Разработчик: Shiro Games
Бесплатные обновления с момента запуска
9. Bifröst - 2024
New game mode. Rally your friends, gear up, and join the race across realms to stop the Vanir’s assault! This mode welcomes up to 4 players, each with customizable skills, buildings, and perks.
8. Trials of Odin - 2023
In what is surely one of the most biggest and most impactful free updates we've released to date, you'll be greeted with new conquests, new warchiefs, massive clan overhauls/reworks, tons of balancing and more...
7. Sword & Solace - 2022
Sword & Solace brings significant improvements to the game's UI, aiming to unify options and information across different game modes. It also introduces a revamped Multiplayer GP system, enhanced Military aspects with more strategic choices and unique unit abilities.
6. Kröwns & Daggers - 2021
The Kröwns and Daggers update brings a host of new features, gameplay additions and even a new neutral faction to Northgard, with an increased focus on diplomacy, and a complete overhaul of how you develop and maintain relations with your fellow factions!
5. Expeditions - 2021
This patch introduces a new way to enjoy Northgard content and free cosmetics you can craft with in-game rewards! (And only ever via in game rewards, you will never have to pay money for these cosmetics).
4. Map Editor - 2020
The Map Editor update stands as one of our biggest updates yet and whole new level of customization to Northgard, allowing you to create and modify battlefields almost limitlessly, populating your maps with buildings, resources, decorations and AI factions of your choosing alongside full control over the visual design and layout of the map.
3. Conquest - 2019
Northgard Conquest is a standalone game-mode that can be played solo or co-op, with a succession of various challenges offering a gaming expansion of +100 hours. The difficulty of the co-op mode will be based on strong collaboration between players. Forget the lore, choose your clan and let's fight!
2. Relics - 2019
For some of them it happened as dream, for others as vision. For all it was a gift. And since that day, guided by the Gods, the sledgehammers resonate day and night through Northgard… The creation of Relics has been rediscovered!
1. Ragnarok - 2018
The map you’ll be playing on when choosing Ragnarok is completely devastated. Your path towards your opponents may be guarded by dangerous creatures! The center of the map is occupied by a new special tile: the Volcano. We also added a new music for this map!
Об игре
Спустя годы неутомимых поисков отважные викинги обнаружили новую землю, полную тайн, опасностей и богатств, — Нордгард. Храбрейшие из северян подняли паруса и отправились покорять чужие берега в надежде прославить свой клан и войти в историю благодаря своим завоеваниям, торговле и ревностному служению богам.
Постройте свое поселение на новом континенте — Нордгарде! Обучайте викингов различным ремеслам и с умом распоряжайтесь ресурсами, чтобы пережить суровые зимы и набеги. Стратегически растите свой клан, добиваясь победы путем завоеваний, славы, мудрости или торговли.
Выживайте в суровых условиях и покорите неприветливые земли Нордгарда, освоив уникальные способности разных кланов, заселяющих континент! У каждого клана есть свои бонусы и особенности, свои способы игры и методы достижения победы.
Режим завоевания.
Выберите клан и проходите уникальные сценарии и ситуации! «Northgard: Завоевание» — отдельный игровой режим, в который можно играть в одиночку или командой. Разнообразные испытания дополнят прохождение игры на 100+ часов.
Играйте по сети с друзьями или против них в разнообразных игровых режимах! Выбирайте лобби и встречайтесь с другими игроками в уникальных испытаниях небывалого уровня. Опытные игроки могут попытать свои силы в рейтинговых лобби и доказать, что достойны быть истинным владыкой Нордгарда!
Режим истории.
