World of One

World of One

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Разработчик: Grimwood Team

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Вы живете в собственном маленьком мире, в котором есть все – уютный домик, двор с креслом-качалкой, цветами и деревьями, и даже собственный парк развлечений с музыкой, бесконечным запасом фейерверков и колесом обозрения, с которого можно дотянуться до звезд! Ничто не мешает Вашему уединению, и лишь маленькое чувство беспокойства говорит Вам, что что-то идет не так. Но в один день все кардинально меняется, и теперь Вам предстоит выяснить, что же на самом деле скрывает этот мир…


Вам предстоит путешествие по маленьким мирам-планетам, словно Вы попали в мир Маленького Принца, полный смертельных ловушек, стремящихся Вас убить монстров и загадок, для решения которых нужно быть находчивым и внимательным. Погрузитесь в причудливый и атмосферный мир тёмной сказки, доберитесь до его сердца и узнайте, что же скрывается в тумане.

В индии-платформере World of One Вас ждут уровни и паззлы, многие из которых имеют несколько способов решения, битвы с огромными боссами и враждебными тварями и 4 разных концовки, зависящие от Ваших действий и решений на протяжении игры. И только решимость поможет Вам завершить свое путешествие и узнать правду о самом себе.

Будьте внимательны, World of One бросает вызов вашему уму и навыкам. Более того, после полного прохождения игры становится доступен режим «Новая игра+», в котором у Вас будет всего 3 жизни. Примете ли Вы этот вызов?

Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian, french, german, spanish - spain, simplified chinese

Системные требования


  • ОС: Wiindows 7 или выше
  • Процессор: 1,7 GHz Dual core
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA 8600GT
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Дополнительно: Использовать контроллер крайне рекомендуeтся
  • ОС *: Windows 7 or Newer
  • Процессор: 1,7+ GHz Quad core
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GT650 or equal/better
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Дополнительно: Gamepad or Controller Recommended


  • ОС: MacOS X 10.8.5 или выше
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5 2.4 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Дополнительно: Использовать контроллер крайне рекомендуeтся
  • ОС: MacOS X 10.8.5 or Newer 64 Bit Only
  • Процессор: Intel Core i7 2.4+ GHz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Дополнительно: Gamepad or Controller Recommended


  • ОС: 2.98 «Brewmaster»
  • Процессор: 2.4+ GHz Quad core
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA 8600GT
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Дополнительно: Использовать контроллер крайне рекомендуeтся
  • ОС: 2.98 «Brewmaster» or Newer 64 Bit Only / Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit Only or higher
  • Процессор: 2.5+ GHz Quad core
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GT650 or equal/better
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Дополнительно: Gamepad or Controller Recommended

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 17.06.2021 06:16
3 0

Loved the ambience, the art, finely done.
Took my time to see that when the 4 moons pass over you, you can jump much higher, and farther, (he says I feel lighter once).
If you think something doesn't work right, probably you aren't seeing/doing what you have to.
Bought it on sale, after waiting for it a long time, and I was lucky to get it.

Время в игре: 76 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 04.08.2019 11:57
4 1

I do not recommend World of One. It is just not fun. The game starts off well enough. It's a dark puzzle-platformer with average puzzles and mildly strange circular game world. The first terribleness starts with the boss fights. They depend far too much on clunky controls to precisely maneuver. The game then starts to rely on terrible combat where the character weakly throws a shovel in front of him to attack and the hit detection isn't the greatest and numerous enemies attack at once and take forever to kill. It's just f.cking tedious. The spot that made me quit was when the character is trapped in a very small area and a bunch of enemies drop from cages to attack from both sides at once. There are multiple waves of these attacks. It's like this game is taunting you. It's daring you to keep slogging through the increasingly annoying game play. Enough is enough of this boring game! It is a very cheap game to buy and has a good spooky aesthetic at least. This game just pissed me off and I will not finish it.

Время в игре: 273 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.12.2018 00:13
0 0

It's pretty neat!

