Разработчик: Bad Bird Studios
Inhumanus is a story-based Sci-Fi single player / co-op (up to 4 players) virtual reality shooter. You will use a variety of guns to survive in a secret underground complex full of aliens, robots, and mutants. You will be forced to go deeper into the dangerous facility in order to discover its purpose, and in search of a way home.
The campaign contains 14 levels and should take about 8-10 hours to complete.
There are 21 guns scattered throughout the campaign, as well as 2 secret unlockable uber guns.
In addition to the campaign, Inhumanus also features a mode called "The Descent", the perfect mode for those who need a break from the campaign and just crave some action.
"The Descent". The test of a true space marine. No story, just combat. Delve lower and lower into the facility filled with beasts, robots, and mutants. Earn more powerful weapons and face more fearsome foes as you progress deeper. Each level is randomly generated and features 5 different themes with matching enemies. The descent features 15 of the game's guns and 22 of the game's enemies.
Inhumanus has a choice between trackpad movement, traditional teleport, and a trackpad/teleport hybrid movement. Roomscale with 360 degree tracking is highly recommended, although not required. Users can easily turn with the click of a button, and Rift users have additional rotation options.
Inhumanus can now be played with a flat monitor and Mouse/Keyboard, but VR is highly recommended.
We have added some new features since launch. These features include:
- Option for easy mode. Enemies do less damage and take fewer shots to kill.
- Normal mode is now easier as well.
- Added a hard mode, which represents the original difficulty when the game was first released (was too hard for most players)
- Option for hardcore mode. Enemies take fewer shots to kill, but do MUCH more damage.
- Option for arcade reload. With this option enabled, you can reload your weapons with a button push rather than manually reloading them by hand.
- Option for extra light. With this option enabled, dark levels will have extra lighting so they are not pitch black.
- Option to skip levels. Stuck on a level that is too scary/too hard? You can now skip to the next level. That way, you can experience the whole game even if you are unable to play the scarier levels.
- Cheats codes/2 uber guns. They must be unlocked first!
- Secret collectible objects added to each level. Collect them all to unlock certain cheat codes. Some are quite hard to find!
- Traditional teleport locomotion.
- New level: Space. In this level, you will be piloting a small space ship (fighter). More bonus levels are coming soon!
- New level: Landing Bay. This is an endgame level, so it is quite challenging.
- New level: Mech. Another challenging endgame level. Take control of a mech suit and mow down hoards of enemies.
- New FINAL level: Destruction.
- The new action mode "The Descent".
- 3 New enemies, the "Seeker" drone, the "Shredder" drone, and the "Heavy" drone (which is a mini boss).
- Extra turning controls, including incremental and continuous turning with the trackpad/thumbstick.
- Mouse / Keyboard mode.
- 4 new campaign guns.
- Upped the co-op from 2 to 4 players.
Available for Arcades on SpringboardVR
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS: Windows 10
- Processor: Intel i5-4590, AMD FX 8350 equivalent or better.
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970, AMD Radeon R9 290 equivalent or better.
- Storage: 10 GB available space
- VR Support: SteamVR. Standing or Room Scale
Отзывы пользователей
I do not like writing bad reviews. If you are going to go to the trouble, time, effort, and expense of releasing a title that boasts what this title boasts...well...it might be a better idea in the future to find some way to maintain it. I am uninstalling the game now. Best of fortune.
Experienced on the Meta Quest 2. Link Cable.
I gave up on this game after about an hour. I just didn't like the combat. The further you get in the game, the more you'll see enemies just spawn out of nowhere and you're just overwhelmed so you just have to run & gun. Sometimes enemies do get behind cover, but otherwise they usually just run straight towards you. You are usually running out of ammo or having to reload (although you can use a low powered laser gun that has infinite ammo & no reloads). It just wasn't fun.
Beware: make sure you can touch the ground as you'll need to pick up a keycard and if your height isn't properly set, you won't be able to pick it up. You do have full locomotion, teleportation, smooth & snap turning available. You can play seated, but you'll be too low to the ground.
Rate 5/10. I can give this game a neutral recommendation at only .99 cents. Sadly, I paid more than .99 cents.
i really like the game so far! the weapons feel good, the combat is pretty engaging especially in the bigger arenas. i like the level design and the atmosphere. it's extremely cheap for what it is. the level of polish of some things is pretty low but it doesn't reduce my enjoyment. i think i'm about 50% into the game. but i'm not sure.
