Разработчик: Frontline: Games Series
Проложите свой путь в 35 битвах Восточного фронта - целитесь аккуратно, контратакуйте и стратегически координируйте свои отряды.
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Новые юниты становятся доступными по мере прохождения кампании в зависимости от вашей изобретательности, навыков, тактики и хронологии.
Все отряды улучшают и открывают новое поведение, как только они получают необходимый опыт, способности, которые окажутся незаменимыми в бою: камуфляж, саботаж, надзор, дымовые завесы, AT гранаты, артиллерийский обстрел, Shock Shock, транспорт, специальные танки, APCR, Подавление брони, Разбитый, Пехотный заряд, дальнобойные стрелы, окружение и фланги, отклонения, пробивание, критические попадания и баллистика, которые зависят от дальности.
ArМассив оружейного оружия: 170+ уникальных юнитов
OnНелинейная кампания
IgnПроектировано только для Windows-ПК
№35 Исторические сценарии
EУровень и Активные способности для каждого юнита
CriСписанные события
GraphicsHD графика и Единицы
MadeРучные карты
IsПроизведенные цели могут быть выполнены при воспроизведении миссий
LimitНет поворота
ControlsКонтроль зума
NtИнтуитивный интерфейс
AD Нет объявлений или микро-транзакций
OcalРасположение: En, De, Ru, It, Es, Por, Fr, Cn, Jp, арабский.
* Серия «Frontline» - это совместная работа одного человека, чтобы продолжать выпускать игры Old-School в стиле стратегии, с которой мы все выросли.
"Фронтлайн: танковый блицкриг!" основан на оригинальной «Frontline: Road to Moscow», но с использованием сильно модернизированного игрового движка. (новая графика, юниты, сценарии, балансировка, настройки и исправления)
В этой мини-игре ты сможешь привести свою армию к победе, преодолевая цели в любой стратегии, которую ты найдешь лучшей.
OperationsРекомендуемые операции: Минск, Алитус, Броды, Киев, Могилев, Смоленская дорога, Смоленск, Таллинн, Ленинград, Вязьма, Тула, Демьянск, Карманные, Харьков, Севастополь, Ростов-на-Дону, Краснодар, Сталинград, Оп. Марс, Милеров, РжевIII, Курск, Река Миус, Белгород, Кременчуг, Ленино, Киев, Корсунь, Бобруйск, Висла, Оп Барбаросса, Тайфун, Цитадель.
Если вы являетесь игроком пошаговой стратегии и тактики Hex-grid WW2 Wargames, эта игра определенно для вас!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, arabic, japanese, portuguese - portugal, russian, traditional chinese
Системные требования
- ОС: Xp
- Процессор: Pentium 4
- Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 512Mb
- Место на диске: 1500 MB
- Звуковая карта: Any on-board chip will work.
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Dual-Core Intel i5 CPU @ 2GHz+
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel 4xxx Series w/ 512MB VRAM or better
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- Звуковая карта: Any
Отзывы пользователей
Frontline is a game that may appeal to fans of beer and pretzel-style games. With its well-designed gameplay, I have found myself playing it multiple times and thoroughly enjoying the experience. Although it may appear cartoony at first, the game offers a depth of strategy that fans of Panzer Corps 2 or World War II games may appreciate. The game features unit carryover between scenarios, covering every major battle in World War II. I recommend purchasing the Frontline Complete edition, which includes all scenarios and campaigns, and is currently available at a discounted price. While it may not appeal to everyone, I have found it to be an engaging and enjoyable game.
Fun little game. Flaws and faults? Yep. Perfect? Nope. But fun overall and that is the point of games!
Clear graphics, Battle boxes, realistic units,several options, excellent strategy play,,,can be improved to make it closer to the original Panzer General II
This is a good tactical war game that's worth checking out. It's something along the lines of Panzer Corps in that you have a group of units, an objective, and currency to buy more units mid-mission if need be. I actually prefer this game over Panzer Corps tbh.
I think the biggest thing for me is that Panzer Corps feels to me more like a puzzle game than a war game in the sense that I felt like each map had a particular "solution" that I was meant to find, whereas Frontline: Panzer Blitzkrieg feels more open ended and that I have choice as to how I solve each situation.
