Разработчик: Ishtar Games
DEAD IN VINLAND - это игра с элементами выживания и управления поселением, с щепоткой РПГ и приключений о семье викингов, пытающихся сделать всё, чтобы выжить на странном острове.
Изгнанному на далекую и неизведанную землю, Вам предстоит направлять Эйрика и его семью в их стремлении выжить.
Управляйте их физическим и душевным здоровьем, исследуйте остров, организуйте собственный лагерь и договаривайтесь с другими жителями. Кто-то поможет вам, а кто-то будет будет менее... дружелюбным.
Раскройте мистические тайны Винланда. Они могут спасти Вашу жизнь... или привести к смерти.
- Проработанная система управления выживанием:находите и собирайте ресурсы, обеспечивайте запас пищи, заботьтесь о физическом и психическом здоровье персонажей, сражайтесь с болезнями и ранами, нормируйте запасы воды, переносите удары стихии (штормы, засухи, дожди...).
- Вызовы: игра разработана таким образом, чтобы у Вас было время принять лучшее решение, но сложность высока! Вам придется адаптироваться к тем кризисам, которые ставит перед Вами игра, исходя из собственных соображений.
- 3 уровня сложности: если Вы хотите просто насладиться сюжетом, мы добавили легкий уровень, и, специально для самых сумасшедших, мы сделали экстремальный уровень и уровень для истинных викингов, который даже сами разработчики не могут пройти!
- Постройте свой лагерь: расширьте своё убежище 18 активными локациями, каждая - со своей механикой. Создайте более 130 улучшений и множество ресурсов, которые дадут Вам ценные бонусы. Выбирайте хорошенько, Вы не сможете создать всё.
- Управляйте сообществом: 14 играбельных персонажей, каждый со своими сильными сторонами и слабостями, со своей историей. Влияйте на их взаимоотношения с помощью выборов реплик в диалогах, достигнете одного из 7 возможных романов или выбросите раздражающих персонажей из лагеря и приведите новых. И немного сюрпризов!
- Исследуйте остров: 150 областей для исследования и сотни объектов, с которыми можно взаимодействовать. Разгадайте многие секреты острова и его красивые, вручную отрисованные пейзажи.
- Не только выживайте, осядьте: Вы можете охотиться, рыбачить, заниматься собирательством... но также Вы можете разбить сад и приручить овцу! Продвинутые локации лагеря со специальными механиками.
- Проживите своё собственное приключение: закончите 70 нелинейных квестов, чтобы пройти игру. Всё зависит от Вашего выбора: узнайте, что станет с персонажами после окончания игры.
- Системы враждебности и дани: будьте "гостеприимно" встречены печально известным тираном Бьёрном Головорубом и его весёлой бандой разбойников. Преклоните колени и выплачивайте недельную дань или восстаньте... и будьте готовы к последствиям.
- Полная система РПГ: 5 показателей здоровья, о которых нужно заботиться, 20 навыков для развития, более 600 черт характеров персонажей, 100 предметов для сбора, 30 болезней и 20 ран, от которых можно умереть... Кастомизируйте персонажей: выбирайте из 5 рандомно предлагаемых специальных черт во время каждого повышения уровня.
- Пошаговые тактические сражения: быстрые и смертельные бои 3 на 3 против прихвостней Бьёрна. 5 уникальных играбельных классов, каждый из которых имеет свой набор боевых приемов, и 5 пассивных классов.
- ОГРОМНОЕ количество контентаt: более 150 000 слов, в два раза больше, чем первая книга о Гарри Поттере, раскрывающие взрослую, но не без юмора историю.
DEAD IN VINLAND - вторая игра “Dead In…” вселенной, после DEAD IN BERMUDA. Обе игры являются самостоятельными, но Вы узнаете немного больше о секретах, которые таят в себе эти странные острова, и об общем прошлом каждой игры серии.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, simplified chinese, italian, polish, russian, spanish - latin america
Системные требования
- ОС *: Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1
- Процессор: AMD Athlon II X4 640 3.0GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTS 450
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- Дополнительно: 1280x720 minimal screen resolution
- ОС: MacOS X 10.6
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTS 450
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- Дополнительно: 1280x720 minimal screen resolution
Отзывы пользователей
TLDR: 10/10. Worth its price and more. Great story, not too repetitive (although you will die at least twice).
My Survivor's Village 1/13/25: Blodeuwedd, Eirik, Kari, Shanaw, Gudrun, Moira, Cisse, Solveig, Knut, and Eustache.
