Разработчик: BANDAI NAMCO Studios Inc.
Издание Digital Deluxe Edition
Издание Deluxe Edition включает полную игру SCARLET NEXUS, набор «Брейнпанк» и 2 бонуса.
Ultimate Edition
В Ultimate Edition входят игра, сезонный пропуск, цифровой артбук и саундтрек, форма, аксессуар и дополнения.
Об игре

Далекое будущее. В человеческом мозге обнаружен псионный гормон, наделивший людей экстрасенсорными способностями и полностью изменивший привычный нам мир. Но едва свет новой эпохи озарил человечество, с небес начали сходить жаждущие мозгов и утратившие рассудок мутанты, которых назвали Иными. Они были невероятно устойчивы к обычному оружию, и, чтобы справиться с угрозой и спасти человечество, миру потребовались бойцы совершенно нового уровня. Псионики, обладатели экстрасенсорных способностей, стали единственными, кто мог дать отпор внеземной угрозе. С тех пор псиоников искали по всему миру и вербовали в Отряд Подавления Иных (ОПИ), ставший последним бастионом человечества.

Начните прохождение игры с одного из двух персонажей, у каждого из которых есть своя история. Юито Сумераги — полный энтузиазма новобранец из влиятельной семьи политиков. Касанэ Рэндалл давно состоит в ОПИ, ее сила и опыт помогли ей заслужить уважение. Лишь когда их истории сплетутся, вам откроется во всей полноте история SCARLET NEXUS, и вы узнаете все тайны будущего в стиле «брейнпанк» на стыке технологий и псионики.

Бои на основе телекинеза: с телекинетическими способностями все вокруг становится оружием. Поднимайте, ломайте и швыряйте предметы, чтобы проводить серии атак и сокрушать врагов.
Истребление Иных: потерявшие рассудок мутанты, спустившиеся с небес, обладают невероятной устойчивостью к обычным боевым приемам. Во время мутации они испытывали нескончаемую боль и теперь, чтобы заглушить свое безумие, начали охоту за мозгами.
Будущее в стиле «брейнпанк»: исследуйте и защищайте просторы Японии будущего, в которых слились мотивы классического аниме и западной научной фантастики.
Глубокий захватывающий сюжет: запутанная история о человеческих отношениях, отваге и героизме от создателей культовой Tales of Vesperia.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, portuguese - brazil, russian, spanish - latin america, traditional chinese, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-3470 | AMD FX-8350
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760, 2 GB | AMD Radeon HD 7970, 3 GB
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 50 GB
- Дополнительно: Estimated performance: 1080p/60fps with graphics settings at "Low". Framerate might drop in graphics-intensive scenes. - 64-bit processor and operating system are required.
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-4690K | AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970, 4 GB | AMD Radeon R9 290X, 4 GB
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 50 GB
- Дополнительно: Estimated performance: 1080p/60fps with graphics settings at "High". Framerate might drop in graphics-intensive scenes. - 64-bit processor and operating system are required. - Windows 10 (Version 1809 or later) and a 4GB VRAM GPU (graphics board or video card) are required for DirectX 12 API.
Отзывы пользователей
Meh story, cool combat mechanics, awesome soundtracks (took me 3 years just to write this review
Bought it on 3 different consoles...enough said.
Scarlet Nexus an anime style and story of a game, although my experience is ive come to Love and Hate the game in some aspect of its content and its mechanics.
Experience and Thoughts
At first of all the game has like per episode like anime it has 12 or 24 episode(If you play both MC pov) coz you will play 2 different Main Protagonist one is Wholesome Dense and other is Awkwardly Edgy which either pick one of them in your first playthrough you will still be given some question or mystery on their pov at first 2 MC are together then seperate ways later on, on some episode which will give you not experiencing the other MC what went through in him/her. So in the end its up to you if your gonna play both MC for experiencing different Pov. Which made me kinda burn out coz as per episode goes in 1 MC playthrough it takes a lot of time like more on sitting in 80% Cutscences and 20% Gameplay also its more has frame per frame scene like a slideshow than actually action movie or anime.
