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Green Army Thanksgiving!
It is turkey time, so we have a Green Army Men update for you all, with new weapons and the opportunity to fight over Thanksgiving dinner. Head over to for more details!
Green Army Men!
Green Army Men:
The Green Army Men mod is now available as DLC to play with Rising Storm 2: Vietnam! For the full details of the Green Army Men DLC and it’s availability, see above!Обновление 14 "Летний отдых"
В 14-м обновлении мы представляем новый контент для самой игры Vietnam и готовимся к совершенно новому дополнению: "Зеленые солдатики" станут официальными!
В основной игре вы получите:
Две новые карты с авиабазами:
- Карта "Кхешань" позволит исследовать гипотетический сценарий, в котором силам ВНА удалось проникнуть через периметр, и боевые действия перешли на аэродром, а КМП США пытается удержать напавших на расстоянии.
- Дананг - еще один гипотетический сценарий, в котором партизаны НФОЮВ прорывают оборону огромной авиабазы "Дананг", а КМП США защищается и пытается их удержать.
Зеленые солдатики:
В ближайшем будущем модификация "Зеленые солдатики" станет официальным дополнением, после выхода которого все владельцы "Rising Storm 2: Vietnam" смогут играть в него бесплатно базовым классом "стрелок". А если вы, как и мы, захотите поддержать разработчиков (команда "Green Army Men" занимается созданием модификаций в свое свободное время), можно купить расширение "Зеленых солдатиков", открывающее остальные классы. Полученные с этого средства будут направлены на поддержку команды "Green Army Men"! Подробнее о дополнении "Зеленые солдатики" и сроках его выхода - здесь: .Update 13 - Phoenix Rising!
This is now the 13th content update for you, bringing:
3 New Maps
The last 2 remastered maps brought forward from RO2/RS1:
- Apache Snow (remastered from “Winterwald”) - ARVN forces fighting their way steadily up a heavily-wooded hill, clearing NLF positions as they go.
- Demilitarized Zone (remastered from “Mamayev”) - main-force North Vietnamese PAVN troops assaulting dug-in ARVN units, across a burned-out and blasted hill in the DMZ area.
The third map is a favorite community map made official:
- Saigon - PAVN forces fighting their way through Saigon, past the US Embassy, the cathedral and on to the Presidential palace, as ARVN troops try to hold them off.
New Weapons
This update brings in some new weapons for the Northern forces:
- RP-46 light machine gun - a modernized variant of the classic DP-28, also license-built in China and North Korea, with stocks being supplied to the North Vietnamese
- MAS-49 - stocks of this semi-automatic rifle were left behind by the French and were used by the Northern forces in standard, sniper and rifle-grenade formats
- Molotov cocktail - the classic homemade weapon of guerilla forces the world over
Many other changes and fixes, including:
- Balance pass on many maps
- Radiomen can now spawn on their commander
- Leaning system overhauled
- Individual Class Customization
- Campaign Role and Weapon Balance changes
- Helicopter Aiming decoupled from the vehicle rotation
- And hundreds of bug fixes!
Обновление 12 — ноябрь 2018
Это двенадцатое обновление бесплатных материалов за 18 месяцев. Оно внесет множество улучшений: производительность повысится, исчезнут помехи из звукового сопровождения, появится новое оружие для Северного Вьетнама, а также новые карты, новые головы и особый запрос от сообщества.
Новое оружие для Северного Вьетнама
- MP40 — знаменитый немецкий пистолет-пулемет времен Второй мировой. Это оружие поставляет НФОЮВ Советский Союз, захвативший множество образцов во время войны.
- Лента на 200 патронов для РПД. Этот новый вариант можно будет выбрать в меню «Выбор роли».
- Возможность разместить ДШК. Теперь игроки команды Северного Вьетнама смогут взять тяжелый 12,7-мм пулемет ДШК из точки пополнения, отнести его в новое местоположение и разместить его, где нужно.
