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Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, italian, japanese, korean, ukrainian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64-bit
- Процессор: AMD Ryzen 3 3100 / Intel Core i3-8300
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 6 GB VRAM, AMD Radeon RX 590 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Дополнительно: 30 FPS in 1920x1080 | SSD Required
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64-bit
- Процессор: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X / Intel Core i9-10900X
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 8 GB VRAM, AMD Radeon RX 5700 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Дополнительно: 60 FPS in 1920x1080 | SSD Required
Отзывы пользователей
perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
i adore this game, the first time i played it was back in 2022 when i saw it and almost shit myself with joy at this game with:
8/10 lore
9/10 replayability
10000/10 ship design, controls and maintenance
999x10 to the 99th power/10 community filled with nerds(super welcoming thanks bros<3)
sadly AT THE TIME it was terribly optimised so i couldn't run it, but in 2024 it fully released and so i played it again on lowest graphics and it was perfect, and it still is, i love this game and YOU should too.
Void crew is a PvE, rogue-like game, set somewhere in distant space. You and your crew are tasked to perform various missions (called a pilgrimage), ranging in difficulty, that net rewards to help you complete more missions. On occasion, you'll have mini-bosses to fight. There's a basic class system (Pilot, Gunner, Scavenger, and Engineer) with level trees. Oh, and you'll be on a time crunch, or you'll be cooked.
What does this game get right?
- The size: Although there's merit in the "wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle" argument, I think the sense of scale is well-pulled off. As the pilot, the levels don't feel huge. Mission maps are couple of square kilometers. But once you leave the ship, the whole area suddenly feels large. Void Crew really pulls off the largeness and emptiness of space, for having frankly, small map areas.
- Cooperation: Each class is specialized and when everyone works together, it's beautiful. For example, the pilot is largely glued to the cockpit, but his ability to maneuver and get the ship out of damage is crucial. Gunners get perks that help them deal more damage. The engineer can recharge batteries, making or breaking a gunfight. And scavs, while a "jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none", can go long periods outside the ship when required. All mission types play well to these various abilities. A great team experience.
-Rogue-like experience: I think a lot of people do not understand what this means. It means you start fresh, and build your ship up, every time you start a new game. Inevitably, your ship will decrease in hull integrity from inevitable damage. So, when you're at 30% hull, do you risk it for that +6 power relic, or play it safe and exit? If you had the ability to "Save" ships, the challenge would be gone.
What does this game need work on?
-Mission variety. There are probably 8-10 different missions. They get a bit repetitive after a while. More need to be added.
-Ships with more than 4 players. Yes, there is a mod to allow up to 24 players per ship, but I think there's merit in having 5-6 player ships. Clearly, if someone took the trouble to make this mod, then the devs should give us this option for custom lobbies.
top tier game, it has ways to play solo which is huge. Not only that nut its got some of the best mechanics in a game ive seen in a while. It has its bugs like any game but id like to see this game get some good support so it can just keep gettin better. Thank you void crew team <3
Love the game but feels too Early Access than a fully fledged game.
But also has a competitor coming behind it called "Jump Ship" so pretty much Void Crew going to have alot of problems.
Good co-op game - a little buggy and the end-game isn't super well balanced, but initial build up makes it fun.
I enjoy the game so far. your gunna need a group or get realy good at making friends
Game is insanely fun. Mainly playing as Engineer. Community is very friendly and willing to teach. In game server browser and voip is a huge plus.
Took the sea of thieves format, put it in space, and gave it FTL mission progression. You cant get any better than this.
Very fun game, especially with friends! Definetly recommend. Unfortunately it can be pretty repetitive, especially when you've figured out the mechanics. But that's not a problem for alot of people, so I still recommend it!
Good jobs devs, METEM will thrive!
Difficult start, but once the Crew understands the loop of the game it becomes a lot of fun. Pick your pilot carefully.
Gross ship physics, gunning is like the old beachhead games but somehow even more boring, the rest of the game is running around holding a button down on your keyboard over and over again. Extremely tedious game.
