Разработчик: CryptidTech
About Shards of Eradine
The myth that the Goddess could be resurrected had been whispered on the dying breath of Malami, the last Great Nymph trainer. His faith in her resurrection passed to Cosmo, his wet yet loyal grandson, accompanied by his trusty sidekick Frea, a cheeky and hilarious nymph.
Their quest, if successful, would restore the lands to their former glory. Beauty, passion and creativity would return to the realm, all considered distant memories of a time before she’d passed judgement on the wicked ways of man. Their journey will be filled with battles: they will meet exciting trainers during their quest and recruit some super sexy girls along the way.
Key Game Features
• Beautiful hand-drawn landscape inspired by the 16-bit era of action adventure with a modern color palette.
• Over 100 map unique locations to explore
• A rich story with over 20 hours of gameplay to experience including side quests and hidden content
• 44 gorgeous and unique nymphs to evolve and battle with at three stages
• Exclusive adult content for each and every nymph
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows 7 64 bit
- Processor: 2.4Ghz Multicore
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVidia or ATI Onboard Chipset
- DirectX: Version 9.0
- Storage: 6 GB available space
- Additional Notes: This game does not function on 32 bit O/S
- OS *: Windows 7/10 64 bit
- Processor: 3Ghz
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Dedicated NVidia or ATI card 512Mb Dedicated VRAM
- DirectX: Version 9.0
- Storage: 6 GB available space
- Additional Notes: This game does not function on 32 bit O/S
Отзывы пользователей
If you're like me, you'll enjoy this (it's a little rough around the edges in places - like not having sound effects during battles). The music in this game is fantastic (especially later on). The worlds are cool and fairly unique which makes them fun to explore. You should try to grind to strengthen your friends early on as much as you can. Unlocking nude shots or animations adds a bit of a bonus to it too I suppose (although frog girl seems to be missing). Some of the new characters you meet have fun personalities too. I've yet to beat this game but I probably will eventually - when I find free time. Overall, I enjoy it.
I try to play this game in past, well I don't understand the negative review, game for me is short, but cool. I can recommend it to someone who likes monstergirls and their evolution.)
Pokemon meets RPG sprinkled with lewd, brief but fairly accurate description. Sounds like a good mix, so why I can't recommend it?
The game looks more or less like a typical RPG maker type title despite taking more original approach to design. The main hero is very much like a pokemon trainer but with nymphs instead of pokemons. Even your starting nymph is of electric type. Yes, nymphs have one of 7 types/elements: earth, water, fire, lightning, light, dark, fantasy. You can recruit new ones 100% during any battle just by selecting appropriate command. It is also rather easy to find them all but random encounter spots are sometimes not obvious. Unlike standard RPGs there are no armors or weapons but there are accessories and consumable items. Story is rather simple and for the most part predictable. There is pretty good maps variety and design but locations are mostly small. You can easily complete all under 20h.
Not bad so far so where is the problem? Bugs, bugs, bugs. Bugs everywhere. Man, this is possibly the most buggy title I have ever played. Some that are quickly visible are:
- walking outside maps and getting stuck
- unequippable items when you stand in a wrong spot
- NPC chat not activating in many locations
- equips disappearing when new one is equipped before unequipping the previous one
- bugged achievements and quests
- 18+ patch not working
- some art not shown at all (just blank screen)
- bugged archived story menu
- bugged maps preventing going back
- bugged skills
- bugged nymphapaedia displaying only Frea's skills
- badly displayed menu windows
...and that is not an exhaustive list of issues. It is seriously bad and often annoying.
Also, badly designed saving system not showing you which save is which. Navigation controls are also more unintuitive
and cumbersome than they should be. This mountain of issues spoils fun too much to enjoy this title.
Art choice is rather unique. Characters reminds me of bubbledolls from Funko Pop; weird choice if you ask me. I can't say I like this style. Also, nymphs art is very uneven. Few look relatively nice but a lot of them look simply bad. I'm pretty sure several artists worked on this which would explain the differences in style. I have no complaints about maps design though, they were done pretty well.
Music is fine. Nothing outstanding or memorable but tracks match most events well. Still, the moments when track don't fit are a bit grating though. Also, some audio bugs are here as well. Eh...
Overall, a Pokemon inspired RPG with some lewd art of average length. While there are few nice design choices the collosal number of bugs kills most fun you could have here. I simply can't recommend this 'bugs collection': 3.4/10
Got this game for about $3 on a sale for that amount its fine. Lots of glitches though.
