Teleportals. I swear it's a nice game

Teleportals. I swear it's a nice game

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Steam Store

Разработчик: PixelGreeds

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Привет, это разраб.

Вот ты видишь игру, которая

-стоит дешевле, чем 1 бакс;
-имеет немного кликбейтный постер;
-кринджовое название;
-и Аниме-барышень.

И думаешь: «Да это же (игра моей мечты) очередной инди-треш».
Но нет, уверяю, это хорошая игра. И если ты все еще не веришь мне (почем зря), то описание ниже должно убедить тебя окончательно.


Teleportals это не просто набор хентай-картинок, поданных под видом игры, как может показаться на первый взгляд.
Больше 60 уровней с головоломками и платформингом с уровнем сложности от "это было легко" до "да это же Дарк Солс от мира пазлов".
Ты ставишь порталы, к которым можешь телепортироваться, и которые имеют разные свойства и реакцию на предметы окружения. Например, большой портал может закрывать тебя от вражеских выстрелов, но из-за своих размеров не может закатываться в узкие проходы, и его нельзя запустить на гравитационной панели так же высоко, как маленький портал.


Веселые диалоги с фиолетовым кочаном капусты о фильмах, религии, джентльменах, морали и способах обустроить этот мир, да еще и с твистами.
+Эта история выиграла небольшой локальный писательский конкурс.


Девушки любят умных парней (не ручаюсь за 3d, но 2d точно), поэтому за каждую решенную головоломку ты получаешь очки, которые
можно потратить на разные игровые действия. Например, открыть пикантную картинку в галерее.

Гибкая система предпочтений

Я знаю, что люди разные.
Кто-то любит головоломки, но всегда спешно пропускает диалоги.
Кто-то играет только из-за сюжета, а сам игровой процесс лишь отвлекает его от этого.
Кто-то даже не любит аниме-девиц(!).
Поэтому я сделал так, чтобы ты мог подстроить игру под себя.

Решая головоломки, ты получаешь очки

Очки можно потратить на:

*Пропуск уровней, которые тебя кажутся п******* (при этом не пропустив сюжетную линию).
*Открытие картинок в галерее. (Галерея вынесена отдельно, чтобы не нарушать ход повествования).
*Ну а диалоги и сюжет можно отключить в настройках.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, portuguese - portugal, russian, simplified chinese

Системные требования


  • ОС *: Windows XP SP3
  • Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.1 ghz
  • Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 2nd Generation Intel Core HD Graphics (2000/3000), 512MB
  • Место на диске: 300 MB

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 26.01.2025 16:30
0 0

Sorprendentemente buen juego de puzzle. Por el precio y el nombre, no esperaba gran cosa, pero me ha gustado.
La parte hentai es opcional, y en la historia, ni aparece.
Por 1 € es una muy buena compra.

Время в игре: 100 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.11.2023 04:32
1 0

Teleportals: An Odd Journey

Teleportals, man, it's the brainchild of PixelGreeds, and let me tell you, it's a mind-bending trip through the digital abyss. This game, it's more than just a platformer; it's a descent into the depths of the human psyche. There's something almost Lovecraftian about the whole damn thing, like you're unraveling cosmic mysteries with each jump and puzzle.

The storyline, it's a convoluted enigma, like peeling back the layers of existence, man, and it's laced with some deep philosophical contemplations. You'll discover these little breadcrumbs scattered throughout the game, leading you down a rabbit hole of existential wonder.

But here's the kicker, the map design is top-notch, and the dialogue? It's good. And if you're into...uh, spicy visuals, well, you're in for a treat, my friend. Don't fret, though, the NSFW stuff is tucked away in the gallery, not intertwined with the core gameplay. But if that's your jam, there's always that uncensored hentai patch, you know, just in case. And let's not forget the art and animations, man. Considering the budget, they're mind-blowing. Teleportals, it's a steal at the price they're asking for.

