Разработчик: Serious Sim

В Radio Commander вам предстоит играть за американского командира во времена войны во Вьетнаме. На ваши плечи ляжет тяжелая ноша - координировать военные операции 1965-1968 гг.

Но перед вами не очередная RTS, где вы - лишь невидимое существо, парящее над полем боя. В Radio Commander единственный способ оценить обстановку - внимательно слушать своих солдат, ведущих сражение. В вашем распоряжении лишь стратегическая карта, на которой вы размещаете отряды и делаете пометки.

Radio Commander предложит вам уникальный игровой опыт, совсем непохожий на то, к чему вы привыкли в стратегиях в реальном времени. Это смелая попытка переосмыслить жанр - процесс принятия решений здесь гораздо реалистичнее, чем в более казуальных RTS. Запрашивайте отчеты о ситуации. Слушайте своих бойцов. Отправляйте вертолеты для эвакуации и сбрасывайте напалм. Одолейте невидимого врага.ПОГРУЗИТЕСЬ В ИСТОРИЮ
Вас ждет история солдат и их командира, оказавшихся в ужасных условиях кровавой, беспорядочной и противоречивой вьетнамской войны. В игре затрагиваются непростые темы: мирные жители, оказавшиеся в гуще боевых действий, сомнительные операции ЦРУ и циничные требования политиков. Эти ситуации запечатлены в таких культовых фильмах, как "Взвод", "Цельнометаллическая оболочка" и "Апокалипсис сегодня", и ежедневно происходили со служившими во Вьетнаме. Убедитесь сами, как непросто принять правильное решение посреди перестрелки с Вьетконгом.
Судьба солдат в ваших руках. Решения, которые вы принимаете, влияют на ход игры и определяют взгляды вашего героя. Или, возможно, ваши собственные? В Radio Commander перед вами встанут непростые вопросы. Справедливы ли ваши поступки? Какова цена человеческой жизни? Насколько сильна отрава пропаганды и стереотипов?ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ ВООБРАЖЕНИЕ
Radio Commander - не очередной пресный экшен. Вам предстоит играть за командира, управляющего ситуацией из своей палатки. В вашем распоряжении лишь радио и карта, на которую вам предстоит смотреть часами, внимательно слушая отчеты. Ваши решения отразятся на судьбе многих людей. Как и в реальной жизни, здесь нет навороченной анимации и графики, помогающей представить, что происходит на поле боя. Есть лишь ваша карта и ваши способности. Вам придется внимательно слушать и рассудительно действовать. Такой подход обеспечивает более высокий уровень погружения, чем в обычных RTS.
В вашем распоряжении окажутся не только отряды пехоты, вертолеты и полевая артиллерия, но и мощная авиационная поддержка. Вы сможете сбрасывать напалм, способный сжечь целые джунгли, и мощнейшие бомбы. Готовы ли вы обрушить огненный дождь на вражеские позиции? Уверены ли, что ваши люди достаточно далеко и не понесут потерь? И всегда ли цели оправдывают средства?НАСЛАЖДАЙТЕСЬ ПРОРАБОТАННЫМИ ИГРОВЫМИ СИСТЕМАМИ
Обстановка на поле боя определяется не только сюжетными событями - от глаз игрока скрыта глубокая сложная симуляция. В Radio Commander каждый отряд описывается набором уникальных характеристик. Вам предстоит следить за боевым духом, боеприпасами и даже уровнем усталости солдат. Все эти факторы сыграют роль при встрече с противником и передвижении по незнакомой территории в условиях непривычного вьетнамского климата. Как вы поступите, когда вертолеты доложат, что у них кончилось топливо и они вынуждены сесть посреди джунглей? Отправите ли спасательную группу, рискуя жизнями еще большего числа людей?
Отряды под вашим командованием - не просто фигурки на карте. Они - сложные многогранные личности с собственными мнениями и проблемами, со своими сильными сторонами и слабостями. Взаимное доверие - необходимое условие победы. От вашей рассудительности и взвешенности решений зависят их жизни, а вам остается лишь надеяться, что они сделают все возможное, чтобы добиться поставленной цели. Вас ждут сотни уникальных диалогов и историй. Переигрывайте выполненные задания, чтобы изменять ход событий, принимать другие решения и оказываться в разных ситуациях.
