Разработчик: Rogue Planet Games

PlanetSide 2 — это бесплатный многопользовательский онлайн-шутер от первого лица.
Фракции и их солдаты сражаются в глобальной войне невиданных масштабов и с поразительным уровнем проработки. Бои в PlanetSide 2 не утихают ни на минуту, а война никогда не заканчивается, поэтому у игроков всегда есть возможность испытать себя, свою команду и слаженность работы всей своей фракции. Беритесь за оружие и десантируйтесь прямиком в гущу схваток пехоты и наземного и воздушного транспорта.
Игроки совместно сражаются в крупномасштабных битвах на четырех огромных континентах, чтобы взять контроль над жизненно-важными территориями и получить необходимые ресурсы для своей фракции. Благодаря обширному дереву навыков и системе классов каждый игрок может настроить своего солдата, оружие и технику под свой стиль игры и под требования отряда, подразделения и фракции. В мире PlanetSide 2 важен каждый солдат.
Три враждующие фракции
Игроки могут присоединиться к одной из трех фракций: милитаризированной и авторитарной Терранской Республике, мятежному, полному борцов за свободу Новому Конгломерату или технократическому Суверенитету Вану, много взявшему от технологий пришельцев. Каждая из фракций открывает доступ к эксклюзивному оружию, модификаторам, транспорту, способностям и прочему.
Полномасштабная война
Бои идут не между десятками, а между сотнями солдат: они сражаются в пехотном строю, ездят на технике и рассекают небеса в разрушительных летательных аппаратах. На каждом поле боя можно найти ценные ресурсы и стратегические позиции, захватив которые фракция получает ресурсы и средства для достижения победы.Громадные карты
Мир PlanetSide 2 поделен на четыре невероятных и не похожих друг на друга континента с десятками квадратных километров непрерывного игрового пространства, каждый сантиметр которого создан вручную и может отойти той или другой стороне. На открытых равнинах, в голой пустыне, на вооруженных и охраняемых базах или в воздухе — победа будет зависеть от вашего знания окружающей обстановки.
Настойчивость как ключ к победе
Чтобы победить в PlanetSide 2, недостаточно захватить одну базу. Игровой процесс основан на удержании критических территорий и контроле ресурсов. Мысля стратегически и работая в команде, чтобы занять важные тактические позиции, создавайте условия, которые помогут вам повернуть ход сражения.Несколько классов бойцов
Развивайте своего солдата так, как нужно вам и вашим союзникам. Шесть классов дают множество вариантов для составления отряда и боевой тактики. Развивайте своего бойца, осваивая каждую боевую роль, оружие и транспорт и в дальнейшем открывая доступ к сотням видов модификаторов, снаряжения, оружия, навыков, видов транспорта и другого.
Штурмовик: врывайтесь в бой с пушками наголо. Станьте настоящим пехотинцем Аураксиса.
Десантник: попадите туда, куда не пролезут штурмовики, благодаря вашему реактивному ранцу. Заберитесь повыше, киньте гранату и обведите противника вокруг пальца!
Медик: не давайте соратникам умереть и поддерживайте их в боевой форме. Вы сердце любого отряда.
Диверсант: тихий, незаметный, несущий смерть из теней хоть ножом в спину, хоть одиноким выстрелом снайперской винтовки. Вы тот, кто не дает врагам спать по ночам.
Инженер: размещайте критически важное оборудование. Пополняйте припасы союзников. Чините, чините и еще раз чините. Только благодаря вам машины продолжают ездить, танки — стрелять, а линия фронта — продвигаться.
М.А.К.С.: наденьте механизированный штурмовой экзокостюм (М.А.К.С.) и превратитесь в ходячую неизбежную смерть с пушками вместо рук, броней вместо плоти и соответствующим нравом.
Командная работа подразделения
Сформируйте свое подразделение или присоединитесь к уже имеющемуся и станьте членом группы единомышленников, которые вместе тренируются круглыми сутками. И небольшая группа быстрого реагирования, и огромный клан — любые виды подразделений жизненно важны для каждой фракции.