There's a good amount of units to choose from, many have special abilities which are fun to play with. The AI can be surprisingly good, and so winning a map does feel quite satisfying.
I've also had a really good experience with the developers here on the Steam forums when I was having problems. I reported a strange bug and they were fairly prompt in fixing it, despite this game being a few years old.
All in all I have no problems recommending this game.
Buggy and a bit anachronistic, but worth a play through. Don't expect a lot of historical accuracy in terms of when various equipment was available, but the sheer number of scenarios available is much more than you usually get for similar games. Probably the best of the Frontline: series so far.
Seems to be a glitch with this game. When i transport the 88mm it just drives offscreen then everything freezez... very annoying!
This is new review going from not recommended to recommended. Improved graphics. Update also seems to have taken care of any glitches. Good and intuitive game play with multiple difficulty levels. Good overall value.
just got the 4 game bundle was looking for a break from high stress turn base games the bigger devs make .
wow was this a surprise a lot is packed into the game some is not , so will not be for everyone .
but looking for a good shot out game with minimal supply planning this can be it .
One thing I like is no max turns just objectives But you have to keep going since you will run out of supply but collecting objectives or Parachute drops gets you more . I played on normal and a few battles had to restart .
their are few things would like to see in the game like a next unit button or some transportation with artillery guns but none are game losers just need plan little more
I like a undo button since you can move up to a unit and get slaughtered so use it as a "scouting" guide
Yes buy it on sale at gates of Moscow now
cannot wait play the Russians in other game bought in bundle .
enjoy with a beer and sandwich
An amazing WW2 turn-based board game, highly recommended to the fans of Panzer General, Panzer Corps.
after 50 hrs the game freezes afer a scenario and I get a white screen...any fixes?
Really fun Panzer General type game, with lots of tactics and special powers.
Enjoying this game very much. Success depends upon choosing your reinforcements wisely: the right force mix for the task. At easy setting, the AI does not take the offensive unless stated in the mission. It does feel like an automated version of the board game PanzerBlitz, which I loved. Doesn't strain your brain, does challenge you to choose appropriate missions for the task at hand. Good fun. If you want complexity, it's not your game. Doesn't have a rule manual, but the tutorial and/or awareness while playing provides all you need to know.
great game, lovely graphics, kinda addictive
The simplicity adds to the enjoyment and play of this cool little war game . I purchased all three titles
and having a blast with all of them. Hope they come out with a North Africa /Mediterranean and Pacific Theater of Operations in the near future.
Before playing this game I have tried 'The Great Patriotic War' and 'Western Front'. And this game has all of the problems of its predecessors. Some of the bugs where fixed but it seems that they were just replaced with the new ones. The UI is sometines broken, units dissapear from the map, but you still can hit them etc. Although this game has some interesting ideas is gets boring pretty fast. The AI is very dumb and will stand still unless you cross a certain line, then it will charge at you. Basically every mission is a game of you plowing through enemy units that remain almost stationary. To compensate bad AI the amount of enemy troops is sometimes ridiculous, it makes no sense playing as the attacker and grinding down a force that is bigger than yours ten times. There are at least 5 games of this series now on steam and all of them share same problems. I think that it is better to release one good game that will keep people playing it than keep releasing basically the same not finished and unpolished game under different names.
Hex-based strategic combat simulator. Covers the German invasion of the Soviet Union during Operation Barbarosa. Easy to learn, hard to master. Decent enough to purchase.
Very Good Game. If you like Panzer Korps, Panzer General 2 or Order of Battle this is definitely the game for you. Same IGOUGO play style with easy to understand game play and really nice graphics. Simply fun and strategy. I am really enjoying it.
Excellent detailed graphics with plenty of interesting game play mechanics like where you can attack more then once if an attack is successful. Units have a chance to avoid enemy fire and with tank units weapons fire can be deflected. If hit by a powerful enough attack units will retreat back a few hexes. Each unit feels unique and true to its characteristics with artillery having very long range attack capabilities and infantry excelling in close combat while tanks and air units cover the battlefield with lethal speed. There is even at least one map with just air to air combat and ground bombing which i don't think i have seen in a war game for a very long time if ever. Very enjoyable indeed.
