Разработчик: Ninja Theory
150 years in the future, war and destruction have left the world in ruins with few humans remaining and nature having reclaimed the world. Mysterious slave ships harvest the dwindling population and take them out west, never to return.
Trip, a technologically savvy young woman has been imprisoned by a slave ship but manages to escape using her mental prowess. Monkey, a strong, brutish loner and fellow prisoner also gets free by virtue of his raw power and brawn. Trip quickly realizes that Monkey is her ticket to freedom and is her only hope to survive her perilous journey back home. She hacks a slave headband and fits it on Monkey, linking them together. If she dies, he dies and her journey has now become his. ENSLAVED centers on the complex relationship between the two main characters. Players take on the role of Monkey, utilizing a mix of combat, strategy and environmental traversal to ensure he and Trip survive the threats and obstacles that stand in the way of their freedom.
Key Features
- The Premium Edition includes the original critically-acclaimed game, and additional DLC content “Pigsy’s Perfect 10” as well as character enhancement skins Ninja Monkey, Classic Monkey and Sexy Trip.
- Engaging Storyline - A post-apocalyptic retelling of the classic 400-year old novel Journey to the West co-written by famed novelist and
screenwriter, Alex Garland. - A Cinematic Masterpiece - Dramatic cutscenes co-directed by Andy Serkis, who also plays the lead role of Monkey, portraying critical events that drive the story of Monkey and Trip.
- Stunning Environments - Explore a beautiful, eerie world of war-ravaged cityscapes that have been reclaimed by nature and are fraught with danger at every turn.
- Dynamic Combat System - Attack and defend with agile prowess using a combination of melee attacks, blocks, and intense
takedowns. Use Monkey to overtake an enemy, steal its weapon, then rip the enemy apart systematically.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows XP SP2, Vista or higher
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.20GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 9600/ ATI Radeon HD 4850
- DirectX: Version 9.0c
- Storage: 12 GB available space
Отзывы пользователей
I checked this out because I was exploring Alex Garland's filmography and saw he had a writing credit on the game. I don't think this is his best medium for storytelling but I appreciate the themes of technology and apocalyptic scenarios that are common in his movies. The story is sort of a road trip across a future robot-infested America, and the gameplay is a mix of third person hack and slash & Tomb Raider style platforming. The characters are a little unbearable, the camera angles can be janky, and it gets pretty repetitive after a while but it's playable and fun enough for the 10 hours or so it takes to finish it.
This game was really solid, overall a good 8/10 game, the only reason I have to give it a not recommend is I got to the second to last level, and then ran into crashes at the same point consistently, and after verifying the integrity of the files, got softlocked on a different part of the mission. Got most of the way through an otherwise great game, was pushing to get the ending, then got stuck.
This game is a fun, linear story. It takes you on a journey from post apocalyptic New York city into the uninhabited wastelands of the world. The story is engaging and the world still feels very unique and interesting. You can't help but get invested and want to learn more about the lore of the world. The combat hasn't aged as gracefully as I would have expected. It isn't boring or bland, but it definitely lacks notes of modern polish. Not that that detracts from the game, it is very of its era.
Wasn't able to play this in an earlier era of videogames, but I can tell it has held up well visually.
Nice little game to be played and has a nice little DLC hidden in extras.
I played on the Steam Deck.
I would recommend, I didn't fancy the end story. Good game overall.
Black Myth Wukong at home:
my first ps3 game. a hidden gem tbh
An excellent game I played in 2025 and fully enjoyed. The game's dlc is great. It's short and beautiful. There are mods on the Nexus site that enhance the quality, and I also used NVIDIA HDR, which gives better colors.
Amazing epic journey from start to finish.
Perfect character development, voice acting, mocap, pacing, and world building.
A highly cinematic and immersive experience with good variety of game play that does not overstay its welcome.
Game play is a mix of Prince of Persia acrobatics, Drake's Uncharted platforming, with some hoverboard surfing, chase sequences, and reticle point shooting thrown in for variety.
Highly recommended.
This gem of a game tells of a post apocalyptic world that vaguely ties into Journey to the West, using tha classical story as its framework. All in all I find this a pretty fun game, I am happy I did play with gameplay, characters and plot I enjoyed enough. However all in all I don't have super strong feelings about the game.
«Enslaved: Odyssey to the West — Когда твой напарник в путешествии владеет твоим мозгом»
Представьте The Last of Us, но вместо зомби — роботы-тостеры с ПМС, а вместо душевных диалогов — неоновый обруч, превращающий вас в раба.
