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Разработчик: Digital Sun

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С момента выхода Moonlighter мы не раз обновляли игру и добавляли новый контент: это были как мелкие изменения, вроде исправления ошибок, доработки привязки клавиш и баланса, так и крупные нововведения, которые упоминались в нашем плане разработки. Текущая версия Moonlighter дарит все те же впечатления, но дополнена массой улучшений, которые понравятся как новым, так и старым игрокам.

Вас ждут невиданные прежде мини-боссы, в бою с которыми вы сможете использовать новое оружие, доспехи, кольца и амулеты. Исследуйте около 100 новых шаблонов комнат в компании кого-то из 9 отважных спутников и узнайте больше об этом мире. А пройдя основное приключение, вы откроете режим «Новая игра+» с дополнительными испытаниями и возможностями.

Давным-давно в ходе археологических раскопок было найдено несколько таинственных ворот. Люди быстро поняли, что они ведут в другие миры и измерения, где храбрые и безрассудные искатели приключений могут добыть бесчисленные сокровища. Близ раскопок основали небольшую торговую деревушку под названием Ринока, где путешественники могли отдохнуть и продать драгоценные находки.

Moonlighter – игра в жанре action-RPG с элементами rogue-lite, главный герой которой – Уилл – отважный торговец, втайне мечтающий стать героем.


Ведя торговлю в Риноке, вы можете выставлять предметы на продажу, вдумчиво назначать цены, распоряжаться запасами золота, нанимать помощников и улучшать магазин. Но берегитесь жуликов, охотящихся на ваши драгоценные товары!


Побеждайте разнообразных врагов и боссов, наслаждайтесь увлекательной и глубоко продуманной боевой механикой. Мастерское владение оружием, быстрая реакция, точный выбор позиций и понимание ваших врагов и окружения станут залогом выживания. Вам выбирать, как сражаться с врагами.


Познакомьтесь ближе с жителями деревни и верните ей былое процветание. Помогите росту бизнеса в идиллической Риноке и наблюдайте за развитием новых заведений.


Умение создавать и зачаровывать различные предметы необходимо для вашего продвижения в игре. Взаимодействуйте с другими жителями, чтобы создавать новые доспехи и оружие, а также накладывать заклятия на снаряжение. Это придает игре гибкость и разнообразит способы использования предметов.


Отправляйтесь в чужие миры через потусторонние ворота и собирайте ценные предметы невиданных цивилизаций: ресурсы, оружие, доспехи и особые артефакты. Но унести все сразу не получится! Пользуйтесь уникальной системой хранения, чтобы забрать с собой самую дорогую добычу.


9 товарищей, которые с радостью помогу вам с самыми сложными задачами. У каждого компаньона своя механика. Они могут наносить урон врагам, восстанавливать вашу жизнь, собирать для вас предметы, заменять дополнительные сундуки и многое другое!

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, japanese, polish, russian, korean, portuguese - brazil, italian, turkish, traditional chinese

Системные требования


  • ОС *: Windows 7
  • Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad 2.7 Ghz, AMD Phenom(TM)II X4 3 Ghz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 260, Radeon HD 5770, 1024 MB, Shader Model 3.0
  • Место на диске: 4 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 660
  • Место на диске: 4 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible


  • ОС: 10.6
  • Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad 2.7 Ghz, AMD Phenom(TM)II X4 3 Ghz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 260, Radeon HD 5770, 1024 MB, Shader Model 3.0
  • Место на диске: 4 GB
  • Звуковая карта: Integrated
  • ОС: 10.11 or newer
  • Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 660
  • Место на диске: 4 GB
  • Звуковая карта: Integrated


  • ОС: Ubuntu 12.04
  • Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad 2.7 Ghz, AMD Phenom(TM)II X4 3 Ghz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 260, Radeon HD 5770, 1024 MB, Shader Model 3.0
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • ОС: Ubuntu 12.04 or newer
  • Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 660
  • Место на диске: 2 GB

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 05.03.2025 05:53
0 0

subpar combat mechanics. boring merchant phase.

