Разработчик: MAGES. Inc.
Игра STEINS;GATE — удостоенный награды научно-фантастический интерактивный визуальный роман о путешествии во времени, разработанный компаниями 5pb. и Nitroplus.
Многие считают игру одним из лучших визуальных романов всех времен.
В STEINS;GATE рассказывается о группе молодых студентов-технарей. Студенты находят способ менять прошлое по почте с помощью модифицированной микроволновки и начинают опыты с целью узнать, насколько далеко сможет зайти их открытие, но в итоге все начинает выходить из-под контроля, и студенты впутываются в заговор вокруг SERN — организации, стоящей за Большим адронным коллайдером — и Джона Титора, утверждающего, что он явился из антиутопичного будущего.
Взаимодействие с игрой происходит через телефон: игроку звонят и присылают сообщения, а он решает, отвечать ли, меняя таким образом ход сюжета.
Особенности игры:
Нелинейный визуальный роман с несколькими концовками, зависящими от принятых вами решений.
HD 1080P — играйте с графикой и иллюстрациями в высоком разрешении.
Игра через телефон: отвечайте или не отвечайте на звонки телефона Ринтаро, а также отправляйте и получайте с телефона электронную почту. Игра зависит от принимаемых вами повседневных решений!
Чтение на 30-50 часов
★★★★★5/5 — EUROGAMER
34/40 — Famitsu
Поддерживаемые языки: english, japanese, simplified chinese, traditional chinese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows7/8.1/10
- Процессор: Core i3 of Sandy Bridge generation or better
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics Series (It needs 1GB memory allocation)
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 13 GB
- Звуковая карта: Sound Devices compartible Direct Sound
- Дополнительно: 1280x720 or better required (Recommended 1920x1080)
- ОС *: Windows7/8.1/10 (64bit ver)
- Процессор: Core i5 of Ivy Bridge generation or better
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Geforce (VRAM 1GB or better)
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 13 GB
- Звуковая карта: Sound Devices compartible Direct Sound
- Дополнительно: 1280x720 or better required (Recommended 1920x1080)
Отзывы пользователей
Great game definitely worth playing if you like time travel stories.
Using the Committee of Zero (CoZ) patch is highly recommended as it gives continuity to translations between titles (for example, references to "delusion" are a nod to the story elements of Chaos;Head Noah)
Timeless art style that still looks great in 2025, helped in no small part by community contributions to support the game on windows and linux.
A time travel story done smart, with a good balance of pop culture and scientifically grounded concepts that really sells the idea of what early time travel attempts might look like.
One of the greatest VN stories in its own right with a second half that is relentless in its reveals in every chapter.
If you are going for achievements, consider the PSN Profiles guide as there are collectibles not linked to CG 100% that require save reloading to obtain specific email attachments https://psnprofiles.com/guide/2966-steinsgate-trophy-guide
Sci-Fi visual-novel,fantastic story.
Both ppl in game got personal different character. Voice actor both amazing.
Greatest piece of fiction I have ever seen
Mayuri is the best character
watch steins;gate the anime i promise its absolute peak cinema, it is the GOAT.
Look up a guide and go for the True Ending. Don't even bother with the others.
I watched anime first, but it was like 5 years ago so i was not remembering much from the story, so i decided to pick the two copies: Steins Gate and Steins Gate 0 on a sale. I would really recomend playing the game if you never tried it because who doesn't like time traveling? And its really well written. With well matched music and graphics. Worth to spend time on.
having to follow a steam guide to get the fucking true ending is seriously annoying and detracts from the game, but that doesn't change the fact that it's an amazing story
Steins;Gate is a game about time travel and the implications that come with such a concept. You get to see the despair of the protagonist as he tries to use the "time machine" to save the one he loves but failing every time because the universe is playing a sick joke on his behalf. Fortunately his friends are there to cheer him up and support him when he's down. It's hard to make a game about time travel and don't mess up but Steins;gate handles that very well. If you're a fan of VN's or time travel this is a must buy.
It's me. Reporting the situation.
Steins Gate is open, but with the power of its choice.
Serendipity, may you think.
