Разработчик: Wales Interactive
Об игре
После серьезной биологической атаки на Лондон двое ученых оказываются запертыми в лаборатории с ограниченным количеством времени и воздуха. Ваши действия и отношения с другими персонажами, благодаря игровому процессу в стиле «выбери свое приключение», приведут вас к одной из восьми захватывающих концовок.Доктор Эми Тенант, лечившая жертв химической атаки в тоталитарном государстве Киндар, является лидирующим ученым в области нанотехнологий. В Лондоне последние новости рассказывают о гражданском лице, чья личность далеко не случайна, с симптомами в виде кровавой рвоты. Вместе со своим старым другом Эми оказывается запертой в секретном управлении лабораториями — настоящем чреве научного прогресса и опасных тайн.
Сценарий Complex написан Линн Рене Макси, одним из авторов отмеченного «Эмми» сериала «Рассказ служанки». Звезды интерактивного фильма: Мишель Майлетт («Леттеркенни», «Дурная кровь»), Кейт Дики («Игра престолов», «Ведьма») и Аль Уивер («Гранчестер»).
При участии стримера Twitch и бывшей представительницы Xbox UK Лии Виатан.
Отслеживание отношений
На протяжении всей игры вы будете взаимодействовать с персонажами и — в зависимости от вашего выбора — либо укреплять, либо ослаблять ваши отношения. Очки за налаживание отношений рассчитываются от начала и до самого конца, влияют на определенные сценарии и имеют огромное значение в заключительных сценах.
Отслеживание личности В игре отслеживается каждое ваше решение, взаимодействие с другими персонажами и развитие вашей личности. После прохождения каждого эпизода вы получаете очки личности и статистику для оценки собственной игры. В игре предусмотрено пять основных аспектов личности: открытость, честность, общительность, доброжелательность и невротизм. Какой из этих аспектов будет развивать ваш персонаж?
• Кадры с натуральным движением, кинематографический интерактивный научно-фантастический триллер, снятый в Великобритании.
• Режиссер: Пол Рашид, сценарист: Линн Рене Макси (сериал «Рассказ служанки»).
• Разветвленный сценарий с 8 разными концовками.
• Отслеживание статуса отношений, влияющих на развитие сюжета, в режиме реального времени.
• Отслеживание личностных качеств, развивающихся в зависимости от вашего выбора, в реальном времени.
• Актеры: Мишель Майлетт («Леттеркенни», «Дурная кровь»), Кейт Дики («Игра престолов», «Ведьма») и Аль Уивер («Гранчестер»).
• При участии стримера и представителя бренда Лии Виатан.
• Открываемые функции, которые включают «Пропуск эпизода», «Оценку личности» и «Скрытое событие».
• Возможность выбора паузы для более активного участия аудитории во время прямых трансляций.
Игра от Wales Interactive, издательской студии — создателя Late Shift, The Bunker и The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker. интерактивный фильм, научно-фантастический триллер, приключения
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, russian, simplified chinese, turkish, italian, arabic, japanese, korean, portuguese - brazil
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 32-bit
- Процессор: 2.0 GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DirectX 11.0 compatible video card
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- ОС: Windows 10 64-bit
- Процессор: 2.0 GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DirectX 11.0 compatible video card
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- ОС: macOS 10.13+ 64-bit
- Процессор: 2.0 GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Integrated Graphics
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- Дополнительно: SSD recommended
Отзывы пользователей
i couldnt really connect to it. protagonist is cute as heck tho
This is how I played The Complex: I completed one full blind run (which only took about 1.5 hours), then I used a guide to complete all subsequent endings and see all the scenes I missed in my first playthrough. There are eight possible endings.
I did this largely because I was fine with that initial play being more of a movie experience with an ending I was somewhat satisfied with so at that point I was just curious about seeing the other scenes/endings without investing a ton more time.
