Разработчик: Perun Creative
Хотя большинство горожан с радостью восприняли переход к демократии и капитализму, некоторые люди так и не смогли приспособиться к новым условиям. Вскоре они оказались на улице, лишенные каких-либо перспектив.
Вы один из этих бедолаг.
Следите за своими нуждами и другими факторами, реалистично взаимодействующими между собой. Ваши потребности не исчерпываются теплом, сухостью и сытостью. К примеру, пренебрежение гигиеной и грязная одежда усиливают неприятный запах, воздействие холода повышает риск болезней, а любая съеденная пища рано или поздно выходит наружу.
Как далеко вы готовы зайти ради выживания? Вы можете промышлять карманным кражами, вламываться в дома и вести дела с разнообразными представителями местного криминала. А если припрет, то и попросту отбирать чужое силой. Но при этом вы далеко не герой кинобоевика. Тщательно обдумывайте свои действия: последствия могут оказаться тяжелыми, а награда - не стоящей риска. И ни в коем случае не теряйте бдительности. Даже если вы сами не хотите никого обижать, в городе всегда найдутся желающие обидеть вас.
Не упускайте ни одного дня уходящей осени. Собирайте припасы, инструменты и материалы, которые помогут вам пережить самое тяжелое время года. Погода в городе меняется непредсказуемо, но одно можно сказать точно: завтра будет холоднее, чем сегодня. Впрочем, при достаточной подготовке и толике везения у вас есть шанс дожить до весны.
В отличие от других игр, посвященных выживанию, Hobo: Tough Life во многом полагается на сюжет. Участвуйте в десятках увлекательных историй по мотивам реальных событий и биографий. Разгадывайте загадки, завоевывайте доверие новых знакомых, обзаводитесь друзьями и врагами, присоединяйтесь к различным группировкам и ищите свое место на улицах Праслава.
Хотя у вас нет теплой квартиры, куда можно было бы вернуться после тяжелого дня, вам вовсе ни к чему спать на скамейке в парке. Найдите укромное место и приступайте к работе. Стройте стены и крыши из подручных материалов, чтобы защитить себя от стихий. Собирайте выброшенную мебель и безделушки, чтобы обставить свою хижину и превратить ее в уютный собственный дом.
Слишком тяжело выживать в одиночку? Соберите банду. В игре предусмотрен совместный сетевой режим, рассчитанный на четырех игроков. В их число могут войти как ваши друзья, так и совершенно незнакомые игроки. Объединяйтесь, собирайте ресурсы и стройте трущобный город, в котором можно пережить зиму.
Уже более десяти лет в городе нет никого, кто мог бы объединить разрозненные группировки бомжей. Трон короля нищих давно пустует. Кто заявит на него права, добившись уважения всех городских бездомных? Может быть, вы?
Поддерживаемые языки: english, czech, simplified chinese, german, polish, russian, french, spanish - spain, japanese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-4340 / AMD FX-6300
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 660 / AMD Radeon 7850
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-2500K / AMD FX-8370
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 970 / AMD R9 380X
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-4340 / AMD FX-6300
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 660 / AMD Radeon 7850
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-2500K / AMD FX-8370
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 970 / AMD R9 380X
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 20 GB
Отзывы пользователей
i already was going to give it a negative review because of how the game is set in praslav but they edited it then they announce that they wont be updating anymore and i loose all respect for the creators, why not add mod support or atleast finish up the map... feels kinda lazy
this is one of the best games i have played in my life!!!
what a marvel of a game thank you for making it!!!!!
i played so much that i went hobo
Such a shame that devs drop the game. This game has great potential
My first experience of this game was from a funny video from a youtuber called JFJ, I played this game for 10 hours at first and didn't get into, months later I played it again and loved every minute after, not sure what clicked for, but after that I played for hours and hours, I love this game although there are a few problems to do with building your hideout that make it difficult to place things in order (such as the roofs you can place) or to make stacks of things when you get excess of them.
But all consider this is one of the best survival games I've played.
