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Об игре

Wildermyth — процедурно генерируемая тактическая ролевая игра. Как и в лучших настольных ролевых играх, Wildermyth дает вам возможность выбора и реагирует на каждое ваше решение последствиями, которые меняют ваших персонажей.

Возглавьте группу героев, чтобы они выросли из обычных фермеров в легендарных воинов. Боритесь с неожиданными угрозами и диковинными чудищами на интерактивных полях сражений. Разгадывайте тайны и делитесь переживаниями в уникальном фэнтези-сеттинге, в котором суровая реальность и страдания гармонично переплетаются с юмором и личными историями.

Какой миф сотворите вы? Зависит только от вас!

  • В каждой игре в уникальных условиях рождаются уникальные герои — как и в настольных ролевых играх. Они стареют, меняются, влюбляются, ссорятся и идут на ужасные жертвы.
  • Каждый герой несет в себе свою собственную уникальную историю и индивидуальность, но именно ваш выбор и боевые навыки определяют его путь и исход.
  • Все герои когда-нибудь умрут... Но у вас будет возможность спасти своих любимчиков. Вы сможете вернуть их в следующем приключении. А с течением многих жизней мифы, которые вы сотворите, образуют ваш собственный легендарный пантеон.

    Невероятный бумажный мир
    Забредальние земли — мир, где происходит действие игры, — представляют собой богатый многослойный мир, населенный нарисованными вручную двухмерными персонажами и пейзажами. Здесь нет орков, эльфов или гоблинов, но остерегайтесь драконов-телепатов и механизированной нежити.

    Потрясающая проработка персонажей
    У ваших героев есть свои уникальная история, личность, внешность и отношения с другими персонажами. И все это может меняться по ходу игры, по мере того как они решают загадки и преодолевают трудности.

    Каждый выбор важен
    Можно решить, стоит ли герою довериться загадочному волчьему богу, что приведет к ужасающим изменениям в его внешности и боевых способностях. Или можно решить, стоит ли герою заводить роман с сопартийцем, что даст новый вектор развития истории. Встречи и события имеют необратимые, определяющие характер персонажа последствия.

    Новый подход к вопросу смерти
    Ваш любимый персонаж был сражен щупальцем ужасающего медведя? Выберите, позволить ли герою отступить и получить увечье, что повлияет на его судьбу, или позволить ему погибнуть в лучах славы, чтобы его запомнили на многие века.

    Изобретательная тактическая боевая система
    Бои в Wildermyth — это командная работа и тщательное планирование, а также творческое использование ваших способностей. Взаимодействие с элементами окружения и атаки с флангов дают преимущества, а использование чар позволяет менять поле боя. Несколько уровней сложности позволят вам настроить сражения под себя.

    Совместное прохождение
    В совместной игре вы и ваши друзья можете настраивать и управлять своими героями. Рекомендовано играть впятером, хотя в обычной кампании вы начинаете с тремя героями, а четвертого и пятого подбираете по мере прохождения. В игре также есть поддержка Steam Remote Play.

    Бесконечная реиграбельность
    По мере повышения уровня героев вы можете выбирать боевые способности и решать, какую тактику вы предпочитаете — наступательную или оборонительную. Грубая сила или скрытность? Или вы предпочтете запустить волшебным огнем кому-нибудь прямо в лицо? Процедурная генерация каждый раз дает вам новых героев, новых врагов, новые сюжетные события и новые карты.

    Ваш личный пантеон героев
    У вас будет возможность настраивать внешность, имена, истории героев и многое другое. Со временем герои стареют и могут уйти на покой, а то и пасть в бою. А некоторые все же сумеют дожить до конца. Вы можете добавить своих любимых героев в наследие и призывать их снова в последующих прохождениях игры. Создавайте свои собственные легенды и делитесь с другими внушающей трепет мощью своих героев.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, simplified chinese, portuguese - brazil, german, spanish - latin america, french, russian

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 7+
  • Процессор: i3 или выше
  • Оперативная память: 3 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Open GL 3.2
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система


  • Оперативная память: 3 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Open GL 3.2
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Дополнительно: Не поддерживает M1 Mac; может нестабильно работать на Rosetta


    • Оперативная память: 3 GB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: Open GL 3.2
    • Место на диске: 2 GB

      Отзывы пользователей

      Рекомендую 01.03.2025 19:32
      0 0

      Wildermyth is a fun rpg with excellent writing and mechanics. The ability to re-introduce the Legacy characters allows for nostalgia without feeling like you need to hold on to every character you've ever built

      Время в игре: 2492 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 28.02.2025 18:27
      0 0

      Great game that has a lot of replayability. It feels similar to playing a TTRPG, but you're controlling the whole party rather than a single character.