Время в игре: 25 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 06.09.2018 14:16
4 0

The concept is great, the art style and music is perfect, visually good for what it is, but... it falls flat after an hour or so, at least for me. I became too frustrated with how picture-perfect you have to be. It stopped being fun and soon became something I was forcing myself through to just complete the game so I can move on, but I eventually quit the game.

Maybe if the developers got some help from someone who has made a good game in this genre this could be a much, much better game.
The art style and aesthetics are there, the soundtrack is very good. The thing that's missing is good and consistent gameplay, and not to forget the controls; the controls are horrendous.

If this game was released 5-10 years ago it would be quite good and would probably be quite popular, but today it doesn't really hold up to the rest of the games in this genre.
There's simply just better alternatives out there, I imagine anyone who enjoys this has exhausted all the other options in this genre, or is a person who enjoys this genre very much while also being a very forgiving person.

Curator page

If you liked this review or otherwise found it helpful in deciding whether or not to buy this game, feel free to follow my Curator page.

Время в игре: 213 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 06.06.2018 01:14
2 0

Even when the story was okay (ish) i find the game completely boring and frustrating at some points.

Not worth my time, but guess you can decide

Время в игре: 301 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 24.04.2018 22:23
1 0

The style of the game is interesting but It is a tad bit boring

Время в игре: 49 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 06.01.2018 17:38
4 0

When I purchased this, I was in the mood for another Limbo-ish game with nice graphics so figured I'd give this game a chance but ended up not caring for it at all. I primarily quit due to the controls and user interface which I found awkwardly confusing to use. There's not enough feedback to let you know if you're doing something correctly or not. The jumping can be a bit odd with its collision detection handling so often it's not obvious if you should be able to make a jump or not. There's also the "use" button where the character awkwardly acts out hand motions regardless if you're near interactable objects or not so there's some ambiguity when trying to find the right position to do something. They were all subtle criticisms but collectively it just wasn't fun for me.

Время в игре: 25 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 26.12.2017 02:35
14 1

Sloppy controls and annoying jump mechanics. The game should've stopped after world 2, world 3 was just garbage all around; annoying enemies, tight jumps (only made difficult by the sloppy controls), and annoying sections to redo on death. One of the only games I quit before finishing because it was just a waste of my time.

Время в игре: 284 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 03.11.2017 22:43
23 4

Great asthetic and beautiful visuals, but it's another one of those gotta-hit-the-exact-pixel kind of games. I really wanted to like this, but when I got about halfway through I realized that I was forcing myself to keep playing, so I quit and went outside.

Время в игре: 339 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 14.09.2017 11:07
11 0

This game would have been good maybe 10 years ago. But for 2017 its just not enough. The graphics are okay i guess, through the style is not my cup of tea. The level design is repetitive and tedious, the attempt to make this game difficult just made it annoying and frustrating, the controls are clunky, the fighting boring (Attack button, doge button, attack button, doge button) This game has the pace and control of a story driven puzzle game, but the content of a jump and run/fighting game.

For games like these I expect some kind of twist, something to make it tasty, something new, a wow effect. Breath-taking design, emotional story, a new gameplay element you haven’t seen before … this game has nothing of those.

I feel kind of sorry to give this game a negative review, because I do think someone out there did put some effort in it. And I don’t want to compare this game with -75% AAA title, but rather with other smaller games. Considering the fun I had with games for the same price, games that either went a completely new way, or were just so incredibly well made this one is just dull. It is lacking the heart that I expect in such games.

I am still planning to finish it, as I do expect a cool ending, but honestly, its just not fun. I am finishing it for the sake of finishing it. Should the devs ever make a new game in my opinion they should focus on making their game more of an experience. Make all the little parts work together nicely, so that you have something to dive into. I know that might not be the best explanation, and from other reviews it does seem like some people are enjoying it, but even though this game seemed to made for me, it’s just not enjoyable.

