Разработчик: Other Tales Interactive

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Tick Tock — игра с очень низким порогом вхождения! Вам лишь нужен друг, который расскажет, что происходит у него на экране, и тогда вы легко сможете спастись без единой царапины.КРОССПЛАТФОРМЕННАЯ ИГРА
В игру можно играть сразу на нескольких платформах: Nintendo Switch, PC, iOS, Android и Mac! Играйте как вам удобно: на двух PC или же на удобном диване с планшетом или Switch в руках!СЮЖЕТ
В Tick Tock: A Tale for Two вы попадете в жутковатый мир, созданный часовщицей Амалией Равн. И вам нужно будет оттуда спастись! Но для этого вам придется побродить по таинственному, зловещему часовому миру, полному секретов и заковыристых загадок.Чтобы узнать правду и спастись из этого гиблого места, вам нужно будет соотносить информацию на двух игровых экранах. Приготовьтесь к нарративному приключению, которое заставит вас объяснять все на пальцах так, как вы никогда до этого не делали. Выкрикивайте указания, обсуждайте решения и прислушивайтесь ко второму игроку. Но помните — время не ждет.
При поддержке The Danish Film Institute - The Games Scheme

Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, danish, french, simplified chinese, spanish - spain, portuguese - brazil, japanese, swedish, korean, traditional chinese, arabic, russian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel i5 Quad-Core
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD 4000
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Mac OS X 10.8
- Процессор: Intel i5 Quad-Core
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD 4000
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- Дополнительно: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
Отзывы пользователей
This game doesn't make a lot of sense and the story isn't very clear. I understand the draw of wanting a sort of esoteric story that is open to interpretation, but I don't feel like this game pulls it off. The puzzles also were a bit nonsensical. The very end of the game tells you how much time you "wasted" playing this game, but it really does feel like an accurate way to describe it. If that was the point then bravo, mission accomplished.
Charming co-op puzzle game for two players over voice. Well recommended for chill casual play.
Interesting coop mechanic. Puzzles are interesting. Story is weird.
This is fantastic two-player puzzle game that does not require online connectivity. The puzzles are very creative, keep some paper and a pencil nearby, you'll need it.
This game was absolutely incredible! The graphics are beautiful, and the puzzles are challenging but not so hard that you get stuck forever, which I’ve found in other games. My friend and I played together on Discord, and I highly recommend it—some of the puzzles need quick responses, so it made the experience even more fun. The story really pulls you in, and I found myself wanting to know more about the characters and what was going on between them. We had a great time, and I can’t wait to play more!
Tick Tock: A Tale for Two is a short cooperative puzzle game in which two players get trapped in different time zones within an eerie world constructed by a skilled clockmaker. The players must communicate and work together in order to escape and solve the mysteries within.
The game will take around 2-2.5 hours to complete and is a reasonable price for the amount of content, of course, it is worth noting that two copies of the game will be required. The game provides engaging gameplay, with well-designed co-op puzzles that are challenging without being frustrating or too abstract. The story despite being short, presents an intriguing mystery and an interesting yet believable pair of characters. It concludes in a satisfying way that adds to the sense of achievement for the players. The visuals are well-suited to the gameplay and the narrative, with its moody colour palette and hand-drawn aesthetic and the sound design helps increase immersion without being overbearing.
Overall, this is a great example of a cooperative puzzle game and I’d happily recommend it to anyone looking for something casual to play with a friend.
My full review of this game where I go into detail about gameplay, narrative, and styling is available on Indie Hive.
I really liked it, it was short but I still enjoyed it a lot :)
The puzzles were fun and it was interesting to find out more about the story (although I thought the main characters were lesbians until the end)
A little short, but coherent enough to be concise instead of unfinished.
The game itself isn't bad. The graphics are good and the story is confusing but it keeps you intrigued, but then. the last chapter was really dumb and completely messed the story. Not that good
Very cool game , but very short. I wish it had more chapters.
Very cool, but very short. I wish it had more chapters. And more ravens.
WOW! What an absolutely incredible game for such a steal of a price. It's not a long game to play - it took us 73 minutes. But a short game doesn't mean a bad game. This is by far one of the best puzzle, story games I have ever played. Decent challenge, but didn't wear me down or make me frustrated. The story is on point with a kick to the feels for an ending. A game I wish I could play for the first time again.
