Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Enhanced Plus Edition

Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Enhanced Plus Edition

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Разработчик: Owlcat Games

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Owlcat Games, 18 000 спонсоров с Kickstarter, дизайнер повествования Крис Авеллон и композитор Инон Зур с гордостью представляют первую изометрическую компьютерную ролевую игру, действие которой разворачивается в знаменитом мире настольной игры Pathfinder. Откройте для себя классическую ролевую игру, вдохновленную Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 и 2 и Arcanum. Исследуйте и захватывайте Украденные земли и станьте правителем своего королевства!

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• тысячи улучшений и правок, сделанных со времени выхода игры

Исследуйте Украденные земли, сражения за которые не прекращались многие века. Сотни королевств пережили здесь свой расцвет и падение — и сейчас настало время основать свое собственное! Чтобы стать достойным правителем, вам предстоит обуздать природу, держать в узде вражеские народы, а порой и разбираться с внутренними угрозами.

При создании персонажа у вас на выбор будет множество классов и архетипов, каждый со своими умениями и способностями, а некоторые с доступом к запрещенным и божественным заклинаниям. В Pathfinder можно придумать героя или злодея на любой вкус под собственный стиль игры.

Познакомьтесь со множеством компаньонов и неигровых персонажей, включая культовых героев мира Pathfinder. Вам предстоит решить, кому из них можно доверять, ведь у каждого компаньона свое прошлое и цели, которые могут разительно отличаться от ваших. Будьте осмотрительны: каждый выбор будет влиять не только на вашу, но и на их судьбу.

Захватывайте новые регионы, чтобы расширять владения своего королевства. Вас ждут полные опасностей подземелья, политические интриги и система развития королевства. Выбирайте союзников с умом — они помогут вам и при изучении руин, и при королевском дворе.

Созданное вами королевство станет отражением вашей личности и принятых по ходу игры решений. Королевство — это живой организм, на который влияет множество обстоятельств, начиная от расположения, и заканчивая лидерскими качествами правителя. С присоединением каждой новой территории королевство будет расширяться, а его столица — видоизменяться в зависимости от политики, событий и союзников. По мере роста королевства вам предстоит столкнуться с рядом фракций и стран, готовых посягнуть на ваши владения.

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«Pathfinder. Настольная ролевая игра» представляет собой переосмысление старейшей фэнтезийной ролевой игры D&D редакции 3.5. Она создана компанией Paizo, Inc благодаря отзывам десятков тысяч игроков. Pathfinder: Kingmaker — это ролевая игра, которая впечатлит как поклонников мира Pathfinder, так и тех, кто только начинает с ним знакомиться.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, russian, simplified chinese

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 08.02.2025 15:45
0 0

Just be careful when doing your main missions and pay attention to in game time and main missions expired date, if not you'll failed and game over because all people have same problem. And because of it, they just angry because of it.

Время в игре: 1565 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.02.2025 15:31
1 0

Never could finish this one. Love CRPG but this one isn't a good one. The need to stick to story choices and kingdom management are not fun. Add in a time requirement.....nope.
Even tho i never made it far, i am sucker enough to think Path WOTR is betterer so bought it and will try.....

Время в игре: 3129 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.02.2025 11:32
0 0

Great game but has many issues.

-Rich lore and history, good world building and introduction to the pathfinder universe
-Good story, they plant many mysteries and plot points at the very start of the game that are relevant a hundred hours later
-Extremely customizable and deep character progression
-Companions are excellent and their personal story and quests can have significant impact on the story
-Good dialogue with incredible array of choices. You can kill everyone you meet or even attempt to recruit boss enemies to your party.
-Lots of secrets, hidden loot, unique interactions and cool items

-Awful puzzles that often involve moving back and forth between zones repeatedly with loading screens in between.
-No respec feature, no room for experimenting and can be punishing if you don't know what you're doing
-Kingdom management is awful. Unnecessarily convoluted system that has you skipping forward weeks at a time while simultaneously not giving enough time to do all research and upgrades
-The player gets so powerful later in the game that the devs seem to have difficulty creating good encounters. For example, most of the enemies near the end have a passive aura that has a chance to paralyze your characters for 60 seconds resulting in very long, unfun RNG driven fights
-Many bugs. Characters phasing through walls, becoming untargetable, some quests becoming uncompletable, npcs not ending their turns, etc

Время в игре: 11373 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.02.2025 07:00
0 0

Better than Wrath. This one at least has good characters and plot. So enjoy your time with your party. A bit easy, and pathfinder ruleset can be weird at times but certainly worth the purchase.

Время в игре: 2661 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.02.2025 18:22
0 0

An amazing and unique RPG that has some flaws.

