Разработчик: Hype ProductionZ

Любителям лимбо и инсайд посвящаеться.

Вы маленький мальчик который очнулся в недрах военной лаборатории. Вы были участником эксперимента по выделению вакцины. Вы выжили. У вас иммунитет которым нужно поделиться со всеми кто выжил на земле. Вы нашли прибор, с помощью которого можно управлять сознанием монстров. Ваша задача добраться до бункера выживших и спасти человечество от неминуемой гибели. Вот оно будущее которое уже рядом.
В игре вам необходимо решать головоломки, а также управлять монстрами для их решения. Остерегайтесь опасных мест и изучайте все документы, которые найдете на своём пути.
2D графика, атмосферная музыка, интересные загадки и задания, мир пост апокалипсиса и полчища монстров - это всё что ждет вас в ASTRAL.

Поддерживаемые языки: russian, english
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 or newer: 32bit / 64bit
- Процессор: Core 2 Duo or higher
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DirectX11 Compatible GPU with 512 MB Video RAM
- Место на диске: 550 MB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible sound card
- ОС *: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Процессор: Core 4 Duo or higher
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DirectX11 Compatible GPU with 1 GB Video RAM
- Место на диске: 550 MB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible sound card
- ОС: Max OS
- Процессор: Pentium® 4 1.5 GHz
- Оперативная память: 512 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Direct X
- Место на диске: 550 MB
- Звуковая карта: Direct X
- ОС: Linux OS
- Процессор: Pentium® 4 1.5 GHz
- Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Direct X
- Место на диске: 550 MB
- Звуковая карта: Direct X
Отзывы пользователей
Good game, done very well even though a lot of people say its to much like limbo/inside
game was fun and very easy to get all 50 achievements took about 3 hours to beat
on the one hand a very well put together indie game ... on the other, it tries to reach background story telling like limbo but falls short imo worth a play for a short thought provoking experience, wouldn't class as horror though.
It was a good game. There are problems with optimization,but in general everything is fine. Too short. Passed. Well done to the developers )))
68 out of 100...(Barely a pass for me!)
1.Reasonably priced (recommend waiting for a discount - 9 chapters in total within the game)
2.Graphics are adequate
3.Decent amount of content (5+ hr)
1.Timing issues and monster spawn glitches
(Major timing glitches with the game. Trying to control monsters in time seems to be bugged at times, especially in level 6 outskirts...one monster takes 5 seconds to take control over the next takes 8-9 seconds.)
2.Clunky animations/mechanics.
Overall a descent game...I originally failed the game rating wise, but I believe I was being to harsh on the game. Its difficult to make a game of this nature and to keep the concept fresh.
One patch could resolve most of the games issues:
1.button mapping options
2.Resolution setting option
The game is really amazing, from my point of view. It's easy to understand the plot and its control. I recommend it to all of the gamers who enjoys this kind of computer games.
A Limbo-type game. It is so much the same type that I will focus only to the specific differences. The atmosphere and the graphics side of the game is post-apocalyptical. It is quite good and different. But Limbo has some atristic and storybook aspects. Inside game has for example high graphics level and clever interaction with the story and the second layer of the screen. There is nothing special I could point out here. The feeling is a little blur (from the graphic) and monotonous. I remember that the walking parts were too long. Maybe it corresponds with the story and the intent of the developers but I did not feel any added value. Achivements are really good and tapes with voice of people and records from history can make your experience deeper. The graphics of movements of the beasts should be better and I thing the same apply to the hero too.
I really liked the game despite the facts I stressed above and I appreciate the effort of the developers. But it is not so interesting than I expected.
I saw a game from a friend, I waited for the discount I bought. Interesting enough indie game, justifies its price. Recommend
First of all: Astral is not a bad game. The basic idea of the game and the controls are interesting.
Nevertheless i can't recommend the game, because it lacks of three (for me) very important components: challenging riddles, an exciting story line and interesting characters.
The game duration was 2h and i didn't even rush it.
If you want to give Astral a chance, you probably wait for a discount. Otherwise you will be disappointed probably.
Overall Rating: 4/10
You play a young boy with a large head who breaks out of some sort of research facility to explore a world which has gone to pieces. Shown mostly in black and white with odd splashes of colour, you venture across the city to an underground bunker where you discover your true destiny. Along the way you'll encounter and be chased by horrifying enemies, solve the occasional jumping puzzle, and best of all, occasionally wear a mind-control helmet which lets you take control of other beings and make them do your whim in order to progress further. The environment flows naturally from one location to the next, with the joins being very smooth and gradual. The physics engine is top notch, and you never feel like you missed a jump because the game wasn't reading your controls correctly. The camera is very dynamic, and your character moves in and out of the scenery following the curves of the land in a pleasant way, giving the world more depth rather than just "run right". Everything is explained through "show don't tell" and the lack of voice acting makes the game that much more atmospheric.
