Разработчик: Fistful of Frags Team
Также обратите внимание, что это полностью *бесплатная* отдельная модификация, никаких микро-транзакций нет, регистрация не требуется. Просто установите и играйте. Вы можете увидеть рекламу при подключении к некоторым сторонним серверам, которые имеют бесплатный хостинг. Однако это совершенно не связано с командой разработчиков FoF, мы не получаем от них прибыли.
- Перестрелка (классический бой насмерть / каждый сам за себя) и бой насмерть до 4 команд: безостановочный экшен, который происходит вокруг вас. Режим каждый сам за себя поддерживает глобальные ранги на основе лестницы рангов.
- Режим командной игры: режим игры по целям, включающий захват зоны и уровни 'толкания тележки'.
- Совместный режим: до 6 игроков; включает такие миссии, как штурм банка, последний рубеж, натиск
- Однопользовательские задания и миссии: изучайте игру в одиночку, осваивайте навыки, которые понадобятся вам в дальнейшем, в своем собственном темпе
- Другие многопользовательские режимы: Великое устранение (быстрый режим, похожий на Королевскую битву), Во все тяжкие (командный бой насмерть, похожий на режим, в котором действуют пользовательские правила в виде безоружных игроков или задач), Командное уничтожение (убейте всю команду противника хотя бы один раз, чтобы выиграть раунд), Сражение (дуэльные матчи 1 против 1, на каждой карте разные арены, справедливое создание матчей на основе ранга/навыка игрока).
- Детализированная система двойного оружия: двойной динамический прицел, переворот оружия для дополнительных возможностей точности, бросок или метание пистолета в качестве снаряда для атаки
- Продвинутые многопользовательские боты для тренировок и игры в одиночку
- Историческое оружие на основе чёрного пороха, такое как Кольт Миротворец/Нэви/Уокер, S&W Schofield, пистолет Вулканик, Дерринджер, карабин Смита, винтовка Шарпса или винтовка Генри.
- Возможности персонализации: выбор основного/дополнительного оружия и особых преимуществ
- Система подсчёта очков на основе навыков: чем больше навыков требуется для выполнения атаки, тем выше оценка
- Source Engine 2013: управляемые сообществом выделенные серверы, поддержка локальной сети, дизайн уровня третьей стороны и пользовательская настройка разрешены
Поддерживаемые языки: english, spanish - spain, french, russian, german, czech, hungarian, polish, portuguese - portugal, swedish, simplified chinese, portuguese - brazil, traditional chinese, korean, italian
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows® XP
- Процессор: Pentium 4 3.0GHz or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 2000 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: ATI Radeon 9600 or nVidia GeForce 6 series
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound
- ОС *: Windows® 7/8/10
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: ATI X1600 or nVidia GeForce 9 or higher
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound
- ОС: MacOS X 10.7.x (64bit not supported!)
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 8 or higher, ATI X1600 or higher, or Intel HD 3000 or higher
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Дополнительно: Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection
- ОС: MacOS X 10.9.2 or higher
- Процессор: Dual core Intel processor, 2GHz or better
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Дополнительно: Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.04
- Процессор: Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce 8 series or better, ATI/AMD Radeaon HD2600/3600 (Graphic Drivers: nVidia 310, AMD 12.11), OpenGL 2.1
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: OpenAL Compatible Sound Card
- Место на диске: 4 GB
Отзывы пользователей
This game is an awesome ,well made down-to-earth shooter. Go play it, it's free!
The developer is also active and constantly adds new features and bug fixes etc.
-No one uses voice chat.
-The guns behave like ... well 120yr old guns, so they have a very unique feeling unlike any other weapons used in shooters nowadays. You might not like it, I love the feeling.
-Imo the ranking system is not good.
