Разработчик: BlackFoot Studios
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«В этой игре потрясающие по своей напряженности ближние бои...»
«Сложный и приближенный к реальным боевым условиям тактический шутер.»
В GROUND BRANCH вы работаете на Центр специальных операций / Специальную оперативную группу ЦРУ (SAC/SOG) и руководите элитным парамилитарным подразделением. Ваши бойцы проводят секретные и крайне сложные операции по всему миру. GROUND BRANCH — это ода тактическому реализму. Такому, каким он был в играх конца 90-х и начала нулевых, когда права на ошибку нет, а победу приносят грамотная подготовка и холодный расчет. Никаких компромиссов: GROUND BRANCH возвращает тактику в тактические шутеры. Игра сделана на движке Unreal Engine 4 от Epic Games.
GROUND BRANCH использует уникальную Систему реального вида от первого лица — одновременно иммерсивную и информативную. Что вы видите на экране — то и происходит с вашим персонажем. Заметили, что ваша нога торчит из-за укрытия? Поскорее спрячьте — пока ее не увидел враг. Впрочем, выстрелить и попасть он сможет, только если на его линиях взгляда и огня нет помех — ведь камера смотрит «из глаз» персонажей, а пули вылетают из ствола.
Интерфейс минималистичен, однако отображает всю жизненно важную информацию. Он не ограничивает обзор и не мешает погрузиться в игру.
Попрощайтесь с готовыми комплектами снаряжения! Вы сможете полностью настроить своего оперативника и все, с чем он идет в бой. От внешности и одежды до отдельных элементов разгрузки и оружия — включая расположение подсумков и оружейного обвеса. В бой можно взять любое оружие и снаряжение, а все ограничения продиктованы только реализмом. Мы работаем над системой, учитывающей нагрузку и выносливость — перегруженный боец медленнее бегает и хуже воюет. Оптика, установленная слишком далеко от глаз, делает мишень в прицеле слишком маленькой. Важна даже длина оружия — в тесном помещении, например, винтовка с длинным стволом будет скорее помехой, чем преимуществом.
Забудьте о лутбоксах, микротранзакциях и необходимости что-либо «открывать». Оперативников GROUND BRANCH снабжают всем, что нужно для задания — спасибо ЦРУ.
В игре есть кооперативный режим для восьми бойцов и режим командного поединка «8 на 8». Выбирайте любой и помните — GROUND BRANCH не прощает ошибок. Лишь осторожная и слаженная работа приведет команду к победе. Для тренировок есть многофункциональное стрельбище с подвижными мишенями и настраиваемые CQB-полигоны, где можно смоделировать любую боевую ситуацию. Вы можете общаться по рации и голосом — с трехмерным позиционированием источника звука. Никаких дополнительных программ не требуется — все нужные технологии уже есть в игре. Для тех, кто без микрофона или просто стесняется, есть чат и система голосовых приказов, отдаваемых через розу команд.
Предпочитаете играть в одиночку? Миссии с дружественным ИИ и полноценной системой команд — в наших планах.
Умение двигаться и владеть оружием — ключ к победе в тактических шутерах. Ваш боец может бегать, ходить на полусогнутых и ползать (скоро научится!) — с несколькими скоростями в каждом режиме. Он может по-разному держать оружие (например, в положении низкой/высокой боевой готовности), выглядывать из-за угла (с шагом в сторону или без), осматриваться, удерживая прицел на месте, и прицеливаться (можно включить и настроить режим свободного прицеливания с мертвыми зонами). Чувствительность мыши индивидуально настраивается для каждого из трех режимов стрельбы: не целясь, через обычный и оптический прицел. Клавиши, отвечающие за каждое действие, легко переназначаются.
В бою можно выбирать между быстрой перезарядкой (извлеченный магазин выбрасывается) и тактической (магазин сохраняется).