Neutral Recommendation. I refunded, because I couldn't manage to start the game, I was stuck in the lobby. When I was in the lobby, I felt a little motion sickness while moving in that small area. So, I gave up finding a solution to fix the game's issues. The subtle music in the background was good, though.
bad index controls
Inhumanus is clearly an indie VR game. No doubt about that. The graphics are very plain and outdated. Computerized voices are used for voice overs. There are several huge colored bubbles in front of you to place inventory items. Teleportation is terrible with only being able to travel a few feet at a time. And then you have to keep switching to free locomotion to traverse some areas with hills. You run out of ammo quickly and often and reloading is a pain. The menu on the left arm is upside down on the Oculus Rift-S. Getting close to objects pushes you back, which induces nausea with me. The whole experience feels clunky, unpolished, and awfully boring.
Very nice game! I love the realistic loading (though towards the end or in Descent mode, you will want the Arcade style reload instead). Most of the bad guys do the same thing (come straight after you), but there's some nice varieties as you progress through the story. Even one I've never seen before in any game (a bad guy that slows down your bullets, unless you have lasers). Story is a little cheezy, but that's not why you play this game. You play to shoot up hordes of bad guys that are strategically placed to give you a challenge. And every now and then you get thrown a curve ball as well.
Most of the bugs in the game have been worked out. The few that remain are minor and definitely don't take away from the fun! Some might have trouble with the gripping of the guns (it works like a toggle), but you get used to it and eventually it becomes 2nd nature.
It's awesome that you can have a co-op game like this (up to 4 people) for such a price! Just make sure you have a friend for that...you won't randomly find people to co-op with. To me, with all the features, configurations, and game-play, this game could easily be worth $30. Yeah, the graphics aren't the best, but the gameplay is a lot of fun. I find myself going back to play the Descent mode by myself on a harder difficulty from time to time.
As of the time of this review, I've put 40 hours into this game (according to Steam)!! Well worth the price. :-)
Basic shooter. Full length game. In VR. I'm enjoying this. But there are moments when I want to abandon it in frustration.
It's not bad for the price. A lot of work certainly went into it, and you have oodles of controls to get used to while training. Personally, I just don't have a lot of time to spend with mediocre games. There are little glitches, like not being able to pick up things because I can't reach the game floor through my real floor, or my belt storage gets in the way. The visuals and sound lacks polish (expected for the price). Ducking and reloading did not work well with my three scanners, as they couldn't see my hand actions very well (excellent reload system, though). AI is dumb like truck.
had to come give this a quick review- I give it a thumbs up for a combination of reasons. At the current asking price (5$ it's a steal and at even at 10$ it's fair) there is a good amount of content and it checks all the boxes that more devs should be pursuing in a single title: action, fps, coop, campaign. Yes the visuals and such are dated, but again it's one dev and they've done an admirable job. It's worth the 8hrs it takes to complete.
Graphics - meh
Sound - alright
Price - excellent
Gameplay - fun
Overall - Worth it
12 out of -5432 : Will play again
Tripped over this one as I was browsing for something new. The preview looked a bit like an aliens movie so I figured it couldn't be too terrible. I have found it to be one of my more enjoyable FPS for VR. It's a simple design that easy to play when you are already tired from playing beat saber for 2 hours straight.
The graphics are workable if not ok. I have no trouble seeing what I am supposed to be shooting at an discerning what in the environment I can interact with. They feel reminicent of one of the many shooters that came between HL and HL2.
The lighting is dark in places, but the flashlights work quite well. Going through vents can get a bit tense especially later on when the vents can have enemies coming from many different angles. Other than dark places and passable light effects, don't expect blockbuster results.
Sound is decent. Nothing special, but I can hear where enemies are coming from and a little ambience besides. The weapons sounds nice. Firing the sub-machine gun sounds nice with short little burst of pops. The enemy weapons are loud, with the exception of turrets that fire bullets. They could be a bit meatier I suppose.
I bought this at 5 dollars USD. I have already played over an hour. That's less than an hour at a laser tag place and I don't need to put up with screaming children or angsty teens trying too hard to impress their friends.
The gameplay is where this really shines. It doesn't do anything unique, but the way it does it is well polished. There are ample objects to take cover behind. How you take cover is up to you. I found myself crouching behind boxes, leaning around corners, everything but low crawling. The enemies resond to your movements and fire at any part of you that is exposed.
The AI seems pretty simple and functional. Enemies shoot at you when they can. Some of them take cover, some of them just charge you blasting away as quickly as they can. The combination of these can throw off your balance and make an encounter more frenetic than you expected when you started.
My only complaint is that the gunplay doesn't seem as friendly to left handed players as it is to right handed players. I didn't see any option to flip the inventory so that I didn't have to reach across myself to grab the next magazine. It's a minor complaint and I was able to adapt quickly.
All together this is a fun walk through some futuristic settings replete with dark corridors, aliens crawling up your legs, and homicidal machines out for your blood. You don't need a ton of space to play, but you may need to at least be willing to stand up. It seems like picking things up of the floor could be a problem if you're in a chair.
