Разработчик: Ludeon Studios
Научно-фантастический симулятор колонии под управлением ИИ-рассказчика.
RimWorld управляет тремя людьми, выжившими после крушения космического лайнера, в строительстве колонии в приграничном мире на краю изученного пространства. Источники вдохновения этой игры -это дух космического вестерна Firefly, глубокая проработка Dwarf Fortress и эпические Dune и Warhammer 40 000.
Следите за настроением, потребностями, мыслями, ранениями и болезнями колонистов. Участвуйте в глубоко проработанной боях небольших команд. Используйте одежду, оружие и экипировку из металла, дерева, камня, ткани и экзотических, футуристических материалов. Сражайтесь с пиратами-налетчиками, враждебными племенами, свирепыми животными и древними машинами убийств. Играя, каждый раз открывайте для себя новый мир. Стройте колонии в природных зонах от пустыни до джунглей и тундры, имеющих свои уникальные флоры и фауны. Управляйте колонистами и развивайте их с помощью уникальных биографий, черт и навыков. Учитесь легко играть с помощью интеллектуального и ненавязчивого ИИ-наставника
Игра RimWorld разработана Tynan Sylvester и компанией Ludeon Studios. С момента первого выхода 4 ноября 2013 г. была улучшена.
RimWorld разработана не как состязательная стратегическая игра, а как генератор историй. Она не о победе и проигрыше, она о драме, трагедии и комедии, происходящей в вашей колонии. Игра создает такие события, как пиратские набеги, прибытие торговцев и бури. Но эти события не случайны. RimWorld использует ИИ-рассказчика (по образцу ИИ-директора из Left 4 Dead), который анализирует ситуацию и решает, какое событие по его мнению создаст лучшую историю.
Можно выбирать между тремя рассказчиками: Продуманная Кассандра Классическая, более продуманная, ориентированная на строительство Фиби Тихоня и абсолютно непредсказуемый Ренди Случай.
Разношерстная команда
В RimWorld колонисты не являются профессиональными поселенцами - они те, кто выжил в катастрофе пассажирского лайнера. Они могут быть бухгалтерами, домохозяйками, журналистами, поварами, аристократами, беспризорниками, солдатами.
Аристократ будет силен в навыках общения (для вербовки заключенных и торговых переговорах о ценах), но будет отказываться выполнять физическую работу. Простак с фермы знает, как выращивать еду, но не сможет заниматься исследовательской деятельностью. Занудный ученый будет силен в исследованиях, но будет абсолютно неспособен выполнять социальные задачи. Генетический убийца кроме как убивать ничего не умеет, но делает это очень хорошо.
Каждый герой имеет свои черты личности. Невротические колонисты работают быстрее, но более подвержены стрессу и склонны к нервным срывам. Грубые герои плохо сходятся с людьми и портят настроение окружающим. Нудисты любят ходить голыми, в то время как людоеды получает удовольствие от употребления человеческой плоти.
Увеличивать количество колонистов можно за счет приема беженцев, захвата пленных в бою и перевербовки их на свою сторону, выкупая их у работорговцев, спасая их, а также принимая иммигрантов.
Моделирование здоровья
Ранения, инфекции, протезирования и хронические заболевания отслеживаются по каждой части тела и влияют на способности героев. Повреждения глаз осложняют возможность стрелять или делать хирургические операции. Ранение в ноги замедляют людей. Руки, мозг, рот, сердце, печень, почки, желудок, ноги, пальцы на руках и ногах и другие части тела могут получить ранения, заболеть или быть утерянными. Все это приводит к логичным внутриигровым эффектам. У каждой особи свое строение тела, Отнимите у оленя ногу - и он сможет бегать на трех оставшихся!
Можно восстанавливать части тела с помощью протезирования, начиная от примитивного, заканчивая сверхъестественным. Деревянная нога даст возможность колонисту Джо ходить после несчастного случая с носорогом, но он по-прежнему останется довольно медленным. В следующем году можно купить у торговца дорогую бионическую ногу, а Джо станет супер-бегуном. Можно даже извлекать, продавать, покупать и пересаживать внутренние органы.