I hesitated a while before getting this game. Two things bothered me: bugs that weren't fix and the unfair battles/spike in difficulty in the end. Many people seemed to either love it or hate it. Even with its flaws (and there are a few) I still recommend this game, and had an overall great time playing it (until the end). Here's why:

The Good:

The story is intersting and well done. Companions are various (I think 12 total) and fun to mix and match. There are a lot of ways to play your character, and I like that your character alignment can change depending on how you react to situations. There is a lot of lore, items, and treasure in game. It was a large, exciting world.

The Ok:

The kingdom management gets a lot of hate, but I kind of liked it. In my mind, it's only negative is the repetitiveness of it in the long run. I give them credit for trying something new and interesting in rpgs, and for the most part I had fun with it. It could get a bit stressful, and does add a lot of time to your already long playtime, so I can see how it might bore/frustrate/annoy people.

The bad:

Two things here, and those are the things that had me hesitate to get the game in the first place. The first one, bugs, wasn't as bad as I feared. I simply can't stand unfinished or buggy games; it seems to me that you are getting ripped off and the developers are too lazy to fix their own game. At any rate, they were there, but not nearly so bad as I had feared. The most annoying one (if it is a bug) I had was the goblin companion, although equipped with a weapon, would not attack at all. If I unequipped the weapon, then he would try and punch, but no matter what I tried, I couldn't fix it. That was too bad as I liked playing him, but it happened near the end so it wasn't too bad. All other bugs were more minor irritants, than game enders.

Speaking of the game end, I come to the WORST ASPECT of this game: the end battles. The game can be tough early on, but after gaining a few levels I had no serious problems until the very end, the last leg you had to do before the final boss. And wow, suddenly the devs just decided they were going to punish us for getting that far! There were WAY TOO MANY enemies and mini-fights to get through to make it to the actual end boss. These battles also had the SAME ANNOYING enemies that kept coming out. I'm sorry to say, but I had to lower the difficulty 2 battles before the final boss just because I was so sick of the slog and just wanted to beat the game. There was NO REASON for the devs to make it that annoying and difficult to go though the end. Many others have complained about this, and yes, it is true.


So, why do I recommend it? It is because there is an epic game hiding in a good game, meaning that if the bugs were completely cleaned up and the end fights were such torture, this would be up there with the best rpgs of all time. I played for almost 300 hours, and it wasn't until the very end that it became obnoxious and I could see how most people would really get to hate it. Again though, this was the very end; most of the game was fair/challenging and very fun.

If you can deal with minor bugs and understand that in the endgame it might take a long time or you need to lower the difficulty, and that there is a kingdom management that eats up a lot of time in itself (although I think you can turn 'auto' on and not deal with it), and you feel these things won't make you go ballistic and hate the game, then you'll probably be like me and really enjoy it for what it is: an epic dnd like game with a great adventure, story, and companions.

Время в игре: 16436 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 05.02.2025 06:31
0 0

combat drags, story lags. its great in the middle portion but once your party gets going its basically a bunch of chores until the main quest kicks in. the story is great at the beginning and middle and then gets boring. trying to drag myself through the last section of the game right now. i love the characters.

Время в игре: 6490 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 04.02.2025 17:40
1 0

The game is okay, pretty disappointing to get locked into a game over without warning because your barony is about to fail, 66 hours in and there's no way to get a conclusion on the main story except to start again. Honestly, a pretty huge waste of time.

Время в игре: 3975 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.02.2025 20:32
0 0

Great game, classic DND/Pathfinder game. A bit on the complex side but if you know DND rules you should be alble to pick up on pathfinder rules no problem. Leveling can feel a bit slow, but the story and kingdom aspect of the game far makes up for that. Lots of fun and interesting companions. Thanks to the pathfinder rule set there is lots of classes to choose from.

Время в игре: 4634 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 01.02.2025 17:44
5 5

I wish this game wasn't impossible to play with non-perfect builds on normal mode. Really wanted to like it but the encounters are FUCKED

Время в игре: 5432 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.02.2025 08:36
0 0

Game is really good for a while, you might even think that this has the coolest interpretations of pen and paper mechanics and transplanting the tone of a dnd style campaign ever but damn end game is non stop sledge hammer to the balls bro. Unless you are a giga combatfrog autist dont even try last azlanti mode that shit ruined my life for like 3 weeks. Still I think it's worth it to play game.

Время в игре: 36839 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.02.2025 07:48
0 0

Owlcat seems to make great atmosphere games although this is their first (I believe) so it has some issues. For one only around 10 percent of people have completed the game so most people get burnt out due to how slow the game is and how tedious it is to micromange a kingdom in an rpg. It's one of those games I would consider giving a mid rating but with an only thumbs up or thumbs down (thanks valve) I'd say its more on the positive side, just don't expect to progress the game in a fast way.