Оружие и транспорт
Тренируйте и экипируйте своего солдата, как вам хочется, с помощью огромного ассортимента оружия и боевой техники. Используйте заработанные в боях модификаторы, улучшения и надстройки, чтобы настроить снаряжение под свои предпочтения и цели.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, french, italian, spanish - spain, russian, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows 7 или новее (64-разрядная версия)
- Процессор: Core i5-760 или лучше / AMD Phenom II X4 или лучше (4-ядерный процессор)
- Оперативная память: 6 ГБ ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce GTX 260 или лучше / Radeon HD 4850 или лучше
- DirectX®: 11.0
- Жесткий диск: 20 ГБ свободного места
- Звуковая карта: Звуковая карта, совместимая с DirectX
- Другие требования: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- ОС: Windows 7 или новее (64-разрядная версия)
- Процессор: Процессор Intel i7 или лучше / AMD Phenom II X6 или лучше
- Оперативная память: 6 ГБ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce 560 или лучше / AMD HD 6870 или лучше
- DirectX®: 11.0
- Жесткий диск: 20 ГБ свободного места
- Звуковая карта: Звуковая карта, совместимая с DirectX
- Другие требования: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
Отзывы пользователей
I love this game! I play it on the PS4 a lot more than I should, honestly! It's a great game for those looking for a big open battlefield! 7/10, would play again.
Unique complex massive multiplayer shooter which struggles with lack of the players and bad optimalization. Do not let it die and give Planetside 2 a try, its free after all.
+ HUGE open worlds
+ Large servers
+ It's FREE
- Can be hard for new players
- A little bit of grinding
Planetside 2 is an online tactical shooter in which you choose to be a soldier in one of three different factions that are involved in an eternal struggle for various planets. Each faction must capture control points in order to gain control of the planet. There are 6 different soldier classes which allow for large differences in personal gameplay. Give it a try because it is free.
This game was curated for PC Beta Gaming - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/PC-BetaG
This is a pretty good game i have to say, but there are moments where you will rage like when your in the war with other people, im going to recomend this game to people who are good at shooting fps mmo's like call of duty gamers as its basically a never ending futurustic version of cod.
First off I love and hate this game!
- The concept
- The factions
- The possibilities
- The pew pew of lasers
- The vehicles
and so on...
But I did quit playing it because of several gamebreaking issues for me
I cant play competitive or without rage because of:
- The lag compensation
here a really good video about the problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3fUok2AoaU
- High ping players everywhere who make the above even worse
- Server performance
- Still many fucking hackers
I was hoping for years now that they will fix it.
But all got even worse...
So good bye Planetside 2!
After the amount of hours I have spent in the game, I feel legit to give an honest review about it. I had FPS experience before I started to play PS2, mostly just casual gaming with various titles from the genre. Sadly I got spoiled too much of the scale that it is difficult to go back on those. The only reason I will play other FPS games too is to have more competitive and very controlled environment to try out own reaction times and skills in well known titles.
If you are expecting very polished and smooth experience with always balanced and fun fights, then PS2 might not be for you. There has been ups and downs during the game's life time, but dev team has done their best to keep the players satisfied.
At this point I want to say that put the game already to download, because it takes a while, unless you have limited data plan or small storage. Otherwise there is no reason to try out, except if you are easily addicted or do have unsupported operating system. Some of the older computers will have performance issues, but my oldish rig is doing fine with competitive performance.
What can you expect from the game:
- You will die, many times, all the time.
- There are people who have been playing this game since beta and they know every minor detail of their favourite weapons and good locations to kill you. But don't worry, there are also same people in your team, who will probably save you before you get in danger zone.
- Game has cross faction textual chat for the area you are fighting, so expect to see people cursing how sad other team is by bringing too many players in the fight to break the population balance.