This Game Was Great i have fun playing it even the game was free to play it is worth it
the Good Of This game :
- Has Great Concept (There are rarely a multiplayer FPS Game based on Wild West)
- Graphic Pretty Good At Least
- Realistic Physic (Guns,Ragdoll,etc)
- No In Game Purchase (Skill Based)
- Addictive and Fun to play
- Huge Variety Of Maps
- Many Guns To Play with
- Many Perk To Choose
- Good Community
- Many Fun Game Modes
So i really recommend this game i rate it 8/10
This game, when I first tried it with two friends of mine, was one of the most frustrating, confusing and clunky shooters I had ever picked up.
..That was until I actually got into it.
Fistful of Frags is intentionally made to be a slow, yet action-packed FFA mexican standoff where kicking someone with boots is a one hit kill, and it's hilarious. If you look past the initial confusion (which I'm sure most people will have), you'll find a hectic but great shooter. I hope it gets some more development in the future, I'd love to see where it goes.
Pass the Whiskey/10
If you want a wild west version of Counter Strike look no further, you can get all the ye old salt you need with rapidly deterioating weapons and low accuracy rates. Which is very accurate for it's time period. It's easy to jump in or create a bot server to dick around in. So 10/10 would throw wild west salt at people again
Good FPS if you want to goof around. Addicting, fun, and sometimes hilarious. You can even see your feet when you look down!
EDIT: Be warned that a lot of physics are pretty broken, so if you're easily angered and you value the structural integrity of your keyboard, pass on this.
EDIT: New updates nerfed the derringer. -1 for that.
8/10 Pass the whiskey
Quite an interesting and fun game to play with your friends. An unique playstyle and game mechanics set this one apart from your typical shooter:
-Ammo is infinite but slow reloads mean you better use it wisely
-Choose your own weapon: more challenging the kill, the higher are the rewards so picking the strongest weapon does not directly make you the best player
-Keeping the streak up: bigger kill streaks add a multiplyer to your points, hence suicidal attacks are not always the best way to go
Gameplay-wise, the game offers quite a bit of variety with its several maps, weapons and thanks to the things that I mentioned before, is quite balanced overall. In fact, the most OP thing I have encountered are the expert bots in singleplayer. The controls might take a little to get used to but that shouldn't be anything unheard of. In the end of the day, it is not a hardcore shooter but more of a fun alternative to enjoy with your friends for a change. I approve!
This is by far the best free fps shooter out there. Here are the reasons:
A. COMPLETELY FREE, no microtransactions or ads whatsoever
B. Awesome Mechanics that arent in many other games
C. The Multiplayer is phenomenal!
D. It runs well on any computer!
"Fist Full of Frags". This is a great game and the best part is, its "FREE". The Multiplayer is not outstanding but it does have alot of fun to be had. Now if you are looking for quick reloading in this game, then this is not the game for you. The western style of the game is unique and honestly a breathe of fresh air. To many fps games now of days have a futuristic setting and it's getting old. That's why this "Wild West Theme" is nice and different in the fps community.
Pros: Alot of action, and the game mechanics are easy to pick up
The theme is intresting
Weapon Variety
Cons: Servers can get lag at times, so find a server with about 10 - 20 people, servers over 27 will lag
Lack of new addons from the community (there's some but there older), and updates
Score: 9/10 "It's free and has good gameplay. It's worth trying"
P.S If you are a fan of the following
- The Man with No Name Trilogy
- Once Upon a Time in the West
- John Wayne Westerns
- The Unforgiven (directed by Clint Eastwood)
- Chuck Norris
- Texas
- Whiskey
- Guns
- America
- Or any other Western realted thing..... then this game is for you.
Did a running jump kick to a Mexican guy's face, causing him to fall off of a bridge. Then proceeded to yell "Pass the whiskey!"