- ⏳ Кампании GROUND BRANCH будут представлять собой небольшие наборы миссий. Они привязаны к той или иной «горячей точке» планеты, а на «глобальном» уровне игрок сможет видеть общую картину из главного штаба. Время от времени будут появляться новые задания. Принимаемые игроком решения влияют на будущие миссии.
- ☑️ Дизайн карт проработан сообразно географическому положению, прохождение миссий нелинейно, а их итог может быть самым разным. Кроме того, вы сами решаете, с какого направления группа войдет в зону.
- ☑️ Все противники расставляются по карте при запуске миссии, а их число и местоположение в определенной степени случайно. Никаких засад с «роялями в кустах» и врагами, материализующимися из воздуха при приближении игрока или срабатывании скрипта.
Игра по сети
- ☑️ Комната подготовки. Это лобби сетевой игры в виде помещения, в котором вы можете спланировать ход операции, испытать оружие в тире, посмотреть разгрузку соратников и вместе выбрать точку входа.
- ☑️ Полная и на 100% бесплатная поддержка выделенного сервера. Размещайте сервер там, где хотите!
- ☑️ Эмблемы подразделений в виде патчей, добавляемых на рукава одежды и снаряжение.
- ⏳ Полная поддержка сетевых турниров на выбывание.
- ☑️ Разбор полетов (AAR) по итогам каждого задания/раунда.
- ☑️ Настраиваемые серверы.
А также
- ⏳ Полная поддержка модов.
- ☑️ Никаких предметов, которые надо «открывать», никаких индикаторов попадания, сообщений об убийствах и набранных очках.
- ⏳ Оружие можно установить на сошки или упереть в окружающие предметы.
- ☑️ Широкий арсенал: пистолеты и пистолеты-пулеметы, автоматы, карабины; батальные, снайперские и марксманские винтовки; пулеметы, взрывные устройства, патроны с разными типами пуль (с цельнометаллической оболочкой / экспансивные с полым наконечником / дозвуковые и т. д.), дымовые гранаты нескольких цветов и многое другое.
- ☑️ Вариативность карт: миссии можно выполнять в любое время суток, а также в разную погоду. Кроме того, некоторые элементы (такие, как двери и окна) в зависимости от раунда могут быть открыты, закрыты или заперты.
- ☑️ Бесконечные ячейки сохранений для комплектов оружия и снаряжения.
- ☑️ Предметами можно делиться, подбирать их как трофеи и выбрасывать.
- ☑️ Проработанная баллистика — пули летят по параболической траектории; также симулируется пробитие преград и останавливающая способность.
- ⏳ Никаких «аптечек» и восстановления здоровья: несмертельные ранения нужно лечить, а эффективность раненых бойцов падает.
- ⏳ Последствия ран видимы и зависят от места попадания. Возможные эффекты включают хромоту, сложности в прицеливании и работе травмированной рукой, быструю утомляемость. Несмертельно раненый игрок, даже будучи обездвиженным, может продолжить бой.
- ⏳ Относите соратников в безопасное место, чтобы оказать первую помощь. А если помочь товарищу уже нельзя — чтобы забрать патроны, груз, снаряжение или ценный груз.
- ☑️ Реалистичные женские персонажи.
- ☑️ Частичная поддержка контроллера с возможностью настройки.
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-2500K / AMD FX-8350
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 30 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64-bit
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-9700K / AMD Ryzen 5 3600
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 / AMD RX Vega-56
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 30 GB
Отзывы пользователей
In a good state right now. fun coop tactical shooter with friends.
It makes me sad to write this review but my anger is overriding my sadness. After playing GB since probably around 2019 or 2020, I'm uninstalling. Its replayability is pretty much zero. Especially now. I don't know that any part of this game is even remotely finished, besides weapon models.
The UI is not good.
If I'm looking to launch a server or solo mission. The UI itself is counter intuitive. The largest area of the UI is the map, and if you select the map first, then select the gametype, it resets the map, which you won't immediately notice. I haven’t even touched the AI portion because at this point, I’m afraid I’m going to change something and not know how to get back.