- Some people don't have legs so they just sit in their vehicles all the time and try to shoot infantry with easy to kill cannons if they aren't in real danger.
- Maps are quite huge, but usually the killer is hiding nearby even when the shot comes out of nowhere.
- According the chat many people have RTS background, specially from StarCraft and from zerg faction.
- You can play alone or be part of a squad of 12 players, which can be part of platoon of four squads, which can be part of some outfit public operations to run multiple platoons. Depending the situations you are alone or there are 96+ friendlies with you in same fight.
- There are no matchmaking or any custom game etc. You are in your character in one of the five servers, in one of the four continents (not counting Koltyr the new player training "continent"), in one of the many bases. There will or won't be enemies or friendlies, but you have all the right be in there.
- It is very confusing at the first, because shots coming from all over the place or from nowhere. There is an in-game map, which you can use to navigate in the fights (think as joining a match).
- You can get all the stuff with the in-game currency you get by playing the game. Only the swag and character vanity are restricted to DBC, which you get only with real money.
- Weapons are "sidegrades" so that they specialize in certain roles, like gaining firerate by losing damage, etc.
- You might get fully upgraded vehicles with swag from veteran players if you ask kindly.
- There is no Pay-to-win, but you can buy XP boosts and premium membership to get more value out of your in-game actions, which will make your cert (in-game currency) gain faster. Also paying players might have squad boosts, which will affect to other players in the group, so F2P players can get extra XP boost without paying.
- There are three different factions, that have different style of weaponry. For new players some might be easier to start with, because more controllable, but over the time it is just personal preference which backstory you want to support. Spandex babes, teamkilling blueberries or oppressive internationalists.
- Community can send own cosmetic creation to player studio to get them in game.
[*]There is no PC-PS4 realm, so can't show the PC master race dominion to console plebs. (/s)
TL;DR: Gud gaem, not ded gaem, not P2W, crying redditors, nice content creators, Player studio <3<3
Best free 2 play game I have ever played, It actually feels like a battle in a war, there can be sooo many players in one place at a time it's really is fun and unique unlike other games and it's also free so no reason why not to get it.
I think anyone who likes multiplayer FPS games should at the very least try out Planetside 2. This is a very special experience, I can’t think of another FPS that is as ambitious, varied, and outrageous in its dedication to all out chaotic war as this game. Thousands, and I mean thousands of real people at sitting at their computers all across the world battle in this never ending sci fi conflict from a first person perspective, all in glorious real time, and for the most part, it works. It’s astonishing to stare across a field at a giant group of advancing enemy infantry, easily larger than even the largest Battlefield server, snap to iron sights, and fire into the group and score a kill, only to get run over from behind by one of a hundred tanks cresting over the hill, firing in all directions like maniacs. The game is an MMO, but just the very fact that it still manages to feel like a standard FPS with decent controls and shooting mechanics is a grand achievement. Planetside 2 feels, at times, like the perfect game I wanted as a little kid while going “pew pew” with dozens of little plastic army men.
Like other MMOs, you can join an outfit (guild) and fight for one of three distinct factions. The scary red space communists (guns are weak but shoot fast), the freedom loving space Americans (guns are strong but shoot slow), and the spiritual xenophile space hippies (laser guns). These factions are engaged in an eternal conflict over several continents, and the game centers around various control points. Choose a class ranging from the vital medic to the jetpacking Light Assault and help out your team crush the enemy forces. The size of each continent is mind boggling, and while large stretches are usually unused for long periods of time, it is easy to find conflict zones and jump straight in by the game’s intuitive map system. See all of those flashing booms? Shit’s going down there, get in the meat grinder, soldier!
The land and air vehicles are easy to operate, and the infantry controls are familiar if you’ve played any recent FPS. There is a ton of variety in how the gameplay unfolds. One minute you are firing at distant targets in a barren desert from a tank’s turret, the next you could be dropped from a hovering Galaxy troop carrier into the thick of an intense CQB firefight. However, there are definitely long boring stretches of inactivity like in other MMOs, boring car rides or endless sprints to the objective that can become pretty grating over time. Thankfully, you can always kill yourself to respawn somewhere closer, or spawn on a mobile spawn truck known as the Sunderer, so if you’re an impatient type action is never too far away.
