Sid Meier's Pirates!

Sid Meier's Pirates!

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Steam Store

Разработчик: Firaxis Games

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Sail the Caribbean, marauding all on the high seas or ally your ship and crew as a privateer in search of riches - the life you choose is up to you. Face dogged enemies, raid unsuspecting villages, woo fair maidens, avoid capture or dig for buried treasure. Discover what it takes to become one of the most famous pirates in history!

Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


Minimum: Windows® 98/Me/2000/XP, Pentium® 1.0 GHz or higher, 256 MB RAM, 1.2 GB Free HDD, 64 MB video card* with Hardware T&L support, Windows® 98/Me/2000/XP-compatible sound card*, DirectX® version 9.0b (included) or higher
* Indicates device should be compatible with DirectX® version 9.0b or higher.

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 26.02.2025 20:37
0 0

Still runs well on a modern system. Pure nostalgia.

Время в игре: 5077 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.02.2025 17:52
0 0

great gameplay... the "love" part is a bit lame.. everyone hates dancing!

Время в игре: 651 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.02.2025 10:15
1 0

This classic is still fun years later and to be honest it is pretty hard! There is fairly high learning curve when it comes to sailing and if you don't figure out how to sail around as fast as possible there is very real chance you will die of old age before you can complete your quest. And you get slower as you get older too. I still have never beaten the big baddie because it takes so long to get to him I was just too old. Each play through is quick enough though. Even though it is quick there is still a surprising amount of content! Give it a try, you won't be disappointed.

Время в игре: 625 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.02.2025 22:03
0 0

with a wash of good pirate games now a day, the classics remind us there is still some gold

Время в игре: 816 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.02.2025 08:31
0 0

Such a fun game, i really do hope they make a remake or remaster of it. We need good pirate games out there!

Время в игре: 220 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 15.02.2025 02:33
0 0

Repetitive, scaled poorly, dancing is the worst, not the good old original game I loved.

Время в игре: 886 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.02.2025 07:35
0 0

Closest thing to the perfect pirate game out there, despite it's age (It's actually an 80s game, this is a remake that's mostly faithful in terms of gameplay), it still holds up amazingly. If I'm looking to get into a pirate adventure on a game, this is the one to go to.

Would love to see a modern game take the economy and depth of this game and combine it with the supernatural elements, repeatable questing and treasure hunting of Sea of Thieves, action gameplay, Shantys and open world of AC4 Black Flag, and throw in a character creator and class system like Blood and Gold Caribbean, then boom, legitimately the greatest Pirate simulation possible. But alas, no major company seems to want to make a singleplayer pirate game these days. We be cursed with live service slop like Skull and Bones.

Время в игре: 710 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.02.2025 13:43
0 0

I am strongly biased when it comes to this game, because one of it's first pixel versions was the first computergame I ever played. The nostalgia associated with that is priceless, but even without that it's still a fun game to play.

That said: look at it's release date. That will tell you that the graphics are horrible and the controls are clunky.

I was worried that playing it again might taint the fond memories I have of the game from way back when, but my concerns were unwarranted. After all this time I could still enjoy playing it again.

Can it compete with any modern day game graphics- or gameplaywise? Absolutely not.
Is it still fun to play? Definitely.

If you enjoy watching the occasional black and white movie even though you know there aren't going to be any CGI in it: this game is one of the great classics in gaming history.

Время в игре: 881 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.02.2025 23:26
0 0

I’m dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It’s the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly … stupid.

Время в игре: 528 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.02.2025 22:48
0 0

great game, complete freedom to play in whichever way you like

Время в игре: 72 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.02.2025 16:48
0 0

Still the best pirate themed game out there. Even after more than 20 years, this game holds up and is still playable and fun, which says a lot for game design and development at that time. This game plays best if you have a 10-key numpad, but you can remap the controls if you need or want to do so. Only negatives I can see with this game are due to its age. The resolution is kind of low (but still good enough) and in a 4:3 ratio due to when the game was created. It also crashed once or twice as I was adjusting video settings, but since then it has been stable. Check this game out if you've never played it - it's a lot of fun.

Время в игре: 382 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.02.2025 21:00
6 0

Game was made a long time ago and it shows.
There are no adjustable keybinds and there is no widescreen support.
Still basic game play loop is fun.
Buy when on sale.