Серьезной угрозой являются болезни. Открытые раны будут инфицироваться. Где угодно могут появиться грипп или чума, а влажные тропические леса изобилуют малярией и летаргическим энцефалитом. По мере старения колонистов могут развиваться такие хронические заболевания, как катаракта или боли в спине.
Времена года и температура
Температуры моделируются как снаружи, так и внутри помещений. По мере смены времен года температура на открытом воздухе будет расти или падать. Растения растут только при определенных температурах. Когда холодает, начинает идти снег. Люди могут получать переохлаждения или тепловые удары.
Можно управлять температурой в помещении с помощью нагревателей и кондиционеров с целью выживания, создания комфорта или предотвращения гниения пищи. Можно даже строить смертельные температурные ловушки, чтобы заживо жарить врагов.
Создание мира и природных зон
Игра создает целую планету от полюса до экватора. Вы выбираете, куда приземлить свой спасательный модуль: в холодной северной тундре, в выжженной пустыне, в умеренном лесу или в парящих экваториальных джунглях.
В разных регионах разные животные, растения, болезни, температуры, осадки, минеральные ресурсы и рельеф. Борьба за выживание в кишащих болезнями, удушливых джунглях очень отличаются от такой же борьбы в выжженных пустынных землях или в замороженной тундре с двухмесячным периодом вегетации.
Процессор тактики
RimWorld использует процессор, разработанный первоначально для симуляторов тактических боев типа Jagged Alliance 2. Это значит, что в нем предусмотрено множество возможностей создания интересных боев небольших команд. Например:
- Есть система прикрытия, моделирующая прикрытие за малыми высотами и за углом.
- Это действительно детальный алгоритм для определения вероятности попадания и информировании о нем на основе расстояния, мастерства, оружия, освещения, угла и прикрытия.
- Оружие обладает довольно тщательной статистикой.
- Искусственный интеллект планирует и выполняет такие тактические ходы, как фланговые защиты и атаки, пытаясь при этом держаться подальше от линии огня противника. Он использует ряд эвристических алгоритмов для анализа боя и эффективного использования пространства. Он работает с союзниками и избегает скоплений.
Поскольку в битвах крайне важны прикрытие и расстановка, то алгоритм боя глубоко взаимодействует с рельефом и структурой колонии. Игроки должны думать о том, как лучше расставлять свои строения, чтобы в будущих боях иметь максимальное преимущество. Можно строить разнообразные базовые конфигурации для получения максимального тактического преимущества перед врагом. Игровой процессор боя в целом гораздо интереснее, чем традиционный обмен ударами, который можно ожидать от обычных строительных игр.
Обучающая система
Этот тип игры может быть труден для обучения. Поэтому мы создали адаптивную обучающую систему, наблюдающую за вашими действиями с целью выяснения, какие части игры вам понятны, и обучения вас тем частям, с которыми вы не справляетесь. Если вы не понимаете, как управлять, то игра ненавязчиво разъяснит и поможет. Если же вы уже знаете что-то, то игра вас не побеспокоит.
К тому же RimWorld использует систему оповещений, чтобы убедиться, что вы ничего не упустили из внимания. Если у вас мало пищи или колонист собирается превратиться в берсерка, то в углу экрана выскочит сообщение, информирующее вас об этом факте. Теперь вы не будете уничтожены из-за того, что упустили какую-то незначительную деталь. Если вы и будете уничтожены, то по вполне уважительной причине.
Люди в RimWorld постоянно изучают ситуацию и окружение, чтобы знать, как чувствовать себя в данный момент. Они реагируют на голод и усталость, на смерти у них на глазах, на неуважительно похороненные трупы, на ранения, на темноту, на нахождение в стесненных условиях, на сон под открытым небом или в одной комнате с посторонними и на многие другие ситуации. Можно в любое время проверять психологию героя, чтобы знать, что он чувствует и почему.
Когда колонист слишком долго находится в состоянии стресса, у него может случиться "нервный срыв". Кто-то не выдерживает и некоторое время скитается по колонии. Кто-то уходит. Кто-то как в Dwarf'е становится психопатом и впадает в истерику насилия.
