Разработчик: Ludeon Studios
Научно-фантастический симулятор колонии под управлением ИИ-рассказчика.
RimWorld управляет тремя людьми, выжившими после крушения космического лайнера, в строительстве колонии в приграничном мире на краю изученного пространства. Источники вдохновения этой игры -это дух космического вестерна Firefly, глубокая проработка Dwarf Fortress и эпические Dune и Warhammer 40 000.
Следите за настроением, потребностями, мыслями, ранениями и болезнями колонистов. Участвуйте в глубоко проработанной боях небольших команд. Используйте одежду, оружие и экипировку из металла, дерева, камня, ткани и экзотических, футуристических материалов. Сражайтесь с пиратами-налетчиками, враждебными племенами, свирепыми животными и древними машинами убийств. Играя, каждый раз открывайте для себя новый мир. Стройте колонии в природных зонах от пустыни до джунглей и тундры, имеющих свои уникальные флоры и фауны. Управляйте колонистами и развивайте их с помощью уникальных биографий, черт и навыков. Учитесь легко играть с помощью интеллектуального и ненавязчивого ИИ-наставника
Игра RimWorld разработана Tynan Sylvester и компанией Ludeon Studios. С момента первого выхода 4 ноября 2013 г. была улучшена.
RimWorld разработана не как состязательная стратегическая игра, а как генератор историй. Она не о победе и проигрыше, она о драме, трагедии и комедии, происходящей в вашей колонии. Игра создает такие события, как пиратские набеги, прибытие торговцев и бури. Но эти события не случайны. RimWorld использует ИИ-рассказчика (по образцу ИИ-директора из Left 4 Dead), который анализирует ситуацию и решает, какое событие по его мнению создаст лучшую историю.
Можно выбирать между тремя рассказчиками: Продуманная Кассандра Классическая, более продуманная, ориентированная на строительство Фиби Тихоня и абсолютно непредсказуемый Ренди Случай.
Разношерстная команда
В RimWorld колонисты не являются профессиональными поселенцами - они те, кто выжил в катастрофе пассажирского лайнера. Они могут быть бухгалтерами, домохозяйками, журналистами, поварами, аристократами, беспризорниками, солдатами.
Аристократ будет силен в навыках общения (для вербовки заключенных и торговых переговорах о ценах), но будет отказываться выполнять физическую работу. Простак с фермы знает, как выращивать еду, но не сможет заниматься исследовательской деятельностью. Занудный ученый будет силен в исследованиях, но будет абсолютно неспособен выполнять социальные задачи. Генетический убийца кроме как убивать ничего не умеет, но делает это очень хорошо.
Каждый герой имеет свои черты личности. Невротические колонисты работают быстрее, но более подвержены стрессу и склонны к нервным срывам. Грубые герои плохо сходятся с людьми и портят настроение окружающим. Нудисты любят ходить голыми, в то время как людоеды получает удовольствие от употребления человеческой плоти.
Увеличивать количество колонистов можно за счет приема беженцев, захвата пленных в бою и перевербовки их на свою сторону, выкупая их у работорговцев, спасая их, а также принимая иммигрантов.
Моделирование здоровья
Ранения, инфекции, протезирования и хронические заболевания отслеживаются по каждой части тела и влияют на способности героев. Повреждения глаз осложняют возможность стрелять или делать хирургические операции. Ранение в ноги замедляют людей. Руки, мозг, рот, сердце, печень, почки, желудок, ноги, пальцы на руках и ногах и другие части тела могут получить ранения, заболеть или быть утерянными. Все это приводит к логичным внутриигровым эффектам. У каждой особи свое строение тела, Отнимите у оленя ногу - и он сможет бегать на трех оставшихся!
Можно восстанавливать части тела с помощью протезирования, начиная от примитивного, заканчивая сверхъестественным. Деревянная нога даст возможность колонисту Джо ходить после несчастного случая с носорогом, но он по-прежнему останется довольно медленным. В следующем году можно купить у торговца дорогую бионическую ногу, а Джо станет супер-бегуном. Можно даже извлекать, продавать, покупать и пересаживать внутренние органы.
