Разработчик: Ghost Ship Games
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Deep Rock Galactic — кооперативный шутер от первого лица для 1-4 игроков, в котором вас ждут крутые космические дворфы, полностью разрушаемое окружение, процедурно генерируемые системы пещер, а также бесконечные волны инопланетных чудовищ.
Действуйте вместе, как одна команда: копайте, исследуйте и сражайтесь в огромных системах пещер, где за каждым углом вас поджидают бесчисленные полчища чудовищ и несметные богатства. И помните: только работая сообща можно выжить в самых опасных пещерах в галактике!4 УНИКАЛЬНЫХ КЛАССА
Выберите класс, который лучше всего подходит к вашему стилю игры. Прорывайтесь сквозь полчища врагов в роли Стрелка; изучайте округу и освещайте путь в пещерах в роли Разведчика; прокапывайтесь даже через самую крепкую породу в роли Бурильщика; поддерживайте свою команду оборонительными сооружениями и турелями в роли Инженера.ПОЛНОСТЬЮ РАЗРУШАЕМОЕ ОКРУЖЕНИЕ
Чтобы достичь цели, уничтожайте всё, что стоит у вас на пути. Вы сами прокладываете свой путь, а значит, и сами решаете, как выполнять поставленные задачи. Пробурите прямой путь к своей цели или же проложите в пещере сложную и запутанную систему ходов и исследуйте каждый ее уголок — выбор за вами. Но продвигайтесь осторожно — поверьте, в нежданной встрече с целым роем инопланетных чудовищ нет ничего приятного!ПРОЦЕДУРНО ГЕНЕРИРУЕМАЯ СИСТЕМА ПЕЩЕР
Исследуйте сложные и запутанные процедурно генерируемые системы пещер, сражайтесь с врагами и добывайте ценные ресурсы. Вас всегда ждут новые открытия, а каждое прохождение будет неповторимым и запоминающимся.ВЫСОКОТЕХНОЛОГИЧНЫЕ УСТРОЙСТВА И ОРУЖИЕ
Чтобы сделать дело, нужны подходящие инструменты, и уж в этом-то дворфы знают толк. В их арсенале есть мощнейшее оружие и самые современные устройства: огнеметы, пулемёты, платформенные пушки и многое, многое другое.ОСВЕТИТЕ СЕБЕ ПУТЬ
Подземные пещеры темны и полны ужасов. Чтобы найти путь в непроглядной тьме, вам придётся самостоятельно освещать пещеры.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, ukrainian, italian, japanese, korean, turkish, spanish - latin america, hungarian, romanian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 64 Bit
- Процессор: Intel i5, 3rd gen (or equivalent)
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 3 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64 Bit
- Процессор: Intel i5, 7th gen (or equivalent)
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA 970 / AMD Radeon 290
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 3 GB
Отзывы пользователей
+ Fun coop PvE
+ No pay-to-win
+ Good range of difficulty levels
+ Lots of customisation options
+ Random events add to mission variety
- Solo mode is so-so, best enjoyed in a full party
- Some assignments cannot be cancelled
Great game,
Awesome with friends and pretty good with randoms.
Nice difficulty curve.
The game itself is wonderful! Amazing devs and amazing gameplay! Highly recommend, though as with all communities, there is a fairly large group of people who believe they run this game and will be very toxic if you do not play a certain way or adhere to unspoken rules, so just be warned of the manchildren!
While Deep Rock Galactic is an incredible co-op experience, the current kicking system significantly harms the enjoyment of public matches. The system allows the host to remove any player at any time, even in the middle of a mission. This often results in unfair removals, particularly when playing with more experienced or strict players.
From personal experience, the player base in the Asia region tends to be less forgiving of newcomers or casual players, frequently kicking those who don’t meet their expectations. This creates a frustrating environment, especially for those trying to learn or just enjoy the game in a relaxed manner.
Ya its a fun game
They have added a ton of content since I first purchased this game and it seems incredibly fleshed out.
this game simply rules. kill bugs! mine! and rock with stone!
Rock and Stone/10
Great co-op game that really shines with a full team but still a great time solo. Devs are great, will rock and stone again.
Excellent co-op swarm shooter with emphasis on co-op and silly hats.