Суть RimWorld - это смесь жесткой научной фантастики и Старого Запада. Это приграничный мир на краю изученного пространства вдали от цивилизованных основных миров. Планета огромна и в основном пустынна. Там нигде поблизости нет сильных цивилизаторских правительств. Вы предоставлены сами себе.
Основная идея вселенной RimWorld - это разнообразие условий человеческого существования. В этих условиях человечество расселяется по всей галактике при отсутствии иных способов перемещения и общения быстрее чем свет. Учитывая тот факт, что звездные цивилизации приходят к упадку (из-за войн и эпидемий) так же часто, как и к процветанию, это означает, что межзвездный путешественник может сталкиваться с людьми любого уровня развития: от доземледельческих племен до сверхъестественных полубогов-полуроботов.
В RimWorld начинающие колонисты находятся на уровне технического развития в середине этого диапазона. Но вы можете сталкиваться с людьми гораздо более низкого и более высокого уровня развития, а также приобретать и использовать их инструменты и оружие. В RimWorld в отдельно взятом бою могут участвовать луки и стрелы, ружья, автоматические винтовки и биомеханические машины убийств.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, polish, russian, italian, spanish - spain, czech, danish, dutch, hungarian, japanese, norwegian, portuguese - portugal, portuguese - brazil, simplified chinese, swedish, traditional chinese, turkish, ukrainian, finnish, korean, romanian, spanish - latin america
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: Core 2 Duo
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or other shader model 4.0
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: macOS 10.12
- Процессор: Core 2 Duo
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or other shader model 4.0
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Процессор: Core 2 Duo
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or other shader model 4.0
- Место на диске: 1 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Played for 80 hours. Got my moneys worth, uninstalled.
Spent years playing other games, came back.
Tried a solo run, died in a filthy bed from an infection after being attacked by a wolf.
Tried a random landing of default adventure, landed in a swamp, slowly picked off by wildlife until malaria took the colony.
Played as a tribe, annihilated by man-eating boomalopes who took everyone out in a explosion on death.
Made a custom scenario, bought the DLC, now raising children with cyborg people hunting vampires.
Would reccomend.
To me this is one of the best games ever made.
The stories, the drama that may unfold, the little funny things that happen out of the blue, no other game has this and not one playthrough is the same. Freedom to play it however you like is endless. Want to play a democracy? Want to create a distopia.? Want it to be hell/heaven on earth (well not earth, but somewhere in a galaxy far far away)? You name it, the game has got you.
This game is for the Dwarf Fortress crowd and the regular city/sim colony crowd alike. Yes, it can be a bit overwhelming at the start for the more casual player due to all the stuff going on under the hood, but boy is it worth it.
Also, when after the third vanilla playthrough you start to get the hang of it and start wishing for content or QOL stuff that isnt in the game, go look for mods. There literally is a mod for everything you can think of, the game is built for that.
Замечтательная игра про менеджмент колонии на всегда-рандомной планете населённой быдланами и ущемленцами, с которыми придётся как-то взаимодействовать. Порой менее мемная чем Dwarf Fortress, но по моему мнению, а я прям фанат дф, вовремя взявшая и развившая идеи дворфов, притом в более удобной форме и приятной графике. Нету адвенчур мода, и не нужно наверное. ДЛСшки чисто вкусовщина. В том году оказался в ситуации когда нужно было докупить Аномалии, но я не купил и пока что не жалею. Как будто бы надо сперва с самой игрой до конца разобраться, но при моём подходе с макс. сложностью и Ренди это тяжеловато. Однозначно рекомендую
Freedom to do what you want, good idea or not. Playable without mods, but nearly infinite customization to the kind of game you want to play with mods. I have lost 3000 hours of my life to this game. No regrets.
I think this game is really overrated, i like it but its really really bad in some cases.
Speaking Base game only :
This game makes me so frustrated -- I cant stop playing it.
There are other like this game, but no other game is like the true ambiguity that is Rimworld.
I've never wanted a tiny colony to succeed so badly before, Their individual personalities add spice to everything.
I took a break from this game for about 8mo.... time to go back in and log another 20+ hours
It's got a hard learning curve to get over, but it can generate some fun stories.
