Разработчик: Worldwalker Games LLC
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Об игре
Wildermyth — процедурно генерируемая тактическая ролевая игра. Как и в лучших настольных ролевых играх, Wildermyth дает вам возможность выбора и реагирует на каждое ваше решение последствиями, которые меняют ваших персонажей.Возглавьте группу героев, чтобы они выросли из обычных фермеров в легендарных воинов. Боритесь с неожиданными угрозами и диковинными чудищами на интерактивных полях сражений. Разгадывайте тайны и делитесь переживаниями в уникальном фэнтези-сеттинге, в котором суровая реальность и страдания гармонично переплетаются с юмором и личными историями.
Какой миф сотворите вы? Зависит только от вас!
- В каждой игре в уникальных условиях рождаются уникальные герои — как и в настольных ролевых играх. Они стареют, меняются, влюбляются, ссорятся и идут на ужасные жертвы.
- Каждый герой несет в себе свою собственную уникальную историю и индивидуальность, но именно ваш выбор и боевые навыки определяют его путь и исход.
- Все герои когда-нибудь умрут... Но у вас будет возможность спасти своих любимчиков. Вы сможете вернуть их в следующем приключении. А с течением многих жизней мифы, которые вы сотворите, образуют ваш собственный легендарный пантеон.
Невероятный бумажный мир
Забредальние земли — мир, где происходит действие игры, — представляют собой богатый многослойный мир, населенный нарисованными вручную двухмерными персонажами и пейзажами. Здесь нет орков, эльфов или гоблинов, но остерегайтесь драконов-телепатов и механизированной нежити.
Потрясающая проработка персонажей
У ваших героев есть свои уникальная история, личность, внешность и отношения с другими персонажами. И все это может меняться по ходу игры, по мере того как они решают загадки и преодолевают трудности.
Каждый выбор важен
Можно решить, стоит ли герою довериться загадочному волчьему богу, что приведет к ужасающим изменениям в его внешности и боевых способностях. Или можно решить, стоит ли герою заводить роман с сопартийцем, что даст новый вектор развития истории. Встречи и события имеют необратимые, определяющие характер персонажа последствия.
Новый подход к вопросу смерти
Ваш любимый персонаж был сражен щупальцем ужасающего медведя? Выберите, позволить ли герою отступить и получить увечье, что повлияет на его судьбу, или позволить ему погибнуть в лучах славы, чтобы его запомнили на многие века.
Изобретательная тактическая боевая система
Бои в Wildermyth — это командная работа и тщательное планирование, а также творческое использование ваших способностей. Взаимодействие с элементами окружения и атаки с флангов дают преимущества, а использование чар позволяет менять поле боя. Несколько уровней сложности позволят вам настроить сражения под себя.
Совместное прохождение
В совместной игре вы и ваши друзья можете настраивать и управлять своими героями. Рекомендовано играть впятером, хотя в обычной кампании вы начинаете с тремя героями, а четвертого и пятого подбираете по мере прохождения. В игре также есть поддержка Steam Remote Play.
Бесконечная реиграбельность
По мере повышения уровня героев вы можете выбирать боевые способности и решать, какую тактику вы предпочитаете — наступательную или оборонительную. Грубая сила или скрытность? Или вы предпочтете запустить волшебным огнем кому-нибудь прямо в лицо? Процедурная генерация каждый раз дает вам новых героев, новых врагов, новые сюжетные события и новые карты.
Ваш личный пантеон героев
У вас будет возможность настраивать внешность, имена, истории героев и многое другое. Со временем герои стареют и могут уйти на покой, а то и пасть в бою. А некоторые все же сумеют дожить до конца. Вы можете добавить своих любимых героев в наследие и призывать их снова в последующих прохождениях игры. Создавайте свои собственные легенды и делитесь с другими внушающей трепет мощью своих героев.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, simplified chinese, portuguese - brazil, german, spanish - latin america, french, russian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7+
- Процессор: i3 или выше
- Оперативная память: 3 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Open GL 3.2
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- Оперативная память: 3 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Open GL 3.2
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- Дополнительно: Не поддерживает M1 Mac; может нестабильно работать на Rosetta
- Оперативная память: 3 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Open GL 3.2
- Место на диске: 2 GB
Отзывы пользователей
This game has such an interesting story system and the way characters interact. This game could potentially take these mechanics and make an even greater refined system for a future game. I love the depth of character creation and the combat is fun without too much challenge. The game is a casual story filled fun experience. I give it a solid 8/10 as the art style is unique and fitting but not my cup of tea overall I love the game I just wish we had more character classes and our legacy characters were more important or maybe a character family tree would be interesting.
