Разработчик: Team Sorcerobe
FIGHT KNIGHT is a mix between a first person dungeon crawler and a high speed action game. Climb through the many unique floors of the Tower and get to know friend and foe alike! Solve puzzles, collect artifacts, and help FIGHT KNIGHT grow in power. Encounters take place in real time, through grid-based melee combat. Wits and reflexes will pave your way to victory. Will YOU master the Tower and those who wait within?
- UNIQUE PRESENTATION - Retro-game-inspired visuals that manage to look unlike any retro game!
- 5+ ZONES - Each zone is comprised of multiple floors of puzzle-filled dungeon exploration. Each zone of the Tower has its own unique setting, layout, NPCs, puzzle elements, and enemies!
- HAND-CRAFTED LEVELS - Thoughtfully hand-crafted levels full of puzzles that are designed to take FIGHT KNIGHT's unique punching capabilities into account!
- ROBUST COMBAT - Compelling real-time positional combat system involving all manner of fist-based warfare. Punch, dodge, push, counter, punch, block, and punch your way to victory!
- CHOOSE YOUR STYLE - Equip FIGHT KNIGHT with energy-burning super moves called SPECIALTIES, consumable items, and a variety of gauntlets— all with various situational advantages and attributes! Give FIGHT KNIGHT what you think gives you the edge!
- CHALLENGING FOES - Enemies work together in unique combinations to ensure your demise. Not only does each enemy have their own quirks and attack patterns, enemy skills are designed to play off each other! FIGHT KNIGHT will have to learn how to deal with enemies both individually and in large groups!
- MEET N' BEAT - Enjoyable cast of characters to meet and punch along the way!
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows 7
- Processor: Intel i3-3110M (2.40ghz)
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Integrated Graphics Card
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 300 MB available space
- Sound Card: Integrated Sound Card
Отзывы пользователей
It's like early SMT except instead of wanting to smash your balls in a waffle iron due to teleport mazes you want to do it because you suck at parrying.
Fight Knight has a ton going for it, Amazing retro atmosphere, Great music, Responsive fight mechanics, all coupled with an old school dungeon crawler feel, puzzles included. The game-play mix of dungeon crawler puzzles and fight mechanics might not appeal to you if you are here solely for a fighting game feel, and that's understandable, but I find the mix innovative.
I explained it to a friend like this,
"It feels like an old school RPG, but instead of the battle systems being click through menus, click FIGHT/ITEM/MAGIC what have you, you are thrown into Wii boxing, without the motion controls, and I understand everyone might not fall into the middle of that Venn diagram"
The puzzles honestly feel fair and clever, and I have yet to find anything I couldn't figure out with a little thought and experimentation
Fighting enemies has a similar vibe, which is to say well thought out and fair. Entering a new zone you find out how the new enemies operate, and slowly new enemies get added on and it becomes more complex, but nothing you can't handle. I've yet to feel like anything thrown at me was unfair, only that I made a misstep or got outplayed. I also appreciate that no one enemy feels oppressive, yet the right combination can feel dangerous, it reminds me of game/room design in metroidvanias, no one enemy was particularly challenging, but a good set-up or team of enemies can be greater than the sum of its parts, It just feels like solid thought out game design.
Your control over Mr.Fight Knight also feels great, base fighting mechanics feel responsive, you always feel like you have more than one option on how you can handle a specific enemy or situation, and everything feels fluid and tight. I honestly believe that as of my current playtime (feels like half way through the game) I have yet to encounter any situation that I didn't have multiple answers for at any given time.
Fight Knight feels like a meal made by a masterclass chef, with many ingredients in the pot.
If a particular part of said dish is a total deal breaker for you, that's totally fair, But if not, or if you give it a try, you may just find handcrafted presentation and experience like none other.
This game was a lot of fun to play, I especially liked the different variations of gauntlets you could use and the music was also really good. The story was very well thought out and I can't wait for another game from Team Sorcerobe.
Bopping beats. Punching EVERYTHING. Yes EVERYTHING. And puzzles (yes you do indeed punch the puzzles (a godsend for my smooth brain) a few might still be a doozy but they're normally not too hard))). 10 out of 10 fingers would fisticuffs again.