Great game with lot of replay ability... i haven't bought any of the DLCs yet....
This game is one of the best games in terms of playability. With the base game without DLCs being pretty big in terms of features and fun. Added with DLCs and Mods, the game will get even better, with the modding community being pretty big. The only con is the performance on high pawn/npc counts but it can be mitigated with mods. Will definitely recommend for playing.
Not a big fan of the newest expansions but when I first tried Rimworld it felt like it was the best made game I have ever played.
I use to play this back before their was any DLC on another account. This game is phenomenal and anyone who likes story content or any kind of colony management game, or maybe even both; will like this game.
A great game with the greatest modding community. Not all heroes wear caps, thank you guys !
There just isn't enough interesting content for this game to be $35, 7 years after release. All the DLCs are also crazy expensive and the base game feels dull and progression is boring.
-crashed on an unknown planet
-built a base
-naked high man with a club attacked my colonists
-shot the man
-worked on colony dealt with raids
-watched my entire colony crumble
-last colonist got his head blown off by a robot
10/10 would do again
One of the most entertaining games I played. Even tho I am a visiual person, the simple graphics are over compensated by the random event system of this game. Would recommend it for a chill time.
This game is for a very specific type of person. I am not that person. It starts out fun, but quickly devolves into micromanagement hell.
Micromanagement: Early game there is a lot of variety and it can be fun and challenging responding to all of the random catastrophes, but very quickly you will start to get annoyed with how little autonomy your pawns (the people in your colony) actually have. They are dumb. Really really dumb. They have to be constantly monitored and managed and there is no easy way to make them do certain things. If they are starving for fun, you can't order them to play a game or go outside, instead you have to open a work schedule menu, set their schedule to recreation, then have them halt what they are doing multiple times. Why Ludeon, why? If you don't waste your time doing that then they will fly into a rage and insult all of your other colonists (an effect that stacks, lasts for days, and can completely destroy that colonist's mood, again, wtf Ludeon?) or break your most expensive important machine. This is just nonsense.
Components: Another very annoying thing is that every important thing you build requires parts called components. Components can't be mfg until very late game so you have to get them from trading or, if you're lucky and they are on your map, mining. This is fine until no traders or trade ships come for an entire year or something else like that, during which time you are basically soft locked. Too weak technologically to leave your colony of braindead pawns to fend for itself while you travel, you just have to wait it out while you farm or do whatever else. You will learn that there are things you can do to make this less likely to happen, but the game may throw a wrench in your plans by striking down half your pawns with malaria or the plague as you attempt to do so. This can get very frustrating very quickly.
Scaling difficulty with colony wealth: Should you succeed in planning better and building nicer things, the game will punish you by massively increasing the size of the raids against your colony due to the colony's wealth increasing. This too is annoying since in order to have the colonists not throw tantrums they have to be in a good mood, and in order to be in a good mood they have to have nice things. This mechanic means that the simple act of replacing all your wood or dirt floors with sandstone tiles could add 2 to 3 more enemies on the next raid. You didn't get better guns. You didn't get better weapons or more colonists. All you did was add some nice floors to help your colonists not go crazy. I hate this mechanic.
Overall, it's not the worst game and I can see why people love it, but the lack of autonomy of the pawns, over-reliance on components, and scaling raids just for replacing your dirt floors with stone all combine to ruin it for me.
i have never consider to play this game before due to its simple graphic and seems to be monotonous/linear game play. got this game during discount, and i was amazed on how its simulate building a settlement with limited people. balancing development, inventory, building and handling attacks/raids is somehow different and addictive here. especially with supports of steam workshop, adding more variation to your game play.
it uses some kind of AI / CPU to generate story/challenges, adapting to your game situation and condition. sometime it miss and make your game suck, but most of the time, it works. for beginners like me, always save your game often.
One of my favorite games of all times; once you overcome the initial learning curve it's immensely fun with varying challenges. Infinite re-playability. The best indie game IMO.
Really fun game with a nice narrative experience and almost limitless possibilities.
