Разработчик: Streum On Studio
Еще больше усложняют обстановку внутренние конфликты в E.Y.E между сторонами Жьян и Калтер (на стороне которой вы и находитесь). Ваша верность разрывается между двумя людьми: командиром Риманахом (ваш начальник и глава Secreta, сепаратист с громадными амбициями) и «Ментором» (вашим другом и наставником). «Ментор» пытается любой ценой помирить две враждующие стороны. Вы находитесь в центре братской войны, полной политических заговоров и попыток захвата власти, в которую вовлечены различные группировки и мегакорпорации.
Эти проблемы и стали фундаментом для атаки неизвестной силы, желающей уничтожить человечество.
Ключевые особенности:
- Многопользовательские кооперативные режимы прямым образом влияют на одиночную игру и наоборот. Наконец-то, разграничение многопользовательской и одиночной игры оставлены в прошлом.
- Управление психическими и эмоциональными травмами.
- 25 оружий, различные режимы стрельбы, динамическое прицеливание, пробивающие выстрелы, задержка дыхание и крупное увеличение прицела.
- Полноценная система взлома, влияющая на игру.
- 9 разрушительных скрытых парапсихологичных сил.
- Более 20 неподконтрольных персонажей с неопределенным, реактивным и эффективным искусственным интеллектом с добавлением капли инициативы. Кровавый ближний бой со всеми техническими подробностями. Невероятный физический реализм, возможный благодаря физике движка Source.
- Поразительная реиграбельность: основные и дополнительные миссии, динамическое окружение, нелинейное развитие уровней и случайное появление неподконтрольных персонажей различного типа и внешности. Смерть никак не сказывается на игроках, им не придется начинать игру заново.
- Многочасовой веселый геймплей на свободных для исследования уровнях.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows® 7 32/64-разрядная / Vista 32/64-разрядная / XP
- Процессор: Pentium 4 с частотой 3 ГГц, Athlon 64 3000+ или лучше
- Оперативная память: 1 ГБ для XP / 2 ГБ для Vista
- Жесткий диск: 6 ГБ свободного места
- Видеокарта: совместимая с DirectX 9, со 128 МБ видеопамяти, поддержкой шейдеров 2.0. ATI X800, NVidia 6600 или лучше
- DirectX®: 9.0c
- Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX 9.0c
- Дополнительно: соединение с Интернетом для многопользовательской игры
- ОС: Windows® 7 32/64-разрядная / Vista 32/64-разрядная / XP
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo с частотой 2,4 ГГц или AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+
- Оперативная память: 1 ГБ для XP / 2 ГБ для Vista
- Жесткий диск: 6 ГБ свободного места
- Видеокарта: совместимая с DirectX 9 и поддержкой шейдеров 3.0. NVidia 7600, ATI X1600 или лучше
- DirectX®: 9.0c
- Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX 9.0c
- Дополнительно: соединение с Интернетом для многопользовательской игры
Отзывы пользователей
horse tier game design
You gain Brouzouf
You gain Brouzouf
You gain Brouzouf
Your legs are broken
Your legs are okay
Research is over
I don't have a lot of time in it yet, but I wanted to give my first impressions/thoughts. It's pretty unique and has RPG/thematic elements not commonly found in other source engine games. So far the setting/vibe feels like Half-Life meets Deus Ex meets System Shock meets S.T.A.L.K.E.R. meets Warhammer 40K. It's not perfect (what games actually are?); the interface is pretty convoluted (wish I could also change the size of it) and a lot of mechanics are poorly explained or not explained at all when it feels like an explanation is probably warranted. The stamina/endurance is more tedious than most games and there can be long periods of walking on occasion. The gunplay feels pretty good, although the skill/weapon selection is more complicated than it needs to be. I have only played it singleplayer so far, but I could see this being a fun multiplayer game.