Really good way to spend time with your friend. Wished that it has more chapters. 10/10 recommend anyone who love logic/puzzle games.
the game is way shorter than i thought definitely not worth a buy yes the puzzels where challenging and fun but this should be a free game with how little content there is
A cute little game with challenging puzzles, there is one that the numbers don't really make sense for the puzzle though. I still recommend it.
A really good, simple cooperative indie game. Perfect game to share a sunday night together. Grab your significant other, offer them this game and enjoy a thrilling mistery solving !
An incredibly short but interesting puzzle narrative for two people! I loved the story and the puzzles were fun, reasonable, and creative.
i really enjoyed playing it its was a well written story and not overly complicated puzzles just well hidden if ur partner of choice doesn't explain it well. Overall loved the ending and cant wait to forget the game and replay it.
Tick Tock is a really short but well structured puzzle game. It is incredibly unique in the sense that you have to solves puzzles with the clues that you are not seeing yourself, but clues that only your playing partner is aware of. This makes for a really special collaborative experience. I played it with my girlfriend and we had a lot of fun with it. The puzzles all made sense and the graphics were very pretty. Definitely recommended for fans of puzzle games that are looking for a new experience.
This was a fun way to spend the evening with my partner. I would recommend it!
What a great little puzzle game! I really liked to concept of not actually needing to be connect via the internet to play with a partner, and that you just had one half of a puzzle game, and needed someone else to have the other half. It was a good lesson in communication. The puzzles weren't overly hard, but presented enough of a challenge to make it worth while. A little thought and "gamer logic" goes a long way in solving these. I liked the little back story as well, and it was fun piecing it together and seeing time pass from chapter to chapter, connecting the dots. The only thing I have bad to say is I wish it was longer! It felt like a demo for what could be a bigger game, with a longer story. I'd love more games like this.
Great game for my partner and I. Puzzles felt intuitive and as long as you communicate well you should be able to solve them without too much difficulty. Really good game for just a couple of hours of play, well worth it.
If I had to describe this game in a single word, it would be "elegant."
It's a thoughtful solution to the resource-intensive problem of multiplayer games, an escape room you do with a friend on the phone. It's very fun and cool, and I only said "that's such bullshit" twice -- so that's a win in my book. I had fun with it, you probably will too.
Perfect game to have a chill evening with a buddy :) Not too easy, not too hard. We had our fun!
The puzzles were interesting and tricky sometimes, but never unbeatable
They really make you think outside of the box which was refreshing
The story itself was slightly more confusing than the puzzles, the ending seemed open and unclear
good game overall
This game was a super fun experience. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes escape rooms and/or Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. It's challenging, fun, and rewarding, though be warned that it has tedious moments, even if they are few and far between.
Nice and quick, with just the right amount of challenge.
Really good.
Just keep in mind that it's only around an hour and a half long.
The game was quick but well worth the amount it cost. Me and my boyfriend finished it within an hour and a half and thoroughly enjoyed it.
A very cool (but short) experience that is played with 2 people with separate, related information to help each other both move on to the next step. This is similar to what the We Were Here series does. This allows for you to describe to the other person your perspective. It is done quite well. The ending theme of the game is really cool. The game is also coded a little bit clever to add some immersion based on the information it has.
Great co-op experience that will keep you entertained for a few hours.
Buen juego cooperativo para pasar un ratillo, puzzles entretenidos e interesantes que, sin quebrarte la cabeza, te hacen trabajar con la otra persona y son satisfactorios de resolver, además de una ambientación agradable con un tono oscuro.
The key requirement of a puzzle game is that there has to be discernible logic. In most of the puzzles, this is not the case, so you are instead trying to intuitively suss out what the puzzle designer wanted to do based on their sense of what they think is logical. This kind of meta-logic really pulled me out of the narrative, which was itself very thin. By the end of the game, I could not actually say what the story was. There is a narrative you are unlocking through each chapter, but it doesn't really make much sense.
I can't recommend this game to anybody for any reason. My partner and I spent about an hour and a half bumbling through it, and at the end it tells you how many minutes of your life were lost playing it, and it is the only moment in the game that actually makes sense.