This game is magical. If you have always wanted to play D&D with your friends and need an easy way to do that(so not Baulder's Gate) then this is the game for you. The storylines are fun, the reactions are fun, character creation is fun...it's just joyous. Get in chat together, do the voice of your characters, and enjoy the ride!
The comic book style is perfect for the tone of the game. This is an amazing type of online RPG without the need for a DM. Love this game.
Wildermyth is a fun game with great story campaigns and a fun world to explore. The mechanics have enough depth to keep things engaging without being overwhelming, and the character customization options lead to fun parties full of unique characters. I've enjoyed the game on and off for years, and have been having a lot of fun with the Omenroad 'roguelite' expansion. Would recommend to anyone that wants to scratch that tabletop combat itch without worrying about scheduling conflicts, and the character stories it helps you generate can be surprisingly impactful if you let yourself get invested!
It absolutely breaks my heart to see that Worldwalker has finished development of Wildermyth. It is a beautifully written game that you can relax and enjoy, and is easy to understand and made with more passion than any AAA game I have ever played. I couldn't possibly say enough good things about this game, but I'll leave off with this: this is one of very few games that I could see myself thinking about and playing even 50 years into the future. I wish Worldwalker the absolute best with everything they do in the future, but I would beg on my knees for them to keep making games and keep writing stories like these. Worldwalker, please don't let your story end here.
Remember those old Facebook comics people would generate? This game is a random narrative driven game with an artstyle similar to those old facebook comics. Your characters develop rivalries or romances with your other party members, then have various events unfold around them. The battle system is straight forward and easy but still decent. Overall an enjoyable game, worth picking up during a steam sale.
Incredible and imaginative game! A mixture of strategy and luck, character management, and campaigns that could be finished in a day. But the best part is the writing! Even your "randomly created" characters come alive in the course of a campaign, and the campaigns that have detailed stories are engaging, at times even poetic.
This is a fantastic game. However, the stories aren't exactly what they claim.
From what I heard, the stories are randomly generated every time you play, so you never get the same story twice. This is 100% not true. If you play a campaign a second time, then you will get the same story for that campaign, and it will play out the same way. There are side missions, but those aren't randomly generated either. The game just chooses a story from a list. So, you may get the same side mission twice, and it will play the same way with the same choices. However, there are some unique choices unlocked by certain traits.
Also, you should consider this a visual novel too, because there is a lot of reading, and some missions take it to the extreme. I recently had a side mission that explained the entire backstory of a creature and how one of my characters spent days hatching and following it. I don't remember how long it took to read, but it was at least 15 min. That was just one scene. Fortunately, most missions don't have scenes anywhere near that long, but I don't think any of them need to be that long in the first place. Do I really need the entire life story of my new character's pet's former owner? If you think this review is already too long, then wait till you get the longer stories in this game.
Now, I still highly recommend this game. It has some really neat mechanics, and it's fun to see the characters slowly evolve over time. I just think the devs should've made some of the stories a lot shorter and not advertise them as being "randomly generated."
Fantastic game. Fun solo but the best with a friend or two. Lots of replay value, customization, and experimentation. Love the way your choices impact your individual characters as well as your team dynamics.
Love the stories you can craft with this game, and the gameplay fully supports this. You also form bonds with the characters, which is a huge plus in this kind of game
Fun time telling your own stories, and seeing how they may randomly unfold over time. Just a blast to play through, and highly recommend for those that enjoy a good roleplaying game.
I like the turn based strategy to the game. It brings me back to the days of where you read and then it goes into fights. I like that every so often the enemies get stronger and you can use legacy points which is an interesting concept.
I've been addicted since i first played, my friend and I always voice act the characters ( and we suck at it but that's part of the fun).
Fantastic party game, for those willing to engage.
Great game to play with friends. Lots of unvoiced dialog, so we decided to all (four of us) to voice act the different characters (including narration).
Limited replay-ability though, the combat and skills are very limited. Good for 20-30 hours but not much more.
If they made a Wildermyth 2 with more gameplay depth, would be a brilliant game.
I keep coming back to this game, and it's definitely become one of my favorites.
Whether you're talking about how your characters progress over time, how magic works, the built in stories or 'generic' campaigns, each play through is different and fun. The story elements between battles are also fantastic.
Definitely recommend.
A satisfying multifaceted tactics experience with an interesting storyline. At times the recurring events can become a bit repetitive.
9/10 Immersive story telling with deep RPG elements spanning generations
This is one of the games i keep coming back to like comfort food.
