Разработчик: Drift Physics Crew
RDS - The Official Drift Videogame
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Выбор времени суток и погоды. Разная температура воздуха и асфальта влияет на работу мотора и сцепление шин с дорогой.Разное освещение и атмосфера на трассах
- Уникальная физическая симуляция работы шин автомобиля ощущается как реальность
- Абсолютно новая физика на технологии nVidia Physics гарантирует четкость физических процессов
- Улучшение и настройка двигателя / выбор программы управления / ограничение максимальной мощности для максимального зацепа
- Улучшение подвески и рулевого для большего выворота передних колес
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- Снижение массы машины за счет установки облегченных деталей и удаления лишних элементов для лучшего контроля в дрифте
- Выбор шин и настройка давления в них отдельно для передней и задней оси
- Swap двигателя с изменением характеристик и звука. 10 легендарных двигателей
- Все устанавливаемые детали имеют свой вес, который сказывается на общем весе автомобиля
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- 100 слоев и более 840 уникальных винилов для нанесения на машину
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Профили игроков храняться в Steam Cloud. Повреждения или исчезновение профилей исключено. Можно играть на любом компьютере из любого места земного шара, менять компьютер и переустанавливать ОСГЕЙМПАДЫ И РУЛИ
Поддержка клавиатуры и всех типов геймпадов, рулей и других контроллеров. Поддержка нескольких контроллеров одновременно (например, отдельно руль, педали и ручник)Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian
Системные требования
- ОС: 7, 8, 10
- Процессор: 2.0 GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GT610 or AMD HD5450 or Intel HD Graphics 530 with 1GB of VRAM
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible sound card
- Поддержка VR: SteamVR. Keyboard or gamepad required
- Дополнительно: Supported Graphics Cards: AMD HD5000 Series, HD6000 Series, HD7000 Series, R7 Series, R9 Series Nvidia GTX400 Series, GTX500 Series, GTX600 Series, GTX700 Series, GTX900 Series Intel HD4000 Series, HD5000 Series
- ОС: 7, 8, 10
- Процессор: 3.0 GHz+
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX780 or AMD R9 290
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible sound card
- Дополнительно: Supported Graphics Cards: AMD HD5000 Series, HD6000 Series, HD7000 Series, R7 Series, R9 Series Nvidia GTX400 Series, GTX500 Series, GTX600 Series, GTX700 Series, GTX900 Series Intel HD4000 Series, HD5000 Series
Отзывы пользователей
No cockpit view for VR, which is weird since it's just a copy/paste version of their previous game which had such a thing
dont buy it if you want to use vr its terrible no cockpit view waste of money
Do NOT buy for VR. Game has no cockpit view or helmet camera.
The older version of this game, from the same developer, for some weird reason, does have a cockpit view implemented: FURIDASHI: Drift Cyber Sport,
Buy that instead if you are like me and need that cockpit view for VR gaming.
Are you guys going to add first person cockpit view?
If not, May I pretty please get a refund?
I figured since you guys support VR and my motion simrig, that you at least had a cockpit view... Without this there is zero immersion. Once this is added, i'd gladly change my review to positive.
This is a mess. Understeer and Traction Control completely kill any sense of realism right away. TC can't be turned off and the need for 1st gear on occasion should be subjective. The devs didn't think it necessary to add a way to turn off traction control...Even with tuning.., this doesn't get better. Like many have said before, the lack of a cockpit camera is ridiculous for a game that supposedly supports VR.
Biggest waste of my money on Steam in about a decade...F this garbage.
DO NOT BUY THIS GAME FOR VR AS IT HAS NO COCKPIT VIEW. Also the chase veiws it gives you are not any good either will be asking for a refund as is pointless without a cockpit view
The control of the game is terribly bad, I tried to play with the steering wheel, but the steering is very bad, the steering wheel has to be turned one turn to start turning the car at all.
The steering position to the left and right at less than 45 ° is completely insensitive, there is no load, the car does not move in either direction. It has nothing to do with real physics!
