Разработчик: id Software
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- Сюжетная кампания, являющаяся прямым продолжением истории Quake II.
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Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows® XP
- Процессор: Intel® Pentium® 4 с частотой 2 ГГц или AMD® Athlon® XP 2000+ или лучше
- Оперативная память: 512 МБ
- Жесткий диск: 2,8 ГБ свободного места (+ 400 МБ файла подкачки Windows®)
- Видеокарта: полностью совместимая с DirectX® 9.0c, с 64 МБ видеопамяти и поддержкой 3D-ускорения (есть на всех современных видеокартах)
- Звуковая карта: полностью совместимая с DirectX® 9.0c, 16-разрядная, последние драйвера
- DirectX® Version: 9.0c
Отзывы пользователей
Still holds up - excellent game.
goat game, too bad bethesda messed up the graphics so you have to fix them before you play
great game
Quake 4 is the last game in the series that had a proper single player campaign and the only one so far that did not receive a remaster (technically, Quake III was remastered back in 2010 as Quake Live) and after finishing it, I can kinda understand why…
To begin with, the problems began even before I clicked the “New Game” button. When I firstly started Quake 4, it requested a CD-key, I thought it was fine because I clearly remembered that Steam had a “show game key” in its options but apparently, this feature was cut out long time ago. After looking into Steam forums and verifying game files 3 times in a row, the game finally let me in into the main menu, and I tried to set up the graphics settings and install OpenAL to fix the surrounding sound feature and… the game simply began to instantly crash on starting. After tinkering more with the settings, the game finally began to load and… it requested the key again… I tried various keys and keygens from the internet but they all were for some different game version (probably the CD one), so in the end I just gave up and simply downloaded a Jolly Roger version hoping that I would finally be able to play, yet, the problems only stopped temporarily. After about an hour the game began to regularly crash, mostly after the boss battles and during loading zones, until I had to search the forums again to learn that the game freaks out if you have a multicore CPU. You may ask, why I simply did not install a fan-made patch, and the reason is – there is simply none (which probably tells a lot about the fans’ attitude to Quake 4).
Speaking about the game itself… it is not Quake… I am already not a big fan of Quake II because it traded a unique mix of dark fantasy and sci-fi for a general sci-fi alien shooter but at least it still had a solid gameplay… Quake 4 has none of that. Your movement is slow, every level is some kind of industrial zone, levels are cramped and half of the missions require you to procced slowly with your squad or escort someone from point A to point B (in a damn Quake!). Difficulty levels do not add any challenge and basically just increase the enemies’ damage output and damage sponginess. While the shooting itself is not that bad, because of all the aforementioned issues, it becomes boring and tedious rather than fun and challenging.
Quake 4 also runs on the same engine as Doom 3 (which explains small cramped locations) and tries to put heavy emphasis on the story when the plot itself is as one dimensional as a line. Moreover, you cannot even regulate volumes of music, voices, and sound effects separately and the game has no subtitles, so even if you are a native English speaker you will barely understand half of the dialogues because most of them are inaudible with shooting and music on the background.
Furthermore, just like Doom 3, Quake 4 also somewhat attempts to be a horror, when the game is not actually scary except for one creepy chapter after the one infamous scene. Even though Doom 3 also was not the scariest game in the world, it had some lore and immersive sim-ish elements which helped to build up the atmosphere. The locations were eerie and a few enemy spawns made you jump, and, on top of that, the Doom series had already experimented with horror elements before that, particularly with PSX and Nintendo 64 ports of Doom I and Doom II. At the same time, Quake was always about fast-paced gameplay and challenging fights, and making it a linear companion-based mid-paced cover shooter just kills its identity. Yes, technically, the Quake II universe with its cybernetic Stroggs and alien theme has a potential to be a good body horror, however, just as I’ve stated above, the game is not scary except one relatively short chapter.
Finally, the main campaign is only 6 hours long, and while it may seem not that critical, Quake 4 is the only single-player game in the series that has never received any expansions and there are no real mods for this game. So, right now, for 15$ you only get a mediocre 6-hour campaign and a long-dead multiplayer, which I am not sure if anyone ever tried to revive (oh, and a crapton of headache trying to boot the game on modern systems). Is Quake 4 a terrible game? Not really, it is just a regular alien-themed shooter from 2000s. However, it is definitely the worst game in the series (technically, there is also Quake Champions but that’s a whole another story), and it is just sad to see that the single-player era of Quake ended so poorly.