This game has so much potential! I'm love the children's book aesthetic and indie manga style, which is reflected in the art, plus the music is memorable and reminds me so much of DOS games from the 1990s. The humor is spot-on (Referencing that you interact with characters by punching them), and the gameplay is thrilling; as itt demands precision with parrying, attacking, and dodging – a single mistake can be fatal, which I actually enjoy.
However, there's one major flaw that ruined the experience for me: the ridiculously high encounter rate. It's incredibly frustrating to take just a few steps and be thrown into another battle against half a dozen enemies. This becomes especially problematic when you're low on health and resources. The lack of a save option outside of the first town, combined with no way to escape battles, means that a single unlucky encounter can wipe out an hour or more of progress. Why isn't there a "run away" option?
I managed to make it to the second dungeon, but the constant, unavoidable battles eventually became too much, and I had to quit.
This game is for everyone who want to fulfill the "ora ora ora" fantasy.
Fight Knight is half dungeon crawler, half... puzzle fighter? Maybe half Punch-Out. I haven't played anything like this game before. It's a unique game that knows how to deliver style and substance, and one glance should be all it takes for you to figure out if you like the kind of style this game will deliver. Having played it once, if I could know the experience gained in this playthrough before purchase, I'd say it's worth even the base price, but that's just me. Know before buying that this game is pretty niche, but for someone who's looking for a new and well crafted experience, this game is worth exploring.
The visuals in this game are obviously very striking. Each environment has a color palette it'll stick to, using little more than 2 or 3 colors at a time (not including black) and gradients of those colors. It has a real retro feel, but the only thing I can think to compare it to is like a Visual Boy if it was capable of more than just red coloring. All environments are rendered in 3D, but all enemies, NPCs, projectiles, pretty much anything but the environment are 2D sprites. These sprites have a hand drawn feel and look put through a grain filter that gives me CRT vibes without the token CRT lines some games like to shove in your face to feel retro. Overall, I'm a big fan of how the game looks, but be wary of headaches and motion sickness. The colors by default are pretty saturated, and the games camera does a lot of bobbing and weaving for dramatic effect. Thankfully, this game has a ton of options to mitigate this: if anything seems like it will cause you issues, explore the options and adjust things as needed.
Let's talk about the dungeon crawler half. Exploration is grid based. If you've ever played a Pokemon game before X/Y, you know what you're dealing with: each movement is one square at a time, and you're going to be moving through maze-like environments in a first-person perspective. Tank controls: left and right turn your character, up and down move forward and back. There are button mappings for strafing left and right (left/right bumper on controller). If we want to continue the Pokemon comparison, be prepared for the kinds of puzzles you'd find there: block puzzles, avoiding line-of-sight (though thankfully not stealth), sliding ice stuff, the works. However, let's be honest, this half of the game isn't what you're here for. Dungeon exploration is done competently, and the environments are visually appealing enough to get you by, breaking up the combat with trash mobs to keep combat from getting stale.
Now, the fighting, the main attraction. Moving through the dungeon will trigger random encounters (other than bosses of course). Battles are also grid-based and take place in corridors two squares wide. Two monsters can fit side-by-side up front, and will prevent anything behind them from moving forward and you from moving past them until they're dealt with. Some monsters take advantage of this with ranged attacks and camp out in the backlines. The Fight Knight gets a surprisingly large variety of moves and the game makes sure to give you reason to learn them as you progress. You got your side-swipes, uppercuts, charged punches, and rapid-fire punches, to name a few. You can also block to reduce damage, or perfectly time your block to parry enemy attacks, though this is not always the optimal solution. You'll learn pretty early on that sometimes you just have to bob and weave instead of trying to face-tank everything. On top of the basics, you've also got special moves that take meter to perform, and will have minigame button combos to perform. Encounters with trash mobs are all about learning what each enemy is capable of, how to counter them, and how to juggle a bunch of different problems at once, choosing what's worth obliterating with a special move right away. Bosses are a whole different beast, and feel more traditionally Punch-Out-like. Expect high energy encounters that test your reflexes and pattern recognition in a short timeframe. Bosses are the highlight of combat for me.