Обезьяна (Monkey), наш герой, — это мускулистый химбо в набедренной повязке, чью голову украшает светящийся аксессуар, заставляющий его подчиняться Трип — техногенной зануде, этакому Илону Маску апокалипсиса (но с инстинктом самосохранения). Вместе они переосмысливают «Путешествие на Запад»… как если бы Сунь Укун носил фитнес-браслет, а его спутница пилила его за пропущенную разминку.
Эскорт-миссии с экзистенциальным кризисом.
Игра — это 50% лазания по руинам (видимо, налоги на ремонт тут не платили со времен Барака Обамы), 40% драк с роботами светящейся палкой и 10% криков Трип: "ОБЕЗЬЯНА, СДЕЛАЙ ЧТО-НИБУДЬ!"
Could be a fun game, especially for the age, but entirely ruined by crappy controls and camera - sucks the joy in a big way. I persevered but just couldn't put up with it any longer.
First of all this is a really bad pc port as there were serious glitches throughout the game which hindered my progress. The solution to minimize these bugs was to set the graphics setting to its lowest which helped quite a lot but instead of just low quality textures and effects the game removed necessary gameplay UI from levels like impact radius of mines due to which i had go back and forth on switching the settings to high/low.
If its such a bad port then why am i recommending it?
Cause underneath all the bad there is a great game with a lot of heart. This game tells a pretty heartfelt story with some genuine emotional arcs. The graphics are good even though you have to play on the lowest settings courtesy of the bugs and glitches, the facial animations deserves some praise as well. The combat and light RPG mechanics are very satisfying to experience. If u can overlook the bugs then you have a game that can be pretty fun to play through.
Do i recommend this game?
Is it worth the price?
No, definitely get it on sale
(Overall Rating- 3/5)
So, this is an Unreal Engine 3 game that looks better than most Unreal 5 games being made today. It manages to be both HD and stylized with booming colors that make even a post-apocalyptic wasteland look like a theme park.
Other than that this game features smooth, cinematic platforming, tight combat and a gripping storyline that stays with you.
you play as a chad who is a slave to a 10/10 pookie. lots of boobs
A buggy mess ,not a part of my childhood either I had it so I thought why not try it and it horrible ,weird cam movement is the worst part about this game ,horrible graphics
It launched wo problems in case you still want to play it
The game is aesthetically stunning. Yes even after 15 years since its release. The walkthrough is smooth and it does not let you get lost. The gameplay is very similar to the Prince of Persia (sands of time series). The actors played very well and the characters are believable. I certainly recommend it and you might want to replay it again after some time.
played when I was a kid has some great moments though a bit outdated now
Andy Serkis did a really good job with american accent.
Fun game! An old ps3 title with lots of charm.
It's a bit basic and easy to play, especially the climbing sections are very brainless - just press button over and over - sort of thing. Other than that, it's okay though. The story definitely carries the game, even if some of it kinda misses the tone in my opinion, but it was fun watching the characters on their journey and growing to know and rely on each other.
Don't expect anything mindblowing, but it's a fun game nontheless! Also works absolutely perfectly on Steam Deck!
ENSLAVED es un juego muy centrado en su historia y experiencia de un solo jugador, que en mi opinion no hace nada mal, pero tampoco se trata de una obra maestra. El juego toma ligera inspiración de la clásica novela china, viaje al oeste. La historia sigue a monkey y a trip en un viaje por liberar a los esclavos de su mundo, que se encuentran en las garras de las maquinas.
La dirección artística y ambientación es el punto más fuerte del juego, hermoso y envolvente en todo momento. La historia esta bien, para mi gusto le falto algo más de desarrollo y peso para ser más interesante. Las dinámicas entre los personajes es como lo mejor de este aspecto. La duración no es muy larga, 14 capítulos más un epilogo.
El gameplay es decente. No es malo ni nada, pero si es muy simple a mi parecer. El combate se reduce casi que al mismo combo siempre, sumándole algunas otras herramientas y habilidades, pero no evoluciona mucho a lo largo de la aventura. Las mejoras van más encaminadas a más salud, más escudo, más munición, etc. No se desbloquean combos por medio de las mejoras.
También tiene areas de plataformas y puzzles, ambas muy sencillas que no exigen mucho del jugador. Y lo jefes a los que nos enfrentamos si tienen sus mecánicas únicas, pero nuevamente nada del otro mundo.
En cuanto al rendimiento y el apartado técnico, muy bueno. Lo jugué al completo en Steam Deck y no tuve ningún problema.
En conclusión: ENSLAVED es un juego que, si lo vemos en la época original en que salió al mercado, pues es un juego divertido y bueno que dará buenas horas de entretenimiento. Si tiene dudas en comprarlo, háganlo en rebajas. Denle una oportunidad, aunque no es una obra maestra, siento que es ese tipo de juegos que necesitamos que vuelvan en tiempos recientes.
