Разработчик: Ishtar Games
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В безрассудной попытке остановить войну, сотрясающую мир десятилетиями, маги устроили Катаклизм. Огромные сгустки чистой магии уничтожили практически все. Мир обволок таинственный фиолетовый туман, в котором затаились кровожадные монстры, выходящие наружу по ночам.
Наша единственная надежда — Последнее заклинание, которое избавит обреченный мир от магии. Его подготовка займет несколько дней, и в это время горстка отчаянных героев должна защищать несчастных магов от любых угроз.
The Last Spell — это тактическая ролевая игра с элементами roguelite, в которой вам предстоит оборонять город от полчищ смертоносных врагов
В течение дня вам нужно готовить героев к бою, тщательно продумывать восстановление оплота и размещать оборонительные сооружения. А ночью вы должны истребить всех врагов, атакующих ваши стены, применяя разнообразное оружие и навыки. Исцеляйте раненых, повышайте уровень и повторяйте весь процесс снова и снова, пока Магическая печать не будет разбита.
Пошаговая тактическая ролевая игра:
● Все, что мы любим в ролевых играх: масса параметров, навыков, способностей, качеств… и не только.
● Множество предметов: броня, оружие, украшения и зелья… с собственными параметрами и навыками, а также случайными модификаторами по выбору. У каждого оружия — свой набор навыков и стиль боя!
● Создавайте собственные классы: улучшайте героев с помощью способностей и бонусов к параметрам, а также используйте любое снаряжение по своему вкусу. Хотите создать разбойника-мага, орудующего ружьем, максимально прокачав урон в ущерб защите? Вас ничто не останавливает!
● Управляйте отрядом своих героев: они сильны, но их мало, и у них не так уж много ресурсов. Доступ к исцелению и мане ограничен, поэтому старайтесь найти идеальный баланс.
Полчища порождений зла:
● Думайте и адаптируйтесь: вы встретите полчища смертоносных врагов, имея в распоряжении лишь кучку закаленных в бою героев. Ищите оптимальное расположение и планируйте действия: масштабные атаки по области, сдерживание толпы, усиления, отравление... Каждое очко действия может стать решающим в борьбе за жизнь.
● У врагов есть свои сильные и слабые стороны, которые вам предстоит найти. Но на этом трудности не закончатся: приготовьтесь испытать себя в бою с ужасающей вражеской элитой!
● На каждой карте вас ждет финальный грандиозный бой с уникальным и захватывающим боссом.
Защищайте оплот:
● Восстанавливайте город между сражениями. Исцеляйтесь, изготавливайте новое магическое оружие, получайте новых героев. Распоряжайтесь ресурсами мудро, командир!
● Возводите оборону: стены, ловушки, башни, катапульты… Каждое сооружение может помочь в бою.
● Защищайте Магический круг любой ценой! Если вы его потеряете, человечество обречено.
● 5 оплотов, нуждающихся в защите, у каждого из которых свои особенности — чтобы победить великое зло, вам придется менять тактику в соответствии с полем боя.
Элементы roguelite:
● Игра подразумевает высокую сложность. Вы проиграете… и не раз. Но с каждым поражением вы станете лишь отважнее, лучше, быстрее, сильнее!
● Процедурная генерация вражеских волн, персонажей, оружия и множества открываемых предметов не даст вам заскучать до настоящего конца света.
● Подстраивайте игру под свои предпочтения с помощью знамений — ограниченного набора бонусов, которые можно выбрать перед очередным прохождением. Что вам по душе: больше очков действия, больше персонажей, усиленная оборона или более ценная добыча? Экспериментируйте и находите любимые орудия разрушения.
● Настраивайте сложность по своему вкусу благодаря 6 уровням апокалипсиса: даже самые опытные игроки не останутся разочарованы.
Мощнейший саундтрек:
● Более 25 композиций ураганного электронного прогрессив-метала станут отличным аккомпанементом к веселой бойне.
● Саундтрек написан неподражаемым Реми Гальего (The Algorithm)
Поддерживаемые языки: english, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, french, japanese, german, spanish - spain, korean, russian, ukrainian, portuguese - brazil
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-3470 or AMD FX-8370
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650, 2 GB or AMD Radeon HD 7770, 2 GB
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-8400 or AMD Ryzen 5 2600
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, 2 GB or AMD Radeon HD 7870, 2 GB
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Место на диске: 2 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Nice and interesting.
