Разработчик: Bit Loom Games

Играйте за двух псов – Красного и Синего – в полном загадок увлекательном приключении для всех возрастов!
Растягивайтесь, лайте и пробивайтесь сквозь препятствия в трех ярких мирах, полных уморительных «физических» загадок и хитрых секретов.

Раз Phog, два Phog, красный Phog, синий Phog
- Ваши верные спутники
Красный и Синий – милейшие псы, которые вместе с вами пройдут веселые приключения от начала и до конца. - Два милых пса в одном
Гибкое пузико накрепко соединяет ваших Phogs... тут уж что есть, то есть! - Эмодзи у вас под рукой
Отправляйте милые рожицы одним касанием кнопки.

Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше!
- Главное – работа в команде
Чтобы решать здешние загадки, нужно напрягать мозги вместе. - Эпическое приключение
24 фантастических уровня, полных увлекательных задач и причудливых созданий. - Играйте по-своему
Красный и Синий всегда готовы повеселиться: в PHOGS! можно играть в одиночку или вдвоем на одном контроллере, а также с друзьями в локальном или онлайн-режиме.Phog-вселенная ждет вас
- Ням-ням-ням
Пройдите сквозь Мир еды, полный вкусняшек – от тоста с маслом до нарезанного сельдерея... Тут есть даже шоколадная река! - Команда мечты
Мир сна готов убаюкать вас одеялами, подушками, плюшевыми мишками и мягким светом ночного светильника. - Веселье через край
Мир игр – это огромная коробка с безумными игрушками: от прибрежного парка развлечений до старых игровых автоматов. Гав!- Шляпки на любой случай
Изменяйте вид своих Phogs! Ищите спрятанные на уровнях золотые косточки и собирайте свою коллекцию очаровательных шляп. - И многое другое
В Phog-вселенной спрятано полно секретов. Ищите хорошенько, чтобы найти их все.
- Шляпки на любой случай
- Ням-ням-ням
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: Core i3 or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD4000 or equivalent
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 6 GB
- Звуковая карта: Windows Compatible
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Core i5 or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVidia GTX 970 or equivalent
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 6 GB
- Звуковая карта: Windows Compatible
Отзывы пользователей
Controllers were constantly disconnecting. Unplayable.
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great for date nights. 2 hrs may not seem like much but we did complete quite a bit of content. looking forward to playing more
Perfect two player co-op for you and your kids.
This is the most challenging game i have i played in a while. The treat mechanic gives me a lot of serotonin, and i also quite enjoy that you can eat trash.
Realism: 10/10
Art style: 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Difficulty: 9/10
Stretch: 12/10
Bark: Woof/Howl
good game NOT a kids game it can be quite the challenge !!!!
incredible co-op game, graphics are very soft and nice.
i believe this would be one of those 'feel good' games.
takes around 8-12 hours.
every level follows the theme for it's world well while still being unique with great puzzles
each 3 worlds can be tackled in any way
overall like an 8/10 couch co-op game. communicating with the other player, if any, where you would like to go is not crucial but does help but can feel exhausting
for a singleplayer experience, it plays like that Brothers a Tale of Two Sons game, though it can feel kind of empty, would recommend saving for co-op
First 2h feels boring,
I really like this game c:
Is it simple? Yes, the puzzles are not really challenging for grown ups but it's a game made for children so i wouldn't expect otherwise. It can get a little annoying sometimes but it's not such big of a deal if you play with a friend i guess. Also i never really run into any serious bugs so i don't have anything to say about those.
It's a fun, silly little game with pleasant audio, cute graphics and a variety of level designs and adorable characters.
