Разработчик: Maccima Games
Squeaky Wheel's Next Release
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Просто уничтожать мир льдом и огнем - это для любителей. Настоящее весельеначинается, когда вы вмешиваетесь в дела сельчан и создаете индивидуальную
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тем, как его друзья детства отвернутся от него, когда взойдет полная луна. Поразите
прежде любящего мужа Неверностью, а затем наблюдайте за прекрасным шоу, когда вы
расскажете жене о его неверности.

Порождайте монстров для похищения и преследования сельчан
Поймайте или захватите бродячего монстра, а затем размножьте его, чтобы он выполнялочень специфические функции в вашем питомнике. Затем выпустите отряды монстров,
чтобы захватить сельчан или совершить набег на деревни!
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Ваше строение Наблюдатель позволяет вам порождать Глаза по всему миру, чтобысобирать информацию. Вы увидели, как рыцарь украл Зелье Шамана? Сохраните это как
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Создайте индивидуальную Чуму
Постройте биолабораторию, чтобы поражать жителей деревни чумой и вызывать чумныхкрыс. Улучшайте чуму, чтобы придать ей различные неприятные симптомы и повысить ее
вирулентность. Вы даже можете сделать так, чтобы жертвы чумы взрывались после
Проникните в деревню с помощью тайных культистов
Захваченные жители могут быть доставлены в вашу тюрьму и превращены в культистов!Культисты будут тайно поклоняться вам и способствовать вашему возвращению в мир.

Начните зомби-апокалипсис
Заставьте зачумленных мертвецов восстать в виде зомби. Другие жители деревни, накоторых они нападают, также могут заразиться вирусом. Вскоре вся деревня будет
заполнена лишь бродячими зомби.