If I access the Customize Operator, whether in mission or out, the UI is also not set up properly. The discard button does not just discard the present thing you’re working on, it discards all changes you’ve made thus far and puts you back to the main screen or the lobby.
The mouse doesn’t always reflect where the cursor is on the screen either. This goes for options, or the lobby screen on the wall where you select spawn locations.
The server admin interface has working and nonworking components that depend on whether you are actually hosting a server or using a listen server, but it isn’t clear and doesn’t tell you which components are non functional with either, so more trial and error.
Every part of the UI, before playing, is exhausting to try and figure out and the thought of playing this game for another second makes me want to call it a day.
Weird stuff that I’m surprised hasn’t been fixed.
There is something happening when engaging enemies in this game where you will click, but your weapon will not fire. It happens frequently, but inconsistently. I’ve been trying to track down when this happens and it’s only when a lot of stuff is going on, you’re firing really fast, and you absolutely need to land your shots. Inevitably it won’t fire. This also occurs in the training bay when you’re shooting targets, but it won’t occur when you’re just randomly shooting. I have a feeling this is some interruption because of high CPU usage for such a situation, but regardless, it significantly impacts any enjoyment with the game.
When you swap weapons, your character model’s arms spaz out, that’s been happening for years, no fix yet.
Sometimes the guns are upside down. Also have seen this since like 2021. Still not fixed.
AI are shooting through walls or something now. It’s hard to know. The amount of times I have held the two of two corners across two people and somehow get domed despite there being literally no way to shoot at me without being seen is extremely suspicious to me.
I get it, the game isn’t finished yet, it tells you THE ENTIRE TIME, but like what is actually finished? Gun models, I guess. Steam updates start in 2018.
The character models look weird. Physically, they move like early 2000s video game characters. Everything is super rigid. There seems to have been an intentional removal of glute muscles on all the characters to make them look like their pants can’t actually stay on them.
Animations don’t seem lifelike. The best one of them all is the movement from prone to crouch and even then, the transition between them looks robotic.
Textures are only technically good. If you compare the high res demos of the models to the ones in game, you’d be shocked that they're supposedly the same. I do understand the difference between high poly and low poly and do my own modeling. The weird part is that there are many other UE4 games that look significantly better in nearly every way.
Mk46 reload animation is broken if you pull the trigger during reload. This has been reported in the past. IRL mg gunners are also annoyed with the reload animation and such. Little attention to detail on the reload animations.
AI is bad, and only more or less difficult because it can shoot you faster and more accurately. They feel more like targets that give you a set amount of time to kill them instead of something that even feels remotely alive.
Pistol reloads are so weird and have a ton of extra movement for no reason. It isn’t a nitpick, it seems like extra movement was added in weird places because of (?). I know this is newer too.
Weird lighting stuff and rendering stuff. I can’t even tell you wtf this is. It would be cool if there wasn’t a ton of strange lighting and texture issues in the maps. They’re everywhere.
Mod Support
Hey, mods are in, but trying to replicate mods across to other players is a pain. There’s steps that you need to do that are not intuitive and I’ve done all those steps and it finally works, until it doesn’t with no new mods. It just will randomly stop functioning properly.
We can go prone and now have women.
Great game ngl, but not for now. Lack a lot of content.
Want to like this game but it literally pointless. There is very little content. The entire game consists of enter map, kill people, leave. Enter map, gather intel, leave. Enter map, defuse bomb, leave. There is no reason, story or contexts to anything you do, thus it feels empty and pointless.
If you played Rainbow Six when you were younger, this game is basically the terrorist hunt mode and that is it.
This is a tech demo with very little content, mechanically its pretty sound but there is hardly a game here. There are a few very basic modes. Enter map, find intel, extract. Enter, kill everything, leave. Enter map, defuse bomb, exfil. Its busy work, its meaningless. Its like the radiant quests from a Bethesda game. Its empty junk.
Really enjoying the game so far on solo. Looking forward to seeing the AI teammates when this becomes available. A hardcore tactical shooter focusing on realism which is hard to find these days. Recommended.