Серьезной угрозой являются болезни. Открытые раны будут инфицироваться. Где угодно могут появиться грипп или чума, а влажные тропические леса изобилуют малярией и летаргическим энцефалитом. По мере старения колонистов могут развиваться такие хронические заболевания, как катаракта или боли в спине.
Времена года и температура
Температуры моделируются как снаружи, так и внутри помещений. По мере смены времен года температура на открытом воздухе будет расти или падать. Растения растут только при определенных температурах. Когда холодает, начинает идти снег. Люди могут получать переохлаждения или тепловые удары.
Можно управлять температурой в помещении с помощью нагревателей и кондиционеров с целью выживания, создания комфорта или предотвращения гниения пищи. Можно даже строить смертельные температурные ловушки, чтобы заживо жарить врагов.
Создание мира и природных зон
Игра создает целую планету от полюса до экватора. Вы выбираете, куда приземлить свой спасательный модуль: в холодной северной тундре, в выжженной пустыне, в умеренном лесу или в парящих экваториальных джунглях.
В разных регионах разные животные, растения, болезни, температуры, осадки, минеральные ресурсы и рельеф. Борьба за выживание в кишащих болезнями, удушливых джунглях очень отличаются от такой же борьбы в выжженных пустынных землях или в замороженной тундре с двухмесячным периодом вегетации.
Процессор тактики
RimWorld использует процессор, разработанный первоначально для симуляторов тактических боев типа Jagged Alliance 2. Это значит, что в нем предусмотрено множество возможностей создания интересных боев небольших команд. Например:
- Есть система прикрытия, моделирующая прикрытие за малыми высотами и за углом.
- Это действительно детальный алгоритм для определения вероятности попадания и информировании о нем на основе расстояния, мастерства, оружия, освещения, угла и прикрытия.
- Оружие обладает довольно тщательной статистикой.
- Искусственный интеллект планирует и выполняет такие тактические ходы, как фланговые защиты и атаки, пытаясь при этом держаться подальше от линии огня противника. Он использует ряд эвристических алгоритмов для анализа боя и эффективного использования пространства. Он работает с союзниками и избегает скоплений.
Поскольку в битвах крайне важны прикрытие и расстановка, то алгоритм боя глубоко взаимодействует с рельефом и структурой колонии. Игроки должны думать о том, как лучше расставлять свои строения, чтобы в будущих боях иметь максимальное преимущество. Можно строить разнообразные базовые конфигурации для получения максимального тактического преимущества перед врагом. Игровой процессор боя в целом гораздо интереснее, чем традиционный обмен ударами, который можно ожидать от обычных строительных игр.
Обучающая система
Этот тип игры может быть труден для обучения. Поэтому мы создали адаптивную обучающую систему, наблюдающую за вашими действиями с целью выяснения, какие части игры вам понятны, и обучения вас тем частям, с которыми вы не справляетесь. Если вы не понимаете, как управлять, то игра ненавязчиво разъяснит и поможет. Если же вы уже знаете что-то, то игра вас не побеспокоит.
К тому же RimWorld использует систему оповещений, чтобы убедиться, что вы ничего не упустили из внимания. Если у вас мало пищи или колонист собирается превратиться в берсерка, то в углу экрана выскочит сообщение, информирующее вас об этом факте. Теперь вы не будете уничтожены из-за того, что упустили какую-то незначительную деталь. Если вы и будете уничтожены, то по вполне уважительной причине.
Люди в RimWorld постоянно изучают ситуацию и окружение, чтобы знать, как чувствовать себя в данный момент. Они реагируют на голод и усталость, на смерти у них на глазах, на неуважительно похороненные трупы, на ранения, на темноту, на нахождение в стесненных условиях, на сон под открытым небом или в одной комнате с посторонними и на многие другие ситуации. Можно в любое время проверять психологию героя, чтобы знать, что он чувствует и почему.
Когда колонист слишком долго находится в состоянии стресса, у него может случиться "нервный срыв". Кто-то не выдерживает и некоторое время скитается по колонии. Кто-то уходит. Кто-то как в Dwarf'е становится психопатом и впадает в истерику насилия.