- Фугасная мина — новая ловушка, которую смогу использовать саперы Северного Вьетнама. Это большое взрывное устройство, которое сработает, когда на него наступит неосторожный игрок войск Юга.
Новое оружие для войск Юга
- На новых картах появится новое статичное оружие поддержки: тяжелый пулемет браунинг М2 50 калибра.
Производительность улучшена
Это обновление внесет множество улучшений в производительность игры. Улучшения коснутся персонажей игроков, качества эффектов частиц, оптимизации уровней, изменений системы отрисовки с дублированием, детализации нового комплекта оружия, а также текстур. Последнее касается способа подгрузки текстур.Новые карты
Мы провели опрос среди игроков RO2/RS1 и, основываясь на его результатах, добавили в игру две самые популярные карты из более ранних игр. Они переделаны и улучшены для того, чтобы мы могли включить их в игру Vietnam. Обе карты взяты из игры Rising Storm. Более подробную информацию вы можете прочитать ниже.- Меконг (ранее называлась "Ханто"): НФОЮВ пробираются через джунгли к базе морских пехотинцев США.
- Донгха (ранее называлась "Гуадалканал"): ночной марш-бросок НФОЮВ через джунгли и сражение с армией США неподалеку от воздушной базы.
Мы применили новую систему, благодаря которой выстрелы и другие игровые звуки будут раздаваться по-разному в зависимости от окружающей среды. Это касается не всех звуков в игре, а только таких, которые слышны даже через стены и могут быть заглушены препятствиями, например почвой или зданиями.Шесть новых голов
Для разнообразия мы добавили в игру по три новых головы для войск Северного Вьетнама, а также армии США и морских пехотинцев. Три головы армии США призваны продемонстрировать этническое разнообразие, существовавшее в США в те времена: одна принадлежит испанцу, другая — коренному американцу, а третья — азиату.И, конечно же, мы добавили видеосцены для завершения кампании!
Когда мы выпустили обновление с кампанией для сетевой игры, игроки попросили нас создать видеосцены, которые завершали бы кампанию. Вы просили, мы послушали и согласились. И вот результат!Обновление материалов сетевой кампании
После этого обновления в игре появится всем полюбившийся режим сетевой кампании из предыдущих игр, адаптированный к Vietnam War. Ключевые функции
- Режим кампании для 64 игроков
- Играйте за силы Севера или Юга, которые сражаются за контроль над каждым регионом
- Участвуйте в битвах, происходивших с 1965 по 1975 год, используя войска и оружие, которые меняются из года в год
- Помогайте выбирать регион, за который будете сражаться, а также армию и карту, на которой будет проходить битва
- Силы Севера могут использовать умение «Тропа Хо Ши Мина», чтобы получить стратегическое преимущество и одержать верх над более сильными войсками ВНА
- А силы Юга, в свою очередь, могут своевременно воспользоваться умением «Найти и уничтожить», чтобы нанести врагу максимальный урон
- Сражайтесь на знакомых картах с разными армиями, способностями командиров и оружием; выступая в роли нападающих или защитников
- Помогите изменить ход войны во Вьетнаме!
Кроме этого, выпускается еще одна карта из конкурса модификаций игры RISING STORM 2: VIETNAM с призом в 40 000 долларов США.
- Это масштабная карта под названием «Трасса 14», на которой армии США предстоит с боем двигаться по сложной дороге, выполняя одно задание за другим и сражаясь с партизанами НФОЮВ.
Как и всегда, в игру внесено множество небольших обновлений, исправлены ошибки и внесены улучшения. На этот раз вас ждут указанные ниже изменения.
- Теперь растяжки и туннели возрождения можно разместить на большем количестве поверхностей, благодаря чему они пригодятся вам и в городе. Но вот копать бетон придется дольше, чем землю!
- ВСРВ теперь получат свой собственный вариант камуфляжа ERDL, а также тигровую панаму. Армия США получит камуфляж Mitchell Cloud
- Также, выполняя особую просьбу создателя карты, мы создали единичный звуковой эффект раската грома вместо существующего закольцованного звука. Надеемся, что он вам понравится!