Huge fan, this game is a must have for anyone that likes both space based survival games and rouge-lites. I can't wait to see the addition of more content, as I've reached the 'prestige' part of the end game. Maybe an actual prestige system where you reset yourself back to level one in trade of a permanent unlock, such as starting with a new crafting recipe unlocked, which would make the ship variants that come with un-inscribed animus crates feel a bit more free-form. All in all, this game is a huge win and fun to play even if you're at end-progression and you just want to kill thins in space.
great fun, like a better PULSAR lost colony, but with about 4 hours of content.
If you have a group of friends who are consistently on the look out for the next fun cooperative multiplayer game than this is right up your alloy :)
Game is not perfect... but its just a ton of fun. Lots of potential for the future.
One critique is the Scavenger class feels a little worthless. This could easily be fixed by making the eva aspect of the game more difficult or locking the best loot behind needing scavenger specific perks like maybe hacking into computers or putting up death forcefields that require the grappling hook to reach loot.
Like Sea of Thieves in space, except not PvP and super fun. The systematic approach of running a tight ship can get repetitive, but there's enough challenge to keep it fun with friends.
Great game to play with a friend or 2 we've have lots of fun so far can't wait to see how the game evolves from here! =)
good for about 100 hours of play, but I don't have many good things to say beyond "it's fun". I spent the last 75 hours just reusing all of the content and searching for new things to do to alleviate boredom, because this game is very fun, it's just lacking in things to use and do, so it gets old after a while.
The core gameplay loop is very engaging and fun, and the required teamwork is exactly what i wanted out of this game. Pilots get the ship to objectives and steer clear of danger. Gunners protect the ship and kill all enemies. Engineers keep the ship running and manage upgrades for everyone else. Scavengers... nobody plays a true Scavenger. but People With Grappling Hooks go outside and manage repairs, looting facilities, and completing objectives. Everyone has a role to do, and the ship literally cannot function without that role being done.
The balancing is a horrific mess, so half of the content is automatically invalidated from the start for being *just worse* than the meta options. This game tries to make weapons, weapon mods, relics, modules, etc all have tradeoffs. One ship module is good at one thing, another is good at something else, one weapon mod reduces fire rate but increases damage, another increases fire rate but reduces accuracy, etc. But the devs have completely failed to make those tradeoffs meaningful. Oftentimes there are one or two weapon mods/relics that are just straight up better than the rest, either by having a massively stronger/larger effect, or by having less/no downsides.
Why bother using a relic that gives you a benefit for a penalty, if you can instead use a different relic that has the same benefit but stronger for the same penalty, or a relic with the same benefit but no penalty? Why bother using a weapon that requires ammo(which costs resources) and a reload, when you can just use an energy weapon and recharge it for free? Why bother using kinetic weapons(which deal peas damage to shields) when you could use energy weapons(which are barely affected by armor) and have better options to increase your damage?
That is the question. The options are supposed to be *different*, not worse or better. So why are most worse, and some better?
Aside from the abysmal balancing, the game is worth its pricetag and will get you at least 100 hours of fun. More updates(content, and hopefully balancing) are coming in the future, so it can only go up from here. I look forward to the future of this game.
Really like the concept and combat. It just needs to scale more - it seems it plateaus at a certain point and you can go endlessly with no threat. And there always seems to be 1 meta everyone uses. Need enemies with certain debuffs for certain weapons or enemy variety, new missions, ships etc.
An amazing game with such a unique, engaging playstyle that sets it apart from other roguelikes. The only issue is the lack of content, something that I'm sure will be rectified in future updates.
almost a really cool game. gonna be 100% worth the price in a few years, but as of now its way too unforgiving and lacking of unique content for each playthrough.
Really wish there was a mixed option. I love the gameplay and the idea of the game. I never played it with friends, but I can see how it would be very fun with them. The negative comes from crashing when I start the game and select a ship. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. There's no consistent pattern to it. If you're like me and have a system that's between the minimum and recommended specs, wait until you have a better computer. One day when I do have a better computer I'll probably repurchase this and delete my review.
Sadly Steam has no middle option. The game is interesting but has a lot of problems..
The Bad:
- Poor balancing especially at the start
- Poor balancing when playing with less than the optimal number of people
- The smaller frigate meant for "2-3" players limits your potential and has no forward hardpoints.
- Too much RNG, from your own control over a run to the way you get cosmetics. I feel like I have little control over any aspect of the game and just have to roll the dice repeatedly.