-interesting lore
-good dystopian setting
-cool level ups and abilities
-good gunplay
-funny dialogue
-bad level design
-too much walking
-walking and bad level design are made much worse by the energy drain/endurance system (essentially everything you do other than shoot or walk takes energy)
-takes too long to level up your endurance and special abilities
-poor options for key binding in terms of weapon selection
-missions need to be completed from beginning to end in one sitting before it saves your campaign progress. This would be fine if the missions didn't take so long to do. I don't like feeling like I have to commit to that much gaming in one sitting.
It's still one of the best action FPS things ever made. try the shotgun, you'll thank me.
it's good
Know what you're getting into, and love every weird detail about it
I don't know wtf this game is supposed to be about but it's a trip for sure.
i have zero idea how this is in my steam library but its really cool. i think it showed up around 2014
sewer crawling simulator
Its crazy how this infernal game manifested onto my computer a decade ago. Let me be clear I DID NOT BUY THIS!!! It just appeared one day waiting for me to stumble upon it far into the future like some fucked up time capsule. I did play this ONCE, when I was a kid and so did a good friend of mine- however our initial memories of this game are both exactly the same yet wildly different from what we actually played. This leads me to believe this game is alive, ever changing. Each copy of E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy is PERSONALIZED!!!
cool game
Janky but fucking awesome
this game is great. haven't tried the multiplayer yet but I think it would be as good as or even better than the single player.
I really like this game, and yet I have a handful of QoL critiques. There are already a lot of reviews for this game praising its pros and cons, but for me there are just a couple of things that really stand out.
1. The in-game writing for lore and dialog could be cleaned up to either make the story a little clearer or just make more grammatical and spelling sense. The world and lore is actually pretty cool, but a little difficult to digest the details.
2. I didn't see any option to adjust the font color to make the captions more visible, and thus a lot of text disappears into the environment background.
3. Menu management feels difficult, especially if you use the hacking skill. There doesn't seem to be a way to manage quickly exiting the character/actions menu except to click out of the window, like while hacking, and enemy mobs are are spawning in to shoot you while you are immobilized viewing it.
4. The AI for enemies on respawn seems to prioritize finding and attacking you even when you are out of sight, to the point where enemies of warring factions will ignore each other and even walk in a line to your position to interrupt you while you are stuck in those pesky menus I mentioned above. This is both funny to see and annoying to play with. It also breaks the immersion of you being in an urban warzone or an alien battlefield when every mob auto-targets/aggros on the player when vaguely in proximity. I find this a bit of a shame, as a lot of the charm of this game is the atmosphere and world that is in dire and constant conflict.
5. The leveling system. I am fine with a complicated skill tree, especially when it introduces nuance to player builds. My main bone to pick with this one is the research tree. At some point, the arbitrary need to put in another level of skills to find items through random drops by grinding enemies, then spend experience currency, then have to wait various amounts of actual time depending on what you are willing to pay to get that research, and then some of them are duds... ooo boy. There may be an argument that this was meant to be immersive in-world and reflect more on the concept of "research", but the actual player experience is a bit rough if the goal is to also have players want multiple playthroughs with different classes. If the whole of the leveling system was tweaked and streamlined, I think a little less pain in this department would make players want to try more things for longer.
6. My last complaint is the enemies and their skins. I have achievements with my limited time playing this game for killing what I assume are rare enemies. It doesn't feel like an achievement for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that there is little difference in appearance, ability, or fanfare between rare mobs and regular mobs. They spawn and seem to have really similar moves, AI, and stats. They die quicker in a crowd of enemies coming at you than you can even process they were there. Second, I think that even if their skins are a little different, they either don't spawn consistently with the appropriate skin that corresponds with their enemy type or the differences are so minor that they don't stand out at all.
All that said, I really like this game. There is a lot of interesting ideas, armor and weapon designs, really cool lore and world building, the blending of fantasy and sci-fi, and a humorous but genuine myopic cynicism of this vision of this far future fantasy world. I enjoy the fusion of the FPS and RPG elements and the little bits of cyberpunk and pop culture inspirations in the designs of the NPCs and the world. I find the ridiculous and over-the-top tone shifts in dialog options funny and nostalgic., even if it contrasts a little to the tone of the story.