Game is awesome and all but I hope the devs don't start doing a "SMITE" thing where they keep trying to milk DRG into different projects that eventually fail because im sure many like me don't really care about other DRG-related games, just keep updating DRG instead of taking a billion years per update
Not for everyone sadly, but it is a good game. One of the best selling points are the devs, 100% free content with no FOMO outside of special cosmetics, which take up less than half of all in-game cosmetics
I probably dont need to tell you how exceptionally polishd the game is, still yet to encounter a single damn bug.
I love this game to death... or at least I used to...
I know that a lot of the veteran players will disagree with me BUT in my personal opinion... the game needs more content and the perk system + the abyss bar could use an entire overhaul...
But I got the feeling that the DEV team has moved onto other projects (including 2 spin off games which nobody asked for...)
They rather spent their resources on a Kickstarter campaign to sell you a 50 € PLASTIC beer mug (not including delivery prices and taxes).
I really want to be proved wrong with my statements... I want to see this game shine once again but I cannot in good faith recommend this game to anyone right now
Lots of gamer fun with a great community and a game that just naturally nurtures a friendly play environment.
This game is not only great both solo and co-op but also there is no single pay to win mechanic. Unfortunately that's a reason for a praise today. However the game is great with lots of different missions and fun meta progression.
But if your friends don't rock and stone, kick them from your part.
Rock and Stone!
Great game, if played in the right way.
First, there is a single player mode, that is kind of boring. The game lives from communication with the other players. So I would strongly recommend looking for other players to have fun with.
Second, there are multiple difficulties. I find myself only having fun, if the difficulty is set to a level where it's really hard to win (and more likely to loose). It's entirely possible to play on a difficulty where it feels like a struggle, but it's not *that* hard. However, in my opinion, you miss the entire fun. If you set the difficulty to a level where you loose most games, you need to strategize and actually work together. You experience being overrun by bugs, you need to sacrifice teammates, and you actually have a real victory if you finally win a level after struggling a couple times. And it might sound weird, but I had the most fun in games that I lost. If you play with the right people, you can just have a great time while landing in a cave full of bugs, and being annihilated within seconds.
All together: It's a great game, and I can very much recommend playing.
Overall: 9/10
+Funny Voicelines
+Satisfying Bug Blasting
+Huge levels of replayability with fun buildmaking
+Precedural generation is amasing
+Amasing soundtrack
+Well-made lobby area with lots of interactable stuff and little secrets!
+No aggressive monetisation
+Super positive community
+Balanced difficulty for all types of players between Hazard 1-5+
-Limited missions types can be a little boring
-Updates VERY infrequent [6 months give or take between em]
It's a fun game, definitely more fun with friends but people in public lobbies are pretty nice.
i like it so much i wanna gift it to many people to see it thrive, rock and stone
*I would like to preface this review by saying I originally started DRG on Xbox and had 180+ hours on that platform before purchasing it on Steam. I am a bit more experienced with the game than my Steam account shows.
Summary of Thoughts: Rock & Stone!/10
Deep Rock Galactic is easily one of my favorite games of all time. The satisfying gameplay loop and an abundance of customization & build options keep me coming back to this game in a way that few others have managed. DRG is one of the most personality-filled experiences you will get in a video game and is definitely worth your time if you’re at all interested.
Deep Rock Galactic has an incredibly solid gameplay loop, so much so that it has cemented itself as a classic of the 4 Player Co-op (shooter) genre. Most of your time will be spent fighting large swarms of the spider-like Glyphids. Hoxxes IV is host to many Glyphid variants, most of which encourage the use of unique tactics to stop the combat loop from growing old. Additionally, there are plenty of mission types, all of which provide unique gameplay elements and provide enjoyable experiences. The four types of Dwarf present in DRG feel distinct, enjoyable to play, and most importantly balanced. Each Dwarf has unique guns and utility tools that make working as a team incredibly satisfying but feel powerful enough individually that you can (and will) regularly complete matches without a certain dwarf type.
Deep Rock Galactic’s most innovative system is its overclocks. Overclocks can completely change the feel and effectiveness of guns, this keeps the game feeling fresh even after dozens of hours with the same class because your guns can feel completely different based on the build you create.