Does this game need a remaster? Maybe, at least to make it start properly on the modern systems and have a working multiplayer; maybe we will even get an expansion from Nightdive and MachineGames just like in other remasters. However, I would rather say this game needs a proper remake. Rather make it an actual Quake game with fast gameplay and no companion crap, or a full-fledged body horror which would be dreadful and uncomfortable to play. With the modern graphics features and advancements, the latter can actually be achieved relatively easily.
Overall, should you play Quake 4? If you are a hardcore fan of the series – probably but do not expect much. If you’ve always loved the series for its gameplay – you better skip this one and get a new modern fast-paced boomer shooter like HROT or a good-old long-standing classic like Unreal.
I think the title of the game is a typo and is supposed to say Doom 4. If you don't like this game you're saying you're a stroyboy without saying you're a stroyboy.
This is a really damn good game. The game is vastly superior to Doom 3, as it has a less repetitive gameplay loop. The story is also better, taking place right after Quake 2, and there's unique npcs and it makes the game feel more lifelike. Only complaints are that the weapons feel too weak / the enemies are spongy, and that the story is way too short and ends on a cliff hanger. If we had gotten the expansion pack for Quake 4, maybe the last complaint would be gone, but I doubt it. It's been almost 20 years after that cliff hanger and we still got nothing. Such a shame. Also, this game works perfectly out of the box for Linux, and like many id software games, had Linux support, which is pretty amazing as Linux didn't take up a single percentage point when this game came out. All in all it's an 8.5 out of 10.
This game's only claim to fame was the stroggafication scene. legit everything else about this game is garbage. From movement, the guns to your smooth brain ai companions to the bullshit instant kill enemies that your guns are borderline useless against. its just a glorified tech demo that the developers didn't even bother making fun.
If you're looking for a Quake or Quake 2 vibe this is not for you. This is a far more military heavy, story driven game and I am a SUCKER for those types of games. If you are a fan of modern FPSs in general like COD or Halo you HAVE to give this one a go
Now, if you ARE looking for a Doom/OG Quake atmosphere, do yourself a favor and get the False Dawn Mod
Doesn't deserve all the hate. The 1st third is a bit slow but after that amazing gross scene well you move like you do in any other quake game & its pretty good. Anyway its Raven they don't really make bad games even this is better than most old fps games.
Underappreciated shooter from the period when FPS games were in an awkward place, struggling with finding a new identity.
The gameplay is very solid, dynamic, the guns pack a punch, the enemies are varied. Friendly NPCs are actually useful, and the set pieces are memorable.
One of the very few games that actually make very good use of the flesh-and-metal body horror aesthetic (something typical for Doom 3 engine games). Combined with the industrial and military sci-fi style it makes for one of my favourite looking shooters. Also the stoggification scene is perfect.
Only real downside is the game having problems running on modern hardware (I had to manually adjust config files to make the textures sharp) and the gameplay often taking place in very confined spaces with very little room to dodge the projectiles. Also the character movement sometimes feels a bit too slow to dodge projectiles, but that might be due to me being used to movement in boomer shooters.
My mom tells me "if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say nothing at all".
Recommending for all the wholesome moms out there.
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No entiendo por qué venden algo que no funciona en hardware moderno. El juego corre pero no funcionan las luces y sombras, lo cual lo hace ver horrible.
El juego es recomendable Pero no lo compren en steam
nice... :)
Would recommend, Travel through the early military career of the Cyborganizer.
Nostalgia kicking in. Shame there's no continuation for this game.
quake 4 é um caso interessante. pra quem não jogou no hype da época, no auge da id tech 4 comendo gpus, envelheceu mal. hoje, soa como uma tentativa bizarra de trazer um realismo desnecessário na franquia mais rápida de fps até então. quake sempre foi conhecido pela velocidade, arena shooter focado em mobilidade frenética, bunny hoppyng, bom level design (tanto nos single player quanto nos mapas do qiii), todo o resto era irrelevante.
a Raven Software teve uma tarefa realmente complicada: modernizar essa franquia. no processo, óbvio que a essências noventista se perderia, como aconteceu com doom 3 (masterpiece btw), mas me peguei grato por terminar e me dar conta de que na real, fizeram um bom trabalho.
começa TERRÍVEL.
lento, tentando ser um millitar shooter no maior estilo call of duty, você e outros soldados usando assalt rifles, 0 mobilidade, 0 emoção. eu estava perto de largar esse jogo porque aquilo ali não era nem 10% quake. em nada. não era sequencia de quake ii porra nenhuma. mas então, o jogo dá uma guinada a partir do momento que o Kane vira Strogg. a partir dali, tu ganha mais mobilidade. e aí eu entendi a ideia da Raven Software. conforme eu avançava, ficava cada vez melhor, com exceção das partes on rails nojentas. as armas são ótimas, o gunplay é bom e tem bastante desafio. eu, como fã de quake, fiquei satisfeito com o produto final. mas aturar o começo é uma tortura, e fez muita gente desistir desse jogo, porque esperavam quake e não encontraram.