There are also supply drops one can use more then once to resupply troops. Units can also be healed and repaired by medical trucks on the field.Terrain effects troop movement speed and mine fields are a threat when traveling about. One can purchase reinforcements as well as call in air strikes by earning resource points from capturing main goals and optional objectives.
Sound effects are spot on capturing a war time ambiance. Music is great giving off a historical period piece feel.
FRONTLINE: PANZER BLITZKRIEG! a very exciting and beautiful looking war game with plenty of cool game mechanics and excellent audio work. Strategy, thinking things out and proper use of resources are well rewarded with much satisfaction.
FRONTLINE: PANZER BLITZKRIEG! Buy it! Play it! Feel the warmth of the machine gun in the brutal harshness of war time.
"Frontline: The Great Patriotic War" (WW2 Eastern Front from the Russian perspective) is a fun little unit-based, strategy/tactics game, but "Frontline: Panzer Blitzkrieg!" (from the German perspective) takes it to a whole new level. The UI is easy and intuitive. The mechanics are straightforward and easily understood and implemented. The audio and sounds are good (other than when you move infantry by truck you hear marching feet instead of wheeled movement). Between scenarios/battles you can only purchase units from a select pool, so no RPG building your own units like Panzer Corps, but to be honest it makes for a faster playing game, as you don't get so invested in each unit (so you don't have heartburn when one gets killed, so you are less likely to scum save), as they are only under your command for that battle.
I played a dozen scenarios/battles on Normal (the highest difficulty level) and was streamrolling by buying several units, only to find out that I needed my prestige to rebuild damaged units and my advance came to a screeching halt. I started over, paid more attention and just finished 1942 and am headed into 1943. There are a ton of battles. I must say, once you figure out the formula for success, go slow only buy one or at most two units (typical an artillery or 88AA/AT gun and maybe a good tank) and use the dig in and ambush perks to protect your advance, etc., I get decisive victories every time now. So, I would say it needs, besides Very Easy, Easy, Normal, and Hard and Very Hard difficulty level.
There have been no crashes, and only one bug, which didn't allow me to get a decisive victory (as a pillbox was marked as German when it was supposed to be Russian, though I finally killed it by just placing units right next to it and letting it attack them until it also took enough damage to die) and there were a couple Russian Infantry units in the woods behind it, that I guess were suppose to be ambushers, but they wouldn't come out and I couldn't move next to them or shoot them (though one eventually did come out and attack and I killed it). But that is really minor compared to the 23 hours I have in the game so far.
At the $9.99 price it is worth it and at the $13.99 price to also get the Great Patriotic War as well, they are bargains. For such a small dev team, really, two thumbs up. Outstanding! They have been putting out updates at a fast pace, answering questions in threads, etc. If you like Panzer Corps, Order of Battle, etc., these aren't as complicated, the battles don't take as long and you can relax and just enjoy the historically accurate content and battle progression (you get choices between 2-3 scenarios), etc. It doesn't have the depth of the others, but it is fun none-the-less. I hope they keep improving on it!
Nice little tactical game playable in a single setting from a very small design studio. Good concepts that allow quite the range of play styles. AI is surprisingly aggressive, don't be fooled by the scripted response in the tutorial or first scenario,; the AI will bite. Very large campaign tree with some non-linear branching. Self described by the designer as a work in progress and Frontline is very responsive to input; they deliver a very worthwhile gaming value. I enjoy it and like supporting small design studios as the next gem may leap forth.
Simple little simulation. NOT going to test an Avalon Hill fan. Wait for it to be on sale, as it has no scenario designer so you only get what it comes with. Limited replayability. A few minor glitches where the game wont let you attack or even move into a grid that you should be able to. So sometimes, you cant eliminate an enemy unit.
Игры похожие на Frontline: Panzer Blitzkrieg!
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Frontline: Games Series |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 20.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 89% положительных (45) |