I just really like it. The puppies are cute and they make me happy c:
* Canid player-character
* Can be pet by NPCs
* Multiple bork buttons
11/10 would recommend!
this game is only fun when playing with friends and honestly... i'm the only one of my friends who is interested in this game. the single player feels weird to control in my opinion, but i love the multiplayer!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE ( I'm a Cat person but I still love this game )
The game is simple about two dogs attached together without legs. Spoilers: the story is about the phogs travelling to different worlds like the food world to wake up the other phogs. It's really good and I played until the end! That's how good it is to me as my friend and I are very cooperative,
Helping my 5 and 9 y/o's play this and its delightful when they aren't screaming at each other.
gets tedious after 3 hours
I wish I could recommend this game, because there are things to like about it. None of the puzzles are overly challenging. I love the design of all the creatures in this strange world. It's fun to bark bark bark.
However, the game doesn't feel as polished as I would like. The Phog is very slippery and floaty to control, which makes the puzzles and platforming more frustrating than they need to be. The fixed camera angles make it hard for me to navigate in some areas and I just had to be dragged around by my partner at points because I was so lost.
The game is also prone to breaking easily. There were several times we got soft-locked because a physics object that we needed for the puzzle got thrown off the map or over a wall where we couldn't get it (The king moon thingie in the sleep world, a key in the sleep world). There were several times where our poor phog body got stretched and turned to Unity spaghetti because one of our heads got jammed in the geometry. The most frustrating bug was at the end of the Play world, where my partner literally couldn't see anything that was going on in the "boss fight" and I had to essentially finish it myself while guiding her as if she was blindfolded.
Additionally, I know I don't have the most powerful PC, but I was not expecting this game to tax my PC as much as it did. Perhaps the game needs some better optimization? That part is just speculation.
I'm glad I was playing with a friend who I could laugh at the game with, otherwise this would have been way more frustrating. If you have more patience for games breaking without you trying and a friend you can laugh with, this might be the game for you. Otherwise, you might want to find a different multiplayer experience to share with them.
Fun little puzzle game.
The barking sounds are incredible.
Not a very popular game so it is on sale very often for a couple Dollars/Pounds/Whatever.
i got it for $5.25 AUD, witch is...
$3.21 USD,
£2.61 GBP.
Definitely a good pickup for less money you find in the glove box of your car.
"What if Catdog was a puzzle platformer?"
I'd imagine it's pretty hard to control solo, and apparently online co-op is janky, but I can vouch that local co-op is great. I had a ton of fun playing this with my girlfriend, and I'd recommend it to anyone as a couch co-op game.
Well, it's a cute little game, but it's for kids. I think I will drop it.
Great for people with a singular shared brain cell
adorable 2-player game with amazing graphics and puzzles that are not too difficult (but some do require brainpower). will miss the two-headed phogs dearly U•ェ•*U
I have no nut and I must bark 10/10
This is the perfect game to play while under some kind of influence: immaculate vibes combined with a fun physics engine and exactly the right amount of challenge (not much). For best results, play with a friend.
Super fun co-op game to play with my partner, who normally hates video games. Just the right level of difficulty to keep it fun but not boring. Honestly have had zero issue with bugs. 10/10 would recommend.
Very cute and fun game!
Good lord I love this game. I have played through it twice, nearly 3 times with different friends each time because it's so fun and it's a real team-building game I think. The adorable designs never fail to make me smile! <3 Sweet music, lovely eye catching vibrant colours, and it's fun to just be a silly yapping two-headed dog. I heard that this was Bit Loom's first game, and I think they should be proud! :)
Just a lovely time, played this with a friend a few years ago and had a blast the whole game is just so charming and cute. the puzzles are fun and enjoyable. If you are looking to have good time find a buddy and just enjoy a couple play sessions of this. Me and my friend enjoyed this game so much we 100% the achievements (not that its a difficult 100%) and its a badge I wear proudly on my profile forever.
silly little game to test your problem solving skills, your ability to predict and exploit the physics engine, and just generally have a fun time with a friend! within 4 hours my friend and i went from attempting to attack bugs and butterflies, to failing the same jumps that werent even meant to exist while rambling about elton john (because we were trying to collect the rocket man, boingle [who we renamed elton john])
overall one of the best multiplayer games ive played, cant wait to play again and hunt for elton john
Very fun 2-player game with goofy mechanics and good graphics. Games and puzzles are very diverse across levels. Also a lot of fun hats :D
However, we often experienced glitches like the game just yeeting us into the void, having to restart many times in a row because the game registers only one player playing as both dogs, both players are moving but to one player it seems the other player is standing on one spot, etc.