This game has amazing potential. Is it is quite fun, and worth the price. If you like the old Rainbow Six terrorist hunt and lone wolf modes you will enjoy this game.
The customization is through the roof. You can add all the gizmos you want to your gun and plate carriers all the way down to what kind of pouch goes where. A bunch of different camo patterns as well for the gear and clothing. You can make a Vietnam Era Green Beret, or a Delta Operator from the 90s, SAS, etc. The customization options are excellent.
This game even has arm fatigue if you aim down the sight for too long, but you can move between low and high ready positions to relieve the fatigue. It's not annoying either it takes a while to set in and you can easily get into the habit of dropping to low ready and aiming as needed. It makes the game feel more realistic, because people don't hold guns up pointed straight out 100 percent of time during an engagement in real life.
One drawback would be the graphics aren't the prettiest, but they look more than good enough, the gameplay and other options more than make up for it. Gameplay beats graphics anyday.
The game is good
Graphics good
The gameplay good
It tactical game
But if you’re about to buy the game
And you from Asia
Forgot about it
There’s no players on Asia servers
I play like 1+ hours and all the servers are 200+ ping’s
Ground Branch is a tactical shooter that emphasizes realism and teamwork, and it does an impressive job of delivering on both fronts. The game focuses on authentic military tactics, encouraging players to work together to achieve objectives. The level of detail in weapon customization is fantastic, allowing you to tailor your loadout to suit your playstyle.
The graphics and environments are solid, providing a gritty, immersive atmosphere that complements the gameplay. Each map offers various routes and strategies, making every encounter feel fresh and rewarding.
One of the standout features is the game’s commitment to realism. This means there’s a steep learning curve, but it’s rewarding for those who enjoy a more cerebral approach to combat. Communication and planning with your team are essential, which adds depth and strategy to every mission.
While Ground Branch is still in early access, it shows a lot of promise and has a dedicated community that supports ongoing development. If you’re looking for a tactical shooter that prioritizes teamwork and realism, Ground Branch is definitely worth checking out!
if there was a mid rating on steam it would get it. There just ain't much to do the deepest the game gets is customising your character then shooting braindead ai that 1 taps you if their setting is high.
its fun with other people to mess around with but i dont got no friends to play it with so dunno.
Just go buy ready or not or smth if you want a game with actual direction and stuff to do but even then ready or not is also kinda L
Customization: God tier
Gunplay: Everything feels plastic and people and armor are made of paper
CQB training potential: All the walls are bulletproof and AI are clueless
Conclusion: I'm a army barbie, in a army barbie world
I wish my friends gave these games a shot instead of buying COD and 2K every year for $100 and then calling them trash, etc. Yeah, I got lonely playing this gem alone, but aside from the gameplay and the amazing gunplay, it really lacks content. In addition to this, the game's development is quite slow, which is a major concern in the community compared to other games in its genre. If we're talking content-wise, a proper campaign would be amazing. So far, all it needs is smarter AI and polishing all around. It's a great game, but it's slow and behind in terms of development.
I lowkey wanted to leave a bad review, and then I remembered how much fun customizing my gun and character was, along with that 10/10 gunplay.
I am also a developer using UE. I am not better than an ubisoft developer but hear me out atleast before you buy the game. Do not trust the positive reviews.
This game has been in progress since 2018 and is still in early access. Im not sure where the time is being spent to be honest. The game should be farther along unless only one person is developing it. My fear is, they didnt do anything for ubisoft studio except maybe intern. A lot of AAA developers are actually horrible at making games tho so who knows. That being said, let me explain from an indie dev POV whats going on.
I immediately recognized the unreal engine assets used for this game. There isnt any genuine talent shown here that isnt for sale in the UE store. Nothing related to a siege developer is showcased here as non of this is the dev teams actual work. Nothing here except maybe the UI, the screens, and the playing field were developed by hand. What im getting at is, theres no depth to this game.
