Разработчик: Zolden Games
Эта материя состоит из десятков тысяч частиц. Взаимодействие между частицами обсчитывается сотни раз в секунду. Благодаря этому игровой мир подчиняется физическим законам и натуралистично реагирует на действия игрока. Абсолютно всё в игровом мире сделано из этой материи: земля, все объекты, танки игрока и вражеские танки и другая техника, а также снаряды и бонусы.
Подобная физическая реалистичность требует довольно высокой производительности системы, но к счастью, у нас в компьютерах есть суперкомпьютер - видеокарта. Современные карточки по производительности могут быть в 50-100 раз быть мощнее процессора. И я задействовал всю эту мощь для физических вычислений. Так что игра по сути вычисляется на видеокарте.
С точки зрения масштабной картины эволюции видеоигр, этот подход является альтернативой главному пути. Игры в основном развиваются по пути улучшения графики. В моей игре графика простая, зато физика предельно развита. Можно сказать, что в то время, как технологии вроде виртуальной или дополненной реальности приносят виртуальность в реальность, физический реализм движется в противоположном направлении, принося реальность в виртуальность.
Технически это инновационный подход, и он открывает новые игровые механики, невозможные прежде. Что-то я уже реализовал. Но коллективное воображение шире индивидуального, и я буду рад услышать мнение игроков, познакомиться с их идеями и предложениями. Вместе мы можем сделать эту игру интересней, чем сделал бы я один.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows
- Процессор: 1.2 GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GTX 600 series and higher (384+ parallel cores)
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 200 MB
- Звуковая карта: Any
- Дополнительно: The game runs on GPU, so your videocard is more important than CPU. Updating your videocard drivers to the recent version is recommended. Especially for AMD cards.
- ОС: Windows
- Процессор: 1.2 GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GTX 800 series and higher (512+ parallel cores)
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 200 MB
- Звуковая карта: Any
- Дополнительно: The game runs on GPU, so your videocard is more important than CPU. Updating your videocard drivers to the recent version is recommended. Especially for AMD cards.
Отзывы пользователей
If worms was a prototype. Even on sale this game is just rough and needs a lot of polish to be worth your money.
While I wouldn’t recommend playing this by yourself, the jelly like physics and explosions make for a great time with friends. I highly recommend playing a few Hotseat games over remote play. Solid 7/10
This game plays like it was developed by a college kid during spring break. Bad controls, bad interface. The physics are nice, I guess?
The physics is kinda cool, but the controls are awkward, it's bizarrely easy to get stuck, and the whole thing feels highly unpolished.
I cant complain too much because I got this game 90% off for just over $0.50. My biggest complaint is the piss poor controls. I think I got my fill after playing the game for less than 10 minutes. If they changed the key comtrols to make more sense instead of being all over the board I might change my rating. Pretty cool concept but terrible execution.
Edit: It's still at a Demo stage of developement I would say. For a similar Physics based experience , try "Noita"!
It's a fun "Scorched Earth" or "Worms" type game with dynamic physics. Everything bounces a bit! There's comedy.
It's at an early stage, I would like the Tank balance to be a bit adjusted, ( perhaps a lower center of gravity or something?
hevier wheels? ) because keeping him from flipping over is the hardest part. ; - ) Also, moving with the left joystick, aiming with the right would seem more standard?
Quite hungry for GPU, so probably wouldnt suggest for ppl with intel graphics, runs perfect on 750Ti.
Very fun and unique gameplay. Jelly physics makes a lot of moments unpredictable, even random.
Quite good for short 10-15 min gaming.
The game doesn't even show any graphics at all sometimes after it starts, needing several restarts before working again. A lot of bugs once you try to load a level and just a bad code al around.
Neat idea, but bad execution.
Found this game on Reddit and im a sucker for physics simulations so I wanted to check this out. I am not terribly far but already finding quite a few issues to be honest.
The AI is relentless, it just ambushs you very suddenly and very accurately, level 2 has you getting attacked literally the second the level loads up.
This relentless AI is compounded by the fact that the controls are too fiddly. I was playing with a steam con which had keyboard bindings bound to it, and I was struggling to get aiming right to hit a few things. Maybe it is better with an xbox controller? but any attempts I had at trying to use a xb con resulted in odd behavior making it unplayable, so I had to abandon that.
I don't like being so harsh on a very small indie project, but this is quite frankly not a very good game.
I do not recommend this game. Feels like a prototype. Loads of potential, but just not good enough in the end. Controls are awkward. You are not really told what's going on. Shame.
The controls are a nightmare.
Plugging in a joystick disables keyboard controls (but just for the firing angle).