Суть RimWorld - это смесь жесткой научной фантастики и Старого Запада. Это приграничный мир на краю изученного пространства вдали от цивилизованных основных миров. Планета огромна и в основном пустынна. Там нигде поблизости нет сильных цивилизаторских правительств. Вы предоставлены сами себе.
Основная идея вселенной RimWorld - это разнообразие условий человеческого существования. В этих условиях человечество расселяется по всей галактике при отсутствии иных способов перемещения и общения быстрее чем свет. Учитывая тот факт, что звездные цивилизации приходят к упадку (из-за войн и эпидемий) так же часто, как и к процветанию, это означает, что межзвездный путешественник может сталкиваться с людьми любого уровня развития: от доземледельческих племен до сверхъестественных полубогов-полуроботов.
В RimWorld начинающие колонисты находятся на уровне технического развития в середине этого диапазона. Но вы можете сталкиваться с людьми гораздо более низкого и более высокого уровня развития, а также приобретать и использовать их инструменты и оружие. В RimWorld в отдельно взятом бою могут участвовать луки и стрелы, ружья, автоматические винтовки и биомеханические машины убийств.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, polish, russian, italian, spanish - spain, czech, danish, dutch, hungarian, japanese, norwegian, portuguese - portugal, portuguese - brazil, simplified chinese, swedish, traditional chinese, turkish, ukrainian, finnish, korean, romanian, spanish - latin america
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: Core 2 Duo
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or other shader model 4.0
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: macOS 10.12
- Процессор: Core 2 Duo
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or other shader model 4.0
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Процессор: Core 2 Duo
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or other shader model 4.0
- Место на диске: 1 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Base game is great. DLCs add a good amount after such a long time. But the mods. You play this game for the fantastic and dedicated modding community.
Do not buy this game PLEASE you don't have to you can still get away you can still have a life. I haven't stopped playing since the day i got it my family tried to stop me from playing but they stepped right into the spike traps i set up to stop some raid i imagined in a state of psychosis. i held my mom in my arms as she bled out i still remember saying "oooo bad passions don't need this one" i don't even know what to do anymore but you don't have to you can still be free still get away
At some point I passed 1000 hours on Rimworld and completely didn't notice. I still haven't finished a single colony. I don't mind in the slightest.
It has that "one more turn" feeling that you get with grand strategy games mixed with the little emergent stories that you get from the Sims. You could absolutely mix-max your way to victory if you like, but in a way I think you have to be able to make your own fun. Feel invested in what's going on with your little colonists. Personify them a little.
It makes it all the more impactful when a renegade herd of mad Yorkies decimates them.
Easy game to get really absorbed in. Just finished a vanilla run at... holy crap, 489 hours. I'm looking forward to trying some mods!
Slight learning curve at first - this game is so simple but build so much intuitive complexity on top of it. One of the best games I've played in years.
amazing game.
- very deep gameplay mechanics, every type of player can spend thousands of hours refining their playstyle.
- endless re-playability, RNG in almost all aspects of the game and one of the biggest mod workshops available...
- great music
- can feel the passion and love from the devs that went into rimworld, its well thought through and doesnt try to be something it isnt.
- still a few gamebreaking bugs left and areas that could need some attention but this should be obvious considering the amount of content. the 1.5 patch made already a huge leap forwarding adressing this!
- performance is not great in the endgame and/or with (some) mods. when rimworld2?
Very good one of the best of the genre if you like colony sims, this is the one. Highly recommended.
RimWorld is more than just a game—it's a story generator that keeps pulling you back in, even after hundreds of hours. With 1,221 hours logged, I can confidently say this is one of the most engaging and replayable games I've ever experienced.
The beauty of RimWorld lies in its unpredictability. Every colony you build tells a unique story filled with triumph, heartbreak, and hilarity. Whether it's a heroic sacrifice during a mechanoid raid or a petty argument between colonists escalating into chaos, the emergent storytelling is unmatched.
The gameplay is a perfect blend of base-building, resource management, and survival strategy, with endless customization options. The AI storyteller adds another layer of depth, ensuring that no two playthroughs are alike. I also love how mods from the community expand the game even further, offering endless possibilities for new experiences.
While RimWorld is challenging, it’s also incredibly rewarding. Losing is part of the fun, and even failed colonies leave behind unforgettable stories.
