Разработчик: BINGOBELL
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Об игре
1.Найдите свой уникальный стиль боя.
*Основное направление - одрые комбинации ударов. Выполняйте крутые приемы с помощью простых комбинаций клавиш.*Развивайте различные ветви навыков, создавая свой собственный стиль боя.
*Опыт разнообразного сочетания экипировки и уникальной системы рун, приносящей еще больше увлекательных впечатлений.
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2.Система превращения, способная сокрушить врагов.
Как избранный, вы можете использовать потерянную божественную силу Саги, принимая облик творца для борьбы и нанесения поражений монстрам.
3.Исследуйте проходные и головоломные уровни в мире руин.
Сага оставил в пустоте мир руин. Каждое руинное сооружение имеет уникальный дизайн, и каждое прохождение или решение головоломки представляет собой новый опыт, в котором ваша сообразительность, мужество и мудрость помогут вам получить награду, оставленную Сагой.
4.Исследуйте обширный мир древних фантастических земель.
*Вместе с Хрюшей исследуйте разнообразные элементные континенты, начиная от бескрайних снежных полей Воющих снежных полей и заканчивая гнилыми и разрушенными Туманными болотами, раскрывая истории и правду, скрытые за приключениями.*Взаимодействуйте с местными жителями континента, Понпонами, выполняя различные удивительные задания.
*Освойте уникальные способности Хрюши, помогайте друг другу и отправляйтесь вместе в веселое и забавное путешествие.
*Исследуйте дикие места, руины и пещеры, чтобы обнаружить потерянные сокровища.

5.Фон сюжета.
KAKU: Ancient Seal это открытый мир действий и приключений в антураже древнего фэнтези. Игра происходит в древние времена, когда мир был создан силой элементов под руководством Саги. Однажды наступила катастрофа из иного мира, что привело к рассеянию духовных сущностей элементов, и мир был разделен на четыре континента, а Сага исчезла без вести.Через тысячелетия, молодой Каку, живущий в заснеженных горах, вместе с летающим поросенком, под руководством потерянного предания, взял на себя задачу поиска источников элементов, чтобы раскрыть тайну катастрофы и своего происхождения, отправившись в древнее фэнтезийное приключение.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, simplified chinese, french, german, spanish - spain, russian, japanese, traditional chinese, korean, italian, turkish, portuguese - brazil
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Win10 64-бит
- Процессор: Intel i5-8400 или AMD Ryzen5 1500X или лучше
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX1050Ti 4GB или AMD RX580 4GB или лучше
- DirectX: версии 12
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Win10 64-бит
- Процессор: Intel i7-9700 или AMD Ryzen5 2600X или лучше
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia RTX2060 8GB или AMD 5700 8GB или лучше
- DirectX: версии 12
- Место на диске: 20 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Story 3/10 very generic and poorly written dialogue
Gameplay 7.5/10 filled with puzzles, platforming, battlesystem was fun and engaging
Music 1/10 weakest part of the game which is a game changer
Not recommending simply because although it's not a terrible game, it's also just not that interesting. You wouldn't be missing anything if you gave it a miss.
You're mainly collecting materials for upgrades (ores, stones, plants etc...) that are spread around the world and in chests. There's 4 worlds to explore but other than the visual change of the environments, they're basically copy and paste in the materials you find, the interactable objects, the villages and quests. So it felt like doing the exact same world 4 times.
Since the main things you find in the worlds are materials for upgrades, exploring feels more just for resource gathering than it is to find something cool, which kind of takes the excitement out of exploring. The environments are quite beautiful and look fun to explore, with lots of little caves and hidden areas strewn everywhere. But you start to realise you're only going to find the same materials in them as everywhere else. There's no cool unique item or cool unique gameplay to stumble across.
You do occasionally find gear, but in my opinion are largely cosmetic. They do offer a passive ability and varying rune slots, but I found none of the passive abilities beneficial enough to want to swap gear. The runes are helpful at least but aren't that exciting (+10% health kind of stuff).
You have a flying pig companion that gives you extra abilities for navigating the world (longer jump, ability to walk on water etc...) as well as a teleport to a sort of hub world. This is where you use the materials you collect to upgrade things like attack/defence, unlock new movesets etc... This hub world also contains BOTW-style puzzle dungeons which I will say at least provided a break from the monotony of the main world.
On whatever the standard difficulty is, even after fully upgrading my attack, using attack boosters during combat etc..., I still found most of the enemies a little too spongey. Combat was ok, but became a slog because of this. There were also issues with button detection, like if you're in combat and you're dodging or attacking and you press L2 to get your slingshot out, sometimes it'd work and sometimes not. You'd have to stop pressing everything for a second for it to then recognise the button press.
Not a polished game and although you can definitely get some enjoyment out of it, most of what you're doing feels monotonous and uninteresting.
Up to this point, the game has been thoroughly enjoyable, featuring an intuitive design and impressive graphics. I'm particularly excited to delve deeper into the game's lore as it continues to develop.
Game is pretty fun but the game performance is terrible. Getting about high 50's low 60's FPS on a I9 4070 laptop...
The game presents a rare and captivating world setting that harkens back to the Stone Age, perfectly attuned to my preferences. Crafted with the finesse of the Unreal Engine, the ancient landscapes are depicted with meticulous detail. The interwoven systems of combat, character progression, and puzzles offer a deeply satisfying experience.