The basic mechanics are simple, the graphic is consistent with the 90s feel but it is well replayable and strategically well built
I really loved balance in this game. I've played it from beginning without watching any tutorials previously. It was challenging but somehow I was able to constantly win till (probably) the last city when you have 2 bosses. I've beat couple phases of those bosses till I guess last phase which was just completely stupid. Obviously bosses immune to everything, obviously you can't stun them, slow them down. All the skills you have completely worthless but I found a way, I've beatten one of two weapons and I had a plan to beat the other one ... but OF COURSE you need to beat them at the same turn. Theoretically I could continue because I have not lost even one hero but I just thought that this is so lame, so ridiculous that it is just not worth playing.
I'm giving positive score purely on previous experiences but if I knew what was coming at the end I would probably not even buy this game.
The Last Spell is an awesome strategy/tower defense/rpg. The developers have taken elements from each of these genres, slapped a BANGING soundtrack on it, and created an amazing game.
The presentation is incredible, with detailed pixel art environments and characters, spectacular full-screen story sequences, and great-looking monsters and bosses. The animations look fantastic. The game is gorgeous to look at.
Sound and music are 10/10. Weapon effects and monster noises are super satisfying. The music is absolutely incredible and enhances every aspect of the game.
The gameplay is challenging and rewarding, forcing you to continuously use your strategic and tactical abilities at every stage of the game. You need to consider how to build your base to repel the zombie invasion, manage your economy, maintain your roster of fighters including upgrading their equipment and hiring/firing them, and handle the constant flow of monsters advancing towards your base.
This is a challenge when starting out, as there are lots of subtle game mechanics that you won't understand until you complete a playthrough or two. For example, I lost my second run because I forgot that you could upgrade houses and gold mines. As a result, my economy wasn't powerful enough to sustain my base, and I was overwhelmed before I could kill the final boss.
Metaprogression isn't a hard blocker to advancing in the game. I beat the first level on my first try, completely blind. I came very close to beating the second level on my first try even though I made some egregious beginner mistakes.
The Last Spell is at its best when your strategic plan comes together and you're able to survive the night. Managing your heroes' weapon/armor upgrades, stat increases, special abilities, using your base defenses (ballistae, catapults, traps), rotating your heroes around the base to help plug gaps in your line are all so much fun. You never quite feel like you're winning, but emerging the next morning with all your heroes intact and treating yourself to the spoils of victory is so rewarding.
There are a few things I'd change, though.
- There are over 100 perks in this game, and probably 50%+ of them are useless. There are around 30 individual stats for each hero. I wish we could streamline some of these things to make the game simpler, it would reduce some of the noise when leveling up your heroes and calculating damage.
- The dwarf class is not as good as the human class. Their stat penalties make them suck. I always fire them as soon as I can. I wish I could turn them off completely. I could not find a mod that does this. (I would disable the DLC but I want the extra weapons and features.)
- It can be difficult to see the board when there are lots of grouped up characters in the environment, especially near taller structures like trees, lampposts, walls, etc.
Overall I would recommend this game to anyone who likes games such as XCOM, Battle Brothers, Into the Breach, Darkest Dungeon.
Fun, replayable, plenty to unlock. Plus gets updates
This game is so good, you pick it up in the morning, play for 30 minutes and realize its time to go to bed. PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK! If you work the next day, set an alarm and when it goes off save and Esc before the voodoo work its way upon you~
I'd just get this alone just for the banger soundtrack.
The game relies on multiple attempts to allow you to grow unlocks that will enable successive attempts to be successful. The combat offers various weapon types that serve unique capabilities to help tailor your attack profile and some weapons definitely are more complimentary than others. There's a bit of a learning curve in terms of understanding how abilities work and tie into the stats you can level which have a chance to randomly grow at different rates. A bit of "city management" will further support your characters.
Overall, the formula is nothing groundbreaking, but it executes well and is an enjoyable experiance. Need more time to determine how long the play value extends.
Amazing Game! I got absolutely addicted by the game mechanics. The combination of town building, hero progression, and roguelike combat style is a masterclass. It took me 100 hours to reach a point where I didn't feel the urge to open the game when I have a moment of free time. The developers are active on Discord and helped me with an issue I encountered. Must buy for anyone liking this genre!
