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Разработчик: Talawa Games

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Unmechanical — приключенческая игра, сочетающая в себе сложные головоломки, интересные уровни и увлекательную атмосферу. На пути к свободе вас ждет захватывающее путешествие по фантастическому миру плоти, камня и стали. Вам придется решить великое множество загадок, и, хотя в игру легко втянуться, чем дальше вы зайдете, тем сложнее станут головоломки.

Ключевые особенности:

  • Интуитивное и простое управление, использующееся для широкого спектра взаимодействий.
  • Тщательно проработанный мир с уникальными уровнями и увлекательной атмосферой.
  • Более 30 разнообразных головоломок, среди которых логические и физические загадки, а также задания на запоминание.
  • Погрузитесь в невероятные события и раскройте темную тайну с помощью загадочных подсказок.
  • Более трех часов головоломок, путешествий и приключений.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, french, italian, spanish - spain, russian, portuguese - portugal, polish, danish, dutch, finnish, swedish, hungarian, turkish

Системные требования


  • ОС:Windows XP с пакетом обновлений 3 или Windows Vista
  • Процессор:с тактовой частотой 2.0 ГГц и выше, или аналогичный процессор
  • Оперативная память:2 ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта:совместимая с SM3
  • DirectX®:9.0
  • Жесткий диск:1 ГБ свободного места
  • Звуковая карта:совместимая с DirectX


OS: OS X 10.6.6
Processor: Intel Core i7, 2.5 GHz
GPU: Nvidia Geforce 750M
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 7 GB HD space


Distro: Tested mainly on Ubuntu and SteamOS
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHz (a dual-core CPU is required)
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4850, or Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT or equivalent. (With respective proprietary drivers). 512MB VRAM.
Hard Drive: 7 GB HD space

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 02.01.2025 00:52
0 0

Very good puzzle game.

Время в игре: 375 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.12.2024 05:09
0 0

Iq test

Время в игре: 334 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.05.2024 02:43
0 0

A short, but sweet 2.5 D puzzle game that does an excellent job of immersing you in it's atmosphere. The puzzles are mostly well done with clear paths, but some are a little too tedious or convoluted, but that's the minority.

Время в игре: 221 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.05.2024 10:24
0 0

Might be one of the best puzzle games you never played

Время в игре: 281 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.04.2024 07:13
0 0

Fun game if you like puzzles

Время в игре: 415 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.02.2024 00:14
1 0

This great platformer has pretty much the same dark vibe as "The Ball" and "The Solus Project", but with a flair of industrial utopia. They are all 3 very different games but there's something special that binds them. I wish Teotl Studios made more games, they totally had a gourmet taste in game design.

Время в игре: 306 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.01.2023 11:04
6 0

This puzzle game has very simple mechanics (move up, down, left, right, pull object) but surprisingly emergent gameplay.

The game does not bog you down with an annoying hand-holding tutorial that many games have. You get straight into the game from the word go and pick up the game mechanics and interactions from situations in the game and good level design.

Puzzles are clever in design and are not too challenging as to cause getting stuck for long.

Graphics are good and the physics engine is more than adequate.

My only complaint is that there does not appear to be much of a storyline, but hopefully that sorts itself out as the game progresses.

I cannot wait to finish this title.

Время в игре: 656 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.04.2022 15:05
0 0

this game is great you should really get it is a fun short $10.00 game that you should pick up sale or no sale.
if you like robots, futuristic things and puzzles you will LOVE this game you should definitely pick this game.

Время в игре: 52 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.12.2021 17:22
0 0

Very nice game. Loved it. Rather beautiful graphics, nice atmosphere. The robot is nice to control. Totally recommend.

Время в игре: 80 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.07.2020 18:05
3 0

It is a good game. A couple of the puzzles are quite unintuitive to solve, but the overall game worth a playing. Good graphics, sound and gamepaly.

Gamepad support is limited. You cannot use it for navigating on menus, what is quite disapointing. If you are not using a Steam Controller, you have to resort to a mouse for getting in and out of the game.

Linux performance could be better, tough. Tipical of Unreal Engine games.

