Разработчик: Shangshi Studio
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[Note:1 Single-player mode and multi-player mode are two different modes. In multi-player mode, you cannot single-player mode. Please select the corresponding mode in the start game interface. ]
2 Multiplayer game is a DLC added later. The main part of the game is single player game.At present, the multiplayer server is in China, and players from other countries and regions are likely to have network delay. If you decide to buy this game because of multiplayer game, please make a careful decision. We are so sorry about this!
Члены команды ShangShiXuan полагаются на археологические открытия и исторические документы, чтобы точно установить культуру и сцены восточного мира.Эта игра устанавливает исторический фон с насыщенными событиями в годы ранней династии Хань, представляет собой идеальное сочетание RPG, стратегии и реализма.Игра начинается во время правления императора Уди Хана и вращается вокруг войн между Ханьской империей и Xiongnu (Хунну) в северных степях, а также между другими королевствами, городами и племенами в то время.В игре мир охватывает территории от племен Сушень и Фуюй, на берегу Черной реки на востоке, до земли Кангюй и Дайюань на западе высокого Памира. Обширная территория, размером с две сотни городов, воспроизводит тогдашнюю Восточную Азию, Юго-Восточную Азию, Западный регион. Более тридцати стран, культур и племен.Shang Shi Xuan опирается на литературу, археологические данные, реальное восстановление культурных особенностей народов периода Западной династии Хань. Хунно-китайские войны (202 г до н. э. — примерно 181 год н. э., с перерывами) — ряд военных конфликтов между Хуннской державой и Ханьским Китаем и союзниками противоборствующих сторон. Результатом стало уничтожение Хуннской державы, что послужило одной из причин Великого переселения народов.
В игре более 1000 оригинальных видов оружия, доспехов, платьев, архитектуры и других предметов, тщательно сделанных по последним археологическим находкам.Многие из них впервые созданы в цифровом виде и дают игроку возможность взглянуть на восточное оружие и культуру более двух тысячелетий назад. Шлемы Цинь, Хань ламеллар, кольцевые мечи, свистящие стрелы и Луки орла-все это помогает игроку испытать путь воина из Средней земли, в высокие степи и над движущимися песками.Городские сцены представляют ландшафт областных центров в разных культурах. Ханьская Империя имеет величественные дворцы, высокие стены и башни; племена кочевников разбегаются по высокой траве; в юго-западных горах дианские барабаны раскрываются из густых лесов; на Западной территории возвышенные замки стоят вдоль края рек оазиса.Игрок может посетить таверны, улицы и встретиться с историческими фигурами, которые носят знакомые имена: великими генералами, такими как Вэй Цин и Хо Цюйбин, или простолюдинами, похожими на Го Цзе и Лэй Бэй. Игрок может присоединиться к своим квестам и следить за известными фактами из истории.Некоторые из них наградят игрока коллекцией карт персонажей. Когда игрок решает отойти от кровопролитий, можно работать в качестве торговца по обе стороны Китайской стены или просто путешествовать по миру любуясь достопримечательностями.Игрок может присоединиться к войскам генерала, следовать его командам, гарнизону на границе и сражаться в боях за Монан, преобретая опыт карьеры ветерана-солдата Империи Хань. Игрок также может возглавить значительную силу для своего собственного отряда, стоять на высокой скале и выдавать команды формированиям в поле боя. С накопленными победами игрок может подняться по воинским чинам и в конечном итоге стать имперским главнокомандующим. При желании игрок также может создать свое королевство или взять управление городом на себя, создавать мастерские и обучать свои новые войска, бороться за гегемонию среди великих императоров и ханов. Еще, и многое другое, должно быть изучено в войнах Хань Сюнну.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, russian
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows XP or greater
- Процессор: Intel Core Duo 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 3D graphics card with 256MB RAM
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- Звуковая карта: Standard audio
- ОС *: Windows 7 64bit or greater
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-3450, FX-8120, or better
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, hd 6750, or better
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- Звуковая карта: Standard audio
Отзывы пользователей
This game is very much using Mount and Blade Warband as a foundation, so it may at first seem to simply be that game with a coat of paint, but like Viking Conquest, Napoleonic Wars, or other games that use Warband as a foundation, it can use that to good effect. I really enjoy the changes that have been made from Warband to fit the setting of this game. Recruitment uses a system fitting of this period of Chinese history, sieges use different mechanics depending on if the siege is against a fortified city, or a nomadic people's settlement, trade as well depends on if the people you are trading with have a currency or if they use a bartering system. The gameplay loop is mostly the same, but expanding your army is now more dependent on a promotion system in which troops are granted to you. Promotions are also how many of you companions are found, as exceptional troops can be promoted to companions, though this is only allowed with custom troops that you have trained and equipped yourself. The new formation and command system takes some getting used to, but has much more depth than Warband's equivalent system, and allows some of the skills that were mostly useless in that game to be worthwhile.
