Разработчик: Wube Software LTD.
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На начальном этапе игры Вы будете вручную рубить деревья, добывать руду и создавать простые манипуляторы и транспортные конвейеры, но через некоторое время Вы, наконец, сможете подняться до энергетической индустрии с огромными солнечными фермами, перегонкой и переработкой нефти, построить роботов и развернуть логистическую сеть, настроенную для Ваших потребностей в ресурсах.
Но жесткая эксплуатация ресурсов планеты не останется без внимания местных жителей, так что вам придется быть готовым постоять за себя и свою механическую империю.
Объедините силы с другими игроками в Сетевой игре, вместе создавайте огромные фабрики и распределяйте задачи между своими друзьями.
Добавляйте модификации на любой вкус, от мельчайших улучшений до полного изменения игры. Поддержка модов Factorio позволяет создавать новый контент с интересными или необычными особенностями.
Основным режимом игры является песочница, однако для любителей справляться с интересными и сложными задачами присутствует Набор сценариев, доступных как бесплатное DLC.
А если существующие карты и сценарии наскучили, вы можете создавать свои с помощью внутриигрового Редактора Карт. Расставляйте объекты, врагов, настраивайте местность и добавляйте свои скрипты чтобы разнообразить геймплей.
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Что люди говорят о Factorio
- No other game in the history of gaming handles the logistics side of management simulator so perfectly. - Reddit
- I see conveyor belts when I close my eyes. I may have been binging Factorio lately. - Notch, Mojang
- Factorio is a super duper awesome game where we use conveyor belts to shoot aliens. - Zisteau, Youtube
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, hungarian, dutch, norwegian, polish, portuguese - portugal, portuguese - brazil, romanian, finnish, swedish, czech, russian, ukrainian, japanese, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, korean, turkish, greek, spanish - latin america, thai, vietnamese, belarusian, catalan, kazakh, georgian
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows 11, 10
- Процессор: Quad core 3Ghz+
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DirectX 11 capable GPU with 1GB VRAM - GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Radeon R7 360 or Intel UHD Graphics 730
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- Дополнительно: Normal sprite resolution, Low quality compression, 1080p resolution
- ОС: Windows 11, 10
- Процессор: Quad core 4Ghz+ from 2020 or newer
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DirectX 11 capable GPU with 4 GB VRAM - GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, Radeon RX 570, Intel Arc
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- Дополнительно: High sprite resolution, High quality compression
- ОС: OS X 10.10 Yosemite
- Процессор: 2016 Mac
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- Дополнительно: Normal sprite resolution, Low quality compression, 1080p resolution
- Процессор: 2020 Apple Silicon
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- Дополнительно: High sprite resolution, High quality compression
- ОС: Linux (tarball installation)
- Процессор: Dual core 3Ghz+
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DirectX 11 capable GPU with 1GB VRAM - GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Radeon R7 360 or Intel UHD Graphics 730
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- Звуковая карта: PulseAudio
- Дополнительно: Normal sprite resolution, Low quality compression, 1080p resolution
- ОС: Linux (tarball installation)
- Процессор: Quad core 3GHz+
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DirectX 11 capable GPU with 4 GB VRAM - GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, Radeon RX 570, Intel Arc
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- Звуковая карта: PulseAudio
- Дополнительно: High sprite resolution, High quality compression
Отзывы пользователей
base game was already very good but space age bring this to a whole other level
For those who like to think, optimize between defense and building.
Love the expansion with additional planets and Space Factory.
Feels complete now, with the original plot of the first game where you crash landed on a planet and you need to build yourself a rocket to get home.
Interstellar space flight be hard yo! Not just into orbit. We've been doing that since the 60's. But to actually get home, through interstellar space.
The best game I have ever played, it has given me over 500 hours of enjoyment and is a game with as much or as little stress as you have an appetite for.
The isometric view and simplified graphics compared to other games in the genre cut right to the core of the gameplay, but there's so much additional depth to learn and use. This game is amazing.
GREAT GAME!!!! if you like building and automating thing with a slight survival aspect that can suck your life away this is your game
Basic game is great and DLC Space age even exceeded my expectations! Super fun new challenges waited to be solved!
The only small thing I don't like is that there there aren't any mod categories, so even some cosmetic/accesibility mods turn off achievements :-(.
It is a true masterpiece in the genre of automation and resource management. If you enjoy the idea of building the perfect factory, optimizing production, and solving logistical challenges, this game will draw you in for dozens, if not hundreds, of hours.
Great game. Addictive and full of improvement of factory and learning.