Время в игре: 465 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.10.2019 11:41
5 0

A very good puzzle game where you sometimes have to think out of the box. Very good optics for the genre, as well. Met a bug in the first level (don't put the glowing orb in the tube too early) that's not fixed for years, but apart from that, had a nice ride. Works well on Linux, too.

Время в игре: 296 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.05.2019 03:54
7 0

The best part of this game is the design. The backgrounds, movements, puzzles, sounds, all add up to such a great experience.

Add in the fact that the gameplay is actually pretty brilliant and you get one amazing hover robo puzzler.

Flitting around as this little guy is too much fun. The levels progress in difficulty well, though the game isn't particularly hard. The design and controls do feel a bit like they were intended for a tablet. but it still plays fine on a laptop too.

Definitely a good quick puzzler and the achievements add some replayability.

Время в игре: 223 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.01.2018 13:07
5 0

It's pretty and nice, puzzles start easy then get complicated but hardly ever reach the point of impossible. I encountered pointless puzzles only twice. HOWEVER, the game is locked to 30 FPS for Nvidia Optimus on Linux; as settings are barebones, changing .ini values has no affect on framerate. Worst, if you attempt to change resolution to gain performance, it resets back when you start playing the game; definitely a low/no effort port for Linux.

Lastly, whoever thought crippling the character but not blocking him to complete objectives until the game softblocks in New Game Extended DLC was a great idea that costed me 2 hours, well done.


Время в игре: 494 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.09.2016 09:24
2 0

Enjoyed playing this game many times on the Xbone, ps4, ps3, and steam. Reason why I played it more than once and on separate systems is to get all the achievements/trophies. If you're an achievement/trophy hunter this game, setting aside on how awesome of a story that it tells, has very achievable achievements. I did not finish the game on Steam though and that's probably because playing it on the ps3, ps4 and xbone got me burnt out on it.

Other than that the game is wonderful to play. Just a little similar romance-ish story, like Machinarium, of a lost robot that needs help finding his way to his significant other, saving her and escaping together. It's also a pretty fun puzzle solving game. The puzzle solving isn't all that hard I will spoil that. Well actually it depends on how fast you can pick up what's going and how certain parts work really. I'd suggest it. It's definitely worth the play.

Время в игре: 111 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.07.2016 02:27
5 1

Very short game. I beat it in about 2 hours. So length is a factor you'll probably want to consider. That being said, it's a great puzzle game and the length is just about right. With a game like this, I could maybe see it becoming tedious if it dragged on for 20 hours. Sometimes it's better when a game knows just how long is long enough, and I think Unmechanical knows perfectly well.

There is no combat or action in the game to speak of. It is 100% a puzzle game. The gameplay reminds me a little bit of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, but minus the combat, much more emphasis on puzzles, and MUCH more atmospheric. The lighting is excellent and there are some complex and gorgeous backgrounds as well.

The only controls you have in the game are directional movement and the ability to lift / carry light objects using a tiny magnet beam. You wouldn't think much interesting variety would come out of just that, but the puzzles actually stay pretty fresh and interesting all the way through.

I'll admit there were one or two puzzles that I managed to solve, but I'm not entirely sure what the logic of the puzzle was or why the thing I did worked, but you are probably smarter than me. ;-)

It is a very short game, which may give you pause at the $10 price tag, but if the game is on sale or if you want atmospheric puzzlers badly enough, you really can't go wrong with Unmechanical.

On the scale below, despite whatever doubts I might have about the price-to-length ratio, I'm gonna say that Unmechanical just barely scrapes its way into a 6 for me.

7) A classic, essential, and/or must-buy game that is worth full price.

6) A good game that is worth the full price.

5) A pretty good game worth checking out--especially if discounted.
4) A fairly good game, but I'd recommend buying it discounted.
3) Not great, but a few redeeming qualities. Only buy if heavily discounted.
2) Only worth checking out if you are dangerously curious.
1) Avoid at all costs.

Время в игре: 170 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.08.2015 17:26
43 3

Unmechanical is a puzzle based game, released in August 2012. The game was also later ported to the iOS due to it's popularity on the PC platform.