As for plot and setting, the game does a decent job at having a few interesting storylines for NPCs throughout the game. The designs are charming, and everything that talks in the game has a Banjo-Kazooie-esque mishmash of mumbles unique to each character. A lot of flavor is available on each enemy if you're willing to give up parts for it (or look them up online after the fact, as I did). The main story does a good job of keeping the mystery of who exactly you are supposed to be and what your goals are, and the payoff at the end is satisfying enough.
Other things worth mentioning are potions as the only consumable resource in the game. Use monster parts to unlock them, and you're free to as many as you can carry every time you go back to town. Additionally, you can unlock armors which give you different stats and movesets for experimentation (I used the first unlockable armor for the majority of the game for its glass cannon playstyle). You can find recipes to unlock new special moves from the chef on the ship, which also require monster parts. There was only one occasion where I ever needed to grind monster parts for something, and it wasn't really that bad, though I do get the idea that certain enemies are more likely to be encountered on certain tiles of the map than others.
Overall, I really like Fight Knight. I'm considering playing through the game again, which is kind of rare for most games I play that aren't designed to run forever. I will say that the final boss left enough of an impression to me to want to fight him again. Team Sorcerobe, if you are reading this, my only complaint is that you can't refight the bosses any time you want. A mode where you get to replay bosses (NOT explicitly a boss rush) would be a big win. For those playing, if you want to avoid my situation, consider copying your file to another slot before boss encounters in case you want to replay them without going through the whole game again. Beating the game will NOT give you a prompt on if you want to proceed to new game plus and will just immediately boot your file to new game plus. Other than that, I have no complaints. I wish anyone picking up this game a fun experience.
I adore the artstyle
Excited to put more time into this little gem.
Very dope game. Super unique concept and excellent execution on it. My only gripe is sometimes your attacks don't really feel very meaty or weighted, even if you're doing huge damage to something.
Artstyle is gorgeous, soundtrack is wonderful, dialogue is full of soul and charm.
There's also a nerdy mantis girl. You can't go wrong with that.
expectation: punching things
what I got: solving unfun puzzles with a locked camera that makes navigation harder and nauseous to play combined with the deep fried look of the game while moving slowly and constantly have to backtrack to refill hp while having to deal with random encounters that give me meaningless loot
should've renamed the game into PUZZLE KNIGHT
the music is really good tho
but somehow the battle music is too quiet, compared to the to the town/npc theme
this game is really really fucking good
i want the titular Fight Knight to crush me
high potential, big loss... environment design and the level design with the ambient is so cool but whenever it's come to clearing these levels it feels like a suffering, combat feels lots of things are missing likewise minigame thing is cool but when I'm encouraging a fight I don't remember it exists because the combat system is fast paced and arcade etc. I was excited that what could game would be, it's cool absolutely playable and fun to, but I was waiting for more I guess.
This game is down right incredible i recommend it to anyone who wants to punch the hell out of everything that even slightly inches in their field of sight 👍
The game is fun, but the puzzle-solvings are rather drag considering that you have to go back and forth constantly, and it's basically all you do besides combat. And since it uses the old-school random encounter mechanism, and there is no way to replenish except to go all the way back home, the whole process becomes more frustrating than rewarding. Otherwise, the combat, the art, the music, the characters, and the plot settings, are all pretty decent.
7/10. Would recommend if on a sale.
This game is good, and worth the pris.
Pure ludokino
+ fun gameplay
+ interesting style
- very repetitive
- no achievements
Fight Knight was like a sucker punch, coming out of nowhere for me. This is a super unique indie game punching above its weight class.