For example, the most expensive plugin they bought is probably what their whole game is built from. SKS Framework. Its 350$ in the marketplace. It comes with test AI which is why the AI in this game is so bad (the devs dont know how to code in UE as they used their own engines), it comes with all the gun optimizations including those horrible scopes with terrible clarity, they come with the guns being too far from the body, they come with unpolished gun collision (i bought this plugin and cleaned all these problems and made the plugin unique), tons of other collision problems, they did alter some of the keybinds but theyre still atrocious, it comes with walls which they used and retextured with low quality textures.
There is so few real work and effort put into this game that i dont see how it will ever last. the devs arnt skilled enough. they will be forced to hire outsiders and they will be expensive. They are definitely making money off this game and probably already profiting so i dont see where the incentive is to buy help.
the map designer is unique though. Props to them. they did great clutter work. the UI is nice as well. the sound is decent. But everything about this game screams unskilled UE indie dev using siege name to get rich quick.
Now for gameplay design which is possibly hand made.
its pretty boring. the ai are horrible because they haven't been touched. i can tell because the plugin in UE also has the bots crowd the stairs.
multiplayer is an illusion. no one is actually playing this game and if they are, they are only playing modded servers with 5+ gigs of mods. the servers that have players have 200 ping.
the controls are ass.
its not replayable.
Super fun game if you're looking for a tactical shooter. Controller can be janky at times (unless you use a steam input) but that's a given. I love the customization system and there's tons of mod support. 10/10
1: install
2: make a badass operator
3: load in to a game
4: kill people
5: get sniped by somone you cant see
6: shut down your pc
7: hang yourself
This game is everything I have been looking for, I have bought them all and this hands down has been the most fun tactical shooter I have found, even though it needs some polishing. The gun play is excellent, in fact the best gun play I have found in any game so far, I handle some of these weapons in real life and they feel very accurate. I love the ability to actually modify your weapon with things like dual sights and offset rails, the attention to detail here is better than any other game I have played.
The time to death all of it feels just right. Even the solo missions were hard for me to beat initially and I liked that challenge. The AI isnt perfect and can act stupid sometimes but it will still kill you if you f around for more than a few seconds without killing them. I think if they finish this game and polish it with full campaign and some additional game modes this game is by far my fav so far.
I wasnt going to buy this game after trying so many and not liking many of them, glad I did this is the one I am excited to get back in an play. The mods are also really cool and work quite well. Love how thats built into the game. More maps more game modes polish some lingering details and this is the best thing out there. Port it to Unreal 5 and its OVER!
This game a great and one of the few realistic 1st person shooters that can be played on Linux trough Proton / Steam. Linux guys.. Join the fun
Great game, mods have made me compe back and rack up some more hours, not a crazy amount of content and the Ai are either completely re*****d or have walluacks with no Imbetween. I would recommend picking it up on sale but 6 years in early access like wtf, how is that possible, last thing devs added that is note worthy was lying down. Fun multiplayer with friends.
Allowing individuals to have power to kick anyone they want off of the already very limited servers is a joke, fun gameplay but guys love to power trip kicking people
this game is terrible and the devs advertise features that dont exist. no single player campaign and no friendly AI and the gameplay is cheap and grainy. it could be a good game with more work, but this isnt for me. requested a refund after 30 minutes of playing
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Game Size }---
☐ Floppy Disk
☐ Old Fashioned
☑ Workable
☐ Big
☐ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive
☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it
☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☑ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☑ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
this game is amazing. if you like getting shit on by whats suppose to be untrained terrorist and under trained generic Russian militias, when you yourself are apparently a fully trained CIA field operative. this game also unfortunately fails to understand what the difference between bullet calibres are and how it works and what bullet proof plates are. i have put two rounds of 5.56 into a guy who is literally only wearing a fucking rig, no fucking plate carrier in site and he is still standing there in a combat ready stance and puts a single round into my chest which kills me instantly even though i assume my character would be wearing at least level 4 plates in his plate carrier seeing that he is apart of the most highly funded and highly trained intelligence agency on the fucking planet.
