Разработчик: Flashback Games
The Ultimate Edition of a real Classic
The ultimate edition of Panzer Corps, containing hundreds of scenarios and all its expansions. Panzer Corps Gold is the culmination of a real classic series, an award-winning turn-based strategy game that the press has called “…nothing short of brilliant” and “the spiritual successor to the Panzer General series”, with high rankings and praise around the world.
Set in World War II, Panzer Corps Gold puts players in the general’s tent in charge of massive armies, across an endless list of scenarios and campaigns, carrying their core forces through the war. Experience all fronts of World War II - from the snows of Russia to the sands of North Africa, from the grass fields of Normandy to the hills of the Balkans. Command thousands of units from several nations!
Panzer Corps Gold offers unlimited replayability - other than the hundreds of scenarios, you'll have access to a staggering number of mods and custom scenarios built by the amazing community, and you'll be able to test your mettle against human opponents with our PBEM++ system.
Panzer Corps Gold is the definitive edition of Panzer Corps, the game that has enthralled millions of fans all around the globe, and now it’s your chance to fully experience a real classic.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, russian, french
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows 8/10
- Processor: Pentium 4 or equivalent
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: 64Mb Video Card
- Storage: 500 MB available space
- Additional Notes: If you use a newer OS than Windows XP, you will need at least 2 GB of RAM
- OS *: Windows 8/10
- Processor: Pentium 4 or equivalent
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: 128Mb or more
- Storage: 500 MB available space
Отзывы пользователей
challenging scenarios and easy to follow rules
Very nice, close to the panzer general which was a fantastic game. Just waiting for them to release a remake of peoples General that was one of the best games made SSI.
good panzer general remake,10/10
Excellent game, fun to play & easy controls.
1778 hours so far, yeah, way too much
Of all the games I have played over the years I keep coming back to this one.
my favorite game is fun and simple to play and will capture your interests like no other.
great game, easy to learn
I agree with other posts that call this the successor to Panzer General II, an early turn-based strategy game. Panzer Corps is highly playable because of its intuitive interface and gameplay. Although it lacks the glitz and action of modern games, it makes up for that by forcing you to puzzle out your next move. The actions taken on one battlefield will impact what you can or can not do in future engagements. It's these features that have kept me a fan all these years.
If you liked Panzer General, you'll feel right at home playing this one. Some of the new mechanics are really fun (like railroads or 88 Flak being both AT and AA, but only able to fulfill one role per turn), but there are no changes that deviate too far from the original.
A fun, nice, enjoyable homage.
It's nowhere near as good as the original from back in the day but it's a very playable strategy game.
Yes I'd recommend this. It's a good corps simulation game. You have to deal with logistics, operational art and meeting the goals set by higher HQ.
You have a good mix of speciality units and have the ability to fine tune your unit selections for your corps.
This game was like rediscovering a lost love from thirty years ago, it's the perfect tribute to the SSI original.
Well optimized, casual, challenging, simple yet in depth, quality piece of art.
Timeless game. I still enjoy playing it and loved its predecessor "Panzer General" as well. Been playing the series since the mid 90's. "Allied General", "Fantasy General", "Star General" and "The Peoples General" - loved 'em all. I was really glad to see the series make a come back with the "Panzer Corps" series about 10ish years ago. The heroes, scripted events and Campaign DLC's were a nice addition. My hours played won't show here but I've got thousands of hours playing all of these (non-Steam versions).
Gameplay Mechanics: 9/10
Narrative: 6/10
Graphics: 5/10
Sound and Music: 8/10
Replayability: 10/10
Innovation: 8/10
Panzer Corps is a fantastic homage to classic hex-based strategy games, delivering a deeply satisfying experience for fans of tactical warfare. Its gameplay mechanics are exceptional, striking a perfect balance between accessibility and depth. Players command diverse units across historically inspired campaigns, where terrain, weather, and supply lines play pivotal roles. The game rewards strategic thinking and careful planning, earning gameplay a well-deserved 9/10.
The narrative is serviceable but underwhelming. While the campaigns are steeped in World War II history, the storytelling is minimal, relying heavily on mission briefings and historical context without offering character-driven arcs or dynamic plotlines. For its functional but limited storytelling, narrative scores a 6/10.