Nota: 8/10
not impressed in the slightest. feels like a PS1 game. boundary restrictions and unclear paths. The camera doesnt know where to aim. was probably great 10 years ago. not great now.
Over all a solid story, albeit maybe a little dated.
Combat is fun for the most part maybe a little difficult to target but over all good.
My only gripe is it could have been a little harder on you when you fail. There were a few points in larger combat situations that I should have started from the beginning of the encounter instead of in the middle. Not a deal breaker but might have made the experience a little more challenging.
Monkey King vs Bionicle : The Movie : The game. This game is hard carried by the admittedly gorgeous art direction and animations because the combat is trash (with 4 different enemies the whole game) and the puzzles can be solved by a toddler. Even as a kid I always though this game was more popular for the people who made it than anything else because It doesn't do anything special or different. Even if it's really cheap it's still better to just watch a playthrough.
Dear earthlings...This game is a Story.
A great story...
Its about survival...
Its about loss...
Its about love...
Its old now and clunky now but play it for Monkey and Trip.
Play it for the Dev's
Play it for all games that take a chance at a meaningful...
Play it for the beautiful world...
Just play it and enjoy...
Great game, holds up.
Nice game, once you get use to the camera.
I have yet to downgrade my score to this game. I bought this off a whim. I'm trying to find quality priced games no matter the age of the title.
I bought this because of the positive review. I'm still very mediocre at adventure platforms (I really enjoyed Nathan Drakes series). I did enjoy other hack/slash/puzzle platforms. I didn't really enjoy Last of Us nor did I really enjoy. This luckily falls right in the cracks of those. It's very exciting. A story that develops as you go, and lots and lots of wild action (camera angles). I haven't finished it yet but the character that leads you along this mystical journey has you daring your life (feels like she almost killed me 80 times!). I'm enjoying how easy is easy. Totally recommend for an oldschool game that shines and has well thought out actioin/puzzles. I can see why it was on 360/ps3 but totally fits with my current rig.
I've played through this game multiple times, first on Xbox 360 and then later on PC, and even nearly 15 years after its release, it still holds up in terms of gameplay, story, and aesthetics.
A modern spin on the classic literary tale "Journey to the West," Andy Serkis and Lindsey Shaw deliver stellar performances as Monkey and Trip, respectively. Considered mediocre at the time of its release (smack in the middle of what many consider to be the 'Golden Age' of AAA gaming) due to its "linear level design" and "simplistic, basic combat," "Enslaved: Odyssey to the West" nonetheless endures as a throwback to a time when games existed simply to entertain you, not force an agenda down your throat or bleed your wallet dry with endless microtransactions and battle passes, and is highly recommended for anyone who enjoys single player, story-driven action/adventure games in the vein of Naughty Dog or similar developers.
good game
I miss this kind of games, tbh I have never heard of this game until yesterday, I bought it without hesitation. The main character reminds me a lot of Bulletstorm, which is a game I should replay.
es una mierda
An older game but pretty fun.
This should not be verified for Steam Deck, the default settings triggered a completely game breaking bug that has existed since its 2014 release. At the very least downgrade its status to yellow with the info that to pass certain points in the game you'll have to mess around with the settings.
I bought this 10 years ago, only got to chapter 3 by my achievements, now I'm wondering did I encounter the exact same bug that has put me off playing now, sure there is a fix apparently by raising the setting to high and it fixes it but if thats the case to be verified (green) on Steam deck the settings it should run on is that, if it can't then its not good enough.
And to be honest its just put me off a game I feel is so incredible mid, that frustrates with the erratic nature of what you can and can't climb over and jump off, it makes the movement so unpleasant and frankly that feels like its 90% of its personality. The leveling system is so pointless and unimaginative, nothing for melee or movement and just tiers of tiers of a small set of other upgrades. And worst of all it has what is probably my most hated trope in all media "I didn't have a choice", no you always do and X character choose to be a monster in several horrific acts...but thats alright then (and I get the feeling theres a blooming love story there, nothing says romantic like abuse and endangering someones life for entirely selfish manipulative reasons, *wretch*)
So no, screw it, if this game wants to fight me on playing it, I just can't be bothered and am moving on to the rest of the backlog. Should have been enough of a clue I started it, played 2 chapters then waited 10 years to do the same thing and be put off again.
Se pegar na promoção até vale a pena. O jogo chega a ser divertido por conta da temática e do rosto emblemático do Andy Serkis. No entanto, ele não é mil maravilhas.