But no, i made a grave mistake.
The human's ability to recognize patterns is truly fascinating.
Sometimes it scares me.
What i speak now is the absolute truth.
No matter how trivial something may seem, it has the potential to shape the future.
Have you heard of Butterfly Effect?
If not, look it up.
Then you'll understand how careful you must be.
Unfortunately, i didn't understand.
If only i had realized how dangerous my actions were, then i wouldn't have lost it.
The future wouldn't have turned like this.
But how could i have known?
How could i have known that by pressing that button again and again, i would rinse the true path?
How could human's brain even possibly spot a mere 0.000033% difference?
I want to tell me back then:
Don't do anything careless!
Don't do anything rash!
Pay more attention!
Question everything!
Will the choice of Steins Gate guide you?
Or will you bend the will of the universe by your own intelligence?
El. Psy. Kongroo.
A masterpiece visual novel that is a must play by anyone. All the alternate routes are interesting to explore and the story stays excellent throughout. The characters are all interesting and although it's a slow start, once the story picks up the pace I wasn't able to put down the game until completion. Absolutely recommend.
I finally got to play this and overall quite enjoyed it!
I must admit that I don't fully understand the huge hype about it, because I found some parts to be pretty underwhelming, sometimes even boring (especially the first few chapters that felt slow) but I still got obsessed with the story once it got action-rich/epic and complex. I really like the clever plot with interesting and creative twists! Also the art is very pretty and I love the music and atmosphere.
I guess a thing that somewhat irritates me are the characters, I feel like ALL of them were purposely made to be incredibly insufferable lol. I do like some of them, yet despite that there's still always some personality trait that infuriates me about them and I genuinely couldn't truly care about anyone except Suzuha lmao. It didn't change my opinion on the game as a whole but I believe the story might've impacted me more if I enjoyed the writing of the characters.
Otherwise I'm very satisfied with this experience and especially love the concept and time-travel elements!
Absolute masterpiece. The characters, the plot and the world-building are pretty well done. Lots of emotionally charged endings and lots of branching based on your actions. Me playing this game truly is the choice of the steins gate. This might be downright the best VN ever made, at least the best sci-fi VN. This is the interstellar of the VN medium. El Psy Congroo.
Steins;Gate is absolutely amazing, and for just RM10.20 on discount, it’s an incredible deal. Honestly, I’d still buy it at full price without hesitation.
The story is great, the characters are unforgettable, and the plot will stick with you long after you finish. It’s the perfect blend of SCI-FI and heartfelt storytelling.
If you’re considering it, stop thinking just buy please. This is one experience you don’t want to miss.
Introduced to this story thru the anime, and remembered loving it. Would recommend, if you're a fan of the story. More of an interactive manga than a game in the traditional sense. So far it seems like you mostly read rather than play this, but on the plus side, the story is more fully fleshed out than in the anime.
After finishing the series a friend of mine recommended this game. I really loved the anime. I'm not a big fan of visual novels but still I decided to give it a shot. And I realized that buying this game was totally worth it. It also has more details that are not on the anime adaptation . I have played just 12 hours so far but still I'm looking forward to complete the game with all achievements.
i already watch the anime and i know how good it is.
but something not in the anime is the other Endings and more Detail that make this Visual Novel Worth Buying for Steins;Gate Fan!
one word will describe my Satisfaction: Perfect!
The game is outstanding, although its more about reading of course. I love the story, the characters and its extremely well written.
BE AWARE!! To get the true ending you have to do a lot of things in a specific way, so follow a guide, you really want to see that ending <3
One of the greatest anime series of the modern era!
El. Psy. Kongroo.
Good story tainted by some really strange humor that does nothing but detract from the immersion
I am absolutely in love with this franschise. Have watched the anime several times and this year I decided to try the VN. During the playthrough I re-expirienced the emotions I got while watching the anime. It was as if I discovered my favorite story from a new perspective and even more immersed in this universe. Definitely recommend to anyone who wants to plunge into a well-developed sci-fi world with memorable characters and a great story. It's been a wonderful three weeks...