I love that it's very old-school but not TOO much so: you can lose a lot of progress if you die before saving, but that really amps the tension which is the best part about tough-as-nails games. But at the same time there's some Quality of Life like not needing to buy potions every time (instead they are permanent unlocks). There's a lot of old-school mystery (what does this do?), the NPCs are interesting, and the presentation is one of a kind. Young-uns might not have the historical reference point for this kind of classic dungeon crawler, but all should give it a try. Kudos to the devs.
absolutely fantastic! the art style is really awesome, and the music is, too; additionally, the writing is also quite enjoyable, when it comes up. the gameplay is really unique, and feels done really well. having multiple suits of armour that change it fairly dramatically is also really great, especially with all the attention to minor details with them, too! you save at the town, or, your starting area, by resting, which helps with tension as you climb levels of the tower. this doesn't end up feeling tedious at all due to the interconnected design of the areas, offering shortcuts to and from the entrance, the knight's unshakable, absolute fortitude to be able to just jump off the tower and not care a single bit on landing, along with the nightwatch's cannon later on.
not all of the abilities available to you, or things you're able to do are explained directly, but, you certainly get plenty of time to experiment with your attacks, and different situations that might allow you to discover new, cool things you're able to do. generally, they're extensions of things you are told that you can do, which is pretty cool.
generally, there just seems to be a lot of consideration put towards the player. the settings menu has plenty of options; an auto-punch button is included, and works for any mashing, too; enemies always 100% drop their item when defeated, and the things that use them only use them once, and in small quantities, enough so that having to go back and get more drops is incredibly unlikely for the main things you can create/unlock. potions only need to be crafted once, and are free afterwards. it's all really nice, and helps focus things on the feelings invoked through gameplay, in exploring some atmospheric, interesting areas, and the story side of things; and of course, fighting. there's only really one exception, and it uses it well to support a character, and some of the neat things provided from it.
I love this videos game so goddamn much, despite Round 2 beating my ass
But know that i have gifted this game to 40 people
And I will continue to do so if people keep adding me
this is awesome
absolute kino
FIGHT KNIGHT is an extraordinary indie title. It is the only game that I have played out of thousands that I can confidently call a "hidden gem" in how good it is in comparison to how little attention it received. It is also one of the rare Gamemaker games to appear on Steam.
In terms of effect FIGHT KNIGHT is very similar to games like Undertale, Hyper Light Drifter and Cave Story: these are games that feel like an immediate extension of the personality of the developer behind it. FIGHT KNIGHT very much reminds me of Newgrounds, and I would be somewhat surprised if no developed behind this title was part of that community at some point considering the sense of humor on display here.
As a design study I have never seen anything like FIGHT KNIGHT. The artstyle feels like a throwback to games like Earthworm Jim with its caricatural cartoony style, which is especially peculiar to me and not something I have seen in a long time. Almost everything about this game is at least good in some capacity: the combat is unique and expressive, the OST is great, the level design is great, the respect for fundamental design responsibilities is good and the writing is great; deliberately stupid, but more than witty enough to make it work. That is not to say the game does not have a lot of frustrating flaws however, and you really have to enjoy what the game offers if you want to push through these to the end.
FIGHT KNIGHT is genuinely difficult game, and a lot of that difficulty comes from either half-baked communication or outright depriving the player of crucial information (i.e. they are puzzles you are supposed to improvise). It is often unclear when enemies attack and how they attack unless you have faced them several times before. Color coding is usually consistent, but not always. Projectiles are frequently obscured by other sprites with a lower z-value until they are practically already at the player's location. Also a lot of gimmicky bossfights that cannot be reasonably defeated in a single go. As the game basically throws the player back into the main menu upon failure, effectively resetting your savefile to the last, you really have to adjust your mindset to deal with the game's plentiful annoyances.
What you get in return however is a brilliantly crafted and strikingly novel dungeon crawler, filled to the brim with unique encounters, great puzzles and lots of character. It is truly painful to see this title achieved so little traction, as it has all the ingredients to be remembered as an indie classic.
More reviews at http://piepscave.com.
Fight Knight might be one of the most underrated and unrightfully ignored indie games in recent times.
The graphics are wild, the characters charismatic and I absolutely love how the movement during battles feels - every step, dodge and punch you do feels weighty but not in a slow and cumbersome way but just how a pissed of dude in full armor who runs a 24/7 knuckle sandwich delivery store would feel like.
In a better world, Punchy would be referenced in every third indie game like the knights of the hollow and shovely kind.