И наконец, представляем вам три карты, перешедшие из демо-версии в полную. Каждая из них была создана с учетом отзывов игроков.
- «Операция Форрест» — территориальная версия официальной карты
- «База огневой поддержки "Георгин"»
- «Часовые на границе»
ARVN Content Update
This update adds the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) as a full playable faction in the game. The update also brings new weapons, specifically for the ARVN:
- M1 Garand
- M1D Garand Sniper Rifle
- Thompson M1A1 SMG
- M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)
- M1919A6 .30-cal Browning LMG
- Douglas A-1 Skyraider ground-attack aircraft as a new Commander ability
There are also 2 new maps, showcasing the ARVN forces:
- Quang Tri: Set during 1972, Quang Tri is a daytime supremacy map set in the citadel of the provincial capital, pitting the new ARVN forces with limited US helicopter support against NVA main-force units.
- A Sau: Set on an airfield and fortified camp in the A Sau valley, this nighttime territory attack map finds ARVN forces defending against attacking NVA main-force units. Visibility is limited under the cover of darkness with occasional flares lighting up the battlefield.
In addition, the update also includes 3 maps, made by fans for the fans, from the RISING STORM 2: VIETNAM $40,000 Modding Contest, now being officially introduced to the game:
- Firebase Georgina: Daytime attack by main-force NVA on a series of positions held by the US Army.
- Borderwatch: Australian forces attack territory held by the NLF (Viet Cong), pushing through jungles and across open fields to the VC’s final hidden base.
- Resort: US Marines stage a heliborne assault from the sea on a resort area held by Viet Cong guerrillas.
Bushranger Content Update
Издание Digital Deluxe Edition
Purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items, 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.
Exclusive Content
- 2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factions
- The Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
Early Unlocks
United States Army/Marines- Lowland ERDL Camouflaged Helmet
- Darkhorse Pilot Helmet
- Headscarf
- Camouflaged Ushanka
Owners of Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7, M1911 pistol, Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.
Об игре
«Rising Storm 2: Vietnam» продолжает серию, которая дважды получала награду «Многопользовательская игра года» от журнала PC Gamer. Игра переносит франшизу в эпоху автоматических ружей, переносных гранатометов и более современных систем вооружения, сохраняя при этом характерные черты серии — историчность и реалистичное использование оружия.Студия Tripwire традиционно обеспечивает полноценную поддержку выпущенных продуктов, поэтому и игра «Vietnam» неоднократно обновлялась, давая игрокам новые возможности:
- сражения на 64 игрока;
- шесть сторон, за которые можно играть, причем у каждой — собственные способности и оружие:
- морская пехота и Армия США,
- Вьетнамская народная армия (ВНА) и Национальный фронт освобождения (Вьетконг),
- Армия Австралии,
- Вооруженные силы Республики Вьетнам (ВСРВ);
- более 50 видов самого разного оружия: от винтовок и пистолетов до огнеметов и гранатометов;
- четыре управляемых игроком вертолета: «Хью», «Кобра», «Кайюс» и «Бушрейнджер»;
- асимметричная война: туннели и ловушки Вьетконга против американских вертолетов и напалма;
- более 20 карт;
- три игровых режима;
- работа VoIP в зависимости от расстояния;
- сотни вариантов изменения внешнего вида персонажа.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam — это напряженные бои (максимум 64 игрока) между войсками Юга (Южный Вьетнам, США и их союзники) и Севера (регулярные подразделения Вьетнамской народной армии и партизаны Национального фронта освобождения — Вьетконг).
Войска Юга обладают огневой мощью и мобильностью, причем у каждой армии — собственные вспомогательные войска боевого обеспечения:
- У морской пехоты и Армии США — воздушная артиллерия, ганшип «Спуки» и удары напалмом.
- У Армии Австралии — пара бомбардировщиков «Канберра» и тяжелая артиллерия.