The wealth of cosmetic items allows you to add a sense of personality and style to your dwarfs. The pursuit of cosmetic items/overclocks is one of the primary drivers for continued play, and Ghost Ship delivers heavily on this front. I have rarely felt this satisfied with the cosmetic options of a video game. My only complaints in this aspect are that some items will not change color with your selected paint job and that it feels almost too rare to get new weapon frameworks or good-looking paint jobs.
This game is not particularly demanding and I rarely have issues with it running properly. You will run into a glitch or two and possibly the occasional crash while starting a mission, but honestly, it's usually pretty funny and almost never session-ruining. The stylized graphics make it look incredibly nice, at times genuinely beautiful, and give the game a sense of longevity.
The community from my experience is incredibly welcoming and kind. People tend to be very helpful and will explain game systems/concepts to you if you’re confused. More generally people just genuinely feel like they are playing to actually have fun. You can feel this very strongly through the sense of camaraderie you get while fighting and surviving together.
Ghost Ship Games is a company that feels like they genuinely care about their players, they provide all of the new content for free (except for the occasional cosmetic pack). Because of this, GSG is one of the few companies I feel comfortable supporting via micro-transactions. Though updates have slowed in the last year there is enough content here to satisfy the average player for dozens of hours.
Ranks right alongside Helldivers in terms of multiplayer fun.
・A blast with friends or solo
・Rewarding without the grind or having to pay a premium
・Nice variation and customization of both loadouts and cosmetics
The way games should be. 9.5/10
One of the few live services games that are not abusive on the monetization and content slop out there.
It is a great game to find people too, since the last year I've met people that from time to time invite each other to have a casual fun experience or a sweaty tryhard run to speedrun tasks before hiting the bed.
Overall, the game allows a lot of skill expression and has a huge skill ceiling if you plan to perfect its mechanics and discover new ways to play it, which is my case where I like to experiment and fool around what kind of loadout and gameplay I can came out with, and being supportive for my team. Even if you only like to shill around, it does it well as a casual shooter since you can adjust how complex the missions can be without big tradeoffs on the progression.
The community is great, being in a lobby of four players cooperating with each other is like a more friendly omegle chat experience, even if you all don't share the same language we share the same foolishness in the game. Being in a server with only four players cooperating with each other offers a more empathetic experience in difference with a public server with sixteen or more players in it. By far, I've played with hundred of players and I've only encountered three toxic players, all of them bit the L by the boys and I.
I said as an omegle chat experience, since one lobby I was in one dude just needed to disconnect to fix a broken pipe that was spreading a lot of water in his house and in another a guy was speaking as the door in their room slammed and they disconnected abruptly, making it unknown what the hell happened. Maybe it is just me and my own luck, who knows? Joining pubs in this game is a gamble on what will happen, and that spices up the experience.
Being said all of this, in the last big update, the developers make possible joining prior seasons to complete them and get cosmetics, is the first time I've heard that happens in modern standards.
This is a very fun game with a very friendly playerbase. Almost everyone is invested in the idea of being a dwarf in a planet, killing bugs and mining minerals. A frank 11/10, and even with more than 300 hours in it there are still items to be unlocked, and things to forge. R+S!
Of all the dwarves-mining-gold games in my library, this is one of them. good blend of humor , action and role playing. well done!
I'll keep it short: Deep Rock Galactic is a really fantastic co-op, or solo, experience for anyone that enjoys taking on fun, dynamic missions while fighting off relentless waves of bugs. The gameplay is really quite fun, and there are lots of options to upgrade and change your loadout as you progress. Monetization is refreshing, with all in-game items earned through play rather than pay, and older cosmetic items still obtainable through luck and persistence. Although I haven’t played in a while and can’t speak to the latest seasonal updates, the developers have a solid track record of keeping things fresh.
Rock and Stone forever!
This game has a solid amount of different content, even when you are doing the same 11-12 types of missions. The diverse amount of variations make the game feel like an almost new experience every mission. Along with the fun mini games and beers to drink between missions.... Makes for a grand time to have with the boys
Very simple and repetitive but sometimes that's all you need. Killing bugs feels good. The level generator creates some really interesting arenas. Every class is fun to play. Cons: the progression is almost nonexistent and that there's no "end game". What you see during your first hours of play is all there is to it.