I love fight knight, fight knight is so good, I cannot say how much fun I have had fighting the enemies the puzzles one floor 3 were kinda rough but the rest of the game is so gas
This was a good game all around. The combat and progression are both fun, and it doesn't feel like there's any filler to it. I am a bit sad the dev hasn't made anything else.
From the moment it launches till the last punch you throw at the top of the Tower, Fight Knight starts hard and continues hard. The music, the aesthetic, the gameplay, and the characters are all exceptionally well polished and combine into an experience that I genuinely believe is unique and awe inspiring. A punchy dungeon crawler, it borrows from the design elements of old CRPG titles such as Wizardry or Legends of Grimrock with its dungeon movement, but during combat it exchanges the turn based sword and sorcery gameplay with a first person fighting game. Now two things to note, the standard attack combos are all done with the space bar, which you will spend a lot of time mashing, where the game really takes off is with the use of Specialities. Essentially special moves in a fighting game. These require you to follow timed on screen prompts to punch at the right time to charge them up, or hold the attakc button etc. Fight Knight is an impeccable example of small dev teams doing absolutely excellent work and while it is rather short it is fully worth its 20 dollar asking price.
8/10 God I wish there was more!
this game rules
This is truly a hidden gem. Everything from the simplistic sound design to the bombastic end. Its frankly criminal that a game like this remains hidden from the world. If you aren't an idiot then play this game.
It took me a good 10 minutes to start playing just because the starting music loops, it's so fucking fire
and the characters are so goofy asf i love them
the combat is a bit hard for me cuz i like to panic but it's fun
and the overall artstyle reminds me a bit of ultrakill or doom
good game
Row row, fight the tower.
pretty good
Criminally underrated game. Picks up and Goes full throttle after the first level. Continued to defy expectations and I hope the creators get the recognition they deserve for this game. I'm excited to see what their next project is.
Is Knight. Is punchy and flowy fighting. What else do you want?
The ending had no reason to go that hard, but it went the extra mile. Underrated game.
a little confusing and frustrating in some parts, but this game just oozes style and has very novel ideas. it's well worth it to tough it out for the ride.
Cool game, a bit hard to get used to the controls in some parts, but its really nice!
Soundtrack is fire too, various tracks. all perfect fit to match the vibes and action of the game!
banger punch
One of the most enjoyable and unique action games I've ever played. Massive recommendation to anyone even remotely interested
there was a controversy about the devs, so if that turns you off from the game i recommend looking it up. his wife said a lot of false things about him, which means that you shouldn't consider the controversy a reason to not buy the game.
If you like unique combat and funky art, this is the game for you. 7/10.
This game is very unique, its basically a tile movement based brawler, and theres nothing quite like it, its insanely fast-paced during combat, and its truly a Hidden gem.
What you see in the steam trailer is what you get.
The game supports a lot of accessibility options for impared people, and the OST although not a fan of 16-bit/8-bit music, this one really rocks, and are really good to listen on their own or during game.
The only issue that it dosen't have fluff like achievements and cloud saving. Also as some people have pointed out, the only place you can save is at the bed's inn with the Viking npc where he sells you ultimates.
Its annoying but it is what it is.so after every floor, always come back to the shop at the bottom and save at the bed, otherwise you risk losing an entire floor of progress.
I give this a 8.5/10, i need to play it more, i've played very little of this, but so far floor 1 and 2? i had a blast.
if you think this game looks fun I got two words for you: random encounters
We need more games like this
Seeing screenshots of this back on Tumblr, its wild to see this game finally out. While aesthetically pleasing, gameplay feels very tiresome. Enemy reads feel off, movement is annoying, and unfun puzzles. Needs way more polish.
Fists are the only weapons a knight ever will need. Praise the Sun!
Have read some not so pleasant about the developers unfortunately but the game is fun and unique with a cool art style and a banger soundtrack
A knight that fights what more could I ask for!
no better game than to feel punchier combat than this one, really fun fighting and engaging parrying actions are only complimented by the intricate puzzling level design, the unique and differing powerups and entertaining characters. my only negative for this game would be the saving and the sluggish movement which highlights itself when you constantly need to return to and from town to save everything. also BANGER soundtrack
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Team Sorcerobe |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 92% положительных (1068) |