This game came out in 2005 and it's almost 2025 now but this game is still excellent and very playable on modern hardware at least while running it in Windows 11. Quake 4 has way better atmosphere and gameplay than modern FPS games are able to deliver even if the graphics and lighting are dated when compared to modern standards. I highly recommend playing this iconic game and I strongly suggest you play it in 4:3 aspect ratio so that everything looks correct and how it was meant to be. In my honest opinion some games age like milk but this one aged like a fine wine.
It's an okay single-player shooter. The deal is the same as in Quake 2 - battle against the Strogg.
But after Quake 3 I expected at least bot support in arena matches. What a great game it could've been...
Well liked not only the graphics of the game but also the sound capabilities of the game delivering some of the best surround sound that i have heard on either a computer or console game to date (That is) and i am also a big fan of the setting for the game as well as the story and the characters (what there is of them anyways)
It's a good game, but it's nothing like Quake 1 and 2, and for people like me, that's a deal-breaker.
Solid game, a remaster would be nice.
oh my days, you need to get this game.
oh this feels good even at low graphics
this game is from my childhood and brings back many memories as a kid and yet I feel as if even if the game failed for it's time and sadly from what I know the quake franchise died with it still holds a place in my heart I'm hoping one day it will come back and then be great again arising from the ashes
Classic campaign from the troops at id. Would LOVE a remaster/remake.
Its epic
My previous experience with the FPS genre was rather limited, mainly focusing on stuff like Borderlands, one or two games from CoD and some other games. After playing this game, however, I want to delve deeper into the genre and can only wish that they can pull off set piecing and atmosphere that this game managed to pull off.
I said this for Doom 3, and I'll say it for Quake 4, this game also NEEDS a remake.
Its great fun,
the gun play is good,
the story is simple and enjoyable,
the enemy designs are cool.
and the music is preaty good. no doom bfg edition but still good
Old game, wish the textures had a remaster or something but damn they don't make games like this anymore.
Really spooky and disturbing game while remaining an action packed blast.
I would like a remake
Gender affirming surgery goes crazy in this game.
Hope we see a remake next year, since its the 20th anniversary.
It`s a Great Game i have played this game for years and love it.
Retro Gamer magazine ran a poll of favorite Quake games - Quake 4 came in with exactly 0 votes lmao. It's not a bad game if you can get it for a few bucks and want more of the Doom 3 engine vibe, it's a mindless good time.
OK I have not had this much fun in AWHILE. This game feels like quake III arena but if ur char had mini dumbbells tied to their feet, but idk what it is but its still really fun even though when I played the multiplayer I got my ass kicked by veterans. Im gonna play the single player soon bc I wanna play it in 1 session.
not a fan of this at all. bummed out
Underrated. Similar to Doom 3 in vibe, given it runs on the same engine, but leans a bit less on the horror elements and focuses more on action. Single player campaign is excellent. Worth it on sale
Quake 4 is combination of Quake II (single-player) and Quake III Arena (multiplayer). Although it is a very good shooter game, but it is not great as the first three game. So, maybe Quake 4 is not the best choice to represent the Quake series, but it is a very good standalone shooter game that knows how to be fun and enjoyable.
Enjoyable and great gunplay
Level design is very well
Various and useful weapons
Good music and audio design
Good design of environments
The variety and design of the enemies is interesting
Not has the original identity of Quake series (In both SP & MP)
The feeling of fear could be used better in game design
Quake 4
Oldie but goodie
This game needs no introduction. A pure classic.
Gameplay and Graphics still holds up extremely well for a 20 year old game. Id tech 4 was way ahead.
Just be aware that you need to config some files in order for it to run properly on modern hardware. I recommend to visit PCGamingWiki guide here -> https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Quake_4
This game did not get old kindly. It starts correctly, with missions and a more-or-less good story, but as we approach the end we will find more and more enemies, without any sense. Successions of hordes after successions of hordes, it gets old in no time.
good game still feels fresh almost 20 years later. hope there's a remaster soon
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | id Software |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 17.02.2025 |
Metacritic | 81 |
Отзывы пользователей | 85% положительных (1447) |