This game is fairly good at times BUT USUALLY TERRIBLE. The game is atrociously bullshit. there is very little reason for any human to be within very short range with a gun and miss especially people accustomed to combat. being either a master or a complete idiot is not good logic in the slightest because it does not matter for combat nearly as much as it should. have a team of people with guns? gets taken down by a couple squirrels. the amount of luck involved in this game is completely absurd. Not to mention you will probably have to download multiple mods to make your colonist not fucking retards. they will go add resources to something a mile away then instead of building it they will go eat a meal at home base a mile away (even when assigned to construction). THIS DOES NOT EVEN COUNT OTHER THINGS. FOR EXAMPLE lets say one of your medics is downed and you tell your pawns to rescue them. they will go ahead and do that but they will not feed them unless they are assigned to doctoring which makes little sense. feeding someone in this game does not require medical skill. so it should be a default that your colonist will try to feed a starving colonist (really annoying when you have one person assigned to doctoring so other pawns don't attempt a heart removal surgery)
Rimworld is really fun. I've played it on and off over the years, but it is one that I always come back to and most consistently play. I don't have a lot of time to game these days so I chose my games wisely. This one has always had staying power.
I've been playing RimWorld for what feels like an eternity. First recommended to me by my daughter's godfather, it has been one one of the highest played games on my Steam list. If you enjoy a good colony builder, RimWorld is the game for you. If you want to experience being a slaver or building a domineering cult, get the Ideology cult. If you want vampires or dog people or you want to raise babies, get the Biotech pack. If you'd like to build an Empire and become a King, Royalty is the pack for you. The new Anomaly pack adds horror elements to the game to increase the thrill factor but I have, admittedly, not been able to that that one (YET!). This game is one of those ones that is almost entirely unique and no playthrough is ever the same. The devs have been working on this game with devotion for over a decade. Every cent invested is worth it - hands down.
I love this game its fun to play any time its one of 2 games I always fall back to when nothing else seems to catch my eye. The modding community is amazing and adds tons of fun things to this game as well.
The name is very misleading, this was not what I expected... butt after the initial disappointment, I got to have a lot of fun anyways. Great game. Lots of mods too.
Remember when you were little and you were playing with your toys and you had everything all nicely set up and the game was going well. Awesome right? Well remember when you were in intense drama in the toy action and then someone came over and kicked over all your toys and then punched you in the mouth and your toys all blamed you for it and became so depressed you couldn't play with them? No me neither, but that's Rimworld.
eu amo esse jogo porem ele acabou destruindo minha familia quando eu decidi jogar rimworld ao inves de buscar minha filha na creche dai ela foi sequestrada e acreditamos que ela morreu. no mesmo dia eu consegui criar uma colonia muito avançada no rimworld e eu joguei por horas e horas e horas e horas e eu me diverti muito. acabei de comprar as dlcs que custam muito dinheiro e eu vou me divertir mais ainda e eu nunca irei parar de jogar esse jogo. adeus filha.
Took me ages to finally give this a try and boy do i regret it. Still on my first play though and loving it.
Going to get the DLC on sale after I complete the game and then there's mods to follow.
I have also seen a multiplayer mod I'll give a try with a mate.
i was so skeptical about the price but ive never felt so better about a purchase ever, Rimworld is worth every cent and a relief in a world full of AAA highway robberies.
Absolute fever dream of a game. Get it on sale though.
Also enjoy the nervous breakdowns and your characters murdering their own children and family members lmao.
Good for gaming with a video or movie alongside and making people into human couches.
I cant understate how deep this games' systems run, there is always more content and mechanics to explore, especially when you buy a DLC or two. I have never played a game that game me more satisfaction and despair! the hours I have put in this game are only representing like 5-8 playthroughs or so and i still havent seen the credits! 10/10
Rimworld, the game where warcrimes aren't only encouraged but frequently necessary for the survival of the colony
—Where Chaos and Storytelling Collide
Rimworld isn’t just a game—it’s a mix of survival, storytelling, and absolute madness. After 300+ hours of building colonies, fighting off raiders, and accidentally setting my base on fire (thanks, Randy Random), I can confidently say this game never gets old. Every playthrough feels fresh, thanks to its unpredictable events and the insane twists that keep you guessing.
