Разработчик: Fireblade Software

Исследуйте множество островов, таящих уникальные сюжетные события, в разнообразных биомах и регионах. Сразитесь с кораблями-призраками в Морях Призраков. Дайте отпор гигантским паукам на Паучьих Островах. Вас ждут регионы с ядовитым газом, айсбергами, каннибалами и многим, многим другим.
Сойдитесь в жестоком бою с вражескими кораблями, укреплениями и морскими чудовищами. От вас потребуется применить все свои навыки, чтобы тактически обыграть противника и взять над ним верх. На битву также оказывают воздействие погода и окружение: огромные волны, удары молний, извержения вулканов и метели представляют собой лишь малую часть того, что может повлиять на вашу стратегию.
В центре внимания Abandon Ship находятся действующие в фэнтезийном сеттинге корабли “Века Паруса”, а визуальный стиль игры вдохновлён классической масляной живописью художников-маринистов.

Мир Abandon Ship может быть жесток. Смерть необратима. Но даже если ваше судно уничтожено, игра не заканчивается. Вы – капитан, а пока жив капитан, надежда всё ещё остаётся.
Покинув погибающий корабль на спасательной шлюпке или же уцепившись за его обломки, находясь в одиночестве, у вас всё равно есть шанс выжить и снова вернуться на путь к вершине.

Сражения безжалостны и требуют правильного тактического подхода. Каждый бой тяжёл, а поражение ближе, чем кажется. Ваш единственный шанс выстоять – использовать любые доступные вам возможности и средства.
В вашем распоряжении окажутся десятки видов оружия и улучшений, которые можно установить на доступные к приобретению корабли различных видов. Изменяйте внешний вид вашего судна, захватывая вражеские корабли неповреждёнными. Ваша верная команда со временем будет становиться всё опытнее и получать новые умения, что окажет неоценимую помощь в достижении превосходства над противником.