Enabling "mouse control" re-enables keyboard control of firing velocity, but then the tank's barrel oscillates wildly on its own.
There are three different places to set the key map.
There is no way to un-set a key binding.
Just no...
Bad controlls, guns don't feel good at all, strange and not very good concept of missions and on the other side physics... IMHO it is not worth time or money,
Even though I'm a huge fan of every physics-related game this one is, unfortunately, a thumbs down.
It's a physics engine demo but far from an enjoyable game on it's own.
Gameplay-wise it feels wrong. Like an early alpha where you get to see the core mechanics but not much more than that.
Weapons lack an explaination what each one of them does which often leads to you wasting an entire supply of ammo (specificly provided to pass a certain obstacle) only to figure out how to work it.
A lot of levels are a clusterf*ck of enemies raining hell since the very first second, which too often leads to half a map getting leveled and you getting stuck very early on.
Other than that there's a lot of unfinished or poorly designed efects like glow on items which doesn't let you see if it's a weapon or a mine/trap or a supper annoying afterimage that an item leaves behind when it's being moved which confuses the hell out of you as to where it's going to end up.
Long story short the physics engine is great fun but it ends here.
I think this game is a very ambitious project and I enjoy what it delivers so far. If it keeps getting improved and polished over time, it has great potential. That being said, some of the hurdles to overcome on the first gameplay tend to be getting stuck and figuring out how to get out of some situations where you are also out of ammo. I hear the game just got mouse and gamepad controls, and although I usually like full keyboard games I tried out the mouse--it's not perfect (it controls your pitch and power instead of firing towards your cursor) but it works well enough to be able to pick up the game quickly. If you're not convinced about picking it up right now, maybe check back in a while and check on the game's progress.
The rest of my review is aimed towards the developer to try to give useful feedback and help the game improve.
I haven't played much yet but I intend to play more later. Firstly, the game is designed with destructible terrain in mind. This is ultimately the core of what makes the game fun, since it gives you a lot more flexibility than traditional games. In my opinion, much like designing a cartoon character, you really need to highlight the game's best qualities and try to make the worst qualities manageable.
By bringing out its best qualities, I mostly mean letting the player experience more freedom to approach obstacles. One thing I think needs to be changed is how easily terrain is affected by your shots--I did an experiment at the beginning of level 3 with the minigun, and it took all 80 bullets to shoot through the thin wall to the elevator. I'm sure this is by design, but you should take a step back and evaluate whether you can make the minigun feel more fun to use. Ultimately, the easiest way to improve that experience and make it more fun is to treat each bullet as having a small blast radius that can knock away small chunks of the terrain, rather than slowly wearing down its integrity. This makes it so if you get into situations where you only have a single weapon, you can still maybe be effective if there's a wall to breach. Granted I haven't got very far, so I don't know if different terrain types are more resiliant than others yet.
Now, the biggest complaint I see from most people is about getting stuck, and that seems to be the biggest roadblock to fun while playing this game. To remedy this, the player needs the option to have a little bit more mobility. I noticed most of the times I'd get stuck, the cannon could sometimes almost flip me over, but then I'd let go and fall back to being upside down. I would suggest having a button that allows the cannon to gain a lot of force, effectively letting players do a little "jump" or spring of sorts to flip them upright. Any way that you could use artillery fire to propel yourself could be useful too. Another thing to keep in mind is terrain and making sure it is navigible, and perhaps to do that you need to make the tank's movement a little more forgiving.
I think having a limited amount of ammo is fine, and the levels seem to be designed to be challenging with the limited supplies it gives you--I prefer that to a cakewalk any day. That being said, I think that perhaps the shot indicator should have the option to be displayed showing the projectile's full path in the first level or two in single player, so that players can adjust to the artillery angles based on whatever control scheme they're using and allow more efficient use of ammo. The AI enemies are very accurate, and it could help less experienced players with the physics learning curves.
Lastly, I know you're likely more excited and focused on building the game engine, but I highly suggest taking some time to design the menus to look visually appealing. These are usually the first thing that people see, so a little effort goes a long way from a design standpoint. If you don't feel like doing it, you can probably find an artistic friend that would be willing to help out I'm sure. Alternately, if you had your level select and/or main menu look like the game but be in non-destructable environments, that could be another way to introduce people to the menus and controls in a fun and intuitive way. Also, see if you can get a native English speaker to translate the menus; if I read them in my head with a Russian accent it sounds like what one might expect from a non-English speaker, but it would make your game look professional if messages in the game are clear and concise to a native speaker.