If you love tactical approach, different weapons and skills, turn based gameplay, slashing and bashing monsters, gearing and leveling up heroes. Then this is the game for you. Love the pixel art, love the NPC comments, dat rock-like music in background.
Good job developers, keep it up !
Took me almost 18 hours to finish the first level, so It's pretty good I'd say lol.
This is by far the most interesting an well-balanced rogue lite I have ever played. I did not buy the DLC, because of the bad reviews, but the base game alone is worth getting.
One of the best and most engaging games I've played this year. Really love the round to round tactical combat and plenty of build variety that isn't heavily impacted by RNG. Really intriguing progression system so even "losing" feels like progress.
If you enjoy dumping 7-10 hours on a run, only to get hit by a GOTCHA! XD boss because you did not religiously study the wiki as to not spoil the game, then lose the run and start over from the beginning, then this game is for you!
Implement save slots. Some of us have a life and do not enjoy having their time wasted. I seek and love games with a challenge, and you can tell from my profile, but this shit is just manufactured difficulty.
Great game. Very difficult, but very satisfying.
The Last Spell is a challenging and highly rewarding tactical RPG that masterfully blends strategic combat with tower defense elements. The difficulty curve is high, but the depth of the game in terms of complexity, hero customization and tactics keeps the player engrossed.
The music is phenomenal. It is worth the purchase for this alone.
If you like a very high difficulty level, The Last Spell is an absolute must for you.
Enjoyed a lot of my time with it, but put it away with a bad taste in my mouth. Hence the thumbs down.
The art and atmosphere are very cool and the music is rightfully praised by many, because it's a very punchy deviation from the norm.
The gameplay is interesting at its core, with lots of weapons and abilities to build with.
The big problem, in my opinion, is that the game heavily relies on repeating the same (or very similar) content to grind out upgrades that are necessary to progress. In theory you can progress without these upgrades, but then you need to stick to some very narrow strategies and a lot of the experimentation that makes playing a new game fun goes out of the window.
There's also a few mechanics that deviate from the early flow of the game and are poorly explained/signaled, making it easy to get stuck on the same segment if you don't happen to know the right course of action.
I had to redo a certain mid-game map several times (at 4+ hours each run) before I realized I had to ignore the hordes coming for my town and focus on the bosses spawning in across the map. Killing them simply stopped the hordes (whereas in the previous maps the win condition was killing all the monsters). Didn't feel like a very smart or immersive decision.
So I ended up with a game that seemed to offer a lot of replayability at first, but overstayed its welcome to such a degree that I never even finished the last couple of levels. Looking at the positive reviews, I think many of those were written at the early parts and doubt that many of the writers actually saw the ending.
So it's not bad, but depending on your tolerance for grind it can be a disappointment.
This game is incredibly polished. The last time I played a game that felt this well made was Stardew Valley or Baldurs Gate 3. You can tell that a lot of time and love went into thinking through every detail. Absolutely love it and highly recommend it. 10/10!
Its hard...and futile. But it is an apocalypse. I keep coming back to see if "this time I can make it just a few more days."
An incredibly enjoyable game. While it is a roguelike, sort of, it is a LONG time in each run. It takes lots of time if you care about the nitty gritty details. I have a clear plan each time but it still takes several hours to finish a run.
It's so good. Just broke the dwarf DLC seal (won a run) and oh boy was it close. Imagine an ocean of monsters 1 turn away from eating my mages. One boss instance left. My 17 movement momentum dude runs up to the last boss and shaves of like 80% of its HP. I dwarf toss another pawn, he barely makes it. Kill the boss with a final shot.
I haven't had this much fun since XCOM Long War.
I just cant seem to play enough. The combinations of characters and gear make the game play and tactical decisions very satisfying.
A very fun and challenging game! Turn based combat lovers will really enjoy this one!
Amazing game. Deserves its title of full release.
Letting you progress without having to die was absolutely genius decision.
That was what really grating in EA.
What a great game! Deep and tactical, it's a fantastic strategy game that will punish and test you. Don't be turned off by the 2D graphics, it does a great job with them and you never feel like you're playing a lesser game. Weapons, enemies and obstacles are hugely varied and provide deep strategic thinking to conquer. Most boss fights you will win by the skin of your teeth. This is a very addictive, very fun and very hard game. I had to play on boundless mode just to make it through the higher levels. The biggest tips I have are build a stone wall around your mages, use damage traps and ballista generously, and get as many heroes as you can for those nights they are coming at you from all sides. Highly recomended...I'm about to get the dlc now.