Factorio has hijacked my brain. I cannot stop thinking about it. The factory must grow. The factory must grow. It's a game that's not for everybody, a game created with the intent to catch a certain audience. If you are that audience it is absolutely phenomenal. The problem solving, the freedom, the base building. Everything works in tandem for an absolutely beautiful experience that takes priority over all your responsibilities.
This game is mainly for people who like to build large, complex, automated systems. I thought it sounded like something I'd enjoy since I like modded Minecraft, except this game has a VERY steep learning curve.
There are 5 tutorials. The 1st one took me 5 minutes, the 2nd and 3rd took me 20 minutes, the 4th took me 3 hours, and the 5th I gave up on after 4 hours. The longer I tried to figure things out on my own, the more overwhelmed and frustrated I became, so I figured it was best to stop playing. If a dev reads this, please consider revisiting the tutorials and making them more beginner friendly.
32€ well spent. Every 1 minute in Factorio is 15 minutes in real life.
Want to expand your factory, or build a new mine, and plan for it to take 15 minutes? Once you're done with your 15 min job, 3 hours has passed in real life and it's suddenly dark outside and notice that dinner time was 2 hours ago.
Perhaps the most optimized, least buggy game I've ever played in my entire life. As much as I love other automation games, Factorio has some je ne sais quoi that keeps me coming back for fresh playthroughs and experimentation even after 500 hours; tantamount to digital crack.
Factorio 1.0 is where I put in my over 20k hours. Factorio 2 has become a pain, changing things in the transition, not offering the grace period to adapt as they said they would, new features not working well/properly. The new content is cool, but sacrificing the old isn't worth it. Really hurts to post this
I spent all my time on this game making a PD factory (short for Projectile Damage) it takes so long just to research one level of PD that in the meantime I have managed to nuke the asher population into oblivion and with the addition of the among us DLC you can now build PD ships that can have great thrust and are long and thick. Just remember when in doubt DLGHS (Damn Lets Get Heaps of Science!)
If you don't know about Factorio it is the single greatest base building RTS in the history of gaming, and I started playing computer games before the movie Wargames. If you enjoy the base building subgenre of RTS and haven't tried Factorio, you have a magical experience waiting for you. Don't hesitate a second.
This game is like crack, especially with the new DLC. I guess I should review that separately, but I put hundreds of hours into the base game before it came out. The DLC is pretty much "post-game" content, since launching a rocket is the goal of the base game and the start of the DLC. It's good. If you're interested then I recommend it, as long as you have the self control not to let it completely consume your life.
I have successfully deleted the word sleep in my dictionary... This game simply amazing... worth every penny...
The DLC changes the game... oh my god, love this game asdfkadslfsajdflak
Great game, i have to say, there is always something to do in this game, it is so cool to make your factory, you can literally automate anything and i think that is so cool
Wonderful. I have played this game quite a bit and each time feels unique. With the new update we can do even more. I have no complaints.
the game is amazing and more addictive than crack. however, the main developer is a bigot. i will leave a positive review because it's still a good game, but if you don't wanna support this guy, i'll just let you know that there are... alternatives ;3
The barrier of entry to this game might look incredibly high if you've watched any Factorio content on Youtube or have seen screenshots of peoples' end game bases. That's definitely how I felt when I first decided to give this game a shot when Space Age dropped near the end of 2024. However, I quickly realized how wrong that initial assumption was from my end.
The most daunting thing about booting up Factorio for the first time turns out to be its hotkeys and its sprawling tech tree. In terms of its hotkeys, it's much like any graphic design software where initially some hotkeys seem so unbelievably specific its almost absurd. After some time with the game (in my case, 400 hours in and I'm still picking up new hotkey tricks) you'll probably end up surprised with how naturally you've adapted to their use. So, no rush there.
The tech tree, if you stare at it long enough when you start your first world, might seem a little nauseating. Your mind may spiral a bit trying to understand how you'll prepare to make components, or plan to use structures, that are hours of gameplay down the line from the start. It may help to look at the tech tree as a series of courses that the game will serve you during your playtime instead. The game is gating you, presenting you with a challenge at each step. "How do I stop needing to manually feed all my furnaces and get more smelted products?", "How do I keep up with my demand for gears and circuits?", "How can I improve my power supply and access to distant resources?".
This series of compartmentalized challenges is how this game ropes you in. All of those videos and images you've seen of crazy mega-bases and efficient train networks aren't gated behind some genetic predisposition to being talented at Factorio. Rather, they are the result of approaching each of these small, bite sized challenges the game presents you with as you progress through its tech tree. Before you know it, you'll be producing answers to questions this game asks you that you weren't even aware were a possibility 20 hours prior. The pieces will keep falling into place for you over and over and over again, and after 400 hours playing this game, they haven't stopped for me.