Overall the game is very good, but the glitches makes it annoying to play and I just lose the will to play it after constantly glitching.
A fun and goofy adventure, from start to end! I really enjoyed running around the themed worlds (Sleep, Play, Food) and seeing all the strange creatures that inhabit them. The bonus collectibles were also fun to hunt - especially because they unlocked wearable hats :] The puzzles aren't very difficult to solve, with the focus mostly on cooperation and mastering the movement of both dog heads. Phogs isn't here to challenge you: it's inviting you to laugh at some wacky antics.
The physics were a little quirky sometimes, but the game is very generous with level checkpoints and an option to reset in the menu if you ever get stuck. As a result, I never felt truly frustrated when things went wrong. If you don't mind a relatively short game and find the visuals charming, then I'd absolutely recommend picking up this game!
The ending actually brought me and my girlfriend to tears, such a sweet and adorable little game! It has it's odd moments where it seems to not sync properly or you go flying across the screen (which is usually hilarious). But all in all, this is an absolutely adorable game that does deserve a sequel and id absolutely play it! LONG LIVE THE PHOGS!!!!
If you're on the lookout for a game where you can be stuck—literally—with your partner but still manage to look cute and adorable, PHOGS is a must-try! If you're on the hunt for a cute and charming co-op game that will have you and your partner stuck together in the most adorable way, PHOGS is absolutely the game for you! This is the kind of game that’s perfect for easing into the co-op genre, with gameplay that's lighthearted, simple, and guaranteed to make you smile. Its difficulty is far more forgiving compared to some other co-op games out there, and the quirky physics add an extra layer of hilarity to the experience. The sight of two dogs joined together, navigating puzzles, is bound to keep things fun and stress-free.
One of the things I absolutely adore about PHOGS is the dreamy world it creates. Each level feels like stepping into a different dreamland filled with vibrant colors and the most adorable creatures. It's like you’re traveling through a series of magical, otherworldly places that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. As you and your partner explore, you'll solve fun and approachable puzzles that never feel overwhelming. It's the perfect mix of challenge and charm—just enough to keep you engaged, but not so tough that you'll want to give up or (even worse) end up frustrated with each other. It’s honestly the co-op game I’d recommend to anyone who wants a fun, easygoing time without risking any friendship drama!
As for playtime, I feel like PHOGS offers a great balance. It’s not too long to the point of feeling exhausting, but it’s not so short that you’re left wanting more. The game is well worth its price, offering just enough gameplay to feel rewarding and satisfying without dragging on.
However, like any game, PHOGS has a few glitches. Sometimes, player two might not be able to see all the hats in the hat shop, preventing you from unlocking some items. There are also occasional glitches during gameplay, but these often lead to hilarious moments with your partner, like when your dog body starts twisting and glitching nonstop.
The most significant issue I encountered was trying to enter an arcade machine and failing repeatedly. Thankfully, this problem was fixed by visiting another area first and then returning to the arcade machine.
Despite these small issues, PHOGS is still a cozy, cute, and relationship-safe co-op game! If you're a fan of wholesome, adorable games and want a lighthearted experience with a friend or partner, this is definitely the game to try. It's charming, fun, and full of heartwarming moments!
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A solid co-op game with some goofy levels and fun mechanics
Ever wondered what it’s like to be a two-headed, bone-sniffing dog duo on a quest for treats? Look no further! It’s a delightful romp where you and a friend waddle through zany puzzles and goofy obstacles. The charming visuals and hilarious physics make every wobbly moment a joy. Perfect for anyone who enjoys a good belly laugh and cooperative chaos!
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Bit Loom Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 75 |
Отзывы пользователей | 91% положительных (368) |