Разработчик: Monkeynetics
Featuring highly customizable characters, an elaborated crafting system and the atmosphere of 80s and 90s popculture, it offers a radioactive gaming experience.
Prepare your team in the hideout for deadly mutliplayer matches: Choose from a plentora of fighters and improve them with self-crafted weapons and armors, bionic limbs or performance-enhancing drugs. With genetic mutations, you can enhance your fighters even further to be feared close combat grappler, snipers or allrounders to die in the post-apocalyptical prison of the Intergalactic Cable Network!
On the detailed, hand-drawn battlefields, you'll have to choose the position of your team and use coverage wisely, then show what you got with your arsenal of modified weapons and grenades.
There are three ways to win a match: Eliminate your opponent's team, collect more loot than them or destroy their beam station to dispel the enemy team to the deserts of Cerberus 7.
You'll need the right strategy and balance of firepower, close combat and swiftness to get to your goal.
Watch out! This game enforces straight confrontation without compromise. Only the best will survive on Cerberus 7!
- 21 missions in Solo-Campaign
- Very tactical PVP-Mode
- Innovative gameplay for turnbased action that prevents idle time in PVP
- Highly modifiable characters and equipment
- Extensive crafting-system
- Steam tradingcards
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS: 7
- Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo Prozessor T6500
- Memory: 4000 MB RAM
- Graphics: ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 4650
- Storage: 95 MB available space
- Additional Notes: Might be lower (not tested). Gold maps (which are bigger) might run slow, though.
- OS: 7
- Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K
- Memory: 8000 MB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDEA GeForce GTX 970
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 95 MB available space
- Additional Notes: Runs pretty good.
Отзывы пользователей
No verbosity necessary, terrible.
8/10 An XCom-style TBS/RPG mix in post-apocalyptic mutant battles setting.
After the first somewhat negative impression from the blurred UI, you have a great intricate turn-based strategy game in the style of XCom and Jagged Alliance series. This game was most likely developed for mobile first and then ported to PC, yet ported properly. Mouse controls are fine, there are helpful tooltips for everything and the grindy crafting and progression of characters is actually fun. The onboarding is very well done, as is common for mobile games, and the game opens up its complex systems in a delicate way without any hiccups. My only real complaint would be the absence of any overwatch/reaction fire or turn interrupt system. Though the game plays kinda well without it.
- very good onboarding
- an intricate RPG system of characters, with classes, skill trees, attributes - reminding of Fallout Tactics, Jagged Alliance, XCom series, Wasteland
- an in-game wiki tells exact formulas for how character stats depend on each other
- crafting, weapon upgrades, bionic upgrades
- you can replay missions to grind exp and loot if you like
- the story is pretty well written. You participate in a fighting show on a prison planet with your team of convicts
- nice sci-fi music tracks
- pleasant post-apocalyptic art
- helpful buttons to show line-of-sight of characters, cover provided by scenery objects, highlight lootable crates, grid on/off, and "xray" view through walls and scenery
- the UI elements are blurred. Maybe it's because the game was supposed to run on very small screens? The crisp fonts make this blurriness too apparent. Also, the battlefield itself can be zoomed in/out, and by default it's at such a close zoom level that everything is pixelated. Yet the tile highlights are crisp - it's just a mismatch in style. The blurred UI is probably the biggest negative factor that spoils the visual impression of the game, especially in the first minutes of play
- fonts mismatch: some text is written in plain Arial (or Verdana?) while the rest is some weird sci-fi font that's a bit hard to read
- the game seems to be designed for 1024x768 (4x3?) screen aspect ratio (ported from iPad 1 or iPhone 3?). I have the usual 1920x1080 screen, and it shows 2 big blurry placeholder "iron door" images on the edges of the screen all the time. This just feels like a waste of space, as strategy games only benefit when there is more screen area to view more of the map
- lots of mistranslations from German, the game text would need proofreading (e.g. "Target accomplished" -> "Objective complete"). Since the game's RPG system is quite complex, the mistranslations make it difficult to read the in-game wiki if you're new to the game
- the combat system is a bit simpler than in this genre of games. E.g. there are no reaction shots, overwatch or turn interrupts
- you have to explore the map in turn-based mode even if none of the enemies is alerted of your presence. So, looting crates in levels is a bit tedious. In Jagged Alliance 2 this was solved by dynamic switching between real-time and turn-based modes: as long as no enemy was in sight, it was real-time, and then switched to turn-based once combat actually started. Though I admit that I haven't see that system used anywhere since
- no in-battle save/load. In longer missions, this means you can only abort them if you need to break from playing
- in complex environments with a lot of crates, objects, walls or lockers, it's very hard to see where the characters can actually move, even when "xray vision" is on. I guess this problem is common with games that have isometric view perspective. But I recall it being solved fine by Fallout 2 (just a see-through circular area around the character) or by Jagged Alliance 2 (wireframe-like view of walls)
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Feels a bit like original Fallout.