Each run doesn't take a long time but is satisfying all the same
How you take part in the story helps bring players new to RPG and strategy gamers into the fold
This game rocks for adults and children
A wonderful chapter-based fantasy game where you can build customized characters that gradually develop their own legend and story based on your choices. So many events and effects to help you write your characters' stories. Eventually they retire and new characters replace them, including their own children! Great for those who enjoy turn-based combat and in-depth storytelling.
This game is fantastic and keeps surprising me with new content and new story twists. The language is deep and poetic and the combat requires tactical thinking and planning. Each play through is different, even when playing the same campaign. Its truly one of my favorites.
There are no wrong decisions. Wildermyth does an excellent job at incentivising risk and progress. Very impressive example of failing forward. (That said, the script-writing has a lot of room for improvement.)
It's hard to put into words just why Wildermyth is such a fantastic game. Maybe you can point to the solid turn-based tactics gameplay. Or maybe it's flowery writing that falls perfectly into the game's setting. Or maybe it's even the solemn haunting soundtrack that accompanies your party as they battle for their lives.
What I can say for certain is that this is game made with soul and humble passion. It's a game that understands what it's trying to accomplish and gracefully succeeds.
Let's start with the basics. At it's core, Wildermyth is a turn-based tactics game not unlike other in the genre. Though what sets it apart from most other is its presentation. It feels almost like your playing a tabletop RPG where you control a party of self-made adventurers—an aspect that becomes even more profound when play Co-op.
Then we have the story aspect of the game. The games has several campaigns that have an overarching storyline. However, there are hundred of random events that can take place during the campaign that shape an 'transform' your party members. And many of the events are ties to individual character traits and personality guaranteeing that no two runs are ever going to be the same.
Speaking of characters, as campaigns—in-game—usually last longer than a few decades and some of the longer ones last into more that a century. The party that you start with isn't necessarily the party that you'll end with. More that likely, the party you end the campaign with will be the descendants of the original humble few adventurers you began with.
And finally, my favourite part of the game; The Legacy. As you complete campaigns, you can set aside some of your party members to become legacy characters. Theses characters can then be recruited in future campaigns. Initially, Legacy characters start our like any other character and aren't too special. However, each time you promote them to legacy they retain some of their abilities and will be stronger the next time you recruit them.
Imagine a young warrior and his best friends uncovers an ancient threat and vows to fight against it. Their party adventures through the land, they pick up new friends along the way and sometimes—sadly—loses them. They grow together and battle with all the odds against them. They make sacrifices, sometimes mortally and ultimately defeat this ancient evil. Their names become etched in hallowed history.
Now imagine a scenario where your fresh & green party at the start of the campaign stumble into a tavern and are met with this battle-hardened warrior of legend. This warrior joins them on their quest and mentors them throughout their journey. And ultimately sacrifices themselves to save the young adventurers. This warrior and the young warrior of the previous party are one and the same. A legacy shared between generations. These are the kind of stories that you can create with a game like Wildermyth.
Am I saying that each campaign will be an epic story that will rival Tolkien? No. Do you require a bit of imagination to fit these stories together. Most definitely.
"What's my point?" I'm sure you're asking. Well, all I'm trying to say is that Wildermyth is a simple game with moderate systems that allows a player with an imagination to create complex stories. And I think that's the best part of this game.
♪ Something in the woods is very strange... ♪
Wildermyth is a delightful and endearing game. The decisions and paths you allow your characters to take make you invested in the story and the relationships between them, the narration is well done and has plenty of beautiful descriptions. The procedural generation makes each play-through different enough that it rarely feels like the same thing over and over again. And I like that the characters can return in different adventures.
It's just a very fun game to come back to, time and time again. And playing with friends is definitely a fun way to experience the game.
Highly recommended! Wildermyth is a charming procedurally generated CRPG that excels at what it sets out to do. It doesn’t overpromise, and delivers exactly what it aims for.
Amazingly fun game with tons of Replayability, a true gem!
Thank you for the clarification Trekopep, I appreciate you taking time to comment on my review, for that I'm changing my review to recommend the game because I was genuinely surprised you clearly care that much about the game.
To clarify my poorly worded and hastily written prier review, I'm unhappy that there isn't an option in the game (with the exception of modding or using devMode as suggested) to simply update your characters without promoting them after a short Campaign typically in single player where you'll end up with 5 or so characters of which you can only choose 1 to 3 (without hording LP, IF you are playing with legacy characters), HOWEVER I've found by deleting a existing legacy character mid game you can update them without the need to promote them, this has solved my original dilemma, but I'm very grateful for the information Trekopep provided.