Время в игре: 24 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.03.2025 05:50
0 0

Solid game. Entertaining game play, nice variety of weapons, shop aspect of the game is nice

Время в игре: 463 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.03.2025 01:11
0 0

Cannot sing this game's praises enough. From the pixel art, to the soundtrack, to the game play, it hits all the buttons for me and I've barely started!

Время в игре: 419 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.02.2025 05:05
0 0

I love this game.
you can make a lot of money really quickly and killing stuff is fun

Время в игре: 481 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.02.2025 10:51
0 0

This type of game could already be a separate niche genre - where you get some kind of shop as inheritance or whatever and go on with developing it along with hunting for stuff to sell in it. Shoppe Keep, Cuisineer, Moonlighter would all be representatives of this sub-genre. And such general direction of gameplay is quite to my liking.

What you do could be separated into two parts - dungeon crawling to get bunch of loot from defeating foes and finding treasures and selling things in your shop situated in city hub, that also contains some vendors and upgrades for both combat and trade. This loop of adventuring in dungeons and selling stuff to get better at both and be able to go further in your expeditions is rather engaging.

Graphic design is pixel stylised one. Audio is decently fitting. Plot's simplistic to not bother you much distracting from core gameplay.

Время в игре: 2648 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.02.2025 01:04
2 0

I'm going to keep playing this game for a few sessions but I can't give it a positive review for a few reasons. It feels like a Zelda ripoff to me, from the gameplay, to the music, to the enemies. The dungeon crawling and maps are very simplistic. The shopkeeping is not dynamic or interesting. I was looking for a fun dungeon crawler with a little more depth but this didn't scratch it for me.
I liked the art direction at first but then I think the color palate wore on me. I love pixel art but this seems like "air brushed" pixel art if that makes any sense. The edges are too soft.

Время в игре: 299 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 18.02.2025 15:24
0 0

I feel it is important to stress that for what this game is, it is a ton of fun in its simplicity. But then you reach the Tech Dungeon and the bugs rear their ugly heads… aside from getting stuck in my shop one time requiring a reset, the game played smooth as butter.

But once I got to the Tech Dungeon it seemed to trigger what I feel is a game breaking glitch. I constantly was getting knocked into or dodging into the walls and was going through them and getting stuck in the wall. This required me to constantly warp out, costing me the rest of the day. This leads to quest failures and difficulty making it all the way through the dungeon. This also seemed to trigger glitches around town leading to getting stuck inside the potion shop or forge.

Now, I get glitches happen. But the developers were made aware of this glitch six years ago and advised they were working to fix it. That has not happened. And now they are finalizing a sequel to come out this year. I can’t recommend this game despite all the fun I was having because this glitch is terrible and the developers did not fix it as they said they would. Very unfortunate. Up til this moment, I’d been telling people how great it was and to get it. Now I have to walk all that back due to a terrible glitch. Very disappointing.

Время в игре: 1021 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 17.02.2025 22:42
0 0

I would have loved this game. But it had two flaws. It has 4 directional movement which to me made it feel clunky. And also the dungeon felt too repetitive and not that fun compared to shopkeeping

Время в игре: 23 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.02.2025 01:04
0 0

I think this game is really cool and fun to play - It can be a bit repetitive at times (but that could be due to my low risk play style) and is more of a dungeon crawler than a shop management game but I really enjoyed the gameplay. Combat is smooth.

Время в игре: 824 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.02.2025 19:49
0 0

super fun and beautiful graphics. the back and forth between fighting through dungeons and running a little storefront is actually quite a nice variety to mix up the grind. and the story shows up in little bits making you want to find out more. also, gorgeous music.

Время в игре: 328 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.02.2025 16:39
0 0

Fun game, game loop peters off a bit near the end though when the shop is fully upgraded. The DLC seems a needless, but okay.

Время в игре: 1372 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.02.2025 05:22
2 0

I do not use a controller so Keyboard is fine but default key setup is not arrow keys and enter or ESC its
W = up
S = down
J = confirm selection
L = back
so if you do not play with a controller and you don't want to push every key on the keyboard to navigate the menu
now you know, oh and Menu up down movement is locked to character movement and cannot be set separate so change how you navigate the Menu change how your character moves. I might try to play again if I ever get a controller but the control on keyboard makes game-play difficult. In order to post a review have to recommend or not their is no just post so its a down-vote without a controller.