El Psy Kongroo.
the majority of my playtime is me being on the menu deciding whether to play it or not anyways 10/10
I thought this game would only be 20 hours, boi was i wrong. I'm sure this game was innovative for it's time in the slice of life genre. From word of mouth I had heard this was a classic. I didn't realize this was so slowly paced. After playing an additional 10 hours and looking at story maps, I've decided it's not worth my time to continue. I much prefer games like Life is Strange that involve more player choice and a larger sense of adventure. I found myself crafting while playing this because I was getting so bored with the pacing, even using the fast auto settings.
As for the twists they are so far very predictable if you have ever consumed any similar type of media. I'm sure this is for someone, but it's not for me.
I made it 19 hours in, then it occurred to me that I didn't care what happens to any of these characters.
I mean... it has the bones of a good time travel story. The reason I'm leaving a negative review is the sexual violence and transphobia. I know that the point of Okabe is that he's a jackass who lacks empathy for others and is a huge hypocrite. That doesn't make me any less uncomfortable with the way he treats women.
When he meets Kurisu for what is from her perspective the first time in chapter one, he gropes her to make sure she's alive. Kurisu then goes on to be a regular member of the cast putting up with Okabe's creepiness, while often remarking on how uncomfortable he makes her. Because she's interested in time travel and Okabe can offer access to a time machine, she just puts her discomfort aside for the sake of science.
Then the one trans character, Lukako, who our protagonist constantly misgenders, comes out as a woman and continues to be called a man by the narrative. We later travel into an alternate timeline where Lukako is AFAB, and Okabe continues to insist she's a man. When their friends call himout for being a shitty person about her gender, he grabs and gropes her. There is a cg of this scene, which i find gratuitous and fetishistic. I know that this isn't framed as a good thing by the narrative, but nevertheless it makes me very very uncomfortable. Another layer of the problem is that in order for Okabe's actions to be condemned by the narrative, this universe in which he harms Luka erases her trans identity.
I also dislike the infantilized way Mayuri is written she's just the "useless dumb girl" in the cast and narrativly functions to serve Okabe's characterization, as his care for her humanizes him in the eyes of the audience.
20 hours in and Okabe is largely able to get away with violence against women with little to no consequence. I'm not condemning those who like this game, the narrative is certainly interesting, but the game is rife with some uncomfortable themes that are not at all handled well in my opinion. So be advised if you're considering buying this that this content is present.
Do not open Pandora's box if you can't handle the consequences.
I didn't watch anime/read manga, so for me it was cool experience. Also since game has 6 endings, it is already more interesting. Buuut, 3 endings are short and you can receive them all in one walkthrough. And 3 others are very similar, that was a big disappointment for me. True ending is just the longest one. Overall main story is one, so if you aim for SG ending, you don't miss much. It is not like you can go completely different routes and never turn back.
I am not very familiar with VN, so i lost 1 hour, because thought, that game will autosave. Actually, you need to press right mouse for game menu. Esc for exit and Q for quick skip. E will skip a lot and you will miss important mail answers. That option is good only for stuff that you already perfectly know. Manual saves is a must.
Main hero is a funny person, but he is too dumb for 170 IQ mad scientist, tbh. Because of him we wasted 20 more hours. It took me 20 hours to reach first side ending, 30 you need for true ending and 40 in total for all achievements.
Game is a mix of funny jokes, sad and even creepy moments. It supports 1080p as max resolution. Though, for this genre it is not a big issue, i think.
If you go for True Ending, you will have complete experience. I mean, it is pretty much stand-alone story and you don't need other games unless you want to return to this universe)
Fantastic game. Love the exploration of all the ways time travel can impact the traveler, with the multiple endings covering just about every major avenue you can imagine. On top of that, the story isn't littered with too many characters, and each of them gets their times to shine and develop. Lastly, I don't get engrossed in many stories nowadays, but I was enraptured by Steins Gate - if you end up liking certain characters, prepare to cry (at least a little bit).
If you have 20-30 hours and want a gripping story, you will not find a better game than Steins;Gate. If you shoot for all endings, you will not be disappointed - plenty of other emotions, and the afterglow will be fantastic.
