Разработчик: BlackMill Games
Действие игры происходит на Западном фронте одного из самых кровавых конфликтов мировой истории с 1914 по 1918 годы. Источником вдохновения для создателей игры послужила знаменитая битва при Вердене 1916 года. В игре представлено четыре игровых режима: «Передовая», «Бой на истощение», «Бой насмерть» и «Защита отрядами». Также в ней есть множество исторически точных элементов: реалистичное оружие Первой мировой, аутентичная форма одежды, кошмарные потоки крови и карты, основанные на реальных полях сражений во Франции и Бельгии.
Режим «Передовая» уникален своей тактической сложностью. Непросто вести бой в реалистичных траншеях – их захват и оборона требуют большого тактического мастерства. Антанта и Центральные державы стремятся вырвать друг у друга контроль над секторами фронта. В одной из битв вам предстоит брать штурмом вражеские окопы, чтобы отбросить противника назад, в другой – защищать только что захваченный плацдарм от яростной контратаки.
Игрок может по своему выбору вступать в бой в составе любого из многочисленных видов боевых подразделений, имеющих различные тактические роли. В сотрудничестве с друзьями вы зарабатываете опыт, улучшающий боевые качества и маневренность вашего отряда. По мере роста опыта и повышения в воинском звании вы также получаете очки карьеры, которые используются, чтобы открывать новые специализации, виды оружия и снаряжения.
В режиме «Бой на истощение» войска Антанты и Центральных держав сходятся друг с другом в беспощадной схватке. У каждой из сторон есть определенное количество очков, показывающих доступную ей живую силу. Когда игрок погибает и возрождается, его сторона теряет одно очко. Как только у какой-либо из сторон не остается очков, выступающие за нее игроки больше не могут возрождаться – и побеждает последний, кто останется в живых.
«Бой насмерть» – игра в свободном режиме, где игрокам предстоит испытать свои навыки, полагаясь лишь на винтовки со скользящим затвором.
В режиме «Защита отрядами» игрок вместе с тремя товарищами по отряду должен как можно дольше защищать свою позицию от бесконечных волн противника, управляемого искусственным интеллектом компьютера.
Среди ключевых особенностей игры «Verdun»:
•Реалистичный геймплей во времена Первой мировой войны: аутентичное оружие с реалистичной физикой полета пули, уровень владение оружием на основе приобретаемых навыков, кровь, отравляющие газы и вызывающие клаустрофобию противогазные маски, кошмар артиллерийских залпов
•Отрядный тактический шутер от первого лица: уникальная система роста уровня отряда, различные типы и роли отрядов, голосовой чат
•Правда окопной войны: динамичная линия фронта, изменяющаяся в реальном времени, с выбором подходящего момента для атаки и контратаки
•Аутентичный сеттинг времен Первой мировой войны: типичная стилистика и музыка той эпохи, исторические поля боя Западного фронта
•Захватывающие игровые режимы: командная «Передовая», тактический «Бой на истощение», требующий большого мастерства «Бой насмерть» и отчаянное выживание в «Защите отрядами»
Геймплей игры максимально суров и дает полноту погружения благодаря таким элементам, как реалистичная кровь и т. п., отображающим подлинный ужас Первой мировой войны. Разумеется, эту функцию можно при желании отключить. Для использования аутентичного оружия необходимо иметь соответствующие навыки, поскольку каждый его вид ведет себя в бою по-своему. На экране нет парящего в воздухе перекрестья, которое помогало бы игроку целиться. Реалистичная физика полета пули требует при стрельбе по движущейся цели на большом расстоянии закладывать необходимые упреждения. В случае газовой атаки вам необходимо надеть противогазную маску, которая не только ограничивает обзор, но и вызывает неподдельную клаустрофобию. А если вам мало вражеских пуль и отравляющих газов – внезапный артиллерийский залп, заставший ваш отряд на открытом месте, может в один миг унести множество жизней. Эта война – не для слабонервных и не прощает ошибок.