Время в игре: 148 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.02.2025 18:29
0 0

Fun action-rpg with a neat shop mechanic to drive progression.

Время в игре: 1054 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.02.2025 16:26
2 0

Overall I can't recommend it but I did play it to completion and thoroughly enjoyed the gameplay loop. Even got the achievement for less than 40 deaths on the hardest difficulty so I feel I've experienced the mechanics to their limits.
Fantasy shopkeep is a pretty peak genre to tap into. But I feel that the devs might've spread themselves a bit thin with this one because between the shopkeeping and the dungeon crawling there's a few missed opportunities that feel a little underdeveloped and quality of life issues pretty evenly between the two halves of the gameplay loop.

Firstly the pixel art is mwah. Very cute sprites for everything and the animations are solid and neat to watch. No notes I love it.
The plot was pretty forgettable sadly and being able to skip town upgrade animations would go a long way.
The mechanics are where the game falls apart for me though:
On the dungeon side the combat feels stiff and clunky. There was a neat tech I found that made me use gloves for most of the game where the three hit combo could be animation cancelled with a charged attack and then the heavy would hit twice if you space it right at the tip and turned around during the end lag after the charge forward. Giving it a sweet spot that felt real good actually to pull off even though it feels like an exploit but wasn't gamebreaking since it usually was impossible to pull off without getting hit once or thrice and has the same dps as spamming lights, just fun. The majority of enemies usually felt quite obtuse to deal with and could combo you with very little windows to actually attack unless you use the greatsword or bow, they are easily the most threatening and it's mostly because of 1d attack directions in a 2d space. But then the dungeon guardians are complete pushovers compared to the floor bosses that are pretty engaging but most fall to 3hit-dodge 3hit-dodge without much thought.
The shopkeeping aspect felt a little unfinished. Few of the decorations mattered when have 4 tip jars was almost doubles profits. The multitasking is a non-issue for the register can be accessed on both sides: a beige flag but worth noting. And profiling criminals and always being right has funny connotations. Setting prices could have been supplemented with a haggling system which kinda exists because of the demand but having low demand for an item never meant customers tried buying for cheap. And no matter how many goods I managed to stockpile there was never any reason to open bc items never spoiled and there's always enough time to sell absolutely everything in your inventory for a frankly ridiculous amount of money without fail.
What affects both sides is the lack of weapon variety. Customers don't try selling you armour or potions so you're limited to finding maybe one weapon or a potion during a run and there's no reason to sell potions since you'll stock up on 20 to breeze through a dungeon and it'll be chump change because it's extremely generous how much money the game gives you at every stage of the game. And there's no contest between physical dmg (unless you use the bow) in weapon choices and move speed for armour since the gameplay loop gets quite tedious.
The game tries to introduce time management at the 3rd dungeon but it was really difficult to keep track of and half the time the customer never showed up to tell me I failed so without a calendar it's pretty underdeveloped and there was no other reason to backtrack through past dungeons so I think having all the loot be recurring with all the dungeons would have curved a lot of these problems. The last complaint was about cursed goods, it's a neat idea but the worst thing it does is not let you stack it on non-cursed goods and it's just tedious to sort through. Also having crafting materials be nigh worthless to sell makes the decision making of loot moot since you either want one or the other and just mirror the rest. It would also be nice to toggle the mirror to auto trash items as it's also tedious and the menuing tends to be jolted when using it.

I'll leave the dlc as another review. But it's a solid foundation for the sequel that I saw was coming out soon and am interested to see how it goes.

Время в игре: 1278 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.02.2025 18:17
0 0

A small and clean little game. It does what it sets out to do and does it well without any unnecessary bloated mechanics.

Время в игре: 1894 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.02.2025 07:26
0 0

Moonlighter is a wonderful mashup of dungeon crawling and management of your merchant store. The progression into new dungeons with new items and new upgrades(for both your adventuring gear, and the store) is incredibly well designed, and keeps you engaged. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a fun one-time game.