If you let it, Factorio will take you on a journey of endless problem solving, where the problems you solve only grow more complex and where your answers only become more elegant and clever. It comes highly recommended from me, it is one of the most rewarding and fascinating games I have played in my life.
The biggest negative I could assign Factorio is how its post-endgame content functions. With space age especially, what drove me in this game was rounding out and perfecting my main base, along with discovering and conquering new planets and optimizing them as I went along. However, at a certain point, as the tech tree begins to fizzle out into repeatable researches, the end game content simply becomes a game of pushing your production values higher.
This works for some people, but doesn't work for me (at least, not yet). And from what I've seen of the modding community, there are countless ways to customize the game's content to mitigate this issue. I don't think its necessarily a bad thing, how vanilla Factorio concludes, it's just not for me.
I'd very quickly like to endorse a game that does address this issue for me, which is Dyson Sphere Program. While not yet finished, the core gameplay loop is nearly as robust as Factorio's, and I have a far greater desire to engage with that game's endgame than I do with Factorio's. I would highly recommend both of these titles, and I am excited to return to DSP at their next update and see how my experience with Factorio will change how I approach problem solving in that title.
All in all, the unique fervor surrounding this game is definitely earned, and I will spend the rest of my life scratching the itch that Factorio gave me.
If ya like Real Time Strategy games and Resource games, then this is THE game for you. I spent 12 hours in one setting (my first sitting), I have friends that have killed 3-4 hundred hours on this game. If that is not game value, then I don't know what is. Machine lines that build machine lines that build machine lines, while ya blast bugs and run trains. Oh, and you can play with your friends, it's freaking multiplayer! Enjoy, I know I will.
One of the best games i ever played. Simple as that. But of course only, if you really really like Games that are a little bit like a big Excel-file with some effects.
This game unlocked something inside me that I did not know was there. There are few games these days that have the layered complexity of enjoyment as this game. It is not to say that this game will be hard to play. No, that understanding can be learned. It is to say, you will find enjoyment beyond just the simply surface layer gameplay of building a factory that can survive alien attacks. There are layers of experimentation, trail and error, optimization, creativity in design, and that's all still on the surface of this game. There's an entire other level of programming ability that while isn't required is another layer another level of the game that can be enjoyed if you are open to it. Be warned, if you open yourself up to this game, you will be consumed by it. There is no escape. The factory must grow!
The game is good, and very well made, but I couldn't enjoy it beyond the first part of the game. The repetition of just making new factory lines for the next research got old fast.
This is the game for me. Everything is so polished and well-thought out. You can tell the developers really took their time to tweak and balance everything to be the most fun possible.
i may not have as many hours as other people for this game. I could never fully articulate the way i feel about this game, but let me just say this game before the dlc was my favorite game all time. After DLC i don't believe i'll find another game like it, this game is as casual or hardcore as you want it to be. a real learn at your own pace game with really fun challenges usually of your own making. This game will never go on sale and oddly enough that's fine, because if you look at the people who bought and loved this game they have 1000's of hours in it. I love seeing all the unique ways people challenge similar problems whether it be logistic issues or resource management. I have beaten base and space age and at the end of i felt accomplished with what i was able to do. My next play through i hope to mega base and get the under 40 hours achievement. I'm not the best at this game but at the end of the day the factory must grow.
Honestly the game was great up until I was forced to play on Gleba, I cant even walk away to gain my thoughts because when I come back om on square one, I would honestly recommend the other 2 planets Fulgora and Vulcanus, they are innovative and fun, and allow your own playstyle to develop. Gleba on the other hand forces you to endure a miserable experience that forces you to repeat an insane process over and over again with utmost futility never being able to take a step back to allow yourself to enjoy the fucking game.
Playing factorio is like battling a meth addiction. You cant ever just "quit" it you keep coming back for more and more every single time. Looking for new ways to EXPAND, committing mass genocide against those fucking Biters who at every turn try to stop your progress. 10/10 would snort again
This game is not for everyone, but for those who like it, I think it`s all they need.
Weirdly, the complexity does not match difficulty, as they change on the way:
In the beginning when everything is rather simple (just in comparison to later stages, for newcomers it does not feel simple), I felt it`s hard, I got especially overwhelmed by logistics.
As I advanced, - the bigger, the more complex my factory got - the easier it went.
One thing to note, Factorio subreddits are great: always helpful, always positive. If you choose to read first please do not start with main Bus/Modular builds. You will get to them later instinctively, as good old spaghetti does not let your factory grow, but growing does it must.
Very fun game, and worth the price.
However, I would highly recommend new players turn down or turn off bugs.
