Разработчик: Pumpernickel Studio
А пальчики-то у тебя... Ага, вот эти вот. Ну какие ловкие! Мне таких никогда видеть не доводилось. Напечатай ими свое приключение в самой необычной стратегической игре. Стань героем, который удивит всю Минстерию и защитит ее пустующий трон от жадных ручонок хитрой знати и воинственных бандитов.
Твоя печатная машинка поможет создавать армии, строить деревни и побеждать злодеев. Тебя ждут развернутый тактический сюжет и полный сюрпризов геймплей.
Это испытание перевернет мир как опытных стратегов, так и новичков. Но я верю в тебя, Пол! Как говорится, что напечатано на клавиатуре, того не вырубишь топором.
Захватывайте деревни противников, командуя мечниками, лучниками, копейщиками и кавалерией. А чтобы было еще разрушительнее, в вашем распоряжении големы и катапульты.
Получайте золото, нанимая рабочих, которые добывают и культивируют ресурсы. Расширяйте и усиливайте свою армию, вкладывая золото в улучшение воинов или построек (конюшен, казарм и оружейных).
Вступайте в ближний и дальний бой и выстраивайте тактику в зависимости от типа воинов, размера армий и возможных путей. Наносите дополнительный урон, решительно атакуя врага или выполняя маневр «Клещи».
Используйте хитрые заклинания, они дадут вам дополнительные преимущества. Чернильная фабрика откроет продвинутую магию, например заклинания телепорта и чумы.
Про мышку можно забыть. Бросьте ее в жерло вулкана: она вам больше не понадобится. В Touch Type Tale всем заправляет клавиатура. Печатайте, чтобы возводить постройки. Печатайте, чтобы добывать золото в рудниках. Печатайте, чтобы управлять армиями. Печатайте, чтобы наливать эль с пенкой. Вас ждут захватывающие мини-игры, где успех также определяет печатание: кулинарные конкурсы, тир, игры на ритм, безумный шутер и испытание «Великая стратегия».
Испытайте свои умения в большом мире и впишите свое имя в таблицу лидеров!
Научитесь печатать быстрее и точнее. Практикуйте многозадачность и владение языками: текст игры и механика печатания доступны на тринадцати языках. Выбирайте сложность, которая подойдет именно вам. Вы также можете перепроходить игру, увеличивая сложность, чтобы получить еще больше наград.
Разумеется, озвучивает это незабываемое приключение всеми любимый оскароносный актер Джим Бродбент. Герой нашей истории Пол — простой подмастерье волшебника, который пытается избежать самых неприятных задач: ему совсем не хочется сортировать чужую коллекцию ногтей. Погрузитесь в яркий фэнтези-мир и узнайте, как Пол стал величайшим героем Минстерии и сбросил с себя ногтевое бремя.
Проводите стримы на Twitch и позвольте чату управлять вашим приключением! Зрители печатают в чат слова, тем самым голосуя за ваше следующее действие. В настройках игрового меню вы можете привязать Touch Type Tale к вашему каналу на Twitch — и да начнется хаос! (Хе-хе-хе.)
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, spanish - latin america, turkish
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 - 64-bit
- Процессор: Dual Core 1.4 GHz
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 TI
- DirectX: версии 10
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
Отзывы пользователей
This game tricks you into learning. Perfect!
OH. MY. GOODNESS. This game is SO GOOD. It is a rare game up there with TYPING OF THE DEAD, but a dream for strategists and tacticians! It is excellent for teaching typing as well as upping your typing game. My daughter plays and is getting better and better as I watch her . . . and is asking to play . . . and, as someone who types 8 hours a day at work, this game is much better than TotD at actually getting my speed up because it rewards not making errors. I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!! Using a keyboard in RL is always faster than mouse, and this game allows you to leverage that superpower in a rare game that leverages the keyboard. BEANO WUV TOUCH TYPE TALE!