В основе «Verdun» лежит командная игра. В самом начале вам предстоит выбрать, на чьей стороне вы хотите сражаться: за Антанту или за Центральные державы? Вместе с друзьями (их может быть до трех человек) вы составляете один из доступных на этой выбранной стороне отрядов. Каждый отряд имеет свою особую тактику, соответствующую историческим боевым подразделениям той эпохи. В зависимости от типа отряда каждый игрок может выбрать себе индивидуальную роль в его составе, получив исторически точное обмундирование, оружие и особые способности. Чем больше командного опыта вы зарабатываете вместе с другими членами своего отряда, тем сильней становится отряд и тем более интересные способности открываются для вас. Прогресс заметен также и внешне, поскольку ваш отряд получает все более качественную форму одежды. Наряду с этим вы получаете также очки карьеры, которые используются, чтобы открывать новые специализации, виды оружия и снаряжения.
Подлинный опыт Первой мировой войны ждет вас на динамически меняющейся линии боевых действий, протянувшейся по исторически достоверным местностям Западного фронта. Фронтовые карты состоят из множества секторов, которые та или иная сторона может захватить. В духе войны на взаимное истощение, характерном для тогдашней эпохи, стороны по очереди атакуют и контратакуют друг друга, вынуждая вас защищать каждый занятый сектор траншей.
Команда разработчиков провела обширные полевые исследования в окрестностях Вердена и получила консультации самых сведущих историков. Благодаря этому «Verdun» стал максимально достоверен с исторической точки зрения. Обмундирование было воссоздано до мельчайших деталей, оружие смоделировано в точном соответствии с реальными образцами, карты отражают подлинные ландшафты Западного фронта Первой мировой войны. Но главное – то, что все в игре призвано воссоздать мрачную атмосферу той эпохи. Затянутое свинцовыми тучами небо, способствующий полноте погружения интерфейс в сочетании с реалистичными звуками и достоверными голосами, говорящими на многих языках, заставляют вас почувствовать себя бойцом в сыром окопе, высматривающим врага в прицел винтовки."
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, portuguese - portugal, russian, polish, portuguese - brazil, turkish, simplified chinese, japanese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 8/10
- Процессор: Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz, AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Geforce GTX 960M / Radeon HD 7750 or higher, 1GB video card memory
- DirectX: версии 10
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 12 GB
- Дополнительно: Multiplayer only, make sure you have a stable and fast internet connection.
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 4GB video card memory
- ОС: 10.11+
- Процессор: Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz, AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Geforce GTX 960M / Radeon HD 7750 or higher, 1GB video card memory
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 12 GB
- Дополнительно: Multiplayer only, make sure you have a stable and fast internet connection.
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 4GB video card memory
- ОС: Ubuntu 18.04+ 64bit only. Other distros will probably work, but are not officially supported.
- Процессор: Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz, AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Geforce GTX 960M / Radeon HD 7750 or higher, 1GB video card memory
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 8 GB
- Дополнительно: Multiplayer only, make sure you have a stable and fast internet connection.
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 4GB video card memory
Отзывы пользователей
good game underrated, great community.
Fun trench warfare game, worth it on a sale (often under $5) but you will mostly be playing against bots.
it looks like a great game but unfortunately i cant seem to find ANY other players. all the servers seem to be empty.
It gets boring really quick.
` ` Ils ne Passeront pas. ``
Was the motto for the french men station in verdun.
Besides that Larp, its a good game. I like its simple in its gameplay, but lacks in other attack methods ( Biplanes, Landships )
All in All, I 7/10 really.
A good game ig I have way more hours on my play station, The trench warfare is fun but gets boring after a little while and the player base is dead so most the game is filled with bots with bots that are really stupid. If you get it on sale its fun and worth it.