Aside form that I do enjoy this game quite a lot, making a character, watching them grow older, having life's and families and either passing in battle or retiring is quite a unique experience. I am sad to see this game's major updates and additions have stopped due to the game being complete, I hope there's a number 2 or continuation on the horizon.
Thank you.
Fun, replayable, challenge variable, great characterization...more than once had a tear in my eye...
This game can be a little rough around the edges and somewhat repetitive, but with mods you can continue enjoying the game for many hours.
Not for me.
The mini stories are boring. Tactical combat is ok at best. Character builds are boring and linear with equipment choice being very narrow and tiered.
I tried to like it and failed.
While there is a lot of reading involved in this game it tells a good story. I really like the concept of your characters growing old and retiring but perhaps having children to carry on in their name later in the game.
I would recommend.
This excellent indie game features random (but tweakable) fantasy characters you play from the beginning of their heroic journey all the way to retirement, with excellent turn-based tactics combat in between great little comics showing how their story progresses.
Multiple pre-made campaigns as well as procedural options, with all sorts of sliders and options and choices that make each game (and character) end up wildly different.
When finished your characters end up in your "Legacy" where they can be re-used from, or show up as random NPCs in your later games!
I'm very, very fond of this game. A bit like comfort food when I need a mellow, fun story of my own to play.
Tried Multiplayer last night and it's great to learn the friend who connected gets access to my DLC while we played. The game even has support for Remote Play Together, which I'll try with someone who doesn't even own the game some time!
This is a seriously impressive achievement in procedural generation; it feels quite close to hand made in terms of richness, the roguelike elements work well and the tactical combat is excellent. Gives a real feeling of both progression and stakes that make it rewarding.
I've gotten so many more hours out of this game than expected upon buying it. It has a surprising amount of depth despite being largely procedurally generated, and produces some epic moments.
A very charming game with plenty of roleplaying opportunities. The combat is fun (on normal, haven't gone higher yet) the stories are interesting and it feels like doing a solo DnD campaign. All around a great game.
It's a good fantasy world with dozens of enemy types across 5 species. Cute little stories alternate with combat, and the number of character builds is huge.
Roleplaying in the literal sense, nice procedural story telling
Breaks my heart not to recommend this game because it checks off so many boxes. However, After almost 45 hours I just simply could not handle the writing anymore. It reminds me of something a moody freshman in an introduction to poetry class would write. It's cringy at it's best and a grammatical mess at its worse.
This is the issue with small indie studios, they're usually great at some things and not great at others. In this instance, the writing was a hard miss. If you like to skip dialogue, then you might like this game as the gameplay loop is a blast and the art is charming. For me, skipping dialogue makes me lose investment in my characters, and reading this games dialogue is like drinking a gallon of spoiled milk.
I hope they hire writers for their next game because I love what they made!
Wildermyth is incredibly story-rich and the stories are definitely not forgettable fluff. Heaps of kudos for the writers. The UI is cute and straightforward, which helps both with the gameplay and with keeping the horrors in the stories where they belong.
It's hard to write a review of this game and not use words like "endearing" and "charming" and "engrossing." I often log in thinking, I'll just play through a couple of combats only to find that I've spent a lot more time in the game than I planned -- and maybe haven't seen a single combat. The connecting stories are long, but they are the real charm of the game, and the writing is effortlessly cool in a way that is so unlike anything I can remember playing. Sentences like, "It has been a thousand years since eyes scraped the walls of this cave" abound... in fact, they are so prevalent that I can't remember them and find myself wanting to write them down and use them as exposition in my own D&D campaign.
If you're really into action, this game may bore you, though I do find the combat satisfying. If you're into story and character and a refreshingly unique comic book style that never feels static (even the order in which frames enter the scene and present dialogue is unique and clever), then by all means get Wildermyth.
My only negative really is that my original party ages and retires, which makes me sad, though the passage of time is also somewhat rewarding because unlike most games, my heroes' efforts do win a decade of peace at the end of each act.
Solid casual tactical RPG. Plays well on a SteamDeck
Economy based on Legacy Points was interesting, as was managing the balance b/w overland actions and PC economy
Wildermyth is one of my favourite games out there.
So what is it?
You play heroes. Build a party. Go through a story. It has high replay value, as the story elements can (and do change). You can adjust the difficulty as you like. You earn legacy points through play. These can be used to recruit new characters or to make up the shortfall when crafting gear.