I spent about 60% of my first run just dealing with bug waves and bug expansions, with little time to actually build my base and learn how the patterns and mechanics work. I had to go into a custom sandbox mode to actually figure things out.
When one wave attacks west side of the base, by the time you deal with it and rebuild, there's already another wave attacking the east side of the base.
The bugs also get stronger over the game, so it's something you NEED to take care of all the time, you can't ignore it.
Coming from Satisfactory, this is the major difference, as in that game you only need to worry about enemies if you decide to expand areas or explore.
While I don't think the mechanic ruins the game as a whole, it can cause a new player to be frustrated to the point of wanting to quit since it's basically an RTS zerg rush every 2 minutes on default settings. This should have been reduced for default.
And no it wasn't pollution. While an interesting mechanic, Pollution is not accurate, at least it wasn't for me, I had enemy bases well outside my pollution range sending waves of enemies, and attempts to reduce pollution only caused an increase in attacks? it was actually more beneficial to increase my pollution because attacks became less frequent LOL
This game DOES do some things better than Satisfactory/other base building games-
-Blueprints are far superior. You can copy paste any section you already built with a mouse box highlight, save it for later, and even edit it in a sub-menu. (You need to unlock robots first to access it, but after that, it's always unlocked)
-Trains make sense without needing to look up a guide. You can make multiple paths and they will actually use them correctly when the next path is blocked, and they have a lot of custom settings for priorities.
-Example book. This game has an example book to show how specific items are used, and how you can do more complex builds with them. You dont NEED to look online to find how a mechanic might work; it just shows examples in game.
(and yes, I know Satisfactory came out AFTER Factorio, but I played Satisfactory first)
Overall, its a great game worth the price, and I recommend anyone who likes factory/automation/base building style games to give it a try (its got a demo).
Good game, terrible business practice. Taking an oath to never make a single discount throughout 9 years and trying to use "Being fair to previous buyers" as an excuse is beyond my understanding. I doubt the developer refuses to do his weekly supermarket shoppings when the items are on sale, because that would be unfair to people who bought groceries a week before the discount. Remember it's all about being fair and the logic "works" both way. Why should the poor establishment earn less and previous customers should pay more? I understand that It's a free market, it is 100% up to the developer to make a discount or not but please, just straight up say that you will not be doing any discounts. Do not pull this lame "Unlike other developers, I am a generous and a fair man who respects his previous buyers." card on the community.
I lost track of time literally everyday i play this game. But damn, what a beautiful game. From being chased by bitters to chasing them with a flamethrower. Will definitely pick up the DLC and replay the whole game. 100/10 would give them more money to make another DLC.
If you want to play Factorio and then beat another game, you better start with this game, otherwise you will finish it after 3 years of playing Factorio.
Great fun for all the construction/logistics geeks out there, like me. Amazing complexity, and there is always more to learn. Plus, there is lots of good battle time awaiting. I'm completely entranced. Highly recommended.
This game is the literal definition of solve one problem, create two more. And when you have miraculously solved all problems without causing new ones you have the insects to enjoy with.
This game is my #1 favorite game in existence. Just the base game is good enough for me to recommend by itself even without any mods or expansions. All the extra stuff takes this game from S tier to something completely undefined. Nothing can compare.
I've played a bobs/angels playthrough, my friends have done Space exploration, and I'm currently tackling a Pyanodon's playthrough.
If this game could consume more of my life, I'd let it do so and be happier for it.
I just have so many words for this game. 362 hours as of making this review and spend 6-8+ hours on it almost daily if I can. There is so much to learn with this game and so many ways to create or optimise certain builds. I started off playing for about 20 ish hours solo then went straight into playing with a group of two other people who I will admit were very talented and showed me the ropes, I can imagine how hard it was for them trying to teach a new reckless engineer to the efficient ways of Factorio and want to apologise to them for probably hurting their brains when I was given a task and showed them my creation. I certainly think any new player should give the game more time than I did playing solo before trying in a group to understand the basics and find your own unique ways to do things. After beating the game in a group before the Space Age DLC I decided to try beating the game solo and just wow I feel so much more competent and had a much easier time launching my first rocket even if I went slower. I highly recommend if you are like me and like to build a giant wall around you with defences that you make it way bigger than you think you will need. You may get boxed in later on like I did and it will mean you need to make better use of the space you have left before fighting the biters to expand. Overall an addicting game that has so much to offer now and I am sure even more will come later on with more DLCs. Pick up the game and the DLC they are worth the price and the developers deserve the recognittion for this masterpiece of a factory game. 10/10
I wasn't sure after playing the demo. Swarms of creepy insects and no escape. But once you build a machine gun it becomes easier. In the actual game you can deactivate the bugs and focus on the building.