If you want to experience true chaos, try Randy Random as your AI storyteller. One moment, you’ll be peacefully farming; the next, a herd of angry elephants will storm your base. Randy doesn’t care about balance—he’s here to throw surprises that will completely change how you play.
Why I Love It:
- Your colonists are a mix of geniuses, troublemakers, and people who can barely tie their own shoes.
- The game writes its own crazy stories. One minute, everything is fine. The next, your best colonist is fighting off a bear while your chef burns dinner.
- Mods! If you want it, there’s a mod for it. Battle rhinos? Alien invasions? You name it.
Funny Things I’ve Learned:
- Rimworld isn’t about winning—it’s about laughing while everything falls apart.
- Colonist relationships are messy. They’ll become best friends—or start a fistfight over the last slice of pizza.
[*] The AI storyteller loves chaos. Randy Random, especially, turns your colony into a rollercoaster of unexpected disasters and plot twists.
Why It’s Special:
There are other games like Rimworld out there, but nothing beats the original. It’s not just about building—it’s about the crazy stories and the unpredictable disasters that make every game unique.
Final Thoughts:
Rimworld is one of those games you keep coming back to. Whether you’re fighting off raiders, trying to keep your colonists alive, or just watching it all burn (literally), it’s always fun.
Rating: 9/10 – "300+ hours in, and I’m still not sure if I’m good at this game or just lucky."
For the best experience, click on the thumbs up blue button on this review to see it in the big format!
Average reading time: 5 minutes.
What is Rimworld?
Rimworld is a colony sim game where you manage survivors and try to keep them alive on a planet full of ruthless people, mythical creatures, animals, and machines that all follow the same creed: "Your stuff is mine, and if you don't give it to me I kill you." It is a title where you spend as much time fighting the climate, lack of food, and all sorts of complications that come with establishing a new colony for your survivors to thrive (or perish) in.
What makes Rimworld such a masterwork cult game is that the game is truly fascinating in how realistic and dynamic its interactions play. People love each other, but they hate each other, if you get hurt and you don't treat the wound it becomes a major problem, you can get food poisoning and sometimes your survivors will decapitate enemies in seconds while other times they miss all their shots or have a mental breakdown. Each pawn has their needs that need to be satisfied like a human does in real life, they need to be fed, need to sleep, have fun, feel safe, and feel like their lives are both fulfilling and an achievement.
It's thanks to such an intricate system, that Rimworld is outstanding when it comes to roleplay. Whenever you want to be a Royal Knight and be honorable, save stragglers, make a difference, or run a cult of secluded cannibals that will hunt down anyone in their territory, Rimworld lets you shape the beliefs and technology of your civilization. The Ideology DLC takes this to the next level, giving perks that are both incredibly useful and frustrating based on what memes your colonists believe in. The game is all about making your own story as you play.
My Experience With Rimworld
I did five playthroughs before reviewing the game, and those colonies all perished horribly except for one. Each run felt fresh to me as I could pursue multiple directions to take my colony, but the best one was playing the modded race Ratkin and becoming a vassal of the Empire. Establishing my own medieval Kingdom where we use ballistas, and double swords (like Dark Maul from Star Wars} and getting Psychodelic magical powers by pleasing the Empire was incredibly fun. I loved the hunt for legendary weapons that can give you fame and power, and using necromancy and techno-magic I was able to create an everlasting society that will stand the test of time.
In another playthrough, I was a lone Ratkin (I love my rats) with three androids, and the gameplay changed drastically from my previous 3 Rats in Royalty. With androids, you can make things happen faster because they never sleep, hence having a 24/7 minion becomes extremely useful and desirable but for all their pros, androids cannot do tasks like cook or be social, which affects how you approach the game as you only have one colonist doing all the stuff androids won't do. It is in that philosophy that we can see Rimworld is a game one can play for ages. I don't play games for a long time, and you can check my hours and know I enjoy my time in Rimworld and will continue to do so! I don't even like Sims management games so that speaks volumes!