I liked a lot about this game. I bought it on sale after playing the demo (not included in my hours played here). Despite personally disliking the art direction (not for its lack of effort), I found the core game mechanic to be extremely compelling. The typing mechanics and sound design are super satisfying. I'm a 100wpm typer but a rookie RTStrategist, so I played on Normal (Difficulty options range Easy-Normal-Hard-Harder-Hardest) and found it a good challenge.
Where this game fails: investing too much into a fundamentally poor art and story direction. There's voice acted and fully voice acted cutscenes that serve as the narrative core, explaining the different map themes you play through in the campaign. Despite the clear amount of production that went into it, there's very little about the main character, the faux-medieval world, or character design that made me want to care about it.
The plot almost gets interesting at times, like realizations that (mild plot spoilers) the MC is being manipulated by kings MC is helping, or that he sides with rebels that he himself helped imprison but are so... surface level and boringly written? that the cutscenes are a drag to get through. If you're a narrative-leaning gamer like me, this will drive you nuts. Pure gameplay enjoyers likely won't care.
I had to put the game down and leave this review when the art direction got so mind-boggling Orientalist that it gave me a sour feeling in my stomach.
I might keep playing because I already bought the game, but I don't really want to support the devs anymore. I might check out Glyphica for another typing strategy, and (if you were hoping this game would scratch this particular itch like I did) I would strongly recommend Pentiment for a visually and narratively beautiful Medieval themed game.
Great game, very nicely done, catchy, with a diverse gameplay, personally love it !
Nice game with strategic elements. Maybe i am lazy but it is very cozy to just lay your hands on the keyboard and type. Haven't tried PvP yet.
Annoyingly difficult. The same procedure for most levels. Sometimes there is a checkpoint at the first building your create and sometimes there isn't. If you try it on harder difficulties, it is such a slog.
If you don't, you can't unlock a level and 40% of the locked content.
While I enjoyed the game enough to beat it, I have never been so frustrated.
It's an RTS that you play by typing.
And it's pretty good! Pretty fun story. Definitely helps with touch typing.
There's a couple dozen levels (with 5 difficulties), several minigames, a skirmish mode, PvP, and probably other stuff.
Absolutely recommend!
Very addictive typing game, great story/lore, and good difficulty scaling. Would recommend if you like typing games.
Finally a typing game with meaningful gameplay
I am not that great at typing but its great game in my mind. Loved the demo and bought the full version on release.
Best typing game.
Difficult to understand
A fun strategy game that also lets me sharpen up my typing skills. What's not to like?
Fantastic, every chapter introduces a new mechanic that keeps the game fresh.
Glad to see a dying genre (Typing games) revived with such a unique concept.
this game is so nice, u wont be dissapointed
Touch Type Tale - Strategic Typing offers a delightful ESC from the ordinary. It's a WINDOW(s key) to a new category of game in which the player CTRLs both units and production buildings through typing. When first ENTERing play, the FN of various game elements can be confusing, maybe even overwhelming. The enemies sometimes come without PAUSE. In the END, though, the player learns to INS troops effectively to DEL the enemies and keep safe their HOME.
More seriously: I had fun. I'm an above-average typist, and I play a lot of strategy games (though few of the real-time variety). While I had no trouble keeping up with the words, I sometimes struggled with the speed of necessary strategic decision-making at even the recommended starting difficulty. For good play, it's necessary to determine an appropriate build-order for each level's challenges, and at times it was difficult for me to convert my thinking into the right kind of typing. I suspect, though, that says more about my aged brain than anything about the game. Nonetheless, players who aren't interested in speedy play might consider lowering the difficulty substantially even if they type well.
Other reviewers have said the game's difficulty settings need tweaking. I'm not sure if this is true. It's clear that the developers don't want players to win each level on their first attempts. Rather, my sense is that the developers want players to repeatedly struggle through each level to improve. In my view, it's fair to ask players to repeat levels to learn, though this learning must be mechanical or conceptual rather than the exact build order necessary to defeat just that level. Unfortunately these repeats sometimes seemed less about mechanics and more about grinding out the opposition.