Верховный конунг викингов убит, и его рог украден человеком по имени Хаген. Это событие запускает сагу, в которой Риг, сын и наследник конунга, в сопровождении верного помощника Бранда, отправится на неизведанную землю — в Нордгард, — чтобы узнать причину смерти своего отца.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, russian, simplified chinese, portuguese - brazil, polish, spanish - spain, turkish, italian, korean
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows Vista or better: 64 bits required
- Процессор: Intel 2.0ghz Core 2 Duo or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia 450 GTS / Radeon HD 5750 or better
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Дополнительно: Minimum display resolution: 1366x768
- ОС *: Windows 7 or better: 64 bits required
- Процессор: Intel i5 3.1 Ghz Quad core
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 660 / Radeon HD 7800 or better
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Дополнительно: Recommended display resolution: 1440x900
- ОС: Mavericks 10.9 or later
- Дополнительно: MacBook, MacBook Pro or iMac 2012 or later
- Дополнительно: MacBook, MacBook Pro or iMac 2014 or later
- ОС: Ubuntu 18.04 64 bits
- Процессор: Intel 2.0ghz Core 2 Duo or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia 450 GTS / Radeon HD 5750 or better
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Дополнительно: Minimum display resolution : 1366x768
- ОС: Ubuntu 18.04 64 bits
- Процессор: Intel i5 3.1 Ghz Quad core
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 660 / Radeon HD 7800 or better
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Дополнительно: Recommended display resolution : 1440x900
Отзывы пользователей
I have about 800 hours in this game, it's my weekend co-op with my wife. We're fairly casual gamers that enjoy a slow paced game. We've both been pretty unhappy with the roadmap of the game over the last year or so. A lot of what makes the clans fun has been removed or nerfed. Every time a clan DLC is released the game is just riddled with glitches in multiplayer.
In this most recent patch, I've noticed the following: towers are basically worthless, raven raiding ships now move at light speed giving you almost no time to react, my most recent game I was at negative (or close to) food for the first half of the game despite half of my squares being food squares while playing the newest clan, which ground expansion to a halt. I've hardly ever had issues with food production in the game in the past. Playing against Raven was intense, they were blitzing me every few months and the AI was set on easy mode. Strangely when I finally managed to muster the army to fend them off, they just quit attacking me.
Over the years there also were a lot of fun mechanics that took a huge hit, like Kraken. I would've much preferred that the devs lift up the other weaker clans instead of nerfing the few fun ones. Only a few clans have scaling in late game play. I was excited for the newest clan because they were advertised as a clan that was ideal for a player like me, but they just wind up taking a beating when facing other clans.
If I had to guess, I'd say the devs are balancing the game for really small maps of extremely skilled players that play Domination only. That's fine for the top 5-10% of players but really sucks out the fun for the casual players. I wish we could go back to a few years ago when the game was a lot more fun.
It is a no because you can't use any of the cool clans. I'm not going to buy every single clan individually without even trying them out. The price point of the DLC just seems greedy.
They should raise the price of the game a bit and add all the DLC for free so you can get the full experience.
That said the game is well put together and a lot of fun. I want to come back to it but the dlc thing just turns me off.
So, so boring, and I really, honestly tried to enjoy it... but the 3-6 buildings per square is the dumbest limitation, the narrative is boring. I want to build a cohesive village, but slap down a building in a square and then a completely irrelevant building next to it. Nothing about colonization is fun. I'm just gonna go back to Warcraft 3 because they at least had cool designs and I could choose to be on the orcs side.
The game is decent, but the amount of DLC is ridiculous. It's like playing Civ games. I can't recommend a game, especially a pvp one, where the developers have a nonstop flood of DLC, trying to get every last dollar from their players. Get the base game on sale, enjoy a couple dozen hours of content with a fairly relaxed and enjoyable RTS, and then move on.
Good Game !
Story - Good
Characters - Good
Voice Acting - Good
Gameplay - Good
Graphics - Good
Soundtrack - Good
System Performance - Good
Great -> Good -> OK -> Bad -> Do not buy !
I think it's a good game
In terms of story, it was short but acceptable
It has a good strategy
Northgard is still receiving *FREE* large quality, single player, multiplayer co-op and player vs player content, balance adjustments and gameplay updates almost 7 years after release.
Don't be intimidated or off-put by the amount of DLC clans; they're all nice to have and add new, interesting elements and unique styles to the core gameplay, but are by no means necessary to enjoy all the content in the game.
Nice graphics, consistent music.
Gameplay heavily imbalanced. Played on normal. Passive win conditions like trade, wonder construction, and node conquer are too easy. On other hand fighting mecanics in the endgame turns into endless hit-and-run that is too hard.
Overall cannot recommend: spent time learning, ended up with no pleasure due to imbalanced endgame gameplay.
This game has some very big flaws. Some you see initially but get over and other take a long time to see and you don't get over. No hot keys, no shift commands, no drag scroll. These hurt but you get over them. What breaks it to me is the combat. The map is split into zones like civilization, this is really cool at first. Until you get in combat and you can dance between the zone in a way that makes the game clunky.
The game is OK on itself, if you buy the Starter Pack on a significant discount, BUT - and it's a big but - it's basically a PC game with a mobile game's monetization plan. The better clans are hidden behind paywalls (a.k.a. DLC), there's daily missions bullshit and 274 (!) achievements of which I unlocked a whole 22 in only my very first scenario game. It's clearly designed to give you that dopamine rush and feed into an addiction.