Surprisingly good game.
This is one of those games where I could see myself either going Yes or No to a recommendation. The tipping point into positive is the price point of five dollars full price. This is worth five bucks if you're looking for a potential tactical game.
While it lists Jagged Alliance and X-Com as inspirations I really don't get those vibes here. This feel far more like a game of Mordheim or Necromunda, both in design and overall feeling. Specifically, this isn't a large scale strategy game with tactical combat but a small-skirmish game with persistence and randomization.
Each mission has you taking a small team up against an enemy team. The objectives have a nice variety of combat, defending, looting, etc. At the end of each mission you gain XP and loot, and any KOed characters roll for lasting wounds or even perma-death.
Over time you unlock weapon crafting, cybernetics and chemical upgrades and the ability to mutate your soldiers to make them more unique and powerful. These mutations even have a visual effect that is unexpected and cool. Overall, this is a definite high point that made this well-worth the price for me.
But like the tabletop games I mentioned, it feels like you're rolling dice rather than actually acting tactically. You don't have many options outside MOVE and SHOOT since there are no skills and many weapons only have 1 fire mode. One bad roll on your part and it's over.
It's the sort of issue that is alot easier to forgive in a game between two humans having fun rather than a PC screwing over my campaign progression.
Overall, more of the time I've spend with this game has been a positive experience. Despite the occasional RNG-driven rage quit I've logged back in happily and probably will continue to do so. While not perfect, the mechanics work fine for what it is/
But the game balance doesn't work fine. By the 3rd mission I was already facing a full squad of units with machine guns, rifles and so forth while I still hadn't unlocked anything other than my starter pistol. When I finally unlocked gun development I needed to spend 5 missions worth of loot to produce one weapon. And if my characters need medical treatment or revival? God help me.
The random nature of the game coupled with low rewards and high challenge made a good game alot less satisfying than it could be.
Despite my complaints, I am really happy that it exists and that I've bought it. The sales pitch on the store page interested me and it did deliver on the concept and implementation. Besides, the price tag is more than fair.
not balanced and way too hard.
permadeath and no ability to save/load i consider as bad design outside of dedicated ironman mode.
why i cannot loot boxes after enemies are all down? doesn't make sense.
level 9 requirement for best armor/modules doesn't make sense, game finished on 6-7 level on max char.
game probably intended for very long grind which i don't like especially when it's not stated as jrpg.
combat is nice albeit too hard. too soon you start to encounter enemies with highest armor and very high hp, not comparable to your squad. they are overwhelming even if you give up on chasing loot boxes and concentrate only on main objective.
Remember the free games you used to get with computer magazines in the 80s?
Feels like one of those, except that they want money for it.
Overall this game is a relatively mediocre looking xcom-like squad based tactical RPG with a robust upgrade system and a functional class system but it's fun if you enjoy building up your warriors and making them better at battling, bionics and mutations so the game delivers on its central premise of having lots of enhanced semi-human specimens duking it out somewhere in mostly hostile space.
A bonus on it looking like a game from 25 years ago is it runs like one as well. I recommend it if you're a genre fan and also dig the setting and gritty cyberpunk aesthetics.