Visually, the game’s graphics are functional but dated. The hex-based maps and unit models prioritize clarity over aesthetics, and while they capture the essence of classic strategy games, they lack the detail and polish expected of modern titles. Graphics score a modest 5/10, reflecting their utilitarian approach.
The sound and music enhance the experience, with atmospheric battle anthems and effects that bring the battlefield to life. While not groundbreaking, they add to the immersion, earning a solid 8/10.
Replayability is where Panzer Corps truly shines. With a wide range of campaigns, custom scenarios, and multiplayer options, it offers near-limitless replay value. Replayability scores a perfect 10/10.
Innovation lies in refining the genre rather than revolutionizing it. The inclusion of core units that gain experience and persist between missions adds a layer of strategic investment, earning innovation an 8/10.
In summary, Panzer Corps excels as a tactical strategy game, offering addictive gameplay and incredible replayability. Despite its dated visuals and limited narrative, it’s a must-play for fans of World War II strategy games.
Realistic and challenging with a variety of playing options.
A great "Beer & Pretzels" style wargame.
Panzer Corps is a blend of Panzer General 1(visuals, submarines, strategic bombers) and 2(heroes, surround bonus and move first fire later mechanics).
A lot of campaigns and scenarios.
It is possible to play on Steam Deck, but only in Desktop Mode. If black screen is displayed after the into, press the power button a couple of times to enter and exit the sleep mode. You'll need a mouse.
Great tactic and strategy game. Hours of fun.
I am more of a turn base gamer which this game is. The only thing I don't like is the air force and it returns back to its original base which does not allow your planes to cover all the battle maps. Once you take new airport you should be able to move to that location to operate your air force.
As a long time player of Panzer General I + II, I find this to be a great modern successor.
Written-by Mr. Kim Dotcom, circa August 18, 2024:
"This may be the most important post you’ll ever read because it provides a simple explanation about why our world is being destroyed, by design.
I’m not antisem itic nor a N azi. I’m simply a former hacker with great analytical skills who understands what’s happening in the world.
At the end of this post I will quote from a world domination plan. You will recognize the truth immediately because that’s what’s currently happening in the world. Today’s reality suggests that this plan is real.
When you do your own research you will learn that the origin of this plan was discredited and that the alleged creators have nothing to do with it. But who was the person providing the key evidence?
It was allen dulles. The man who raised money from US industrialists to fund Ad olf Hi tler, his Na zi party and his war. The man who later became the director of the CIA during Kennedy and the head of The Warren Commission that investigated the Kennedy Incident. Why would anybody believe a man with such a questionable character?
The protocols of the elders of zion have unquestionably borrowed ideas from several authors but you can say that about most important writings throughout history. It was called a fabrication and is one of the first uses of the term ‘conspiracy theory’.
Why do zionists have a massive over-representation in the media, politics, banking, and world-affairs? How did such a small community get to dominate all the centers of power and information?
Why can isreal ignore UN resolutions, international-law, and commit a genocide in Ga za, to standing ovations in the US Congress? Why is isreal acting like it is above the law seemingly without any fear of consequences.
Read some of the alleged zi onist world domination plan below and compare it with reality. Is all of this just a coincidence?
“Our power will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it.”
“We shall absolutely control the media, so that not a single announcement will ever reach the public without our control. In this way we shall have a sure triumph over our opponents, for without the media, they are helpless.”
“We will distract the brainless heads with vain conceptions, fantastic theories, rotten amusement, games, and filthy passions, so that they will be unable to use what intellect they have. They will never suspect that they have been stage managed by us.”
“We shall establish huge monopolies, so that all will go to ruin when the political smash-up comes. We must, at all cost, deprive them of their lands, we must lower wages, and raise the prices of all necessities of life.”
“We shall create an economic crisis, which will stop dealings in all exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We shall throw onto the streets whole mobs of workers, simultaneously, all over the world, who will rush to loot property and delight to shed blood.”
“In our government, besides ourselves, there must only be the mass of enslaved people, a few billionaires devoted entirely to us, police, and soldiers. To do this we must create chaos and hostilities, and we must use all deceit, treachery and falseness, possible. Our greatest weapon is the media.”
“We shall establish one king over all of earth who will annihilate all causes of discord, such as borders, nationalities, religion, state debts, etc., and get peace and quiet which cannot be secured in any other way. To attain our ends we must foment trouble in all countries, utterly exhaust all of humanity with hatred, struggle, envies, torture, starvation, and diseases, so that the people will be forced to take refuge in our complete sovereignty.”