      Время в игре: 4045 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 28.02.2025 00:34
      0 0

      (Ignore the 16 hours, I play this mostly on my laptop at work)
      This is what an Indie game should be.
      Good content, solid replay value, honest developers.

      The game: Turn-Based Strategy RPG.

      The good?
      -Solid Gameplay
      -Legacy Characters (Loved one of your party members? Recruit them again!)
      -Pleasant Visuals/Soundtrack

      The Bad?
      -Mid Story. (Lack of cohesion, obvious random generated events)
      -Graphics are best described as "Indie Studio"
      -Game is small

      All in all, Worth a play if you catch it on sale. The devs have stopped releasing new content, so there's no point in paying full-price. But it's good for what it is.

      Время в игре: 1009 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 27.02.2025 22:19
      0 0

      In a perfect world this game would continue to receive content perpetually. I am in love with the artistry and systemic design on display, adore how emergent the narratives are and the wide range of ideas and games systems can combine to form some very special experiences.

      I am a big rogue-like and emergent narrative game enthusiast, and Wildermyth is an incredibly overlooked gem of a title.


      Время в игре: 4646 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 27.02.2025 06:49
      0 0

      8.5/10 I wish that the story had narrators but other then that I enjoyed using different classes and seeing which I enjoyed the most. Strategy is key in this game.

      Время в игре: 4453 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 25.02.2025 04:17
      0 0

      Very fun tactics game with tons of replayability

      Время в игре: 337 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 23.02.2025 15:51
      0 0

      I didn't want the game to be over so I tried to 100% it before the expansion. By the end I had these legacy characters with enduring relationships and idiosyncratic strategies. There is a lot of flexibility in how you build a team, and they can end up very different by the end of a campaign. Having two or even three generations of a hero family intensifies the need to keep them all alive. And the writing of the small moments, some of which affect the narrative but even others that do not, kept me playing and replaying them as i went through campaign after campaign.

      Время в игре: 10887 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 23.02.2025 14:11
      0 0

      I'm surprised I haven't reviewed this game before lmao, I've been playing since way before the DLCs came out
      Anyway, I love this game: there's so much possible customisation for your characters (especially with a few mods available in the steam workshop) and you can combine traits and characters in any way you want. I like the unique artstyle and the table-top feel of it, as well as the trial and error of putting character skills together and seeing how they synergise. Or you could go min-maxing or overall being very meticulous about the characters, but I'm more of a "I'll just wing it" player lmao

      Время в игре: 15960 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 20.02.2025 04:39
      2 0

      I’ve never been a big Dungeons and Dragons guy but this game is a blast. I’ve had a great time playing this with my fiancé and making ridiculously goofy characters watching them either grow into beloved heroes or being killed by a monster in battle. I’ll always remember you Sneaksters McPeaksters.

      Время в игре: 2454 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 19.02.2025 04:23
      0 0

      Very replayable (not sure if thats a word) even after completing the storyline adventures. Sometimes the writing does seem a but clunky and feels like it was written by AI but overall, as someone who really enjoys turn-based gameplay, especially where you have to be strategic, I really like the concept and the game.

      Время в игре: 12907 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 17.02.2025 20:40
      0 0

      Beautiful storytelling, excellent gameplay, and a Dev team who support and clearly love their game- 10/10

      Время в игре: 30393 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 16.02.2025 00:17
      0 0

      +1 for good stories and turn based combats.

      Время в игре: 8600 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 15.02.2025 02:59
      4 0

      I usually don't stick to games that much, but I always come back playing for hours and hours. I love a new game is literally always a new experience; also being able to bring back your older characters is perfect. I wish there was more games like this for me to enjoy :3

      Время в игре: 1918 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 09.02.2025 21:23
      3 0

      I love this game.

      Don't let the art style keep you from trying it. It took me a while to warm up to it, but i think it actually suits the game very well.

      The writing style also has it's own rhythm, and it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it creates an unique atmosphere for the game. It can get poetic and it can definitely require your full attention. You need to be prepared to read, if you want to enjoy this game to the fullest.

      Время в игре: 4024 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 09.02.2025 00:50
      0 0

      Fun RPG to play solo or with friends. Being able to save characters into your Legacy and improve them through future campaigns is well done. I found the most enjoyment in mix and matching different transformations to build a variety of heroes.