Further evidence of the developer's desire for repeated play of each level is that every one introduces a new mechanic. (This was at least true of my playthrough of the first six levels. Perhaps it changes in later stages.) Rather than feeling confident in my developing understanding of the game, I felt consistently off-balance, awkwardly spinning plates--and then the game asked me to begin juggling. The decision to add a new mechanic in each level keeps the game fresh, though at the expense of player comfort. Whether that's appealing depends on a player's tolerance for replaying each level to achieve competence, let alone mastery.
Though my playthrough was limited by my stream community's waning tolerance for hours of clickity-clackity keyboard action, I would've liked to play more. It's surely worth taking a look.
What a font-astic game! I mean, truly. Hats off to the small studio that brought this big game to life. It's a workout for your mind as much as it is your fingers. Want to mine resources? Type. Harvest crops? Type. Recruit workers daily? Type. Erect buildings and barracks? Type. You get the point. Or do you? Because every single action that is at your fingertips is literally at your fingertips.
You will be asked to type at a speed known only to the quick brown fox. However, you're not mindlessly typing and watching everything unfold. It's an RTS game after all--only that how you execute your strategy is by type.
In conclusion, you think you've been reading a review. It was a ploy. I've been s e n d i n g_m y_t r o o p s_t o_b a t t l e . U n f o r t u n a t e l y_t h e y_a r e_o n_t h e i r_w a y_t o_c a p t u r e_y o u r_c a s t l e . I_r e c o m m e n d_y o u_b u y_t h e_g a m e_a n d_s t a r t_t y p i n g . Q u i c k l y .
What it is, in a normal RTS with weird controls and very nice and cute art. You get to mine minerals, construct additional pylons and send dudes to kill enemy dudes, but you do all of that by endless typing: Asparagus, Women, Kind, drop, Foment, zeroed... and so on, and on. It's fun when it clicks together and annoying when you have to type an Iliad to direct a single unit from point A to point B. (Is there a button to cancel the last order? Please, please, will somebody tell me? My least favorite part is where I send the guys in the wrong direction, and then I can't recall them back until they travel all the way there, because I missed what the cancel command is.)
There's a lot to like: first and foremost the art (sometimes I wish it was placed in a calmer game so I could take a moment now and then to appreciate it better, but in a game like this everything is on fire all the time and there's little time left to gawk at pretty animations), the humor, I'm curious about the story. The difficulty sometimes seems inconsistent: I tried to stick to the suggested "Hard" level, but on "Hard" some missions seemed trivial, others seemed nightmarish, while others felt just right. This is probably a game where you would want to select the difficulty for every mission separately. Maybe some smoothening would be good.
You have to be a little masochistic to play this, because, well, there's a reason most games use select & click kind of interface instead of the typing fiesta. It is often awkward and clunky. But if you don't mind torturing your fingers a bit or some frustration ("the bad guys are about to take over my village, and I must type 'conscientiousness' in one second to stop them!"), or if, goodness help you, you actually enjoy the process of typing for some reason known only to you, here's an interesting challenge with a lot of content, nicely made too.
This game is wonderful in concept, the game play itself is good as well but the difficulty settings should be changed a bit.
The highest difficulty is virtually impossible to beat on any mission or skirmish.
Yes, This works great on my SteamDeck with a KEYBOARD. This game is very entertaining indeed. Just really well put together, sharp looking and smooth.
Great concept and gameplay. Challenging at times
Absolutely the best typing game there is. The RTS aspect of it makes the gameplay really engaging. I feel like this is natural combinations of genre's and I'm surprised its never really been done before now.
The campaign is also really well done and has a wide variety of level types. I always felt like there was something new and interesting going on.
To me, the act of typing is so rhythmic and percussive that I've always found typing games a source of relaxation. This here gives me the oddest sensation of zen-like bliss as I'm being forcibly pushed off a cliff.
Bar none the best typing strategy game ever made. my steam playtime does not reflect full playtime.
Just buy it if you like typing games in any capacity.
Игры похожие на Touch Type Tale - Strategic Typing
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Pumpernickel Studio |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 18.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 91% положительных (23) |