Время в игре: 97 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.09.2022 06:07
0 0

I don't usually leave reviews. But This is one of the best puzzle games that I have ever played.
Going into it I expected something like a 2D Portal. But this is so much better. There's not much more I can say than what has already been said. Great story, (although the English dialogue could use some proofreading, but it barely affects the experience, and the personalities of the characters come through perfectly), fantastic gameplay progression with far more depth than expected.
This game will test both your mental and physical prowess, but does a good job of giving you a moment to breathe and plan your next move. The levels are short enough that a lack of checkpoints doesn't feel like a huge runback for the parts of the level that you have already figured out. And death is more of a learning experience as it clicks into place what you need to do on the next attempt. I recommend a controller for this one, especially as more inputs are added as you progress, but it is quite playable on keyboard as well if you are proficient with it.
At 0.99 cents you are scamming this poor dev who has done a fantastic job of creating a memorable gaming experience. The amount of content you get is easily worth ten times that amount. I'm only about halfway through, but with the story hooks and addictive gameplay, I will be religiously playing until I finish it.
Have fun y'all. You can't go wrong with this one.

P.S. Even though it's quite difficult at times, this game has a relaxing nature with some chill music and overall simple but effective mechanics. A great game to play in-between your grueling souls-like sessions or intense online PVP matches.

Время в игре: 203 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.08.2022 01:31
0 0

What do you know it is quite a nice game, Spent 3+ hours trying to figure out the increasingly difficult puzzles. Unfortunately I think I'm at a point where I can't get further.

But this is definitely a proper game, the adult artwork is completely separate from the game in it's on menu option which you can choose to hide if you like.

There's a plot told as dialogue between the player and their companion ball. Which gets increasingly meta and strange which was entertaining in it's own right.

Certainly worth the price, and a nice game.

Время в игре: 227 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.07.2022 12:24
0 0

Fun little puzzle platformer.
Good variety of levels and tasks to do, goes by quickly, and the story isn't half bad either.
Will get you to think and it is rare for something to be BS or 'lookup-worthy'.
Art adds a nice bit of incentive to beat the game on your own, uncensored or not, but isn't really the main draw.

Suffers from 4 major issues:

1) Failing one section will restart the entire stage.
Puzzle sections can get a bit long at times, so you may have to repeatedly play the first 30+ seconds of a level just to get to the one part you either don't have down, or have to retry due to a misclick. In most other games these mistakes would just give you a ladder to climb up to try again rather than kicking you back to a checkpoint.

2)Some levels do not give you enough information/time to think.
There are levels that force you to start moving nearly instantly, so there's no time to examine the stage, other times the game can encourage you to destroy something before you should, leading to some headscratchers that should not exist (56 is a big culprit of this).

3) Some sections can be ultra-tight, as in lose .5s on a part and you die.

4) Insta-kill beams do not have any real warning indicator.
One frame the obstacles you shut off are gone, the next they reappear, ripping you to shreds.

Время в игре: 258 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.03.2022 11:54
0 0

This is indeed a nice puzzle platformer games, kinda deep and funny too. If only there is more sexual content from this game, would have made this game a masterpiece.

Время в игре: 192 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.12.2021 00:58
4 0

Well... That happened.

'Teleportals. I swear it's a nice game' is a 2d puzzle platformer with balls, boxes, boobs, and teleporting. Difficulty ranges from easy to... Hard. Beat it in 4 hours using a game controller.

You're getting what you pay for. It's a small indy game with puzzles, puzzles, and more puzzles. Between the puzzles there's some funny, philosophical, and sometimes long-winded dialogue. If you get stuck, you can use 'points' you accumulate to skip levels. Otherwise you can use those points to unlock pics on the gallery. And that gallery is kinky.

There are 58 levels+ bonus extra-hard levels. I couldn't beat the extra hard ones as of this review.

There are achievements you can earn and all but one are easily attainable.

The music isn't anything to remember in the long run. It gets the job done in-game.

The art is... there. Yeah. It's there. The graphics do their job.

Controls are explained through what keyboard keys to press, and the game is originally meant to be played on keyboard. If you're using a controller you'll have to figure out what you're meant to press on your own. It's not that hard to sort. Under options you can customize the keyboard but you can't do this with the controller. IMHO, I had an easier time using the game controller and stuck with it.

You can play in 9 different languages! Some are fan translations.

There is an 18+ patch for free in the community forums.

It's a decent game. Good enough. The main puzzles are challenging, the special levels at the end are borderline impossible, and it'll keep you entertained. Keep in mind this isn't some high end, triple A, five-star title. Teleportals is a dollar and you've probably found this by feeling around through the scum at the the bottom of the gaming barrel for something playable. Can sufficiently say Teleportals is entirely playable, does what it says it does, the dialogue is entertaining, and the gameplay works. I experienced no bugs while playing and it was worth the dollar.