      Время в игре: 9124 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 08.02.2025 21:15
      0 1

      Its ok. The emergent story telling is neat but the gameplay never really clicked for me

      Время в игре: 812 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 08.02.2025 20:39
      0 0

      Great mechanics, fun and cool lore

      Время в игре: 1265 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 06.02.2025 22:37
      2 0

      Fun. Watching the characters grow, age, and retire is a very different way to play. I like all the variations on what the characters can become, when starting from the three basic "fighter, ranger, mage".

      Время в игре: 12019 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 06.02.2025 17:38
      4 1

      Too hard to understand. Too many story to read. No heal... Monsters sometimes just gang up and combo you to death in a turn. Sometimes super easy, sometimes super hard... too much RNG....

      Время в игре: 205 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 05.02.2025 22:16
      2 0

      This game is super enjoyable and really appeals to that urge to create an oc. I loved creating all these heroes and making their stories interconnect in various ways.

      Время в игре: 9399 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 02.02.2025 17:03
      0 0

      Fun, silly, and quick. Sometimes it hits you with the jankiest translated textbox known to man, and then is followed up by the most beautiful line you've seen for a video game in years. At $30-ish bucks, you'll get your money's worth. If you find it on sale, go nuts, as you'll feel like you're robbing them blind with the amount of time you spend enjoying this game in Solo mode alone

      Время в игре: 185 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 30.01.2025 17:38
      2 0

      Wildermyth is a simply amazing game. The gameplay is fun and really easy to pick up, allowing you a much lighter & quicker character building experience without needing the deep time sink that many games do (though I also enjoy that). The procedural story generation system can occasionally lead to some oddities but all in all makes for a very fun and replayable experience!

      I also love the concept of adventures spanning multiple generations, and characters becoming too old to fight. it adds an element of scale and realism to the adventures that I really appreciate. A great game for Strategy & RPG Newcomers or vets looking for a deep and replayable experience!

      Время в игре: 2976 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 24.01.2025 10:24
      3 0

      A good and long rpg that will keep you busy for quite a while.
      It's interesting to see how the character you create will grow their own personality and relationships with the other characters.
      A little downside, some of the dialogues feel weird or make no sense at times.

      Время в игре: 4113 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 23.01.2025 05:01
      5 3

      I played this long enough to get a feel for it, and for me it is superficial, repetitive, and overly simplistic. For an RPG, I could not connect to any of my characters, to the world, to the antagonist, and to the encounters. I don't mind reading, and a good RPG will require me to read and sometimes even make notes. Of the 15 hours I've played, I probably have 2-3 hours of tactical combat and the rest was reading everything for the first campaign and at the end I realized none of it was meaningful or memorable. It's as bad as AI-level storytelling. I really don't see why the game has the word of mouth that it does. I don't have time for such trivial interactions.

      Время в игре: 950 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 22.01.2025 23:22
      0 0

      A really lovely game where you can build your own story. Not overly complex at face value, but has some really fun variety introduced with each playthrough and campaign. Find it very easy to lose an evening to this from time to time, kind of like reading a good book or watching a good show.

      Время в игре: 1758 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 22.01.2025 01:01
      2 0

      Procedural generation and limited character customization aside, the stories and developing relationships and events make this RPG surprisingly robust. In the three hours it took to complete the first chapter of the introductory adventure, I watched two different couples form romantic relationships, one surly Hunter bid a tearful goodbye to her dying Mystic rival, and a battle-scarred Warrior ponder whether he still had the strength to carry on. Epic.
      The cartoonish, 2D art style might put some off, but I found it endearing in a market where everyone is trying to recreate reality. Character movement and abilities are intuitive enough, at least at the start, to allow for smooth learning, though I think the Mystic falls a bit short compared to the other two classes.
      All in all, I look forward to playing more and more of this hidden gem.

      Время в игре: 226 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 21.01.2025 21:08
      0 0

      What a great game. The graphics are not my favorite, but the storytelling is worth everything. It is so much fun, to follow the stories of those random or selfmade characters, rising from farmhands to epic heroes. Growing old, finding love, having a family and then playing their children. The random elements are so great and make for such unique stories and characters. All the transformations are so cool and I also like the tone of the story. I only played the main game, yet, but all campaigns have another vibe and are a lot of fun. If you are getting into the combat, it is nice and tactical and the level ups are really rewarding. I would love more games like this. Highly recommend!

      Время в игре: 3355 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 18.01.2025 09:15
      2 0

      Is good and fun, I was just too dumb to play it XD

      Время в игре: 230 ч. Куплено в Steam Получено бесплатно
      Рекомендую 17.01.2025 07:29
      0 0

      I expected to play this for much longer than I did, but the same basic visuals that likely enable so much storytelling leave it all feeling uniformly wry and one-note. I wanted to play and tell stories for which the art design (excellent for what it is) was not equipped. Worth a try at the price.