“Our master card has been, is, and shall be, the destruction of all privileges, on the ruins of which we shall set up our absolute autocracy.”
Please be mindful that most pro-isreal comments on social media are generated by the largest bot network in the world, not by real people.
Specifically, this is what has been done, using video-games to brain-wash, indoctrinate, demoralize, and fractionalize, young(er) people who would otherwise be focused-on family and community, is IN-YOUR-FACE, now, and is openly-known to be happening with the games we buy from Steam, and others.
Search for this article using the following search-terms: Zero Hedge "Leftist Consulting Firms Exposed Behind Wokification Video Games":
""How the tables have turned in the past decade. If you were involved at the inception of the culture war around a decade ago then you probably remember an abrupt and distinct change in popular media from 2015 to 2016. There was a surge of far-left and feminist propaganda in movies, television, commercials and even video games that was highly aggressive, perhaps even militant. Some people spoke out at the time and questioned the motives behind the trend, only to be smacked down by angry mobs of activists and corporate journalists with accusations of “conspiracy theory” and “bigotry.”
In other words, their claim was that you were not seeing what you thought you were seeing. There was no feminist agenda. There was no gay or trans agenda. There was no socialist messaging. It was only in your head.
If there is one rule that encompasses all political endeavors, it is this: If you have to hide your intentions and lie about your goals when trying to spread your ideology, then something is probably very wrong with your ideology. This is exactly the problem inherent in the attempt to spread woke doctrine – Activists and provocateurs never ask anyone if they want to hear about woke ideas; they seek to force everyone to see and hear woke ideas, to the point that people cannot escape the messaging.
Even more insulting is the fact that even though most of these activists claim to be fans of the media they target, they are usually discovered to be frauds. Woke ideologues have little sincere interest in nostalgia, movie making, video games, comic books, etc. They only care about these properties because they see them as a vehicle to be co-opted, infected and dominated. Leftists know well that if they control pop culture they can control the thinking of the next generation."...
This is a review for the Soviet campaigns. The problems are a) the game itself and b) the Soviet campaign specifically, which doesn't "feel" like the Eastern front.
The game isn't bad, just old. Everything it does, Order of Battle's Soviet Campaigns do better. The main issue, predictably enough, is the scenarios are spam fests. Now, this can be mitigated in the options, but only mitigated. The main issue is that you are limited in "unit slots". One slot = 1 unit. The problem is that you are intentionally starved of slot. E.g. you'd need 22 slots, 25 to be really comfortable, and you get 18. Often you don't have the individual units to even block all approaches to the objectives you have to defend. The AI(Germans) have tons and tons not only of units but can also purchase many, many more units.
And the scenarios can be incredibly unfair. They are often only doable with foreknowledge ... or hindsight. Just to give two examples:
Scenario Jan 7, 42: you are to rescue paratroops. You start with 15 or so units. The Germans have 25+ in hard, defensive positions. Your troops are in a frontline and you don't have the numbers or combat power to reduce the defenses in time. Hence you need to move 2/3 of your troops into a death ball. You only learn that by failing.
Next scenario: you have to go to place A in the north. Half way through the scenario, a massive counterattack starts from the south. You have to withdraw east...crossing a river, with German armor showing up on the other side, taking your exit location before you are even close.
Both scenarios are perfectly doable...if you know exactly what's coming.
The second point is heavily impacted by the first. You don't feel like a Soviet commander overrunning the Germans with numbers, because you don't have the numbers. A Soviet campaign should have your units be individually worse than the Germans. But that is balance and design scenarios for. It certainly wasn't done here.
If you want a similar but much better Soviet campaign, play the Order of Battle campaigns. You could also try out Gary Grigsby's War in the East. I know it looks daunting, but it really isn't. After 3-5 turns you've got it figured out.
Loving this game. Scratching my turn based WWII gaming itch.
Very, very good.
Go on if you are patient. Every move must be following a good strategical plan that YOU must conceive yourself.
Progress is slow and demands precision, something that action games players find VERY boring. So, away with reflexes and readiness for analysis, time to figure out the outcome of every SUCCESSION of moves and their possible effects and consequences. Knowledge of each unit's qualities, weaknesses and terrain influence on movement cost and range is fundamental: STUDY THE LIBRARY! WW2 was NOT simple!