Время в игре: 3009 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.02.2025 02:23
0 0

Well, I finally got all the way through to the end of this game, after many times quitting part way through... Don't get me wrong, the game is alright and has fun moments... But there are many other aspects that led me to quitting early or giving up part way through to go play other games...

This the is the first game in the Pathfinder series to go from Pen and Paper to PC Game... All in all the game has a fun combat system, that I primarily played in Turn Based mode... The story itself was fun and interesting, as was some of the companion story lines, especially early on... The graphics are decent for a top down RPG, but I do wish it had the option for changing camera view points (like the sequel game does)... The game play mechanics are a mix of fun and engaging, along with some high complexity and perhaps more boring filler mechanics... I'll get into more detail about that later...

Character Creation has limited avatar choices regardless of having many races and classes to choose from... The portraits are more abundant with the option to use your own if you so choose... Where it really shines is the number of available choices for race and class, along with stats, skills, feats, and so on... For players new to this genre of game, I can see the complexity of this system become a bit overwhelming... Especially if you are unfamiliar with the Table Top Pathfinder 1.0 system... You can choose pre-made characters and turn on an auto-leveling system, to make it easier, but I instead recommend to just go look up some guides, of which there are many...

Initially the game itself is a ton of fun, and easy to follow... The downside is the Kingdom management system... For some, it might seem fun, but for me it got tedious quickly and felt more like game play filler... You can make it automated, but then you miss out of some of the games intended content... I recommend going through it at least one time, with the caveat that that is the system that drove me away from the game several times over the several years I've owned the game... What's sad, is that it can play a pivotal role in what ending you experience...

On to the topic of the endings... The game has many variations on how it can end, as well as how the wrap up story content in the end plays out... You can miss over half the games content and still get to the end of the game, with the downside that you missed content and may not reach max level by the end... There are even some choices that can lead to an early end to the game... Needless to say, the game is full of content, some of which is fun, some is short and meaningless, while some will lead to varying outcomes...

Overall, it's good that the game has choices, because that adds replay value... But for anyone wanting to experience every bit of content on one play through, that is impossible... There are guides to hand hold you through a majority of the content, but they can lead to choices you may not have made yourself, or does not fit with the Role Play you were going for...

The game did eventually become a slog fest, which mostly stems from the Kingdom Management and/or the last several Acts where the story tends to start thinning out in some places... Even the final end I experienced felt a bit lack luster... Plus, it is really easy to make choices early on, that cuts out content from your experience depending on the choices you make... That is both a plus and a minus... I did begin to wonder when I was going to reach the end of the story, thinking I was there, only to have more to do...

There is romance in the game, but I did not feel it was explored as much as it could have...

In the end, I mostly had a good time... It's not as well polished of a game as it's sequel (Wrath of the Righteous)... But it is decent, especially for an independent kick starter project... Would I recommend it to folks? Sure, especially if you are into RPG's... It has it's ups and downs, but overall it was a fun time...

Время в игре: 26901 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.01.2025 02:49
0 0

Pretty steep learning curve but well worth if IMO once you get your feet on the ground.

An incredibly well done RPG that doesn't run out of content even after hundreds of hours of play.

Время в игре: 7455 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.01.2025 15:41
0 0

A great cRPG game, I'm so glad I checked it out on sale and got to experience the rich storybuilding and lore. The companions really grow on you too! I highly recommend this game for any fans of Dragon Age (especially Origins), Baldur's Gate, Divinity Original Sin 1/2 and just good stories overall.

Don't worry if you aren't familiar with the Pathfinder rules, the tutorials are excellent for showing you the ropes.

Время в игре: 7969 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.01.2025 03:32
0 0

Solid 8.5/10 for me! While not as good as Wrath of the Righteous (in my opinion), Kingmaker was the foundation upon which WotR was built, and it's a very strong one. Most of the spells and mechanics in WotR were taken directly from Kingmaker, which means if you've played one, the other is going to be much easier to get into. As with all of Owlcat's games, there is a management aspect, but you can disable it if its not your jam (not if you want the secret ending, though), and I personally found it to be enjoyable.

I finished the game (including the optional final FINAL chapter) in almost exactly 104 hours, but there was still things that I missed, and that I will have to explore further on a second playthrough. (Namely the magical prison, among other things.) And given the number of companions and classes+subclasses (though only a fraction of what's offered in WotR), there's plenty of opportunity to sink hundreds of hours into the game. I fully intend to go back and do a 2nd playthrough and beyond.