This is one of those games I really think is worth trying out despite all its flaws. My wish would be this game would get picked up and remade in a new engine, get some QoL improvements and a little more variety in enemies, and have this core vision really fleshed out.
Save system is broken and maps randomly skip parts on windows 10.
finally a good source game
My legs are okay
very fun and simple game
100% recommended
they stopped making games this good years ago.
I bought this game because a lot of people said that it's like Brigand : Oaxaca. It's not. At least from what I can tell. The visuals and combat are more polished here but, it's missing the heart and atmosphere of Brigand. Brigand is the superior game of the two in my opinion. Eye is alright. But, it's just yet another dark cyberpunk adventure set in yet another boring dark Urban Hellscape. At least the guns and skills help set in apart a little.
You gain brouzouf
Hyper obscure RPG FPS with a plot line in so many various threads that somehow still works. Not a game for everyone but if you want to be confused about your own morality and whatever the hell is going on while shooting things, great game.
Its pretty good
Game goes hard and is complex, VERY COMPLEX! But it has some cool story line.
If I said I could recommend this game, it would be the greatest lie one could conceive, much like the ideas of justice and mercy, to quote Sir Pratchett. I will review this lie of a game in chronological order.
The lie begins with you picking your character’s genome sequence. It’s a series of 3 character build options, except it’s in flavor text, so you don’t actually know what they’ll do. There’s also just a genome that is the meta gene. Just pick that one for all 3, I beg you. Naturally, I did not do this initially.
The tutorial might be the worst I’ve ever seen in a game, second to maybe Spacechem or Xenoblade X. You are prompted to watch 24 tutorial videos that explain things that you can intuit, but doesn’t explain things that do need explaining. You will be lost without it, and a little less lost with it. `
The first combat in the game involves you sliding down a ramp and jumping into the fray of about 3 enemies. When I slid down the ramp, I died instantly due to fall damage. I have since learned this is a bug. I assure you, this is not the last of them. At the end of the tutorial, there is a hacking minigame. Hacking in this game might be the worst I’ve ever experienced in my life, to a degree to where the only way to convey how much it sucks is to have you attempt to hack one single thing; it cannot be explained wholly with words. But my approximation of this feeling is a sisyphean task of masking until you get one attack off, then recovering for 6 turns, then attacking once, then masking, then doing this until you win (insert autism joke here). This is coming from someone who unironically adores the pipe minigame from Bioshock. The tutorial has an alternate path where you can skip the, turns out, optional first combat. It requires around 15 minutes of walking and the longest ladder in the game for no reward.
You then spawn in a hub area that has a library with every piece of lore in this setting in the most unwieldy form possible. I honestly couldn’t stomach more than 2 of the six terminals which take maybe 3 minutes each to read (that you can also read out of order very easily). The NPC’s contradict each other with information that can either be due to the cycles of guilt or weird translation. An NPC will note that you killed your mentor, even though your mentor is in eyesight of both of you, 30 feet away, and your mentor is a vital character in the story. Again, this could just be part of the cycles of guilt. The hub area is where you walk a lot with no combat. . .and do side missions I don’t care about.
Mission 1 is fine, but I spent 40 minutes on it because the quest giver says “rush to the elevator.” But to get there, you need to climb a ladder that is unmarked and shrouded in darkness. You also have the worst flashlight I’ve genuinely ever seen in a game. I don’t know if it was implemented as a joke, or it just had to be there as part of the source engine, so the devs had to make it as useless as humanly possible.
My first run of mission 2 required me to visit an NPC to convince him to turn traitor against the federation. The convo doesn’t go well and he attacks me and I killed him. This makes the mission uncompletable, so I had to manually restart. No, the game does not tell you that the mission is now uncompletable. I restarted and the game randomly assigned a different objective: hack this thing. I sit in front of it and try hacking it for 25 minutes. I log-out, delete my current character, and decide to make a new one specifically to make hacking as non-horrible as possible (yeah, I just used the meta genome for all three slots. I don’t care).