Very good game. Realism in gameplay, and overall very enjoyable to play. You have a list of squads to choose from, and each has their own independent set of squadmates with their own loadouts. Not only do you progress your own soldier level, but squad levels as welll
I bought this game in 2016 and I still find myself reinstalling it. It is a truly immersive game that i still enjoy to this day. I wish more people would play it. Back in hayday it was so chaotic. If you are reading this, join this niche community.
Great game
Fun and the servers are still somewhat active
good game tbh you dev can make it better more simple button for play like searching room or random join to what mode, you know like battlefield menu, 30fps some drop i think its okay my device is a bit old
its good
good game, for ppl that love ww1 gameplay and trenches!
fun, artillery strikes are annoying tho
Yh its good init
Not many people on but its decent
Extremely unique compared to other FPS games, but in a good way.
The system with different squads I like. It's not just two teams killing each other, it's split up into many groups forming a team, each with different weapons or specialties. The Pioniere squad is my personal favorite.
Even playing by yourself is enjoyable. I often can't find a difference between full matches and bots among the close quarters carnage.
Not really two teams going head to head, but instead the Entente and Central powers take turns defending or attacking.
I like the weapon animations. Clunky and imperfect, I feel it matches the grim setting well.
The best First World War shooter there is. A shame that the servers are not as full as they used to be, and that they couldn't combine their other WWI experiences into one game. This game hits a good balance of authenticity/historical accuracy and casual fun gameplay.
This is the best game from ww1 what i play in my entire life.
Good game its pretty fun 10/10
Isonzo Tannenberg and Verdun are hidden pearls i love the way it captures the grind and grit my only hope for the future is that maybe! with some time, patience and a little praying! id love to see one front thats not often explored! that being of the ottoman fronts of the Sinai/Mesopotamian Campaigns or the Caucasus Campaign. beautiful trio of games in all, the people behind these games as it is have done amazing and got it right bringing to light the Alpine eastern and western fronts with a sense of love and respect few get truly right when making games focused around these conflicts.
Only played single player with bots, but it's good solid fun.
7/10 Really fun game, but in the custom game settings i would like it if you were able to set the time for how long you have to hold onto a frontline
The game is dead, no one plays
Christmas Truce for you and me
a bit dead but still one of my all time favorite historically accurate shooters, 11/10.
After playing this game I feel compelled to go write a novel.
As a History Buff, The Accuracy and Details really stick out to me. As a Racist, the in game text Chat is appealing.
Camping simulator
Verdun itself is an amazing game. Hours of research and work went into making everything fit together nicely. I play by myself more often than not, but even playing by myself, it's still a lot of fun. I'd recommend this to anyone.
Very realistic to the Western Front. Great quality game play.
Man see pew pew
Man go pew pew
Man happi :)
Nowhere near as egregious as Isonzo, but I still hate this game with all my living soul.
I do recommend. But i just want it to be publicly known - I F*CKING HATE YOU.
Machineguns are effectively worthless
only ONE faction has a scoped rifle - the Germans
be prepared to accomplish nothing no matter what you do. i got 51 kills and we STILL lost the match
No hackers. at least one aspect i never encountered. apparently the game isnt worth hacking on. they all went to Isonzo.
only tactics that work are zerg tactics. do not try anything else. a swarm will always win over bolt action rifles.
in all a good but predictably infuriating experience. never again.
i now understand what my great grandfather went through, I too will hang myself in shame.
AI is either sniping gods or gumps special son
its an cool game simple not too much realistic but its really good beceause its a lot of fun and you dont need to learn an military manual to play it 9/10
I love the when there is nothing you can do to save yourself.
Verdun: the only game where dying in the mud feels like a team-building exercise.
Highly esteemed Gemlich!