- У ВСРВ — заградительный огонь минометами среднего калибра и удары напалмом со старых A-1 «Скайрейдер».
Мобильность обеспечивается всесторонней вертолетной поддержкой:
- UH-1 «Хью» позволяет быстро транспортировать отделения по карте.
- OH-6 «Кайюс» действует как наводчик и воздушный командный пункт, а также как быстрый ганшип с миниганами.
- AH-1G «Кобра» — тяжеловооруженный ЛА, огромной огневой мощью которого распоряжаются пилот и офицер-оператор СО.
- Австралийский «Бушрейнджер» — это «Хью» с двумя пулеметами M60, миниганом и ракетами.
В тактике важна роль командиров отделений войск Юга: если командир жив и успел выбрать удобное место, остальное отделение может возрождаться около него — поэтому защищайте командира отделения от пуль в критические моменты!
Что касается оружия: у войск Юга — широкий спектр отличного вооружения западных стран, начиная с тех экземпляров, что остались после Второй мировой войны, и заканчивая новейшими технологиями того времени:
- M1 «Гаранд», карабин M2, M3 «Гризган», BAR и ручной пулемет M1919 калибра 7,62 мм;
- боевая винтовка M14, снайперские винтовки M40 и XM21;
- ручной пулемет M60 и автоматическая винтовка M16;
- для поддержки посерьезнее — гранатомет M79 и огнемет M9A1-7;
- взрывчатка — осколочная граната M61, дымовая M8, взрывчатка C4 и мина M18 «Клеймор».
Войска Севера — разнообразнее, они включают в себя Вьетнамскую народную армию (ВНА) — регулярную, вышколенную и лучше оснащенную основную боевую силу, а также партизанов из Национального фронта освобождения (НФОЮВ), которые используют оружие, полученное от России и Китая (Вьетконг). Оружие поддержки:
- ВНА — тяжелая артиллерия, ракеты «земля — воздух» и быстрое подкрепление по тропе Хо Ши Мина.
- НФОЮВ (ВК) — различные боевые средства (минометы, гранаты, белый фосфор), используемые в качестве тяжелого заградительного огня.
Маневренность и скрытность сил Юга позволяет противостоять мобильности противника:
- Командиры отделений ВНА и ВК могут размещать туннели возрождения в различных местах на картах, что позволяет солдатам возрождаться ближе к месту боевых действий — и даже за линией фронта.
- «Домашнее преимущество» позволяет солдатам ВНА и ВК становиться незаметными для вертолетов и самолетов противника — достаточно лечь или присесть.
- Умелый комвзвода, правильно выбрав время, может оперативно ответить на действия Юга в воздухе — вызвав ракеты SA-2 типа «земля — воздух».
- Способность «Тропа Хо Ши Мина» позволяет командиру взвода ВНА (ВК) ускорить возрождение солдат, когда на счету каждая секунда.
- Способность «Возрождение из засады» позволяет командирам взводов ВНА (ВК) возродить мертвых бойцов вблизи себя, организовав таким образом мощную засаду.
Войска Севера используют самое разное вооружение. ВНА оснащена современным оружием, поставленным из России и Китая, а Вьетконгу приходится работать с самыми разными видами оружия:
- автоматы АК-47 и «Тип 56»,
- советские самозарядные карабины Симонова, карабины M1 США и винтовка Мосина 91/30,
- снайперские винтовки Мосина 91/30 и СВД,
- пистолеты-пулеметы ППШ-41 и французский MAT-49,
- двуствольное ружье ИЖ-58,
- ручные пулеметы ДП-28 и РПД,
- реактивный гранатомет РПГ-7,
- противопехотные мины MD-82, растяжки и ловушки пунджи.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, portuguese - brazil, russian, japanese, korean, simplified chinese, turkish
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
- Процессор: Intel Core i3 @ 2.5GHz or AMD Phenom @ 2.5GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or ATI Radeon HD 5850
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 60 GB
- Дополнительно: UNSUPPORTED HARDWARE: 32-bit Operating Systems
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 @ 3.2GHz or AMD @ 4.0GHz or better
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD R9 270X or better
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 60 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Fun Vietnam game. Good immersion and combat
There's often full servers and since it's cheap id say grab it
Fun and awesome game but there's too much try hard's can't even leave spawn sometimes because there's some kid with an MG camping
This review can be taken either way as far as recommendations.