Combat Gameplay
Combat is okay, in the end it says its an Action RPG but most of time it feels like its a turn base Action RPG which i got to experience like if ive taken action to attack i'll get attacked by other called Other (what they called the monster in game) free at side or back, like ive gotta do some face tanking at some point and there is some have insane Super Armor if it make sense in Gamer sense, but it made some sense and reason on coz they made called SAS which your taking the Skill or Abilities of your party members each party has aspect of their ability like ex. Temporarily Invincible, Teleportation dash, Clairvoyance, Hypervelocity(Timestop) and more which you'll use to them at your advantage and timing on combat, although they're not forever on use they have durations and cooldown which gives me a vibe its an turn base Action RPG at some point, theres also this Bond you gotta do in party members to grow the strength of they're ability for you in SAS which more cutscene again on every Bond you have to do, Note: you have 8 Party Members and 1 MC(who ever you picked MC to play) to Bond and effort them 1 by 1 with 1 mission with them alone.
Overall Its Pretty Good Game, Greatly Recommend it give it a shot on Discount
All Genshin-like-games should have gameplay like here.
It's worth playing for sure. It's story is honestly good and that's all i care about lol.
This game is pretty good I actually have my downs but it's been pretty addicting people complain about the storyline but I think that it's fair seeing as it action RPG's should be more into the art of it being action RPG I definitely recommend this game
First of all I'd like to mention that I was getting rather bored with the JRPG genre. So when starting out with Scarlet Nexus, I was rather sceptical as well due to my stale experiences from the past. HOWEVER: This completely changed as soon as I spent a couple of hours in this game. There were many interesting aspects that made me enjoy both the story and the combat thoroughly. Even though there were also some negatives, they (usually) weren't too game-breaking. If you decide to play the game, I recommend that you play on a controller.
== The Positives: ==
+ The combat gameplay was where I had the most fun. Combat in this game has an interesting learning curve. You'll learn many core mechanics within the first few hours, which can become overwhelming rather quickly. But you will also get the hang of it just as quick as well. While you're in combat and unlock more and more stuff, you'll eventually track multiple progression bars, use different abilities from you and your teammates, and figure out enemy weaknesses too. There are multiple layers in combat which keeps it rather fresh, even when getting close to the end of the game.
+ The story is really interesting. I'm not going to spoil too much, but as a short preview: Even though the main story line follows the classical JRPG-trope of saving the current world, the implementation itself was done sooooo much better. You can experience the story as either of two possible main characters with their own POVs. There are many secondary and tertiary story lines that you'll follow along while going though the main story too. The writing was done in a way that actually made me care. It felt like the world and the story were connected, which increases immersion and care that I would give into the game. For any given chapter, there was revealed enough for interesting plot twists, but not so much that the rest of the story became easily predictable. Lame tropes/cliches were kept to a minimum. In other games it felt more like the world is just a hollow shell for the story, but there was no solid connection between these two.
+ For the above point I'd also like to add this: Even though the story starts off rather 'normal', it goes uphill pretty quickly. From there it only keeps improving. This kept me hooked and glued to the screen.
+ I experienced no performance issues or bugs.
== Neutral/Subjective points: ==
> Cutscenes were traditional cutscenes in the classical way but rather some sort of slideshow with backgrounds, scenes and characters joining and leaving the screen. It's not everyone's taste, but I like that the developers tried something new here which I haven't seen before.
> Even though I really praised the story above, I would like to mention that drawback of the linear story without descision-making is the replayability: Once you've played the main story with one or perhaps even both characters, new playthroughs will become rather boring since you can't influence anything. But I'm also okay with that because not every game needs to support an infinite amount of possible replays.
> Some characters may appear to have annoying properties at the early- to mid-game. But this is necessary to have some top-tier character development later on.