Walking through walls, some crashes, was able to get three dragon lady (Kalama) because the trigger reset and forced me to go through the fire dungeon multiple time on the same playthrough. Also despite being a pokemon clone there is no way to back track to get monsters you missed earlier in the game. the game constantly locks you on the story path and you dont find out until the game makes quips about not being able to go back to previous areas because 'story reasons'.
There is also no challenge to catching monsters in my time playing the catch feature never failed once removing any strategy from collecting monsters.Also no monster or enemy in the game will drop items the box at the end of battle is only there for one joke fight where a merchant hires you to get him underwear and then he attempts to steal it from you.
Writing is alright at the beginning but after about the second town Npc's stopped having any dialog at all.the story does wrap up most of its loose ends in a way that isn't great but isn't disappointing either.
The main problem is the autosave system that may make you game unwinable without a way to backtrack or a decent area to grind levels there areas that could lock you in after a glitch or right before a boss.
A second problem is how little experience you get from monsters in the base game it takes forever to level up and evolve. this is fixed in the new game plus mode by most monsters only needing to level up twice to evolve but can still take a long time.
Mentioning New Game Plus mode when I started it i though I'd have all my previous monsters and would get to level them up from the beginning of the game but that isn't the case. It starts off with Frea and 6 new monsters that may or may not be ones you caught earlier,the game doesn't warn you about this and with the game having only one file that auto saves, that meant my old monsters were gone after i started new game plus. Overall fun but don't pay more than $3. Music is really good
I was totally ready to play, as other reviews say, "A pokemon clone with adult humour and a good story". I can't say the game doesn't have adult humour but it sure as hell doesn't have a good story. My bigger issue is much more mundane and boring.
The game is severely buggy to the point of breaking the game. I had a save point stop working meaning I couldn't save my game / rest my monsters, and I had monsters disappear(specifically two of the unique ones that, as far as I can say, you cannot recapture). You are able to release monsters and are not able to backtrack to recapture them because... reasons? Why have the release option when you can't even re-capture monsters when you're out of the beginning area anyways?
The adult stuff is negligible. Generally speaking, I wouldn't review a game like this if it wasn't a complete meme or if the aforementioned slap-and-tickle is completely optional or, in this game's case, is negligible. Two hours in, I really didn't see a whole lot aside from cartoony jiggly parts, and most of the obscenities are in how childish the dialogue is, with there being several your-mom jokes, a few suspiciously weird conversations, and some more dumb jokes not unlike your-mom jokes.
This game is hilariously badly reviewed. As in, everyone seems to hate it. To add to the pile of hate, the developers have come out with another game that is a clicker game, as in click enough times and you may or may not see jiggly tiddies. At least it's free. This game is buggy, has terrible controls that are not mapped to be convenient for PC players, and damn is it janky, especially when entering and exiting conversations. The environment is nicely designed, I suppose, but it's hard to tell what you can even interact with in a game that is more linear than a wooden plank.
I'm pretty sure I got this for free, but I'm not sure. Either way, do not spend a single cent on this game. It's terrible.
Damn, I know it's a small team and I don't want to say anything bad about them because I want to encourage creative small team indie development, but come on man, it's been like 4 years and it still feels like an early access game.
The glitches, the cumbersome UI, the equipment bug that eats items, the lack of direction in the art styles, the one direction bullshit which prevents you from even going back inside a store once you leave it. I applaud their desire to want to build things from scratch, but the sad thing is a lot of the game's problems would have been fixed automatically if they had just built the game in RPG Maker.
Sadly the team has moved onto Taps of Eradine and this game will never be properly fixed. Ironic because i bought this game because I wanted to play the original game that TAPs was based on. Though now that I've tried it I can honestly see what they were aiming for when they made TAPs. The whole, "Please forget we ever made this game and continue to press random buttons on your screen. Look, tits", because... this game kind of isn't fun.
It's got clever writing, the lore is there for something deeper, but it's just not that fun to play. I'm having major issues just trying to build up the motivation to jump back into it. Game-play to price it is kind of a decent investment as the game is very cheap and will give you a good number of game-play hours, but it's not time well spent. It really shows that this is the teams first real and major project. I do hope the team continues to improve and make new things in the future, but let's sweep this one under the rug and pretend it didn't happen.