Время в игре: 244 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.06.2021 13:00
0 0

It's a pretty good puzzle game.
Completing levels unlocks some fan-service, but that's not the focus of it, and seems tacked on and silly anyway.
You should also check the other game from this developer, which is also nice.

Время в игре: 74 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.04.2021 04:27
0 0

as he says, it's a fun puzzle platformer, and he threw in some NSFW art to buy as incentive to finish. win level to earn points, buy pics w/points. skip levels for points, too, if you're a bitch. fun game, intriguing story, decent art(hem hem). worth the money, if you like platformers and porn.

Время в игре: 128 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.02.2021 13:28
0 0

A surprisingly good puzzle game that requires a lot of thought and quick reactions but is never itself unfair. I once again got this for the porn factor and found a strangely deep narrative that gave me figurative gut punches with some of the topics it covers. The game is censored oddly enough but the workaround patch is easy enough to find. I walked away from this game caring more about the characters then the nudes themselves. If you do buy this please figure out all the puzzles yourself as it makes it much more rewarding. Got the game for $1 but would have paid $5 for it, it was that entertaining.

Время в игре: 131 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.06.2020 20:23
3 0

Well,the developer didnt lie with the name of this little game. This is indeed a good puzzle platformer .
The game has about 60 levels of varying difficulty that will keep you playing for at least 5-6 hours. It has a weird little mystery story with some fun dialog .The graphics are nothing amazing,but along with the music work just fine to the overall presentation. The gameplay has some minor issues and glitches,but overall is good enough for this type of game and will you feel satisfied after clearing a hard level.
The game also has some unlockable artwork gallery,with some sexy anime art,but this is not a typical brainless hentai game(keep in mind there is a patch out there.....But hey its a plus for some people :)
Overall decent time waster for a very small price!

Время в игре: 408 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.06.2019 17:40
3 0

If you gave me a game, told me it's a "Puzzle platformer" or something which has a hentai gallery in it, and told me it's a genuinely good game, granted you'd have my curiosity piqued, but I'd also consider you to have some Seriously weird gameplay fetishes. When I first found this game on Steam, it was random, along with The free May game.(I swear it's a nice free game! Definitely sounded amusing). I'd not have given it a chance, if I didn't find that game and it's story first, and I must say, that was definitely a bad Decision. Sure that game isn't bad, and I liked it, but THIS...

This has a story that is not only touching, but also sensible, and with all the plot progression both going at a stunningly remarkable pace, alongside some humour and genuine random imaginations that come up. The way we'd get a small snippet after every level ended made me want to get through them all the faster too, but I never truly felt too eager for the story till nearer till the end. I just wanted more of those interactions. It's rare to see communication being done so well

The gameplay was terrific too, all things considered. I never even thought I'd enjoy playing this if not for the story, but I did. Ah, some of you might find the controls iffy though. Using the arrow keys and not WASD seems to be unfavorable to the newer gamers, although I do prefer the arrow keys myself. Music... Well, can't exactly say I have anything of great note to say there. Not spectacular, not terrible. Just good.

Story: 10/10
Music: hm, a 7/10?
Artstyle:10/10(that one picture at the end was damned Glorious)
Controls: I'll settle with a 9/10
Characters: 10/10

Время в игре: 360 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.04.2019 05:39
2 0

I loved it. I am a huge lover of side-scroller platformer puzzle type games such as this and loved every minute of my playthrough even through the many MANY deaths and restarts. The stages have a nice variety of length and even when I DID know the trick many of the levels continued to challenge and excite me. I could hardly stop playing it and wound up playing late into the night.

The story which is unlocked through completing the stages didn't answer much of any questions but instead continued to pose them in a way that SOMEHOW left me both satisfied when I came to the conclusion but also strangely yearning for more. I wanted more of this. I've paid anywhere from anywhere from 10 to 40 bucks for games nowhere NEAR as engaging as this was for me. Your mileage may vary but all in all it's a cheap puzzle based teleporting platformer that I greatly enjoyed.

And any who complain about the censorship please visit Pixelgreed's Discord channel to find your patches.