Время в игре: 227 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.02.2025 19:21
0 0

Still the most fun pirate game I have ever played. And I have played a few, looking for a comparable experience. And there just isn't one. Its not perfect, and it is showing its age. But god, its just so FUN.

Время в игре: 1070 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.02.2025 01:44
0 0

Great fun, even though it tends to be repetitive. I've found lots of ways to play it, from acquiring loot, capturing cities, simple trading, to wooing governor's daughters. One of my favorite goals is to try to convert every city to the same nationality. (Yeah, old-school colonialism. It would be cool if you had the option to convert all cities to native villages. ) The combat (both naval and land-based) is relatively simple but bears some resemblance to real-world tactics. Just pure fun.

Время в игре: 44913 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.02.2025 14:53
0 0

A classic from many years ago that honestly still holds up in modern gaming. The graphics are certainly dated, but it still provides a fun and unique experience.

Время в игре: 233 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.02.2025 13:53
0 0

Classic graphics and solid game play

Время в игре: 13401 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.02.2025 16:37
9 0

I have been playing this game since back in the 90s when it first came out. It has always been a favorite of mine. When I saw steam had it I quickly purchased it as it was a no brainer. This game is straight from the orignal game, pixels and same writing. NOTHING has changed, but that is the full charm of this game in my opinion. Very easy to learn, but takes hours and hours to master. There are several levels from beginer to very hard based on which time frame you pick to run your ship through. If you like pirates, historical based games and nostalgic games I would HIGHLY recommend you try this game.

Время в игре: 1854 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.02.2025 06:04
4 0

I played this when I was like 9, and i'm more than thrice that age and still pull it up. People know Sid Meier's for their civilization games, but they really need to do a remaster - or even better a new came. Let's get a breath of the wild/tears of the kingdom style project for this game. don't change the mechanics too much... don't just want a Sea of thieves or whatever that FPS pirate ship game is. looks like a good game, but a sid meier's pirates should be a sid meier's pirates.

Время в игре: 5506 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.02.2025 20:02
3 0

Wonderful game, great port. However there are some bugs with the resolution options and how the hud in the pc version scales. Super fun though

Время в игре: 1218 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.01.2025 03:26
0 0

This is the best pirate life sim game that exists. Though I don't know if I can ever 100% it on a single save file I keep trying every so often.

Время в игре: 1430 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.01.2025 11:32
0 0

Still holds up today. Loved it in the early '90's.

Время в игре: 32061 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.01.2025 03:46
0 0

This is the 1st pc game I ever played and after having 500+ games on steam I can say this is in my top 10

Время в игре: 810 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.01.2025 13:29
0 0

Very good classic game!

Время в игре: 244 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.01.2025 10:11
0 0

it is fun and there is no die.

Время в игре: 539 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.01.2025 18:03
1 0

This has been one of my favorites since i first played the NES version wayback in the day. This is the best version with Pirates! Gold from the Genesis days being second in my mind.

Время в игре: 584 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.01.2025 10:10
0 0

A genuine classic time killer.

Время в игре: 1247 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.01.2025 23:35
0 0

This game is everything Skull and Bones wishes it could be. Yes it's old. Yes the graphics are bad. Yes it's still a masterpiece. It's immersive as hell, and it literally gives you the entire Caribbean as your sandbox, with all the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want, just like a real pirate.

Время в игре: 297 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.01.2025 20:39
0 0

Used to play this on a CD many years ago. When I got older I lost the CD but was happy to find it on steam. I keep going back to this, I've played it modded and vanilla. Genuinely enjoy it, wish we could get something like this but with today's standards. Also I love the romance and dancing in this game and its particularly fun when you have the fem-captain mod to romance your way through the sapphic seven seas ;)

Время в игре: 2507 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.01.2025 03:17
1 0

One of my favorite games to go back an play. Casual as you want and fun. Hate sailing all the way west and fighting the wind back for quests though.

Время в игре: 9550 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.01.2025 21:05
3 0

As you know, we are at war with the slimy French.

Время в игре: 452 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.01.2025 14:13
0 0

So much fun, other pirate games should play this and emulate!

It's different than I remember but alot of fun
Only thing is I couldn't change flagship sometimes

Great game

Время в игре: 228 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.01.2025 09:10
1 0

Man what a nostalgia trip, I used to play this game on CD! Still holds up, it's pure unabashed fun between the sailing, sword-fighting, and general feeling of adventure. 10/10 soundtrack, 10/10 game. Few games have you become totally mentally enveloped in the romantic and adventuresome spirit of being a pirate. it's just pure fun.