I do really love this game but every time i boot it up i find myself getting off it in a pissed off state because the AI is so poorly designed and like i said earlier. THE DEVS DON'T FUCKING KNOW HOW BULLET CALIBRES WORK OR HOW BULLET PROOF PLATES WORK.
I'd like to end this review with a quote from one of my mates "ground branch is the best gun customiser to exist, its just a shame it has some shitty tactical PVE/ PVP shooter gamemodes tacked on to it"
Good body movement and animation, leaning angle closer to reality compared to other FPS games. Movement speed are not too fast and not too slow either. Gun manipulation is superb. AI cohesion and behavior needs improvement. New maps should be put into the game. Randomization of map obstacles would be nice too. Game lobby/server system allows you to play with random players, no match maker necessary.
The games current state already shows how amazing it is and it will be , in my opinion its really worth its price and i can gladly recommend it to others if they want a hardcore shooter where you can have tactical missions and fun with your friends at 3 am
I see the big potential it has and i cant wait to see the how much better it can get!
Note: In its early access phase it was amazing and it brought me a lot of fun. It can range from a quick 20 min session to a 2 hour long tactical mission
The modding community is also amazing!
literally the worst tactical shooter i've ever played, not only do the AI know where you are 24/7 the moment you load into a map they literally camp corners waiting for you to walk around corners so they can instantly kill you.
This game is a well $30 spent. My problem is that after a while, the game gets boring, that's why you need the mods. I've been playing this game for a while and it got boring, so I'm dependent on the mods. But you won't regret buying this game>
Fantastic tactial shooter, a better alternative to Ready or not, allthough RoN holds its water.
I absolutely love the feel of gunplay, brutaly correct sound and difference between calibers. It feels amazing.
Makes it possible to use weapons as you shoot your way through opposition, possible to carry more than one main weapon if you pick up enemys weapons.
In short, Ground branch stands head and shoulders above most war/shooter-sims.
Endless customizations in weapons and mission prep, with beautiful maps and details.
Been waiting for the promised Single-Player modes for years now. At this point, I genuinely don't think it will ever be complete.
With only 2.3h playtime one might think that is not enough time to review the game.
But I have played a lot of tactical sims, most recently Ready or Not which is great.
And I have to say this is better in almost every aspect.
Amazing sounds, its right up there with the absolute best.
Gun play is amazing, and the weapon mods are fantastic.
Maps are gorgeous and well thought out.
effects are really good.
Super fun team play.
AI is not always that great at times.
Some glitches and bugs but it is early access and I'm confident they will get sorted out.
Not that many servers, but that's not really an issue if you play with friends.
If you like Ready or Not then I'm positive that you will love this game.
easily one of my favorites. nothing is better than teaming up with your buds doing cqb goon shit. cannot recommend this game enough. if you're thinking about it, just do it.
Issues with AI and graphics still years after the devs being aware of them. Game is in a stagnant place right now.
very good game to play solo but even better with friends it can be challenging if you play on veteran mode
The game is in progress, Although it surpasses some finished games that I've come across. If you like to simulate a realistic situation with your own specified loadout.. This will be cool for you dawg.
this game is f**king great.
The realism is great.
I became Soap from MW2 this game is amazing.
It's very hardcore.
It is fun and realistic game that has a lot of gun and character customization. There are lots of maps so there is a lot to do.
System requirements listed here don't mean anything. The game runs awfully. They performance is lackluster. So think twice if you plan on running on minimum requirements because it struggles with even the recommended requirements.
best realistic shooter i have ever played though im new to PC needs some work with quote unquote missions and replay ability but has managed to keep me entertained thus far for about 40 hours that said it needs some type of campaign type gameplay added as i cannot find other people to play with and running the same thing over and over solo is very unexciting 7.5 out of 10
One of the most diverse CQC/Med-range-combat games out there. Super smooth sim movment; sorry but no, you can't "run-diagonally".
- Tarkov level, level design: Huge, detailed and authentic as possible.