That being said, some minor frustrations here and there. Sometimes the game would bug and require development tools to fix it, while at other times the game can kind of abruptly end your tale. Is realistic but not super fun when your awesome melee fighter instantly gets taken out in one smooth swing (personally, I wouldn't be thrilled about it) while in other opportunities the co-writer to the story called the StoryTeller (an AI that decides what events come your way) can be your best friend that sends you milk or your worst enemy that woke up one morning and said "yeah you are getting raided 7 times today" (big shoutout to Randy Random, best storyteller in my humble opinion) so in those cases, you might need to modify your experience to get the most of it, whenever that be an easier difficulty, a particular approach or starting with more knowledge(or hitting the super hardcore difficulty, I mean, if that is what you are into!).
The Price of Rimworld And Modding
Rimworld is a very expensive game, like for real, an extremely pricey game to get. To get the most out of the modding community and the game, you are basically looking to pay 120 bucks, and trust me, while you can enjoy the base game and no mods, Rimworld is a game MEANT to be modded. Is like day and night without it and mods depend on the DLC so not having the DLC means some of the best mods won't work at all.
That being said, you can acquire this in pieces. Personally, I played the base game on my first playthrough, modded the second, and for the other three, I got all DLC and 200-ish mods. When you get into the meat of it, Rimworld is a game you can play forever and is awesome to see how the community always brings something new and exciting to it, how the players keep the game not only alive but expand it with crazy goofy ideas that are marvelous to play through. My personal fav goes to the Ratkin and Vanilla Expanded, french kiss mods that make Rimworld one of the best games you could ever play.
As for the DLCs, personally (hot take incoming), I disliked Biotech for a while, then I loved it, and now I am like, "Hmm, it's okay, I guess." I know it is a fan favorite, but I am just more into Royalty and Ideology, where I make my own culture and develop it over time. Anomaly is also incredibly fun, but only for a playthrough or two, very limited but enjoyable nonetheless. Oh right my justifications, uhh...I dislike Biotech cause research takes a lot of time and resources are a pain to get, I love Royalty cause who doesn't love shooting ice bolts or resurrecting enemies to serve as minions from death, I like Ideology cause I get to make my own rules with pros and cons, and finally I enjoy Anomaly cause touching a funny rock and summoning the invisible skinwalker is just gonna do wonders for my colony (sips coffee) not. Curiosity does kill the cat, or in this case the funny rock (I cannot leave it alone, help).
Is Rimworld Worth Your Time, Your Money?
No. I jest, YES IT IS! Rimworld is honestly one of the most amazing games I played, worth every cent and every minute. Is a fantastical journey where every playthrough is a story to be told and a tale of success, sacrifice, drama, and loss. When you lose a colonist, you feel it in your bones, is painful and sad but that's what makes them valuable, the joy (and frustrations) you share with these little bits of data.
Whenever you want to be more medieval and destroy hi-tech people (like I do) make alliances or I don't know, be a cannibalistic colony with a lot of flavors of "I exploit everyone else for my sake" (feeling daring today aren't we?} Rimworld is a mirror, through which you can explore infinite stories and have all the emotional rollercoaster that the experience is forever. Do yourself a favor and get the game, I mean I don't like sims games and I love it.
"The highest recommendation. There's no such thing as a truly perfect game, but these titles come close to it. These games are the hope of gaming and a true example for other developers to follow and learn from."
[url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/43679955/][quote]If you enjoyed the review, please follow my curator! StarsDeck.
One of the greatest games ever made, I've played it since version 1.0 in 2019.
Every hour of the 350+ hours played has been exciting and engaging, never a dull moment.
Would highly recommend playing with mods - currently I'm running 100+.
The character roleplays are nice, but compared to other games, it's Incredibly expensive for what it is, and then asks for incredibly expensive expansion packs, which is what really turns me off.
It's most like a 3-d dwarf fortress, which was free, only with more limited building controls than it and many other games that allow multi level structures without mods. Having played a number of similar games, I found the UI to be lacking, as is the explanation of how to use it.