Время в игре: 2025 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.02.2025 20:26
0 0

Just tried relaunching it and it wont get past some binding error screen.

After an ad to buy their next game.

I think the 7 hours was me leaving it on overnight 5 years ago.

Время в игре: 426 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.02.2025 21:38
0 0

Its a nice game to complete the first run. the are is nice, there is a simple but good storyline, the combat feels good.

I just dont see the value on the replayability of the NG+,

Время в игре: 1069 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 05.02.2025 20:23
0 0

Game has potential, but there are few things which ruin it. Hope devs will make notes for the second part.

1. Price system is just 3 numbers of - base + . No actual fluctations, so you will never be able to sell item with base cost of 1 gold for thousands because market will never go that high. Also you will never be able to drop a price of an item by oversaturating the market below certain point. If you make us play as a merchant, then don't make the merchant system just an afterthought!
2. Speaking of which, you can sell items, and do quests, but what about BUYING items? Well, there's an over overpriced shop which can sell you some in time of need, but all those adventurers visiting you hoping for some potions or weapons never offer any items from their dives? Also why are you, as a merchant, diving into the dungeon to get some materials, but you can't put up a quest for someone to do so for you?
3. Combat system feels somewhat clunky. I don't feel moving that much faster in full light armor? The dodgeroll is always the same no matter how heavy your gear is? If you are trying to implement different playstyles of agile but squishy and slow but tanky then don't do that just as an afterthought! Speaking of which...
4. Gauntlets are just worse sword&board. They are supposed to be a faster weapon, but they feel too slow for a fist weapon, and there is barely any noticeable difference in speed between them and sword&board, but with sword&board you at least get blocking special. Speaking of which...
5. Why all specials besides maybe bow and sword&board suck so much? Why is sword&board the only special you can move while holding the charge, and it blocks pretty much anything? Bow is at least ranged and terrain ignoring, but with all the other weapons you can't move during the charge? Like, maybe slower but you can't at all, and can barely change 4 directions aiming? So no positioning yourself for better spear charging thrust/greatsword whirlwind/ fist piercing blow? Who made this decision and what logic was it based upon?

Overall the game feels bad as a merchant simulator, and bad as a dungeon roguelike crawler. If second game does not improve on both mechanics, just avoid it. So far i am really disappointed by this game, it's really sad seeing all the great potential the idea had - wasted by not polishing the elements enough.

Время в игре: 647 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 04.02.2025 02:27
4 1

The UI controls are terrible.

You can get soft locked in the main menu while remapping the controls because there is no mouse support on a 2018 game.
I got soft locked and decided I don't care enough to go through the suggested fixes so i refunded before i even played the game. Terrible outdated choice of controls, bad decision by the developer leading to multiple users getting locked on menu.


Время в игре: 5 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 03.02.2025 09:14
3 0

The game isnt bad, but the souls like aspect in it is.
Telegraphs only start like 2ms before an attack, making the die and repeat part mandatory, unless you like to play it very safe and slow (then it gets very boring), movement and attacks are clunky.
But thats about it, i was never a fan of shopkeeping games, so if thats your thing than this could be the game for you.
Again the game isnt terrible, its cute and all but I have the artifically inflating the difficulty by not giving you time to react to attacks and imposing you to die over and over again.

Время в игре: 70 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.02.2025 20:45
0 0

This gamecis great! I spent 5 dollars on it and the dlc and it's good. There are a few complaints and these could be personal idk lol. Inventory space- AWFUL. It's basically an inventory management simulator. They should at least add a way to upgrade it cuz you just do one floor of the 3 floors per dungeon and it's full. You might get lucky and get the chest that sends it back to the shop but if you dont your SOL. Next is the combat, it's good but also kinda iffy. You'll roll up on an enemy and go to attack and miss 17 times cuz your 2 pixels off. In Cult of The Lamb I've beat bosses on half a heart, in this game you could not do the same at all. That said those are my only complaints, I actually love the shop sim part of it and the dungeons are fun enough. The gloves are my personal choice and the spear even tho I don't use the spear at all lol. For the price I would 100 percent recommend you buy it even not on sale, idk about the dlc tho it doesn't really seem to add too much to the game. Also you have to fall sometimes and I wish they told us that lol. You'll see what I mean if you buy it.