Finally, if you never played this game, remember to study everything in the Library, before starting, and test it in the Tutorial.
If you follow the hints above (meaning: you're thorough) then this game will be a lot of great time passed with it for you.
Too bland. Like playing checkers when you want chess when compared to other games in the genre.
I'd say it's nice game, with tons of details and love put in by devs.I hate only the one thing - the "run of fuel" mechanics. In large battles it's too easy (for me at least) to forget to return one plane to the airfield. And that's it, you loose you veteran fighter with three heroes and tons of medals. The guys just waited in the air until their panes fell down with no fuel. This is absolutely stupid. This ruins every single walkthrough for me literally.
I know that they removed this garbage from the Panzer Core 2. So maybe I will give it a shot.
But despite this crucial flaw, it's still a very solid game that deserves your attention.
Simple hex board turn based combat that is easy to pickup and fun to play!
no bad
if u like some historic battles. enjoying turn-based strategy ? then this could be something for you
Successor to the old Panzer General series. Unit count is too high for my comfort zone, I find it difficult to keep track of what everyone is doing. Otherwise a very good game. Don't fall into the trap of concentrating on tanks, artillery is the queen of battles.
Requires combined arms and logistics but not overly complex.
This is a blast. This was originally called Panzer General, and I played it on my Pentium 95, 75 MB Toshiba laptop while stranded for work for weeks at a time. I loved this game, and it's great to see it alive here.
For newer gamers, this is what it was like, post-Atari days. Before modern stuff.
I happen to like a straightforward game with fewer graphical flourishes. This game might be why.
This is literally the most arcade war sim ever. You can literally just invade ukraine and they'll throw waves of their population against your regular forces until the entire country is empty and you can just be like, "okay so now we take Kiev." but my biggest gripe with this game is there is literally and i mean LITERALLY no way to
This is the panzer game. THE panzer game. You understand what that means? Move the panzer. Hold panzer. Cherish panzer. Forfeit all mortal possessions to panzer.
Get it on sale as it is basically panzer general and if you have played that you know what your getting. Love how you can do the year campaign (more battles) and take core units to next campaign year.
Nice gameplay
If you played the old Panzer General 1 or 2 in the past and want to relive those days, this game is exactly what you need.
It's very close to the old game, but everything is better; UI, controls, graphics and sound.
And the grand campaign... wow, so many levels, so much to do!
Absolutely love it!
The only little gripe I have is that dice rolls for certain matchups can be very frustrating, but luckily there is an option to just get the predicted results without the (not so) random factor. I'll sometimes use that when frustration gets too high or the game gets too hard.
I'm so glad I (re-)discovered this!
500+ hours in and getting ready to start a new campaign!
old fashioned fun
i like it
grew up playing panzer general 1 and 2 with my dad. this is obviously the successor to that lineage. welcome home old school dos turn based ww2 armchair generals :)
I enjoyed revisiting the many hours of fun I got playing Panzer General in the form of this remake. Updates to how the units behave were a wonderful idea that made several of the ones I used to ignore actually useful in this remake. However, the game has exactly the same problem as the original. Decisive victories severely limit the number of boards you can play, and after just 7 decisive boards, the player is teleported from Moscow 1941 -> to the USA 1945.
I always thought the original game's Washington board was hateful, but at least the map scale made sense. It was a really neat slog through dense urban terrain. It is an absolute mystery to me why they did not remake this board. Instead, they replaced it with a massive, empty map that is just silly. Very much like the Norway board, there is a rush to land before being picked off by the OP navy and to get away from the coasts to avoid being bombarded. But for this board, Washington was virtually undefended. What a let down! Thanks for killing my nostalgia. There were more enemies at sea then in the 640,000 square miles of the Eastern Seaboard they assigned one army group to conquer. Why didn't they have auxiliaries that already landed north and south and have you land your army center? The Moscow board does. That would have been so much more fun.
Who am I supposed to recommend this game to? People like me who played the original 30 years ago? After that? No. There was a real opportunity here to fix the original game's problem of the decisive fast track, but they didn't do it. Plus, they inexplicably turned the American landing into a sunken ships simulator and forgot to prepare a proper land battle for a game with "Panzer" in the name. Is this rush job just an effort to get people to buy the DLC content to expand the base game? I can't bring myself to plunk down money for DLC at this point.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Flashback Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 80 |
Отзывы пользователей | 91% положительных (1208) |