If you’re a fan of strategy, creativity, or games where the unexpected can lead to unforgettable moments, RimWorld is a must-play.
10/10 - Highly recommended
This game allows me to commit warcrimes and get away with it, similar to what Netanyahu does in Gaza.
This is a solid game, there is no way to deny this.
However, it does try to convey certain ideas that are immersion breaking for intelligent people.
- Inevitability: The Solar Flare event is a prime example of this. Not even late game tech can remedy it. This is unacceptable for someone who believes everything can be overcome if one puts his mind to it.
- Surreal limitations: It is strange when one has to fiddle with wind and solar power while overunity is so easy to achieve these days.
Luckily MODS can counter these flaws.
8/10, highly recommended.
I had no idea when I breached 1k hours of playtime. The base game itself is endless hours of building and figuring out issues, and then when you add the modding community there is an incase amount of playtime. This game is my "stuck on a desert island with one game" game.
A very fun and replayable game, albeit somewhat limiting when it comes to the game world, though mods can fix these issues, i highly recommend picking up the game with its dlcs for the full package, without dlcs, it can be somewhat limiting but you can still have tons of fun due to the modding community, would recommend this game to anyone i know to try this game out once.
RimWorld is worth every penny for its unmatched replay value. Each playthrough is a chaotic, hilarious, and deeply personal saga of survival, failure, and questionable morality. With its endless possibilities, no two games are the same—and I haven’t even touched the DLC yet, so keep that in mind.
RimWorld: A Real Razor Review
RimWorld isn’t just a game; it’s an exercise in the fragility of your sanity. You don’t play RimWorld to win. No, you play it to watch as every carefully laid plan crumbles under the crushing weight of an AI storyteller with a cruel sense of humor and a deep hatred for your ambitions. It’s like herding cats—if the cats were armed with molotov cocktails and emotional baggage.
You start innocently enough: three crash-landed colonists, some scattered supplies, and a dream of carving out a utopia in the wilderness. But utopia is for suckers. In RimWorld, you’re not building a thriving community; you’re fighting tooth and nail against a steady parade of disasters: raiders, plagues, manhunting animals, and the occasional colonist who decides the best way to cope with a bad day is to start a fistfight during a solar flare.
A Game of Questionable Decisions
The brilliance of RimWorld is in how it forces you to make impossible choices and then mocks you for them. You’ll carefully tend to your injured colonists, only to realize you’ve run out of medicine because you traded it for chocolate. You’ll nurse a prisoner back to health, only for them to shank your best farmer and set your dining hall on fire. The game doesn’t just challenge you—it revels in your missteps, daring you to adapt to the chaos.
Every decision feels weighty because every outcome is personal. That colonist you sent out to hunt muffalo? He’s not just some faceless drone. He’s Dave, the guy who saved the colony from starvation last winter and who also once lost a thumb in a freak squirrel attack. When Dave goes down because a boomrat exploded, it’s not just a setback—it’s a tragedy.
A Masterclass in Storytelling
RimWorld’s greatest strength is its ability to generate stories that are uniquely yours. Every playthrough is a tapestry of triumph and disaster, stitched together by your own bad decisions and the game’s sadistic AI. One day, you’re fending off raiders with improvised weapons; the next, you’re watching helplessly as your colony descends into cannibalism because a toxic fallout wiped out the crops. It’s the kind of storytelling that no scripted game could replicate.
The game doesn’t hand you a narrative; it hands you tools and watches as you create your own. And somehow, the most absurd, horrifying moments often become the ones you cherish. A colonist dying heroically in battle is fine—but a colonist losing a leg to a vengeful turkey, then going on to become a bionic chef? That’s the kind of ridiculous brilliance that sticks with you.
The Gameplay: Equal Parts Brutal and Rewarding
RimWorld is a game of systems: colony management, resource allocation, and keeping your pawns from losing their minds. It’s deceptively simple at first—build shelter, grow food, survive. But then the layers unfold. Colonists have quirks and moods, relationships and rivalries. They’ll fall in love, fall into despair, or just fall over because they forgot to eat while researching prosthetic limbs.