If the danger represented by the Jews today finds expression in the undeniable
dislike of them felt by a large section of our people, the cause of this dislike
is on the whole not to be found in the clear recognition of the corrupting
activity of the Jews generally among our people, whether conscious or
unconscious; it originates mainly through personal relationship, and from the
impression left behind him by the individual Jew which is almost invariably
unfavorable. Antisemitism thereby acquires only too easily the character of
being a manifestation of emotion. But this is wrong. Antisemitism as a political
movement must not be, cannot be, determined by emotional criteria, but only through
the recognition of facts. The facts are as follows:
First, the Jews are definitely a race and not a religious community. The Jew
himself never class himself a Jewish German, a Jewish Pole, a Jewish American, but
only a German, a Polish, an American Jew. From the foreign nations in whose midst
he lives the Jew has adopted very little more than their language. A German who
is compelled to use French in France, Italian in Italy, Chinese in China, does not
thereby become a Frenchman, an Italian, or a Chinese; similarly a Jew who happens
to live among us and is thereby compelled to use the German language cannot be
called a German. Even the Mosaic faith, however important for the maintenance of
this race, cannot be considered as absolutely decisive in the question of whether
or not someone is a Jew. There is hardly a single race whose members belong
exclusively to one particular religion.
Through a thousand years of inbreeding, often practiced within a very narrow
circle, the Jew has in general preserved his race and character much more
rigorously than many of the peoples among whom he lives. And as a result, there
is living amongst us a non-German, foreign race, unwilling and unable to sacrifice
its racial characteristics, to deny its feeling, thinking and striving, and which
none the less possesses all the political rights that we ourselves have. The
feelings of the Jew are concerned with purely material things; his thoughts and
desires even more so. The dance round the golden calf becomes a ruthless struggle
for all those goods which, according to our innermost feelings, should not be the
highest and most desirable things on this earth. The value of the individual is no longer determined by his character, by
the importance of his achievements for all, but solely by the amount of his
possessions, by his money.
The value of the nation is no longer to be measured in terms of the sum of its
moral and spiritual forces, but solely on the basis of the wealth of its material
goods. From this feeling emerges that concern and striving for money and for
the power which can protect it which makes the Jew unscrupulous in his choice
of means, ruthless in his use of them to achieve this aim. In an autocratically
governed state he whines for the favor of the ‘Majesty’ of the prince and abuses it
to batten on his subjects like a leech. In a democracy he courts the favor of the
masses, crawls before the ‘majesty of the people’ and yet knows only the majesty of
He destroys the character of the prince with byzantine flattery, and national
pride, which is the strength of a nation, with mockery and shameless training
in vice. His weapon is public opinion, which is never expressed, but is rather
falsified. His power is the power of money which in the form of interest
effortlessly and interminably multiplies itself in his hands and forces upon
nations that most dangerous of yokes, the sad consequences of which are so
difficult to perceive because of the initial gleam of gold. Everything which
makes men strive for higher things, whether religion, socialism or democracy,
is for him only a means to an end, to the satisfaction of a lust for money and
His activities produce a racial tuberculosis among nations.
And this has the following result: Antisemitism stemming from purely emotive
reasons will always find its expression in the form of pogroms. But antisemitism
based on reason must lead to the systematic legal combating and removal
of the rights of the Jew, which he alone of the foreigners living among us
possesses (legislation to make them aliens). Its final aim, however, must be the
uncompromising removal of the Jews altogether. Both are possible only under a
government of national strength, never under a government of national impotence. The Republic in Germany owes its birth not to the united national will of our
people but to the cunning exploitation of a series of circumstances which
combined to produce a deep general discontent. But these circumstances were
independent of the form of the State, and are still active today; more active,
indeed, today than before. And a large sections of our people is aware that no
mere change in the form of the State as such can alter or improve our position,
but only the rebirth of the moral and spiritual energies of the nation.
This rebirth will be set in motion not by the political leadership of
irresponsible majorities under the influence of party dogmas or of an
irresponsible press, nor by catchwords and slogans of international coinage, but
only through the ruthless action of personalities with a capacity for national
leadership and an inner sense of responsibility.