Also all of the governors' daughters' beauty scores are ranked by how much cleavage they show. Sid Meier, you absolute scoundrel.

Время в игре: 761 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.01.2025 06:23
2 0

Best classic pirates game! The story and game mechanics are still the best. Surprisingly nobody makes a remake of that with the same game play. Instead other games make it more simplistic or introduce something which is not enjoyable. The game is playable on Steam Deck with community joystick layout.

Время в игре: 77 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.12.2024 04:25
0 0

Great gameplay, fun and simple, pirates on pixels 20 years back in the future ;-)

Время в игре: 38 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.12.2024 20:20
0 0

A Classic for sure, great combination of all the pirate life has to offer, always wished another game would have one upped this one but I never found it

Время в игре: 848 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.12.2024 15:11
0 0

Amazing game, wish they would do a sequel.

Время в игре: 599 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.12.2024 00:47
0 0

At 33 years of age, I am closing in on the end of my life. However, it is important to tell the tale of the generations that came before our current one. This game was an incredible achievement for it's time, and its mechanics are easily graspable for future generations to understand and take advantage of. The theme of pirates is romantic and timeless. You can journey the gulf and choose your own adventure. The experience is up to you, adventurer.

It's an old, repetitive game. But, if you're looking to shut off your brain and grind, it's pretty good. I've 100% it about 4 times.

Время в игре: 1119 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 28.12.2024 16:07
0 0

So the games does not work and steam does not supply a solution, not first game they sell knowing it will not work. Wasting your time buying it. In my case it crashes immediately on starting it. Directx init error, even if you install directx separately does not work.

Время в игре: 15 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 26.12.2024 15:54
0 0

Not optimized for 2560x1440 monitors. The solutions that are available on the Internet partially get rid of the issues. Still there are some inconveniences in using the interface.

Время в игре: 257 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.12.2024 11:59
1 0

Amazing game. very good

Время в игре: 542 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.12.2024 03:09
0 0

This game is great, very great, the thing is you can do anything you want in his game that involves piracy, theres all sorts of battles to fight, missions to do, ships to buy, its a great game. However, after playing for 50 odd hours i learnt this isint a pirate rpg game but a daughter rizzing simulator.

10/10 game would recommend

Время в игре: 1728 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.12.2024 05:05
0 0

Didn't know what to play. decided to pick this game. Best decision ever. FUN FUN FUN

Время в игре: 102 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.12.2024 20:19
0 0

Classic old school Pirates and still fun today

Время в игре: 2012 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.12.2024 19:08
0 0

One of the first open world games and still my favourite game of all time. Adventure on the high seas, scurvy romance and plundering, what more could you ask for?

Время в игре: 1166 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.12.2024 09:28
1 0

Still the best pirate game out there even 20 years later. Always hoping for a sequel

Время в игре: 7078 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.12.2024 17:18
0 0

Still the gold standard for pirate games almost 20 years later.

Время в игре: 75 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 18.12.2024 15:38
1 1

Updated version of a beloved game however the graphics are the best thing I can say about it. Looks like it should be all the fun of the original but very disappointing delivery. The dance is utterly frustrating for no reason and the game play itself has lost the appeal in the relaunch. Don't waste your money if your looking for a nostalgic experience.

Время в игре: 47 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.12.2024 11:08
1 0

This brings nostalgic memories back. Even though the settlement combat is different from the original, it is still a lot of fun. I personally enjoy using mods, but even the vanilla play is a lot of fun. It's also more difficult than I though, but like I said. It's still a lot of fun.

Enjoy yall.

Время в игре: 3912 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.12.2024 03:02
0 0

Whilst it does get boring at times, and trading isn't really worth it, you can still get many hours of fun from the game!

Время в игре: 3290 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.12.2024 18:38
0 0

most replayable game of my life, idc how simple it is i love it. Shout out to 5yr old me who kept crashing and sinking ships and cried about it back when we had the disc

Время в игре: 4818 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Firaxis Games
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Metacritic 88
Отзывы пользователей 95% положительных (4221)

Отзывы пользователей

4,004 положительных и 217 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 02.03.2025 06:10




Single-player Family Sharing