Only an external view ... it's unbelievably bad that there is no internal view in a "simulator" game, but it's more of a cheap something than a simulator ...
Definitely a waste of money!
I tried to play with Thrustmaster T300RsGt steering, but this game is a junk!
Excelent phisichs and control
Dumb engine sounds. Most be more realistic
Would be wonderfull if acceleration and brake could be pressed together and add damage.
the game has good physics but really needs first person/cockpit view, i dont play any racing games in 3rd person so it bothers me alot. also if i could manage the menu with my mouse that would be great too. it has potential for sure, but im not gonna play it too much because of the camera. please add it, you guys had it in fudashi, ur previous game...
If you're looking for a hardcore top of the top drift sim look away! If not, stay and read my unnecessarily long review cause you might just find this as your all time favorite game. As I'm writing this I've played this game for 256.5 hrs so i think it's about time to give this game a review! If you know the game Furidashi it's pretty much the same but a bit more refine, better physics with different cars, added tracks and a winter element that is a dlc! Can't say it's worth it now cause there's only 3 tracks that's in the winter element but if they add more then its a no brainer. But I love it and won't stop loving it! I've since stop playing Furidashi if that matters at all but as most people who play this game would agree it needs more cars, cosmetic customization such as body kits that is nonexistent, would be nice to have but not a big deal for some like me, being able to create your own unique livery is cool but not as cool as hotboing your ride or going all ebisu spec with no body panels. The cars is static, can't raise it or lower it nor can you find that perfect fitment by dialing in some more negative offset so if you're a stance kid that might bug you. I'm a stance kid, doesn't bother me cause it comes better then an actual FD race car fitment which is a good time to shamelessly plug my IG kevinkwon333 that has my use to be stance car now soon to be proam car LOL! And tracks! Need MORE! But there's plenty where someone like me keeps coming back for more. Would be nice if we had a workshop by now i mean its June, 2020 already but the game is still in development so you can't get rid of me RDS! There's no first person view its more of a you're sitting on the hood kinda view other than that physics is OK! It's not the best representation as a drift sim but it's not the worst compare to most/a lot of competitors out there and so does the graphics. No license for the cars so they're re-branded, big DEAL! Do you really want to concern yourself with the name of the cars rather than the joy you might have of playing the game and the awesome memories you might make? Maybe you do, I don't judge. I know some people have good luck with their wheel and some don't but that just ultimately means user error. You can't reset your position or T-Pain your way back to a position you want to rejoin your wolf pack, if that's big deal for you, sorry. Note if you do end up with the game keep in mind that you need to repair your engine and replace your tires once you go through them at the start of the game so don't go thinking that there's a button to take out a loan but if you did and have no money left to repair that's OK! You still can drift, it'll just feel like you're on ice but make sure you're in a public lobby with live players so you can earn that cash and get gripped up! Lets face it its not AC or GT but it is a close representation to drifting as the developers can possibly make it with the resources they have and they did a real good job imo. I'd say it's close to FH3 with minor differences in physics! On top of that you can do engine swaps! Not crazy ones but engine swap is a thing. Choose different type of wheels, mismatch the front and rear if that's your thing and if you have an eye for design, its addicting to sit there and design your own livery even with the limitation that the game has which i doubt would be a problem. It might be a little arcadey if you have played AC or GT but its not so much that it makes it unrealistic! In fact its to the point where you'll be trying to be the best at the game and might end up too addicted. And I bet if you can get the hang of it which is a learning curve you'll have a lot of fun whether you like to freestyle tandem at your favorite course with your buddies or do battles like a real drift competition. YES! You line up, wait for the green light and LIGHTS OUT! Its time to shred! It's nerve wracking and exciting lining up against your opponent/friend whether you're leading, trying to get the 100 point run or as a follower, running you're opponent doors and scoring higher than their lead run! Play it! if it seems easy, don't quit, play it gain! line yourself as a leader but this time try to do a 98+ point lead run by driving like a bat outta hell with ridiculous amount of angle and hitting all those clipping point then switch it up and see if you can glue your car against your opponent door in drift and between transition and maybe then you'll fall in love with the game like i do.