Playable Character Tier List (Remember, this is my opinion): Overall, I think the developer did a great job building such rich character backstories, happy/sad endings, and how you encounter them in the quest for survival. This is not commentary on whether the devs wrote the characters well. This is my subjective opinion of each character as if they were a real person. To avoid spoilers, I will not be elaborating.
Useful and enjoyable: Blodeuwedd, Moira, Shanaw, Kari, Gudrun*
Not useful, but enjoyable: Solveig, Cisse*
Not enjoyable, but useful: Knut, Eirik, Lady Tomoe
Neither useful nor enjoyable: Eustache, Yaghoub, Parvaneh
Kill on sight: Angelico
* = testing my patience
Gameplay: You absolutely can beat survival mode, even if you're a bit dumb like me. It's a well built story and you need solid strategy to survive.
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Nothing special
☐ Okay
☐ Bad
Graphics: Accessible to the modern (if not specifically designed for gaming) laptop. Artistic choices made give the game a very immersive atmosphere.
☐ Masterpiece
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Will do
☐ Bad
☐ Awful
Audio: Excellent musical soundtrack
☐ Amazing
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
Audience: I would be very hesitant to recommend this game to someone at or under the age of 12...If I had my own child who was 12yo, I would not hand them this game and walk away. IDK if I would "supervise" them, though. Know your child's personality and maturity level. People older than 12 should be fine. Most of the mature topics are written, not depicted graphically. There is some blood. It is a survival game... meaning the goal is to avoid death. Avoid this game if lots of different types of death would be distressing to you.
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Everyone
Story: The lore for this game runs so deep. Even once you've beaten the game, there are endings for each character that you might not have anticipated...and I might have restarted a Survival run solely to rescue one specific character from her bad ending. You sort of form relationships with these characters, or at least form strong opinions about them and react accordingly.
☑ Lovely
☐ Good
☐ Average
☐ Not great
☐ None
Difficulty: Straightforward control system and game rules. Survival is a completely different story.
☐ Just press a bunch of buttons
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Not so easy
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
Game Time: You will not master this in a few hours. There is enough variety built into the game that you won't feel bored no matter how many times you die and restart.
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ Depends on you
☐ Endless
Price: Very reasonable $20 full price tag. Buy it before the devs realize they could charge more!
☑ Just buy it
☐ Worth the price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
Very nice game, nice exploring, building and crafting is a bit slow, Battles are tough, feels like some battles you have to lose to progress? the daily cycle of feeding and watering gets a little repetitive waiting for buildings to be built. Lovely art. Wish there wasn't so much negative traits though
One of those "wish there was a meh button" but if I have to choose, its further into the negative.
I picked this up as I loved The Pale Beyond and this was recommended based on that. As someone who enjoys random events, and really tough survival choices and management, this game is fun for the first ten hours. Then it dawns on you, that you're twenty hours in, clicking the same buttons, and you are only on day 30 in this latest run and it's *hours away* from any sort of resolution or change in pace. It's simply too long of a game once you get into an efficient rhythm of survival, and past that first rush of trying to get the village going through the odds; I think I liked Pale beyond because it didn't overstay its welcome.
Dead in Vinland's story telling is also not strong or amusing enough to carry it past that boredom wall. It is just okay, and there's no way at 20 hours to feel any satisfying sense of completion with it, since so much of it is through random ongoing conversations. If you are a completionist with stories, I wouldn't even bother picking up this title.
And the combat *sucks*. I can't put in words fully what that is about, as I enjoyed darkest dungeon enough. Its very much a clone of that. I think it feels like a more boring, slower, less high stakes version of that. It made me dread exploring, which is the only mechanic I'd keep playing the game for. And there is no way to speed through combat or turn it off. Even on sneak mode, aka reducing chances to find fights when exploring, you'll still run into them often enough.
At five dollars sale, I don't entirely regret it. But I would be very unhappy if I paid full price for this, especially since I am walking away at a point I feel no satisfying conclusion to the game. Life's too short to invest 70 hours in a game when you're tired of the gameplay, just to see what happens to the characters.
Crash land on an unknown island with family, lucky enough to find a warm shelter, food, woodlands, fresh water source etc... Characters resign from life on day 4 because rain and scavenging their boat made them sad. Seriously, one of the first structures you HAVE to build on your new home is a bar just for you and your family members to sit around and raise their moods. The game doesn't tell you you need to either, their moods just get worse and they die unless you have one.