I am normally not a massive fan of puzzle type games like this as I just find my self aimlessly trying to figure out what to do for hours on end. Thankfully Unmechanical offers puzzles whilst challenging, but also offer a logical resolution to them unlike other games in this genre. You can often work out what you need to do on each puzzle within a few minutes of analyzing the surrounding scene. The puzzles can range from light reflecting puzzles, to memory puzzles. In fact, I have to say, I can't remember (ironic) the last game I played which had memory puzzles in, this game actually made me write notes down on a piece of paper in order for me to progress which again, is something which is commonly not needed in this day and age.

The graphics and art style in Unmechanical are lovely. It has that mechanical look to it, with some really nice looking textures in the environment, and the animation of everything is just so smooth and faultless.

Unmechanical also offers various endings to the game; which is something I only found out after I had finished the game. Thankfully you can easily access the other endings of the game due to the last save point being just before you make the choice so, allowing you to see them all if you so please.

I wouldn't say Unmechanical is a difficult game as such, you can work out all of the puzzles if you think about it for a few moments, none of them have crazy resolutions that make no sense, and a couple of them are only skill based too.

A playthrough from beginning to end of Unmechanical took me about five hours which is exactly the sort of length I look for in this type of game. I think anymore and it would start to feel drawn out more than it should. However there is no replay ability to it, as I said, you can easily access the other endings, and once you have done all the puzzles once, there is no need to play it again. Thankfully though, the prices reflects this, sitting nicely at £6,99 - which is just the right cost for a game of this length.

I didn't have any technical issues whilst playing. Whilst the graphics look really nice, this game will be able to be played on pretty much any setup.

I'll certainly recommend Unmechanical, if you aren't normally a fan of puzzle based games I would still recommend it, because I'm not normally a fan, but I had a really good time whilst playing. Hardcore puzzle fanatics may well find the puzzles to be a little too easy, but it's still worth the couple of hours of your time to experience this awesome game.

Tom's Score Card
1) Stay away
2) Only recommended when on sale
3) Recommended
4) Highly recommended
5) This is a must play

If you found this review helpful, please consider giving it a thumbs up. You can also find more reviews over at http://www.completingthebackloggroup.com/


Время в игре: 408 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.08.2015 08:29
5 0

Unmechanical is a charming and endearing little puzzle/exploration game that started off as a student project before a development team caught eye of the group of students and teamed up to make a full-fledged game. It's built on the Unreal engine, once again proving to still be one of the most superior as the graphics are top-notch and the mechanics are simple and fluid. Not jutters, not frame-rate issues, just smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooth.

You play as an adorable little flying robot, who I nicknamed "Ohm" (based on the small noise it makes when it bumps into things), and one day as you're flying about with your family, an odd-looking pipe sprouts out of the ground and sucks you in. After a very long ride down a very long pipe, you wake up in a very strange underground bio-mechanical nexus, and you need to find your way out and reunite with your loved ones. As you venture forth, solving puzzles to pass through obstacles, you will find this place to have a dark and sinister secret.

Unmechanical encourages exploration and outside-the-box thinking as it challenges you with a combination of traditional and environmental puzzles that test your memory and reflexes. Anyone who has ever played games such as Portal, Machinarium or Limbo will feel right at home with this one. It's not very long, though that can depend on your puzzle-solving skills. The game is solely based on its puzzles, so there aren't any enemies to stop you. Much like Portal, you either solve it, or be trapped.

If you're like me and like a challenge with environmental puzzles like those in Oddworld, Limbo or Portal, you'll love it. If you're more of a traditional puzzler who often plays Sudoku and puzzles those of the likes of Machinarium, there's plenty for you as well. If you consider yourself an expert puzzler who utterly destroys puzzle games though, Unmechanical will probably be pretty easy and you'll breeze through it in an hour. It really depends.

I suppose the only fair criticism that can be thrown at this game is its lack of narrative. The description I gave at the beginning is really just my own interpretation. It's rather ambiguous and interestingly enough, the game has two endings depending on this one action you may or may not decide to do near the very end of the game. Otherwise, you can simply consider it a story about escape. It's kind of like Limbo but you have a clearer idea of what your ultimate goal actually is.

If you're into any of the games I mentioned above, I recommend this one. Especially to fans of Limbo who enjoy a forboding atmosphere and visuals that'll make them drool with delight.