I get back to mission 2 and complete it. I am brought back to the hub. “Great,” I thought. “Now I can close out and do other things and come back to eye tomorrow.” This is what historians have considered, “that time I accidentally removed several years off his lifespan.” When you close the game, there is a sequence you are supposed to do (no, the game does not tell you this. I learned the hard way). First, disconnect from the server (we’ll get to that in a minute). Next, log out of your character. Then, and only then, should you quit from the game. Otherwise, you may end up like how I ended up. There are two ways to start the game with a character: start campaign, or start from HQ. I do not know how this next part happened, but when I booted the game back up, I started from HQ, as I was in the HQ, but I noticed I didn’t have an objective to talk to the colonel to start the next mission. So, I quit out and started from campaign. It brought me to Mission 1. I hit restart mission. It restarted Mission 1. I went back to HQ. The extra mission for 1 and 2 were unlocked, so the game knows I beat them. My character still has levels and technology I got from those missions. But I had to do mission 1 again.
There are a few possible ways this could have happened:
The French hate me
It is all part of the guilt
Windows 10 may have a permissions thing preventing the game from properly reading your save data under certain conditions upon getting back in-game.
I failed exiting the game
I failedlogging into the game
The game just didn’t save for some reason due to the way checkpoints (don’t) work.
I alt-tabbed at a bad time and it cleared my mission progress (alt-tabbing clears my quick action bar every. Single. Time, by the way).
If I click on any window, even the game’s window, during the boot-up sequence, the game will crash. I did this by accident before this incident.
Oh yeah, logging in.
The game has the capability for 32 player simultaneous co-op for all campaign missions. But it is not always online. When it says “logging into the server” that is a lie. If you boot the game without internet, it will still pretend it’s logging into a server and boot up fine. Because of this, though, the game will technically log you out in a way if you alt-tab. Also, you CANNOT MANUALLY SAVE, QUICKSAVE OR DO ANYTHING TO MANUALLY RELOAD CHECKPOINTS OTHER THAN DYING 9 TIMES, QUITTING OUT, OR RESTARTING THE MISSION
So I redid mission 1 and 2 and then did not exit from the HQ and instead did up to mission 6 and quit out in the proper sequence. Then, and only then, was I able to sigh in relief; I restarted into mission 6. . .what ended-up being the worst mission in the game, which then led to mission 7m, one of the most infuriating missions in the game because one of the mission objectives turns off if you shoot the valve, like you are supposed to, but the flag to get into the next part doesn’t trigger until you shoot the valve multiple times to destroy it.
Mission 8 is fine. The ending is a little underwhelming. The credits are a note that you just read like a bit of lore.
In short, it’s not a terrible game. In fact, I would say it has some highs, but it’s one of those games that really benefits from playing more than once and looking up how certain things work.
Goated in the sauce. Escape samsara.
This game is often listed as rough around the edges but it is a genuinely smoother game than I expected. It is confusing at first but the more you play the more it makes sense. The game initially started as a Half Life 2 mod.
- Immersive world with factions, temples, battle priests, gangs, space mutants, and cyberpunk settings.
- An actual FPS/RPG with cool class builds, Counter Strike/Stalker-like gunplay, and narrative choices.
- It is biased but I am tired of most open-world games unless it really is something new or out of left field. The hub-oriented mission design has been refreshing despite the older game philosophy. Spoiler: The repeating nature of the story with your upgraded character is a welcome change to massive open world games going from one POI to another.
- Source Engine games really have some of the best atmosphere/lighting.
- Pretty short game time. Without spoiling there is a lot to do but you can beat the campaign in about 8-12 hours. Not every game needs to be hundreds of hours.
- The game really encumbers players early on with low endurance/movement speed. It is recommended to upgrade your cyberlegs as soon as you can to increase movement. You are forced into certain upgrades before you can customize your build.
- The level design is not the greatest. You go through a variety of environments but a lot of the spaces are barren and empty at times.
- Movement could be a little better. This game has Q and E leaning but you can only do it when stationary which is tough.