- No save/resume function, which is critical as successful runs can take several hours to complete!
- Mile wide and an inch deep in many areas
- Lots of weird bugs
The Bugs (So Far after ~12h played):
- Auto turrets meant for solo runs randomly stop firing at enemies despite having power, a run ender since you now have no weapons.
- Crash on run end, causing you to forfeit hard-earned XP and cosmetic rewards
- Mission rewards spawning inside asteroids and other unobtainable places
- Certain turret placements cause self-damage at angles where the guns appear to have a clear firing path
The Good:
- Lots of potential as a challenging co-op experience
- Very interesting style
- Pretty immersive audio experience
- Chaotic, unpredictable fun and laughs
Other Notes:
- Solo is near impossible, and two players is nearly as hard. You need a pilot and gunner in their seats pretty much constantly to evade and deal damage, otherwise you get run over in seconds. Having even one of those rolls missing to go retrieve a mission objective from a structure ends with a run ending encounter with pretty high probability. It would help if enemies didn't warp in practically right on top of you, but in the end the main problem is that you just can't be spread out that much. It's 4 people or bust in most scenarios, and everyone needs to be on point.
- Needs a third ship type. The frigate feels like your shooting yourself in the foot (downsides without any real benefits), while the cruiser is too big for anything but a full team.
- The EVA class ability (grappling hook) is a bit of a waste since you only do some EVA situationally. It should just be available to everyone by default. Likewise, the oxygen reserves and mobility are pitiful on other classes, and the class based eva upgrades feel like they bring you up to a baseline avg..
- The solo-build and small-team turrets only come in two basic flavours, which is shooting yourself in the foot again. Offer auto targeting as a mod instead, making it more adaptable to the size of your team.
The game could be a ton of fun but needs more work to make it so. In general the most important areas of improvement would be to make the gameplay more fluid and cohesive, while working on balancing and fixing bugs. More content would also be great, but the other stuff needs to come first. By content I mean more places to explore and interesting mechanics, NOT just another boss fight.
Fun space game more like a rogue lite than anything else i wish they would add a game mode that would allow to keep progress or even an open world i love the style of this game
So much potential! So many fun gameplay loops with diverse challenges and skills to master. I hope this game continues to grow cause I'm enjoying every minute and just want more!
Very fun game, would really like the ability to pause when I’m playing in a solo lobby
fun game that keeps you running and teaches you to work like a team
The bosses are incredibly repetitive, long, and unfun. They ruin any fun you could have in the game by making long runs where you actually get a powerful ship built tedious at best and impossible at worst, so you end up just doing a bunch of short runs. The system they have now with a potentially infinite chain of objectives is far better than the old system with a set number of objectives, but is completely ruined by the absolutely terrible boss every five missions plus the random boss that can occur multiple times in a row and is the same 10 minute fight every time. The shitty loot box system is completely unnecessary. They could've just had a cosmetic system like deep rock where you actually get what you want, not a manipulative system that constantly gives repeats and garbage items just to boost play time metrics. Honestly not worth your time even if it was free, unless you just what to spend some time with friends and don't care about the quality of the game.
Our discord crew was looking for quality games to play together that were not the most recent COD. This game is absolutely awesome. I would love to see them increase the number of players to 6 for the larger ships in the future. The price on this game is a steal for the number of hours and fun you will have.
I dont even know how I feel about this game, its fun but kinda isnt... When you first get into the game youll either meet people thatll kick you for beeing new or youll be bored to death on a ship that has nothing to do for you. If you manage to find a decent lobby its fun, for about 5 missions after which youre just blatantly OP. Early game is a struggle, for a few missions you actually have to watch what youre doing but even without META builds, youll just Blitzkrieg the sht out of everything after the 10. mission.
Lookin back Id probably skip this game for at least a few months, its been on my radar for a year but I'd advice anyone thinking about it to actually wait until they add like... content(?), 1.0 is a decent release and its a good game but the balance is just off. Theres also a very limited time window in which youre able to play pubs, think 15x4 Lobbies is the highest amount Ive seen, half of them russian or smth that requires voice in x language. That said playing on the US server as european is fine, you barely notice the lag and I dont trust the 80ms it shows at all, its almost nothing.