Время в игре: 948 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 01.02.2025 13:38
0 1

Decent implementation as a Roguelike and Visuals but bad enemy design with very frustrating player control.

Время в игре: 596 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.02.2025 06:40
2 0

lovely game, completed the game within 28 hrs, just bought the new dlc- between dimensions during sale to try out, excited to play once more with this new content, and excited for moonlighter 2 :)

Время в игре: 1698 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.01.2025 17:33
0 0

Great fun, eventually becomes a little too repetitive after a certain point.

Время в игре: 829 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.01.2025 22:46
1 0

This game has become a bit of comfort food for me. It's quite grindy, but the story is simple and don't require lots of recall. So I'll pop in once and a while and run a dungeon and run the shop. I feel like there's a lot more under the surface if I really want to try for it, but as it stands, this is a pop in and play sort of game, and as Dad now, a lot more games need to be just that.

Время в игре: 533 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 29.01.2025 07:28
0 0

listen, the game is alright. I will keep playing it until I beat it and ill update this review if I feel different about it.

Its your average rogue-like dungeon crawler, with a story and mystery you want to uncover, and while I dig these kinds of stories, the game itself needs to be fun.

The dungeons are interesting and the enemy variety is certainly cool, but the combat just isn't fun. At all.

Think old school legend of zelda, where you can only move and attack up down left and right. The only difference is that here, you can move diagonally, but you still have to attack in the 4 cardinal directions. Frankly this kind of combat is torture, aiming and hitting ANYTHING becomes a chore rather than a skill, since if you get too close you'll take contact damage, and if you're in the 4 cardinal directions of them, you'll almost always take damage due to their attack speed. Its not like your attacks are fast either, the end lag AND wind up is ridiculous on most weapons, the range is pitiful, and like I said aiming is impossible with only the 4 cardinal directions.

Whats the solution? as far as I can tell its just spamming flat upgrades so you can 1 shot enemies and tank everything they throw at you. Its pretty clear this is what they want from you, since combat is just embarrassing; by the 2nd dungeon i'm already facing enemies with just blatantly unfair attacks, like the tree mini boss that has an super fast RNG spray of orbs, something that is basically uncounterable. The design choice with the weapons is even worse. the sword and shield offers SOME diagonal attack, but the shield is completely useless. parrying is not a thing in the game, and it takes almost a full second to raise your shield to block. by the time you swing, you don't have enough time to block the next attack, and even worse you can only BLOCK in the cardinal directions, if the attack is even somewhat diagonal you risk getting hurt anyways.

After writing this out, I feel even more confident about my feelings. think i'm exaggerating? play the tutorial of the game. the combat you feel there won't get any better.

Время в игре: 416 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 29.01.2025 02:52
0 0

Bad hitboxes with some bugs along the gameplay. The required grind is somewhat discouraging.
In addition, some RNG achievements (e.g. perfect Naja), with other ones requiring a lot of effort (e.g. Savage).

Besides these drawbacks, its a fair game to spend some time.

Время в игре: 2690 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 28.01.2025 20:47
2 0

The game has UI and basic function bugs 7 years after release. (Some of these have been addressed two years after release, and still occur). My game crashed after beating the final boss in the expansion. I'm hesitant to buy the sequel specifically for this reason.

Время в игре: 5633 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 28.01.2025 16:35
2 0

Usually, when I die, it's because I'm fighting with the herky-jerky combat system. Hitboxes are weird & occasionally unpredictable, and attacks don't flow at all.

Время в игре: 217 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 28.01.2025 06:11
2 0

Struggling with maintaining interest in this game.

The merchant sim aspect just doesn't have enough depth to it to be interesting, but as a gateway into becoming a Recettear fan, it's fine. My main issue is the combat, the only other aspect to the gameplay.

Combat manages to be both uninteresting with how simple and static your combat options are— which isn't a bad thing in of itself, a lot of games compensate for lacklustre combat systems in other ways, such as exploration or build potential (look at Path of Achra, a game played with literally 2 buttons which is still spectacular due to its build diversity)— and simultaneously, manages to be incredibly clunky and unfun to control and engage with.