*obligatory number*
12 out of -5432 : Will play again
Unfortunately, this game lacks a significant amount of polish. It takes an inordinate amount of time to load. Twice it loaded with my hands frozen in the ground forcing me to restart, its menu is clunky and unintuitive, and I didn't even have a clear indication of how to start the singleplayer campaign. There were two buttons labeled 'the ship' and 'the descent', and I figured that the menu was the ship so maybe the descent would start the game. Instead I was tossed into some kind of seemingly endless corridor or low poly monsters...
Tried again another day, started with 'the ship', and while this was clearly a more narrative focused campaign level, I only lasted about 10 underwhelming minutes. Scale was way off and inconsistent, narration was uncomfortably drab, aesthetics were ugly, and the motion used to chamber a round in the starting pistol causes the Vive wands to collide uncomfortably. Enemies were boilerblate sci-fi goo-gas that walk towards you mindlessly, and I ran out of ammo before I got to see anything interesting. Worst of all, the game has a flaw common to a lot of amateur VR titles, in that leaning over an object, like a desk or a box, pushes you backwards. Within the first minute I was awkwardly leaning my head back and my arm forward to try to pick up the first ammo box.
If this game has any interesting story or level design, I didn't get to see it, and unfortunately I don't have the time or patience to wade through the awkward flaws and get to it. The game feels like the beginnings of a semi competent student project, and might be a stepping stone for a burgeoning developer on the road to something worthwhile, but it simply does not currently have any 'hook' to lift above the hordes of other VR shooters available today, and has plenty of snags to drag it down.
I have only played Inhumanus a little. But I think that some points already stand out that I can say about the game, so that it might get a proper review score on steam :)
I might update the review in the future as I play.
- The gun play feels really well refined
- No bugs at all so far
- Interestingly weapon reloading is a lot of fun. It never feels punishing, but fair.
- The cover-based shooting works well
- Enemy variety is good, each type needs own considerations
- Story is ok so far, not that exciting
- The environmental is mostly in hallways, but not too repetitive
- The inventory system is really nice and intuitive to use
- I can never play this game longer than 45 minutes, because the movement system gives me a headache
- Stationary enemy types become boring after a while, since one can just duck behind a corner and hold the weapon outside without ever taking damage
- The short parts in total darkness somewhat suck, but also Horror games were never quite my thing
- As others have said the graphics feel like out of the nineties, but that’s just fine with me as the game runs very smoothly.
[*]It took me like 20 minutes to figure out how to use the in-game menu (called “watch”).
For me buying Inhumanus was definitely worth while so far. General mechanics are great and they carry the games through the weaker parts, like the story.
I will mess around with the teleporting system a bit more to try to play for longer sessions. Just recently a friend of mine got a VR Headset, so I might get to try out the Co-op, which I am super excited about.
Game improved considerably after the update, it still needs some polishing at some points, but the story is enjoyable, the mechanics work as they intended.
It definitively is an Indie Game, but it shows that a lot of effort has been poured into this, and the big difference the update made, means the devs arent finished with it yet.
Biggest complain is Audio related, i feel it could improve the most (there is a place where an enemy breaks through a wall and it was pretty intense... except the audio was very very "dull", just to mention 1 place i felt audio was lacking).
Overall recommended, its a nice single player (coop) campaign of a considerable length, more than a couple of different enemies, small but effective array of weapons... pretty decent.
terrible - boring -
Not a bad game for 8 bucks. I've played all the way to the Escape level in Coop and its been fun. I like it far better when playing with a friend. It gets a bit difficult at times playing solo. The dev is still very active for this game so its not one of the many "dead" games offered for VR. I did find some glitches here and there but nothing too crazy. This game needs to be run on at least a 1070 graphics card though. Don't get the game unless your system meets the minimum requirements.
I really think this game has potential. I got this game because it is one of the few coop VR games out there. It is a Doom(seriously like the original 2D version)-like dungeon crawler style game. I personally love the graphics style(kinda 90's) and if Doom scared the crap out of you this will too. There are some cool android enemies and some drones and cool weapons too. It also has a good amount of playable hours for a VR game. Thats the good part.
I think Inhumanus needs a bit more polishing to clean up things like the way to retrieve a item accidentally dropped on the ground or slightly out of reach(pointing a finger and getting within inches to pick up??), a door that opens with a keycard and closes up before you get in and enemies come thru walls and such(level 3 medical), being able to walk thru walls and get trapped outside the map(lvl3 medical door and hallway in same area), very pixeled and laggy in some areas(may be due to my 1060 graphics card though) etc. My game crashes at this point and I can't play beyond so I'm bummed. I feel like this game was built by a one-man-show. If thats the case it's still pretty amazing. I would be interested in knowing what it would take to bring this game to the next level. I returned the game but will totally buy it again for full price if some of these game breaking bugs were fixed. I really hope the dev keeps working on this game.