I've NEVER seen ANY game that's balanced as phenomenally as this.
You can see the designers of this game were playing it non-stop while re-designing and refining.
The Last Spell is designed to give you the feeling of ultimate gaming satisfaction:
Succeeding, by wit, against what looks like an absolutely bulldroppings, unfair, impossible challenge.
I don't know how they achieved this. The game is not actually that hard. I never even lost a character in any of the boss-fights, but when the boss fight starts, and in some maps, way before that, you WILL say "wtf this is bulldroppings", and winning will feel like you just did the impossible.
It's some kind of dark game design sourcery at work, and richly deserves the high steam ratings.
What a fantastic game!
The day I bought it I played for 13 hours straight. You don't do that with a boring game.
It's really addicting and fun! Highly recommended if you like a blend of base building, turn based hero fights and tower defense. This game is an amazing combination of those genres imo.
Buggy and incomplete. Good music, cool graphics, and B+ gameplay don't matter when you lose your entire campaign to a bug. You have to invest way too much time for there to be no cloud save, no way to recover. Using a wireless controller also causes the game to bug out, especially if your controller goes dormant for any reason. I would wait another year or two and buy it on sale; hopefully the game will be more stable then.
Very good game. A good mix of turn based combat, tactics and tower defense. It reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem, but it's pure combat.
The only thing this game needs to improve is more content. It's a good amount of content for the price tag, but it's a so good base game that it needs more to do with it.
For the devs: the thing I found more repetitive (i.e. needs more options) is the hero talent trees. Anyway, more of anything is welcomed I would say. That said, keep up the good work!
The Last Spell stands out as a true gem among tactical and roguelike games, weaving a unique blend of strategy, resource management, and emotional storytelling that sets it apart as one of the finest games ever made. Here’s why it’s my favorite of all time.
At its core, The Last Spell offers an engaging tactical combat system that challenges even seasoned strategy fans. Each night pits your heroes against overwhelming hordes of monsters, requiring precise planning, creative skill usage, and a solid understanding of positioning. The game balances complexity with accessibility, ensuring that while the mechanics are deep, they're never overwhelming.
The Last Spell brilliantly incorporates roguelike mechanics, where every decision matters and the stakes feel real. The sense of progression is deeply satisfying: when a run ends, it doesn’t feel like a loss, but an opportunity to refine your strategy,
No two runs of The Last Spell feel the same. The randomized elements, from hero traits to enemy spawns and item drops, ensure that every playthrough feels fresh. Moreover, the multiple difficulty settings and layers of progression mean there’s always something new to master.
The Last Spell is more than just a game; it’s an experience that fuses masterful design with an unforgettable atmosphere. It challenges, frustrates, inspires, and rewards in equal measure, and its blend of strategy, narrative, and sheer adrenaline makes it a masterpiece in its genre.
Fully loaded and simply delicious. If you are curious about it, buy it. Its the price of 4 coffees, or 2 pizzas. Nice right?
My where did the time go?! I recently bought this game on a whim when it was on sale after having a couple of beers and it exceeds all expectations. The Last Spell excels in mixing current trending genres in gaming in a way that most other games fail to accomplish on their own. And the soundtrack, my lord, the soundtrack blaring in the background as you mow down hordes of enemies and survive down to the last enemy is an experience in itself.
Whether you get this game on sale or not, give The Last Spell an honest try until you reach the first boss battle. Worth the struggle and triumph. Trust.
This game combines a few genres and is hitting all the notes I've been looking for in a game for a while. Tactical play where you feel like you're breaking the game if you plan your moves well but challenging on every turn, deep random loot fix, character progression, roguelike features, deep rock paper scissors mechanics, town building, excellent pixelated art style + modern fx, lightweight narrative that doesn't get in the way of the gameplay... I'm only two towns in and I love it!
The first non-factory "game game" I've played in a few years that really hooked me... Well worth full price and I highly recommend.
Innovative take on turn-based horde survival with some classic RPG mechanics. Kind of a Puzzle RPG with more emphasis on the RPG elements.