You have 5 weapon types: Sword & Shield, Greatsword, Bow, Lance- I mean Spear, and Fists. Each weapon type has 2 attacks, a light 1-2-3 combo (unless you're Bow) and a charged special attack (unless you're Sword & Shield, which just has a guard). You carry 2 weapons at a time and... that's it. Beyond exploits such as properly timing a weapon swap at the end of the first or second attack in a combo to combo into a third hit with your other weapon, that's the entire combat system.

Again, this wouldn't be an issue by itself but your character sure likes to take it slow while attacking, by which I mean they stand completely still, barring some of the special attacks. This, coupled with a distinct lack of reliable animation or attack cancelling beyond rolling (the only universal source of i-frames), the restriction to 4-way directional attacks despite 8-way directional movement and jank analog movement being in the game, *and* enemies having contact damage while your attacks' knockback on enemies range from puny to nonexistent means that going melee also entails a side contract of face tanking.

This is compounded by the fact that the only limit on how many potions you can carry being how many you *want* to carry and your gold with which to brew them— even the best potions in the game can just allow you to brew them with no materials at a higher gold cost—, so melee combat often just devolves to a DPS race while occasionally drinking potions and otherwise ignoring however much damage you take.

The 2nd miniboss in the first dungeon might as well be a perfect microcosm of the issues listed here: this is a reskin of the first miniboss with one change, that being that its sword slash that it prefers at close-range is now somewhat modified. Rather than remaining a simple slash, it now teleports away and cannot be seen for a static amount of time— that being roughly 3 or 4 seconds— before instantly slashing you as it reappears. *This attack does not have any tell whatsoever to signify when or where the boss will reappear, nor when you will be hit*, and is outright impossible to avoid on reaction. This one attack renders the choice of melee for this fight into either pumping your gear's stats up high enough to ignore the boss and simply dump damage on it, packing as many potions as you'll need to soak the unavoidable hits, or abusing the lengthy i-frames on the special attacks for the Greatsword or Fists— i-frames that were almost certainly granted because of your character's awful mobility when attacking, funnily enough.

The combat's design is almost expecting you to just cheese it and as the greater part of what you'll be doing in this game, the other part being somewhat inoffensive but uninteresting, it's incredibly tedious and unfun to engage with.

Also to close, fun fact: if you try to remap any of the controls in this game, you will find that each button still has an arbitrary secondary effect that is input at the same time as your now remapped option for said button— for example, if you remap 'A' on an Xbox controller to, say, remain unbound, you'll find that it swaps weapons and will do so whenever you also use the A button to interact with anything. Keep in mind the A button does *not* swap weapons by default so this is incredibly baffling. The devs have been aware of this bug with remapping controls for YEARS at this point and have done nothing about it!

Время в игре: 341 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.01.2025 21:49
0 0

I had a good time playing this game. I got it on sale. It's short, but a very entertaining game you can knock out in a couple evenings. It worked great on the steamdeck while I was travelling. It's on sale right now for 1.99 and I'd say that's a no-brainer.

Время в игре: 140 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.01.2025 11:00
0 0

This is a great game because you can wreck monsters and wallets alike.

Seriously the merchant mechanic gets a little boring after you learn the maximum prices that you can sell things, but it's gratifying and rewarding how you make your shop go bigger and better thanks to your efforts in slaying things.

The different weapons add a good variety in playstyles, For example, I like the heavy but strong blows of the Greatsword, but you can choose a faster option also. The attacks have a nice weight so it's important to time them out, it's not a game you can button smash through it.

The combat feels great and that's the most important part of all. I got this game free in Epic but bought it here anyway because I liked it so much.

The cute pixel art works really well and you can tell it's a game that someone put a lot of love into, and the music sets the tone perfectly you never get tired of the melodies.

Overall I would say 8/10, I can't think of anything to complain.

Время в игре: 779 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.01.2025 14:51
0 0

Really chill game, you go to dungeon>>>gather material>>>craft gear to progress higher level>>>sell the rest material.
Game play is very simple in both hack&Slash and shop management and not grinding at all.

