Разработчик: DimleTeam
Земля почти полностью разрушена, но человеческая цивилизация не уничтожена. Люди создают комплекс Дельта, который становится убежищем для выживших.
Людей, которые живут в Дельте, называют колонистами. Их главной задачей является сбор информации для передачи ее будущим поколениям. Все колонисты проходят процедуру стирания (блокировки памяти). Жизнь здесь подчинена жестким правилам, колонисты живут в полнейшем одиночестве. Они не помнят свои имена, все, что у них есть – порядковый номер. Ваш номер 183 и Вы рядовой колонист. С Вами, как и с другими колонистами, не происходит ничего необычного, но однажды Ваша жизнь меняется. Сможете ли Вы разгадать истинное предназначение комплекса Дельта?
Выбор за Вами…
Ключевые особенности:
- Приятная графика, передающая атмосферу игры
- Интригующая история, с несколькими сюжетными линиями
- Разнообразные локации: от древнего маяка до современной научной лаборатории
- Простые и логичные квесты
Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian, italian, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows / Vista / 7 / 8 – 32 or 64 bits
- Процессор: 2.2 GHz Dual Core CPU
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 1024 MB NVIDIA GeForce 9800GTX / ATI Radeon HD 3xxx series
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- ОС *: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 – 64 bits
- Процессор: 3.0 GHz Quad Core CPU
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 2GB NVIDIA GTX 660 / Radeon RX 460 or better
- Место на диске: 4 GB
Отзывы пользователей
This is a game with a great concept, but fairly limited and weak execution. It's an investigation game set in the apparently last surviving human colony after a global collapse. You want to investigate the true story behind your environment. But the levels are fairly limited, the puzzles are obvious and we do not get that much supporting backstory details. Also, there are technical issues with the game that are annoying.
It's not a horrible game, but it's just not a strong execution at all.
Nice walking simulator.
Achievements, 100% / 2h.
This is a short walking sim, story-driven game with easy puzzle solving in order to progress. I beat the game in 2.4 hours. I love short story games like this, but this one was a bit rough to get through. The controls are clunky and movement is slow, and I encountered a few environment glitches. Graphics were nice though. I thought the concept of the story was interesting but I don't think it was executed well. With some polishing, I think I would have enjoyed it more.
+Story has a fantastic foundation
+Great graphics
+High-res textures and assets
+Story is too open ended
+Short (2 hours if you take your time)
+Slow character movement
+Puzzles are not really puzzles
+Dual monitor issues (see my above workaround)
I’m a little torn with A Second Before Us. I played through it twice as it’s pretty quick. The story is very interesting and has a great foundation. However, it’s a little too loose and up for interpretation for me. I would have preferred a little more structure.
The gameplay is ok, you walk around each level and find notes (which add to the story) and solve “puzzles”. I say puzzles in quotes because there’s not much to them. Boils down to finding items and putting them where they should be. It can really just be boring as the area you’re in is abandoned and there’s just not much to interact with. One odd choice the devs made is having to backtrack to complete a level. In some levels, you will finish your objective and nothing further appears to happen. You must backtrack, for no apparent reason, to trigger the end of the level.
The controls are not good. You run into invisible walls and invisible edges a lot. Jumping onto things is a struggle. Character movement is too slow, even with sprinting. The game doesn’t reward you for exploring, which is a shame. I kept trying throughout my playthrough just in case something was hidden...nope. Except for a few times, notes and items are all in your main path.
Graphically, it’s a very pretty game. Assets and textures are highly detailed. I could even read the posters on the wall that had tiny text. There is motion blur in this game and I didn’t see a way to turn it off.
Dual Monitor Fix
This game won’t work well if you have dual monitors. It doesn’t lock the cursor to one monitor, so when you move your mouse too far, it goes to the next screen. If you click, you minimize the game. I had to download Dual Monitor Tools (google it) and make a shortcut to limit my cursor to a single monitor. Maybe this a limitation of the Personal edition of Unity or was just not thought of.
I really liked the premise of the story and felt that it had lots of potential but never capitalized on it. If you’re a fan of atmospheric and walking simulation games I would MAYBE recommend it. To anyone else, it’s best to skip this.
4/10 Below Average
it is pretty short i completed it two times > awesome atmosphere > great graphics > wonderful world > smooth walking simulator > nice puzzles and easy
Steam really needs to add a third option for reviewing games. Thumbs up, Thumbs down, and Meh.
The premise of “A Second Before Us” is simple enough. You're a survivor of a global cataclysm and you reside in the Delta Complex. Your mission is to gather information in order to further knowledge and understanding for future generations. The catch is that you live is total isolation, I'm not sure as to why as many questions were left unanswered.