The acting is OK- Clare/Kim Adis is my fav by far, hilarious and believable performance! with some other notable talent such as Michelle Mylett (Letterkenny), Kate Dickie (Game of Thrones), and Al Weaver (?). The sets are OK, the props are a little....strange sometimes, but my biggest issue is that some of the branching scenarios and narrative responses are so wildly implausible or weak that it broke the immersion for me to the point I couldn't even treat it as a popcorn flick.
There are no really unique or novel ideas presented in this fairly generic outbreak plot either. It also seems to have a little bit of an identity crisis in regards to what time period it's set in: is it future or present or.... near future? I was never too sure. And back to the acting for a second- I agree with the other reviewers who point out that the scientists who are pioneering this incredible bio nano tech and spearheading international diplomatic negotiations seem to be a bit young. It could have just been the actors' delivery but it diminished some of the credibility for me.
You can pause the timer on decisions in the options menu. You can skip past scenes you've already watched. Some of the endings are WAY more believable than others and, again, some were just outright over-the-top.
Recommended on discount. Interesting premise but didn't quite stick the landing for me.
2.75 out of 5 nanocells for me
A real good one, some lines are pretty cheesy but its a movie so that tracks. Picked the wrong choice when it mattered because I panicked but I still cried a lot. Nice work
My grade would be average. Buy it on sale for $3.74.
Pro: Could pause choices so that no time pressure for a decision. Could skip scenes that I had already watched.
Side note: my favorite games by Wales Interactive are Late Shift, Five Dates, and Ten Dates.
There is no future in games, this is games for the future.
An entertaining distraction. Took me about 4 hours to get all achievements and see all scenes.
it was fine. the plot was fine, the acting was fine, the CGI was fine. but it is in dire need of QoL features like chapter select, fast-forward/skip, and a (working) option to disable timers for decisions
So Michelle Mylet is the main role. Is there anything else I have to say ?
If so, greate story, ok cgi, okish plot, good characters.
Overalls 75 out of 100 if you like fmvs . It is missing features l, but the moust features are there.
I think personally a chapter selection would be great . Also a rewind function would've be great .
A very fun game. Love the story...
Wales Interactive knocks it out of the park again. Paul Raschid directed this game phenomenally and it features Michelle Mylett who is known for her role in Letterkenney and Al Weaver; Who has quickly become one of my favorite actors and was also featured in Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus.
If you enjoy mystery suspense movies and choose your own adventure games, then you won't be disappointed by this game. The characters are likeable, the writing is intelligent and there is some comedy sprinkled in that will give you a chuckle which adds some zest to the narrative.
This FMV is almost Black Mirror-esq but that is a good thing in my opinion. I highly recommend if you enjoy FMV's or have any other Wales Interactive games because it's worth adding to your collection.
This game has so much WASTED potential.
You dont see any points were the game save, you have to play atleast 15 min to get back to the point were you left.
You trolled your customers so hard, will never ever buy a game from you.
The game has a good story, it's well acted, and the video is high quality. If you like FMV choose-your-own adventure games, you'll likely like this game. If you don't like FMV choose-your-own adventure games, you'll likely find this boring. The game is not as engaging as Temüjin or Black Dahlia, but it has a pretty extensive decision tree, providing at least 9 different endings and more than 100 different scenes. It's similar to Netflix's Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, so if you liked that, you'll probably like this.
Decent. Short. I recommend especially if on sale.
I couldn't WAIT to re-play this. Really intriguing and good acting.
I love every FMV game good or bad. It was cool seeing the chick from Letterkenny.
we made a decision, ended up shooting someone in the chest. 10/10.
Fun in a group, Feels like choices matter, Seeing the deaths screen added to that weight, knowing certain characters could die and seeing what personality trait my character had.
I like Letterkenny.
An interesting FMV game with twists and turns.
Good story 7/10
Pretty good game, i will likely even play it a couple more times. its relatively short, about 2.5 hours, interesting, & engaging. Kinda like a choose your own adventure show/movie.
Intriguing story, impactful decisions, decent replayability.