I love this game as it is one of very few FPS games set in the Vietnam War.
Two major flaws in this game that is not bringing players back IMO would have to be either Level Progression and/or lack of vehicles. The ONLY vehicles that are used in the game are helicopters and they can ONLY be used by one team. Level progression is completely redundant as the only thing that you unlock is cosmetics which is not really widely used, which does not feel like you should even try to level up if you do not really earn anything.
If they added more maps with ground vehicles such as transport vehicles or tanks that were used during the war, or even more equipment such as mortars and more traps like pitfalls and more slots for special units such as snipers and more period weapons, then there would be an increase of players.
Honestly though, this has been out for a long time now and the game still feels like its just bare bones with the most basic features.
This game has been a great find. I wish I would have found it sooner. It lets you scratch that Vietnam era itch and is a great blend of realism and faster paced action.
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Game Size }---
☐ Floppy Disk
☐ Old Fashioned
☐ Workable
☑ Big
☐ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive
☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it
☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☑ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
---{ Author }---
☑ https://vojtastruhar.github.io/steam-review-template
I bought it thinking that it was going to be alright but when I got in I realized how fun it is, great game.
Nothing fancy about this game. Just good smooth gameplay. Great maps, factions, and weapons. Just a gritty, realistic shooter. I wish more people still played but usually there isn't a problem finding a server. I also wish more games were made like this.
Been playing this since the release, fair hardcore shooting game.
Helicopter is very fun to fly, not too hard and not too easy.
Never once found a hack.
10/10 will continue playing
This is a very fun game. I wish I had gotten into it earlier, but I picked it up years after release on a deal. There is still a pretty good community in the servers and the Army Men mode is very fun. I highly recommend this game for fans of 2010s-style military FPS and those with an interest int he Vietnam War.
This game is so good but its so sad that what has happened to it but when you get into a server with alot of players it will be fun!
This game is such a gem, I am so blessed that there still is an active community that still plays, with higher player counts on weekends. I highly recommend the game to anyone looking to scratch the Vietnam war itch. Tripwire cooked with this one gentlemen.
so i'm only giving this game a negative review for one reason, and one reason only: it's a royal pain in the butt to find a server. at least when i played there were less than 1000 total players online. so most servers were either full, or only had less than 10 players in it.
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☑ No Story
☐ could be better
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☑ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a backyard of bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☑ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
Great weapon selection, ww2 + early cold war without nerdy optics. Slow player movement but very smooth, visceral gun-play. Still fun in 2024.
Haven't been able to get into a server without the game crashing, googling various fixes, deleting, validating, running in compatibility mode, flicking around settings. Nothing works, game just doesn't work on my machine, so it might not work on yours. Can't recommend
Great game, well worth it. Most similar to Battlefield: Vietnam but also has great milsim (Arma/Squad) qualities such as realistic bullet physics. Movement animations are a bit awkward, but crouch running is a pretty solid mechanic compared to other shooters.
Squad combat with weapon classes
Realistic bullet physics
Lack of Balancing on some maps
Cringe/Gamer Words
Played every tactical shooter, mil sim and nothing comes close to this in terms of immersion; its become the only FPS i play. Best Vietnam War setting based Game since BFV and BFBC2 Vietnam. Recommenced for everyone looking for a hardcore shooter that still accessible.
Will play till the servers go!
Great game, there is a learning curve, but its a good segway into tactical shooters from a arcade style player. the length of matches allow it to be a game that you can play almost whenever. The game can feel a bit clunky at times but not enough to ruin the experience.
maybe more people would stick around if game was polished and allowed players to play the game without having to go down forum rabbit holes. just keep playing ro2 they dont care about the playerbase on either anyways
Over 1k hours and I still love this game. This game takes a little time to get used to it's not COD!