Descent Graphics
Simple Controls
Some Puzzles
Ending was unsatisfying
Very Short
Pixel Hunting
Very Linear
Some areas are too dark
As you play through this game you'll find notes and journal entries from other colonists. It seems that Delta Complex isn't what it says it is. So now you have a mystery as well. Unfortunately, it's never fully explained before the game ends. This is the biggest problem I had with this game... (besides the levels that are far too dark, and the damn pixel hunting) the story and especially the ending don't make any sense.
I did mention that there are puzzles to solve. In the loosest terms, that is true. However, these puzzles mainly involve the player finding items to progress through the story whether it be a card key, a battery, or some other item.
All in all, A Second before Us is not that great of a game. At the time of this review, it was selling for $3.99 and I got it on sale for (I think) 99 cents. At that price, it's okay which is the reason I'm giving it a thumbs up.
Good for achievement hunters as all achievements are easy to complete!
Good walking simulator with nice graphics, enviroments and story. It's cheap, not difficult and short.
wow I played the demo I even knew the game was out on steam, I just finished part one and I have to say you did a damn good job.
Beautiful graphics. I like the change of scenery as well as the background music. The story isn't as compelling though. I believe it was meant to deep and meaningful, but it's hard to grasp it in a short amount of time playing the game.
My guess is, when you develop a game, you have an idea in your mind and try your best to execute the story to the players. Upon developing the game, I'm sure it was a "journey" in creating the game. It's a journey when testing out this game and you feel immersed in it; unfortunately, as a player who has no clue what to expect, the game came across as something that tried to convey a deep story with meaning, but didn't deliver in the execution. Maybe the length of gameplay should be fleshed out more or the approach needs to be more than just reading a text message.
Nonetheless, the game was not bad. It was passable with little minor bugs. I certainly wasn't frustrated with the puzzles which helped moved the story though I wished it to be slightly more challenging.
Honestly, this was a bit dissapointing. The technical issues really stand out and get in the way too much. There's this weird camera shake whenever you move, you walk very slow, it's buggy, and the first note I picked up had spelling errors in it. Interesting premise but it needed a lot more work.
Game's really beautiful and quite interesting in the meaninf of story, but I just can't accept that aweful controls, goddamn. Hope author will take more time in doing his next projects just to do a little more polishing.
This is a short walking sim that takes place in an interesting future setting. We are after the cataclysm, an event that seemingly destroyed mankind and gave rise to a new world where decisions are to be made by an A.I.
The game looks pretty but it lacks any real graphics options. It could have used some anti-aliasing, for instance. Additionally, you walk / run at a rather slow pace and the "puzzles" usually just mean you activating highlighted objects. Sometimes you can get stuck as you have not approached, for instance, a supply box, close enough for the computer to highlight it.
To get more information on the background there are notes scattered across the several (quite varied) locations you're visiting. You can also read tablets and some information put on bulletin boards.
This is a good walking sim - not great as it could have used some more polish. In any case, I can recommend it to mainly the fans of the walking sim genre.
I agree with the other comments posted about the difficulties of this game. I was also frustrated with the mechanics and game play. Having some doors be outlined and others not, for example. I would recommend this game to those who like exploration games with no worries about dieing every five seconds. That being said, the game is almost to simplistic. You realize really quickly that lockers are never important. You will not need or even be able to open desk drawers etc. I also wish the story was a little more clear. Despite these setbacks my only options here are recommend or not recommend and I liked it enough to give it a yes.
This game feels like an early access game still in Alpha. There is so much potential here, but it simply just doesn't work out. The ending is quite interesting and refreshing, but the journey to that ending isn't thought out, nor does the journey make sense.
For 8.99, this game isn't worth it. I even got it on sale, and still feel jipped by the time that it took to go through this game.
I'm not sure if the author of the game meant it that way, but it feels like not a lot of work was put into the game and the end result is a person trying to make a lot of money off of it.
In the future, I hope their other games are polished, longer, and more thought out. But I simply cannot recommend this game.
"A Second Before Us" is a short first-person adventure game with an interesting setting, varied environments, and a few simple puzzles. It is _very_ rough around the edges, but I enjoyed it nevertheless.
The story is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi piece that's mainly told through notes that you find. You start out as a "colonist" with erased memory in a strictly regulated society, and are tasked to relive and preserve the memories of other people, but you learn soon that things might not be quite as they seem. The author clearly isn't a native speaker, so the writing isn't great, but it's at least understandable, and I found the story interesting enough. There are a few twists that encourage players to draw their own conclusions and to question the information they have been told before.
The player will visit and explore "memories" as 3d simulations. Due to this, gameplay is not limited to the sci-fi facility you live in, you'll also visit places like a lighthouse in ancient Greece or Stonehenge in the 19th century. While all the maps are fairly small, the variety of environments is appreciated.