Время в игре: 552 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.01.2025 12:43
0 0


Moonlighter is the first game in this genre that I tried. I can say with a clear conscience that I really liked the game. I realised how much I love pixels, the vibe is incredible. A village, everyone knows each other, familiar faces, and in such a setting it looks divine. I think that everyone who loves grinding and adventures should try this game.

Moonlighter has a very family atmosphere. There are friends, acquaintances around, you can talk to everyone, find out some information, a pretty full world. The gradual study of the world and the plot is very enticing, I had a lot of fun while playing.

The music here is incredibly pleasant. It relaxes in the city, and adds mystery and tension in the dungeons. The soundtrack in the game is really high-quality, it's very cool that the developers tried on this segment of the game. The graphics in the game are not the best, but it does not need it, this game is not about technological progress of visual pictures, this game is about comfort and a positive vibe.

The events in the game hooked me quite strongly. It was very interesting to play as a guy who earns a living and reveals the most secret facts about dungeons, risking his life. I really liked the vibe of the shop, it's cool that you can feel like a trader of rare artefacts, earning a tidy sum :D

Thank you for reading my review! I can confidently say that I will return to this game many more times, I'm waiting for the game+ and the expansion, and I wish you a good day :)

Время в игре: 3143 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.01.2025 05:01
0 0

bought this game twice already lol, once on switch now on steam cuz it was barely a dollar (oh yea the games reallly good btw)

Время в игре: 186 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.01.2025 21:50
0 0

So far, absolutely LOVING this game! Super cozy and chill, I feel like this is one of those games where you could log on on a Friday night and spend hours without even realizing it. Running a shop in an RPG is a super unique idea, and it's executed perfectly in this game, where you have to find the perfect price for items based on their rarity and demand level. The only areas I feel like this game is lacking in is combat, as the combat is super slow and janky, you can only attack forward and the movement system isn't really suited all that well for combat. I also heard that keyboard and mouse controls suck, but that's not too much of a deal if you have a controller, like most people do. Overall, in the first bit of gameplay, this game blew me away, given I didn't expect much. Expecting the novelty to wear off in a bit but who knows?

Время в игре: 100 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.01.2025 13:07
0 0

It's a fantastic little game. The dungeons are fun and easily managed with a slight learning curve. Weapons are varied but the Spear is king (imo)

Время в игре: 306 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 24.01.2025 01:26
3 0

This is what it's like when Recettear gets arguably better gameplay (though still pretty mediocre), but loses all the charm and personality that makes trudging through it worthwhile.

Combat's pretty simple, not in a good way. being able to attack in only the four cardinal directions is pretty restrictive; and for enemies with the same restrictions, it mostly feels like you're cheesing enemies by hitting diagonally using the sword's wide swings. There's 5 weapon types, but you're not particularly incentivized to switch up the weapons you use based on the upgrade system (why bring less upgraded weapons), and the limitation to only bring 2 to switch between (without wasting extra inventory space).

Inventory management is somewhat interesting at least, with pickups sometimes being cursed and require positioning at the edge of the bag sometimes, curse variations are pretty limited though, feels like the system could be expanded in more interesting and creative ways. I also feel like inventory management could be improved by going full tetris inventory management rather than slots.

Shopkeeping is basically just looking up prices from an external wiki, and a bunch of waiting for the sprites to bring the item to the counter. Money gained is to be invested in upgrades so you can do the dungeoning part better and bring back better loot to sell. Customers are pretty interchangable and impersonal, you don't even feel like slapping little girls who didn't bring enough money to shop with in this one.

There's practically no story of interest, with a bland-as-cardboard silent protagonist; no interesting characters to interact with, travel together as a party, see development out of being a one-note character; no time limit or debt to be paid off to make the game more interesting (there's a calendar for requests, apparently).

I'd recommend playing Recettear instead, "Capitalism No" on this one.