== The Negatives: ==
- Certain Cutscenes - or rather transitions from gameplay to cutscenes - were immersion breaking from time to time. By that I mean that it happened quite often that I literally obliterated the enemies. In the follow-up cutscenes after that, the enemies are then suddenly standing up again and my team is pushed into a corner instead. This disconnection between cutscenes and gameplay felt dissatisfying and therefore bothered me rather frequently.
- Another major annoyance for the cutscenes was the fact that the "skip" and "photo mode" buttons were always visible in the bottom right corner of the screen. I didn't find any options to hide or fade out the buttons from the view. This may sound like spoilt complaining, but it does really annoy in a cutscene-heavy story-driven game that takes between 25 and 70 hours depending on your playstyle and goals.
- The side quests or optional tasks in this game didn't add much value to a playthrough. Many were just like "Kill X monsters while ability Y is active". I didn't grind them explicitly, but when I had the opportunity I tried to finish a task whenever possible.
omg the opening song is fire, the game too, I'm just dealing with a "bit" of skill issue
Voice acting is great, didn't try the Japanese VA. Writing is a bit miss sometime. The story is not too crazy, if you've watch a lot anime from 2012-2016, especially the one with post apocalypse setting, it's pretty much like them.
A lot of charming side story and wholesome interaction with the side character
and also a really good ending, a clear and concise ending
The game itself get somewhat repetitive, I mean a lot of hack and slash also have this problem after couple hours of game play. The game sometimes also put you in the some ridiculous scenario, that often end up in cheap death.
The combat is really fun, the more you get more teammates the more fun it gets.
Overall pretty solid anime hack n slash 7/10
most repetitive gameplay ive ever seen
Fun combat, and the SAS powers are interesting, and let you make the most of your team. A few bugs here, and there, like one that wouldn't let me turn in a quest because I already had the materials.
Dude I wish I'd played this on release. This is way better than the critics had me believe. The combat was weird at first but then becomes a blast, the voice acting is on point, and I actually really like the characters.
good game
game fun
I loved the game and the story. Combat is TOP tier!
Not so fun “game” with a really crazy story almost too crazy and that’s not necessarily a good thing but still quite enjoyable especially the ending, the combat Is fun and diverse with the powers you can use from your fellow comrades of the OSF however I can’t say the same for the combos, It Is cool you can use the SAS system to use some different powers like electricity and fire etc. but It doesn’t feel like enough I feel like having different movesets you could unlock on the brain map with yuito and kasane, would have been a nice touch since making the same 3 combos over and over again gets boring and speaking of boring I really felt like I was watching more of an anime than playing an actual game I felt like the bond episodes were cool at first but then some of them were so long that It felt like a chore I felt I was spending way more time watching and reading than actually playing the game to the point I got desperate to finish the “game” so I could move on, and play another thing, It felt like you played for 30 minutes and right after you finish a mission you have like 1 hour of bond episodes where our Incest simp Yuito Is mesmerized every time by his nonchalant half sister, or Is helping his comrades with the power of FrIeNdShIP, I get It It’s a way to give personalities and uniqueness but our MC It’s too much of a rainbow, apart from all the corniness It Is still a pretty ‘decent’ game but the levels felt repetitive, to the layouts and designs and even our enemies the “others” for me there was really no wow factor apart from the story crazy loops and there were a lot to the point where I had to stop and ask myself what I was playing, one second you are fighting along side your crew members but then the people you fight for are collecting brains and people from the moon and so on. but just like the movesets the levels are repetitive and bland, but It Is still unique In a way so I’ll give It that, so despite this being more an anime/manga than an actual game I would still recommend It depending on the person who asks since It does has It’s charm from the cool psionic powers you can use, but for the majority of people I would not be able to recommend this game, It Is definitely far from being good, I would say It’s an alright game 5/10 from me
And PS
Why would you show such a cool power like Fubuki’s psionic ice power and not let us use It, pretty lame and also who calls a very extensive and knowledgeable data archiving mega system “BABE”? Seriously?