- THe most diverse level selection design I've ever seen in a game. Honestly, better than a CoD game. American city center; with underground metro station. Military traning outposts in the jungle, cargo ships, oil rig, grouneded 747, allot of easter europe stuff, compound in middle-east setting, and allot more!
- operation harsh-hdoorstep moding(planned atleast, speciallised UE5 client -- could be 4, but it runs like 5.2) -- for weapons. lua scripting for game modes creation and a in-game, steam-workshop publishing system so you can push easily. there's allot more, I'm underselling it, but they've also promised allot more to come, so it's allegedly still limited.
- Super good performance; aforementioned I believe this is unreal 5.2, it's so smooth.
- DLAA support, thank god
- 7.1 surround support, and more
- Trello Roadmap so you can see each development progress for each feature!
If you're a mil-sim fan, you're gonna end up buying it at some-point in the future. guaranteed.
This is the purest form of tactical shooter. Scenario-based missions. Minimalistic hud. Punishingly realistic damage. No half-baked story mode with weirdly pro-violence political messaging. This game is lazer-focused on tight, tactical, realistic gameplay.
But what truly got me into this game was the kit customisation. Being able to customize your kit and choose EXACTLY what you want to bring into the mission opens up so many avenues for approaching combat situations. (Including the ability to bring the totally wrong ammunition into a mission. Ask me how I know...) The gun customization isn't quite to Tarkov levels, but it's damn close. Little things like putting scopes too close or two far away make a big difference in gunplay.
Something that has actually surprised me about this game is the community. Tactical shooters tend to attract a certain subsect of toxic individuals (cough Ready or Not cough), but for some reason they seem to be nearly totally missing in this game's community. Of course there's always gonna be toxic people in any community, but it's honestly shocking how little I have encountered. The one and ONLY time I heard anybody yell a racial slur he was immediately gunned down by two of his squadmates.
The cherry on top is that the modding scene - despite being new and small - already has a healthy variety of weapons, patches, maps, and kit pieces.
My only true complaint is that half of the weapons in the game are just different flavours of M4. And unfortunately this affliction has appeared to have spread to the modding scene too. Fortunately the devs have been teasing a wide variety of weapons for the next update (as of the writing of this review), so this hopefully won't be a problem for much longer.
pretty realistic. I like that there is no health bar and no in-game healing, just like real live. The weapons and optics are very realistic. Unlike some FPS games, real-world tactics work here.
No just no. I was exited to try this out as it's been on my wish list for years. The Ai is horrible, server crashes constant, and the single player experience is not what I thought it'd be.
its an amazing game really immersive and all the crazy things that u can ado with your guns and ammo is really cool. i recomend it if youre looking for an special ops game. only bad comment about it is that sometimes the enemies are hard to see at long distances but thats it
Fun CQB game to play with your friends, better with mods. Content comes slow but its good when it finally arrives.
smack my ass and call me samantha, I've just found an action-packed thriller of a game that's guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat
buy it, tell your friends to buy it, run fun gun missions all weekend. can't wait to see what the final product will look like
"Prefer single-player? Missions with friendly A.I. and a full command system are fully planned." this statement made me buy the game, years later still waiting....
Yes, Ladies and Gents this game is a horror game at times.
Just as you turn a corner and forget to check a spot.. A bot peaks out at you and one taps you in the head.
Other times the enemy just shoots you through a tarp which you cant penetrate.
Yes, the bots need some improving but other than that this game is quite nice to learn a thing or two about CQB or just tactics on the battlefield in general.
I recommend with caveats. This game reminds me of Ghost Recon games back in the day, like twenty years ago. The AI is really dumb, and they repeat the same lines over and over again to the point it is maddening. You do get aimbotted too, but the difficulty level doesn't upset me too much, I don't mind making multiple attempts to clear a map. I play lone wolf only so can't speak to multiplayer. I guess I play it with a bit of nostalgia which makes me more forgiving of the game's quirks. Also, there are is lots of weapon customization which is cool.