Radio Commander включает:- 9 заданий кампании (каждое задание можно пройти разными способами)
- 9 роликов-брифингов
- 15 типов отрядов, включая пехоту, вертолеты эвакуации, боевые вертолеты, полевую артиллерию, воздушную разведку, БТРы M113 и самолеты F-4 Phantom, загруженные напалмом (каждый отряд описывается уникальным набором характеристик, командиры отрядов озвучены разными голосами)
- полностью озвученные диалоги
- более 200 блоков текста, используемых для построения радиосообщений
- более 600 сюжетных диалогов между отрядами и командиром

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, spanish - spain, polish, russian, spanish - latin america, simplified chinese, german, turkish
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Процессор: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel Core i3, AMD Phenom II)
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 460 / Radeon HD6870
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
- Дополнительно: Windows 10 required to use the Voice Recognition
- ОС *: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Процессор: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel Core i3, AMD Phenom II)
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce 1060, Radeon RX 580 or equivalent with 4GB of video RAM
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
- Дополнительно: Windows 10 required to use the Voice Recognition
- ОС: Mac OS X 10.9+
- Процессор: 3.2GHz Intel Core i3
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel Iris Graphics 6200
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Дополнительно: Voice Recognition is available only on Windows
- ОС: Mac OS X 10.12+
- Процессор: 3.5GHz Intel Core i5
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Radeon Pro 580
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Дополнительно: Voice Recognition is available only on Windows
- ОС: Linux (Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04)
- Процессор: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel Core i3, AMD Phenom II)
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 460 / Radeon HD6870
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
- Дополнительно: Voice Recognition is available only on Windows
- ОС: Linux (Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04)
- Процессор: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel Core i3, AMD Phenom II)
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce 1060, Radeon RX 580 or equivalent with 4GB of video RAM
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
- Дополнительно: Voice Recognition is available only on Windows
Отзывы пользователей
the game is a lot of fun but the dlc squad commander makes it more complicated so i recomend just getting the base game
I applaud the premise and the idea of the game. I hope the devs will continue working in the same genre, and will have a great success with The Radio Commander: Pacific Campaign.
But I unfortunately cannot give a thumb up to this game.
The dev company is called "Serious Sim"; I take it that "sim" here means "simulation". Well, the problem is the game is anything but. In fact, any deviation from VERY strict (and VERY vaguely written) mission objectives literally breaks the game.
A couple of examples:
-In a first mission I had to move my company to a rendezvous point with another company and then move toward enemy camp. Not understanding that, I move my company right to that camp... and it just wasn't there. BECAUSE IN IS SPAWNED ONLY AFTER I CLEARED PREVIOUS OBJECTIVE.
-In the forth mission I had a special ops unit and a regular company. and had to free hostage from enemy camp. I scouted it with spec. ops (as intended) - it messaged me that i need to send regulars as a backup. I did it and cleans the camp with regulars. Nothing happened. Upon reading guide I realized that SN EVENT WITH FREEING HOSTAGE will ONLY fire if I send the spec. ops. back into camp. Because I didn't do in from the start, mission was a failure.
And there is stuff like that in every mission.
All of it could've been outweighed by capturing perfectly the atmosphere and grim reality of the setting... but as someone who had incidentally red a book on the war I had to unfortunately state that what the game IS capturing perfectly is a POP CULTURE IMAGE of the Vietnam war, rather then the thing itself. Some of the examples:
-US troops are constantly seen as delusionless, deeply cynical about the war and it's goals (in fact the morale failure only happened late into the war, under Nixon, who kept troops in the field while openly negotiating withdrawal)
-Press is constantly criticized by troops as unpatriotic and defeatist (In fact US media were actually pro-war up until the Thet Offensive, when it was proven then the US Army routinely lied to them on VK strength)
-(most glaring to me) ARVN, the South Vietnamese army, is nowhere to be seen, and treated as a non-issue. (In fact it was pretty much always bore the brunt of the fighting, constituted a serious % of all male population of South Vietnam; the war is frankly more of a Vietnamiese Civil War then anything else)
Again – I do think it is a great idea and hope to see more game like this in the future. But this one is better to be seen as a first attempt, brave, but ill-fated.
This game is a bomb!
a joke about Pr. Donaldson's sister in the first mission gives it 12 dead VCs from 10.
P.S. Seriously, it's an incredible atmosphere - I highly recommend you try it! Words cannot convey it!
I got the worst bug ever: the radio is not working, and there is nothing happening. Naturally I cannot proceed with the game. I cannot reset the campaign. The game unplayable for me. So disappointing, I have high expectation for this.
great game but u need to b able to grid read an listen ... helps to understand alil battle formation an functions b4 i.e. hammer an sickle or pincer
Didn't follow the script, broke the game on the first mission. Neat idea but very flawed execution.
Neat concept, and I don't regret supporting it for its vision alone.
Doesn't work - or at least, the learning curve was so steep that I couldn't accomplish anything.
This game is quite unique, and so interesting to play more chapter in this game.
Junky and buggy after 5 years, I couldn't finish the firts tutorial mission because it bugged out, next mission were the same technical quality.
Tutorial is awful, controls are awful.
The concept is awesome, and depth is interesting, but that's it.
Things do not activate in the campaign until they are required, meaning you can't clear an area and proceed. This will get you screwed. and makes the missions a tedious back and forth between figuring out what the game wants to do and how to not get caught when it spawns units
Great game for such a small dev team. With polish, would've been 5/5. Wonky voice acting, typos throughout the menus and missions, gameplay issues such as triggers that wouldn't fire and frozen units (and the anachronistic mention of Delta Force in mission 9) muddle a great experience. Get this game and the DLC when it's on sale
it cool
There are 9 campaigns that you can beat in a couple of days so there's not much to see.