I don't really regret buying it on a massive discount, but wouldn't buy it again either. Look around for an RTS that doesn't try this hard to prey on you. There's plenty.
One glance at the DLC list & total pricing and you can probably tell it's not a good idea to support this kind of business practice; on a game with potential pvp no less, where you may be put at a disadvantage because you don't understand the clans you have no access to. Given the balance complaints, and general tendencies of paid DLCs usually being stronger as incentive for purchase, I don't think it's a good idea to play multiplayer anyhow.
If you want to get just the base game on 90% discount however, just play through the story mode for a novel simplified-RTS experience, and then forget about it within a week post-completion - yeah sure, why not, mildly recommend.
I don't think this is a bad game by any real means, but this game does too many things that annoy me to really enjoy it. This game is kinda a mix of Civilization and Banished with a RTS design and a neat viking flavor that I enjoy. Build stuff to grow your clan, colonize squares of the map, build soldiers, and manage everything at the same time. While this all sounds like a typical RTS, I feel like there are too many things that seem to have slipped through the cracks that need to be implemented to really make this game fun for me. First off, there is a pause-time function that is present in almost every one of these kinds of games. This gives the player the ability to see the map and what's happening around them without fear of wasting time, and it allows the player to make sound decisions. Unfortunately, when you pause the game in Northgard, you CAN'T move the screen around. That is terribly annoying to me that if I want to try and plan ahead, I need to be looking directly at what I'm thinking about, then have to un-pause the game to look somewhere else. While that's not a deal breaker, the lack of real diplomacy is. Small factions and major clans alike can randomly decide to attack you for no reason, and the game barely gives you any warning as to when, where, and why this is happening. While buildings like trading posts can help your relations with factions, I find it difficult to dedicate resources to trade when resources are so sparse to begin with, especially early on. Other clans can be neutral with you, and decide that they're going to attack one of your provinces just because with no communication at all. The left side of the screen will show pop-ups that relate to buildings being finished, resource alerts, and when you're being attacked, but it gives very little information as to what is really going on. Also, you can only build certain buildings on certain tiles with corresponding resources. You want to build a farm, better have a tile with fertile soil. Want to mine stone, you better have a stone resource on the tile. Don't have any food resources near you, too bad, scavenging is all you get. At least in Civilization, you can build a number of buildings that provide vital resources on tiles that don't give you bonuses, but Northgard drips resources based on the luck of your map placement. All of this boils down to one issue that really makes the others worse; the pace of play in this game is very fast. From the second the game starts, it feels like a race to build and gobble as much territory as fast as possible since the victory conditions are quite easy to reach. This game is not a sit back and chill strategy game, this game wants you to be on your toes constantly, and the issues i stated above just make it hard for me to enjoy that kind of gameplay. I really enjoy to build slowly over time in these sorts of games, and Northgard very obviously discourages that. I think if the diplomacy gets fleshed out a lot more and more user-friendly features are added (better mini-map, better alerts, be able to move the screen while paused), I think I'd enjoy this game a lot more. Maybe after a year I'll try it again and see if things have gotten better, but for now, it's simply not for me.
I'm sure it's the right game for some people, but mistakes are extremely punishing. And unless you have hours of free time to correct them, you will find yourself tempted to just restart sections of the campaign, forcing you to dedicate even more time to redoing stuff you already did.
I'm in my 30s with a full time job and family. This wasn't the right pickup for me, or anyone in my same boat. I gave it 5 hours, but Steam wouldn't let me return it, which is a shame.
For whatever reason, I could not grasp this game and its strategy (maybe I just don't get it, and I feel like the game doesn't do a good job explaining it). I love its visual design and the mythology on display, but it seems like certain clans are overpowered and others are under-powered. It doesn't seem like there is a good counter system. I bought this 4 years ago, played it for a couple of weeks, and then lost interest and have never felt a desire to come back to it.
Bug detected almost every time I'm trying to play the game, suggesting me to restart game.
Also servers full, can't start multiplayer game
Just can't get into it. The economy mechanics make no sense and really suck the fun out of a potentially good game.
This game is so annoying, it's not even worth the $3 I paid for it. If you're looking for a good builder this is not it.