As a videogame Steins;Gate has little in terms of gameplay, placing much more emphasis on the second word of its “visual novel” monicher than most of the genre does. Thus, this game lives and dies by the strength of its narrative. I came into this having already seen the anime adaptation. Whilst I emphatically loved it the first time around, on subsequent rewatches I was unable to capture much of that initial magic. So, born of a curiosity to see the original work of an adaptation I loved or perhaps more honestly in another attempt to recapture what was now lost, I played the visual novel. Delightfully, it would appear I have time-leaped back to when I once loved Steins;Gate.
This is the best written time-travel narrative I have ever seen across any medium (Doctor Who Season 9, Episode 11 does give it a run for its money, but is technically a time loop, not time travel). Is this high art? Am I changed in any way by Steins;Gate? No, not remotely. However, when the throes of its narrative are so enthralling, and its twists are so perfectly constructed, I cannot help but be thoroughly entertained by its tale. The way it places rules and limitations upon its time travel mechanics help maintain the intensity of its stakes. The pacing is a common target for levied complaints, and it is slow, especially at the beginning, yet I have now come to appreciate it as something delightful. Starting with the hazy hangout-itude of a boiling summer, and consistently ramping up to its wonderful crescendo; the highs would not be as high without the pacing.
That is not to say that Steins;Gate has a perfect record. In the game there are 5 (really 4) more endings, each focused around a new romantic interest. None of these are great. All they accomplish is a collective contribution to an uncomfortable harem throughline. And frankly, the game’s central romance is honestly not that good to begin with, even still each of these romances are considerable steps down. They vary from played out and boring like Suzuha’s, to offensively wrong like Faris’ or Mayuri’s. Whilst slightly interesting for curiosity’s sake, none of them are all too creative nor do they add anything to the genuinely great parts of what Steins;Gate accomplishes. They are more annoyances to avoid than they are utilisations of the visual novel format. The anime only adapts the “True Ending” of this game, focusing on a single romance instead. Personally, I think this was a smart call, as these other endings and secret scenes do little but dilute the respect I have for the writing.
The harem is disturbingly not the most depraved desire Steins;Gate acts upon. I think they should shoot Daru with a gun. Honestly, they should probably try to hit Okabe with the same bullet too. Perhaps it is a reflection of the 2010 Japanese Visual Novel player’s ethos, but giving protagonists such repulsive “impulses” evokes such disconnect between the player and drags you out of the experience. Thankfully there is an effective way to skip past such scenes, though I wish they weren’t there in the first place! This is not to mention the can of worms that is Luka. What an awful way to handle a character. I am profoundly unqualified to talk about this, but I am pretty certain it isn’t good! I cannot believe the “but he’s a guy” stuff is propositioned as a joke.
Steins;Gate’s incredible narrative is still incredible in its original format, and I have no quarrel with its lack of actual gameplay. It's like having the 4K UHD Blu-ray of a book; there’s voice acting and music and pictures, though none (okay maybe a little) of what gives literature its value as an artistic medium is lost in its transition to this format. This is a great visual novel, though some products of its time (Rampant transmisogyny) muddy what is a brilliant experience. If the upcoming second remake of this game could rewrite itself to omit its “uncharitable” aspects, that would be neat. They won’t do that, but such a concept would be neat nevertheless.
While its pacing and text-heavy nature may challenge newcomers, its narrative complexity and emotional depth make it a standout visual novel experience. Committee of Zero patch is advised for many enhancements for the SciAdv VNs and consistency in terminology throughout the series.
★ Compelling Narrative: Masterful blend of science fiction and human emotion with a well-executed time-travel premise.
★ Psychological Depth: Explores the emotional and mental toll of altering time, making it unique in the genre.
★ Engaging Mechanics: Well-implemented D-mail system and branching paths add narrative complexity and replay value.
★ Distinct Art Style: huke’s atmospheric character and world design enhances the story’s mood.
⚠️ Deliberate Pacing: Slow build-up may challenge newcomers to visual novels.
⚠️ Text-Heavy experience: Genre-standard, but may not appeal to players seeking more active gameplay.