To compare Kingmaker to WotR, Kingmaker is more of a traditional "exploration" campaign, where (especially early in the game) a lot of the enemies are traditional D&D/PF enemies. While there is still some aspect of grandeur to your main character's path (they do in fact become the monarch of their own kingdom), most of the game is on a different scale from the world-ending stakes of WotR (though the stakes do become much higher in the final act of the game). Which is not a bad thing!!! Fighting demons is fun, but so is fighting goblins, trolls, owlbears, giant slugs, a dragon, and the wild hunt. The early parts of the game really do feel like a traditional dnd/pf campaign, if that's something you've engaged with before.

If you're a fan of Owlcat's other games (Wrath of the Righteous or Rogue Trader) you'll feel right at home in Kingmaker. If you're new to their games, Kingmaker is a great place to start. If you like Larian's games, Owlcat's games are a great expansion to the world of CRPGs. If you're new to CRPGs, well, Kingmaker is going to be a lot of reading, but it's a phenomenal game. It may not be the most polished of Owlcat's titles, but it's a very solid game, and it's frankly incredible what the devs were able to achieve with crowdfunding.

Время в игре: 6239 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.01.2025 04:18
0 0

Honestly i tried different playthroughs, character builds but there's just something wrong with the combat and how the game works. I've played other CRPGs but this is just so damn difficult and why is there even a deadline to complete the main quest?! Why is there a timeline when the game emphasizes on exploration. I'm playing Wrath of the Righteous now, 60+ hours into the game and loving it. 8 hours into Kingmaker and i've given up completely and uninstalled it.

Pros: Lovely character designs.


Время в игре: 535 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 21.01.2025 01:44
4 0

I wanted to like this game. I no longer do.

The combat is trash. This game is supposed to use a d20 system, however, it cannot. No possible way. How can my bard with a +3 dex modifier roll a 2 and miss an enemy with an AC of 5? Where did my modifier go? Nothing about this adds up. Enemy AC's are rarely above 10 at the game's start, yet I recorded rolling below seven 15 times in a row. The statistical likelihood of that occurring approaches zero. Google says: (0.3)^15≈1.4348907×10^−7 or 0.0000143%. In the 7.5 hours I have played I have rolled exactly THREE 20's. I have lost count of the 1's I have rolled. Rolling a 20 or a 1 SHOULD have identical odds, and SHOULD show a moderately equal distribution after several hundred rolls. In this game, it does NOT. D20 systems are already bad enough at low levels due to lack of attack modifiers, low HP values, lack of skills and abilities. I do not need an inconsistent dice roll RNG system added to the mix. I have not the patience or the desire to reload saves every other combat on NORMAL difficulty any longer.

The writing is infuriatingly subpar. The vocabulary used is fine. The sentence structure is acceptable. The dialogue used for conversation when dependent on skill checks is completely and totally retarded. The characters have no moral alignment. A character that should be lawful good chastises me for saving HER OWN people because I failed a diplomacy check? But if I pass that check I am thanked and commended. AFTER that same character just gave a speech about how helping others is good the day before? How does this make sense? It does not. The characters have no spine, no inbuilt compass and the writing reflects that. They are manipulated and adjusted as needed to reflect the outcome of a dice roll, not the alignment which they are declared to be. It makes everything feel hollow.

The plot contrivances are pathetic. I suspected a betrayal, I made rational choices to avoid it. It does not matter. The player is FORCED to engage and take actions which are then used to betray the player. This would be fine if the player was not given the illusion of choice. But when a game, which is supposed to have narrative weight, forces me to break into a room to get a key which is required to progress as it unlocks THE ONLY DOOR to proceed, and then that act is held against me all while the game is practically preaching to me that my choices matter, no. Screw that. And then I am forced into a decision which CANNOT BE AVOIDED which I am either condemned for convincing a soldier to let her subordinates die or I rescue them and I am accused of wasting time resulting in distrust. No choice given can avert the negative consequences. Characters which are direct witnesses to events stand silent and allow obvious lies to be spoken about people they are supposed to have feelings/connection/friendship with and when their alignment advocates for truth. It is lazy and pathetic writing. Shallow and pointless. Maybe it gets better. However, if this is what the game gives me first, I have no hope for that.

The inventory system is not ideal. Based on weight it is grievously bad for some items. Characters and the party both have separate encumbrance limits. Makes sense. The real issue is the weight of specific items. Not only are characters not able to wear armor they are not proficient with, the armor is massively overweight. Leather vest: 20 pounds, Chainmail shirt: 45 pounds. When a character might only be able to carry 80-100 pounds, and equipped items count towards that limit, these weights are insane (on top of being completely absurd realistically). Using 50+% of a characters carry limit for equipped items, and thus making them medium or heavy encumbrance, at the start of the game, is crazy. Not to mention meaning that the player is severely restricted in what loot they can pickup. Hope you don't find a nice plate armor set you want to use later, because you cant carry it! And because a character's carry capacity is directly tied to strength ability score, unless the character is strength melee, it is never increasing.

