Разработчик: Game-Labs
Полная кампания: кампания Гражданской войны в США насчитывает более 50 сражений — от мелких стычек до масштабных битв, которые разворачиваются по несколько дней на сотнях квадратных километров. Ход кампании полностью зависит от действий игрока и результатов сражений. Исторические сражения можно проходить и по отдельности.
В кампанию включены следующие сражения:
- Сражение при Аквайя-Крик
- Сражение при Филиппи
- Первое сражение при Булл-Ран
- Сражение при Шайло
- Сражение при Гейнс-Милл
- Сражение при Малверн-Хилл
- Второе сражение при Булл-Ран
- Сражение при Энтитеме
- Сражение при Фредериксберге
- Сражение при Стоун-Ривер
- Сражение при Чанселорсвилле
- Сражение при Геттисберге
- Сражение при Чикамоге
- Сражение при Колд-Харбор
- Сражение при Ричмонде
- Сражение при Вашингтоне
- + 48 сражений меньшего масштаба
Управление армией: вы — генерал. Вы полностью контролируете состав армии. В зависимости от успехов и репутации вы можете получить доступ к большему количеству корпусов, дивизий и бригад. Берегите солдат от гибели, и они научатся сражаться лучше, превратятся из зеленых новобранцев в матерых ветеранов. Будете терять много солдат — у вас может не оказаться достаточного подкрепления для побед. Пострадает ваша репутация, у войск упадет боевой дух, и вам придется уйти в отставку.
Инновационная система командования: вы сами выбираете нужный вам уровень управления. Можно командовать каждым бойцом отдельно или указать бойцам общую цель одним нажатием кнопки и следить за ее выполнением. Командиры дивизий могут принимать решения самостоятельно и помогать вам управлять самой крупной армией. Определите оборонительный рубеж — и выделенные бригады будут храбро его защищать. Или инициируйте дальний обходной маневр, нарисовав стрелку, и отправьте всю армию на фланг или в тыл врага. Ваши генералы будут стремиться выполнять приказы, хотя «ни один план не выдерживает столкновения с врагом».
Развитие офицеров: исторические командиры отрядов развивают свои бойцовские качества вместе с игроком. Звания офицеров повышаются в зависимости от эффективности действий их бойцов. Но это война, и офицеры могут получить ранение или погибнуть. Более высокие звания дают новые возможности и позволяют офицерам командовать более крупными отрядами без потери эффективности. Победы в битвах открывают вам как генералу новые возможности: у вас растут такие навыки, как рекогносцировка и политическое влияние.
Исторически достоверное оружие: огромное разнообразие вооружения времен Гражданской войны — от нарезных мушкетов «Энфилд» серийного производства до редких винтовок Уитворта. Также учтена историческая доступность оружия. Некоторые виды оружия можно только отнять у врага на поле боя или захватить во время рейдов на склады припасов.
Тонкое управление бойцами: вы можете отправить стрелков на разведку расположенных впереди высот. Или, если необходимо, объединить несколько бригад в одну дивизию. Кавалерия может спешиваться, чтобы стать менее заметной для врага, и седлать коней для быстрых атак по флангам и рейдов на склады припасов. Огромное значение имеет снабжение. Вам нужно планировать и защищать припасы, иначе ваше сражение может закончиться раньше времени.
Развитый искусственный интеллект: вы столкнетесь с сильным противником. ИИ будет обходить по флангам, атаковать слабые места и незащищенные высоты, отрезать пути снабжения и уничтожать артиллерийские батареи, оставленные без охраны. ИИ будет использовать особенности местности и укрытия и отступать при столкновении с превосходящими силами.
Важен и рельеф местности: окопы, рубежи, заборы, дома, поля — все особенности поля боя могут помочь вам победить, если уметь их использовать. С холмов вы сможете раньше замечать бойцов противника. Реки и мосты могут стать естественными препятствиями и помочь в обороне. Леса помогут вам скрыть свои перемещения и обойти врага по флангу.
