Gravity Badgers

Gravity Badgers

Steam Store

Разработчик: Wales Interactive

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Наденьте космический скафандр доблестного барсука-капитана T. Рыжеспинного, летящего в смертельно опасные дали глубокого космоса, чтобы спасти друзей, семью и весь мир от угрозы чудовищных злобных Медовых Барсуков, известных еще как Жутконорые. Первый раз за ВСЕ ВРЕМЯ в одной игре объединились такие захватывающие элементы, как барсуки и гравитация, чтобы совместно создать ошеломительный паззл, основанный на реальной физике, который уведет вас далеко за пределы границ возможностей, воображения и логики к усыпанному звездами царству Грави-Барсуков!

Бросайтесь без оглядки в гравитационные поля планет, уклоняйтесь от астероидов и стойких смертельно опасных боссов в более чем сотне уровней, полных вакуумом приключений и опасностей, объединенных общим великолепных стилем, напоминающим все ваши любимые мультфильмы 80-х, и классическим рок-саундтреком!

Игра откроет вам приключения с реальной физикой на 140 сложных уровнях, к которым всегда хочется вернуться. А если этого недостаточно – есть еще пять уровней с главными боссами, такими как Космический Червь и смертоносная Роковая Сфера, и пять игровых персонажей Грави-Барсуков, которых можно открыть по ходу игры. Прибавьте к этому великолепный саундтрек и отличную графику; все это делает Gravity Badgers качественной игрой, которая займет вас надолго.

• Отличное безумство с реальной физикой вместе с Грави-Барсуками.
• Легко проходится даже с лапами барсука.
• Более 140 уровней приключений Грави-Барсуков.
• Десять персонажей и пять уровней с боссами.
• Классная графика.
• Захватывающий саундтрек.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, portuguese - portugal, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese

Системные требования


  • ОС: XP SP2
  • Процессор: 1 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: OpenGL 1.1 compatible
  • DirectX: версии 9.0
  • Место на диске: 670 MB


  • ОС: Mac OS X "Snow Leopard" 10.6 or later
  • Процессор: 1 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: OpenGL 1.1 compatible
  • Место на диске: 670 MB


  • ОС: Ubuntu 12.4
  • Процессор: 1 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: OpenGL 1.1 compatible
  • Место на диске: 670 MB

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 22.02.2025 13:47
0 1

A brilliant blend of action and story.

Время в игре: 533 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 09.04.2022 10:01
2 1

I believe that all the people that left positive reviews of this game didn't complete it, because it's just a rage-inducing peace of sh*t bugfest.

- None.

- Sh*tty Angry Birds Space ripoff.
- No quick restart option.
- Almost complete lack of animations, seems likes all the budget went to drawing the fancy pause menu, which takes a second to float on the screen, adding to the rage when you want to restart a level.
- Difficulty spikes up randomly, sometimes even if you figure out what to do, it's a complete random chance if you gonna 3-star a level.
- Bosses are badly designed and bugged.
- No aiming reticule (it does appear if you die once, but it won't help you if you want to 3-star a level).
- The game sometimes ZOOMS OUT WHILE YOU'RE TRYING TO AIM, thus completely screwing up your aim.
- I couldn't complete one level in 1920*1080 windowed because there wasn't enough space for the mouse cursor to get the power needed to complete the level, I had to switch resolutions just to do it.

The devs promise new levels in the end of the game, but for the love of God, please don't make any new levels for this game. In fact, please don't make games anymore.

Время в игре: 703 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.05.2020 19:39
3 0

It's a mobile port of an angry birds clone.

The game is stupidly frustrating, mostly trial and error until you find the right angle to launch your badger.

I'm very tempted to make this a negative review and I don't think the game is worth the full $5 asking price. But it's often on sale and I got this in a bundle for no extra cost. It's an OK game for $1 or less if you like dumb angry birds clones.

Steam needs a neutral option, it's not borked enough for me to thumbs down, but I don't really like it as much as a thumbs up normally implies. It exists, it's OK and it's a typical time waster that doesn't bother to be anything special.

Thumbs up but only for free in a bundle or super cheap on sale.

While you are here, would you consider following my curator page?

Want to read all of my reviews and not just the curated ones?