TLDR; meh, big MEH
Whats there is good, but there needs to be more content to warrant playing this like a roguelite.
There's only 2 ships to play with, sure there are a bunch of different loadouts for them but most of the loadouts are borderline useless.
Only the rail gun and Shuriken feel useful, the rest of the weapons are just tedious to use or are so terrible that no one wants to use them at all.
Very few mission types and very little variety in the rewards for said mission types.
Most of the perks are negligible, and feel like they do very little. the only exception really is the gunner tree.
Mostly just disappointed at the massive lack of content and variety that leads to most play sessions feeling nearly identical.
this game needs more ships, more mission types, more weapons, and more variety.
Great time with friends! Haven’t played solo, but 2 players felt a bit light. 3 and 4 were perfect. There was a bit of a learning curve to get going, but it has been a fun time learning. If you have a good group, all the roles are can find great use.
Not much story to speak of. It has Warhammer 40k vibes with the brutality turned down to 0.
The Gene meta-leveling system is interesting but feels a bit strange the way it’s doled out. It could just have easily been totally unlocked and given as perks for classes without the need to grind for levels, though it’s a relatively quick “grind”.
Overall, very fun, though. I very much enjoy the roles, ship layouts, missions, and reward systems. More of that content in the future with some added diversity could keep my crew here for a loooooong time.
I really do want to like this game and it had been on my radar for a long while but I truly cannot recommend this game for $25. From what I can tell it would be fun to play in groups (For a little while) but the solo experience is just awful.
It may be a case of skill issue but having to Pilot, man the Weapons, do all the Repairs, Recharge various sub systems, AND on top of all that try to complete the objectives while on EVA while waves of enemies spawn every two minuets was extremely overwhelming and unfulfilling.
Out of the three missions I tried to do two of them were essentially fetch quests on eva and the third was a combat mission where the modifiers lowered my ships engine power by 40% and disabled my shields, making me a sitting duck.
I think that if you and 3 friends have the cash to blow on a one or two time experience for this sort of thing than go for it, but if you ever think you might want to try diving into this game solo I would strongly dissuade that.
Great game, unfortunately its quite buggy and probably has a memory leak. If this was a beta I would give it some leeway, but this is as far as I can tell a full release so this is unacceptable. If these issues are addressed I would be happy to change this review to positive, but until then I cannot recommend this game.
Update, after 17 more hours played I have now had more runs end due to glitches than not. I will no longer be playing, save your money.
Awesome game, so satisfying playing a game where you are in a big ship blasting everything in outer space with your friends. Already made it past level 30. I do have a handful of complaints about this game though. They have so many terrible relics that are supposed to add positive and negative affects. The negative affects out weigh the positives by a mile. You can get more relics to counter the negatives of other relics, but that's just lame. I want to rack up epic relics to have the baddest ship in the galaxy through hard difficulty missions. Do you get good rewards through hard missions? No, they are decent at best. But the gameplay and experience is what makes it so damn fun and makes you wanting to do more for hours at a time to try and get the best loot.
I would love to see a better "training"/"Practice" mode to this game. They just teach you the general basics at the beginning, but they don't go into strategy. You're expected to read the descriptions of the different variety of loot that you can get and figure out on your own what works best for your ship. You get different kinds of ships that do a bunch of different stuff and I just don't like having to do the scientific research to make some of these ships do better or to take full advantage of their "positives". If anything, i'd like to see practice modes for each kind of ship that builds up to the best capability for your ship. After you have completed the practice mode, you can determine the way you want to set up your ship in future missions and you can roll the way YOU want to roll. There is that much customization in this game, and you're also at the mercy of RNG with the loot that you can get from each mission.
I think this game is awesome because of the game play and the fantasy of being part of a crew in a big(ish) ship. I'd love to see more ships come out.