Освободите ночных тварей
Поразите жителей деревни вампиризмом или ликантропией, чтобы превратить их вночных обитателей. Наблюдайте, как они терроризируют своих соседей и распространяют
проклятие! В конце концов вы увидите, как деревня начнет сопротивляться и устраивать
охоту на вампиров и ликанов.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, japanese, polish, simplified chinese, spanish - latin america, turkish, portuguese - brazil, italian, spanish - spain, indonesian, russian, thai, traditional chinese, ukrainian, vietnamese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 or later
- Процессор: 2GHz or better
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 1280x768 minimum resolution, post-2012 integrated graphics
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX 10 compatible
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
Отзывы пользователей
I hope Maccima knows how disappointed we all are.
Sort of a half-baked game, I really don't recommend buying in this state unless updates begin again from the developer. They have a good thing going here, it just needs more work that maybe they're unable or unwilling to do for whatever reasons.
left the game unfinished
Whats with the slew of developers just abandoning their games.
Avoid any new games by this dev team
Was a cool concept, had a lot of potential. Was confirmed as abandoned by the DEV's. Not worth getting in it's current state. Quite a sad outcome for a cool game. :/
Game was utterly ruined by corporate greed. Will never buy from this developer or publisher again.
A decent God game where you play an evil God.
I actually liked this game. it was fun, and I enjoyed playing and scheming. Extremely disappointing to see the game abandoned, and the devs using ugly AI images that the game definitely did NOT need. DO NOT BUY
Managed to get worse with every update
stay away
wish someone would update and continue it... I've looked for games like this there are none. This was a cool game with a lot of potential and it's been abandoned. Don't buy it unless the devs return to bring the game to its full potential.
Publisher bs. They didn't finish what could have been a great game.
Early accesss scam/abandonware. There is litterally no reason to go here. Avoid.
so much lost potential bro
not even worth pirating
I got it to support the devs which was a waste. I'm so sick and tired of these promising Early Access ripping off customers. They fully knew how crap the game was at launch and blamed the poor sales as the reason to abandon it. They shifted blame on the publisher in a 'publisher paid' update to add trading cards.
Note: Game uses AI assets poorly and will no longer be getting updates.
AI Icons, a team that gave up, and underdeveloped systems. Dont waste your time.
AI Icons? no
used to be good
As all other reviews say: the game's amusing for a couple hours, and then it goes downhill fast.
This was an awesome idea of a "Reverse Rimworld where YOU are the Storyteller", be Randy Random!
Except things needed more polish and more time in the oven before calling it a 1.0. It still feels largely some form of demo, with the actual cool features falling short of feeling complete, and no real campaign to give a feeling of progression or purpose.
A big shame really, as this would've otherwise become one of the niche indie gems to scratch a very particular itch.
Seems like such an awesome game. What a stupid thing to give up on.
New update means they care enough to tend to it when they can.
this game was actually really cool and alot of fun at first, sadly its obvious the devs have abandoned ship. game hasnt been updated in a long time, no new features, only removed features, honestly sad.
good for a laugh. burns to quickly. Needs more naturally guided instructions to create the big specifically fun interactions.
This game is a great indie god game. It has a lot of really creative systems, like the plague designs, the personalities, the rumors and intel gathering, the AI parties that run around the mop dungeon delving and killing mobs, etc. The abilities are fun and creative to use, whether you just want to blow everything up, craft the perfect zombie disease, or spread sedition through information and schemes.
AI generated Icons. Honestly kind of a disappointment to find that after returning back to it.
I thought the Imp was ugly because it was intended to be ugly but no its AI.
Im trying to justify my negative review because i could tolerate alot of the crust of the game but it felt weird it was solely a sandbox and not a series of RTS esque missions. UI was also really weird.
Buyer Beware, AI Icons, dropped features, and abandoned development.
This game was promising, with a great concept. The devs took feature after feature out, eventually slapping together a dry 1.0 version.
Fun for a few hours if you get it on-sale
One of a handful of games where you get to play a near-but-not-quite-omnipotent evil figure and screw with people. In that regard it's a fun time. It does also feel a little unfinished and is occasionally buggy (1 ctd, 0 corrupt saves in ~13.5h) but considering what it aimed for and what it costs, I can recommend it if you're looking for an evil godsim.
It has the skeleton of a great game, but never quite achieved that potential so it just lives in perpetual mediocrity. If it's on sale, the game can be a fun time sink for a little while, there's fun little stories that develop as the game goes on which you can take an active part in and have fun with it. I was one of the backers of That Which Sleeps who saw this recommended as a game that, unlike that dreaded kickstarter, would be finished. Technically they were right, the game has been officially 'released'. Just sucks every fun evil god game falls into the same issue of never quite being loved enough to finish. Sad.
Honestly, this game was great in the early versions. I don't know what went wrong with the full version of the game. It feels like it lost 60% of what was there in the early versions and nothing new was added. It's just sad what happened to this game
devs disappeared, don't buy
It's rare to see a game so deliberately ruined by a developer.
Feature after feature was REMOVED from the game for NO LOGICAL REASON whatsoever, leaving an empty, boring husk of a once-enjoyable game.
Unfinished game. A pity, really.
I believe the developers could draw valuable inspiration from games like Norland and Songs of Syx. This game isn’t bad by any means, but it doesn’t quite stand out either, largely because the core concept wasn’t fully realized or executed to its full potential. That said, the team clearly has the creativity and talent to develop fantastic ideas, even if this one fell a bit short. Hopefully, they’ll build on what they’ve learned here to deliver an even higher-quality experience in the future.
A quick cash grab, stay away.
The game is not finished, there are some ideas but the gameplay is nonexistent
Decent feature set with not defined gameplay. Still EA game marked as released.
It's fine :P
I honestly think this game was made in a couple of hours and it was put together using a bunch of unity assets and had a "development" cycle of foe updates.
Potential that was left to die unfortunately.
Shallow game-play. A web of relationships and interactions that can take place. There is space for deep planning. Inducing kleptomania into a villager only to steal resources so a defence tower isn't built....only for that villager to go in a rat cave and die because the AI is big on masochism.
That tower from earlier? It was never built cause the only person knowing how to build in a town got into a fight with another villager and banished from the town. Wait 5 years for more people to come. They won't have any skills.
You want your cultist village to build a damned temple already? Tough luck. The faction leader really likes to build ritual pyres to burn the people they dislike.
At the same time. Throwing a fireball into a village is a sure way to win. leaving the game feeling really empty, shallow and boring.
Promissed tons of features. Never delivered. Rushed EA release. Don't buy this, don't waste your time.
Just an all around fun game
game is fine. nothing abhorrent, just. gets really boring very fast. i really wish they didnt just drop the game entirely after messing up the v1 launch... theres a lot of potential with this type of game
hopefully some indie dev picks up this concept and does it real good
also uses AI images for a lot of the UI
Unfulfilled promises
I dont remember the last time i played this game but i have 3000 hours so it must be amazing
I've watched this game and had faith in it for a couple years, ever since CallMeKevin played it.
Every time I went back to it, I had fun for maybe an hour - and then didn't. It's right up my alley, as a purveyor of sandbox style games where you can do what you please as you please. Endless chaos? Sign me up. However;
This game is inactive, and I sincerely doubt there'll ever be another significant update. The concept is genuinely fantastic. Who wouldn't want to intricately destroy entire villages in a number of different ways? But the execution is LACKING. The controls, while simple, get SO frustrating after a few hours. I don't want to have to right click through half a dozen menus, and if you're playing in the unlimited/creative mode, you find yourself right clicking every other second. The gameplay, while fleetingly fun, gets EXTREMELY repetitive and samey. The villagers don't really feel ALIVE, they just sort of... go back and forth doing tasks. Trying to set up a vampire clan is ACTUALLY ridiculous, not to mention the fact that they frequently starve to death once in their own designated faction. As mentioned in soooo many other reviews, there's really little resistance on your path to victory. The villagers don't really do much to resist their untimely, pathetically anticlimactic deaths. After 20 hours, I feel like I've done everything there is to do. Waaaaay too little for what the game promises, especially for $25.
I genuinely hope the devs come back to this project and improve it, because as it is now? It still feels like an unpolished beta. Nothing significant has changed since I first played it in a free week demo multiple years ago. But I have faith, and I hope someday, when the studio has the funding they need and deserve, they'll be able to improve this rough product into a proper hidden gem. Cheers!
They promised a bunch of stuff that never happened and it never really felt it ever left early access. Don't get this game
While enjoyable and largely 'finished', it's a shame the game has been left in this state - it has so much potential for story telling (Rimworld style) but most of that capacity is unrealized even after all this time. Still, it's a fun romp if you are psychopathic-minded and would enjoy ruining the lives of innocent villagers. Getting to 100% achievements was quite a slog (and then they added even more!).
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Maccima Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 65% положительных (965) |