It's a difficult game but makes for some memorable playthroughs on the replay, which is where this game has its core strength: replayability. Every time you play through or your party dies, you do unlock a bit more stuff, which you'll need to get to the later levels. There are a great selection of upgrades and skills.
Maybe it may feel a bit of a grind or something of a turn-based farm because of the difficulty level inherent in having to plan out all your mana and action points, etc. The learning curve requires a lot of trial and error to discover the later difficulty steps.
Beautifully made game.
This game is very fun but it's not for everyone. It has one of the more extensive meta upgrade systems I've seen. To me that is a negative, but I do understand that it's there to drip feed new mechanics as your familiarity with the basic systems increases. "Runs" can take upwards of 10 hours and require a high amount of micro with gear, leveling, and base management. This part for me is a plus because I enjoy that sort of thing and it makes me feel more committed to the run. The combat is pretty deep and engaging, and the soundtrack is incredible. Overall I recommend, but not if you're looking for a pure rougelite with quick runs and no meta unlocks.
Great game.
But the soundtrack?! Holy Fuck!!
Iv'e been booting up the game just to headbang to the main menu music.
What a delightful collection of absolute bangers
I enjoyed it. It gets metal as hell as your dudes get jacked up. Auto save feature sounds serious at first, yet custom difficulty setting with omens feels just right. Out of all things I dig the unique skill sets you get with equipping weapons. They never got boring. Overall It's rock and metal and cute at the same time.
Good, solid rogue-like. Great replay value and good for casual sessions due to the turn-based gameplay.
Very challenging game which will bring out the tactician in you. You'll spend 95% of the time thinking and assessing options, to better optimize the economy during the day, and make the right moves by night. Outstanding little gem that will be constantly asking you for just one more night before bed! Problem is, each night can take hours to complete!
Very challenging tower-defense, turn-based RPG, Roguelite mix with great meta progression and fun mechanics. Gets updated constantly. Worth to grab even without sale.
Do not get me wrong. This is a very cool game and I really do like it. The issue is the length of the runs. It takes multiple play sessions to get through a single run. By the time I get to the end of a run, I find myself bored and take multiple day breaks before finally mustering up the will to try and finish the run.
Not for the faint of heart, The Last Spell forces you to rethink your tactics and manage your playstyle on a whole new level. Most tactics games balance the player and enemies fairly, but here, the opposition is relentless, aiming to overwhelm you with a tidal wave of mist-bound foes. The limited resources push you to make every decision count, balancing between the dread of the incoming horde and the triumphant relief of scraping through by the skin of your teeth. If you’re looking for a deeply challenging, rewarding tactical experience, The Last Spell will keep you on the edge of your seat.
My most memorable run of The Last Spell was:
The first three nights were about building up the defenses, with my tank MVP, Rockfoot—a hammer-wielding juggernaut—holding down one side while my other two heroes took the opposite flank. Each night, I fought to keep the walls intact, my mage Shama spreading poison like wildfire to thin the horde. By night six, I had grown my team to six, balancing just enough firepower to survive but never with room for error. The defenses began to strain under the constant onslaught, but Rockfoot and Shama pulled us through every time.
Then, on night eleven, disaster struck. Poor positioning at the beginning of the night cost Shama her life, leaving us exposed just as the walls started to crumble. I nearly lost two more heroes that night, scraping through by the narrowest of margins. I was careless, and the game reminds you that if you let your guard down for one moment, all can be taken from you.
The city was in ruins, and with just enough resources left, I hired a new recruit with barely functional gear, hoping he’d survive the final night.
The last night brought an endless horde and a boss. I stationed a hero on each wall, with 2 teleporting defenders ready to reinforce weak spots. But when the boss emerged on the north side—where my under-equipped recruit was stationed—I realized he’d have to face it nearly alone until the 2 teleporters arrived. Rockfoot held the southern wall, buying us time. The eastern defenses began to falter, forcing me to split forces as the boss entered its second phase.
At the city’s heart, Rockfoot regrouped to defend the magical seal. Quick crawlers slipped through, but Rockfoot stood fast, refusing to let the defenses collapse. The final phase of the boss starts.I wanted to ended it quickly, so I rushed towards the it to deal as much damage as I can. In a desperate final push, the northern wall broke.