Overall your game has potential. I really enjoyed playing games like Worms and Gunbound growing up, so having a new take on an artillery game is nice. But remember, beyond the game being functional, I think your biggest priority should be maximizing fun by minimizing people's frustrations, mainly with movement. If you can improve player mobility, I would bet more people would actually feel challenged and be more willing to play if they didn't feel like the game mechanics themselves were working against them.
The only bug I've encountered so far was having my cannon detatch from the tank, but still being able to fire it from the spot in the floor in which it got caught.
Good work so far, I hope this game improves by leaps and bounds over time!
Great idea, decent execution, but poor overall experience.
I respect the dev for coming back to work on the game, but h hasn't updated any of the actual issues with the game.
1: The AI: Absolute bullshit. The second you get in range of an enemy, it will immediate start firing at you with pinpoint accuracy. This of course means that it's basically random if you;ll be able to kill some enemies in time or not.
2: The physics of your tank: Oh you touched that wall? Well now your gun is still in it and you have to restart after fighting 2 of the BS other tanks.
3: Inconsistency: Sometimes mines will blow up when terrain touches them. Sometimes they won't. Sometimes falling terrain hurts you. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes enemies take 5 point blank missiles to kill them. Sometimes it takes 2.
4: 'Falling' Damage: I say falling because I really don't know what to call this. If you're tank falls off a drop it will simply randomly blow up. Not take damage, not have the physics connections mess up, just simply die instantly
Now I'd say most of the other problems I or other people have with the game are either nitpicks or user error. Stuff like controls, the ammunition, particles getting caught in the treads, etc.
It's clear that a lot of creativity and effort was put into the game by how all of my problems aren't bugs or glitches, but design choices that don't work well. This game has great potential, but as of right now I cannot recommend this game, at least for the singleplayer. If these major complaints are fixed I think this would be a thoroughly enjoyable sandbox action game, but until then it's just another half-baked indie game.
I don't know if I'll ever play it again, but it was inspiring and has me thinking... That's worth $4 to me.
Some feedback: Another player character type would be nice. Like one that can jump would be especially appreciated. I found driving tank treads over things and flipping over to be frustrating and not so fun.
This is a very creative idea and it can be a lot of fun... but dealing with the AI is a chore. Trying to manage moving your tank, selecting weapons, and angling the gun barrel all using the keyboard sucks. It's really hard to accurately use artillery because you can't smoothly select an angle for the gun by using keys.
Of course the AI doesn't have this issue and can accurately track you and continue peppering you with projectiles while you struggle to lob a close shot from far away.
This game really needs mouse support or something to refine the gun angle...
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but some degree of customization really needs to be added to the game, specifically treads. Getting through the first few levels is a little difficult simply because the tank keeps getting stuck. The game seems to have some good potential though.
I am a tank. Tree got in my way, so I blew it up. A second tree got in my way, so I aimed and accidentally blew myself up.
I love this game. 10/10
In all reality, this is a very simple, yet challenging game made by a single person. And it jumped from 1 to 12 levels within a span of a month of purchasing it.
It is a great game for the cost, it has a multiplayer that I have yet to utilize, but it is turn-based on the same computer, and we need more same screen co-op games.
Here is my quick video review of Jelly in the Sky - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS65A_R3LsE
So far I am excited about the amount of different weapons and upgrades you can load your tank up with. Definitely reminds me of the old amiga game "Artillerus" which is a good thing! Wiggly physics makes for some good dynamic local hot seat battles.
Game did crash after my first hotseat game against AI, but this only happened once and I've played several matches verses different amounts of AI.
So far my main complaints would be the camera system that doesn't seem to allow any sort of manual scrolling, but instead is controlled by the system which doesn't do the best job of keeping up with the action (shots aimed at a far away opponent during an AI's turn can go off the edge of the screen and you don't get to see if it hits, this happens too often).
Help tips would be great to give brief descriptions of what each of the weapons and modifiers do. but honestly, that's sort of part of the fun for me too, picking different projectiles and just shooting them to see what they do.
AI opponents don't seem to be very smart just yet. They don't really move to get a better shot, and if they can't find a shot, they tend to just skip their turn. I also haven't seen them make use of the wide variety of weapons. They tend to just always lob the default small artillary shot at you. They are also remarkably accurate from the first shot. Not so bad that every single shot is a dead hit, but they sure don't seem to have to hone in on your position, from thier first shots at you, they seem to be pretty well dialed in.
This is a great beginning, and I see a lot of promise to this game! I think the key here is going to be variety in weapons and modifiers, and variety in the levels we can play on.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Zolden Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 02.02.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 38% положительных (58) |