Now, I will say, I do not think this game was ready for a 1.0 release. There is a lot of content in terms of cosmetics and stuff that you can get on your character and level them up (don't want to go into too much detail on that, experience it for yourself), but with the amount of loot boxes you get from completing missions, it's not hard to get the stuff you want to unlock. 95% of the time, I get good loot at the end of my runs. But that isn't what I am playing the game for, I want more ships, more missions, more weapons, more "side missions", and more abilities. That's what I play this game for. Not the cosmetics and stuff that I can't see 90% of the time. Another reason that I think this game should not have a 1.0 release, is because of the glitches and exploits. For example, in the Protection missions where you are supposed to "escort"/"protect" your allied ships, you can actually destroy your own allied ships that you are supposed to "protect" before you get to the objective to meet with them. After you destroy them, go to the objective to "meet" with them and the mission will proceed as if the ships are actually there to "protect". You can just go to each enemy void jump and spawn kill the enemy. After you have destroyed enough enemies, you complete the mission. It's easy because you have nothing to protect because you destroyed your own ships in the beginning. You also have other glitches like when the enemy sniper ships shoot at you, you won't see the laser if it's supposed to hit you and you don't get away on time. But if you do get away on time, you'll see the laser go past your ship. There are also issues with the scoop, the main loot gatherer on your ship that is used to pull in loot to your ship. Too many annoying times has the loot just stopped outside of the door because it's being blocked by an invisible wall. You can't turn the scoop off and on to fix it and you can't fix it by "enhancing" the scoop. While I am on the subject of the scoop, I would love to see an alternative way to gather loot besides going out of the ship, picking it up, and bringing it back. Like, a hook that you can shoot out, attach the loot to the hook, and real it back in. Just a concept idea.
If you're wondering whether to get this game or not, get it. It's fun, especially if you have friends to play it with. There is match making, but I don't use it because I don't need to. But I have heard that the community of this game is actually nice.
This game is really fun with a full crew! The tutorial is pretty decent, but try to team up with someone who knows what they are doing first. So far the pub guys have been really helpful.
Great Multiplayer Really tough for single player
Great game. At my current rate of "do I get $1/hour of enjoyment?" this definitely holds up. As of now, there's not a whole lot of content you keep you coming back after you get max level but hopefully that changes soon.
This game doesn't just have good gameplay, but is also excels at its framing. The environments are beautiful, the modules all look great and were obviously created with care. All those little details add up and equal an experience that is more than the sum of its parts. I'm hoping this is just the beginning.
Obviously, the game needs *more*. More missions, more bosses, more modules, more weapons. But the game is, as it has released, a great experience top to bottom.
Found my new addiction. Void Crew is a good game, very fun to play, especially in multiplayer. Solo play is quite viable as long as you use the Lone Sentry ship, as it's made for solo player (it unlocks auto turrets and auto repairs on the ship). Haven't tried any other ship in solo, and I don't think you're supposed to in the first place, unless you're looking for some challenge.
And speaking of challenge, I think the game is well balanced. Every mission can be played in all difficulties, except for the bosses, which are unique missions. Not being able to recover the hull past a given threshold the more you're being gunned down pushes you to adapt your gameplay to try and not get hit in the first place.
The available classes all give useful bonuses and abilities for the different roles, my personal choice was the pilot, driving ships is what I have most fun with personally, but there's also the gunner, the scavenger and the engineer.
Fun, beautiful, amazing multiplayer experience, and while I wish there was more content, I can only recommend this game. If you're unsure if you want to play this game, maybe wait a bit. It has great potential, but in its current state, it's repetitive and lacks content after playing for a while. But to each his own experience, I personally enjoy it, even in this state, and I can't wait to see what the future will bring into this game.
its 4 player space Sea Of Theives without the pvp
love it got few bugs here and there but nothing thatll ruin the fun
If the description were "for 2 to 4 players" instead of "1 to 4 players" I'd give this a thumbs up, as it's a unique and interesting multiplayer experience. But while small changes were made so you can technically play single player, many more changes are needed for that to be a viable option. For example, some missions require you to leave your ship but enemies can warp in while you are not in it, and destroy or nearly destroy your ship before you can get back in it. You can set the ship to cruise control while you are gunning, but cruise control doesn't dodge enemy shots or maintain targets in the firing angle. These aren't small things, you really are not going to get very far. To the developers: just be honest that it's a multiplayer game. I understand the desire to get a few extra sales by changing a "2" to a "1" but that's just going to backfire with a thumbs down review, including this one.
I quite like this game! Still has some bugs I'll admit, which can range from minor to... gamebreaking. However, it provides a tactile multiplayer experience I love. Give it a try!