The mechanics are complex without being overwhelming, and the game’s AI storytellers—ranging from the mildly sadistic to the downright apocalyptic—ensure that no two games are ever the same. One playthrough might end with a heroic escape on a spaceship; another might end with your last surviving colonist wandering the frozen wasteland, wearing the human leather hat they made from their best friend.
Final Verdict: Gloriously Unfair
RimWorld is a masterclass in emergent gameplay and a brutal reminder that you’re not as clever as you think you are. It’s punishing, unpredictable, and sometimes deeply unfair—but that’s exactly what makes it brilliant. It doesn’t just let you fail; it lets you fail spectacularly, with stories you’ll be feeling for years (okay, maybe not that long, but its glorious replay value comes from how immersive it is).
If you’re looking for a game that will frustrate you, captivate you, and make you question your life choices, RimWorld is worth every penny. Just don’t expect to come out of it with your dignity intact—or with a functioning chicken coop.
This game is awesome, i can commit war crimes, war crimes, and add mods to commit more war crimes, oh yea and i guess the other parts of the game are OK... like setting people on fire and then extracting all of their organs, and buying a dlc so you can extract their dna and turn them into robot parts, and maybe feed your prisoners human flesh.
Permanently have this installed, always coming back for another game, never ending replayability. Possibly the best game ever!
Honestly this might be one of the greatest games ever made, thanks entirely to its style of emergent game-play mixed with its high level of customizatabilty. And thats before throwing in mods. This for sure is the game that I would pick if trapped on a deserted island. It's hard to explain why and how I recommend this game so much other than letting someone sit down with it for the same 100 hours that I had where you build a connection to your pawns, their struggle and even their base. Probably the closest that some of us will ever get to feeling like you're a kind (or cruel) god.
Endless replayability, no two saves are ever the same. I've had saves where almost every colonist dies besides one, and I've somehow made it out ok. I've had saves where everything is going great until my entire colony dies. It is insanely fun to watch all of these things unfold. The base game is incredibly fun but mods really do spruce up some aspects of the game I found tedious or annoying. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!! 10/10!!!!!
Legendary game it has everything you need organ harvesting, war crimes, child labor, and eating without tables.
This game is a management simulator where you are tasked with keeping your colony alive; which is simple and complex at the same time. It is simple when it allows you to create areas to serve any purpose; houses, storage space, crops, freezers, prisons etc. But keeping up and managing all of those areas is a different story. One bad day can destroy your colony. Keeping your colonists happy is vital, as one tantrum can lead to the worst outcomes; freeing prisoners, destroying expensive gear, starting fires, and killing pawns. As far as play-style goes, that's really up to your own creativity; including but not limited to war-crimes. From farming crops to harvesting organs and selling them on the market, there is a play-style for everyone; Hero or Villain is a choice. You are faced with many challenges on the Rim, lots of different variables; from keeping your colonists fed, battling the climate, or defending your territory from bandits or entities. It is not easy, but it is one hell of a story.
I do have all the DLC
Highly recommend for anyone who likes colony builders and the freedom to do basically anything you want. On top of that there are plenty of mods if you run out of vanilla stuff. DLCs are also worth it.
$150 for the complete game after 6 years, and 15% discounts at best for game that's entirely carried by its modding community. This is the kind of greed that's killing gaming.
STALKER 1 is free now. There are many free use mod repacks of the game that have GSC's blessings. Looking forward to buying Stalker 2 next year when it goes on sale for the price of ONE of this games DLC.
One of my favorite games of all time. Simpler than Dwarf Fortress, but still has the intrigue and good longevity of playthroughs.
Great game, great mechanics, great gameplay, great features.
This is so embarrassing but I literally have a fucking kink for trading like straight up medieval bartering type shit like the thought of like "a pound o' silk for a bucket o' milk" just turns me on for some reason that God Himself refuses to reveal to me. I can't even play Minecraft without getting hard as a fucking battering ram whilst trading emeralds for enchanting books and shit. I have this distinct memory of watching this movie when I was like 13 or 14 and it took place in like medieval Europe or something and this guy was haggling for like a hand sculpted pot or some shit and I had to leave the room to fucking masturbate I felt so weird after. I think that's where it started. I wish I had a normal kink like idk piss or something idk how I'm going to explain to my future partner that I want to roleplay as a 14th century merchant . Man.