Really cool survival game from a different perspective.
I really enjoy this game when it is operating properly, but as of late there is a time bug that causes time to slow down that severely limits your ability to progress. the only way to "fix it" that i have found is to completely log out and close the game. But most times it is an extremely temporary fix lasting a minute or so then it slows back down again. its a bit random when it happens but its more than enough to break the game and make it nearly impossible to play
i can't stop playing this game
You become homeless from buying the game itself
majsner spinjitzu
Meh it's 2/10, very repetitive, I've waited years to buy this on discount (standard price is way to much for the content imo). Starts up nicely, gets old way to fast. Maybe Hobo 2 will be better...
Unironically, this is a pretty decent urban survival game. I bought the game expecting it to be sort of a one-off time killer. However, for what it is, it has a lot of good mechanics (base building, crafting, skill systems, quests, factions, lots of different items to equip). Worth it on a sale for sure, maybe not $30.
A few things to note before playing this:
1. You can only play it by creating a local server, this means NO PAUSE.
2. Things that shouldn't affect your health like morale being low, do. You die way too easily.
3. There are NO OPTIONS you can set in your game instance. No Easy, Medium, Hard, nothing.
4. When you die, you lose everything in your inventory. Everything. And a guy near spawn has it all, and you can only get it from him if you buy each little thing individually. There is no option to change this at all.
The only thing you can do is RAGE QUIT. Which IS an option that the devs coded in.
This is a cash grab game.
very addictive, best for grinder
Surprisingly fun game!
This game is so difficult to even enjoy, I understand grinding for resources to survive but if you dare try and walk around in this game longer than a minute suddenly your health is low and youre dead??? not only this, but when you die, you lose all your resources and have to pay it back + -10 on all stats???? this was on normal difficulty and i find it insane how theres even a hardcore mode after this. dont bother wasting your money to spend 5 hours making no progress on this game, unless you really want to hit your head on a wall from how fustrating it is. cmon at least try make this game more bearable considering it costs nearly 10 euro (NORMALLY 30???). Genuinely do not waste your time on this.
Homo: Tough Life
This game is trash but I love it.
Its a good game.
Don't listen to people claiming that game is "abandoned" or unfinished. Could this game be more and have more content? Sure, but the game most definitely isn't unfinished. Developers finished this game and went on other project(s). There's plenty to do (for a hobo). There's minigames, side quests, main quest and ofc main story, even skills and perks, and it all has it's head and tail. It's a cool little janky winter-time hobo simulator with neat atmosphere. I especially recommend it on sale.
Tiny bit addictive. well worth the cash.
A little buggy but nothing that ruins the game.
I'm saying yes to a recommendation purely because I enjoyed the challenges of being a virtual hobo.
It's very vague when it comes to what to do and how to find things in all honesty.
It's rough around the edges and could use some buffering..
but I've gotten a good laugh out of NPCs quite literally calling me a "r__ard" and shooing me off- just to get mugged by a thung. :')
It's frustrating but I'll keep trying to live my best hobo life.
got it on sale for about $9, and its worth it at that price. The game can be really punishing and it is hard to find info about the game to play, but its great for some laughs with friends.
Do you like a reminder of how fortunate you really are? Do you like a reminder of how little your life really matters to the rest of the world? Do you need delusions of grandeur to amplify the meaninglessness of your existence?
Wake up to nothing to your name other than your filthy rags. Stumble among the barely more fortunate than you. Realize that it's incredibly cold. Realize alcohol will bring warmth to your life. Realize alcohol cost money. Realize everyone thinks you're a disgusting hobo. Defecate yourself and pass out on a public bench. Wake up from the cold. Hear your stomach informing you that you're starving. Rummage through the trash for a half eaten sandwich. Realize you ARE a hobo. Become an alcoholic as a result. Receive the pity of a gas station for a shower. Walk out feeling marginally better about yourself. Get stabbed under a bridge by a local punk for pocket change. Become the unmourned inconvenience to sanitation officials you were destined to be.