Время в игре: 487 ч. Куплено в Steam Получено бесплатно
Рекомендую 28.06.2017 04:31
2 0

It's a fun little casual game about badgers, in space.
Generally something you can pick up and play whenever you have a few minutes spare.
If you can, pick it up.

Время в игре: 655 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.04.2017 11:45
0 0

Not enough tools to accurately aim.
Graphics bad enough to cause striation in the arrow/triangle, making aiming harder.

Cute story, cute idea, poor implementation.

Время в игре: 78 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.01.2016 06:18
0 0

Its a verry quick game almost made it to the last boss, All you have to do is pull back and release the badger avoiding everything and collecting 3 orbs to make it to a green portal to win. while 100% every level before moving on. Then I lost all of my progress ( no idea why) Then proceeded to beat all of stage one and half way of stage two and im still only have 2 hours into the game. Some puzzles are incredibly easy to do, some are extremely difficult to get all 3 orbs in one go, but sometimes you get lucky and make it all on your first shot. Plus it's badgers in space what more do you want?

Время в игре: 203 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.12.2015 14:34
0 0

Quite a fun game to play while being a fan of badgers and space

Graphics: 9/10, unique art style
Music: 9/10, quite relaxing and fits boss battles
Gameplay: 7/10, a bit buggy in some areas, had a couple of glitches in the 4th boss battle

Overall, a good game.

Время в игре: 248 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 18.03.2015 01:44
0 0

This is clearly a mobile game. which is ok if you have a touch screen device or w8 tablet something. I played this for a few minutes and completed 20 levels. there is little challenge and very basic graphics. there is potential but this is not a game meant for steam nor PC . If I had this on my ipod I would enjoy it more. but I dont soooooo. . . . . 4/10

Время в игре: 21 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.02.2015 17:20
12 0

Very similar to angry birds. Think badger family in space. It's all about the gravity and your propulsion jets. Good, but not really original. Get it cheep.

Время в игре: 94 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.12.2014 09:54
5 2

Bought it because I'm a badger
Good game, people say it's like Angry Birds, but it is not, it is a little bit more complex.
Story is lame. Music is lame. Graphics are quite good (Looks like a flash game tho)
It helps you relax.
And then rage because this game is either Fable III difficulty or Dark Souls difficulty. There's no point in between
Boss fights are a good way to shake off the repetitive gameplay.
Give it a shot if you can't find any other game to waste your money on (Must buy in discount)

8/10 would play on my phone
6.5/10 would play on pc

Время в игре: 238 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 22.12.2014 14:29
0 0


“Gravity Baaadgeeeeers!!!!”


Patience and precision can be learned along with the appreciation of badgers living in space.


It’s fun for the first 75+ levels but it does get old fast as it leaves you frustrated because it ends up being all about finding that specific sweet-spot to catapult your badger.


I hate the fact that I have to re-adjust my trajectory due to the automatic zooming-out of the entire space when my mouse pointer reaches the edge. It’s just bad design, really. I have to say, the game was fun when you sweep through the levels and then encounter 1 or 2 levels that were interestingly hard but later on you encounter these interestingly hard levels every time, with nothing easy in-between, which led to my frustration.

I’ll give credit to the two boss fights that I encountered. They were really fun and if there was more of those kinds of meetings, instead of a 25:1 ratio of levels:boss, then the game wouldn’t have fallen flat, for me.

Also, this is worth mentioning as it is EXACTLY how I feel, word per word: “It DESPERATELY needs a restart button, like the "R" key or something. You do get three lives, but it's pointless, because you obviously want to get three stars. So you end up clicking pause, then reset, then resetting the annoying camera again... over, and over, and over, and over... until you find that one sweet spot where it works.”- Jon.Topps


Gravity Badgers is a fun and frustratingly simple game. Unfortunately, this game pulled me into a place that I never want to revisit ever again. It does feel good when you succeed, so it may be worth your time and money, but only if you have enough patience to push through its tougher and unforgiving levels.


I am not touching this game anymore but the theme song is pretty catchy!

Last Thoughts:

“Gravity Baaadgeeeeers!!!!”

Время в игре: 193 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.10.2014 15:09
5 0

Personal Rating: Not my preferred genre, bought on discount.
Classic Rating: ★★★☆☆

A game which resembles the famous "Angry Birds", with a nice setting - spaaaaaaace! - and characters - badgers.
I've almost reached the end and i've collected all the "Energy Cores" so far (Stage 4 - Level 80 or something), so the game is not too difficult even if some levels require a millimetric precision to complete them.
There's not much else to say about Gravity Badgers, can be fun and undemanding but don't expect too much from it.