The game unfortunately isn’t perfect. Performance is all over the place, despite having a good system expect things to slow down in some of the more hectic combat moments, which is expected since the game is trying to render hundreds of people shooting each other. The F2P system isn’t too bad, the starting guns are definitely viable in combat, but in order to get another weapon or even to unlock a new attachment can feel very grindy at times. Players who spend a ton of money will definitely have an advantage over you in a 1v1 situation since they have access to more gadgets, scopes, etc. than you do, but since the battles are so chaotic and packed with people, this is rarely an issue.
Planetside 2 is an ambitious game that truly makes you feel like you are a small cog in a giant sci fi battle. I feel as if many multiplayer FPS games are becoming more and more obsessed with making every player feel like a cool guy special forces operator, but Planetside 2 basically says, “You don’t matter, you’re one of hundreds of dumb grunts running around and you are most likely going to die real quick.” I really enjoy this and I wished more developers would work towards making a similar MMOFPS like this of our dreams. Imagine an MMOFPS set in Europe during WW2 (Not that Heroes and Generals shits), now that would be something I really like. Imagine Allied forces landing in player controlled LCVPs, while Axis Luftwafe strafe the beaches, and Panzer divisions massing for a counter attack. Now THAT's my dream video game.
Planetside 2 is definitely worth trying out, it’s free, so why not?
This is one of the most difficult FPS games I've ever played simply because of the sheer number or people who can end up shooting at you because of the smallest mistakes... This game puts the OP in "Teamwork OP" because a well oiled outfit that has its tactics down can storm a base and turn the tide of a battle even when outnumbered. This game is not pay 2 win but it WILL require you to grind to acquire the gear you want if you're not interested in investing some money for DB cash. There are many class unlocks that cannot be bought and must be earned.
At this point of the game (like 4 years running now) there are many vets on both sides with lots of gear/weapons unlocked and it can seem daunting for a new player. However the unlockable weapons tend to be sidegrades rather than an outright upgrade, meaning that the stats of the new weapon won't necessarily be better than the last but it may be better for different circumstances i.e. CQC, or Long/mid range fights. Each weapon excels in its own area.
I Believe there is even an xp bonus for soldiers under BR (Battle Rank) 15 to help you get some quick Cert points. I suggest medic for new players as you can earn a TON of xp without having to kill anyone and medics are SUPER useful in big or small fights.
- Join with a 4 man squad
- over 2000 players in the game
- Uber realistic battle simulator
- Lose track of time
- Play until 1:00 AM for the first day and then continue to watch videos on it all night
- Love the game, especially dropping as roleplaying as airborne.
Absolutely 100% reccommend this game. The combat is fantastic, once you figure out what you're doing. The best part is, its not just a run and gun game. Strategy matters. It's phenominal.
You thought Battlefield was war. You were wrong.
This is war.
Battles with hundreds of people fighting on each side in Combined arms battles with air and land vehicles across maps that are more than 100 square kilometres. Grab your 980ti and hold on tight, because you're in for a treat.
***Please do not let the low hours retract from this statement | I have played it much longer on the non-Steam version***
PlanetSide 2 came out five years ago and much has changed. From the old SOE days to now DayBreak, PS2 has changed somewhat substantially. There has been good and bad with every update and I should know; I admit I have a founder account and even played in the Alpha and Beta. This game has slowly and lethargically evolved over the years. While there are many that show disdain for the DayBreak I do not find them to be that horrid. Sure it feels somedays that the server population for Emerald isn't what it used to be (Remember when Emerald wasn't a thing and there were about three other servers/player account that got merged into it, I do.) but that does not mean that the game is dying, I keep running into new players every time I log in. Many of them are great and many are little sniveling CoD kids. The main draws of this game are and will forever be:
-Massive maps
-Massive fights
-Forward Operating Base/ HIVE building
I hope that this game will last for many more years as there really isn't anything else like it right now. I give the game a rating of 8/10, it's solid and I have stuck with it but there are still some old issues from the SOE days that were never addressed.