Oh, wait. That's INSIDE. This is Astral.
You play a young boy with a large head who breaks out of some sort of research facility to explore a world which has gone to pieces. Shown mostly in black and white with odd splashes of colour, you venture across the city to an underground bunker where you discover your true destiny. Along the way you'll encounter and be chased by one single type of enemy [whose AI seems to vary on a whim and sometimes breaks completely making it impossible to proceed], solve the occasional jumping puzzle [some of which are infuriatingly difficult], and best of all, occasionally wear a mind-control helmet which lets you take control of other beings and make them do your whim in order to progress further. The environment jarringly moves from one locale to the next in seemingly copy-paste fashion, with backgrounds frequently repeating themselves. The physics engine is messed up, with objects hanging in mid-air when they should fall, the parallax is very odd making items seem to float. There is a forced perspective on the camera, and your character moves in and out of the scenery seemingly at random so it's often very hard to tell where your feet are going and where your landing spot is when jumping. Everything is explained through notes and audio logs, even when it doesn't make any sense within the game world and the voice acting is terrible.
It's not a TERRIBLE game...it's just rather buggy and uninspired, and there are games out there that do this sort of thing much better. If Steam had a "neutral" option, this game would certainly qualify. As it is, it's not BAD, but I'm not recommending it simply because it's all been done before, and more professionally.
A game that is frustratingly clunky. Broken english, bad movement like jumping stopping you right in your tracks, somehow way too tutorialised and not enough (in regards to monster behaviour). It is almost charming at first, with a constant stream of achievements and russians that are clearly not voice actors speaking english, but the charm soon fades and you're left with a bad game.
Also the parallax scrolling is nausea-inducing.
To dispense with what you see on 99% of reviews of Astral: yes it’s a similar game to Limbo or Inside. That doesn’t mean it can’t have it’s own story, it’s own theme and style. It has all of those and does it well in it’s own unique way. You play as a child who wakes up in a lab to find out that they apparently have the antibodies for a virus, that has been turning people into monsters, in your blood and you must try to reach some survivors to have a cure made. To do so you must solve a variety of puzzles using platforming as well as taking control of monsters in order to do a variety of tasks such as killing other monsters or destroying turrets. These said turrets will target your character as well since you have this virus in your blood. The platforming is solid with the movement feeling right. The puzzles themselves save a few are straightforward and at a good difficulty level. You also have to play a hacking mini game in order to open certain doors as well as to turn some turrets to not target you. The mini game is a little annoying but only because it requires great timing. Think of it like Frogger. It added some good variety to the gameplay. The game wasn’t without issues. When you take control of a monster they will then always auto lock on to you if you let them live. So for instance on one part I used a monster to kill two other monsters leaving just the one. I couldn’t sneak past them after as they would always see me even when hiding. What the game wanted me to do was just kill one monster and suicide the other thus allowing me to sneak by the third. Just stupid as it is never explained why you lose the ability to sneak by a monster you have controlled. I also wish your character could run as it would seem wise to run away from monsters as fast as possible but this kid just wants to walk fast.
The graphics are decent. I thought the art style and color pallete were good as well as the overall tone they were going for in a bleak post apocalyptic world. The music was decent but felt a little too loud and full of bass often drowning out the dialogue when it was on. The voice acting was a mixed bag. Some parts were well done while others were horrible. I have a feeling there weren’t a lot of different voice actors used and many parts were done by the same person. The only complaint I will raise about the graphics is the screen had this fuzzy effect to it for some reason.
I played Astral on Linux. It never crashed on me once. Alt-Tab didn’t work. You can’t rebind keys at all. You are locked to 60 FPS. There is no manual save option. The game has checkpoints throughout the level and a full save at the beginning of each level. This means if you’re halfway through the level and die you start at the last checkpoint but if you exit the game you must start back at the beginning of the level. I detest this. Furthermore it never tells you when a checkpoint has occured nor when a level changes. The level changes are usually when there is a transition and a quick black screen but how hard could have it been to have a “saving” logo on the screen when it happens. My Logitech F310 worked fine for gameplay but it doesn’t work on the menus. This must be what the “partial controller support” they listed on Steam was. It’s not a big deal as it just means using the mouse on menus. The keyboard can be used for gameplay but with no rebinding of keys allowed the defaults may not be ideal for all. There are no graphics options at all. During gameplay my GPU usage was 6-15%; my VRAM usage was 892-992MB; my CPU usage was 2-5%; and my RAM usage was 3.2-3.6GB. The game ran at a constant 60 FPS. The game install used up 625MB of disk space.
Overall Astral was a solid game with a few warts. The story was worth playing through to see and the gameplay to do so was mostly fun. I finished Astral in 2 hours 50 minutes. I paid $1.14 CAD for the game and would say it is worth closer to $10. Even if you played through Limbo or Inside I can recommend it for the story and atmosphere.