Fun game where the Geneva Conventions is closer related to a checklist than a protection
The most fun colony sim i've ever played. There's so much you can do, so many warcrimes to commit.
Bethesda, but for indie games:
-Depends on modders for bulk of fixes and content
-DLC price to DLC content value is not skewed in consumer/player's favor
-Pricey, questionable quality merch
personally, i love the vanilla, but the thing that really pulled me in was the modding community
my utmost gratitude to modders, who continue to create and maintain their mods
This game taught me a lot about cultural acceptance, and the importance of working together to build something lasting, significant, and beautiful.
Then it taught me to hate everything, and everyone.
Okay I put 1000 hours into it I suppose I should recommend it. In all seriousness this game is amazing and has one of the best modding communities I have ever seen. Between the mods and settings options already included in vanilla the game is effectively infinitely customisable and can be tailored to fit however you have the most fun. No game quite scratches the same itch for me that this game does, easily an all time favorite of mine
When devs make a stable and flexible open API for modders or at least minor working up and down map layers like in Dwarf Fortress, then I recommend RimWorld for sure.
Colonists think it's a spectacular idea to punch a room filled with high explosives and low yield nuclear warheads leading to a swift and immediate end to an entire run because they Ate Without a Table. 10/10
game is so fun and u can pick how hard and love the game i have played this game 248 hours
I'm not very good, but nothing beats the feeling of making sure all your little guys do their best to make it through an inhospitable environment
Probably one of my favourite games to date,
Very easy to understand base mechanics and such. With still more obscure things that can be discovered as you play.
Very active and brilliant modding community that really brings the customisability to a whole new level. Very easy to understand how to import mods into the game, which was helpful since it was my first time modding a game.
There is an end objective, but is really more of a suggestion. So you can focus more on your own goals and objectives.
Extremely immersive game overall, can be playing for hours each day for weeks at a time and not get bored due to how there is that you can do.
Price point of £25 I think is very reasonable considering how much you can get out of it. DLC's I would also agree are reasonable, does certainly feel that you are adding more into the game with each one, they also just seem to get better as time goes on so that's a plus. I don't own Anomoly, as I don't think it goes with the way I like to play, so I can't speak on that.
Overall, very interesting and engaging game that I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys the Colony Sim genre and to people trying to get into the genre as a whole, I'd consider this a great start.
Just a great game, very easy to get lost in (in a good way). Always recommended!
I'm going to admit that I didn't give this game a fair shot my first time. I skipped the tutorial, jumped right in, looked at the interface and decided to do literally anything else. I was convinced that I had probably wasted my money, but I figured I'd try again someday to see if I felt differently.
I'm so happy I was so wrong with that judgment.
First, play the tutorial. For real. You need it. The basic gameplay loop looks straight forward, and it pretty much is, but the interface is hard to navigate if you have no prior knowledge. I know this sounds basic, but I know a lot of us just jump in face first. This is not the game to do that with.
After I had successfully gotten through that little intro period, the game just set me lose with what I had established. I was able to get my little colony off to a great start, honestly. We managed to rescue a couple more people that fell from the sky, were hunting and farming effectively, had power through our compound, and were managing a pretty happy life.
We even sent a caravan or two to neighboring villages to trade, and on to check out loot rumors close by.
We were on top of the world, and as we went into our first winter, we were set. Full heating, a hydroponics lab to keep growing produce, a refrigerated storage area where we had meals prepped, and a deep freezer to keep our meat from spoiling.
Then my entire colony contracted gutworms and died after a probably unrelated warg attack. Who knows.
Reroll, start again.
This game is absurdly fun. The story telling through gameplay is immaculate, the random encounters are fun, the acts of surviving and thriving on this world is difficult, but rewarding.
If you enjoy survival and crafting games, this one is for you. It's different than anything else you've played, but it'll scratch that itch in a whole new way. Watching your survivors interact, do their thing, just living with their quirks is amazing. My present village has a person, Kat, that if they're not busy doing anything else, will go outside and lay down to watch the sunset every night. It's a small thing, but I'm for it.