Amazing game both for wheel and for controller. ( I use a wheel, most players use controller tho ). Very realistic drifting, beginner friendly, nice graphics and sounds. The only 2 areas for improvement would be to allow us to modify our car's exterior ( Body panels, widebody ext. ) and to actually show damage on the car when we smash into something.
Other than that, I would say it's an amazing, well made game.
The drift physics are decent and better than most of the competitors in this genre.
Smooth Gameplay with no crashes/lag/whatsoever.
Thats all the positive aspects of this game. THATS ALL.
Playerbase is dwindling, well wouldnt even say dwindling, there is hardly any open lobbies for me atleast, no matter when I play!! The developers were already working on a game called "Furidashi", which had a better customisation and even a cockpit cam. This is a downgrade from that. There is no licensed cars in the game, just cheap remodelling of Supra, AE86, M3, 350Z. There is no aftermarkets customisation, only vinyls and paint are the cosmetics available. The Premium DLC contains fully upgraded version of the normal store cars with 1 or 2 DLC only cars, which feels like a scam! 80% of the DLC is what people can grind and buy already!
My suggestions on improving the game are as follows-
1. Adding Aftermarket parts
2. STEAM WORKSHOP- Maps/Cars with their respective physics
3. More Exclusive Cars in the DLC Packs
4. Cockpit Cam
5. Actually giving some genuine content atleast once in 2 months maybe?!
Dont Even Buy this when on sale. One of my worst purchases ever!!
Played this game about 6 months ago, was the biggest heap of sh*t. Tried it again, still same thing. Who makes a car game with vr support but no first person in game, and on top of that, it takes a good 2 minutes to load anything
This game feels and looks great but I play on VR and coming from furidashi I expected a cockpit view. I don't recommend this if you're expecting to play on VR. Why is there no cockpit view on a VR driving game?
Was expecting a new game. All I got was FURIDASHI with a rebrand. If you have Furidashi you dont need this game. Its just the same game but with another name, some new little features, an some maps. An all the default maps are there. Not worth it.
Your just buying the same game twice.
Drift Physics Crew
If you are going to just add some features an maps. You coulda done all this to Furidashi with a update. Cuz that game needs more work.
Getting refunded as soon as I finish writing this. I don't need 2 of the same game.
was expecting a simulation, instead the game felt like forza, ok ffb, more towards the feel of an arcade game, cars are ripped off, clutch wasnt doing what its supposed to be doing, but a fun game for casuals.
buy assetto corsa
I was expecting much more from this game.
• Umm.. Somewhat ok-ish drifting?
• Graphics looks like I'm playing modded Street Legal Racing Redline. I'm not one of those who values only graphics in the game, but for such game that came out in 2019 it looks quite bad.
• Sounds are terrible.
• They have no license for the cars, meaning that all vehicles have fake brands, models. BMW E36 is called EF3 if I remember correctly..
• Bodies of the cars look horrible, BMW E36 is made so poorly, that it looks like BMW E36 and E34 had an autistic baby. Toyota Supra looks like it was taken from an undeveloped mobile game.
• Some of the materials look horrible.
• Music is like from an mobile game.
• Smoke effects looks horrible.
• Tracks are kinda repetitive, I bet most of you have racing games with your favorite, memorable tracks, however I couldn't find a single track in this game that I would like more than others.
• Modifications are a joke, you can buy an engine and upgrade it to the next "step", meaning that you won't be interacting with the engine itself, changing parts, but simply paying some amount of money to "magically upgrade" the whole engine, change it's color and add a few horse powers. Same with suspension, transmission, "weight reduction", other parts.
• No modification parts for car's body, you can't take off the bumpers, or change sideskirts, lids, mirrors, or anything at all.