Красивые карты: мы считаем, что благодаря современным технологиям серьезные военные игры могут не ограничиваться коричневыми фигурами на зеленых клетках. Серьезные и глубокие военные игры могут быть красивыми. В нашей игре ландшафт каждого исторического сражения точно нарисован вручную с использованием данных спутниковых и исторических карт. Топография оказывает огромное влияние на стратегию, позволяет понять, как велись сражения, и помогает изучать историю.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, russian, simplified chinese, japanese, korean
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 - 32 bit
- Процессор: Intel i3
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 512Mb VRAM, Minimum 1366x768 resolution, Intel HD 4000 and higher, GeForce 8800 and higher, AMD Radeon X1600
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- ОС: Windows 10 - 64 bits
- Процессор: Intel i5
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 1GB VRAM, 1920x1080 resolution, Nvidia 960 or Radeon R9 285
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- ОС: 10.7
- Процессор: 2.0 Ghz Dual Core CPU or faster
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce or AMD gpu equivalent with Intel 4000 or higher
- Место на диске: 2 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Man, I want to get into this game but I just can't.
My major gripes are the following:
Your infantry absolutely refuse to go into melee with enemy artillery. Constantly I have gotten my men within pissing distance of artillery and have ordered them to charge, only for them to continue to exchange musket fire against canister shot. I am literally shouting at my monitor, "They can't shoot you if you are stabbing them in the face! Go in!"
The Flank mechanic doesn't make sense and is very heavily favored by the AI. I love the concept but it seems to be poorly programmed and not working for the player. No matter what I do, even if I do the same as the AI, I do not get the same results the AI does when using it. Also, horsemen going back and forth into enemy infantry should not be "rear flanked" when clearly moving in and out to regain momentum.
Routing is inconsistent and it does not matter if your general is near or far. I could be wolomping the enemy and killing way more of them then they are to me, but still loose the exchange due to my men breaking. I have Veteran troops, with the general nearby, and killing a less experienced unit, suffering more casualties, and not having the support of a general only to have my men route...on the easiest difficulty of the game (Mind you, the difficulty does not appear to effect the ai and only what the campaign gives you in terms of reward/punishment).
It is for these reasons I can not recommend this game, especially for $30.00.
This game is the greatest American Civil War game ever created. Even to this day, no other game within its genre or setting can come close. It's scale is massive, yet is still manageable enough to allow for a good balance of tactical and strategic gameplay. Managing your army feels so personal compared to all other strategy games, and I would argue that it is one of the games biggest strengths. It's YOUR army, with the names you assign, the equipment you arm your men with, and the stories they write through every battle your units take part in. Legendary difficulty scales like crazy though, and melee is too weak to be useful past early game, but these are minor gripes I have that don't take away from the enjoyment this game gives me.
This is a challenging game with a well designed campaign. The GUI is quite intuitive. The campaign is non-linear giving the player some input on how to approach the war. Players get to choose leaders for their formations, weapons and the strengths of their corps commanders. Of the RTS games I have this is my favorite.
Gameplay Mechanics: 10/10
Narrative: 8/10
Graphics: 7/10
Sound and Music: 8/10
Replayability: 9/10
Innovation: 9/10
Ultimate General: Civil War stands out as a tactical masterpiece, offering an immersive and realistic portrayal of one of the most pivotal conflicts in American history. The gameplay mechanics are unparalleled, with a focus on strategic depth and battlefield realism. A standout feature is the continuity of the campaign: every decision and result of a battle directly impacts future resources, troop availability, and all subsequent engagements. This interconnected design creates a level of strategic immersion that few games achieve. Gameplay earns a perfect 10/10 for its exceptional execution.
The narrative remains grounded in history but allows for player-driven outcomes that add personal investment. Commanding either the Union or Confederate forces, you can experience the ebb and flow of war while shaping the campaign’s outcome based on your decisions. This compelling blend of history and agency earns the narrative an 8/10.
Graphically, the game prioritizes clarity over visual spectacle. While the unit designs and battlefields are detailed enough to serve the gameplay, they don’t push graphical boundaries. Graphics score a 7/10 for their functional presentation.
The sound and music enhance the immersion with period-appropriate tunes and authentic battle effects. From the crack of musket fire to the drumbeats of advancing troops, the sound design feels true to the era, scoring an 8/10.
Replayability is robust, with branching campaign paths, varying difficulty levels, and the satisfaction of perfecting your strategy. Replayability earns a strong 9/10.
Innovation is notable, particularly in the game’s dynamic campaign structure and the nuanced systems of morale, fatigue, and unit management. These features elevate Ultimate General: Civil War beyond traditional strategy games, earning a 9/10.