O jogo possui diversos pontos negativos tais como a ausência de um mapa e o número exagerado de coletáveis. Não é à toa que menos de 2% dos jogadores que possuem o jogo conseguem platinar. São muitas Tech Orbs o que resulta num acúmulo inútil de uma moeda que não pode ser usada para nada após adquirir todas as melhorias do Monkey.
Além disso, não há acompanhamento dos coletáveis do Pigsy o que gera confusão na hora de saber em qual capítulo foi coletado o que.
Um defeito muito presente no jogo possui acontece quando o Monkey está sob a Nuvem. Por diversas vezes as colisões no mapa jogam o Monkey para muito alto, fazendo com que ele se distancie da Trip e faleça.
Another late review but this is a fantastic game!
The world is beautiful, the combat and climbing are simplistic but satisfying, and the characters are the real draw of the game. The included DLC "Pigsy's Perfect 10" is also well worth it!
This game has an incredibly promising start. Pretty reminiscent of Uncharted. And the gameplay is quite fun. Really fun actually. But the characters… and the story… you just don’t fucking care.
Monkey is a fine stoic protagonist (played by Andy Serkis no less) but the other two characters, holy hell. Got on my last damn nerve. The emotional beats just don’t land and my god, the forced comedy misses even more.
And it’s even more depressing when the story was co-written by Alex Garland himself.
With much better writing, you could’ve had a home run. (The game has some design flaws but those are minuscule compared to it’s flaws in writing)
2.5/5 STARS
it's a classic game. it doesnt have worthwhile flaws to mention - if you want an engaging single player action experience, this is it
i have opposition syndrome. i physicaly can't play that game. sorry but its a no this time.
Not a bad game except for the forced camera angles in certain locations. i'd recommend this game while on sale
🌟 Highly Recommend! A Gritty Graphic Novel Come to Life 🌟
I got this for the November - December 2024 sale. This game feels like stepping into the pages of a gritty, avant-garde graphic novel. The art style is raw, intense, and surreal, with bold use of color and dramatic, almost exaggerated environments. It has that unique, underground vibe where every detail draws you deeper into its chaotic and post-apocalyptic world.
The visuals are absolutely stunning—a perfect mix of gritty realism and imaginative design that makes the world feel both harsh and otherworldly. The characters are fascinating, with an uneasy partnership that adds emotional depth to the gripping story. It’s like playing through a visual masterpiece where every frame could be a panel in a graphic novel.
The controls took a little getting used to, especially the WASD movement for forward and backward, but it didn’t take long to feel natural. Even though I’m still early in the game (trying to get into the escape pod), I don’t mind retrying sections. The world is so immersive and visually rewarding that each moment is a treat to explore.
Set 150 years in the future, the story takes place in a ruined world reclaimed by nature. Few humans remain, and survival is the ultimate challenge. The journey follows two very different characters forming an uneasy alliance, filled with twists, surprises, and a gripping narrative.
If you’re into games that combine unique art styles, intense storytelling, and immersive gameplay, this one is for you. It’s a feast for the eyes and mind. Love it! GG. 💯
Very fun game. Characters are unique and fit their world. Ending is a mind F and worth the question.This is better with a controller though I didn't use one.
Quirky but well told game, (very) loosely based on the Journey to the West, with some big names behind it. Writing by Alex Garland, motion capture from Andy Serkis. Some great storytelling and characters, with a solid fighting system and a slightly overdone platforming element. Took me a while to get to it, but it's fairly short and a good way to spend 10 or so hours! Runs great on the Deck.
É um bom jogo, uma boa aventura hack slash.
perto dos jogos ruins de hoje em dia que tudo é souls like ou puxado para a cultura woke, esse jogo é muito bom.
A historia é meio ruim mesmo fica tudo em aberto, parece que foi planejado uma continuação porem cancelaram.
Vale uma jogatina rápida pra sair desses jogos competitivos que te estressam
Classic game to me, wish they could've worked on squeal but what we got is beautiful and the acting is just *chef's kiss*
Clearly inspired by Journey To The West, 10/10 game love it
Simple but enjoyable, it has aged well.
An excellent game with an engaging emotionally satisfying story, great voice acting, and interesting environments to move through. Get it, play it!
I despise the FOV in this game and it just feels kinda janky, which isn't really surprising considering the timeframe in which this game released.
This game was a lot better than I expected it to be. I always wanted to play it on my Xbox 360, but never had the chance. I got it on sale and decided to give it a try on my Steam Deck. The game played flawlessly. The story is pretty entertaining. Game is pretty short too, if you don't want to 100% the achievements. I finished it in around 8 hours. If you catch it on sale, I'd recommend giving it a try.
Игры похожие на ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Ninja Theory |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 70 |
Отзывы пользователей | 84% положительных (2686) |