⚠️ Challenging True Ending: Requires thorough exploration, which can be daunting despite save system aids.
Very Good
No matter how many times I save the game, there is never a save file to load, so I have to keep starting over and over and over and OVER. Such a waste of time
this game was super well written and i really enjoyed it! i haven't watched the anime, but i heard its a really good adaptation of the game so if you don't want to play for hours then just watch the show because steins;gate has a really good story. the anime follows the true ending of the visual novel, but in the game you're able to choose between several different ending routes which was super cool! i really liked the suzuha and faris endings in particular, and of course the true ending as well
if youre a fan of the anime, do yourself a favor and play this. the vn adds more to each character which gives them more depth compared to the anime. if you go into this blind, just make sure to use your phone when you can. enjoy peak before the reboot comes out
I'm barely halfway into this VN but reading this so far is making me have a serious existential crisis as an adult (the previous time was as a teenager)..this vn also makes you think in a way that nothing else ever has, at least for me..like holy shit all this *time* I didn't realize that I had choices in front me that I never took hold of
will continue to update, wish me luck 🥲
Did you like the anime? If you did, the VN is more. A lot more. It clocks in at about the word count of 2/3rds of lord of the rings, much of it voice acted.
It really is something special.
If you didnt watch the anime... Go for it. The VN stands on its own and is superior. It is #1 on the visual novel database for a reason.
I watched the anime and am currently playing the game. This is genuinely one of the most well-written stories I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I first watched it years ago and have still not found another of its caliber. Truly a masterpiece.
i think this vn is definetely best that i even read. no stuffy script, very enjoyable soundtracks. best visual. sure to say its must read.
Reviews for this are great and was my first visual novel. Played 5 hours into this and found myself struggling to stay awake.
Could not connect to the characters, story or setting. Most reviews suggest the game picks up halfway through, but I'm not even a quarter and cannot push through this.
A fuller and more complete steins gate experience. Its very cool to see banter that was cut out from the anime or the way suzuha is more blatantly an outsider. It was very jarring to find out Steins;Gate was a part of a connected vn universe but it now has me curious to play more SciADV games!!!
If you’re feeling depressed or mentally exhausted, this visual novel is perfect for you.
It’s a relaxing and beautiful story about a group of young people enjoying themselves under the pretext of scientific experiments, with nothing bad happening to them at all.
The characters are very charming, and thankfully, nothing bad happens to them at all.
The ending is also excellent (and, nothing bad happens to them at all).
I think I first stumbled across Steins;Gate after seeing a thumbnail of an ost of it's anime opening on YouTube. Soon after I began speculating and making theories in my mind as to what this show would be about, and boy was I wrong. At first I wasn't too attentive of the anime, but I believe that by my second try I loved it to a hyperbolic extent. One day I saw the game on steam during a sale, and decided to buy. Only reason why I haven't gotten all the achievements yet is because I already saw countless YT videos on the visual novel, so I felt too lazy to actually do it myself, but I still thought it'd be good to support the creators.
Great story, would recommend,
Yours truly,
I purchased this masterpiece of a visual novel in high school, directly after watching the anime. August 19, 2018. Six and a half years ago, I seldom spent more than $20 (steins;gate and steins;gate 0 had a bundle, with just those two in it. $31.89) on (new) video games, let alone visual novels. Any other visual novel I had read at that point was free, aside from DDLC (purchased fan pack).
I purchased this with the intent of supporting the creators because I was amazed by the anime. I thought I would play it at some point, while knowing I'm not one to read or watch shows often. However, I was not mistaken. Six and a half years later, I have a strong urge to play through S;G. Little did I know the journey I'd be taken through while revisiting my past; I haven't even finished the VN and I find myself engrossed: carefree, not stressed about anything other than what happens next.
Though I haven't finished going through this yet, I'll probably be done within the next 20-30 hours of playtime. I'll cherish each one and visit S;G 0 after finishing this path. Thank you for allowing me to revisit what I once loved (and continue to love). Art knows no bounds and I live to see what humans are capable of and create. I'll remember this year's Christmas.
A wonderful escape from reality.