Truly, wasted time.
A really great game with joyful and not very difficult puzzles, has a unique ending and generally worth your time.
i loved the game smart puzzles but why would you say that i wasted my time thats not nice am just trying to have fun bro leave me alone
Interesting puzzle game for two people. I liked it more than my partner. They are a visual person, so it was very frustrating to them. Short game if you work together, some puzzles are harder than others.
this was a pretty good game overall, but not as good as the rusty lake series, especially the two player game called the past within. If you enjoed this you would enjoy that game as well.
If you like escape room like puzzles, then this is probably a game you'll enjoy!
I think for the $6 I paid for the game it was worth a couple hours of game play. I liked the fact that I could play with a friend without the need for internet connection even being states away. But I will say my friend and I finished the game in 4 hours. So if you're looking for something that will keep you entertained for a few evenings of gaming this isn't the one for you.
is great game i almost lost mind but i figured it out cus im smart
About the Ending
At the end of the game, the mention of the player’s time being stolen could easily be interpreted as mocking. It might make players feel like the game isn’t worth their time, leaving a negative impression on the overall experience.
While Amalie and Laerke are able to take an abundance of time from the players, they are ultimately trapped in an endless loop of the same experiences.
I believe the ending could be improved by reframing this idea: although the player’s time is stolen during the game, they are not stuck in a time loop like Amalie and Laerke. Once the game is closed, players can continue moving forward with their own finite but progressing time.
This creates an intriguing contrast: Amalie and Laerke, despite having endless time, are confined to repetitive cycles; while players, with limited time, are always moving forward.
If the developers could emphasize this contrast more clearly at the end, it might leave players with a deeper and more positive takeaway as they finish the game.
Amalie 和 Laerke 確實可以從玩家身上竊取大量時間,但他們卻只能在同樣的遊戲體驗中無限循環。
我覺得結局可以修改為:玩家的遊戲時間雖然被偷走,但玩家不像 Amalie 和 Laerke 那樣被困在時間循環中。一旦關閉遊戲,玩家仍然可以繼續擁有自己向前推進的時間。
這裡其實存在一個有趣的對比:Amalie 和 Laerke 雖然擁有無數時間,但那些時間僅能用在重複的循環中;而玩家的時間雖然有限,卻是不斷向前邁進的。
122 minutes I'll never get back. Amazin'
A very sweet tiny game, wonderful 2 hours of puzzle solving with my girlfriend.
If u play this game u will know that ur friend is complete deaf person
Note:good game you guys can try the "path within" same concept
Great co-op game. Makes the mind go zoom zapiddy zoom!
A fun game to play with a friend or a family member, just make sure to listen to each other and tell each other whatever you see on your screen. The story was also intriguing as well as the ending, however, the game was a short play and you definitely won't want to play it again.
Had lots of fun playing with my sister. She's not usually a puzzle person, but something about this format made it extremely engaging.
Rating: ★★★★☆ (4/5)
If you're looking for a cooperative puzzle game that will truly challenge your teamwork and communication skills, Tick Tock: A Tale for Two is a delightful experience that delivers exactly that. Developed by Dramatic Labs, this unique game is designed for two players to play together, each on their own screen, working in tandem to solve various puzzles in a mysterious world.
The game revolves around the concept of time, and both players are tasked with solving puzzles that require effective communication and trust. The narrative is engaging, though minimalist in its storytelling—more of an atmosphere than a plot-heavy experience. It’s the puzzles that steal the show, with an emphasis on synchronization and the discovery of hidden clues that players must share between them.
Short fun game to play with your partner/friend.
Very well worth the price tag!!! This game was a good balance of fun and challenging, with an incredible story and atmosphere. What a great experience!!
What a fun intriguing game! Point-and-click, Mac OS friendly - I'm glad I picked this up on sale. The story is also really fun, puzzles are tricky enough.
I don't think it's quite re-playable but it was well worth the price for the experience.
The art style and over all vibe of this game was fun, the story was interesting but not to heavy and the puzzles were not to easy you just fly through it in minutes. Def enjoyed it!
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Other Tales Interactive |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 12.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 91% положительных (3272) |