Unsupported and buggy as hell. The graphics and soundtrack are pretty decent, but the H artwork is very poor quality and somewhat disturbing... Definitely would not recommend.
Edit: This is a neutral recommend. This are some big problems but good parts too.
Pokemon with tits and ass. Solid writing, self aware and funny with lots of meta jokes, and adult humor. The gameplay is a solid pokemon type rpg. Gallery system for viewing the monstergirls. It has lots of promise. I wish steam had a neutral recommendation. In its current state I cant recommend it without caveats. Its riddled with bugs, and could use a huge polish pass.
As far as I can tell none of the equipment works, thankfully the healing consumables work or it would be a whole lot harder. The Nympapedia (pokedex) doesn't show info about any of the girls or their moves. Sometimes when you load your game, your items or girls wont load. restarting usually fixes things. Changing the keybindings doesn't seem to work. Gamepads sometimes stop working. No manual saving, and sometimes that leads to having to redo areas. and the most egregious problem is the uncesor method seems not to work.
That being said, even with the number of bugs its still playable if you have a high tolerance for weird stuff.
Worst of all, the devs last comment seems to be about 4 months ago, meaning none of this will likely be fixed.
I remember this game back when it was still in crowdfunding.
What a colossal disappointment.
Mechanically, the game is a buggy and clunky mess. The UI lacks any sense of direction, and is prone to breaking. Player movement seems to be a very basic controller which feels awkward and unpolished.
Gameplay wise, the game seems to have very little understanding of what makes a satisfying gameplay loop. It's a pokemon clone that fails to copy any part of what made the pokemon games enjoyable. The moves make very little impact, the catching mechanic is non existent other than having to find the monster, and the evolutions feel inconsequential. The map design is nauseating and unintuitive. The cities feel lifeless and none of the npc's feel meaningful. There is very little done to the design of the game to really draw any sort of direction or investment for the player to really create any sort of enjoyment.
Story wise, the game is barely passable. The thin veneer that is the story seems lightly draped over the rest of the game in a lame attempt to hold the bits together. Basic at best, full of holes at worst, the story only serves to shuffle the player from one area to the next, quietly imploring the player to move along without looking too deeply.
Visually, the game is also an amateurish mess. In fact, if the game was done in pixel art instead, it might have made for a less nauseating experience. Some of the maps look okay, but the asset re-use is very noticeable. The big draw of the game, the art for the monster girls, is a directionless and inconsistent mish mash of artists that have given varying levels of effort. The "nude" mechanic is shoehorned in as a seperate unlock option completely removed from the game. The unlocked artwork is horribly inconsistent in quality; and the main characters art, the principal romantic interest, is atrocious.
Sound wise, the music is actually okay. There were at some points of the game, due to the music, where I broke away from my self loathing at playing the game and found myself not completely hating the experience. Not great, but completely fine.
Overall, this game feels like it was made with very little focus in direction, or general game making experience. It feels like the creator had a fistful of cash, bought some art commissions, and started a crowdfunding campaign, and expected a result without any actual idea or ability on how to make a game. Overall, the game is such a buggy, clunky, unpleasing and unrewarding, that I hesitate to even recommend anyone play it for even the sort of morbid entertainment that one gets from playing bad games. With the amount of time and funds the team had access too, this result is frankly inexcusable, and an insult to the people who invested in the game.
So, if you want to spend time playing the equivalent to a class project final, feel free. Otherwise, your time and money would be better invested elsewhere. Avoid this game. Avoid this developer. The internet has far better and cheaper options for this form of entertainment.
Well its such a shame, I had high hopes for this game, I even went and bought it when the reviews available were about half and half between recommended or not... and ultimately the game proved to be a let down, I got a number of bugs that basically are causing the game to freeze, first with the diaries in the Water Womb, you need to avoid those mostly or else face a freeze bug, after that I had issues in the Fire Womb after defeating Kalama I got a freeze during the next cutscene, seriously... what the Hell?! Also trying to load an earlier save with the way the save system is made in this game? Yea... forget it. So I ended up losing my time and at this point I'd be force to restart the game... only to be risking all the same bugs again down the road... yea I think I'll have to put this game aside until the devs get around to further debug it, or I guess never play it again.
Will contain spoilers.
Finally finished an initial playthough of the game, after there was a crash causing me to lose my save. Went back and started from the beginning. Things happen, I get that.
