there's adventure mode along with the designer mode. The tutorials are very indepth. Weapons are vastly customizable and can be tailored to your needs or desires lol You can not only customize the weapon but the projectiles and that isn't just the missiles but the actual ammo your cannons fire. The amount of gunpowder affects the velocity but other things like recoil, barrel length needed, velocity, and damage. There's also melee builds, flamethrowers, plasma cannons, laser systems, PAC systems and you can also design your own CIWS (Close In Weapon System). If you like this stuff buy it and try it out. If at first you don't succeed, try again tomorrow with a better design and approach. Repeat until you succeed and then enjoy the weapon of mass destruction you've created that supplies you with all of the part confetti your heart desires. Then start a new one, repeat the process until you're happy with it and then make them fight :) It just keeps going like this review.
I am still bad at this game. But ay aren't we all ;D
On a real note this game is extremely fun but the learning curve is less of a curve and more like a steep rocky moutain.... on fire.... with flying lions.....
But hey once you spend like 50 hours on the game you know enough to have a lot of fun. Don't give up this game is peak once you master it.
Make big plane or small plane. Big boat or little boat. Bad ship or good ship. Either way it is a one of a kind game that is one of the greatest of its genre. :D
I gotta say, it seems simple but this game has consumed me. This is one of my favorite games of all time and I am delighted to have found it. The depth of customization and the fact that if you can think of it, you can build it with enough time and effort. The only complaint I have is the devs not adding more crafts for me to fight! 1300 hours and more to go!
Very good game! Learning curve is more like a mountain with a military compound at the top, but once you break in, kidnap the president, teach him to knit, sing, code in LUA, and then eventually create you very first functioning starter craft, the game becomes second nature and suddenly all of your hours will be spent building and blowing stuff up!
This is a pretty good game. It has the learning curve of a brick wall, but once you get past that, it is very fun. It is mostly a finished product at this point, but there have been some updates recently.
Certainly not the most perfect game, but it gives a deep level of vehicle and certainly weapon customisation that few games can emulate
I love from the depths I real do but the current resources system I real do hate I liked it better when there was individual resources like wood metal oil scrap and crystal's and you would not lose all your fuel and ammo once all your resource was gone instead it just went down gradually and you could gain XP from battles and become make your character more powerful with the weapons
Good, but I'd like a no autoscrap option for Ai Vehicles
Review of From The Depths: How to Build a Technical Disaster in Five Easy Steps
"From The Depths" is the game where your wildest engineering dreams are brutally crushed by the laws of physics. Want to build a powerful battleship? Good luck! In this game, building is just the process of creating a floating coffin whose sole purpose is spectacular self-destruction. It all starts with dreams of flying fortresses and underwater technical wonders, but it ends with a ship that barely stays afloat, and that's only because you forgot to add gravity.
First, you need to deal with all the parts—more of them than you'd find in an IKEA catalog. Blocks, pipes, guns, engines, armor—it all sounds fun, but by the time you finish the first module, you feel like you're designing a spaceship interior using toilet paper and matches. Building anything in "From The Depths" is a test of patience, with no guarantee that any of it will work. Don't even try to build an airplane; your "flying fortress" is more likely to perform a majestic nose dive than anything close to flight.
And if you dream of a giant ship bristling with a thousand cannons? Congrats—you've just made a floating grill that overheats after firing the first shot. Of course, when your ship finally hits the water, instead of majestically gliding toward the enemy, it starts sinking at the sight of the nearest wave. But no worries, because those 12 hours you spent designing this technical wonder were totally worth it... right?
Combat in this game reaches new levels of absurdity. Hoping for an epic naval battle? Good luck, because before you fire your first shot, your systems will fail, your ship will start doing pirouettes, and your own missiles will somehow boomerang back at you with a smug grin. Battles are really just a festival of destruction—except you're the main event, not the spectator.
In conclusion, "From The Depths" is the game for those who love failed experiments, enjoy watching their hard work crumble into pieces, and have a special talent for creating floating disasters. If you dream of hours of frustration, and your life goal is to build the worst warship in gaming history, this game is for you!
The game potential is peak. The CORE elements are top shape (building cool ships) , the campaign mode (being able to make a fleet of your own ships is super satisfaction and I love the idea) and adventure (doing one high quality ship) is very fun but it could be improved. Every single piece of UI is horrible and could for sure be clearer, also tutorial and missions is just alot of yapping(no hate but atleast do a basic tutorial clearer) and little motion, makes it very confusing. The graphics may not be the preetiest but i think it fits. I belive you can still do everything you want in this game but its still alot of fuss to get it, but i think the game can be highly improved relativly easily (so it can be more inclusive for idiots like me). Conclusivly, I think the game is worth its price and if it wont get abanoded, it could be a gem. Dont know alot of games that u can do such satisfying machines in (only ksp to honest, scrap mechanic is mid compared to ftd). Wish this game the best
Single greatest game, atleast to me.
A perfect balance of RTS, building, and destruction.
I have play nearly 20,000 hours of game and if i could get you to buy and play one it would be terraria, but this is a close seccond.
The only problem is the tutorial is so bad.
Awful I hate even thinking about it.
Buuut if you get through and spend maybe a hour it will be one of the best games you will ever play!
You can use LUA to control things, but the implementation is confusing
Breadboards do the same thing, but they don't even share the same features
LUA can't even read the angle of a spinblock, which isn't very helpful for controlling things.
This is a very good game, would recommend if you like a learning curve and endless designing and self improvement
After reinstalling the game and giving an actual shot at trying to learn i got the hang of it
although difficult at first i can say with confidence that this game is amazing
i really recoomed although the high learning curve
i am so obsessed with the designer i havent even learned how to campaing
progression of realizing i suck at builkding
boat->plane->sub->-spaceship->foil->tank-> CUBE!!! regress to cube!!!
Always something new to learn in this. My review is a bit late as i thought i had done it years ago.
From the Depth has a quite Steep learning curve, but is absolutely worth playing for people who like to build things that go boom, and then blow stuff up.
Игры похожие на From the Depths
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Brilliant Skies Ltd. |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 23.11.2024 |
Отзывы пользователей | 90% положительных (8377) |