Don't get me wrong, the gameplay is great. I thoroughly enjoy it. But to me, it's still in early access.
There are 2 modes : endless, and endless but with one specific starting loadout. That's it, no campaign, no overarching objective, no actual challenge mode, bit of lore but not that much.
the mode is basically "do 5 challenges, then kill a boss, start again but with your better gear you got through those challenges", forever.
There's no ending at all, it's just doing the same challenges over and over again. They're great, but the variety is extremely lacking even though for quite some time it's still great to play. But as soon as you do one run where you're lucky ish enough to get the ball rolling to burn through everything and do 15, 20 challenges in a row without dying, it becomes... stale. The enemies don't increase in difficulty after each boss, or at least it doesn't feel like it. The biomes remain the same, after each boss there's no difference whatsoever, no new challenge to unlock, no "high difficulty" missions. I would've hoped that after 5 challenge maybe the overall difficulty increase to keep it interesting. Or maybe new biomes and modes available only after 5, 10 or 15 challenges. But no, it's the same, over and over.
I'm sure it can become amazing at some point, I'm sure it can get interesting. But for now, still feels like early access content wise.
Overall, this is a fun game, though after a few rounds it can get repetitive. Personally, I hope the developers alter the formula for the game so when you exit the run you keep your ship upgrades. There needs to be more exploration outside of the ship, invading enemy ships, escape pods, hacking challenges for the ships mainframe, alien infestations, there is a lot of potential. Currently there are only two ships, which for a 1.0 release, there should have been more. At least five ships, not two ships with different formats.
My biggest gripe with the game is the role of the pilot [who is usually the captain]. There is a cruise control but this keeps your ship going in a straight line. There needs to be some form of an auto-pilot which can revolve around a target/destination. If you're the pilot, get used to being completely bound to the chair and not being useful with much else except flying. It would be nice if the pilot had control of different communication channels, power monitors, or even control of certain systems on the ship. Air pressure control, camera security system, etc. Just a bit more flavor with what the pilot can do in the cockpit.
This isn't a bad game, and I'm giving it a thumbs up because it has a lot of potential. There just needs to be more too it than space combat. Space stations need more life and complexity, bigger ships, different missions. Maybe even a mod item for all turret types which grants rudimentary AI support for the other weapons [which need a person to operate them].
I think the developers should move to how "Pulsar : Lost Colony" does their game with the map. A large open system with different options/adventures for your crew. The game is currently an extraction shooter type of game, only in space. Complete however many rounds, return to hub, repeat. You always start with a new ship, never the ship you did in your previous run. This isn't a bad game it just needs more time in the oven.
Not viable for single player. Frustrating, repetitive, negative experience, with no option whatsoever to scale down experience for beginner and/or single player. Time playing this game is time better spent elsewhere.
A fun game to play with friends!!
A very fun first person space immersion game. Ship management, piloting, gunning, engineering, and scavenging are all required in Void Crew. After learning the mechanics of the game (and getting some of the experience points to level up your character's abilities), the game becomes much more forgiving. Getting your first boss kill is very satisfying.
Now, for a 1.0 release, there's a bit left wanting.
- The ships available - there's two variants that have a handful of different layouts. Right now one is much stronger than all the rest.
- The story - you don't really get much background in what's going on, and you don't feel very immersed in the universe at all. One of my favorite 2D rogue likes "Faster than Light" has 10X the story while being completely 2 dimensional and text based. *shrug*
- The rewards - Uhhh after opening several of the "packs" or whatever they are, and using the trade up feature to get the top tier rewards, i've gotten nothing back worth looking at. It seems like there's a alot of back end stuff to make an interesting reward system, but no good rewards. IDK.
Overall: 7/10.