Время в игре: 600 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 29.09.2014 20:44
23 0

This game has two difficulties, toddler level and unplayable. In some levels, you just point at the first orb thing and the game plays itself. However, in other levels, it takes you ten hours to find the exactly perfect position. Fun mechanic and graphics ruined by terrible level design.

Время в игре: 100 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.09.2014 19:11
22 0

I got this for 49 cents, and there are trading cards you can sell, making it even cheaper. That being said, I still regret this purchase. It isn't even worth a quarter.
Some say it's like Angry Birds Space. It's not. It's far, far worse. I love Angry Birds, and this game is nothing like it. You can't destroy anything. The whole point of the game is to grab three coin star things, then get to the warp hole/exit. It's not really an enjoyable process either. Many of the levels you can get immediately, because they're so easy. Some others are so annoyingly hard to find the sweet spot. It's basically just tweaking your shot, little bit little, trying to find that one sweet spot where you win the level. It's barely even a game really. More like a meticulous painful process of guess work.

The camera is annoying. It starts zoomed in, and as you pull the mouse back to launch, if you tough the edge of the screen, it zooms out more. Most levels require zooming out, and every time you restart, it zooms back in. This means you have to use the annoying edge zoom EVERY time you try again. It's aggrivating.

It DESPERATELY needs a restart button, like the "R" key or something. You do get three lives, but it's pointless, because you obviously want to get three stars. So you end up clicking pause, then reset, then resetting the annoying camera again... over, and over, and over, and over... until you find that one sweet spot where it works.

On top of all that, it's a physics gravity type game, and the physics don't even really make too much sense. Sometimes a planet will do a lot, sometimes barely anything. The size appears to be important at times, and totally irrelevant other times.

I've played the game about an hour as of now (to get all the badges... not because it's good). I'm about half way through the game. There's a badge where you have to play the game 10 hours... there's no way this is a ten hour game. I'm just going to be leaving it on while I do other things, for the sake of getting that badge.

If I were you, the only way I would get this game is if it were free, so that I could get the trading cards and sell them.

Время в игре: 625 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.09.2014 11:02
2 0

In the space only Captain Bayback and his Gravity Badgers can stop the forces of gravity.
You are a skunk in space who has to save his friends and universe from Worms.

So what can i say about this game:
This is a physics-based puzzle game, where you have a character with a jet-pack.
everbody says that it is like angry birds but that people are mongols.
There are 140 levels and 5 episodes+bonus episode.
First 3 bosses were easy then last 2 bosses were hard.

The only thing why this game isn t that good,because it is poorly made and mechanics not that good.
If they invested some effort in this game,it would be a better game.

Время в игре: 232 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 29.06.2014 20:54
0 0

Gravity Badgers is your typical mobile game ported to PC. It's riddled with questionable game design choices, graphical glitches and gameplay bugs, making the overall experience playing it lacking at best. There are only two situations where I would give a luke warm recommendation that you pick this one up, both hinging on it being on sale for 50% or more: Either because you *really* enjoy these types of games, or you want a quick and easy way to hunt for achievements.

Concerning the aforementioned game design decisions, you will be pixel hunting every level in order to get the pathing of your badgers the way you want. This might sound like stating the obvious intention of the game, but let me assure you that in actuality this will become an exercise in frustration and nothing else. You will almost always directly see precisely what you need to do, but will be unable to get your badger to actually fly the way it should. So the game quickly devolves into picking a pixel in the background as a landmark, then moving your pointer a pixel at a time in relation to it until you hit the exactly right spot. It's not fun, basically.
Also, the developer put little to no effort into ramping up the difficulty or pacing it throughout the game. Instead, you have one or two roadblocks per chapter, with ridiculously easy levels inbetween. I'm literally talking "Shoot max speed straight ahead"-level difficulty for the majority of the game. It makes the experience very uneven.
Finally, the camera ruins more attempts than anything else. What I mean is that the camera will automatically scroll out when you hold to increase acceleration on your badger, in theory, but it doesn't work like that in practice. Sometimes you have to jerk the mouse pointer back and forward from the game window to scroll out in increments, sometimes you scroll out when you don't want to even if you're almost in the middle of the screen, and sometimes you have to jerk the mouse pointer towards every corner of the window to find the one spot the game deem to be the right for scrolling out. This might sound like a really insignificant point against "Gravity Badgers", but remember that you use the background stars and nebulas for reference, so you'd either want to scroll out as much as you can or not at all. Once you've discovered the correct spot and acceleration to finish the level, you will still need to start every attempt moving your mouse over the window back and forth, which, as you can imagine, gets old in a hurry.