On each map, you have to solve a small puzzle. Usually this involves finding a few objects that have been placed in different rooms and applying them at the right spot, or activating switches in the correct order. The puzzles are fairly simple and straightforward. Most objects that you can interact with are highlighted when you go near, so it's hard to miss them.
Graphics are okay for a small Indie game - often a bit crude and bland, but there are also some genuinely beautiful spots. Unfortunately the game is extremely dark, even with brightness set to the maximum. Sound is barely existent throughout.
The controls are unfortunately terrible. The player character moves at an excruciatingly slow speed, and sometimes gets blocked by invisible walls. There are places on ramps where I got stuck until I jumped forward even though no obstacle was to be seen at the ground. Keys cannot be remapped. The game lacks even the most basic usability features - or, to be precise, a mouse sensitivity slider and an "invert Y axis" option are provided, but nothing else. Even graphics quality can only be changed between 4 presets, settings for individual features are not available.
This game was developed by just two people from Belarus, using the free Unity Personal engine. This may easily ring warning bells in some customers' ears, considering the wave of very low quality first-person adventure games that have swashed onto Steam from the CIS region lately. However, let's keep in mind that the existence of _many_ shoddy games from one region and genre, does not mean that _all_ of these games are automatically terrible. I feel that "A Second Before Us", while definitely crude and primitive in many ways, is a notch above those aforementioned games due to its interesting story, varied environments, clear puzzle design, and serviceable writing.
At the same time though, I think that this game is not sophisticated enough to justify its 9€ asking price. Hence it does get my recommendation, but I would also recommend to wait on a sale. I bought it at 75% off, and felt that that price was appropriate for what I got.
This was a very pleasant and relaxing game.The story is a little abstract in places and the puzzles are well integrated.The graphics and sound are well done and the delivery is also well thought out.The color palette is very attractive to me and is also very calming.All in all you could do a lot worse for a lot more money 8\10
Short and the story was lameo.
I paid too much for it, if it goes on sale for 2 bucks, buy it. Otherwise don't.
It was glitchy with the mouse, the graphics are outdated. One of the less satisfying simulators I've played.
I really wanted to like this game, but, by the end, I just couldn't.
The story is obscure (not the delicious Dark Souls type of obscure, either) and confusing, even after reading as many logs as I could. I get the basic premise, but the way it was presented - especially near the end - made it seem like B movie science fiction.
The gameplay is what you'd expect from a game like this - exploring nice levels, interacting with the environment, and doing puzzles. There's a right way to do this and a wrong way - and, unfortunately, this game takes the wrong route. The levels are huge but feel barren without any characters besides yourself, the occasional uninteractive ghosts, and the notes you find. The environments have big glitches (like the flag animations in the Petra level freezing after some time or a lot of unnecessary invisible walls closing in the player), the lighting is wonky, and some textures are low-quality. The puzzles are more often than not pixel hunts (looking for the highlighted object).
As a first project, this was pretty good - I hope the developers work harder in the future, I think they have potential. But I can't recommend anyone buy this unless you want to provide tips to the developers.
I really wanted to like this game since I love these kind of exploration games, but I had some issues that prevented me from being able to finish it. The graphics, sound, and environments were awesome so I had high hopes. The first issue that I had was with my Xbox One controller which must have had a compatibility issue since the screen kept automatically slowly panning in a random direction whenever the joystick was idle. Then I started experiencing some random crashes - the last crash before I stopped playing actually deleted my saved game. I also didn't like the feeling of walking since it felt a bit clunky, slow, and some random collision detection issues. Lastly, the translated text was a bit difficult to understand what was going on.
I liked this a lot. It's a short point-and-click exploration. There's no fighting or violence. There are puzzles, but they're entertaining and logical, rather than deliberately obscure, which can be a fault with many point and click adventures. For me, the main pleasure of this game was working my way through all the possible twists and turns of the story.
You play as a "colonist" (effectively a prisoner), in the Delta Complex. You wake to find most of your memories missing. The story consists of your efforts to find out what's going on, why, and how you can escape.
Graphics quality is roughly similar to Half-Life 2 (to which the game contains a couple of Easter egg references). Although based in the Delta Complex, you'll find yourself in a number of different locations, both geographical and historical. The landscapes and scenery are extremely varied, and very nicely modelled. The small amount of voice-acting is by someone who sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger on a rough day (that's not a bad thing - it works).
In terms of story, there's more than a hint of The Talos Principle in here (although the gameplay is not even similar). There's a real sense of mystery to the game, and you're never entirely sure what's going on.
As I said at the start, I liked it a lot. It presses a lot of my buttons. It's short, but it's not expensive. My score: 8/10
Игры похожие на A SECOND BEFORE US
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | DimleTeam |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 01.02.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 48% положительных (29) |