I really really like this game. It's sort of sadistic but not in a negative way, you can set your limits and savescum if you really object to the way something turned out but if you let it the game will give you a bounty of narratively meaningful/character defining nasty little surprises in addition to the rng survival surprises which all add up to a deep sense of satisfaction if you're able to overcome them and build a (mostly) stable community in this hostile world. Even when you aren't able to overcome them there's usually (at least for me, I might just be weird) value in accepting some of its seemingly random/unfair outcomes because they add that bite and viciousness to the game that makes whatever payoff you reach hit harder. Having poked around the forums a bit it seems like at launch the game was significantly more brutal and random and openly unfair in certain instances but with player feedback they toned down many things and outright removed certain run-ending mechanics that weren't telegraphed very clearly so I feel like my assessment that the game is trying to be harsh but still fun is relatively accurate and that it isn't just fucking with you for no reason.
Having said all that, the dog dlc can absolutely snap the game balance in half if you invest enough resources into him (and he's fucking adorable and adds a little to the narrative so why wouldn't you) so big recommend if I've made it sound too daunting and big recommend the "Norse side stories" dlc so that the optional characters will talk to each other at night instead of only the core family, having played the game with and without it makes a massive improvement to the feeling that you're building a village and providing stability for people and the writing is pretty universally excellent.
The game isn't really something you can get a sense of whether you will or won't like it within steam's refund window so if you're unsure after reading this maybe wait for a sale.
Cautious recommendation. Nice story and characters, interesting encounters and puzzles. RNG is a bitch though. 2h of playing it is suifficient to decide whether to go on, or refund.
Winning or losing has little to do with skill, and almost everything to do with how RNGsus chooses to bless you or curse you. I had a skill fail to execute 6 times in a row at 85% chance, killing off a character. I've had combats go on for AGES because nobody could hit.
It just makes the game feel like a slog.
My favorite game by far . Very very smart game setup , easy going turn base with very beautiful indie enviroment and very cool scenario . 100% worth !!!
I think this game has so much to give that I wrote two fanfics and two parodies (so far) on the material! The developers combine varied, engaging gameplay with Telltale/Skunkape standard dialogue/story. If you like Norse lore, village-building turn-based RPGs, turn-based battles and/or good storytelling, you will love this game too.
Overly dependent on RNG and not actual planning / mechanics / skill. Fights are boring and again dependent on RNG. It's a shame because the character development and story is quite good, and well written.
The art style is nice. So are the characters. The survivors are a diverse bunch, and seeing them interact and learning their stories is fun. The villains are easy to hate.
But the gameplay is terrible. Everything is based on chance. Even the traits you get offered as your survivors level up. A few days of bad weather can cripple your run, with no way of you being able to hedge against it. Every day/turn, you distribute your survivors among the available work stations based on skills and condition. The assignments are usually obvious. The main choice you will make is what new station/station improvement to research. This is rarely enough to compensate for the randomness coming your way.
Combat is straightforward and mostly dependent on the traits you manage to roll. At the end of the day you have to distribute food and water, which quickly turns into a chore.
A lot of this could be overlooked, or at least tolerated, if the game didn't also overstay its welcome. A single run takes many hours. Good roguelikes have you fail fast initially, and then open up into different builds, offering interesting decisions. Not so here. If anything, the game becomes less interesting, the further you get in. Initially you might have to take difficult choices, because you don't have enough survivors to cover all your resource needs. Later the camp is mostly self sufficient (baring catastrophic RNG) and you mostly pass the days exploring, looking for the necessary locations to complete the game. If there were a way to manually trigger the end game, i would like this a whole lot better. Even then, i don't see this having much replay value based on the poor mechanics.
sooo fun loved the first game and this one just added things I wanted !!
Way too much RNG. A month or two into the game both characters got 2 bad diseases 2 days in a row, and nothing you can do about it other than reloading saves and trying again. In combat I miss 5 times in a row with a 93 percent hit chance. Then I search some item with a 87 percent success chance and fail 6 times in a row again... So I just reload previous save and try again and again. Reloading non stop and all that save/load spamming takes away from game experience, not to mention to story ends like 1 month into the game. Then it is the same collect item, do the same boring combat, and if RNG is bad save/load try again. Started out good but gets frustrating and boring after few hours...Only by if it is like 80 percent off.
On sale? Definitely get it. Otherwise, no. I can see what other reviewers meant by the dialogue; that and the art often feel amateur at worst and just rough draft version at best. I enjoyed Dead in Bermuda less than this, I'll give it that, and I enjoyed Banner Saga more; this is essentially a blend of the two. It really needs another pass from an experienced dialogue editor and character artist.
Fun game but it for sure over stays it welcome with the length. I hope they make another in the series one day because it could be great if improved.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Ishtar Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 19.01.2025 |
Metacritic | 74 |
Отзывы пользователей | 78% положительных (509) |