This game reminds us that no matter how hard it is? At least we're not Slavic. Unless you are Slavic. In which case this game will provide a pleasant reminder of better times.
I love this game. Buy it.
Better than Bum Simulator
This game is pretty fun and simple but it can understandably get repetitive after a while. I desperately want the devs to come back and work on this game because there is still potential and stuff they could add to the game
10/10 would dumpster dive again
Can be fun, but riddled with silly bugs, and terribly balanced, even for a game that's meant to be difficult.
I bought this game when I was drunk. I was checking out the store with a friend and we were like omg hobo simulator how funny (we were drunk i remind everyone reading this) and we bought the game....And I don't regret this one bit. This game is awesome. I don't know why but I can't stop playing it. This is awesome. I reallllly hope for an update or something because I am really interetested in lore. Sorry if there are mistakes or anything - I'm also drunk while writing this so..... But evern when I am sober I love this game so much omg. I recommend this to everybody especially to play it with somevody, single is fine but co-op is gold.
Basically it's an rpg rage game, you get mugged every f-ing 5 minutes an then lose all your stats and die because you can't afford anything to maintain your stats. Then you have to pay to get your belongings back but can't because of the aforementioned 24/7 of in-game thug shakedown sexual assault. Progression system is a cool idea but it's horribly executed, your gonna die 24/7 because the progression is so damn slow and your stats drain faster than you can possibly maintain them. I understand it's supposed to be hard, but it shouldn't be nearly impossible. Jesus Christ i feel like i need to be in a psych ward with a straight jacket after playing this. Only play this game if you want to be derived of your mental stability and sanity.
Devs should come back to this one, Its pretty fun it just needs polishing around the edges. I feel if they were to add mod support this game would blow up more.
Brutally unforgiving, and I loved every minute.
Genuinely not trying to be too harsh here, but this game is by far one of the worst simulators I've ever seen. Sloppy animation and rigging, ridiculous antics to get materials, combat doesn't even exist in this game. This isn't Pokemon. But these aren't even the biggest problems within the game. You have potential to make a good simulator game, why ruin it?
Save yourself the trouble, buy Bum Simulator instead. Way more fun and there's a lot more to do.
Great game. Real life skyrim
very much my life
now I am prepared for life after university, recommended
the price is too high for what you are getting. Its not bad but the game is unfinished....
easily one of the best games out there.
Surprisingly good and challenging survival game!
This game could've been so good. ;( I've always wanted a hobo simulator. But you can't just beat up everyone, can't piss on anything, but I did win 30cr from a scratch card. That's the most luck I've ever had in my life.
Like many 'ypsies, you spend most time drinking, begging and stealing.
Spend 9 hours of your life with your best friends wondering why you buy this game to begin with, and how stupid this game is -- only to realise for 9 hours you have begged at local trainstation and eaten loaf of bread.
Very depressing. Would recommend.
You will die the first couple of times.
Within one day.
Then you start googling, for some of the basic survival hints/places.
Then you'll love it, deeply.
Computer science major: Tough Life
I played this game like everyday last Xmas with my friend and it was so good , in this game you actually choose what you want to do first and do basically anything as homeless, it has good gameplay , but the graphics quality is not that good but for the price is absolutely ok , I recommend it for everyone who always want to be like homeless for 1 week 🫡
It is a great game but gets boring after 5 hours of playing it gets extremly boring theres not much else to do and also the devs left it and its not done there isnt steam workshop which could have made the game amazing so if i put it all together dont buy
The game is not bad, but is still broken and abandoned. The map is half empty, its northern part is completely unfinished. The game is absolutely disastrously optimized. Do not buy!
tughf live
Great RPG gameplay with skills/perks perfectly complements the harsh survival aspects. Tough learning curve but extremely rewarding if you keep at it. Throw in the base building and a solid storyline and you got easily one of the best simulation games out there,
It's a shame that they stopped development so quickly because it has insane potential. Still an awesome time in it's current state.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Perun Creative |
Платформы | Windows, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 01.02.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 81% положительных (2023) |