Honestly one of the best games I've ever played. It doesn't matter if I play solo or with friends, being a dwarf rocks in this game. FOR ROCK AND STONE!!!!!!
One moment you're playing minecraft, the next second you're playing doom eternal on nightmare. Rock and stone.
I think Deep Rock Galactic is a great game because it’s fantastic to play with others, it offers a wide variety of skins (which allows you to customize your character), it’s well-optimized, and the characters are excellently balanced.
The Driller can tunnel through walls, which is especially useful during evacuations. The Gunner has impressive firepower and can significantly support the team. The Engineer can deploy turrets that shoot at enemies and aid in navigation. The Scout is very fast and excels at scouting the terrain.
All in all, I believe Deep Rock Galactic is an outstanding game. I think it’s absolutely worth its price.
very fun, the developers did a good job implementing a solo mode also in case you don't have any friends available to play.
Deep Rock Galactic is a really fun game, but it's not without its flaws. As a co-op experience, it shines in many areas, but after hours of play, the repetitive nature of some aspects starts to show.
Gameplay: The core mechanics of Deep Rock Galactic are solid. You and your team of space dwarves venture deep into alien planets to mine resources, complete objectives, and fend off swarms of enemies. The teamwork is key, and it’s always fun to coordinate with your crew to complete a mission. The different dwarf classes (Driller, Gunner, Scout, Engineer) are all enjoyable to play and complement each other well, adding some variety to the gameplay.
However, the missions themselves can feel a bit repetitive after a while. While the cave generation keeps things feeling fresh on the surface, you’re often doing the same types of tasks: mine this, collect that, defend this location, and escape. The objectives can start to blur together, and while the enemies are fun to fight at first, the waves of aliens can feel like they’re just filling space, rather than offering real variety.
Visuals & Atmosphere: The game’s visuals are great. The caves are beautifully designed, with glowing minerals and eerie shadows, and the overall atmosphere is perfect for the setting. The design really sells the feeling of being deep inside a hostile planet. That said, the environments do start to feel a bit samey after a while. The random cave layouts are cool, but sometimes you’re exploring the same kind of terrain over and over again, which can lessen the excitement.
Combat: Combat in Deep Rock Galactic is intense, and the weapons feel great. The satisfaction of mowing down alien hordes is hard to beat. That said, the enemy types are pretty limited. After a while, you’ll find yourself fighting the same enemies on loop, which, while fun at first, can wear thin after multiple hours of play. The difficulty ramps up nicely, but the lack of real enemy variety makes it feel like you’re fighting the same battle over and over.
Progression & Replayability: There’s a solid progression system with unlocks for new gear, cosmetic items, and upgrades. But here’s the thing: once you’ve unlocked most of the cool stuff, there’s not much incentive to keep going. The game’s random elements and mission structure do a good job of keeping you engaged at first, but after a while, you start to notice the grind. Even with new gear, you’re essentially doing the same missions, which can feel a bit monotonous.
Final Thoughts: Deep Rock Galactic is still a great game, especially if you’ve got friends to play with. The co-op experience is top-notch, and the core gameplay loop is fun. But it can become repetitive after a while. If you’re the type of player who thrives on grinding and doesn’t mind doing the same objectives multiple times, then you’ll probably love it. But if you need more variety in your missions and enemies, the game’s repetitive nature might start to wear on you.
All in all, Deep Rock Galactic is worth a try, but be aware that it might feel like you're digging the same hole over and over again after a few dozen hours.
This is a fantastic game. It is well put together and I have no issues with it. I am not much of a gamer but I do enjoy putting hours into this game. I love playing with my friends and the community is even better. No one is trying to out play anyone else in this game, rather, they are trying to help each other become better! There are plenty of missions to choose from if a specific one isnt to your liking, so there is plenty to do.
In just over a month, I've amassed nearly 80 hours of playtime, and Deep Rock Galactic has probably been shot up to my top five games. I was a little unsure before purchasing it if I'd enjoy it as much as some others, but I hold no regret for getting this game for me and one of my friends.