Fun game with the right people. A LOT of potential that has yet to be realized. Metem preserve you. /\
Fun game, absolutely enjoyed it. The Christmas Event was fun, but the voice lines were repetitive. Absolutely fun to play with your mates, but it needs more time in the oven. I recommend picking it up in 6-7 more months when there's more to do and more to get. Maybe when they rework the perk system since Engineer is largely worthless and Scavenger is underpowered.
after playing pulsar, I kinda have to try my best to judge this game with an open mind. which is not as easy. yes the graphics are great. the sounds are amazing. the story is well there isn't much story at all. go out and do tasks and learn to work together or perish. if your playing solo... I guess you do you? its a decent enough experience as a solo game if you enjoy solitude where your only companion is a homunculus that only tells you about your ships conditions and storage levels and on occasion retorts with verbal commands sent from the central hub of which you can best call home base if that is of some comfort. the UI and prompts I often find are trying to hid themselves amongst the backdrop of other prompts on other prompts on other prompts. to me this needs work outlining the visual targets with colors that blend in with the skybox is a frustrating experience when you have team mates that are growing shorter and shorter with you because you aren't reacting to waypoints they may or may not choose to ping your to see. I want to establish a sleep rating "X/5 zzz's" as each position has its quiet moments where one can actually fall asleep while carrying out their task.
the gunner experience: Not much can be complained on that really. I like the ship design though there are some features that limit where guns are effectively placed which is a bit frustrating when the game itself portrays the players as nearly throwaway intergalactic crusader clones flying a throwaway ship that you are intended to loot parts and upgrade it to give yourselves the best chances of survival and yet there are pointless ship protrusions that make no sense that just get in the way of your turrets and as a gunner this is the bane of your experience. in short its a rail shooter for the gunner.
4/5 zzz's (its the snipers worst enemy, the fatigue of monotony as your either shooting or waiting long periods to finally get into range to shoot things.)
the pilot experience: the ship flies on a flat plain in space. like a crane on a gantry you can ascend and descend. turn and strafe. thats your mobility. no barrel rolls or loop de loops for you. your biggest contribution to the campaign is avoiding missiles and proccing energy shield boosts when necessary. you can set cruise control and check the map for locations to go to but in multiplayer you will most likely keep that job for your engineer or scavenger to so you can dodge missiles. the game may look 3d to you but it plays like a bullet storm game if your a pilot.
3/5 zzz's (travelers fatigue)
the engineer experience: probably the most intense of the bunch in this game and probably the most fun for that reason. you will have tasks all over the ship and though there is currently 2 designs. some may still get confused as to knowing whether they are going to the front of the rear of the ship. the first 15-45 minutes of gameplay for you will be resetting breaker switches and fixing ship damages and arguing with the gunner why purchasing the first auxillary generator is a better investment than a level 3 weapon after the gunner just spent the last 2 missions spending all the resources on weapon mods while you were distracted by keeping the ship working and the crew alive.
-1/5 zzz's early game, 5/5 zzz's late game
the scavenger experience: you are the jack of all trades master of none in the ship. outside the ship is your playground. but unless your near a facility with a sentry turret you will most likely be the designated loot the abandoned place guy and then be the guy that hops on a gun because at least your doing something productive. it wont scratch that space marine experience if thats what your looking for because once your inside the ship or facility, as there is virtually no threats that can hurt you lest you forget how to use the airlock and/or run out of air because there is no alien life forms in the facilities. there is the odd electrical arch you may feel compelled to fly through...
3/5 zzz's
Despite all the points appearing negative. I would still say this is a good game for those that wished for a decent space marauder game that is a jump in jump out friendly. though I would Like to see some intense FPS boarding hostile enemy ships and also defending insergents that board the players ship as well.
Good with friends.
Game is lacking content tho.
Check for mods after your first few sessions :)
What i would like: (would give you 10 more bucks)
- waaaayyy more relics
- waaaayyy more missions
- waaaayyy more ships
- some proper way to save a session!!!
- get rid of that disgusting forced damage you cannot repair. I'd prefer going out with a blast in a hard fight instead of certain death because i cannot repair 90% of our ships hull.
Other stuff
- stop deccelerating in space. It makes no sense
- make hull breaches actually vent your air
- engineer is not a good role imho. you just react to blinking lights and miss the entire mission in the meantime. I basically had to play solo to learn the game.
No save function! Really ?!?!?!?!? I don't want an out for save scumming. But give us something to work with! Feels crappy when me and 2 or 3 other friends end the night due to time more so than "risk vs reward". pretty good game otherwise
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Hutlihut Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 80 |
Отзывы пользователей | 89% положительных (3771) |