The translation certainly has some issues, as you'll find pretty quickly, but is honestly much better than I would have expected considering the small scale of this game, and the fact that English speakers are likely not the intended audience. The only real issue I ran into is that the game seems to start in Chinese, so you'll have to navigate the launcher and change it to English without being able to actually understand any of the instructions.
This is a Mount & Blade Warband MOD sold as a standalone game. There's nothing wrong with that and there are a few other games that do the same. The question is "is it good, is it worth the money?" and sadly I'd have to answer "maybe?". It's not a bad MOD, I'd say it could compare with Viking Conquest, as it also has a "story" mode, but it really falls on it's nose at places. This game has an innovative formations gameplay, which could be good, but it's rather inconsistent and at times, for reasons, it'll switch back to the old M&B controls (that the game doesn't teach, so if you didn't play M&B:W before you're left to die in confusion).
Can you get better M&B MODs for free? Sureley, try Gekokujo, Brytenwalda, etc. Are there any better M&B MODs based on ancient or medieval China? Well, a couple. There are a few Romance of the Three Kingdoms MODs, and 108 Heroes, Han Xiongnu Wars also has a smallish map (for China) and few factions, with the Chinese Han being more interesting and powerful that the nomadic Xiongnu, so I'd say its only worth it on sale AND if you're interested on the time period. But hey, this is the war where historical Mulan fought, so there's that.
As everything Mount & Blade Warband related, this games runs A Ok in Linux via Proton.
Very interesting game if you like chinese history if not then just buying mount and blade then. This is like the historical-related mount and blade game, me personally enjoy it.
Gloria Sinica is by far the most feature rich and diverse Warband module I have ever played. Most of the negative reviews are lies and slander, save for mentions of poor english translation and performance which are absolutely true. However, if you and your PC can handle it, you're in for a real treat.
If you like Mount & Blade and ancient China, you'll like this. Only problems so far are sometimes confusing English, and the balance can be somewhat weird, but other than that it's great.
It's okay. On the whole the game is reasonably refined in some areas, but extremely crude in others, and it helps if you're interested in Chinese history to enjoy it. The new trade system for primitive nations is a cool touch, you can hunt wild animals, play as your companions (a very welcome feature), create custom troops, craft items, command your army in overhead 3rd person, use battle formations, ride (functional!) war elephants, and more. There is a focus on gaining rank through military service as opposed to being a vassal/merc like in regular warband. There's a story mode which immerses you in the historical setting reasonably well, but drags on for too long as others have mentioned. Just play in sandbox mode. The Han and Xiongnu factions are quite detailed and well done, but most of the others are disappointingly sparse in distinction. The Indo-Greeks are the most unfortunate example (looking almost exactly the same as their Iranian nomad neighbours), but not all of it can be blamed on the devs. Some factions (like the Di tribes) have little to no written history and archeological evidence is scarce, so I can understand why it's difficult to come up with material for them. Think of them less as factions and more as bandits with forts; they exist more so to be conquered than to be joined. I expected the Han empire to be overpowered and dominate the map every game due to its size, but surprisingly this isn't the case, they often get bogged down by a coalition of small states + the Xiongnu ensuring that not much territorial change happens. The English translation isn't very good, you can get the gist of what the game is trying to say but it's full of mistakes and missing dialogue.
Faults aside, I bought this game on sale for $3 and got more than enough enjoyment for the price. It's clearly a labour of love from people with an immense enjoyment for Chinese history, and it shows. I read through the forums that the dev team disbanded and thus there won't be any more large updates, which is unfortunate because I could see this being great if a little more work was put into it. At the very least, I hope the sole remaining dev will have the energy to re-implement warband's marriage system into the game and touch up a few small things, seeing as the groundwork is already there for a good, fun game and it merely needs a bit of tweaking to become something special.
One of the best singleplayer experiences Mount & Blade has ever offered. Well worth it. English translation is a little wonky at times and a few mechanics are really jank but besides that it's just great.
The game is literally M&B and with that in mind i can say that this Mod is great. It currently cost 3$ and i don't mind paying for something of this quality. The mod has a great story and guides the player. Its more like a VC type of experience really good!! I suggest you guys buy it while its 3$!!