You'll find more entertainment value in Amy Schumer's videos than in this game's plot. Other than that the combat is pretty nice.
nice game
Finally finish the game with 1st protagonist. Story line 10/10. Game play and fighting mechanic 10/10. Beautiful environment and characters. It may take time to get used to the overall game mechanic but it really worth it. Post game really worth it... many unlockables and new game + so many things to explore. Recommended game. 10/10 star game.
Barely an hour into the game, and already incredible sick and tired of the cut scenes. Holy shit there is just way too many. If you like cut scenes this game is for you. If you do not like cut scenes it is not worth, even on sale
Great game overall but flawed with some questionable design choices, especially towards the end of the story.
My first impression of this game was that somebody had played NieR: Automata and decided to make their own take on it in a futuristic setting and more anime - the monsters are some weird creatures made out of real world items just merged together and you become part of a defence force that fights them and protects humanity. The storyline overall is pretty good, I definitely liked the world building (albeit it's lacking in a few places), the playable characters and party members are great, music is great and the story presentation visually is also pretty nice - I think they came up with a good visual style overall.
I do have to commend the animation team as well. There's a team bond system here (very simplistic - trade your materials for a gift and give it to increase bond level) and when you give gifts the team members will keep them on their dedicated desks and from time to time you can see them interacting with those gifts or just go about their day doing other things like exercising, cooking, or just lounging on a sofa. It's a small attention to details but it was nice to see that gifts weren't just a checkbox on a list but actually is something that characters could interact with. Not to mention that the bond stories themselves are quite nice - they don't drag on too much and provide really strong benefits for you in combat.
The combat starts off a bit simple but once you get access to more party members it really opens up and becomes really quite enjoyable. It is the opposite of enjoyable in sections where they take away your party members and you have to fight by yourself, though, because it's obvious that the gameplay is centered around using the powers of your party members alongside your own (luckily this doesn't happen often). It does also feel like a Star Wars game if it was more anime, since your main power is literally grabbing stuff and throwing it at enemies Jedi: Fallen Order/Force Unleashed style.
If I had to really complain about one thing then I'd say is that the last 2 phases (chapters) of the game feel like they were designed by a different team because they have long gameplay sections that drag on and on for literally no purpose, felt like padding for the sake of padding instead of trying to make a climactic end of the story.
I'd say that if you've played NieR: Automata you can expect a "lite" version of it. It's a great game with a good story, good characters and some really cool gameplay mechanics overall dragged down by some weird design decisions that just made me question how did they not get caught in internal testing. I'll definitely finish the second playthrough to see the other side of the story and might also check out the anime adaptation too (there's even a little side quest related to it!).
Worth the money best game I have played in a while. Also I have yet to see the anime and rarely play jrpg games.
Whole lotta red and a whole lotta my wife not getting any action in bed because I play it to much. Fuck you Linda I'm not getting off this game to give you the best 5 min weinering of your life.
#futurewidow #divorse #ineedalawer #shewilltakeeverything
I haven't played many jrpg's, but this one is super fun and got me to check out the anime. I like that there are 2 characters and I tried both, but now leaning more for Yulto with his cool sword sheathing animation. The combo's of telekinesis and melee feel great.
Awesome graphics, rad and super fun combat system, engaging story. Whats not to like?
although the story is the same as an anime the way the game tell you is the best i'll recommend playing this game first then watch the anime
good story, good mechanic, not repetitive, very good
My only complaint is the camera issues in some areas and the side missions from civilians ( not companions ) are meh
Well loved pretty much everything about the game than my issues listed above
Game ran smoothly at 4k 100 fps on a 3080.
0 Crashes in 90 + hours
Game renders all cutscenes in real time on your rig so all the character customization carry over and it looks really great
Gameplay and combat is amazing once you get the feel of it, personally prefer Yuito's combat style
Imo best played with a controller since there is alot of dialogue to sit back , relax and enjoy the experienc.