>run through forest
>scared shitless because i heard the stories of them coming out the tree's
>realize im alone so now im more terrified
>I stop because i hear a footstep to my left
>I look and i see a rocket go straight to the ground
10/10 realism
This game is difficult to play and the enemies are hard to spot in the forest areas so new players should play in Cities maps.
While fun I can't stop the game. As in I can leave the game but now its stuck reading as stopping and I can't play any other game now.
piece of shit crashes randomly dont know how to fix. fix the damn game its unplayable
i wanted to try this game in the past, but i made the choice not to buy it at the time of release . and i say im happy theres still a community of players because this game is solid. if you like realistic shooters this is up your alley.
Way too much fun, especially when your team play as a team.
Hiding in a bush has never been more satisfying.
— How are you G.I. Joe?
It seems to me that most of you are poorly informed about the going of the war, to say nothing about a correct explanation of your presence over here. Nothing is more confused than to be ordered into a war to die...
This game is everything I have ever wanted from a Vietnam War game. Probably the best game made depicting the war and put in a package that isn't too complicated to get into and learn. Community is very friendly open and.... not PC but that's part of what makes it incredible. It's a mil sim so time to kill is very fast and you're better off playing a little slower than an arcade like fps, but compared to other mil sim games its still very arcade-like and easy to pick up. The perfect balance between fun and real with a ton of cool mechanics unique to it. Even Helicopter Piloting which normally has a massive skill ceiling in most mil sims is more "easy to learn hard to master" in Rising Storm 2. TONS of fun and you cant go wrong buying this game, it goes on sale a lot.
Unfortunately the player count in my area has dwindled to very low numbers to where i cant play online and playing with bots just is not as awesome as I wish it was. If you are in Europe or Asia you still have very full lobbies and I am sure you'll have a blast.
If you are a fan of the era, this is the game you've wanted but never had.
At first i liked it, until i kept getting kicked out of lobbies for other people to join. At least that is the message im given. The community is not very welcoming to new players. The only community that let me play on their servers are (the weekend warriors). Recently when i get on tho the server is full or completely empty. So sadly can't play.
its a fun game i would say, tho it not your Call Of Duty game to run into the battle and start shooting no, your'll get killed easily couple times, but you have to play this game in a Tactical take cover and defend shooter kinda way, tho you still get easily killed if you are spotted or run into there aim sight, each roles you gonna know how to play as which each are fun for which kind of weapons your use and such, tho i am a big sucker for the cosmetics for the soldiers you can put on, tho bad downside to it there some are DLCS that cost are pricey, tho lucky got this game on a good low sale and had tons of hours playing this and had fun experience on the battle of Vietnam, pretty good game, it like battlefield but in Vietnam. 6.8/10
this game really makes you have to THINK like a soldier to LIVE like one, heh. It's literally IMPOSSIBLE to not DIE without using at least 5 of your SIX senses.
What a bittersweet note for antimatter games.
RS2 DOES miss some of the spark that RO2/RS1 had, and you can tell that in the server player count. I am not a sloptuber essay writer so I'm not going to make a 3 hour video between the differences of RO2 in detail vs RS2 to explain how RO2 was more hardcore and as such it's audience is stuck together to the game for longer, but I will say that while some things were improved, others not so much.
The game removed tanks and any ground vehicle to give only the BLUFOR the helicopters. Now I know that tanks weren't big in the vietnam war, but it does feel weird to know a game known for it's combined arms operations had it's entire ground vehicle component removed, specially since the M113 as a drivable vehicle could do great. And yes, there were ground vehicles and sometimes tanks when the north vietnamese army was involved in real life operations.
Stuff that should be in here but are missing include the factions of South Korea, thailand and the philipines, and for a campaign that "progresses with technology" it's surprising to see many stuff be used just the same.