My Score: 7/10
My System:
AMD Ryzen 5 2600X | 16GB DDR4-3000 CL15 | MSI RX 580 8GB Gaming X | Mesa 19.3.1 | Samsung 850 Evo 250GB | Manjaro 18.1.5 | Mate 1.22.2 | Kernel 5.4.6-2-MANJARO
this game is a cool concept i like how you can control the monsters with your mind and the level design is great. worth a play if you got a few bucks to spare
I just cannot recommend this game, it's terrible; sometimes you'll spend a minute walking on direction, sometimes you'll spend five minutes getting past a certain bit then have to go all the way back when you die, you may decide to have a break and when you reload the game find you have to do the previous ten-fifteen minutes to get back to where you are because the chapter system is broken, this game is not enjoyable and for the price not even worth it, play black the fall, inside and limbo if you enjoy these types of games.
Upon finishing this game I can honestly say; DO NOT BUY THIS GAME, it's not fun, it was a waste of 4-5 hours, I regret buying it and wish i didn't waste my time on it, if you wanna spend hours not enjoying a video game then this is your game, it is easy to get 100 percent achievements but that's not even worth the toil and pain this game will cause you.
Here we go again .....
The problem with the gameplay in this game ..... is that it exists. Weird, isnt it? The gameplay isnt fun, interesting or well thought out, its just there. If the game developers just focused on the atmosphere, setting, story (make this a sort of side scrolling walking simulator) and charged around 3-5 euros for it, then I think people would be a lot more understanding and satisfied with the experience. Otherwise, the gameplay is overly simplistic and all the issues you have from it is derived not from difficulty, but weak level design.
If you get this on sale and just want to focus on the atmosphere, I think you might enjoy this. Otherwise, dont bother.
I’d give this a neutral if I could, since I didn’t completely hate this game. It is loaded with bugs - I had several instances where I couldn’t proceed because the monsters would detect and, subsequently, kill me no matter what I did. In every instance I encountered this I had to reload the area - which, to my annoyance, led to having to replay sections. I was able to advance after reloading the buggy sections but this still sucked. Another thing I hated was the Frogger like mini-game that you must complete to open doors or turn off turrets. They got old really fast but appear with much frequency throughout the game.
Graphics have a nice depth effect but sadly are very static, monochrome, and monotonous. Sounds are decent I guess, save for the annoying character movement.
All in all, I can’t recommend this one, but these developers do show some promise. Hopefully their next offering will deliver on it.
Finished ASTRAL on the 23.Jun.2019
Who are the game developers?
Hype ProductionZ (Hype ProductionZ)
What's the game about?
Savior-boy goes after monsters to save humanity, after he's some kind of experiment freak that turns out OK.
General feeling after finishing?
Why doesn't this just last, like, 30 min.? Also, I'm glad I only paid 0.81 EUR for it, as the full 8.19 EUR is not worth spending.
The brain dead deaf monsters and out, and you have to go after them. Hide behind crates and play Jumping Jack to turn on machine guns that fire only at infected life forms, to try and platform your way out of a dying world, while listening to some tapes that have been dropped along the way, for your convenience.
It's a basic 2D platformer, with a linear path that you can't escape from. It's also very easy, so if you're more than 12/13 you might think twice about checking this game out.
They would have been great 10 years ago.
Sound & Music?
Repetitive, but kind of suited to the general atmosphere.
None. Also, I got 100% of the achievements on the first run, and had to do no special action for them. They were just part of the normal cycle.
Time played?
Around 3 hours.
To be quite frank, I am very disappointed with the game. Yes, I only played for about 30 min and got pretty far in the game. The overall mechanics are somewhat poor and the game is glitchy. I love the graphics, overall concept, and gaming style, but the execution of the game is poor. It also feels rigid; the mechanics needs major improving.
I've never played Limbo or Inside but I did see the trailers for those games, and they look and appear to be better than Astral. With that being said, I can understand why some of the reviews for this game mention those titles. Astral isn't a bad game and I do recommend it for people who are into games like Odd World and Limbo but just be advised; and don't get hyped up like I did....
It's time to get my refund.
Not even close to Limbo, Inside, LM and such.
Slow, sluggush and, ultimately, boring/ It started to be boring during 4 chapter of 9. I knew that game is short and finally beat it, but it definitely was not fun.
At current state just increase of speed of character and enemies could help. But then game will be even shorter.
There are some things to like about Astral (those things are mostly plagiarized from Inside and Limbo, but they're there), but I just can't recommend this. It took me two hours to beat the game and unlock every achievement, which I did on the first playthrough without trying, and it really never felt like I was challenged by anything other than poor level design. I quite like the premise and some of the visuals, but there's probably just not a whole lot here for anyone except the biggest Inside fans who are desperate for anything Inside-ish.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Hype ProductionZ |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 46% положительных (26) |