The voice acting is pretty good. Honestly, might be the best aspect of the game. Lines are not stiff and are spoken, sometimes shouted, with passion.

Audio design is acceptable. Generic, but is passes. Not much else to say.

All in all, I got this game on a steep sale, and I still regret my purchase. Unfortunately, it is well past time when I can refund, because I would gladly take my $5 back. Glad I wanted to try it before buying the DLC's. I at least dodged that bullet.

Время в игре: 447 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.01.2025 09:51
1 0

If you have played the tabletop, dive in and enjoy. If not, know there is a lot to learn and its not friendly to those who don't know at least some of the game's setting, weapons, feats, or magic types.

Время в игре: 12473 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.01.2025 23:40
1 0

A great cRPG with a ton of content, and meaningful decisions. If you are on the fence about this one, don't, it's that good. Good adventuring, great companions, great quests, perfectly crafted world, good combat system and some good kingdom management, this game is a must-play.

Время в игре: 12016 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.01.2025 00:29
0 0

I love the table top version, but the game is not so great. Fun for a while.

Время в игре: 5820 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.01.2025 23:33
0 0

customise party, as close to solo pencil and paper as possible, at least the mechanics. the addition of real time, is welcome. A blueprint from the original BG, roots in Ultima, etc. numbers, and probabilities, to modern times. Ignore the naysayers. Everyone is welcome at the table of imagination. The only Limit, is that itself. Imagination. I will be rolling characters, till i cease to be. Have you met the DM/GM ? I have heard a few stories.

Время в игре: 32287 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.01.2025 05:43
2 0

Great game. An exemplar in the Baldur's Gate, Divinity Original Sin, Greyhawk vein. The character creation dimension of this game is its real learning curve and the point of the series.

World building is pretty intricate, very satisfying level bosses and dungeons. Hard game to "get right" in one playthrough, with tons of different storylines and implications of decisions. Playing an evil character is pretty one-dimensional (IE randomly murder people without cause/motivation), but otherwise, its a great game if you like this genre.

Время в игре: 10356 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.01.2025 03:59
0 0

un gran juego, buena historia sin embargo se siente un poco largo, ademas de mecánicas que para mi, envejecieron mal. Sin embargo lo sigo recomendado, muy bueno y divertido

Время в игре: 11656 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.01.2025 16:27
6 0

Really, really loved this game. Just finished it (about 170 hours). I'm an older gamer and started playing CRPGs with BG1 back in the nineties. The deep systems and meta management made this much more interesting than BG3 for me. Highly recommend to people who have a lot of free time and a taste for old-style CRPGs Keep mind that the production value is lower than most contemporaries, so there is little voice acting, a lot of reading and there are no animated cutscenes.

Время в игре: 10591 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 12.01.2025 05:03
7 0

The game has some great aspects to it, but at the same there are many things that in the end make it way too frustrating. The worldbuilding and the characters are great, the story is what kept me coming back. The gameplay in general is good, and there are good aspects of classic CRPGs in it.

One of the most frustrating game mechanics was the kingdom management. That's what I was looking forward the most since I generally enjoy management games, but it honestly heavily detracted from the main game here. It is very easy to go into a spiral with a few bad rolls that leaves your kingdom in a status that is almost impossible to recover from without much you can do about it.

In terms of the main game, while seems very faithful to the tabletop RPG, it made it overwhelming at times to know what to do and to manage a full party. You're kind of expected to manage all aspects of the characters and there's so much choice that it's very easy to make a bad one. The game also is not great at explaining mechanics beyond the most simple ones, so sometimes it feels like it's cheating when it's probably doing legal things but not giving you the information of how that happened. For example, there are some spells and abilities where the description says it is the same as another spell but with a greater area/affecting more characters and similar but no explanation about what the base spell or ability does. Combat became boring and repetitive for the most part, the enemies are not balanced quite right, so it is very hard to get anything done with casters that target enemies unless you're min/maxing. Also, it can be very frustrating that many combat encounters leave you with permanent negative effects like ability and level drain.

In the end, even though I was pushing through the frustrations to finish the game I ended up quitting because a party member died near the end for decisions I had made way earlier in the game that seemed completely unrelated.

Время в игре: 11148 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.01.2025 19:40
2 0

It's a give and take game. It rewards you when you think strategically and punishes you when you just charge in. 8/10

Время в игре: 8573 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.01.2025 01:08
4 0

I really want to love this one. There's an engaging story, good graphics, and well designed game play. It's a ton of fun all the way up until you hit the kingdom management section. The level of difficulty on that portion of the game is stupid difficult, to the point I have to wonder if it's possible to succeed. I've played to that point several times and then lose interest.