Decent enough game for the price with a complexity level that I would rate around the late SNES to early N64 area. As a turn based tactical RPG it's most similar to Rebelstar for the old GBA rather than the old Gollup XComs or even the newer Jake Solomon iteration, in terms of depth of gameplay. This is a borderline upvote, however, as there are jarring polish issues - cardboard dialogue, vast grammatical and spelling errors, opacity problems with the cover toggle that makes it almost useless, and being forced to use your mouse to pan with no recourse to the keyboard (or any kind of control customization) is prone to accidental movement.
It's inherently a *decent* game with fine gameplay concepts, but it would have definitely have been more well received with a QA pass.
Good turn based RPG game, with interesting story. There is alot cool game features.
- Team managment
- Variety of weapons and armors, and and-ons like boosters, grenades, medickits ect.
- Leveling up characters with perks tree. (4 classes)
- Crafting
Graphic style isnt super awesome but will do. I Recommend to all rpg and turn based games fans.
Pity there is not too much players for pvp.
If you make a game centred around it's artstyle and 2-D graphics then then you should make sure the interface and sprites are neat. In this game both are very bad.
Unfortunately the interface is very sloppy. Fonts don't fit into the artstyle and sometimes even oberlap the buttons. It feels like there are 3 sprites for all units. Everyone looks the same.
If you start a multiplayer crew you cannot choose your starting units. I was unable to find any players in the arenas. From what I was able to see combat and game mechanics are very simple compared to similar games (xcom and alike).
A game that tries to compensate the lack of gameplay by it's presentation and has a bad presentation has ... what left?
A galactic hero answers the call!
An escaped band of misfits crawl through worlds in a bid for greatness: mix Fortress, Blakes 7, Captive, Bill the Galactic Hero, Ice Pirates, Laser Squad, Expendables, Fallout 2 (yes, I am old) - then blend with deft daftness and serve in the prison canteen, piping hot.
The tutorials are really clear and the combat is very sophisticated, allowing a great range of actions and opportunities. The game swaggers with a lot of innuendo and tongue-in-cheek but still has a solid strategic heart beating at it's core to drive the player's ragtag fugitive team onwards to gory glory.
What makes this game stand-out is how you can adapt and bionify your criminals to become super-powerful badasses and a nice solo-campaign to build them up in.
A great game to dip into when you feel the universe needs a kick in the authoritarian proverbials. Fun and rewarding - recommended!
- a solid isometric turn-based combat adventure
- great characterisation and tutorials draw you into this madcap universe
- nice hub-based progression
- a little too esoteric in-places, the universe itself comes off as a little flat
See Also...
All boyflea reviews can be found at Good Indie Free Game Reviews
The gameplay is somewhat short, but the character customization is kind of nicely done in my opinion, for example I spend quite some time on experimenting with different mutations and cybernetics, not to mention I died a lot during the gameplay. So all in all is an OK game.
Bionic Battle Mutants is a turn based tactics game where you manage a squad of soldiers on a penal colony planet.
- turn based combat which uses action points for actions (attack, move, etc.), which can be taken in any order
- four character classes (runner, melee, heavy and sniper) which level up and gain attributes (every two levels) and skills (every level); max level is 15
- can use mutations/bionics to improve the characters
- can create and upgrade weapons/armours and items
- cover system with half/full cover protection
- challenging fights if you don't use tactics
- balanced economy, resources are few and useful
- only one save slot which is automatically overwritten after each mission, so no save scumming
- has multiplayer support so you can challenge your friends to combat matches.
- low price
- the textures seem low resolution at 1080p
- sometimes the AI is stupid, like when you snipe them from a long range and don't act when hurt
- the interface is a bit cumbersome, looks like it was made for a tablet
- pretty linear game, you go mostly from one mission to the next, even though there is a world map; there is a combat arena, which can be accessed at any time, but haven't used it
- the story is base-bones
[*] the music is not very memorable
In summary, I think Bionic Battle Mutants is a good game and would recommend it to any fan of tactics games like Fallout Tactics, Alvora Tactics, JA2, Telepath Tactics, etc.