      Время в игре: 485 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 12.01.2025 00:17
      4 0

      The game is an rpg with procedural events focused on creating stories with characters. A notable feature is the "legacy characters" where you can bring your past heroes to new adventures and they keep becoming stronger. The only negative thing i have to say about wildermyth is that its finished. I would've loved more campaigns or enemies but the fact that modding is extremely encouraged makes this a really worthwhile pickup with hopefully more mods in the future.

      Время в игре: 3570 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 11.01.2025 02:29
      0 0

      Wildermyth's gameplay is fun, but it really shines with the procedural storytelling. As someone who plays and enjoys Dungeons and Dragons, building up a party of characters who slowly grow and develop throughout the course of an adventure is really enjoyable, and you can start to really form connections with your party members as time goes on, learning more about their personalities and how they interact with their fellow party members.

      The turn-based combat is fairly simple, and though there are only 3 classes, each of them have a few different ways you can take them. The gameplay on the world map consists of managing which party members are going where, securing outposts to gather resources, and ensuring that enemy infestations and attacks don't get out of hand. It functions well for it sets out to do, and if you're looking for a chill game to pass a bit of time, I would recommend it.

      Время в игре: 479 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 09.01.2025 17:13
      0 0

      Its a beautiful game with amazing stories waiting to be written

      Время в игре: 711 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 09.01.2025 13:56
      0 0

      Create your own story with you and your friends as the main characters

      Время в игре: 1682 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 07.01.2025 23:48
      0 0

      Lovely turn-based RPG, a fantasy tabletop campaign all prepared for you. Characters fully customiseable, and you have legacy options. Each campaign has a new set of heroes, either warriors, hunters or mystics.
      Time is important here - everything has a cost in days, and as you advance so do your enemies, however the game automatically pauses the clock after each new action has completed so you can think and make decisions about what to do, so it isn't heart-stoppingly speedy.
      Very straightforward and easy to understand combat mechanics. Magic system is interesting: draw power from nearby scenery objects and explode / move / alter them in different ways to do a range of attacks.
      The gorgeous line art and beautifully written stories really make this stand-out. Comic panel sequences in between battles progress the plot arc and the relationships of the characters, so it hurts when they fall in battle, but fall they will, and you can raise a tomb in their honour before recruiting new heroes.

      Время в игре: 776 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 07.01.2025 09:38
      2 0

      So far this is a really fun game!

      -If you like DnD, you'll probably like this game. The art is cute and the battles feel like it's taking place on a table top battle mat.
      -The battles are dynamic and a bit challenging.
      -The campaign and content are generated at random, so even with the main campaigns - they wont be exactly the same. This adds to the replayability factor.

      -The dialogue feels weird. It feels like the script was written with AI, but in a different language - then translated to english, if that makes sense to anyone. The dialogue just feels clunky.

      Время в игре: 433 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 07.01.2025 08:02
      0 0

      This game can literally be whatever you want it to be, the stories are characters are very unique and changeable. Though you may see some scenarios repeat it still gives that certain character a fresh look and story.

      Время в игре: 2991 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 05.01.2025 03:11
      0 0

      From the stories and decisions to the combat and abilities, this game is an absolute masterpiece.

      Время в игре: 642 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 04.01.2025 14:13
      5 1

      Overhyped, has a lot of interesting systems and concepts but the overall shallow gameplay and incoherent stories makes this a dud.

      Время в игре: 1676 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 04.01.2025 06:57
      2 0

      I've been playing this game for over three years now, and it is still literally my favorite game of all time. There's something about Wildermyth that is just so magical and enchanting that nothing else comes close. I've played all of the campaigns many times (except Omenroad, still working on that) and I could probably play them all a few more. The character creation is absolutely golden, the artstyle is endearing and gorgeous, the dialogue is fun, and the actual storytelling in the game is nearly incomparable. I will never stop raving about this game, and I hope everyone gives it a chance, because it is well worth it.

      Время в игре: 27921 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 03.01.2025 03:20
      0 0

      A tactical roguelike "choose your own adventure" game with legacy mechanics and multiplayer options..

      The core mechanics are straight forward enough to understand but the game seems to have massive depth that my first play-through has only just skimmed the surface of..

      10/10 will "accidentally" stay up till 3am on a work night again...