So let's talk about the helicopters... Maybe I say this because I'm a flight simmer at heart but I am disappointed. Sure, they are way better than in battlefield, but I don't think the maps are big enough to justify them to begin with. Maybe it's the outdated Unreal Engine 3 platform (and it runs like dogshit for being UE3), but a 1.4km 20 second ride between the helicopter pad to the contested objective isn't what I had in mind when I heard you would be able to fly helicopters and ferry soldiers to combat. Not that it matters much anyways, attack helicopters are neigh impossible to use because of how little weaponry they carry, and the transport helicopter, while working as a mobile spawn point, offers no advantage compared to spawning to your squad leader, unless you're the squad leader. The physics themselves are "OK". But nowhere as realistic as I imagined at first. That's a "me" problem though. After all I am the one that actually wants helicopter rides to last 10 minutes at least. More helicopter variety than the OH-6, AH-1G (with a very weird and probably fake mutation of it's weaponry with a dual grenade launcher/machine gun turret?), and an unknown variant of the UH-1 are the only helicopters in the game.
No, you can't use the planes in any capacity, the addition of the AC-47 is nice, but this was a perfect opportunity to insert different types of planes as different types of commander bomb support. It sure would be nice to have the capacity to call in a MOAB!
The weapons and the shooting is some of the best in any game. Together with Insurgency the RO/RS saga has the best weapon resting mechanic and the recoil/bullet damage are handled pretty perfectly. 5.56 out of an M16 is accurate and with little recoil but you need about 3 or 4 shots to kill, although the 7.62x51 NATO feels a bit weak. There's a weird issue I've noticed that I'm not sure if it's lag related or skill issue or what, but I notice that there's a small delay between me firing a shotgun at someone point range and the shot killing them.
The vietcong spawning mechanic is... Weird. A squad lead puts down a "tunnel" which is a mobile spawn point, 1 per squad, takes 10 seconds to put down and until someone from the other teams gets there and holds F for a few seconds to destroy it, your entire squad can respawn there unlimited times. To be quire frank I just don't like the way the respawning mechanics work in this game, but maybe I play too much Squad.
There's no KGB/PLA/MACSOG/Cambodia/Laos representation in this game of any kind. A bit of a non-issue, but it sure would be nice to have some maps related to the hidden proxy spec ops conflicts of other nations.
No destructible environment, which yeah, I know I can't ask UE3 to do everything at the same time, but come on, it feels weird to know the trees are invulnerable to napalm and the buildings don't get touched by artillery. It sure would make the game feel better and more unique if there was a gameplay shift from destroying cover with support.
Another minor personal complaint would be to ask to see bigger distance in firefights to allow snipers and adjustable sights to stretch their wings just like in RO2. Then again given the setting I understand this was not a priority.
What is NOT a minor personal complaint is strangely enough how few mods there are for this game compared to the previous ones in the series. Green army men? Yeah that's neat, I tried to find a server in the matchmaking and 8 minutes went by before I decided to stop. There's basically only 3 "major" mods for this game, but none seem to have populated servers to play. One of them, G.O.M. at least adds the bot support for singleplayer local sessions, just in case the servers shut down (let's face it, this is more than likely going to happen soon anyways).
So as a final point in this review, lets address the elephant in the room: Antimatter games closed down. Technically they changed name to Blue dot games to focus on the cancelled '83 project which is now seeking better funding, but basically Rising Storm 2 is end of life and as far as I think, there will be no more RO/RS games in the future, which is a shame.
Still a fantastic game and not one realistic shooter enjoyer should miss, but I feel like we, as a playerbase, got robbed, from an unknown party and by an unknown reason, from a WAY better game. It's by far one of the less broken and least janky vietnam war game out there.
great balance of "hardcore realistic" mechanics and fun (much better balance than red orchestra 2 imho), and very atmospheric.
just a great game all around
This game is extremely difficult to play, I've played 3.1 hours and in a match I killed 7 people in 30 mins... the mvp killed like 45 or smth crazy!