Update: Dev contacted me and all the listed issues(except walking thru some walls) are due to poor performance on my core i5 w/nvidia 1060. I guess you need to have at least a 1070 graphics card. I am now running the game on a computer that meets the minimum and it is running perfect.
Update 07 Dec 2018:
The developer has implemented smooth turning for the Oculus Touch, and for myself, it has turned the completely around for me.
I'm not saying the game surpasses (for example) Doom 3 BFG VR, but with no fighting the controls on basic movement, I can enjoy what the game has to offer finally.
The game is very DOOM-like in it execution, and does the job well. So far I have only run into 4 kinds of enemies (flying drones, bugs, some lizard-type creature, and gun turrrets). The gun turrets allow you to tackle them via smooth locomotion or roomscale, which is a nice feature.
I'm not sure what else I'm going to run into, but I'm now looking forward to it.
Original Review:
The game is a type of homage to old-school DOOM gaming, with an endearing art style, that while not appearing state-of-the-art, has a colorful charm not unlike that of watching an Adam West Batman tv episode.
I've currently made it to a portion where I've dropped into a dark sub-level where minature versions of the Crawlers from Kong: Skull Island seem to reside (I've also played the tutorial). Here are my impressions to date:
- The control scheme desperately needs both a revamped snap turning implementation, and a option for smooth turning. Having both natural locomotion and the button to do some form of snap turning, on the same Oculus Touch controller (in this case, the left controller), is counter-intuitive to myself. That you have to press the button, point in a direction, and then release to face that direction feels clumsy, and completely breaks the immersion for myself.
Why the non-dominant hand joystick (in my case, the right Oculus Touch Controller) cannot be used for either smooth turning (my personal preference), or for snap turning in either direction, does not make sense to me.
- The 'living' enemies I've encountered so far are very generic in appearance, and seem to come at you in a very straightforward direction. On occassion, those Samurai Jack type of Beetle-bugs come out of unexpected areas.
- The turrets do their fine job of annoying you, and I find are usually best dispatched thru the use of room scale.
- The ability to select/de-select a gun is confusing, because if you don't de-select it correctly, the ability to grab an item (e.g., ammo, id card) is blocked. I know how to get around it now, but it feels like a 5-step process where a 3-step process is more than enough.
- The overall feel of the game is tough to nail down for myself. Very DOOM-like, but so far no distinct personality I can attribute to it yet. That may be simply because I've only gotten through an hour of the game.
At this stage, I cannot recommend the game, even at the sale price, because I'm spending too much time working around the controls to enjoy what the game has to offer.
I'm going to hang around a little bit, and see how the developer responds to these concerns, but this game is close to being refunded.
A suprisingly immersive little game - worth the asking price especially when on sale. There are problems with some of the design choices though (the belt slots are a bit irritating) and it does seem a bit sparse at times. (If you are expecting a AAA title then you are expecting way too much from a small developer.) Also, the guns seem a bit oddly balanced; mostly because the backup gun (unlimited ammo) seems to be the go to more often than the powerful guns. Reloading the normal guns (with the belt slots as they are) can cause you to go down failry quickly when a hoard comes at you. I found myself accidentally switching guns or putting them away because the slots are a bit funky and buggy on your waist.
The graphics are not going to blow you away but they get the job done - sometimes they look very good and other times they look just "OK". Sound is also a mixed a bag with it ranging from very creepy to a bit cheesy (which is fine since it fits the mood of the game).
It isn't going to redefine anything but it does what it does fairly well - it is like being in an old cheesy FPS shooter from the 90's with some 80s Sci-Fi thrown in. Except it is in VR! Nothing great here but so far, overall, it has its charms. I also see the developer is active and adding content so it is well worth checking out. I defintely found enough to like here to give it a positive rating overall.
UPDATE: The developer has already pushed out an update to address the belt slot issue I mentioned. It is great to see an active developer who takes suggestions seriously.
Fist off I didn't mind the game. It was paced well and it was just the right lvl of challange to keep me playing until the end. It took me 7.6 hours to finish the game on the default difficulty setting.
Everything worked as it should and there were no game breaking bugs and it has co-op.
Buuuuuut...it's dated. The graphics, assets, mobs, the space scene, trees that dance when you move your head, it's all...old. Like it should have come out 7 months after launch.
Which would be fine if the story was kick ass....but it's not. There is more story on the store page than the game. What little back story there is is told through pointless quips and sporadic tablets lying about. Ultimately it's forgettable.
All of which could be forgiven...if it wasn't 30 bucks.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Bad Bird Studios |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 24.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 65% положительных (20) |