Время в игре: 100 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.09.2017 01:59
7 1

World of One is a dark fantasy puzzle-platformer that reminds me Tim Burton's work. Obviously, any black/white platformer gets compared to Limbo which really isn't a good comparison beyond surface level features. It is not a bad game but I feel like toward the second half there is more frustration than fun (mostly do to poor hit boxes, combat, and time-consuming respawns) While I feel that game could be sufficient with few updates I was forcing myself to enjoy it.

The first Act focused primarily on puzzles, story, and platforming which was very enjoyable. I only died few times and felt like I was playing a casual, sinister looking puzzle game. Then it starts snowballing downhill almost to where I considered refunding it. In next few Acts, generic combat becomes a big part of the experience. Game has a lot of insta-death so you constantly replaying 2-4 minutes sections between checkpoints. I died at least 100 times to just poor visual hit boxes. The combat system gets really boring and just feels like a massive waste of time when you die in an unfair way.

For me, one of the biggest problems is the visibility. There are many parts of the game where I had to move my head toward the screen just to see the enemy in dark corridor. Other times I just wander around the area for 20 minutes because I can't see the interactive object blending into the environment. Part of the problem is just the fact that game has no zoom options (maybe will be added later?) I definitely feel that developers need to do a better job showing points of interest and maybe give some tool tips when new mechanics are introduced. In general, I would even enjoy the aesthetic more if only I could look at world's detail closer.


+ very enjoyable aesthetic
+ many unique mechanics
+ interesting puzzles
+ good amount of content
+ soundtrack


- visibility problems
- problematic hit boxes
- a repetitive and frustrating combat system
- beginner traps that make you replay from poor checkpoints
- no zoom options
- relatively weak story
- limited platforming elements

Final Thoughts 6/10

I can't deny the effort that went into making the game look the way it does. There is clearly a lot of thought that went into making each object, enemy, and background. Unfortunately, to me, this is a case of an identity problem toward gameplay. It starts as a casual puzzle game only to become Meatboy with more punishing deaths do to checkpoints. The game keeps adding things that instantly kill you but it does not give you more mobility tools. Crapy combat+begginer traps+poor hitboxes+instadeath+uneven checkpoints+visibilety issues. It legitimately becomes a hard game except that you get good at it by learning how to adapt to its flaws.

Review By:

Время в игре: 350 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 09.09.2017 20:15
2 0

The graphics are fine and I enjoy the atmosphere so far, but overall the game leaves a bad taste.

The puzzles are kinda dull, the hitbox detection (of your attacks) simply sucks and the controls are clunky as hell. In addition the gameplay feels repetitive, at least I can't recommend this title.

Время в игре: 263 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.09.2017 13:24
3 2

Limbo is better...

Время в игре: 323 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.09.2017 14:41
4 0

interesting design and while the puzzles and encounters are not a huge challenge, its a a £5 well spent as I enjoyed the story even if the pay off is not particularly original.

Время в игре: 406 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 02.07.2017 01:54
8 0

I want to reccomend this game, but I encountered a game-breaking glitch in the graveyard area with the guillotines. The game kept crashing everytime i died, but dying is essential for the puzzles here, so I am blocked from completing the game.

Время в игре: 419 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.06.2017 05:28
7 0

Artistically it reminds me of limbo and also i like games with mysterious background.
The puzzles are mostly straight forward not to hard to solve but also not to easy.
I like that game very much and honestly i am every time exited what comes next.

I love to record some Vids frome the game.
Here is the first part of WORLD OF ONE:

Время в игре: 176 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.06.2017 10:53
10 0

It is a really solid game, with some great puzzles, interesting design and not so good combat. This mini planet level design caught my eyes immediately after I saw the first picture from the game. I think this is a creative design, which adds a unique flavor to the game. The puzzles were great to. Not too hard and not too easy. It just feels rewarding when you figure them out.
The only thing I didin't liked in this game was the combat. I don't know why, but it just feels repetitive and sometimes even boring after all.

Время в игре: 333 ч. Куплено в Steam

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Разработчик Grimwood Team
Платформы Windows, Mac
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Дата релиза 02.02.2025
Отзывы пользователей 35% положительных (17)

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Обновлено: 22.01.2025 22:05


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