Don't buy it if you're not used to reading manga/comics as most of the story / companion quests is told via a comic like hybrid cutscenes.
This is not a normal character action game, it's a weird Tales Of and character action game hybrid.
It has all the stylings of an action game but that Tales of feel is so strong it makes trying to play it like on frustrating. Mainly it's being extremely animation locked to the point where during an attack animation some enemies and bosses can start an attack and hit you before yours finishes.
It requires an adjustment to a play-style unique to this game, and after making it I've come to enjoy the systems and mechanics.
On Hard I have become very frustrated with some of the bosses. Overall damage is very high 2-3 hits is dead, Strange perfect dodge timings that still don't feel intuitive and natural. My god the group npc fights can be a nightmare with characters teleporting and throwing projectiles at you all at the same time, which can lead to an unlucky combo that kills you.
I'm very negative here but dying doesn't lose you anything, it's not a soulslike thank god, and learning the fights over multiple tries has been equal parts enjoyable and frustration.
Story is decent, I am intrigued enough to keep playing and my curiosity got me past the rough start of not knowing what kind of game this was. Characters are anime and a little tropey but they are likable and steer clear of any unbearable tropes.
i will be honest
i cracked this game when its released
played so much the cracked version and decided to buy the game
like the graphic and gameplay
Loved the story, Combat felt fluent and smooth for me! ending wasn't as I expected and that's one of the great things about it!
Final Grade: C-
Scarlet Nexus is a third-person action JRPG set in an original Sci-Fi universe, featuring two parallel single-player campaigns from the perspectives of different characters. The game takes place in a distant future Earth where monsters and a hostile storm have rendered large portions of the planet uninhabitable and the last refuges of humanity are held up in a handful of cities dotted over the landscape, where teenagers with super powers are recruited by a techno-fascist totalitarian government as weapons to use against the monster threat.
If you saw that description and went "Wait, isn't that just the plot of every sci-fi anime ever made?", you're somewhat correct; it feels like this game had team of writers where the majority aspired to create the most generic anime game ever made, and one dude had completely bonkers ideas on where to take the story who occasionally got a say.
So we end up with a game that lightly touches on themes of authoritarian control of media, trans-humanism, environmentalism, human experimentation, drug addiction, government assassination, the consequences of time travel, religion, social conditioning, mind control, cultural differences, self-improvement, and whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza, but none of it really gets explored before the story has already moved on to the next thing. It feels aimless, like it wanted all these things to be in its grand epic tale but didn't really have a reason to include them other than thinking it would be cool.
[Disclaimer: I played on "Hard" difficulty, because I'm a manly man] The combat is serviceable; light-attack, heavy-attack, dodge, special power, ally support, and not one but two super modes, a super mode you will barely notice that activates on its own once you kill enough enemies, so you will never be able to control when you have it; and a second super mode you enter manually, with an elaborate opening animation that exists solely to accidentally waste it on the last enemy of a combat section and make you feel super embarrassed as you watch your character scream in indescribable agony, inserting giant cables in their head and spine, only to one-hit KO a small yappy dog and immediately exit the power-up mode.
The enemy designs and variety are pretty good, a strange combination of plants, animals, and household objects, but it can be very difficult to read their movements because they're so alien, and a few of the moves they can do feel kinda unfair; if you didn't bring specific ally supports with you on a mission, your only recourse is to either chug down health potions like they're free or embrace your new life as a floor rug. A lot of them have armored bits or require attacks from certain body parts, certain elements, or specific directions, and the best way to know exactly what you need is to already have played the level and know ahead of time what enemies will appear.
The psychokinesis is worth a mention, as it's meant to be woven in and out of combinations, but you don't really have a lot of control of where the attacks come from or where and when they will land, which sometimes mean they hit before an enemy is vulnerable, and sometimes it forgot to update the card it uses for Amazon Prime and hits the enemy 3-5 business days after they stopped being vulnerable.