Исследуйте фэнтезийный мир, который реагирует на ваши действия. Займитесь пиратством и станьте разыскиваемым властями капитаном. Выполнение заданий может кардинально менять как окружающую среду, так и целый мир. Принимайте решения, которые могут сделать встреченных вами людей как друзьями, так и врагами, что в будущем может как помочь вам, так и создать трудности.
Сыграйте в различные сюжетные кампании, включающие в себя историю о борьбе против зловещего культа, вдохновлённого произведениями Говарда Лавкрафта, режим свободной игры с сюжетом о бремени поступков прошлого, боевую кампанию о спасении своей сестры из лап работорговцев, и наконец "Меч Культа", историю одного из детей Отца, поднимающегося по иерархии, чтобы заполучить ультимативное оружие для достижения своих целей: Кракена.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, spanish - spain, portuguese - brazil, russian, turkish, french, german, italian, japanese, simplified chinese, polish
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 64-Bit
- Процессор: Процессор 2.2GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 6000 or equivalent
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- Дополнительно: Для работы игры некоторым владельцам старых видеокарт от ATI может понадобиться её запуск в режиме DirectX 9.
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: OS X 10.11+
- Процессор: Процессор 2.2GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 6000 or equivalent
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- ОС: Ubuntu 18.04
- Процессор: Процессор 2.2GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 6000 or equivalent
- Место на диске: 10 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Absolutely gorgeous game. I love the setting, i love the story. Simple to learn, difficult to master.
At the time of this review (32 hours), i have finished the main campaign on normal difficulty. I felt it was a good balance of difficulty at the start, but got easier late-game, so i might try some harder difficulties later.
All devs & publishers, take note, make more games like this.
The water shaders is done well. Graphics and gameplay is engaging. The bounty system is too aggressive and in most cases it is game over as the hunters will come after you every minute or so.
Damp FTL, pretty enjoyable
Amazing game for fans of RPGs and strategy, the sea battles are engaging and even if you can pause at any time there's a real feeling of tension behind every decision made during combat.
Yarrr! 🏴☠️
Wrote me review at thee end tov dis' post-
📜✍: https://thesatisfaction.weebly.com/shipsblog/abandon-ship
90% of a great game. The core gameplay mechanics are great, thematic, and fun. Honestly just needs more content - ship types, enemy types, weapon types. what's here get's incredibly repetitive, very fast, and although the story is good it far outpaces what the game offers. Honestly the whole game feels like a demo.
Definitely wait for a hefty sale.
Pretty (&) scary and well made. Enjoyed the tutorial and am looking forward to this adventure.
The writing is very engaging, the story is fun to follow, and the combat is very fun. The combat can feel repetitive but with multiple ship layouts and ways to do combat, you just need to switch it up if you're feeling bored.
i've tried really hard to like this game, but i don't. there isn't really any depth to it
very fun, good writing and amazing story
Ok finally a gritty survival ship management game that is actually good. I've played a TON of garbage, i've played so much garbage that i've learned to love garbage. THIS is not garbage, this is what a good ship game should be.
BEFORE I GET INTO IT: THE GAME IS FRIGGEN HARD! It gets much easier as you go, the snowball is really really nice and slow but starting out is very difficult, the cult hunts you down on a timer which is easy to evade if you are watching but sometimes you get caught out, but you can clear this timer after you defeat the kraken which is actually more a mechanics fight akin more to an MMO than it is a power level fight. I beat it at a point where my boat was in the red health because i was broke, i couldn't fix it, i was missing some men, and i just said screw it and once i realized it was rotation based i knew i could beat it.
The game has a lot going for it. Save Points are actually a recourse you get either from saving someone or missions. I actually really like it because it's a great way to get yourself into a save point when you are doing really well and then you can go do risky stuff and revert to your save.
Another thing is navigation is really fun, you instance into a zone, clear the zone, and can go N E S W to the next part of the map, at first i didn't think i'd like this but it's actually quite nice. You can go back to these places and they will have more events occasionally but you mostly go back if there is a port you like there with items you want to buy.
It's a slow game, so far i haven't found an efficient way to farm gold or abuse mechanics, you have to go out and get lucky in a series of events in order to go over in gold, it's tough to save but once you do and upgrade your ship, you really feel a difference, every enhancement swaps over to a new ship you buy so you dont' just lose progress.
Combat is varied, you can specialize in many different ways to fight such as ramming into boarding, close range shotgun like weapons, long range bombardment, sinking their ship through water intake, going for high damage and ripping them up, setting fire for them to deal with so they can't man their equipment, killing the crew from afar, etc etc. It's so cool and your play style is probably here.
Over all 9/10 game.
I wish in the earlier ships i could buy a couple more crew per ship, sometimes i felt really understaffed and it was annoying. Also I played on normal to learn the game and while I ended up fine, i did experience some serious frustrations early that might push some people away who would other whys love the game. The difficulty might be a little much for normal. I can't imagine higher difficulties but i'm pretty excited to try them. Also i'd like some abilities in the over world, something to boost you faster at times to help you escape persuers or something.
The game was about in the middle for me. It was fun but I really hate the save system. You could only do a hard save if you find a special item and I am not a huge fan of just having the option of save and exit if you do not have the item. It is not really reliable when wanting to load a game. I loaded a previously hard save game and lost 11 hours of game play. I had to start at the beginning where the tutorial made me hard save with the item. All the grinding to get the ship and items lost. The battle system is pretty fun, but not very rewarding. You gain so little from battles that it take a lot of grinding just to get the items you are aiming for. I do not recommend this game to others.
Good game!
A bit similar to the FTL in terms of playstyle. It seems it is long enough (haven'f finished yet after 12 hours of gameplay) and it's quite enjoyable, although fights get a bit repetetive. The story is interesting; if you like pirates and crew-management game, this game might be for you.
Indeed :)
Yo ho didly dee. Do what you want 'cuz a pirate is free.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Fireblade Software |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 73% положительных (640) |