I actually found games like Towns to be more impressive at first glance, and that's a 15 year old game that never even got finished. It was also less than $10
my first day on the rimworld
Land on world.
gradually build up my colony over roughly 9 hours.
get raided by a rival viliage while half my pawns are on a convoy.
they outnumber and kill my pawns.
my pawns on a convoy strarve to death because i forgot to take food with them
10/10 will play again
my god... run while you still can. the mods... the eternal cycle of of madness.... what have I done with my life?!
but yeah, fun game.
personally if you dont have alot of time dont buy it while fun and worth every penny the learing curve can make it diffcult to learn in your freetime
While Rimworld is fun and engaging, I feel it lacks content for its price (especially the DLCs) and often results in RNG standoffs between your dumb colonists and the even dumber raiders.
It is incredibly addicting for the first couple hours however, it declines very quickly, devolving into micromanagement hell where colonists have to be practically manually controlled unable to do the most common tasks like eating, all the while the narrator throws random scenarios to *build tension* by killing your colonists one by one in increasingly unfair situations (entire colony gets the plague, solar flare disables defences as 2000 point raid appears, colonist shoots another colonist in the head despite standing in front of them.)
I would not recommend Rimworld for any beginners or anyone on a budget, however, if you have $40 to waste (+ $80 if you want the full game and not a demo), Rimworld is worth a shot.
Best colony sim hands down thus far due to the sheer amount of content. There is a mechanic behind almost every feature down from the little things to the big things (e.g. combat, raising babies, shifting furniture...). Also, MODS!
I should be focusing on my career and my marriage. Instead I sink so much time into this game it has jeopardized everything I hold dear. 10/10
For me its one of the best games ever, with a great community and mods you can make the game as real or fantasy as you want it, and can play the game with almost endless possibilities.
amazing game overall and with the dlc's you can get really creative with how your colony grows
Endless variations and gameplay structure, complex and difficult but simple at the same time
One of my colonists got kidnapped which affected another one of my colonists so badly she decided to binge drugs and become addicted when she wasn't given any more she wandered around aimlessly.The day before her overcoming her drug addiction she was blown up by an exploding animal and was accidentally neglected in the hospital and bled out. 10/10
I spent 30 hours building up my colony just to be invaded by robots, which killed my 2 strongest fighters. Just after getting back on track from that, massive flu outbreak happened and I got raided by a tribe that kidnapped 2 more of my people. everyone else died because nobody was left to help them get over the flu.
in an attempt to upgrade my colonists room walls from wood to stone i had demolished everything, and got everyone cracking on construction, a 15 second venture, right?. in the time that it had taken to demolish the walls, it had become winter, an ice age had started, and a neighbouring colony decided now was as good a time as ever to raid me. 5 minutes from when i had demolished colonist housing, every single fucking one had developed severe hypothermia, and my entire settlement had been lit ablaze. 10/10.
I honestly don't know what to say. Factorio, is a great example of an all around, genuinely great game. Even if you don't like the style of it, most people quickly get addicted to it. This is very much the same. It's just all around a great game. Even if you don't like the art style, or the way it plays, you can not argue that it has a solid foundation.
But I have no choice but to change this review to a negative. After seeing more than my deserved share of community toxicity out of nowhere, and game breaking bugs that destroy my saves and make the game unplayable. Get ready for the game to pause itself every 2 minutes, whether you want it to or not. I would stay far, far away until Tyrian gets his shit together.
Fun game. You can sorta play this however you want. I like selling organs and weed but you can do whatever. I think its just fun to have a lot of money.
Be me. Start a colony, see one of the colonists is doing most of the work, her names Iris! We love Iris, Iris gets married to another colonist after going out on a death trip and making back alive (very lucky) it was a lovely wedding!! The colony grows more and more as do Iris and Dee (her husband). We even managed to capture a pirate and were in the process of rehabilitating them. That's when it happens... We're Surprise attacked by a group of mountain people, One of the new comers that Iris saved gets jumped. Iris seeing this leaps into action, beating one to death with a club while being shot repeatedly and saves that colonists life but in the process gets downed because of the blood loss then right as Dee was about to come save her... The last mountain man kidnapped her and disappeared too fast for us to keep up. We have no idea how to get her, her disappearing causes her pet monkey (yes she had one of those) to have a panic attack. We will be searching endlessly for her, LONG LIVE IRIS
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Ludeon Studios |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 08.02.2025 |
Metacritic | 87 |
Отзывы пользователей | 98% положительных (102222) |