Ive been playing for a couple of years now (on ps4 and pc) i got to quite a high level on ps4 as vanu but i have only played a couple of hours on pc because i brought other games and got addicted to them for months. I recently had to restore my computer so iam gonna install it again right now and start playing again. Absolutely worth downloading it has everything you would want from a shooter and more. 3 empires fighting it out in one huge continent (huge fucking maps, not your call of duty or battlefield bullshit), Different terrains that suit different playstyles for example if you like playing pilot dont play on Hossin because its a dense jungle and you cant see infantry for shit. Hossin is more for infantry. Its pretty good for inflitrator because you can use the trees and stuff for cover. It has Exellent weapon customization and really gives you a veriety to choose from once you have enough certs (in game currency). By Level 10 you should have at least 1000 certs and that can get you one of the best weapons. Say for example you like playing inflitrator, by level 10 you can spend your 1k certs on the most powerful sniper for whatever faction you are playing as (each faction has different weapons with different capabilities). Each faction has different vehicles also. Last time i played there was atleast 500 players in the game and it was fucking mental. Its one of those games that just keeps on going. Huge attacks and defences, massive firefights, and just an all around great fps. one of the greatest i have ever played actually. idk if this happens on pc much because like i say, only having a few hours on record, but on ps4 there were a decent amount of team killers. They werent everywhere but they were numerous. In all the time i played on ps4 quite a few tried to purposely team kill me, some succeeded, but on pc it only happened once and it was an accident because he said sorry. So if you like a good firefight and you like big maps with many ways to play and contribute toward your empire, go and download it right now. start of in koltyr (the noob area, you are forced out at level 15 and cant go back) then when you are level 15 go and join everybody in one of the four massive continents and prepare to fight with and against hundreds if not thousands of people at a time. you can go to any continent at any level at any time as long as one of the opposing factions hasnt won and locked it down but it is better to start of in koltyr because it is smaller and there will be people of roughly the same level as you and you can gank some easy kills. (hossin, amerish, Esamir and indar are where the big boys play). Download, play and enjoy is all i can really say. If anyone Team kills you, i can assure you that he or she will get their comeuppance. Everybody is generally nice and play as a team really well. Every game has their knob heads, but on pc, i havent found any yet. just on ps4. You can also purchase helmets and cosmetics for vehicles and camos for your weapon or character using Daybreak cash or DBC (in game currency brought with real life money). But that is just cosmetics, The wapons and attachments are all obtainable in game with certs. (on ps4, by level 20 i had a damn good loudout, never spent a dime). And the vehicles are unlocked through levelling and you can use your spawn tokens to spawn them, the same as the max class (walking tank). These spawn tokens will recharge over time. So, there you have it, i could type more about the game but these are the basics, i dont have time to go into depth right now, i need to go play lol. Nothing bad i can think of apart from team killing noobs that i havent managed to find yet on pc but they will exist. Its a thumbs up from me and a solid 9/10 ( i would give it a 10 but the team killers drag that 1 percent down, ik its not the games fault but i refuse to lie). Like i said, havent found any on pc personally yet but i know they exist. But i gave the game a 9 because other than the team killing there is nothing bad i can think of right now. Its a really fun and addictive game and iam gonna get back into in and see what has been added since i last played. Gotta give credit where it is due and it is definitely due here.