I see you, Kat. Good stuff.
Unparalleled Storytelling: RimWorld isn’t just a game; it’s a story generator. Every colony you build tells a unique tale, filled with triumphs, tragedies, and unpredictable twists.
Complex Yet Accessible Gameplay: The mechanics are deep and rewarding, but the game’s intuitive design ensures you’re never overwhelmed, even as your colony grows.
Endless Replayability: With procedurally generated worlds, diverse biomes, and countless events, no two games are ever the same.
Rich Modding Community: The modding scene is thriving, offering endless possibilities to customize and enhance your experience.
Immersive AI Storytellers: Choose your challenge level and style of gameplay, from peaceful building to chaos-driven survival, thanks to the game’s brilliant AI narrators.
Steep Learning Curve: New players might find the first few hours challenging, but the effort is well worth it.
RimWorld is a masterpiece of emergent storytelling and colony management. Whether you’re a strategist, a storyteller, or simply someone who loves building and surviving in unpredictable worlds, RimWorld offers endless hours of deeply satisfying gameplay.
one of my favorite and first PC only games before they released on console. It is so much fun vanilla and the mod support is fantastic and that it is also so easy and simple to mod. Tynan, you're the GOAT for making this game. I love ya bro
It's such a good game, one of my favorite games of all time, the DLC's are pretty expensive but i think worth it, the game has infinite replayability, especially with mods. The gameplay and difficulty settings are really good and you can end up making really compelling storys, so overall a 10/10 in my book
Probably the best resource management and colony simulation game I have ever played. It's an acquired taste but once you get into it, there's no going back. This quickly became my most played steam game and will very likely continue to be my most played steam game for years to come. The modding community is amazing and the replayablity is infinite. Definitely check out the Vanilla Expanded series of mods, as well as many made by Dubs, including but not limited to, Dubs Rimatomics and Dubs Skylights.
a tornado ripped through my base so i told my colonists to hide in our store house...... right next to all our highly flammable bio fuel........ they lived...... barely.....
чем хуже у тебя колония, тем больше шансов не стать антиутопий СССР альтернативной версий
I love this game and I have had it since it came out. If you like these type of games you will love it though it is hard with a learning curve but, there is lots of information out there to help you figure it out.
Fun game, great to have running during telework days
Rimworld is set in the reaches of outer space, where the geneva convention cant hear you. Who's gonna find out I just installed two peg legs on a perfectly healthy 12 year old?
With mods, the hardest challenge with this game is getting bored. There are almost endless fun things to do. It is worth it, even at full price.
Can't believe I've spent over 2 months playing Rimworld. So much freedom to do whatever you want (questionable as it may be), and that's not factoring in expansions and mods. Still not sick of this game, 10/10
Incredible game with lots of interesting ways to play and easy to mod. Thumbs up.
Game so good bought it after torrenting it. It was totaly worth it, and the mods are just amazing
I’d been keeping an eye on the grizzly bears near my colony for a while. They’d been loitering too close to my berry pickers, and I knew they’d eventually become a problem. "Tomorrow," I thought. "Tomorrow, I’ll deal with them."
But Randy Random had other plans.
That night, as my colonists slept, we were rudely awakened by a Mechhive raid—a big one. The bears were instantly forgotten as survival took precedence. I scrambled to organize a defense. We flanked, fortified, and fired every chance we got. The Mechs hammered at our walls, breached doors, and poured into the colony. The fighting was chaotic, desperate, and devastating.
Fires broke out. Everyone was wounded. Zak, my best shooter, was bleeding out with just 12 hours left. "We can fix this," I told myself.
Boss, our medic, darted to the storeroom for medicine, while the others beat back flames and scrambled to hold the line. The colony was a mess, and we were holding on by a thread.
When the dust finally settled, the ground was littered with Mechhive corpses. The bears? They went hungry that night. Zak, my most loyal colonist, wasn’t so lucky. There wasn’t even enough of him left to bury.
I will play some Oxygen not inclued and be back to the Rim later :)
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Ludeon Studios |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 18.12.2024 |
Metacritic | 87 |
Отзывы пользователей | 98% положительных (100827) |