Not sure how to describe the graphics, I play in 5k on a 49" G9 and it looks ok but it doesn't WOW me. It feels like it doesn't utilize any of the pretty modern day graphics effects we are accustomed too. Sometimes when I zoom in on the scope it get's all pixelated and looks awful. Hard to recommend but also hard to thumbs down with all the weapons and maps available, it isn't like this is some weak asset flip, they are actually trying to make a game here. It is what it is, just know what your buying before the refund timer runs out. To be fair, the game might be amazing in multiplayer, just that I usually play Squad for that, and then come here when I need a break from humans.
Game is very good but not what you think. Emphasis is on the guns. The maps are good, and the guns are great. I would like to clarify this is not like Squad. You can't drive cars, maps aren't that big, and it's more close quarters. There are snipers but you can't really use them because the enemies always have aimbot on you and there isn't a good enough distance. This is more tactical shooter, not war.
I'm going to recommend the game in its current state, it's a very fleshed out EA game among the vast amount that overwhelm the Steam store. I have only 35 hours total, purchased the game back in 2019 and I paid $20 USD. I still highly recommend but also I expect you know what you're getting into game play wise.
Since 2019, I've seen a small dedicated dev team work on this project for over 5 years and counting. The large updates provided many new features, items, maps and AI improvements. Which have all been very welcome in the process to eventually creating a fulfilling game play loop.
With modding tools made available, all this game needs is some more game modes (co-op *look to Insurgency Sandstorm* and PVP), better AI and more maps. We're getting the guns, attachments, gear and a few others from modders who I must thank (especially Modern Lancer *legend*) for the dedication and hard work to improving the game 10 fold.
This game is an investment, and the ROI has exceeded my expectation so far.
I look forward to the future of Ground Branch.
Reminds me of good old times with Sentry Studios' infiltration.
Playing Ground Branch is fun an intense even in Lone Wolf mode. PvP with friends must add whole other dimension. I am looking forward to future updates, be that on whatever pace the small development team is comfortable with. Would not regret the purchase even if the current version was all I got but I am hoping for the best. There is still a great deal of potential.
Controls are really intuitive despite complex weapon mechanics and handling. Graphics are fine, cool reflections in muddy puddles or on subway floors. The gore in its current state is more than enough - no blood spills but shot enemies convulsing in pain.
Tactical FPS done right. This is it. Look no further, all you old Rainbow Six / Rogue Spear Veterans. Listen Kid, I know you only know Siege or maybe Vegas or that weird stuff. You might not like it. This isn't for you.But this is the closest "old school" Rainbow 6 experience you can get.
Ground Branch just delivers it all! Except the Clancyverse.
Nightvision: the most realistic there is. Fact. No other game does it. This feature alone is worth your money.
Gunplay: superb.
Gun-Modification: you can't spell freedom without 7 rails, 2 reddots, 3 ACOGs and at least one canted elcan specter on your fully tricked-out H&K MP5/10 SD can you? CAN YOU?!
Enemies with superhuman reflexes: sure, if that is your fetish - you're dead. But customizable. But the challenge and the frustration to get shot within nanoseconds is...
Lone Wolf Terrorist Hunt: GETOUTTAHERE??!! Yup, the nostalgia. But Better. In 4k. Or 8k? Who cares, I'm old. I played R6 in the 90s in LAN-Coop. On SVGA / XGA.
Coop: Yes.. frag out and wipe your team. Hilarious. 10/10.
Jokes aside, as already said. This is it. Still Early Access and I don't care if it stays there forever or not.
Unironically: Thanks, BlackFoot!
This modern homage to the definitive tactical shooter deserves every praise there is. Sure, some parts aren't done and some things are quirky and lack some story-telling or mission arc, but who cares?!
It's really great and if you enjoyed playing the old late 90s Rainbow Six you are going to love Ground Branch. Promise!
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | BlackFoot Studios |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 22.11.2024 |
Отзывы пользователей | 90% положительных (12270) |