The base game mechanics and content are very good. PvE is fine but for the love of God PvP is pay to win... no matter what you do, you will always lose to the dlc clans if you use basic game once. Everything needs to be rebalanced, a lot...
(PvE Player) Its okay but only buy on a sale. Its a faster pace Civ-like game with viking aesthetics, lower camera, and more control over tiles. But all the Ai play the same and are pretty janky. The harder Ai basically just get free resources which makes it harder but not particularly fun. What you can do with resources is quite limited as well which makes gameplay feel repetitive quick. Fighting other players might be better but that's not my cup of tea.
amazing game, the only downside, i hate games where i need to buy DLC, i mean a LOT of DLC to be able to experience every part of the game. pay for unlocking clans?... really?
Great game in skirmish and multiplayer modes. Unfortunately, campaigns have to be treated as a tutorial. The downside is the add-on sales policy.
Used to be a very good game, but honestly has just become frustrating at this point to play. With not being able to save the game it leads to these 4 or 5 hour sessions of just torture of one bad thing after another happening. It is sadly quite defeating. The new clans are overpowered and are horrible for OG players like me. No longer recommend. I could see how people might like this and I used to enjoy it, but I just do not enjoy being beat up for hours on end with my friends, sorry.
I love this game. It´s fun to play the Bifrost mode with friends.
There are many clans that have their own strenghts and weaknesses.
Overall a fun game especially if you like vikings and the norse mythology.
overall a fun game, balance issues between clans, and updates causing a mess of problems that get fixed overtime, still enjoyable
With the new Bifröst mode the game has another amazing PVE mode. The campaign and the conquest were already amazing and this new mode is no exception. Like the conquests, Bifröst is especially fun with friends. The PVP multiplayer is also fun, although the clan balancing isn't that great and the ranking system has it's problems, especially at higher ranks. Luckily those things don't bother me because I mainly play with friends.
Each update break the game everywhere.
I mostly play coop with friend on Skirmish, Conquest and Bifrost.
Sometime we not sure if it's bug or a feature while playing.
Sometime feel harder even on easier difficulty,
Combat UX is also bad since I start play this game and still not improve.
Not sure why lately update is plague with bug as if there is no QA test for it.
Not recommend if you want to play the game.
Such a good game to play with friends. Its certainly not flawless, the most recent major update that launched was filled to the brim with bugs, but it somewhat adds to the charm overall. The campaign is decently fun and does a good job of teaching you the basics. Bifrost is perfect to play with friends, Many an hour has already been spent just grinding through the stages.
Great RTS. Very beginner friendly. Has several fun co-op modes as well as PVP. If you like vikings/norse mythology, RTS, or resource management then you'll probably enjoy this game.
The AI has to be some of the worst I've ever seen. Even on easy all they do is abuse their cheaty-knowledge to attack when you move away your troops to defend/attack elsewhere, locking you in an infinite stalemate.
I really came to love this game, and I were 100% happy with it.
Until new clans started to pop out.
New clans are so, but so over powered that original clans became almost unfit to play it.
For instance: Ealge clan doesn't need to do a lot of things while others HAVE TO.
Paying for tiles to explore a relic.
Healing mechanism wihtout the need to employ healers on a building, hence need tiles less then others again.
Auxiliary gathering mechanism without the need for villagers, hence less need for buildings ergo tiles too.
As it doesn't need too many tiles from start, can convert resources into military too soon and rush super fast (understand 2-4 military will kill all your villagers in that tile, then keep pushing for the maisn tile and ending the game).
I only wish some sort of ballance could restore the game's fun.
Never to make all clans equal... but not allowing some clans to break the own game basic playing...
Just different enough to be familiar to RTS fans, but bring something new to the table. This adds villager management to the 4x formula to create a fun take on the genre. If you make all your villagers military units, you will starve and freeze before you know it.
The main campaign is pretty fun and a bit of challenge. I would say the issue with this game is the constant nickle and diming of the end user. After you finish the campaign replayability isn't the best either.
Sadly have to rate this game very low because it's 100% unplayable now. Originally when I bought it the game worked and I could play with friends and really really enjoyed it, now there's a bug where it doesn't let me assign anyone to anything so I can't even play no matter how many times I have redownloaded. I looked it up and apparently a few people have the same issue. I reached out through their official discord AND facebook. I was replied to on discord and told to go into the game and hit the report button there then message back with my user only to never get a reply after that so still to this day cannot play the game.
this game is still so disappointing since the day i got it all those years ago while sure the game-play is OKAY i'm still not paying more money for clans that should've been baked into the original price what a shame
Vast majority of clans you have to pay extra for. What a trash way to get someone to spend $100 on a game.