50 hours in the blink of an eye and I don't feel like stopping anytime soon lol worth every penny.
Just complicated enough to not mentally exhaust you but just intuitive enough to make everything more or less easily understandable. This game has ignited a love for automation games in me, definitely going to play satisfactory, dyson sphere, and any other of these games I can get my hands on.
This is an incredibly fun game, highly recommended for anyone who loves construction and development games. I just can’t stop playing it! Additionally, I also purchased the Switch version and have spent hundreds of hours playing on the handheld. Unfortunately, due to hardware limitations, the Switch version won’t be getting the latest DLC. I really hope the developers reconsider this and bring the DLC to the Switch or the Switch 2 so we can continue enjoying the game on handheld devices. Thank you!
Good puzzle game if you like puzzles and good games. There's a lot of content making this game a great value.
Never having sales is stupid but this game gets away with it by actually being worth the full pricetag, including with the DLC
I never thought I'd say "yeah, 64€ for a factory sim is worth it" but lo' and behold this is of higher quality than most modern releases in the videogame industry and you can and will have high quality content for hundreds of hours
My biggest issue is that base game content is a bit lacking, the DLC fixes that problem however
Also ingame mod support? That doesn't require third party websites? in the 21st century?
If anything it pisses me off because of how this should be in every game with a modding scene
Whatever go my drones
It's a good thing I waited until I was retired to get this game. I'm spending more time here than I even realize and more than I want to admit. Probably the best problem-solving logistics game I've ever played. There are many many different ways to solve the same problem, challenging your analysis and engineering skills with the tools available at that point in the game. It runs well on my non-gaming laptop, too, which is great since I have to stream most of my Steam games from my desktop and can't play them when I'm travelling. There's some combat with "biters" which come and destroy all your hard work but be aware there's a setting to turn that way down if you prefer to focus on the builds as I do. This thing is a very entertaining but very deep black hole!
not a game i expected to like as much as i did
definitely not the type of game thats made for me (though i kind of thought the same for The Witcher 3, pretty obvious how that one turned out)
great game to pick up if you literally cant be asked to play anything else, sucks up time like no other
I can't praise this game enough. I have been a modded Minecraft player for a long, long time, and I have become fed up with the disaster that the thousands of mods and versions of the game with all of their compatibility issues bring- this game scratched the Minecraft itch better than Minecraft could have ever hoped to. Moreover, Factorio: Space Age more than quadrouples the existing content in Factorio, adding hundreds and hundreds of hours of gameplay at an extremely low cost. Knowing what I know now, I would have gladly paid $200 for Factorio: Space Age. Space, and each planet brings unique challenges that force you to use your brain to solve (unless you just google how to do it, I highly recommend not doing this unless you're completely stuck.
The only complaint I WOULD have about this game (Space Age in particular) is that the biters are ridiculously difficult, and were over tuned for Space Age, but I can't even complain about that because the player is able to tune the difficulty of the biters when they create the game. I ended up spending 95% of my time dealing with biters, and less than 5% building. I turned the biter spawn rates and such down by a ton, and I really enjoyed the game thoroughly. They're an important element to the game, but they can become overwhelming and annoying, to the point where I didn't even want to bother to play anymore. The amount of customization that comes built into the game is so great. I haven't even had to touch mods yet, and I have about 300 hours in this game... and I'm only working on the 4th planet (I have at least 2 more to go, no spoilers).
In Summary, I cannot recommend this masterpiece of a game enough. It's playable offline as a game should be, you buy it, not rent it, as it also should be, and it's just a very well built game that obviously had a lot of time, and a lot of love put into it. I have yet to find a bug in the game honestly, and I've done some pretty decently intricate setups. I'm sure bugs exist, but I have yet to find one. I look forward to this team's next release.
Factorio is awesome! Player since 0.14, over 4500 hours played.
Factorio 2.0 is an amazing upgrade. Very well done.
Factorio 2.0 IS NOT Space Age. I suggest trying 2.0 BEFORE Space Age. 2.0 is a free upgrade if you already owned Factorio.
I do not recommend Space Age, see reviews for that elsewhere.
Factorio is addictive, a game I simply can't stop playing. There's no "end", only goals that you decided upon. Quite possibly the best game ever.
Great automation game. Tons of content. Good graphics. It requires a lot of time, and it is a very technical game. You'll either love it or hate it. You can tell if it is for you just by looking at it.
absolute crack, dont play with people who cant finish things
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Wube Software LTD. |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 90 |
Отзывы пользователей | 98% положительных (103691) |