The 2 that went to support the recruit had fallen trying to finish off the boss, leaving my recruit face-to-face with the bloodied and battered boss and a flood of enemies. My heart sank as three foes surrounded and clawed at him... but miraculously, he clung to life with just a sliver of health. He landed the final blow on the boss, dispersing the mist and bringing victory.
Conclusion: This heart-pounding, nerve-wracking experience is exactly why The Last Spell is unforgettable. If you enjoy tactical games that demand every ounce of focus, where every loss feels personal and every win hard-earned, then I can’t recommend The Last Spell enough.
Really fun game.
went through five stages of grief almost every fight.
there will be times where all hope is lost, but the come back from hopelessness is what makes it fun
This game is looking to be WAY longer than I originally thought. I thought that it was gonna repeat maps endlessly, but If you survive 7 days on the first map you get access to the next map which is MAD HARDER. It's unfortunately off sale rn. I got it at 50% off and bought the dlc with it. Off sale and bundled both cost $30 (without the sound track). I was unsure at first (which is why I waited for a sale), but now that I've played for a bit and see that it goes WAY deeper than I thought... I think $30 is actually worth it.
The game is challenging. It's real nice to find something that actually taxes my abilities in a way that is challenging, yet isn't excruciating. I don't like to lose (who does), but knowing that my progress is saved (sorta) from run to run and knowing that I don't have to endlessly regrind the same thing over and over is nice. Plus they have a way of making things "new" each run (referencing sorta).
I genuinely dig this game and like physical games of old, I do not mind paying for a game that is worth it.
-following is not spoilers, just game mechanics-
About (sorta)
The way the game works is, you have one save. ONE. Every time you start a map, that run's main progress (perks and things you earn) will be right where you left it. Including any unspent points. Here is the catch... And this is also why the game sorta keeps itself fresh. You DO NOT keep the progress you make on heroes, AKA the games "main" source of defense, nor do you keep any gear you may have gotten during a run.
Each run you get new, what seems to be generated heroes, that start fresh at level 1. The perks you have earned in previous runs is how you progress in the game. As far as gear is concerned, yes you have to get new gear each time, but as you might expect there are perks that help with that.
Love the pixel graphics.
You can dump hours and hours in this game and when you are finally done with your run, you want to start another one.
Was really happy about the dwarf dlc. Can't wait to see what more is to come!
The game has come a long way since I first dabbled with it in EA. It's simple to learn and will keep you engaged. Most importantly, it's good fun but doesn't require you to commit yourself to hours of playing at a time (although, you can easily find yourself doing just that)
Really cool, super depth, excellent meta progress and a vast array of weapons, armor, trinkets, siege tools and castle building. Bunch of monsters. Its awesome.
Only stipulation is it can be very dense and runs are an investment of time and brain power. If you are geared for it, the game is great, but it may be a bit much for some. Try it out, see what you think. I am very glad I did, and that is only a fraction of the way into my journey.
Holy moly, where did the time go? 6 hours in a single setting. Addictive and engaging gameplay, relatively easy to understand gameplay concepts without too much handholding, and an ear-bleeding soundtrack. Love this game.
Actually really engaging. Lots of replayability and meta progression. Unforgiving difficulty (optional). Easy recommend.
One of my favorite defense games that I've played from recent memory. A great mix of tactical, turn-based combat, RPG, town management, and tower defense. Would highly recommend for anyone interested in this genre
Bought game with DLC, downloaded it, played it for 6 hours without blinking. No regrets. I literally was like "there's no way I beat this night" almost every night, and somehow did. It's difficult, makes you think, and makes you realllly appreciate lucky rolls on items and stats during the day. I'm gonna spend, a lot more time on this game. I highly recommend it. The DLC weapons are also bananas. Had a ton of fun with the war shield and cannon.
Absolutely loved the game and would recommend it if the newest DLC hadn't destroyed my in game performance. Went from 60+ frames a second to barely scraping 10. Can't find a fix and no one on their discord or subreddit has any ideas even after speaking to community leads as well as who I believe was a developer. They have no idea how to fix it and its such a shame that I paid for the DLC and all I got was a broken game.
If this problem appear for you then you should just refund immediately it will not go away and they cannot fix it at this moment.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Ishtar Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 23.12.2024 |
Metacritic | 82 |
Отзывы пользователей | 93% положительных (5420) |