So, I really wanted to love this game. Played Taps of Eradine on Nutaku and found the premise pretty interesting. The initial start seemed pretty good, a few places to get stick, such as in the second city between a treed and the tree outline next to it. (Of which I found several places later that you can stuck with the only way to resolve the issue was to exit back out the main menu and hoping it didn't autosave when I had gotten stuck.)
The moment I found myself in Kalamas cave I started to realize a couple things. Some enemies are just going to hit like Mac Trucks for no reason. The squirrel in there would constantly cause an uncalled for amount of pain to my team (More on that later).
-I had also realized another interesting piece of information that took me far longer than I wish to admit to realize. (A few other things being explained before hand might have been nice as well but this was the biggest) The enemies you encounter are leveled based on the levels of your current team composition. This was the biggest piece of information that was what really changed the game for me. If I played again, I would do so by catching some level 1's and keep them in the back end of my party (For reasons I'll explain later)
-It was also at this point that I realized that in the end, I only EVER needed to catch a level 13 enemy (Which you don't need to even damage, by the way. Just select recruit and your golden) Why? Because at 13 you can catch a First Evolution Nymph. Once you catch a Nymph, it will Evolve to a second Evolution starting at level 10, and final Evolution at level 15. So, 13: First Level Evolution. 14: Second Level Evolution. 15: Final Level Evolution. After that, drop them off at the stone, call it good unless they are one you want on your team.
A few of these things I was sort of all right with, particularly the last one, but as I continued the story and my main party Nymphs were leveling up, so were all the others (Lest I had a lower level in there) It was getting to the point where I would hang around a stone, level up all the new nymphs then Dash through the rest of the area hoping to not get in to fights.
Why though? Fighting seemed pretty basic and as everyone else was saying, tedious, right?
Well, When you have enemies that are 3 shotting your nymphs even though they are the exact same as your nymph, but doing more damage, have more health and be levels lower is pretty demoralizing.
Here's an idea? Catch them and replace mine! Right? No. I tried that, in fact, I even tried a little comparison. I fought an enemy that did more damage than mine, the exact same Nymph, it had more health, more damage, etc, but same level, and then recruited it. Turned out, the stats were EXACTLY the same as the one I had. I don't know if that's a fluke or not, but infuriating all the same. But hey, cute girls and fun premise. I was doing fine...
Up until the Virgin Mountain. I decided to go to the fantasy land, capture some and grind around stone. Instead, I had to flee like crazy if I had to get in to an actual fight because at this point in the game Frea was given to me at level 25. Mine was only 16 when she disappeared. She also lost her equipment, but whatever. So, I had to do some group balancing since you can't get Frea out of your party. Unfortunately, eevn when I fought with Frea, She was being three shot by something TEN LEVELS BELOW HERS! (I can't stress that enough honestly.)
So I go back down near the castle to grind. All, and I mean ALL the enemies there, each fight, I would burn through Several nymphs of higher level then the enemies, to take down. This is where I really began getting pissed off. I can see the mechanic of the world leveling up with you being useful in a pokemon style game, but when you nearly forced to sit at a stone, dread getting in combat when you aren't near one, it's not being implemented properly.
Now, there are a bunch of other glitches. Spelling? I don't care, I was enjoying the story that I glossed over any of those sorts of errors.
Some of the glitches bugged me a bit though. The companion always getting caught on stuff and then suddenly walking through ALL obstacles to be at your side. I get it, it's a solution, but still. Then there is the layer issue of things in the background popping to the front or back depending on where you stand causing weird layering issues all over the game. There were a couple of other things but it was all pretty minor. Such as walking through walls, buildings, and doors. Stay on the paths and you're pretty set. Even detours can work (Just be mindful that getting stuck can be a thing), oh and the position based dialogue will happen to go off multiple times if you back and forth in the same area. The Light area did a number on me as did the dark (At one point locking up causing me to Alt+F4 out to get back in)
Things I would have liked to see, and this is personal preference.
-A better save system, (I know this has been their bane and I've read how they want a better one too, and since they acknowledge this, I wouldn't ride them on it.)
-Being able to backtrack. This was a pretty big one for me since I love to explore and find that I may have missed something so I wanted to go back out to where I came from only to find that I couldn't because I instead walked through the door in the emptiness of black space. Forced to move on. While I realize that's what New Game + is about, I don't want to have to fight harder enemies when I'm already thoroughly agitated by the last Stone Sitting Grind at the end.