Время в игре: 351 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.01.2019 16:02
3 0

This is a nice puzzle game

My only issues were that I didn't care for the writing, the companion cube knockoff design kind of annoyed me, and the NSFW stuff is only in the gallery with no integration into the actual game part of the game. I know the NSFW stuff is there as a sales gimmick, but that is still annoying

Время в игре: 144 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.01.2019 10:31
47 4

Let me give you some advice here.
DON'T buy this game for the Hentai. I mean sure, buy it for the hentai, but the game is really not about that.
It's about wonderful, interesting and challenging puzzles, a deep, cryptic and philosophical story and strangely human characters.
This is a beautiful game, wonderfully done
The Hentai is really just a way to get you to buy the game
So sure, buy it for the Hentai, but love it for the Game

Время в игре: 360 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.09.2018 14:49
1 1

If you liked Escape Goat, you'll like this too.

You complete puzzle levels, that give you credit (30 credit / level) that you can use to unlock naughty pictures in the library.
The puzzles are well thought out, and fun. You'll die a lot, but you respawn fast enough.
You can also use the credit to skip levels that are too hard (200 credit). You can grind credits by completing early levels in different save slots, but you probably shouldn't do that.

Время в игре: 372 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.08.2018 15:25
5 1

Most of my favorite genres in one game!

So this game is precision-puzzle-platformer, where you not only need your brain you also need a great reflex. It's better to play this game with a controller, but in-game hint only show you the key for keyboard, so allow me to tell you the XBox keybind: RB=create/teleport to Red Ball, RT=erase Red Ball, RT=create/teleport to Green Box, RT=erase Green Box, A=Jump

The puzzle difficulty is great, it ranged up to near extreme hard where timing is very critical. There is also option to skip levels if you can't solve it.

The story is deep and interesting, they will talk about culture, humanity, religion, and moral dilemma. It also has good plot twists. (Just like the store page said.)

And at last,
it has unlockable anime tiddies.

5/5 (I love it) - what could I ask more?

Время в игре: 310 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.07.2018 08:27
5 0

I expected a mediocre game with anime clickbait. I got a pretty good platformer that held my interest enough that I didn't remember the gallery was a thing until 6 hours of messing around and after I got the true ending.
I don't know if I should be upset or pleasantly surprised but I know I can recommend this as worth playing.

Время в игре: 364 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.07.2018 21:17
10 5

Came for the hentai
Stayed because i had to do puzzles to earn points for more hentai

(Actually a pretty good game though)

Время в игре: 35 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.06.2018 13:19
6 0

I think the one thing that will stray people away from this game is the nudity. Some people want that, but others just wanna have some platforming.
For those of you who are those kind of people, the nudity is only in a specific gallery in which you choose to look at, and you can turn off the option to even see the gallery in the main menu by pressing 7.

Now, for the game, yeah, it's pretty good. It manages to be a puzzle game while still forcing players to have some mechanical skill. The music is extremely nice, and fits with the theme. The art, levels and stuff are all nice.
Story is weird, but you can just skip past all of the story parts. Pretty nice.

Время в игре: 156 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.06.2018 19:59
9 0

Weird sentence after the title aside, this is a pretty good and fun platformer puzzle game. Don't let the look and price fool you this isn't some crap game or asset flip. sure some of the backgrounds look rough, but for a game thats only a dollar it plays and looks better then most games around the same price. Well worth your time and money if you like puzzle games with some action thrown in. The sound track isn't bad either. Another thing I like about the game is it has controller support, which is a plus for me. The dialog is very meh and pointless like most low budget anime type games have, but luckily you can go to options and turn it off for a full gameplay packed time with no bull.

Время в игре: 73 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 16.06.2018 22:36
24 1

Game is frustrating to play.
Hitboxes are bad.
Plot was terrible, you learn nothing about where the characters are or why they're there. Dialog meanders into meaningless lines of conversation constantly that isn't funny or entertaining. It tries to be way more than it is, and it is bad. Everytime the dialog went up I wanted to skip it.
Most egregious mistake? Porn pictures were sub par. Better pics on the internet.

PS: Here's an exploit that allows you to skip this game once you have 200+ coins:
1) click the skip level button
2)go to the main menu after you go onto new level
3) go back into the same save slot
4)your money will be restored and you still skipped a level, repeat

EDIT: While I dont think this is my type of game, developer is pretty good when it comes to updating a lot of the problems I had with the game. I haven't played since, but the bug has been patched and the hitboxes have changed. Not my type of game again, but some may enjoy it.

Время в игре: 145 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик PixelGreeds
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 96% положительных (119)

Отзывы пользователей

114 положительных и 5 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 06.03.2025 15:41


Action Indie Adventure


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