In summary, Ultimate General: Civil War is a triumph of tactical strategy, with its campaign continuity and deep gameplay mechanics making it an essential experience for both strategy fans and history buffs.
Great graphics and various difficulties - always fun killing Yanks!
This is lovingly crafted civil war game. The maps, graphics and sounds effects are thoughtful and immersive. The tactical gameplay rules will be familiar to table top gamers but provide challenges both in real time or pause and order approaches. The strategic and resource management features support subtantial replayability. The bitter sweet joy of watching your troops execute a brilliant attack in one area of the map while your officers blunder into a massacre where you are not looking gives a tiny hint of how hard it was for generals of the day. Contends with total war for my favourite war game.
Love the game!!! Made me an American Civil War enthusiast. The Legend mode is very frustrating to play as it doesn't give you enough perks when you are victorious and the AI just steam roll over my very experienced but undersized and under equipped force. In the Normal mode I just go straight to the main battle as skipping the minor ones actually make the enemy stronger and the AI make for a challenging opponent.
I wish there are some more battle sites to fight or maybe hypothetical ones too. All in all, the game is worth the buy.
Also, the sending of pickets and ability to combine depleted units are a nice surprise for me. The pickets are really good to stall a charge while backing up or loading up to fire, nice.
Didn't realise I spent more than 4000 hrs in this thing. I even outdone myself in my Rome TW! Darn this game is good.
It's the best Civil War game there's ever been. Could it do some other stuff? Sure. But you won't find better on the market, seven years on. Endless replay value - so many battles that over the years you'll forget how they play, and they'll be somewhat new again. Buy it. Do it.
ok game
this is a nice touch to the ultimate general community
Fun and addictive. Plenty of replay value. A well grounded military strategy game without too much fancy options that comes with steep learning curve. Player can quickly dive in and learn intuitively.
The player is the General of the Army with 7 character options to choose from during creation: POLITICS, ECONOMY, MEDICINE, TRAINING, ORGANIZATION, LOGISTICS and RECON. These can further improve with experience gained and they provide special benefits at the end of each battle.
The game has plenty of historic military figures and weapons to give players something to care about and engross in. The upgrade path of units isn't complicated but could be a bit more for extra fun. The weapon details are nice to have. Each battle last for about 30 minutes to an hour or more. The big battles are fun and highly addictive. The leader of each unit can get injured from time to time if engaged aggressively offensively or defensively.
Graphics and sound are good. Loading time is fast and game play is swift. The interface design style is appealing, clear, concise and will surely last for years.
A few improvements could be made. Story isn't too deep, with a bit more depth about the historical background of each battle would satisfy Civil War history enthusiasts. The captured messages could be more elaborate, without repeating the same ones across some battles.
I paid 30 bucks for this and at time of writing got 80 hours out of it. All of my complaints are minor in the vanilla game. I'd 100% recommend watching/reading at least a few of the many videos and posts about the games before starting a campaign in regards to what works and what doesn't. This is a game that flirts with greatness constantly but never quite manages to fly to those heights. With mods it may be perfect, I'm not sure. But as is, its a damn fine wargame.
I was making a massive army because it was more efficient than getting a smaller but higher quality one. The game responded by making the enemy armies larger to match mine while retaining their quality. Ruined my campaign and turned me off from the game.
Solid Game
This is one of my favorite games ever. Sandbox strategy war game. So Good
Holy cow, Antietam as Confederate is EXTREMELY difficult but I finally managed to pull it off. This game is all about the 'easy to learn but difficult to master' philosophy and does that very well. The more you play, the more you get a feel for which strategies to employ in a given situation and how to pull them off at the macro and micro level, sometimes with a huge sense of accomplishment at the end.
A game in which you can annihilate white supremacists. What's not to love.
Good, not great in a field that needs new games. I like the options in terms of battles and campaigns.
The game ist realy nice and it make very much fun to play ist. The only minus Point for me is, that there is no Multiplayer.
Pretty hard but entertaining!
Probably the best example of linear combat I've seen in a game. The logistics system to keep your army supplied down to the Corps and Brigade level really makes the game stand out.
no. It's a private club for experts. There is no chance for new players at this stage of the game's life.