Время в игре: 355 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.04.2015 16:17
4 0

Unmechanical is a puzzle game about strange helicopter-like creature (you) being caught in some sort of underground maze.

What I like about this game:
- Graphics
- Ambient music
- Level design

What I don't like:
- Game is too short
- Some puzzles are not quite informative (Not clear what to do)

I recommend this game to anyone who enjoyed Limbo, The Cave and games like that.

Время в игре: 258 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 28.07.2014 14:56
8 0

Unmechanical is short (~2 hours). Many of the puzzles are very fiddly. But the environments are nice to look at.

For the asking price I feel there are stronger puzzle game experiences. Most of the puzzles here are one-off and there is little to no "revisit with a new twist" style puzzling where the sum of your knowledge comes into play. Don't get me wrong, some of the individual puzzles are entertaining.

However, I feel like too much of the development effort was spent on the environment backgrounds rather than on engaging and varied puzzles. If you want this game, I recommend waiting for a steam sale where the length of the game won't make you feel so burned.

6 out of 10

Время в игре: 149 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.03.2014 22:47
3 0

Unmechanical is a lovely game, filled with unexpected puzzles that are rewarding to solve. At times the puzzles can be very challenging but are in no way unsolvable. Also, there is a clue system build in so they will never get in your way. The world around them is beautifully crafted and fits in the style and story. The achievements are a joy to get and actually contribute to the game in a fun way because they encourage you to experiment with the puzzles and physics. As a indie game this is really impressive. What you get here is a complete product that must have been made with a lot of patience and love and for that the makers deserve all credit. For those interested in the play time, you should be able to get at least 4 hours out of this title. Make no mistake though, those are 4 perfectly enjoyable hours for a good price! Also, I would recommend playing with a (Xbox) controller for more precision, but a keyboard should work just fine.
I can't wait for more from these makers. Maybe a prequel, sequel or a new game entirely!

Время в игре: 251 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.12.2013 22:12
0 0

This was a wonderful little game. The controls are easy to pick up and it's quite fun to fly your little robot friend around! The puzzles did require some thinking, but not so hard you'll end up totally stuck. It has a handy little hint system which I'm rather fond of as instead of it blatently telling you what to do, it gives a single image of an action so you know roughly what you need to concentrate on.
Graphics were really cool in my opinon as although it was a 2D platformer the background was done in a variety of different angles giving the sense of 3D.
It is a short game, but any longer and I think it'd have become repetitive, though they did well to keep the puzzles feeling fresh.
Overall, glad I bought it. :D

Время в игре: 177 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.10.2013 22:28
26 0

A very sweet game. Puzzles can be difficult, but never overly frustrating. Achievements can be near impossible to get and some can't be gone back to once passed. Overall, a lovely game with just enough of a storyline to keep you hooked and make the choice at the end a tough one. I recommend using a gamepad, it makes all of the difference on puzzles requiring precision.

Время в игре: 435 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.09.2013 23:24
4 0

Nice little Puzzle-Game :) Puzzles are challenging, but not too hard.
Really liked the variation - with music, logic or you have to weigh sth, etc.

Only con - the length - but if you get it for a budget price, it's definitely worth a try!

Время в игре: 158 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.08.2012 13:16
7 0

I have to say I'm impressed. Unmechanical is a cute little puzzle platformer with some lovely steampunk graphics and sounds. It's short, about 2,5 hours long, but that's not a dealbreaker. I do wish it was a bit longer though, because the world it is set in is just wonderfully crafted and the puzzles are logical. You won't ever die in this game and the puzzles can be solved without (too much) trial-and-error which makes the whole experience so much better.

That and the game actually has 2 endings. Which I both love (though I prefer the ending with the scene after the credits). The backstory is done in such a way that it can be interpreted in your own way. Love it !

So, this comes highly recommended !

[Rating: 77/100]

Время в игре: 163 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Talawa Games
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Metacritic 74
Отзывы пользователей 90% положительных (189)

Отзывы пользователей

170 положительных и 19 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 05.03.2025 10:04


Casual Indie Adventure


Single-player Steam Achievements Partial Controller Support Family Sharing