But this fact robs the Republic of the internal support of the spiritual forces
of the nation which are so necessary. And so the present leaders of the State
are compelled to seek support from those who alone benefited from the changed
situation in Germany and do so now, and who for this reason have been the driving
forces of the revolution, namely, the Jews. Taking no account of the Jewish peril,
which has certainly been recognized by present-day leaders – proof of this is
the various statements of present leading figures – they are compelled to accept
the support readily offered by the Jews for their own benefit, and therefore
to pay the required price. And this price consists not only in giving the Jews
every possible encouragement, but above all in hampering the struggle of the
duped nation against their brother Jews – in the neutralizing of the antisemitic
With highest respect
Adolf Hitler
Simulates the battle that took place in Verdun-sur-Meuse on the Western Front in France.
The German Chief of General Staff, Erich von Falkenhayn, planned to crush the French army before the Allies could fully deploy their forces. France emerged victorious, but neither side gained much territory.
One of the best WW1 multiplayer - really stays true to source material.
First review I´ve ever written.
Startet playing a week ago and it´s just a historian dream come true. Never felt like being in a real war in any other game. Did you play Battlefield? Did you play COD? Forget those, I mean it. In those games you run around solo, without any goals in mind but shooting the first things that step in front of your gun. Thosse maps feel like enemies can be everywhere an just come out of nowhere.
But in this game, Verdun, you find yourselfe on a real frontline, with a clear direction where the enemy waits to shoot you. Left and right are your comrades, counting on your support, and you all fight together as one army to conquer this next trensh. Everyone dies left and right of you, because you pay for every meter with blood. Do you want to know how it must have felt for soldiers back then to be surrounded by death? So play this game and find yourself in this hell, where you don´t dare standing up, because you try very hard to just stay alive. Gas surrounding you, making it imposssible to see more than 2 meters, wearing your gas mask witch makes it also very hard to hear. In the distance you hear people dying due to flamethrover. Artillery, bombs and grenades exploding all around you, making your screen shake and making you wish you were somewhere else. What, all your teammates just died in front of you due to artillery? Better keep laying on the ground and stay save for now. Wait for the enemy to defend the trensh. Some enemies jusst appeared in front of you? Good thing your teammates shot them, standing behind you. Yes, you might not get that many kills, but staying alive alone is an achievement. Giving all it takes to effectively conquer as much ground as possible.
Please forget people telling you, that the game is too old or that the graffics look too bad. I play the game on the lowest settings and I really couldn´t wish for more. Because, why you want good graphics? Just for you to feel immersed in the game. And that this game does.
People complain you reload too slowly? That´s right, but would you have been able to reload faster back then, surrounded by hell? I doubt it. You shoot your 5 shots and then you should think twice if you want to reload, due to the possibility of an enemy stepping right in front of you. So reload when you feel safe and if nothing else helps charge with your bayonette. That thing is a life safer.
I´ve also played Isonzo but, to be honest, I still prefer Verdun. In Isonzo everything is so colorfull, so beautifull. But we are in wwar and things shouldn´t look like that. In Verdun you always sswitch between attacker and defender in one round. You try to conquer a trensh. If you fail within 5 minutes you failed and have to run back to your trensh to defend that. No other game offers that dinamic warfare. Also, in Isonzo, it´s so much easier to get shot fromm all across the map. The maps are designed in a way that makes it much harder for the attacker. There is spots you cannot advance because up the mountain on the other side of the map are sharpshooters just waiting for your head. I find Verdun to be much more balanced, also due to the fact that you are much closer to the enemy. Yes, you also get sniped a lot in Verdun, but it´s never impossible to fight back. Find a better position an get that sniper.
Play this game. Let us revive that game, because the game is worth that.
its a good game
Good, Fun matches.
i killl guy
Just started playing
Super duper good. Guns feel smooth but the reloads are a little slow.
Great maps.
The offline bots are a little bit bad but its better than nothing.
PTSD SImulator.
game population can lack but is super fun
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | BlackMill Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 22.01.2025 |
Metacritic | 70 |
Отзывы пользователей | 88% положительных (17289) |