Время в игре: 4783 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.01.2025 18:36
2 0

Great voice acting, design and overall fun to play - can be difficult for those not used to Pathfinder rules but there are a lot of great guides online for character builds if you are having trouble. Really a great translation from pencil and paper to computer RPG. Music was also immersive. I have replayed the game to completion a few times and liked it so much I purchased on Steam even though I had already owned it from another company.

Время в игре: 2725 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 10.01.2025 00:55
0 0

This game is exceptionally unforgiving. I have a cursory understanding of pathfinder mechanics, mostly carryover from D&D 3.5e, and the tutorial did an alright job of bringing me up to speed on how the game functions, not so much on the TTRPG rules. To-hit chances in the early game are absolutely brutal, even after spending a long while reading up on mechanics and build advice, it certainly felt like enemies could hit twice as often and twice as hard as my own, and that was only on Challenging difficulty (there are two harder difficulties). Add onto that the general lack of information presented, such as why a particular action cannot be taken at a certain time (looking at you, Charge), it often felt like I could only stumble around and save-scum to get through fights.

Время в игре: 382 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 09.01.2025 02:33
1 0

I bought this and WotR recently on sale here on Steam. WotR has been running with no issues (have over 100 hours on it so far). Kingmaker, being the more mature game, I expected would be just as stable, if not more so. Nope. Been playing for only 19 hours, and have had two crashes to desktop during random battles. Another negative for me is there is no native camera rotation support, which makes it hard to see things on maps at times. Also, this game lacks quality of life improvements that WotR has, such as ending your own spell after a fight (like grease). Instead, you have to trip and fall in your own spell after a battle when trying to loot the enemies. Considering this version of Kingmaker was advertised as the "enhanced plus" version, I would have expected the QoL features that are in WotR to also be present in Kingmaker. Based on these issues, with the crashes being the most nefarious offenders, I cannot recommend this game to anyone.

Время в игре: 1192 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.01.2025 00:24
0 0

I wish there was a skip mechanic to get directly into the city building, but it's a fun game nonetheless!

Время в игре: 1675 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.01.2025 18:31
0 0

great combination of combat, tactics, kingdom building and management. this game has been pretty addictive. just glad its not on my phone

Время в игре: 2714 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.01.2025 13:49
23 3

Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the epitome of potential ruined by a single design choice.

The basic gameplay mechanics seem competent and consistent, though not revolutionary. Gather a party, gain experience, find better gear, and attempt to tackle the coming perils - the bread and butter of RPG gameplay. There are enough diverse character classes to make assembling a party roster a pleasant mental challenge, and every class has its place and a role to fill. The game’s story is coherently written, if a bit lacking in unique elements. There’s a variety of NPCs, including companions, some featuring interesting backstories, though many are fairly bland and clichéd. Kingmaker didn’t particularly make me care about any of its side characters, but exploring the companions’ backstories proved to be a pleasant break from pursuing the main storyline, while also providing some powerful and unique loot.

The dialogue design might be the best part of the game. Certain conversation options only open up when you meet the class, stat and/or alignment requirements, lending importance to your character decisions. The world feels like it reacts to who your character is and who they surround themselves with. It is also through dialogue that you make many of the game’s important choices. This enhances Kingmaker’s replayability, as seeing the game’s events unfold differently provides a strong incentive to try out different playstyles and alignment options. Although, admittedly, some (not all) of the alignment-specific choices felt a smidge forced.

Graphical design is effective and inoffensive, while the UI is clear, elegant and easy to navigate. Impressively, the game also features a rather large encyclopedia where you can find a plethora of various in-game subjects to read about.

So far, the game doesn’t sound so bad, right? Wherein, then, lies the main issue resulting in the aforementioned ruined potential?

The issue lies in encounter design.

I’m not sure what the developers’ intention was. Was it to make the world feel less empty? Was it to allow the player to experience all characters’ capabilities to the fullest? I do not know. What I do know is this - the world is filled to the brim with meaningless combat encounters. There’s only so many times you can fight a basic spider, a wolf, or goblin before you have enough. And if you’re like me, you’ll have enough before clearing even a quarter of these torture devices camouflaging as battles. Most combat contributes nothing - no loot, no satisfaction, no substantial quest progression, even the XP you gain is the equivalent of a pittance. This overreliance on hostile encounters is also the reason why I never finished the game - despite investing many, many hours and starting three separate playthroughs. The ending of the game is one of the worst, most torturous ordeals that I’ve ever experienced in any video game. Pointless combat followed by pointless combat, a seemingly endless string of repetitive, uninspired encounters. This facepalm-worthy level design wore me down so much that I eventually gave up, and the only thing I regret is not giving up much sooner.