• No muscle cars, not much JDM classics, well you have AE86 Trueno, Supra, yadda yadda yadda, but however there are only a few german and few jdm cars. Other cars are locked up behind the DLCs.
• DLC cars are the same cars as you have in the game as stock vehicles in the shop, but with liveries and upgraded engines and other "components". Only russian classic cars are not in the base game and can be bought only by getting DLC.
• Driving is not challenging, I was expecting much more, but even in Forza Horizon drifting feels way much solid than in RDS. Some cars felt like I was driving a boat.
I asked for refund, I won't be touching this game unless it will get major updates, for now it feels worse then the good old Life for Speed.
I will rather drift my E36 in Forza Horizon 3. I was shocked that it's not possible to change the parts in RDS, change ignition, valves, pistons, piston rings, yadda yadda yadda.. RDS feels like it's a port of mobile game.
I hope Drift19 won't be like this when it will come out.
If you selling your game worldwide then will be nice to post updates and event on english as well not just russian plus finish the game before you do an other one.
This game is so poorly designed. You earn no money if offline mode like you did in Furidashi (basically the same game btw) but it still saves tire and engine wear (which requires money to fix). Instead, they now force you to play online with people who have no idea how not to hit people or drift a similar direction as the other people. Thats not even mentioning the fact that you need at least two people to start an online match and at most there are only 20 people online at a time. So basically, if youre not drifting with friends, youre going to be crashed and have a very bad time.
CONS- Everything either cost in game currency or real money for built cars
Other players are awful and ruin just about every round you have to earn money
Its Furidashi 2.0 with a terrible competition system and a couple mediocre maps added
Built cars are hidden behind 3 different DLC's that seem worth it but arent
PROS- Physics are pretty good when youre not being crashed into
UPDATE- Noticed you can earn money without playing online by doing a shadow match. Also though, I forgot to mention how bad the maps and clipping points are designed. Some parts of tracks that should clearly have points do not (See Aircraft Carrier) and the new Russian tracks are so poorly designed that theyre almost unplayable minus one little section on each map. So little time put into these new maps and most of the old maps were ruined and Country Road (best map) was removed for whatever reason.
DONT BUY THIS! Furidashi is getting no updates and its a less tedious and more fulfilling product
If you want a hardcore sim, don't buy this.
If you want to have some fun doing skids and waste plenty of time, this is your game.
At first i was going to reccomend this game but now i cant. someone set up a session for 30 minutes I left early and all my money i earned was gone on top of that my tire wear and engine wear were saved so after leaving i not only lost all the money i earned but i fd up my tires and engine. absolute nonsense also a offline mode that you dont earn any money also wears down your car. at the end all they want is for poeple to buy the dlc. im very disappointed with this game. its furidashi with a reskin. the only plus is the wheel physics are not terrible they feel decent. the cars also have a tendency to over rotate which might just be a tuning issue. fun fact if you dont have lots of power let your tires wear down the car feels 10 times better. Do not buy wait until its on sale for anything under 10 bucks i would buy it but im probably going to refund this. the only pluses are. wheel physics not bad game looks good i like the car selection. cons the big ones ive already mentioned then why spend another 20 bucks for another furidashi with a skin no point. if you have furidashi dont buy this by any means. the game also lacks customization youre stuck with what you get. it feels like an ios game that i can play for free. Also the game is just dead you have only like 3 people on and thats about it. once you find a lobby people play for points anyway which makes the tandem aspect of the game worthless. some of the tracks are screwed up too orlandos clipping points are in the completely wrong spots except for the ones on the wall ride. and also poeple make 30 minute lobbies which if you want the money you have to wait the 30 minutes to be awarded anything. its honestly a waste of 20 bucks atm. i feel like they should have updated furidashi and not make another game it just feels like a total money grab for a game thats dead from the start and it will only die more and more since people with furidashi will rather play that. oh wait one more good thing i like the track selection and thats it. DONT BUY
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Drift Physics Crew |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 80% положительных (256) |