In regards to the graphical glitches and bugs, you'll sometimes think you're aiming one way at a certain acceleration, but once you let your badger fly he'll go in a completely different direction or at a different speed. You will also notice on the boss levels, how sometimes the boss will shoot more often or more seldom than it should, not as an intended thing and not in any way consistent. Moving platforms will also cause problems, as their hitboxes will vary widely for no apparent reason. You'll brush one platform at one time and pass right through it, and another time you'll be visibly separate from it and still get sucked in. Again, with no consistency.
Also, you can abuse the pause button for great effect, as projectiles will still move in the background. Missed a platform on a boss? No problem, just pause and wait for the next one to move into you so you can unpause and continue as if nothing had happened.

"Gravity Badgers" feels like either a quickly put together Flash game, or a mobile game port. It's not worth its price or your time, unless of course you buy it on a sale for the easy achievements. It takes *at most* 15 hours to finish.

Время в игре: 962 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 12.03.2014 01:56
0 0

It's crap, it's literal crap. Horrible plot,repeative background that is soon becomes annoying. The BADGERS AND THE ART STYLE ARE LIKE ONE GOON ASPECT OF IT. The game is as boring as eating concrete sandwhich. Pyshics look like crap to me, some levels are impossible, when some levels are easy. It's hard to stomach over all. You could have made a more intresting game and then slap it on with badgers. I love badgers and sloths (otherkin sloth here) but, what the hell. What the fucking hell. This game is great art wise but, everything else, even the concept is horrible. You could go on a flash game and get a better sense of a pyshics game there. (4.5/10.0)

Время в игре: 107 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.02.2014 04:40
0 0

Thank you Gravity Badgers for bringing to light the harmful effects of sending badgers into space. Would recommend for anyone wishing to learn more about the plight of the poor space mammel. The story broke my heart.

Время в игре: 135 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 05.02.2014 21:55
0 0

NOT recommended. It's cheap, yes, but I played it for a while and most of the levels didn't require thinking as much as random luck , and as such, I didn't feel very rewarded when I 'got' it right. I find it is a very mediocre game in general (music, graphics as well), and I'd rather play something else, since there are tons of games like this one.

Время в игре: 32 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 27.12.2013 12:52
18 1

I don't know for whom this game was created, whether for office hamsters or for children. Poor dialog and plot quality. Tedious tutorials, and opening "cutscenes" each chapter.
Hardcore difficulty that starts after 2nd chapter. Gameplay (which is almost one click and boring watching how your character will fly) have to fuss and get nervous cuz levels are made extremely crappy. All this reminds me a cheap parody of Angry Birds, where unlike this dummy clone, there were different characters with their own skills, and enjoyable physics. In this game you don't see it.
Honestly, doesn't deserve detailed recommendation, but i'm pretty mad at this game. Waste of time. Birds is better.

Время в игре: 84 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.12.2013 21:44
7 0

Bloody impulse buy - "physics based" and "badger" are irresistable to me. Actually alright game. Fire badgers Angry Birds style from A to B using gravity generating stuff.

Время в игре: 44 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.11.2013 09:53
28 0

Loving this game so far, very addictive trying to get all 3 energy cores in each level and the music reminds me of watching my favourite Cartoon shows like "Biker Mice from Mars" when I was a kid.

Its kinda easy to start with but it gets really hard as it goes along, and the boss battles are epic, by far my favourite one was the giant space worm where you find yourself flying through the worms body destroying it from the inside in order to save your fellow Gravity Badger.

Defiantly recommended.

Время в игре: 221 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Wales Interactive
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 62% положительных (71)

Отзывы пользователей

44 положительных и 27 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 05.03.2025 07:47


Casual Indie


Single-player Steam Achievements Steam Trading Cards Family Sharing