I love what the game is trying to do, it's not something you see a lot of and all going well would scratch an itch that many of us have. Unfortunately the mission's let the game down, not because of variety or the types of missions you play. But the direction given to you is often vague and lacks some important detail, combined with the scripting can often require you to do very specific things/go specific places before the mission is classed as complete. The result is you can have no enemy units present or tasks left to accomplish but you have your units in the wrong place.
If you can pick it up on sale it is still worth the experience in my opinion.
Mixed views.
Its actually a lot, lot better than it looks, keeping track of things by updates rather than real time is a novel idea. Tasking units rather than just placing them and the icons only change when you update them so none of it is automatic. The icon might say the unit is on the hill but if you haven't checked or communicated with it recently it might have not got there yet or has been held up by enemy action. This alone makes this game very realistic and not a simple game.
The bad side I found is that it gets a bit repetitive. The gameplay can be slow in places. this may increase as you progress but I got bored before then.
More to do, larger map, more units would make it a lot better but all in all its got good potential.
Wish there was a better way to replay missions without restarting the whole campaign.
Great concept, poor execution. Communicating orders by radio and plotting moves on the map are a very refreshing take. There are however, some aspects that seriously detract from my enjoyment:
1. Map tools are poor. eternal scrolling to identify the correct grid coordinates gets extremely mundane/annoying. No tool to note down movement direction of own or enemy troops. Units report observation of units for which there is no suitable icon tool for the map. No Information on unit speeds, neither in reports on enemy activity or with own troops, which i suppose is a good thing, because as commander there is no way to note speed and direction of anyone anyway.
2. Inability to combine multiple orders in a single transmission and overlapping orders. Many of the "report" orders give overlapping feedback. Pursuit/follow commands, directional movement commands are lacking. Limited ROE orders (hold fire and fire at will?). Also unclear (no tooltip or overview of orders) what effect some of the orders actually have. Units do not report own position when they report being caught under fire by enemy. A lot of the report functions in general seem to be counterintuitive, as units do not provide information that obviously needed, and report commands requests information which is not needed. Not possible to set radio check or position updates at an interval - leaving you to call up units very often.
3. Annoying and unecessary radio animations detract from immersion rather than add to it. Similarly, much of the dialogue and forced-choices. Give me the consequences of my choices rather than limiting what they are.
4. Bugs in many missions. Most often pre-programmed locations on a map do not match the marking on the map, and does not trigger next stage. Another prevalent bug is duplicate units - i.e. get two conflicting reports on location from same unit from a single prompt.
5. The "level" of the command perspective is odd. Player is mostly given only a company or two, and maybe some support functions, to command by radio with a great level of micromanagement. In practice this means you are not really commanding a battle, but minor skirmishes. In certain missions, you are operating next to friendly units you have no contact with, influence over, or idea of what their goals are.
Love the idea of the game but found it to be a frustrating experience in practice unfortunately.
- obviously the uncertainty of information is part of the game but combined with the micromanaging required its actually quite annoying
you order your helicopters to fly to a location. You order your helicopters to pick up troops there. The troops aren't quite close enough so you tell the troops to move there and fast forward time 1 minute the troops report they have removed where they need to be, you tell the chopper to pick up troops, the chopper confirms it has picked up the troops you tell the chopper to fly to its new location it arrives at the new location. You tell the troops to get out. the troops say they cant do that at their current condition. you tell the chopper to unload the troops they do.... Its just tiring to me.
what i want is for my troops to get out at the location they are supposed to be at automatically.... if i could draw a line i want the chopper to fly on the map, tell it to drop at the end and the embarked troops to move to xxx .. it could be done in three-4 mouse clicks vs fighting the radio with piece meal commands and time skipping.
some sort of interesting AI is there. They seem to use their own initiative to some extent with engage /retreat - they move of their own accord and it makes for an interesting situation...
also 2nd mission it wants you to take hill 66 - and presumably this is the hill you are dropped on ... but it should be marked. I should be told explicitly which hill / region represents our area of interest.
Speech recognition does not support Windows 11
Confusing, annoying, boring.
Very engaging game that does a great job of fully exploring different elements of its features. If I have any complaints it would be that the campaign isn't long enough, and quick battle has only one map. It's pretty great feedback when the only complaint is that there isn't enough game
Feels authentic. Takes you back in time!
The story itself is pretty ridged, put I would still say it was good and fun. I like a lot of the mechanics and the replay function at the end of each mission. Definitely worth a playthrough.
I dont like it
Very intresting if youre a fan of strategy games. Easy to learn. I wish there were more mechanics. I would buy on sale for sure.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Serious Sim |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 65 |
Отзывы пользователей | 71% положительных (745) |