Many people seem to dislike the kingdom management part of the game. But in my experience it was actually a welcome respite from the monotony of the incessant fighting. Don’t get me wrong - the system in question is no masterpiece, but it felt nice to strengthen your kingdom by making decisions which did not involve smashing a giant spider for the 50th time.

Lastly, there’s the game’s accessibility factor - which is very low for those unfamiliar with Pathfinder. Prior to playing Kingmaker I’d never had prolonged contact with any tabletop RPG system, so I had to expend considerable amounts of my time and attention to learn to utilize the game’s mechanics. Accordingly, I urge you to consider the complexity of Pathfinder’s mechanics and your knowledge thereof before making your purchase.

As for me, I gave this game a more-than-fair shot. In hindsight, the Kingmaker experience wasn’t worth the effort.

Decent mechanical core obscured by the story’s mediocrity and large shortcomings of combat encounter design. 5/10.

Время в игре: 34462 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.12.2024 06:35
0 0

I just beat this game for the first time, it was great. One of those games that you don't want to end.

Время в игре: 10890 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.12.2024 19:57
0 0

Pretty good D&D substitute (I avoid WotC as much as possible). The game is very difficult on normal settings, and you end up stuck with their pre-made npc's to get the most out of the story and the most XP. The progression and weapons system is complicated if you are not familiar with Pathfinder or newer D&D rules. Over all, its a good experience.

Время в игре: 4121 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.12.2024 12:24
0 0

Got me hooked like a little fish in just a few minutes of gameplay. Played 80 hours in less than a week (thank God for the holidays), so... Yeah, If you like CRPGs you'll most likely like it. I also loved the kingdom management, although I wish it was a bit more fleshed out.

Edit: I wrote this review just before the last dungeon of the game. It's a great game, but I never want to touch it again solely because I hated HatEoT.

Время в игре: 7089 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.12.2024 02:33
0 0

One of my favorite RPGs. The cast is great, filled with strong personalities and plenty of banter. Combat makes you pause and becomes satisfying once you crack the code to success. Story is of long length, expansive and with a fine mystery. Highly recommended to RPG fans who are willing to face some difficulty in service of a great story.

Время в игре: 27638 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.12.2024 04:03
1 0

The character builder is the game. Once you understand that, you'll have a good time.

Время в игре: 2740 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.12.2024 02:44
0 0

Probably one of the most unforgiving CRPG experiences I've ever had. You better have a borderline encyclopedic knowledge of the Pathfinder ruleset before going into this. Also, expect heavily unbalanced encounters and extremely obtuse quest design. Whoever set up the encounters for this game absolutely hates you and wants you to go play Pillars of Eternity instead (which is, by the way, significantly better than this game in every way. Just play that instead.)

Время в игре: 436 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 22.12.2024 19:23
2 0

This game just wasn't designed to be fun. It assumes you save often and are willing to go back hours to prior saves while it constantly throws unwinnable encounters at you. If this game was a DM, it would have driven away all its players. It shouldn't present itself as an open world exploration game if it punishes you for exploring the map.

I shouldn't be punished for exploring or forced to turn the difficulty down to avoid having stacks of cruses and negative afflictions thrown at me keeping me at zero gold while enemies have unlimited summon monster spells they use every turn in a random encounter.

If normal difficulty is lower damage, then clearly the encounters were designed to be unfair and way too hard on average. I am not gonna play a game that makes me turn down enemy damage or minmax my build just to be able to survive the encounters it throws at me.

Время в игре: 685 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.12.2024 07:31
0 0

First and foremost Pathfinder: Kingmaker does exactly what it sets out to do, that much is certain. I mostly played the game on medium, except for the very end of the game where I just wanted to get to the end so badly that I turned the difficulty down to easy so I could just finish the game. There are lots of reports of quest lines bugging. But for the record, I never encountered any myself.

While the isometric WRPG has seen a resurgence in recent days, Pathfinder Kingmaker is much more in line with the classic Baldur's Gate and Icewindale of yore.

I think the big pro of this game is that Pathfinder (in my mind at least) is a much more interesting and imaginative setting then the typical DND games. While you only have access to the basic Fantasy RPG races, the class selection is much more diverse, and gives a lot of room for customization. On top of that they implement the system where the person most qualified for the job in your party completes the skill check (even in dialogue) instead of defaulting to the protagonist doing all the social stuff. This game allows you to flip back and forth between turn based and real-time battles which is something that I want as a standard for all these style games going forward. Being able to blow through trash encounters in the real-time mode really speeds up gameplay, and makes it less of a slog. Not everything is sunshine and roses, but what's here is pretty accessible and fun for people wanting something closer to Baldur's gate then Pillars of Eternity or Wasteland 2.