Время в игре: 135 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 24.01.2025 00:58
3 0

This game ain't bad, but it ain't good either, it has been a while since i've actually played it so i don't remember properly why, but i just couldn't get into this game, i tried, i really did, but it's just a game that i'd rather skip

Время в игре: 276 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.01.2025 21:07
0 0

You can sell the things you loot. no additionnal reason needed. But the controls are good and the graphics are pretty (if you like the art style that is). Don't expect to find any deep lore in the game though, you're here for a little adventure and to explore dungeons, not wonder how the world works.
Overall great experience, will definitely try to 100% if feasible

Время в игре: 955 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.01.2025 20:42
0 0

You can set your own prices just like Rick Harrison, a true and fine merchant. Someone doesn't like your price on a certain item. Tell them that is the best you can do and close the store immediately because they don't deserve your fine wares! You spent hours to gather this precious item in a very dangerous dungeon. You risk your LIFE for this small town store. After you make some money, you can call on the experts to come and improve you items. They can say wow this sword you want is MUCHO MONEY, then you continue to grind to get a nicer new item.

In all seriousness, I got this game on sale and wow. It reminds me of Legend of Zelda on the NES with rogue-lite elements. I kept playing for 4 hours straight and finally realized I needed to touch some grass and hangout with my family. My favorite part is playing is the price is right with the items you sell.

Время в игре: 269 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.01.2025 08:27
0 0

Please please please try this if you enjoy rogue type games. I would say its very cozy and memorable and the music is so amazing.

Время в игре: 1919 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.01.2025 20:25
0 0

Honestly, I love this game! I started the game at the start of the pandemic on Xbox. I didn't pick up the game for pc until a few years later. The soundtrack alone "plagued" my mind through the entirety of my junior year in high school. (Golem King is my absolute fav) My only gripe is, as far as my experience is concerned, there isn't full controller support for the game on my Macbook. That isn't the game's fault though because I have the M2 chip which doesn't play well with pretty much any game. I recommend this game to anyone that has a love for games like this.

Время в игре: 480 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.01.2025 15:40
2 0

Moonlighter is a charming and enjoyable game that surprised me. I never thought I'd play a cozy roguelike, but here we are.

The gameplay is very simple yet engaging with a fun mix of dungeon crawling and shopkeeping. There's a lot of weapons to use and a variety of items to loot. It requires some strategy and it's really satisfying when your risky moves payoff big-time and you get a big payday.

Overall it's a relaxing yet rewarding experience that's easy to recommend for fans of indie games or anyone looking for something a little different.

Время в игре: 1530 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.01.2025 11:30
0 0

I still have a special place in my heart for Recettear, but this is a close second in the adventurer/store owner simulation genre. Combat feels good and there are a variety of items for use in upgrades and to sell. My only complaint is that it gets a little repetitive if you like me want to get enough gold and materials to upgrade the town and your equipment to the max levels.

Время в игре: 1715 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.01.2025 15:22
1 0

One of the most fun games I've ever played. Never been able to get into playing single player games as easily. This game is able to capture my entire attention for ages. Highly, Highly recommend trying it

Время в игре: 1869 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.01.2025 08:24
0 0

So found this game while looking the scratch that Fantasy/ Isekai anime loop (been watching through Delicious in Dungeon) where you grind level up and grow the world around you and this game hit all those feels.

The main game loop is to your nights grinding the Dungeon for drops and treasures in a top down LoZ style of game play. Then running your shop and upgrading the town as you go while making lots of gold. (I mean as the title says you are literally moonlighting as a adventure)

Honestly the game is really fun and the game loop lets you enjoy the game progression naturally. Honestly surprised i hadn't heard of this game sooner. If you like top down LoZ games or just like to enjoy the grind you'll really enjoy this game.

8/10 Highly recommend!

Время в игре: 781 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.01.2025 20:19
0 0

The default controls for PC are truly awful, but the game is great.

Время в игре: 1346 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.01.2025 18:39
9 0

Moonlighter is a merchant simulator game, where you're also the hero.
I liked the gameplay loop between dungeons and selling things in the store.
Cute graphics, great soundtrack, nice combat, satisfying game loop
just use controller

Время в игре: 933 ч. Куплено в Steam

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Разработчик Digital Sun
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
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Дата релиза 09.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 81% положительных (6432)

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Обновлено: 06.03.2025 06:09


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