      Время в игре: 233 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 02.01.2025 20:20
      0 0

      This is a good game with a lot of different scenarios and character backstory. The encounters are randomized so you may go through the same one twice if you play long enough. Encounters also appear to scale to the level of the party.

      I do feel the writing trends toward the gloomier, even with wins. I guess that the underlying "time marches on" so eventually everyone dies. The in-between times are usually positive but often still in bitter/sweet fashion. I do wish more armor/weapons were available; maybe in future stories.

      I recommend this game. The writing is very imaginative.

      Время в игре: 17238 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 02.01.2025 03:05
      0 0

      Ridiculously fun. Each playthrough, even for the same chapter, is different. The story and dialogues are engaging. The graphics are really pretty. The music is pleasant, but unobtrusive. The pace of rewards and story development is spot on. No complaints, just a really great game.

      Время в игре: 440 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 01.01.2025 23:27
      0 0

      Fun and if you're looking for adventurous game like Dungeons and Dragons, this is the perfect game for you.

      Время в игре: 710 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 31.12.2024 20:04
      0 0

      One of the best storyteller rpg games ever. Solid fighting system, awesome choices and character developement. Recommend!

      Время в игре: 269 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 31.12.2024 19:44
      0 0

      This game is a surprisingly deep and fun rpg game, gameplay is fun and killing enemies is satisfying.

      But I'll be honest, if I'd have to rate it based on story, then uhh

      It is weird, like you have those amazing fantasy monsters that genuiely make me think "ayo I am dead" on the other hand your characters are straight out from papa pizzeria

      This game gambled and put a lot of chips on "procedural characters", but it kinda failed. Events are pre written and there are very few, like why even have all those traits and stuff if most of it won't even matter?
      You have "race" in your character tags but there is no way to have any other race in your party? But at the same time it is not like someone transforming bothers anyone. Honestly instead of compaigns factions would suit this game better

      Combat is super fun, but there are very few perks and abilities, but as it turns out, mods are amazing and give shit ton of equipment

      Время в игре: 1959 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 31.12.2024 16:52
      0 0

      this game is wonderful and charming and soooo addictively fun!!!

      Время в игре: 910 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 31.12.2024 07:27
      0 0

      Whoo boy, this is SUCH a hard game to type about. It's times like these I wish there was a 'mixed' response rather than yes/no, because while getting to make your own characters and see them have adventures is fun and such a cool idea, like DnD at home- as is seeing them grow as their own folk - the negative fact everyone else has noted about events being a little repetetive after a while if you get the same ones is something I can't ignore, and this game crashes SO much?? I'm not sure if it's just me but it seems to lag or freeze at the worst times?? Yet, despite those flaws, I ultimately feel it is a game with a lot of heart, best played with friends so you can make up your OWN events if you get a 'repeat', just keep in mind you may have to be paitent with it if it lags or crashes for you.

      Время в игре: 1055 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 30.12.2024 06:42
      1 0

      Fun and cozy, tons of replay-ability. Great to have on a side monitor while I watch youtube or netflix

      Время в игре: 7360 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 29.12.2024 15:28
      0 0

      I don't know what to tell you. I've spent over 800 hours playing this game. It's beautiful, charming, the combat is strategic, fun, and engaging.
      The storylines are lovely, even for procedural generation, and the writing style is absolutely beautiful. Also the monster designs are fantastic. This game deserves so much attention, so much praise.

      Время в игре: 49643 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 29.12.2024 03:27
      1 0

      The art is beautiful, the idea of tactical RPG is nice (with some usual mechanics but also a creative interaction with objects), but there is no story. The best part of playing an RPG is getting to know your characters better, developing relationships, getting stronger, but this game doesn't deliver it.

      Most people seem to like the story aspects of this game, but it is not for me. They are so boring that I felt almost compelled to skip all dialogue, but in an effort to play it as a standard RPG I spent a lot of time reading through some uninteresting and incohesive events.

      If you are on the fence about buying the game, try watching so videos of the story and not only the combat to check if it's your cup of tea. Unfortunately, it isn't mine.

      Время в игре: 290 ч. Куплено в Steam

      Дополнительная информация

      Разработчик Worldwalker Games LLC
      Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
      Ограничение возраста Нет
      Дата релиза 09.03.2025
      Metacritic 86
      Отзывы пользователей 95% положительных (11140)

      Отзывы пользователей

      10,629 положительных и 511 отрицательных отзывов
      Обновлено: 02.03.2025 13:52


      Strategy RPG Indie


      Single-player Multi-player Co-op Online Co-op LAN Co-op Steam Achievements Full controller support Steam Workshop Steam Cloud Includes level editor Remote Play Together Family Sharing