If you are not a veteran, try something else
An absolutely STUNNING strategic game!!! Looks & feels like you're really in the action! An absolute MUST have for any history buffs who enjoy war games!!!!
Great game.
Amazing from start to finish!
many differant ways to buid and command your Armies. repeatable gameplay. have fun
If you enjoy tactics and strategy, this game will suit you fine. As a civil war reenactor i love this game.
Bad game too hard even on easy difficulty.
This is an enjoyable game. Simple graphics, but still well done.
Don't waste your money, have both of their games and both suck. It's just a poorly constructed game and I'm not talking about bugs or glitches.
fantastic battles but they have absolutely zero effect on the enemy military. they will always outnumber you by quite a lot, even if you're playing as the union.
i understand that playing an AI that doesn't cheat is too easy, but winning a hard fought battle that ends with you routing the enemy and killing thousands only to come out limping while the AI is back to full strength just makes me not want to play.
it's not impossibly hard, but it's not a difficulty that feels rewarding to me.
pls make the war of 1812 and it would be amazing
This game is so ******* stupid. You can't call it an RTS when giving your units commands are meaningless, they will follow along and get routed, run directly into another enemy, get routed again and end up in pre-determined locations. I've played several levels from both sides and sure enough, the game will have pre-determined paths for your units to follow, making any sense of actual strategy impossible. Don't waste your money on this trash.
Fun deep strategy rts.
The one failing I see in this game is that it will not generate random battles. Otherwise, I like it just fine.
This game is great for people who enjoyed Praetorians.
Great Game. Very complicated.
really awesome tactical game. Highly recommend it!
Hands down the definitive RTS for Civil War combat; streamlined and simple enough to be accessible, yet nuanced enough to have near infinite replayability. The way the campaigns imbue you with a sense of agency is like nothing else I have played before; every action counts, and being conservative with your men will pay off in the long run. To Washington, boys.
I am an American Civil War history nut. I was hoping this would be a good game for me to play. As a Total War fan, I was unsure at first whether or not I liked the combat. For those who have played the Union campaign, the Battle of the Crossroads is an infamous pain. That battle taught me how tactical things can be in this game. Tips to have:
1. Cover is important, love forests and defensive shield emplacements.
2. Hills are king, if you think you can take a high elevation- you can't, don't bother sending anything just to get massacred. Instead go around to get the same elevation and then press forward.
So I thought those were pretty cool features, and the command skill points are very scarce and valuable. Then I got to the 2-day Battle of Shiloh, which the developers scripted into 3 different battlefields that combine into 1 huge map. I was very much impressed by the level of detail and extensiveness of the overall historical aspect. I was not expecting them to actually involve the 2 gunboats that the Union used to give support to Pittsburg Landing from Day 1. I have to say, definitely a fan. Looking forward to Gaines' Mill next.
I love this game; it runs well on my modest computer with almost no lag, the strategy is deep and thoughtful, and the units fight and behave like real men. I haven't really delved deep into campaign mode; but the historical battles alone provide hours upon hours of entertainment while also sticking close to historical accuracy. The developers really knew what they were doing with this game.
I would recommend buying this game over any of the other Ultimate games, I have Age of Sail but it lags much more than this one and its graphics aren't quite as fun in my opinion.
You should get this!
This is an amazing civil war strategy game!
I have a lot of hours in this game, although, as with all my games, a substantial portion is AFK time, since I tend to leave games running. It is what I consider a soft simulator: it models the pace and tactics well enough to give the right feel, without being tediously accurate. One metric I use to measure battles simulators is, if you use the same tactics as in real life, do you get the historic results, and I almost always do in this. A more dynamic campaign would be nice, but experience tells me good strategic and tactical simulations usually don't go hand in hand.
That said, I would have even more hours in the game if the "Army Camp" portion, where you form and organize your army, were not so painfully tedious. Seriously, I form one corps and I have to give my hands a break, and you have to do this before every custom battle and campaign battle. Many times, I think I would like to try another campaign, but just don't have the energy for the Army Camp screen. Did anyone seriously playtest that portion?
i love how simple yet fun it is litteraly takes nothing to run
This is an excellent if you wish to pick either side in the War Between the States, also known as the American Civil War.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Game-Labs |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 01.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 89% положительных (5086) |