Yes, it's a mod for mount and blade. But it's a well made mod. I have yet to see a M&B mod that exceeds the quality and content of this game. I highly recommend playing the "limited" campaign as it provides an actual story compared to the free roam campaign. My only complaint is that when you are conscripted into the army, it feel very repetitive.
It's like a Warband Mod but standalone, Has many features of the Warband Modding Community, like NeoGKs ballista, Freelancer integrated into Storymode, aswell as unique features such as passes blocking players from acessing certain areas until one gets a "passport". Its like Viking Conquest as it has a unique storyline. Lots of info about Chinese history. Languages available are Chinese, Russian and English
If you love Chinese history, this is without a doubt the best M&B-style experience available right now, with tons of custom-made features and an insane amount of effort poured into it. It's hard to understand the negative reviews as being anything other than maladjusted expectations. Do *not* buy this if you want an improved, modernized standalone M&B Warband style game, with China as a curious setting or if you want multiplayer. *Do* buy this if you really love being immersed in the specific ~120 BC setting and already like M&B Warband enough to still find it fun to play despite its age. Also use ReShade, you can try PureVision, Ultimate Immersion, Winterhaze, TrueShade, Rustic etc. Experiment.
This is a game or rather a paid mod. this was kinda biting me in the ass a bit, but well... a paid mod... a GOOD paid MOD if I'd compare this to warband mods it'd be my 11th favorite one (it doesnt sound good from someon who havent played wabrand) But believe me, this is actually a good "game". If you never played Warband ? well. Buy Warband and Bannerlord, if u feel like it buy other m&b games aswell, but if you're like me and you finnished all mods multiple times, you'll know why this is nice thing to play. I've seen many discussions here in the reviews how this is illegal or sth, i have no confirmation of it, but I've also heard that they got licensed by taleworlds. whichever is true, these "devs" definetly put a good amount of work into this, regardless if its a game on the same engine or if it was a sth on other engine (that doesnt bother me at all) it's good.for some reason its more expensive than warband. Wait for a sale and buy it' itll be worth it.
in standard price ? no.It shouldnt be more expensive than WB.
In short A good game?/mod?. buy on sale ofc not as good as WB or BL but still good game.
In short: Unless the notion of a paid mod offends you on principle, consider buying this if you're a fan of Warband.
It's very rough in places and extremely polished in others. It's important to remember the devs are Chinese, so don't even bother trying to create a character that's not Han or Xiongnu. The Western areas are very much unfinished, but that's kind of ok.
If you play as a Han, the experience is somewhere between a massive and complex mod and Viking Conquest. There are story campaign elements, but they're shorter and less linear and detailed than VC.
I have to admit the setting appeals to me greatly and contributes to my enjoyment of the game. It's not the common Three Kingdoms era, but some time before that. You'll venture more into the western parts and encounter wildly different cultures of the steppes, even the Yuezhi who later conquer much of northern India.
I'm well into my first proper playthrough, but it still feels like I've barely skimmed the surface. I found one single companion and just flipping through the manual (Oh yes, there's a manual! Read it.), I've not run into ANY of the many unique quests and hidden easter eggs.
You like easter eggs and hidden quests? Boy oh boy! One of the first things you probably notice is that your character can drown, but also staying under water trains you in holding your breath longer. (!!!) That's a hint for a unique hidden secret thing btw. (blew my mind really)
I'll update the review when I get further, but I felt I should recommend the game at this point, because I feel I've already gotten my money's worth.
The devs seem to update the game quite often, so hopefully more fixes and content injections are coming.
Solid game. Really did well with the Warband engine. I'm especially pleased by the fact that this is not a commonly depicted time period, and not only have they done that, but they've done it exceedingly well. Definitely worth playing in depth, there's a lot of great historical information here.
Battles are fun and engaging, the AI is quite decent (obviously it'll never be as good as an actual player, but for what's there if you're playing without having too many newbie options turned on, it'll give you a good challenge).
My favourite part has to be the fact that when playing as an enlisted soldier, your commander actually gives you tasks to do; hunting, taking on bandits, delivering letters, guarding outposts, etc. There's a lot of mods that will let you play as a regular trooper, but you're basically just waiting around with nothing to do, while with this you don't have that issue at all.