Also Legacy points can be used to "Promote your Heroes" at the end of a story. Heroes can be added to your Legacy collection. This allows them to be recruited in later games. When promoted at the end of the story, the character is more powerful when brought 'out of retirement'
It is fun looking back over old characters, seeing how much characters can change - both personally and physically.
A fun aspect of the game is the Transformation events. You come across something that alters your character - sometimes removing their ability to wield weapons - but replacing them with potent abilities.
Sometimes too potent. I managed to kill one of my party when they got caught in a rain of meteors that my star-touched character dropped. Stupid Critters and their grapple/drag abilities.
Anyway. Lots of fun. Has Multiplayer that I never played. And apparently Omenroad is fun as well - but I haven't touched the DLC yet.
If you enjoy tabletop RPGs, character building, and heroic fantasy adventures, you'll probably like Wyldermyth. The graphics harken back to a simpler time of tabletop RPGs played with printed paper figures and theater-of-mind antics. It has quite a bit of content - In the 10 hours I've played, I've completed two campaigns, but each has replay value to some degree, and there's still more campaigns for me to explore!
I love that I have the option to create new characters for each campaign OR to bring along my heroes from previous campaigns, building their stories and abilities through multiple adventures. The procedural events make for an interesting method of character-building and storytelling, and so far, I've felt like it's executed quite well.
I do have one criticism, though: the writing can be... rough in places. The odd flow of writing and grammar mistakes make understanding the narrative difficult at times. I have to re-read text multiple times to try and understand what they're trying to say. If I had one suggestion for the game, I'd suggest they get an editor. Otherwise, I enjoy the humor and the vibrant descriptions!
I give Wyldermyth a solid 8.5/10 👍
A very unique game that is a good balance of party RPG fighting, adventure (chose where to go or what to do on the map), decent options within those story points (so the choices are impact to the character), customizations (though I recommend checking out workshop items), and comic-like story. The story itself is sort of predictable, but in a way that it's appealing to someone who wants to check off their favorite tropes.
I do have some thoughts on the "personality" aspect of the characters which I'm a bit confused on how it works (it never really gave much explanation for it).
The story and game-play does get repetitive at a point, especially when it comes to fighting certain monsters, but I feel like there's a good amount of variations for how the "roleplaying" aspect turns out.
I REALLY enjoyed this game. I hope the game devs continue with other series. This formula where all roads are different and beautiful paper doll style would be fantastic in a science fiction setting or pirates or, jeez, anything! Cant wait to see what else they have in store :)
Gave it a solid 80 minutes of gameplay and just couldn't get invested.
Wildermyth is a must have game. In almost every respect it is the best implementation that you will see in a game. It does what it does extremely well and it does not pretend or even create the expectation that it will do something that it doesn't.
Sure, you have to be a fan of the genre, but I can count in one hand the games of this kind that do not let you down in one way or the other while being very good games in general. Wildermyth does everything perfectly. If you like bashing things with your warrior, mage and hunter go for it, it is a different pace than most games but equally rewarding and as far as "value" to "time invested playing" ratio it scores almost infinite.
This game is a breath of fresh air.
I've been burning out on the like 5 or 6 games I've had on rotation for the past few years, and so far I love everything about Wildermyth. The balance of story to combat is right on, the comic book vibe is a lot of fun, and it's nice to play a D&Dish game without needing to learn a whole bunch of systems.
The complexity here is only a few steps north of Pokemon, so it would make a great entry into RPGs for someone who is daunted by eg BG3 or Pathfinder. But as someone who loves the complex games for sure, stepping into these comic book stories that flow like table top D&D when everybody cares more about story than rules is a ton of fun.
Good game! Love the art style, the writing, and the combat. The randomness of the events and their consequences as a game mechanic is something I haven't seen before.
Amazing game worth getting the DLCs as they add many more quests and exploration and new transformations. I recommend it to people of all types including ones with a big imagination
Exploration and realm development is a great part of the game.
Combat can be rough, it's best to focus your teams attacks.
Wildermyth is a masterwork. The character creation and growth systems are great, and the tactical combat can be really interesting and deep. Five enemy factions all behave differently, adding replayability and demand different approaches. Having three diverse character classes that further branch into differing types makes it even deeper.
The transformation system is unique, having character statuses carry during games, and having character legacies carry over between campaigns to build and develop them all add cool depth to the management systems. Add a lush world with strange happenings and wide lore, and you've got enjoyment for hours, days, and weeks.
If you're on the fence, get this game. It's worth your time.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Worldwalker Games LLC |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 21.12.2024 |
Metacritic | 86 |
Отзывы пользователей | 95% положительных (11036) |