El Psy Kongroo.
Actually played for 55 hours. This story is such a masterpiece that I immediately began the game after finishing the anime, and the game does not disappoint! It deserves its 'overwhelmingly positive' rating. I am not even a fan of the visual novel genre, usually becoming bored very quickly, so if you were on the fence because you're like me, you won't be disappointed.
Oh boy Almighty did I hate this game. I bought this game purely because it was overwhelmingly positive in the reviews and had a lot of friends that suggested this game to me. I know I keep saying game, but this is a visual novel and I will probably keep messing this up throughout my review. The tldr of this entire review can be summed up as: if you do not like visual novels, are not comfortable with how visual novels write themselves sometimes, or enjoy a tight story then you need to stay away. I want to break up my review into three categories that I found the most problems. I hope this will help people understand if they are looking at this overwhelmingly positive game and not have them fall into the trap I did. I cannot overstate enough how much I hated the writing for this, hated the characters for this, hated the overall pacing of everything. I think they did a bad job handling the stakes for the overall adventure, as well as handling individual portions of the story when it comes to pay off with each of the individual characters.
This is where I think I'm going to get a lot of flack from the people that love this game. I'm sorry guys, the writing for this that's fantastic ideas but poor execution of those ideas. This is also where I found the most of my problems with this visual novel. Basically this game reads like many a poor visual novels, and what I mean by that is that they over explain the characters feelings or the expressions on other characters in the novel. The problem is, this is a visual novel and therefore you should draw the characters making these expressions. It's understandable when you have to explain how the characters are talking, but oh my God is it terrible having to go through everybody's expressions for 10 or 15 lines. Someone will talk, and then we will get about 5 to 10 lines explaining how the main character feels about it, how the person said it feels about it, what the weather was the moment they felt like it, and anything else that isn't necessary to moving the plot forward. I found after about chapter 3 I would just hold down the skip button until I think I had three to four scene changes, then press triangle on my controller so that I could just read through the dialogue really quick and see if I missed anything. I rarely did. The other problem with the writing is the pacing. If I can skip half an entire chapter, your pacing is bad. If I can skip all of chapter 7, and the people who played this game know what that chapter was, and still not have anything ruined for me, you're pacing is terrible. Every time anything would happen it would take an entire chapter to explain one minor event. The best way to describe this is, you ever wonder why you never see characters using the bathroom in movies and TV, even though they have to because they are living beings. It's because the pacing would be ruined if we had to watch people do that, or have to take breaks for them to do that and have it brought forward for the audience to see. It's not relevant to the plot, it's just a thing that happens. This book seems to think it's great idea to show everybody every time they have to go to the bathroom metaphorically. I do not need 30 minutes of explanations in a cat cafe for a fake video game and how it works. Yes the physics things were interesting, they were also insanely basic, riddled with a few errors which is fine, and not really that depth. It just felt like it because the text scroll was insanely slow and by the time they got to explaining everything the pacing had been so terrible up to that point that actually felt lightning speed that you were finally getting something that was probably relevant to the overall plot. Big critiques for the author, if they ever read this, you do not need to explain everything the full way through. I do not need to live the entire life of the characters that I'm reading the story on. Take me to the interesting parts, show me the intrigue, do not take me to a cat cafe to watch a fake game play out that makes no sense and has no real bearing on the plot. If there is a discord or message board for this book, I would really love to talk to people that love this book and try and figure out what they found good about the writing.