The story segments are also quite fun. I'm enjoying it immensely, and the price is reasonable for everything that you get. Loads of people say "If ___ was a paid mod, I'd love to give $20 to it". Well, now's your chance to show if you're willing to support modders who made this, or if you're just talk and your words are equivalent to a fart in the wind.
good.The story of the game occurred in two hundred BC, telling the war between the Han Dynasty of China and the Huns on the Mongolia prairie. Because of this war and the great dynasty, China's Chinese nation gained a new name, the Han nationality.
Believe me, I see the production group recovering a lot of historical facts. In the game, all the buildings, clothes, utensils and streets of the city you see are real history! It's amazing.
As a matter of fact, I saw the social features of various countries and nationalities living in Central Asia and East Asia in two hundred BC, and I learned the way and form of ancient Chinese war.
If you want a mount and balde game set in China, then this is the best game on the market (and the only one).
+ Good Gameplay
+ A lot of new mechanics
+ Story mode (even if it can be a bit boring some times)
+ Beautiful new Art
+ Good looking and historical accurate equipement (from what I have seen so far)
- Bugs, lots of Bugs ( Edit: there are a lot less bugs since the new update)
- The english translation is ... not perfect, but It is relatively good if you can ignore a few minor errors.
I havent experienced all parts of the game yet, and I will try to update my review when I have seen more.
Due to the lack of reviews in English, I figured I should give this game a try and offer my thoughts.
It would be fair to describe Gloria Sinica as a M&B: Warband mod sold at a pretty steep price.
But aside from some pretty mediocre translation, they put quite a bit of work into it. The game world seems huge, there are a lot of factions, unique (to Gloria Sinica) artwork, character appearances, environments and towns, and a whole new sort of "game mode" where you play as a part of a larger army, at least for a time, which is arguably a bit confusing, or even a bit of a grind, but it includes new missions and the story seems relatively interesting. The game also includes a "custom troop" system which is pretty exciting.
One tip: You can recruit refugees.
Overall, stingy people would call Gloria Sinica overpriced, but if you're just looking to not waste your time, I do recommend it if you're interested in a Mount&Blade game set in East Asia. My main gripe with the game is that the balancing is off somewhat - I am not sure what determines the difficulty level of spawned enemies, but I find that they get very difficult rather quickly. (But I play with 100% damage)
Haven't encountered any bugs that I wouldn't see in Mount and Blade: Warband, so far.
I do not know why people play 5-6 hours will comment on the negative. But the point I'm talking about is not there. I'm going to tell you that the great adventure will begin after you succeed in the army. (After the heavy fighting on the rescue mission, the people were arrested in their outskirts. We are faced with the collision of a large cavalry really big.) I like the story mode of the game. Although, throughout the duration of the army, there is a mission to do, which is a bit boring. The problem is, in the early stages, we have a low military rank. We have to do it ourselves. Of course I mean you alone. But when the army advances you, it can be done through the various missions that appear throughout the time we are in the army. You will be followed by soldiers, which will increase the rank of rank from 5 to 10 and 20 to 30, and now the commander will leave us free. And a small nobleman in Liao Tong. Then began to build the army and the heroism. Learn how to organize your troops in different cities. What is it? I like the system. But it may have to wait for better development, which would be another break. But personally, 315 baht may be a little expensive, but for me it is worth it.
Old Review:
Just refunded it. This is a game that i really like it to work. I really like the classical chinese language and the historical detail the dev put into for immersion as a Han Dynasty Soldier. However the bugs are making it too hard to play. Will refund it and will buy it if its on discount or when they have patched it. Definitely not worth the 15$ ive paid for at the moment.
Latest Review after patch on 28th Jan 2018:
After the update i played a few hours and did not encounter any bugs, there is also a free roam mode which makes the game alot more fun to play with. We get to join southern kingdoms like Minyue and Nanyue. The main quest is quite immersive. its a big change, will definitely recommend it now.
I feel quite disapointed about this game because most of game features are not avaliable untill you reach high rank. The designer failed to balance between gameplay and reality. There are also too many restrictions at the start of the game.
I first played the original version of this mod in 2012 and really enjoyed it. I hope the game would improve in the future version but I cannot recommend this game currently, sorry. 7/10
After 22 hours of gameplay, I finally changed my opinion but this game still needs polish.
Never buy this game!!!! It's a fraud! It's just a Mount & Blade's mod and only worth $5! Don't waste your money! If you want to play, buy M&B and there are thousands of similar mod that you can download for free!!!
Updated:This game developer is totally a rogue, If you have any objection about their game, they will collusion the forum administrator to banned your ID! NEVER give your money to them!
Игры похожие на 汉匈决战/Han Xiongnu Wars
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Shangshi Studio |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 15.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 76% положительных (55) |