I didn't even notice when I got shot, a lot of pros playing this game or hackers idk, too many HS and the maps are huge!
I'll definitely play more.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 9/10
Game used to be great because people played the objective and used to coordinate. Now there are only new players who play super passive and dont play objective. The worst are the people that play sl and dont use the spawn tunnel. 5 years ago this was different.
Probably the best mix between realism and arcade. One of the best FPS out there, every game is both immersive and fun !
Holds up better than most games it's age. Bloody and downright soul crushing if you don't win the server lottery. At the time of posting this there has been an influx of new players, no better time to grab this puppy. Hopefully it goes on sale for the holiday season.
1 shot fps/strategy game, if you're used to Call Of Duty you will definitely hate this, nothing better than peering over a rock only for your screen to go black accompanied by a squishing sound. The community is awesome, players are well humored and the Flying is a pain in the ass, but once you master flying you will essentially become god, not even going to get into being a commander.
First few hours are annoying because you'll seemingly die out of no where every time you set foot on the line of contact, but once you get past and learn the moment of everyone, you'll find your stride and it ends up being pretty fun if you have the patience to get past dying out of nowhere, because that will happen no matter how good you get at the game
Fantastic game - so fun that I can't stop playing it. Grab some friends and get in a squad together. Highly recommend. Don't let this game die
It's a very nice game, but you'll need very good internet connection if you want to have good experience and gameplay
This game is fun at first but quickly becomes awkward to play because it fails to blend its mechanics well. It sets itself up to be a hardcore millsim, but due to the low lobby sizes and strangely designed maps it forces people to play this like a battlefield type game. This makes the game feel like its fighting its own gameplay because the Devs designed this game to be played differently to how it is actually played in game.
Game is great but please ADD BOTS just like in Red Orchestra. That extra content would make this game so much better and keep it playable if servers go down. I really want bots.
Once picked up an m16 + Colt .45 and pretended to be a GI for over 10 minutes behind enemy lines
Once the guys I was following got inside the playable area, in the most offensive Asian accent I could muster "go home GI" and started bayoneting everybody, pulled the pin on a grenade, ran into the CP and turned the commander and I into giblets
I just played it for 3 h. But damn one of my favorite War/Tactic shooter of all time. The sounds alone are really insane.
I regret it, buying it on sale. I would like to pay the full price for this game just for the devs.
it sucks that this game is no longer getting updates and it is showing it's age but it it's a great vietnam game
For a game with no mini maap there suuuuuure are alot of people who know where you are. sat behind a wall and used smoke to test it heavily. get shot through the smoke dead on about 75 percent of the time and any time im behind a wall i randomly start getting heavily shot at FROM THE OTHER SIDE. people racking over 125 kills and gets defended cause they are apart of the people who paid for the server. peeps dont get that shit on arma, peeps dont get that many on war of rights, hell alot of people dont get that in battlefield or cod. but somehow every. single. game. the same dude will rack above 100 kills. listen if hes a pro gamer and is super good at games i can take that. lets be real though if they are THAT good. why the fuck are they playing this game like get real. hackers are obvious. i just think the devs give about as much shit as the players. none whatsoever
LOVE! the game. But it died, then they brought it back on sale!! With no servers up for most people. They put it on sale to screw you over one last time. Tripwire also let spam bots in on the chat room trying to sell us fake steam cards. It shows you a lot right there, when they have zero mod.
They had one of the best FPS games ever, and they decided their swan song would be to rip off a bunch of people, with a big sale !!, in a game where you knew your servers were not up, or at least not up to the task.... Obviously the awesome Devs got screwed by Corp, as per usual.
It takes some time to adjust if you aren't used to these kind of FPS games, but it's super fun to play afterwards. And a game can't be bad if it has CCR blasting in the main menu!
Игры похожие на Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Tripwire Interactive |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 22.01.2025 |
Metacritic | 81 |
Отзывы пользователей | 89% положительных (25611) |