-Being able to know who you can and can't recruit in a certain area. I have no idea how many I missed going through the game just because they never showed up. I never saw the robot at any point apart from the boss battle. She was never recruited to my party but at a later point apparently she had been around to do some talking? Strange strange situation.
-More areas to explore. By god, I do have to give credit to the team. The four of them. It was a wonderful job they did and what they put out was great. I don't want to take that away from them. While perhaps not living up to my expectations, sure, (Because I was hyped and really wanted to play making me have high ones!) the things they did right, they did right. But, I'd love to explore more, I'd love to see more of this world that this team had put together. I'm interested. I want to know more about the war, about how the king got what he had, and whatnot. There is a lot of lore potential that is being missed.
-Third Avatar look for Frea. This is probably the most minor thing ever, but I'm going to toss it here. Between Frea's first and second form, her wandering around and fighting avatar changed. I'd love to see it reflected for the third form too!
Really, in the end, I did like it and it's pretty much because I wanted myself to like it even with it's glaring issues. However, until a lot of things are fixed, I, unfortunately, can not recommend it unless you are dead set in playing it.
I want that to change though. I want to be able to recommend this. For the team to have come as far as they did, it does look great, but to me it does and that's because I am biased on that front. I will happily look forward to anything they do in the future and any updates they make for this game! I really want to change my recommendation, truly! I will be watching and keeping an eye!
P.S. I did apply an uncensoring patch that I had seen and it really only SORT OF half-worked. Something to keep in mind if you're in it for the porn.
So... This is something like early stage of pokemon.
This includes spoilers..
So.. at start it seemed nice . and fun ish. just killing everyone with fray. easy. well. till the end I only used fray. thou ya. there is times when you can't . also. level 30 fray is not enough to kill that goddes :D . where I am stuck now. I can't leave room and I can't level up / switch my team. because the shard thingy is bit too far. so ya. I am stuck now. Can't end the game. But ya. This game is nice. Good details and such .
Just some improvements needed.
Like out of map going, stuck in rooms, stuck with enemies 0 hp , stuck with no team left, stuck in talk,
minimap could be nice. and way to switch follower. hmm.
otherwise good game for start :) I just hope those amrita scenes would be more. some are not even nsfw.
also. I like how dragonfly dances :D its just beautiful and hypnotic
Gameplay 3/5 ish
Story 4/5 ish
Pictures 3/5
I look forward this to progress :) it has great potential. also. like fray amrita outfit. it would be nice to get in game char too. I mean that no clothes one. there is already like unicorn is totally nude. what is fun :D
but ya. if you like pokemon copies. this is good . :)
bit edit. if you buy equipment to nymphs. and equip it. then you buy other and accidentally equip it to same. it will erase the first one. and later on. the second one just vanishes. its kinda annoying and fun.
trying to grind my rat to beat up the boss xD . its so slow to grind
Pretty good for an Early Access game
Overall score 8.5/10
Why it desrves this
Pokemon like
Entertaining Story
Relatively Easy to pick up
9 hours of play time with replay value
Why it is not a 10/10
Needs a system to grind up levels for the monster girls
Could us a mini map to help navigate (I did get lost several times)
When you get to the Volcano part the NPC stop talking to you even if you start a
Once you beat the game you cannot go back and train the monster girls you did not use
(no competionism)
The Save system is a bit weird, needs to be turned into a maual save system and not an
auto save one
***Contains nudity, you may place that in either catagory
1.the system is bad.
2.no bgm.
3.no minimap.
4.played 20 mins and still not begin the story.
5.battle is boring and simple.
6.totally rubbish.
Pokemon Clone with Adult Humor - Still Needs Work
Advice for new players of this game: (1) Wait until free roaming grinding is added to the game before you play it. (2) Wait to recruit new members until your team is level 13 or so.
This is will save you LOADS of grinding.
5/5 - You NEED to see the turtle girl's battle animation (from the back). Seriously. Catch that critter and put her in your team! Giraffe girl is great, too.
5/5 - Love potions exist so the hero can "love" the nymphs. Check out the censorship forum for important details on that little number. Page 2 is a good page to jump to on the forum, by the way.
5/5 - The dialogue is great. It's uncensored in the Nutaku version, but I got stuck with a game-breaking bug playing the Nutaku version. And that brings me to my next Pro.
5/5 - Game updates! Bugs are being fixed regularly in the Steam version of the game. Buy the game here!