This is a great game i would recomend it to anyone that likes future themed fps games, it is very realistic and the way the teritory functions is very unique and i have never seen anything like it in another game, my one complaint is that certs (money) are very hard to get, but are obtainable
Edited review time: After spending way more hours than what Steam says I have, by a factor of almost 10. I can finally sit down and write a review for this wonderful, beautiful, like no other game. What makes this game so special? What separates it from Battlefield, or Call Of Duty. The quick answer, a combined arms game with anywhere from 80-90 bases. Each with its own unique layout, its own bias towards Defenders and Attackers. This is a procedurally generated nonstop battle. Is there "meta" to playing the map? Absolutely. However, no matter how good of a strategizer you think you are, there will always be moments when you lose control.
This game provides you the tools to be apart of a much larger group known as a Squad, which consists of 2-12 players. From there you advance upwards to a platoon that consists of 13-48 players. All following their leader's instructions and working together towards a victory. When you grow tired of running in public squads and platoons, you join an outfit. This is where I would say the core of the game is centralized. Not to say you won't have a good time being a solo player, but playing with an outfit is a far different perspective. You see these people daily, you play with them daily, eventually, you begin to trust them, and coordinate with them, you know they've got your back, and you've got there. A level of trust is formed, now the entire squad trusts one another, they excel where others would have failed.
What makes this game great is the adrenaline of capturing a base with underwhelming odds. The taste of victory when all seemed lost. Drawing from the past, I can think of a moment where my squad (10 players) assaulted a contested base between 2 other factions, each brings 24-48 players. The enemy had vehicle superiority, air superiority, and outnumbered us 8 to 1. Under normal circumstances, this would have failed miserably. Due to the level of communication, trust, and to a degree skill, we were able to hold off this entire group, right down the moment the base captured in our favor. When that last second ticked over, we were all dead but 2 of us, and the enemy was right in our faces. That moment is what resonates in my brain. The pure adrenaline of battle.
This game is better with friends, yes. However, you will gain even more on this battlefield, some will be enemies, some will fight beside you. You will gain familiarity with everyone on the server. This game is a community. There's no other way of saying it. It has outliers sure, but it is a community-driven game that stands the tests of time.
A closing note, I started this game back when it first launched in Beta. I am, to this day still playing, and in fact, alt-tabbed out of the game right now to write this review. There is no short explanation. This game is battle on a grand scheme, where movements of platoon and squads dictate the entire flow of the battle. Where solo players can make differences. Where outfits clash in all-out war. You will die. You will die a lot. This is Planetside.
Really love this game! Its fun and entertaining... ESPECIALLY when you have a fun outfit who loves to pull jokes and pranks on eachother and enemys alike!
Tips to new players:
1: Keep calm and respawn.
2: You WILL die ALOT!
3: Practice your aim, it gets better with time/experience.
4: Work Together! Its a TEAM game!
5: No weapon is the same as the other, they each have their own Strength's!
6: Black and gold weapons are EXACTLY the same as their standard variant! They also cost real money.
7: Learn your Keybindings! It Helps Alot!
8: Pick smaller fights untill your used to the game mechanics!
9: If you can see them you can kill them!
10: Be RESPECTFUL!!! If you are, others will be more willing to help you! Dont be afraid to ask for help, EVERYONE needs help!
These are the general tips/tricks/rules I live by! In any game!
If your on faction VS (vanu) on server Emerald, My name is DrunkenVS
Please, Have a good day and Have fun!
2/18/2017 Edit: Some of my outfit/platoon mates gave me some ideas as to what to put for the 10 things as I could only think of about 4 on my own :P
So thanks to them to make this review entirely possible!
3/1/2017 Edit 2: a few more tips for you are
1) dont run infront of your allies that are shooting, go behind them so you stay out of their line of fire.
2) use the terain around you for cover.
3) if your a Heavy Assault turn you shield on when entering cover, even if your not being shot at. reason is this is a CLIENT side game if you can see them, you can shoot them. so if your in cover they may still see you out of cover for a short time after because they havent recieved the info from you yet. so use the addage of "I can see you, I can shoot you" the same goes for the other players aswell
4) Don't go straight for the enemy UNLESS you have several teamates with you. Try your BEST to FLANK the enemy. don't attack them head on. come at them from the sides, above, or even behind them, if one tactic dosen't work... Try something else. the fight is dynamic, just like you! 5) Finally, LEARN the strengths and weaknesses of your weapons, it WILL take time.