This is a surprisingly big game. It's also a surprisingly hard game (mainly from a platforming-perspective rather than the combat, but any fight where you can get knocked off the side of the arena is nigh-on impossible due to the outrageous knock-back range. Obviously lowering the difficulty doesn't change this). It's the kind of game I might have 100%'d, but finding all pieces of the blank stele is going to be way too tedious and the later challenges you do to boost your health or stamina (the ones needing 3 rune stones to unlock) are way too hard for me.
There is a lot of fun to be had here, so overall it is a recommend, but brace yourself...
The game presents a rare and captivating world setting that harkens back to the Stone Age, perfectly attuned to my preferences. Crafted with the finesse of the Unreal Engine, the ancient landscapes are depicted with meticulous detail. The interwoven systems of combat, character progression, and puzzles offer a deeply satisfying experience.
A black bug thing crawled into my room when i was fighting with fire boss. Because i didn't want to miss anything in the fight, the black bug thing got behind my bed and i don't know where it is... the only flaw in this game
This game is visually beautiful but has some issues that are holding it back. The "easy" setting is still very difficult. This should be categorized as a precision platformer. The quick select menus are frustrating to use in a battle. I found the guides lacking and often found myself not knowing what to do. There are too many special moves, some of which you have to press 5 or 6 buttons.
All in all this game has potential but it can't get out of its own way. I didnt finish it because it was more frustrating than it was fun. Simplify it!
- Very nice art style
- Puzzles are usually easy to understand, but not always so easy to pull off
- Love the mini trials
I'm so disapointed to have to leave a negative review for what seem to be such a great game. But i have one issue: When you die, there's a game over screen that ask you to press any key to continue and no matter what key you press, you just stay stucked. Someone told it's because the game doesn't know wish save is the most recent save so it doesn't load anything and stay stuck. Please fix this, once it's fixed, i'll change my review.
Fun to play; hard to read.
If i could give this game a Medium review i would. The reason i leaned toward not recommend is because i have no drive to play more or finish it and ill tell you why.
Kaku: Ancient Seal isn't a bad game, i found no bugs the game play is responsive, the graphics are good and there's nothing wrong with the sound or music. I simply found the game to be very boring. I find the main character very plain with virtually no personality and the quests just seem like filler instead of a task that's actually important to the story or anything for that matter (wait, what was the story again? i already forgot). The combat is your average hack and slash combos but it fails to "feel" like your hitting something with a pack to the punch so to speak. The world is massive which is cool but feels like a MMO world that's just randomly flooded with monsters that id rather run past than actually fight. Also the skill trees i found were quite underwhelming.
This is my personal opinion of the game, some people may love it and i can see how some might find it a great RPG. I couldn't get into it so i guess its just not for me. Play the demo and see how you feel about :)
This game looks like it should be really fun, but honestly the combat is just crap. Way too awful to recommend. Here's the problem: All your damage is at the end of attack combos. So like you'll do 6-8 hits or something for 100 damage, and then a smash for 1400. If you can't get the smash, the fight is gonna take FOREVER. And the bosses are all designed to keep you off balance, keep you rolling, keep you mobile, and make sure it's almost impossible to get a combo off. Every time they touch you, you get knocked back. There's no careful outmaneuvering of a boss to line up a big hit, and your regular attacks don't do enough damage to make whittling them down worth it. There are some big ultimate combos you can do from time to time, but the bosses can dodge those too. The field stuff is fine, but the bosses are just a chore. Difficult for all the wrong reason.
This game is not perfect. It has a few minor bugs, but also some major ones. I experienced one of the latter. A whole area stoped working, the devs could not help me.
Nevertheless I enjoyed playing the game a lot, so I want to recommend it.
2/4 - Average game, with potential
Not sure I will finish the game...
Game is fun, there is a lot of mechanics, the grinding is ok at first and the gameplay is fun. The ending of each dialogue could last a couple more seconds with a transitional effect (i.e. Zoom Out or Fade In/Out and etc), that would make the game more polished. Some tips and some texts weren't translated to English. Instead of creating a background for the text and transforming each dialogue in a small cutscene the game could just "pause" like it does sometimes (dialogue, enemies stop moving and the player turns invulnerable) and add the subtitles with a little bit of Drop Shadow (ps: this is just personal preference, since I don't like the one being used).
Cool game overall that can be a nice palate cleanser to everything else that's out there. Combat is not quite balanced as well as it should be, boss battles can be arduous with annoying move patterns that need to be memorized. The steps to properly defeat certain bosses are not always evident and can require guess-and-check methods. There are a ton of dungeons requiring puzzle solving and maze racing to help Kaku level up, this can be fun for awhile but sometimes feel like a repetitive chore. Negatives aside, the controls feel good, music has a nice fit, and the story/animations are done well. All things considered, the game really succeeds at making you feel like you're on an adventure and is a great add to the collection. Go for it.
Didn't care too much for about the first hour. I thought it was a cheap version of Zelda BOTW or Immortals Fenyx Rising but it grew on me. As I was playing it I was surprised at how much content is here. You definitely get your moneys worth. Some boss fights kinda annoyed me but overall I ended up loving it and I'm glad I played it.
Its aight kinda a more jank walmart version of immortals fenyx rising if you love that game then id recommend it but if not probably not I had a fun enough time with it I might come back to it if im bored enough in a couple months
A Open World, Platformer, Action Adventure, Role Playing Game. Its fun you don't have to get hardcore to be into it and the the content in the game is large so its not quick to beat. The graphics are decent and the game play is really good, story's decent but not all there but seriously not a big deal compared to all the puzzles, bosses, side quests and upgrades to keep you busy regardless. I'd give it an 8.5 out of 10
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | BINGOBELL |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 85% положительных (113) |