Outside of the combat, the only other mechanic is hangout sessions with your party members, a la Persona, Fire Emblem, Mass Effect, etc. Because these hangout sessions are backloaded onto story chapters, and because you have no way of knowing ahead of time which party members will be available, it kinda ends up killing the story's pacing as you trudge from one party member to the next, organizing your gift collection, re-watching the unskippable gift-giving animation, and then trying to track them down again either to give them another present or do their hangout sesh, because for some reason they move every time the hangout area loads. By the time you have the full roster, you will be watching anywhere between 8-12 hangout cutscenes between each story mission. And you *need* to do this if you want their support abilities, because they're locked behind affinity scores.
It wouldn't be so bad if they were actually interesting characters, but they don't really have anything else to them beyond a surface level description of their character traits. Childhood friend. Quiet girl who's socially awkward and hyper-fixated on an specific interest. Big sister character obsessed with being the caretaker of everyone in eyesight. Guy who is an asshole but still inexplicably gets invited to all the birthday parties. Guy who gets called "Old man" because he's in his mid 20s. Guy who wants to be seen as masculine but hasn't considered that the first step might be to stop wearing short-shorts that show off his bare legs.
Oh, and the side quests suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
I can't think of a worse way to implement side quests aside from hiring someone in real life to punch the player in the stomach each time they attempt one. You have to hunt down icons in the hub area when you have no reason to revisit it, receive an extremely plain description from a nameless NPC, who describes they either want a specific number of a specific item, or they want you kill a specific number of enemies in an extremely specific way. You do the thing and then you press a button on the menu, marking it complete, at which point you receive 5 dollars and an item you already have 30 of.
But the mechanics don't allow for the kind of precision the quests demand; frequently asking for a specific enemy to be hit with an extremely limited, specific attack as the killing blow. But enemies are not perpetually vulnerable, and frequently you'll find the attack you're supposed to kill them with leaves them with a sliver of health that your ally support NPC takes down with a spitball, and now the only way to try again is to fast travel to a new area, fast travel back, and then track down the specific enemy you need again.
The visual design, in contrast, is really good. The environments manage to make even industrial areas, deserts, and snowy mountains look wondrous and evocative. The level design allows for some exploration, with ally support abilities allowing you to find secrets and extras within each level, but for the most part the levels exist to connect same-y monster arenas to one another, and it feels like they could've done more with the traversal.
TL;DR Scarlet Nexus is an extremely "okay" game, almost aggressively generic aside from it's visual design. But when everything about it is only "okay", the small annoyances I had with the pacing, the combat, the quest design, the forgettable characters, add up to a big fat "I'm not having fun and I don't want to play this game anymore". Maybe check it out if it's on a steep sale and you've been diagnosed with a terminal disease whose only treatment is consuming media that's inspired by the plot of Evangelion.
Very nice gameplay, but some abilities, attacks or stuff are set too some weird buttons. 8/10
I was genuinely surprised by this game. i genuinely enjoyed the story, especially the ending of the MP story as it just left my jaw on the floor. feel good anime adventure..... definitely some heart string tugging going on here though so bring tissues for a few scenes.
to get the ultimate weapons, the highest grade content, to 100% this game is beyond ridiculous. i am very much a completionist but when i have to beat the game DOZENS of times to get everything i need? nope. done. thanks for the story. i'm out. i wanna be able to get the ultimate stuff BEFORE i finish the game, not after.
do i recommend it? totally. but if you have that itch for completionist type games, don't start this journey you will hate yourself. I beat the MP's story line, started the FP's and just uninstalled when i realized its the same story from slightly different points of view.
that being said.
story: 10/10
gameplay: 8/10
there are some serious platforming issues in sections, as well as massively cheap deaths and skill ceilings making this game a pain in the butt for anyone with motor control issues. luckily the options has a few ways to combat this a smidge.
graphics: anime niche is what it is.
time investment: HEAVY.