I love this game, but since the Bifrost update, the server seems to crash frequently, and I’m unable to finish any game due to constant freezing. It was a fantastic update, but it has come at the cost of server quality. At the moment, I can’t recommend it. this is happening since september
A very solid base of a game, with many unique factions. its sort of a 4X RTS, slower paced for those who don't want to manage dozen workers constantly. Tons of content, from multiple campaigns, to a skirmish mode with some progress, to full on coop PvE mode they recently added. They've be supporting this game for years.
My biggest complaint would likely be new releases tend to have bad QA. Usually either very weak or strong. Also can have many bugs upon new releases. When I was playing the second campaign near release, the game ate up my save file and I had to restart the entire thing. It also has a hard time remembering your achievements.
It's a lot of fun, if you like 4x but don't have the time for a long ass game, this is for you
Game sessions easily can be done from start to finish in about 90 minutes and the different clans offer a lot of diverse ways to play, there are different victory types. I've seen a lot of people complaining about the multiplayer, I have played with my partner using the p2p option and I haven't had any network issues from that.
Overall I am very happy with my purchase and looking forward to playing another session tomorrow
The game is quite fun, and the multiplayer mode adds another layer of excitement.
However, for the past two years, the developers have prioritized introducing new clans to sell at inflated prices, rather than addressing persistent issues with servers, balance, bugs, and stability.
After every major update, the introduction of a new clan, or even a simple bug fix, multiplayer and co-op modes often become unplayable for several days. Imagine paying €30 for the base game and an additional €5 for each DLC, only to have the game crash in most modes for an entire week — including weekends — after a patch.
While the game has some charm and interesting ideas, I can no longer justify spending money on any future products from Shiro. I would advise others to avoid doing so as well, to prevent the disappointment and frustration of feeling robbed of money, fun, and time.
Game been broken since last year, servers always not working and devs dont care but they still want to release another clan instead of fixing stupid server.
I have this game for years, but for some reason, lately the game keeps crashing, reinstalled , checked integrity, late win11 OS, drivers ok, asus 3090.
Were is the point of playing, when you are starting to enjoy the game it crashes
Excellent game single player and co-op. Maybe some cheating AI from time to time but its not enough to sour it.
Hello, unfortunately after a few hours of playing, I have to confirm the really bad state of the servers on which this game runs.
Almost none of the games I have been able to complete due to being kicked off the server, complete game freezes or lags.
The game is absolutely amazing and everyone will find there style they want to play.
I hope someday the developers will think and do something to really or change the servers so everyone can enjoy the game to the fullest, thank you.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Great game, very unique and fun economic gameplay with the worst online server in gaming history, hey if there is an award for that they should get it!!!
Really the worst online servers ever i mean it, i played games for 2 decades and some no online service was as bad as this, i played peer to peer, servers, third party servers, connection to friend pc to play online nothing comes as bad as this its weird.
I'll keep playing it and i love but a negative review because of the servers sounds fun.
Good game on paper, nice graphics, feels pretty good to engage with the mechanics and UI.
Server performance is very poor, client is bug ridden, population for multiplayer is low.
Can be hours before a queue pops, and it is a total dice roll if you can finish the game.
It usually lags or fully freezes and ends the game with no scoring.
Servers not work 80% of time , lags, crashes, bad technical cobditiont in myltiplayer
Great game, have been playing since it was released, Devs are quite good at fixing any issue that arise. The Content doesn't get boring!!
Primary story line was an interesting campaign. Def helps you learn the base clans's play styles. Would have enjoyed more story arcs for the other clans. will have to give the second story arc a go next.
Only played single player , very relaxing game to play.
Next to the single player story , it also has a lot of single player content underthe conquest mode even more with the DLC
points of intrest
- some missions take a bit , this is not a game I play when I have 15 to 30 mins to fill
- Mainly resource management game , lots of macro very little micro
It is more laid back than some RTS's but a very fun game. I really love that I can play it while chatting with friends in coop conquest and coop bi-frost mode while not worrying about clicks per minute. The game still has strategy and tactics but it is more an "over time" thing than a "click faster".
Loads of races with bi-frost and conquest adding temp powers per run also. I would highly recommend this.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Shiro Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 30.12.2024 |
Metacritic | 81 |
Отзывы пользователей | 86% положительных (21229) |