- A lot of the story/lore is dumped to you in the archives section. I thought it worked for the game since it is about an esoteric group of cyber warrior priests so it's fitting that they would have their history inside a library. This is not the game if you are looking for cutscenes.
- Enemy spawning is an issue at times but for some reason it didn't bother me as much as it should.
If you are interested in single player FPS with RPG elements then this is a game to absolutely check out. It is considered unforgiving but the satisfaction you gain in progressing your character along with learning the world makes this a remarkable game. I really wish this company would continue working on this series rather than making Warhammer games.
it'll either be your favorite thing you've ever played or the worst shit you've ever played. it's the textbook wildcard
In E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy you dont hack the door, the door hacks you.
Not Recommended
My legs are OK.
I haven't played it for very long (😅), but thought it was a very "budget" IMMERSIVE SIM (worst named genre?). Pretty cheaply made, but (apparently) has heart.
Weird game, obtuse plot that sniffs its own butt quite a lot. Oddly fun though, especially with friends. This is the most lukewarm of my recommends, because I'm acutely aware some people will hate it, but if you like janky shooters with jankier plots but lofty ideas. You'll have a good time with it.
Nothing quite like it, and in a good way.
The most ambitious half life mod yet devised. Wake the fk up Freeman it's time to level your Int stat. Brutally french except this time it's in the good way
its Cyberpunk 40,077
I appreciate this game as an artistic statement, past that however, it's so tedious. It feels like everything about this game is set up to fight you in an unpleasant manner, obviously I'm just not the right target audience for this.
With the libraries worth of information that is not given to you, and terminology that is used, but never really explained, it feels like you've been chained to the back of a truck and are being dragged over gravel, while the person driving the vehicle is trying to explain to you what this game is trying to convey.
That's not even scratching the surface, with game mechanics and tools that the player is supposed to use to help them being convoluted or just awkward to use effectively. I'd say most people should give this one a miss.
(It feels like only Half-life and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines are the only good Source engine games, all the others feel like pure jank.)
This game is really fun for an hour and torture for the rest but that one hour is REALLLLLY FUN
Good title, very odd and unique. Would love to see a second game.
-Level design.
-Rpg system.
-Hacking mechanics.
-Story & world building.
-A bit clunky, especially the lean in around corners.
-A bit clunky with activating spells / powers.
10/10 the revolver is good
This game is so many things at the same time. It is an action game, an RPG, a first person shooter, an acid trip, a fever dream, a religious experience, a schizophrenic breakdown, a revelation, an achievement in gaming progress, a total mess, funny as hell, a one of a kind story, a semi-open world exploration game, and so much more. It's like a million different genres smashed together into an incoherent mess and I'm all for it. Get it on sale and enjoy the fever dream of blasting your way through infinite feds while trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. And then read the guide I wrote so you can understand what the hell you just saw, cuz it took me like 5 years to figure it out.
I can tell it's probably good but the jank and the actual face fucking worth of information they throw in your face without a proper tutorial I'm not going to bother.
Playing this game plunges the user into a feeling of unfolding mystery akin to awaking with amnesia or entering a fugue state. This is intentional for the most part, however at times it becomes apparent that the lofty occult philosophy being served up is also partially just really poor dialogue translation (at least if youre playing in english). These blurred lines are precisely what keep me coming back to the game, personally. Trying to make sense of wtf is going on is a thrilling puzzle in itself.
As for the actual gameplay it feels a bit like Oblivion but with a Deus Ex vibe. It's got it's fair share of quirks but it is an enjoyable and gratifying experience.
I don’t even know what to say about this cryptid. Is it a shooter? An rpg? There didn’t seem to be enough action to call it the former, or enough story to call it the latter. Tbh I bought this to scratch the itch I had in anticipation of Deus Ex 3 which hadn’t been released yet. But I was very confused by this game. Maybe I didn’t give it a fair chance, but I dunno.
Extremely janky and such, but still worth trying if you like FPS RPGs.
My favorite part about this game is that it was developed by a team of French Source modders that liked Warhammer and LSD and just decided to cook this masterpiece
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Streum On Studio |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 86% положительных (4712) |