É um ótimo filme interativo pra passar o tempo.
It's a good game but definitely mis-tagged as having content more mature than it has. Far tamer than an HBO show, but maybe they tagged it otherwise to generate interest.
7/10 pretty good, I liked everything.
full disclosure I play for pleasure not completion so 1 playthrough is all I got xD
Entertaining game movie!
6/10, play it if you really like the FMV genre and the virus scenario
the game was alright up till the end, the ending was really good at least the one i got. hopefully the devs come out with more content for this game .
The complex is a fun little experience, High quality takes with no so high quality visual effects, I will never forget that broken vent. I enjoyed my time with it.
Ever watched a movie and thought to yourself that you'd love to see a character making a different choice? Now you can.
This was REALLY good, the movie has a good pace and a lot of choices at the end are separate pathways for different endings.
it was okay.
Fantastic game [movie, whatever]. Like a 90 minute movie. I was lucky to get a "good" ending the first time through, but apparently on the second time you can skip through scenes you've already seen. It's dramatic, cinematic (it's literally a movie), great acting, suspense, plot-twist, romance, friendship, betrayal - it's got the whole range of human emotions. And what's more, it gives you the option to make human choices, even if they seem dumb, cruel, or risky. In the end the gamble is up to you, but the stakes could never be higher. It has some humor, but mostly it's like a mystery, with some suspense and thriller elements. 9.5/10
One of the better FMV games i've played. The story was interesting and the characters were engaging. Quick game that doesn't take too much time to skip through and unlock all of the different endings.
Interesting story
Good actors
Likeable characters
Nice humor
Good music
Great atmosphere
Satisfying production
Absolutely incredible game. Incredibly written, directed, acted, themed, etc. 100% recommend!
Decent sci-fi story in this FMV with likable characters. Fairly short at around 1.5 hours for your first playthrough. Thankfully you can skip previously viewed choices if you want to see all endings.
My total playtime for 100% was 3.1 hours.
The only other FMVs I have played are the Tex Murphy series 25 years ago. The Complex cannot compare to the ‘more complex’ Tex Murphy series which mixes live action and adventure gameplay, but if you fancy a quick and thrilling interactive movie experience it’s worth picking The Complex when discounted.
Great well produced story line and acting. We watched this and made choices as a team my mate and I. More content should be like this!
Boring... finished one ending, one decent one (Ending 2). You can finish game in a 1 hour and a half tops.
Suspected how it was going to go from there. So decided to see other endings with you tube. I was right.
Boring as hell. The only positive point... I got it almost for free... 2 dollars.
If you still want to try... with ending 1 and 2 is good enough... replay not worthy.
Shut it off early because I wasn't enjoying this interactive film, I was bored with it. The choices were less often than something like Late Shift as well.
Contradiction: Spot the Liar, The Shapeshifting Detective and The Madness of Dr. Dekker were great, but not sure if there are many other modern FMV games worth looking into. Her Story was okay too.
It has various interesting endings, though the entire game could be more complex and longer.
I'd call it a good experience for what you pay.
Story was ok, enjoyed playing it while I was in camp on my steam deck. would recommend if its on sale
Plays like a movie where you get to make the decisions that affect the outcome. Good visual story telling. I hope a movie platform like Netflix Games will look to use this format when creating for TV movies.
If you ignore the plotholes, this is a decent game for what it is.
We need more like this. Stuff that promotes courage in our real society.
After a little thinking I clicked on 'Yes', I DO recommend this game. Nevertheless it is far from perfect. First of all it is VERY short, and the story is quite dumb, events/character actions are illogical. The minor breaks when scenes change are annoying (at least at first, after some time You get used to it).
Late Shift was way better (writing, fluidity, etc) in most aspects.
But having the option to skip scenes already seen are really useful here, I love that!
TL;DR if you like FMV games and can buy it with a discount, go for it, but don't expect it to be the best ever
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Wales Interactive |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 62 |
Отзывы пользователей | 77% положительных (849) |