A huge part of this game is the kingdom management sim aspect, and unfortunately that's where things start to fall apart for me. I never felt like I had nearly enough BP to build things in my settlements quick enough to keep up with the economic curve. Really harsh timers on negative events and continual debuffs to my kingdom stats made it really difficult. I had to set it to "no fail mode" just to feel like I had a fighting chance. There's effort put towards the city planning being important, but again I feel like I tried to focus my efforts towards economy, and it didn't ever put me ahead of the curve in the economics.

The encounter design feels a little all over the place as well. While some things definitely felt like the were pretty balanced. There were definitely random spikes in difficulty here or there. Luckily a lot of the time I seemed to be able to complete difficult encounters by playing in turn based mode, and never actually had to turn down the difficulty.

My major complaint though is that the story just drags out too long. I felt that by the last few chapters I was sprinting towards the end to such a degree that I just chucked everything on Story mode difficulty and breezed through the last few hours of the game. What *is* in the story is engaging though. And there were even a few twists and turns that I hadn't expected.

Overall if you want a isometric WRPG you'd be hard pressed to go wrong here. I definitely don't feel like I wasted my time, even if it took me three separate run-ups to actually complete a full playthrough.

Время в игре: 12075 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.12.2024 03:42
0 0

I'm more familiar with the TTRPGs, but I like a lot the real time mode. The story is interesting and the world design pretty.

Время в игре: 2130 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.12.2024 00:27
0 0

This game competes with Baldurs Gate 3 in my heart... 10/10 for all CRPG fans. I am SOOOO exited to play even more. Will see if the next 300 h. of gameplay will eventually make this my favourite game and dethrone BG3

Время в игре: 5360 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 21.12.2024 23:35
5 0


There are several companies collecting your name, email, phone number and more. It is not clear WHY your data is being passed around like a whore in a brothel. It is also disturbing to me that I have reviewed this game in the past and that review has disappeared. I will no longer be playing this game, because I am protected under the GDPR and do not consent to having my private and personal data shared with everyone and their 10th cousin 3 times removed.

Время в игре: 558 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.12.2024 15:35
0 0

everything is great EXCEPT following missions,locations are extremely vague, also heres no actual tutorial o help beginners learn the best way o upgrades heir kingdoms and also advisors which are difficul o acquire are essential to successfully completing tasks which directly affect the survive ability of the game !!

Время в игре: 16554 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.12.2024 22:23
1 0

---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it

---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't

---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf

---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma

---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

---{ Game Size }---
☐ Floppy Disk
☐ Old Fashioned
☐ Workable
☑ Big
☐ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive
☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it
☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data

---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding

---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life

---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☑ 9
☐ 10

---{ Author }---

Время в игре: 2312 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 16.12.2024 14:01
0 0

This game has many good parts. It is epic, allows build variety, etc. But at the same time it has too many inconvenient or irritating parts.

Время в игре: 28742 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 16.12.2024 07:35
1 0

It's a tough call, but I wouldn't recommend this. The game has some pretty solid dungeon crawls and an overall good implementation of pathfinder mechanics that make for fun combat, but it doesn't make up for the completely uncompelling characters and story that left me with little motivation to continue after act 1.

Время в игре: 1207 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 15.12.2024 22:55
1 0

I want to start off by saying I'm a big fan of crpgs: BG1-3, Planescape Torment, Pillars of Eternity, Original Sin 1-2, Tides of Numenera, the Shadowrun games. But I can't get into this one.

The combat mechanics are a bit clunky and they change depending on if you're in live or turn-based mode. Turn-based mode doesn't work well at all in this mode, I and my enemies cant roll above a 10 no matter what the difficulty setting is so there will be like 5 turns in a row where everyone just wiffs. Live mode works pretty well for combat but it makes spell casting difficult to time correctly and pretty much pointless since all your melee characters mow down enemies.

The story gets really boring after defeating the staglord at the beginning of the game. It's just running a baronny and the main story just becomes that. Your time is spent more in the barony menu than in the overworld questing. Maybe it picks back up later but I can't push through it. I've been told that Wrath of the Righteous is much better so I'll give that one a try.

Время в игре: 1150 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 15.12.2024 07:32
1 0

If you haven't played the table-top, don't touch this. No attempt was made to adapt it to audience not familiar with the original. A damn nightmare to figure out every damn step of the way. I've spent two days on speccing/respeccing the PC. F*ck that, better go _play_ some _games_

Время в игре: 2532 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Owlcat Games
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 25.02.2025
Metacritic 73
Отзывы пользователей 77% положительных (16747)

Отзывы пользователей

12,839 положительных и 3,908 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 09.02.2025 09:48


RPG Adventure


Single-player Steam Achievements Full controller support Steam Trading Cards Steam Cloud Remote Play on Tablet Family Sharing