Rate: 11/ whiskey
Love this game
I absolutely love this game. I also very much hate it at the same time; but not for the reasons you would think. (This will come to light later on in my review)
FoF has become one of my favorite games, and for the record I should have close to 600+ hours on this game. (If this doesn't prove my love for this game, I don't know what will; and no. Sacrifices are not part of this equation)
I've watched this game flurish in the 2 years that I've been playing it, and there are many times where I've questioned the... elegance of the dev's updates, but hey -- I'm not going to complain... not a lot anyways.
In reality, I can give you a three paged essay on why you should play this game, or at least give it a shot; but in the end, the only real way to find out if you fit this game, is to try it. (The game doesn't fit you, you must fit the game.)
Why you should play
Why you should be wary
... I don't really have a lot of negative comments to say about this game. Other then the fact that you'll always be salty, and will more then likely want to punch a baby turtle in the face after a few late night sessions with the "bros."
Eitherway, Just give it a shot.
play this game, and build your own opinion of it.
this is a great, free, sourse, multiplayer game. it is well crafted, while still seeming "gary's mod" feel. I recommend this game to actual anyone, whether you play shooters or multiplayer games.
Played with nonstop aggressive upbeat banjo to this mod goes straight from a 7 to an 11. Real fun if you ran out of meth for all those twitch shooters but still fast paced enough to be fun.
Wild West deathmatch with the Source engine, and it's free. Nothing else needs to be said.
Here are some anyway:
--> Download the Wilhelm scream mod.
+ Workshop
+ Continued support from the community
+ Bots
+ Historical accuracy
+ Drinking and dynamite, together at last
+ Akimbo Mare's Legs
+ Tornados
+ No money down
Yes and absolutely yes. This game is crazy fun and it's free. come on, no micro transactions. Now, warning: This game is difficult to get used to, even to any fps player. This game has a sluggish styled gameplay (which makes sense since back then, the guns were absolute shit) but this game makes you make your bullets count. No spray and pray, which makes it more challenging but disciplines you to never waste bullets as reload time usually is quite slow. I 100% recommend this game.
One of the best free to play games ever.
There aren't even any skins or anything like this!!!
10/10 Best western shooting simulator.
It's the pinnacle of cowboy games. Wide weapon variety, solid melee combat, and looks great for the Source engine. Not much to complain about, and absolutely free. 100% worth a shot, and at no risk to you.
This is by far the most enjoyable free FPS out there, but thats just my opinion.... any way here goes
Pros: pretty balanced weapon system, decent grapihcs on Very High preset, all though not up to par.
Graphics 8/10
The community is decent, i suppose, but almost everyone is a noob and calls you a noob.
Community 6/10
Weapons are fairly good and well balanced, took a while to get use to the accuracy counter, but after 90 hrs, im pretty sure ive got it down.
Weapons 9/10
Overall its a very fun game that will require lots of practice, but once you get the hang of it its one of the best FTP out there
Overall 9/10
pros- good maps, cool guns, good enough graphics
cons- dead, kicking is more effective than shooting, cant shoot someone at spitting distance, lack of ads with most guns, no goal, terrible menus
Rage game (because I suck) best played with friends. If you're good at this and take it seriously, you're doing it wrong. Also, free.
Nice skillbased shooter with few and simple but different weapons, excluding the pistols, they are simply good or bad.
Gameplay is much slower than in modern shooters. Your aim is significantly worse when moving so dueling another player feels like a dance. Sidestep, stand still to shoot, sidestep. You cannot take many hits though.
The levels are very distinct but few and so are the game modes.
The player base is big enough although you might not always be able to play your favorite game mode. Also, the game frequently adds bots to the game even if there are enough people on the server, which is annoying.
So, if you are looking for a bit more laid back shooter with an emphasis on skill try this. It is free also.
So Underrated!
Very interesting and fun for a free game. Doesn't have in-game purchases like most other free games ( Paladins, TF2) And still manages to stay fun and updated. Great to play with friends.
If you have time, give it a try, see what you think. If you don't like it you can always delete it!
Игры похожие на Fistful of Frags
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Fistful of Frags Team |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 89% положительных (251) |