5/5 - The turtle girl, unicorn girl, giraffe girl, and seahorse girl are all great. I would have liked to see more girls like that, but then I have only unlocked half of the nymph girls so far.
1/5 - Controls - The developers either need to get rid of the interface that pretends that controller input works, or they need to fix the issues their game has with controllers. As it stands, the gamer must click on the red B button that appears periodically and use the spacebar when the green A button appears. Gamers are not going to stand for that when the game exits early access. I did confirm, however, that if you have an Xbox One controller, the controls work well enough...some of the time. With a third-party controller, it's time to get out the keyboard.
4/5 - Maps - There are some places where the environment isn't what it appears to be. You must cross over environment that appears to be blocking your path.
2/5 - Informing the Gamer - The game doesn't tell you important things like: (a) you are going to spend a LONG time between places where you can grind in certain parts of the story (b) if you equip an item on your nymph and the nymph already has equipment, you either need to first go into the party menu and unequip the currently equipped item or that item will be forever lost to the bit bucket when you equip the new item.
3/5 - The Change Party Interface - It is not intuitive to know when a party member is benched. But you can figure it out so long as you NEVER click "Dismiss." Click Rest and then the girl that needs to get benched. Then the girl is benched. You can get her later.
1/5 - Autosave - THIS GAME SHOULD NOT HAVE AN AUTOSAVE!!!!! We need manual save slots. Did I mention that the game was developed in Unity? That probably had a greater influence on this little problem than the developer's wish to make sure the gamer didn't use the love juice potion over and over again. Just sayin'.
1/5 - Restore archived autosave - Get rid of this interface, developers. Period. Given that the autosave feature works after every battle and that there are ten autosave archive slots, as soon as you fight ten enemies, the usefulness of the archives vanishes. For this to be useful, the autosave slots need to be on a rotation where you have at most three rotating autosaves per game area zone. Then the autosave archive needs to tell you which zone you are loading when you load an autosave archive.
1/5 - Grinding a nymph to the third stage of evolution - I...uh...hope you like grinding. You'll be grinding a while. Fortunately, you only have to grind your nymphs to level 15 to reach that third stage of evolution
Coming updates
I was told that the developers plan on adding free-roaming grinding to the game. That would be a nice touch. Right now, if you buy the game, you must find the places on the map where monsters live and then grind and grind and grind those (particularly the ones by the healing shrines). You grind a spot until you are BEYOND sick of it just--in--case you get to a spot in the story where you can't grind for several story events before a new dungeon appears. This is the main reason why autosave is NOT favored by gamers in games like this.
More to Review
Where's "New Game Plus"? I watched all of the credits. What else must I do to make this happen? Anybody know? My guess is that this is yet another bug that needs fixed. I watched the credits until the picture is no more and gray bars begin to fill the screen. No new game plus option exists. When I load the last save file, I see the cutscene where Eradine is saved. When I click to start a new game, I do not see an option for starting "New Game Plus."
I think I will wait to review more of this game unilt (A) free-roaming grinding is added to the game or (B) "New Game Plus" exists.
Please support the game, developers!
This game has lots of promise. But I cannot recommend the game in its current state...either on Nutaku or Steam. Good luck on the development of the game. I will wish to play the game once it is closer to completion.
Also, while the game is in Early Access, you may wish to release a bit of a guide that helps gamers find all the rare nymphs. If I am going to play the game over again in Early Access, I would want to find the nymphs I missed the first time through.
its alright, few issues being items on the map like a tree and a shrub deciding to randomly change from background and forground with eachother basicly looking super off or your character walking "under" trees and shrubs breaks imersion kinda tho not exactly a main selling point i hope that gets polished in the future, art is alright but sprites and their art are all over the place just looks wierd its like making a deck out of magic the gathering and pokemon its glaringly obvious lol again nothing major but looks funny when most are different looking, the story is ok sofar havent gotten far at all only gotten to the 3rd town if you count the starting area,commentairy is hit and miss leaving me usally wanting more explination as to why it stinks or why bother mentioning it if the item is "normal" when looking at it instead of stinky "item" idk little details like that,another issue would be smoother menu's being a need a lot of them are a bit clunky or awkward to use even with a controller ive had input lag but that could just be me i plan to fiddle with it some, so far its got promise but its more of an EA game so far for sure but with a bit of elbow greese im sure this can be polished to shine given they put in the work. i have great hopes for it in the coming future
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | CryptidTech |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 31% положительных (16) |