The main character completely comes off as a delusional, insanely lame, idiot. Nothing he ever does really shows that much intelligence. This wouldn't be a problem but because he's the main character it starts to make less sense why anybody's hanging around him. I'm sorry okabe, your chuunibiyo (definitely spelled that wrong) syndrome in no way makes you endearing. The other issue I seem to have, is because I'm being forced to watch the characters in metaphorically poop, I am deeply curious at how any of them have any money. And the story does a really bad job of showing that. They could have had the characters actually developing products, and this product was the one that was causing all the issues. The problem ultimately though is that Okarin is intensely unlikable for the fact that he is so delusional that the people hovering around him don't really make sense that they're hovering around him. The childhood friend sure, she has some issues and she seems to be using him as a proxy to work them out. I will give it that. But daru is a fiercely intelligent hacker, and doesn't really make sense why he's hanging around when Okarin is generally belittling to him as part of his weird insanity thing. Because of this it gets really hard to take him seriously as a character. I think the biggest issue is that we are inside the main character's head and are constantly privy to seeing how insane he is. I can imagine this is handle pretty well in the anime since we can't see inside the character's head or have it over explained to us so that we can actually give the character a little bit of slack. But in the visual novel he just makes no sense, and I spent most of the book trying to figure out how he could just be. Him running around yelling into his phone at imaginary people that everybody knows are imaginary, ruins any sort of credibility to take him seriously.
The stakes for this book are awful. I will do my best to make sure that in no possible way I spoil the story here, because honestly, if visual novel writing does not bother you, you may actually like this book and be interested in reading it and I don't want to ruin that for you. But a few questions come to mind, the evil organization that gets outed in either chapter 2 or 3, or four just to make sure you can't really guess it unless you've played and you know. They never actually get dealt with. Even when they start figuring out how to do the sending emails to the past thing, they do it for all the most silliest reasons, everybody instantly believes it's a thing even when they are skeptical. A lot of the changes don't make any sense, and the only thing that really seems to happen is that at the end of the book everything just kind of goes back to normal for no real reason. It turns out that one person and only one person is responsible for destruction of the entire planet and that whatever that organization was, probably just give up went back doing whatever they wanted. It's very poorly explained, the stakes don't really make a lot of sense, and a lot of the evil characters who weren't really evil but totally are, but aren't. Well, they're just kind of never really dealt with either. Everybody just kind of goes back to living a normal life like the last 3 weeks didn't really happen. Which for world ending stakes on a video game that takes 26 to 35 hours of reading, that's pretty awful. The entire back half of the novel feels like it was just setting up silly ways to undo the entire first half of the novel where they were doing silly things to play with time travel.
8 hours to finish if you hold down the skip button and just read the back log.
every ending made me cry 10/10 #madscientist#SERNhate#El.Psy.Kongroo.
My favourite scifi work in a long time and the only one that did time travel well. Mayurii is one of the best supporting characters ever written, in fact everyone in the cast is just fun to read about even within such sad onerous journey to Steins Gate.
Incredible storytelling. I'm glad to be experiencing the visual novel of STEINS;GATE before watching the anime. I definitely recommend this if you are willing to give a well written science fiction story a go, knowing from this review and many other reviews that the characters are very well written and are really what makes the story.
absolutely better than the anime. gratefully havent watch the anime in the first place that make the experience really hit like a truck. every emotion aspect is flawless. totally worth it
Steins Gate has been truly an adventure, an amazing experience from the very beginning
The one time an anime matched up in quality to a visual novel...
And then I played the visual novel and it STILL topped it
Steins;Gate, the game that started it all for me, the game that changed my perception of everything, and that made me want to play every other Science Adventure game available.
I love this story, with my soul, it just feels... very nostalgic for some reason. The development of the story is one of the best things this game has to offer, the setting is very interesting and intriguing, filled with mystery and even a little of psychological horror. Also, one thing I think this game does very well, is that it puts you perfectly on the main character's shoes. You understand his vision, his madness, all of his feelings.
The characters, as always, are very unique, on their own way. They're funny, crazy, perverted, smart, shy, cute, you have everything to choose from. Each character makes the story very rich, so much that in fact, I'm sure you will want to see more of their perspectives, and well, you'll empathize with a lot of them for a lot of reasons.
I really think this is one of the best games to start, as it is very standalone, even if you technically need to play Chaos;Head first to understand a couple things a little better.
Trust me, you are not gonna regret buying this game, even if a new one is on the way (Steins;Gate Re:Boot).
I know you'll enjoy this game as much as I did, after all, it's the choice of Steins Gate. I'm sorry I can't say anything else, but the Organization is after me.
El. Psy. Kongroo.
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Разработчик | MAGES. Inc. |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 87 |
Отзывы пользователей | 96% положительных (4108) |