BBM is an interesting take on turn-based combat with a small squad of warriors. I like the graphics style and the customization options. The game is not too deep or complicated, and is good fom some relaxed tactics for a couple of hours.
You team members can die in a fight, and reviving costs quite some resources, so it pays off to play carefully and avoid getting hit or charged, since most enemies are tough melee fighters
Good thing is you can replay missions to collect some more loot for the next upgrade.
Worth a try for the current sale price, just don't expect to spend 100 hours of playtime.
My thumbs up, 8/10 for the sale price of 3 bucks.
Very nice, very fun. granted it's not Enemy Unkown but has a huge heartfelt similarity to Jagged Alliance 2, UFO series, and the isometric nature of games like Red Solstice, shadowrun series, xenonaughts and fallout tactics type game play. Smooth and haven't had any problems so far. Devs seem attentive and supporting of their game. Has a nice feel if you are into the JA2 type gameplay. Hopefully they continue to perfect and expand it as it's very well worth it. Certainly worth having in your library and experiencing yourself. It has a great solo campaign with repeatable levels and a Skirmish arena if you wish AI skirmishes. (I hear the MP is nice but since I have no interest in MP I cannot comment on that aspect.) 8/10 on sale, 7/10 at full price, still well worth buying even then.
Great game, reminds me of the good old times with Jagged Alliance and UFO.
I realy like it.
While I am yet not so fat in the campaign mode I like the style and the story. In the 90s I was a huge fan of Fallout 1 & 2 and its atmosphere. This game realy reminds me on it.
Give this game a try! It's great!
Excellent pick up and play turn based tactics game. Cool 80s retro esthetics and nostalgia inducing PS1 era retro isometric visuals. Can't go wrong at that price.
Fun, worth the money BUT a bit short and very repetative, the leveling is very slow.
If you are not a fan of tactical combat, it is not for you, if you are however a fan of tactical rpgs and similar games this is definatly good enough to take the boredom away for a little while. Sadly it is short and not all that challenging.
Warning: Based on single player content only.
Game runs fine under Windows 10, not a single bug apart from texture layer issue on one level (very minor thing).
Enjoyed the campaign (around 12 to 17 hours), the few problems inherent to isometric view and line of sight/visibility in this type of games are pretty well delt with here:
Wall transparency/visible line of sight/visible covers are all one icon away during battles.
The AP system, a few attack options and consumables are what you get to work with, clear and enough options for a few different layouts.
Character customization is ok:
Attributes can be modified every few level ups but also through crafting/mutations/implants.
A Perk has to be chosen among a few on every level up.
Edited after finishing the game and testing the latest updates.
Bionic Battle Mutants is a game. You can play it.
But do you want to? Well, YES!
It will take a little bit of time to get the hang of it, i don't really remember how long it took for me to get JA2, but it is not that hard to understand. Since i got it i'm having a blast with this one. Combat works great. You can do so many thinks outside of combat with mutations, bionics, the ability to upgrade weapons and armor.
The different classes offer unique ways to complete the levels. Runner + Sniper are the best combo! (IMHO XD)
If your character loses limbs during combat you can go to the doctor and regrow them. OR you just install some bionic arms or maybe a bionic eye. The implementation is really clever and the game is much more involved than it appears at first.
I played for about 6 hours and haven't been bored once so far. And i have a lot of levels to go in the singleplayer campaign.
The multiplayer is really fun and with the initiative system you won't have to wait for one player to make all turns with their team because you will take turns moving your guys depending on the initiative values of each crew member.
- Beautiful Environments
- Really addictive
- A LOT of customization
- The names are hilarious
- Multiplayer is really fun
- Takes a bit to grasp( if you are dumb like me*)
- Not enough players in multiplayer ( but AI will jump in if you can't find another human! :D )
- I am always broke, can't seem to get enough dough. :-[
- The AI could use a little enhancement
You can feel the passion that went into this project.
It is definitely worth the asking price.
*you are!
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Monkeynetics |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 06.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 79% положительных (24) |