Even though there are quite a lot of cut scenes, the game is fantastic. If you want more of a game experience, I would definitely play on hard. But if you want more of the story, play normal or easy.
TL;DR its just okeyish, buy it only at a heavily discounted price (85% or more), totally skipeable game
Not being open world is a serious drawback for this kind of games, also cut scenes are not actual scenes, but extremely long interactions between avatars and static pictures, AND THERE TONS OF THEM!! Most of the gameplay experience is actually going trough these kind of interminable dialogues
Battle dynamics are kinda cool, and the story is intriguing, but the progression is messed up. Like, how many times do I have to fight the exact same characters with the intent to kill them and still NOT F*CKING DO IT?! Also, for an RPG-like game, the customization and character improvement are very boring and linear—just buying stuff or hoping to get the materials for new weapons, which don't have much design or special skills beyond adding some attack points.
Hope the anime is at least good, cus there are some prices you could get by watching it
good game got on sale. Anything that reminds me of blade runner . Good combat also,
The game combat feels so good and the visuals are top notch 10 out of 10
had to uninstalled since the gameplay is fun but some of the things you need skill points to unlock absolutely baffles me like I have to use some to continue combo continue to hit the enemy while the enemy on the ground, the ability to double jump cannot say I recommended at the base price.
The 3d model and graphics are good, and the combat system is great. However the continuous interruptions of cut scenes, bad camera, and the long loading time make me hate the game at many times. Also, the game feels like a number of arenas, you fight, get the next cut scene, go to next arena, and so on.
I am afraid I can not recommend this game.
I combo'd a boss so hard they got stuck on top of a telephone pole. As a DMC veteran, I approve.
Scarlet Nexus is a weird game. It has extremely high ups and extremely low lows in both gameplay and story.
Get this game on sale and enjoy it for what it is.
Genuinely one of the greatest games I've ever played and the story is a masterpiece. I don't want to spoil anything but its a hell of a ride. Very underrated game that I played when it first came out on my xbox and now I'm replaying on my pc. But make sure you have a controller to connect or else the game is fairly difficult with keyboard.
I Like the story and VA its fun gameplay gud
The game's narrative is a little cliche and kinda repetitive since other anime's/games had a similar and excessive time travel story, although I still generally like it since it does have some aspect that can differentiate itself from other anime's/game stories. The game play is REAL good and smooth, enjoyed all the mechanics and abilities, also loved the graphics. Its like a realistic Japan landscape with a technological dystopia type of vibe to it. Overall its like a solid 7.5/10 in my book
One of my favourite combat systems once you start unlocking more and more skills.
Combat was fun, making you feel very powerful. The art and enemy design were TOP NOTCH! Loved the word of Scarlet Nexus.
== Issues ===
- Wish the maps were less desolate/barren/repetitive (a repetitive issue with their JRPG games)
- The social sim aspect was VERY tedious... used WeMod to just spawn supplies and would commit to hour sit downs here an there to dig through all of it :L very tedious and annoying! (So thankful for WeMod for making it even possible for a casual like me!!!)
- Enemies were repetitive (more variety or a shorter game needed)
- Like their previous JRPG games, feels like they were under staffed for the "play-time" they aimed for... Wish more games would follow suit of "The Order: 1886" and prioritize content over play time. I don't mind a short game... but I know people would throw a fit if they didn't get to waste a surplus of their valuable time/life playing content.. even if its just copy-paste. (Rant aside, great game!)
This game is really fun. i love the story behind it.
i would love to see the devs make another game showing Kasane's trip to the moon and Yuito cleaning up New Himuka. thats a part of this story i would love to see.
Definitely a hidden gem among games that blend together action-adventure and RPG elements. I genuinely felt invested in stepping into the shoes of the playable characters more often than not, and the combat was more often a hit than it was a miss.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | BANDAI NAMCO Studios Inc. |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 78 |
Отзывы пользователей | 87% положительных (4998) |