P.S. Feel free to add my on steam or PS2 (ingame) the name i listed is my primary although if you want i can tell you the others via PM or steam chat.
P.P.S. I added some tips my teamates and friends gave me. some others on Youtube, like Wrel (Dev) Nico101, Joshino, and others have also said some of these tips. If you want to know more about the game look them up on youtube Especially Wrel, as he's a developer. Nico101 I'd recoment to Older audiences, as there is some "Humor" that younger audiences may find offensive or dont understand. (he and his team swear a bit aswell) i do squad ops with them and its mostly moments of WTF?! and general fun. Joshino and Wrel are a great choice to see if you want to Learn more about the game, its mechanics and also for general info/guides for weapons or tactics.
Now all this is simply my PERSONAL opinion, while i agree that some others may not agree with me, i hold my opinions of the game and the players in fair judgment.
Also, if you have any ideas for tips/tricks/unspoken rules/etc. post them in the comments. I will add them to the list and give you credit. feel free do discuss this game in comments below. Happy Gaming everyone!
I have a few hours logged and it is by far my favorite game. I may drift away for a bit but I always come back. This is everything you want in a war game. You can change a battle by yourself or roll over your enemies in a 40 man platoon. I grinded almost everything out f2p but ended up buying some camos so I could look sexy when I killed people.
It's a decent game if there's a lot of players, but the PC version is dying, over the last week I've been on the U.S. West servers and there's never more than 75 people on, for one whole night there was only 3- 8 players at a time. If you want to play this game and enjoy it try it on a console, I played on PS4 periodically for the last year or 2 and it's always had a much larger player base during that period
Pretty fun game. It's like Battlefield meets Diablo on a HUGE scale consistent conflict. However, after reaching rank 17, and I moved to areas beyond novice, the Pay2Win aspect showed it's ugly head. It got boring being 2-shot wasted by players with bought weapons- despite laying into them heavy with my weapons and they remain uneffected.
It's a free game and it was fun until I ran into those players over and over again. Something I'll play with my friends, but not on my own.
#Pros and cons#
Epic, unique, one of a kind. It's 2017 and still no game like this one.
A war, vast worlds, playground, massive battles (and also opposite), variety, tactical, outstanding.
A war, free2play but no child's playground.
Well in a chaotic massive battle everyone could find his role and spot......
Teamwork, lone wolf, support, scout, infiltrator, cloaked bugger, jetpack flank warrior, mechwarrior, tank force, air force, gatherer...
Unforgiving, complex and overcomplicated.
Outstanding deep ballistics.
Very very slow progress to unlock this and upgrade that, add these and fully uncap those.
Grind or die, grind to win, play or pay.
Anyway time is money. Free2play can turn into the most expensive game by far, by far. No respecs, no refunds.
Brainer. One way or another?
Yea, teamwork, leadership and tactics, that's what matters,
well you will be facing the most equipped warriors and platoons over n over, also you will be swarmed...,
and well the factions and powers are kinda unbalanced and varied on purpose here and there,
so you will be facing some OP sh1t over n over. A war.
Well yea mostly everything has a downside. Challenge, outsmart, tactics.
One faction population decrease, the faction can be outnumbered. A swarm. Depending on server, can happen often.
Limited numbers, sometimes queues to one world. At least playing underpopulated faction kinda prevents you from queues. Membership has priority.
#Honorable mentions#
CPU demanding (average GPU is enough).
Dont expect 120+++ FPS, stable FPS
Beside ingame, you can edit config file for performance, visual clarity, FOV, etc.
Stuck in queue? Just try reenter the queue or "Join Combat" button every 1-2mins, should help.
Игры похожие на PlanetSide 2
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Rogue Planet Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 84 |
Отзывы пользователей | 74% положительных (331) |