One of the big things I love about this game is the variety in supported play styles. Each class (of four total) have their own unique characteristics and abilities that also synergize really well. Switching from class to class is also made less jarring with the inclusion of the perk system, which allows for familiarity between classes. As an example, Gunner to me feels like a very slow and more clunky class, but I can equip the dash active perk to boost my movement speed every once in a while.
I would think I'm still probably considered to be in the early game (or at most entering mid), I don't have many overclocks, I have one promoted dwarf class, and I don't have more than three guns on most classes, but I foresee so many more hours I'll spend hacking away at those goals. In a sense, some missions and goals can feel a tad grindy if you play solo a lot, but grab a friend and the game is immediately back to a 10/10.
HIGHLY recommend this game to anyone considering it C:
nice chill co-op or single player PvE game. Everyone is friendly and don't even need a mic to communicate. You are able to access previous seasons, huge plus.
Gameplay is not repetitive, there are tasks to complete for weapons, skins, and accessories. Also large library of skin customization for your character.
Very fun game, especially with friends. Very fun alone as well, as Bosco is often more useful than friends because when he flies to where you tell him
TLDR: 10/10 An endlessly replayable team-based horde shooter with complex builds, buttery smooth movement, fully destructible environments, an amazing community, modding support, outstanding music, AND made by a good faith dev team with a clean slate? Whats not to like?!?
Actual Review (No Spoilers)
I think I'm fully confident in saying that Deep Rock Galactic is the overall best horde shooter ever made. It builds upon everything that came before it, and combines elements of other genres to create an extremely interesting, dynamic, and high skill ceiling game that STILL is easy for new players to get into. I seriously can't gush enough about how everything the game offers comes together to form one cohesive, intuitive experience that never gets old.
This Game Spits out Memorable Moments as if they were Pocket Change
It's insane to me just how often the "woah that was cool" feeling occurs playing this game. Whether it be discovering a cool build synergy, completing a particularly memorable mission, or just all of the goofy things this game facilitates. And on top of that the game's aesthetic, setting, resource management and enemy design combine to make you experience a range of emotions while playing - from dying of laughter to straight up terror - which can switch deceptively fast.
DRG Genuinely has the best Multiplayer PvE combat of all time
I've never played a game where every class has gotten roughly an equal amount of use. Each of the four classes are so distinctly interesting, and equally useful. They all play off each other so perfectly. This is why the teamwork part of the game is so effortlessly fun. Strictly speaking, teamwork isn't an absolute requirement to succeed, but the classes and gear are designed to give little bread crumbs for you to realize where the teamwork opportunities are, meaning you'll actively WANT to be a team player because of how rewarding it feels.
For some rapid fire positives:
Enemies - You have your basic grunt types, but also a HUGE amount of special enemies that all have different strengths and weaknesses as well as varying ways in how you need to fight them.
Mission Types - There are a variety of mission types that necessitates different builds, playstyles, and gameplans. You will slowly gravitate towards some more than others, but all of them are super fun.
Fully Destructible & Randomly Generated Levels - The backbone of DRG's replayability. There is some insane and beautiful level gen which you can tailor to your benefit, part of what fuels the memorable moment machine.
Overclocks - Each weapon in the game has a ever-growing list of overclocks you can earn or find that can completely change how a weapon functions. This is the other big part of DRG's replayability.
The Community is One of the Most Fun and Welcoming You'll Meet
Due to the nature of DRG's teamwork-based design, there is virtually zero toxicity and everyone is willing to help each other. This is the only multiplayer game i've played where I actively want to keep my lobby public. This game paired with the community makes playing 1000 times better than going solo. But even going solo is still great because you get a little helper bot to aid you.
There are also a lot of great mods from QoL to gameplay altering. There's a built-in modding tab in the game that takes you to the mod.io page. Some mods are even fully developer approved that you can run in public lobbies normally.
DRG is Liveservice Done Right
Yeah thanks to the devs sticking with the up front asking price, it doesn't fall into the trappings of a FTP model. Almost all cosmetics can be earned through in-mission events, the shop (which uses resources collected during missions), or completing the FREE battlepass for each season - which you can also switch between at will if you missed a season. The rest of them are DLC bundles which are basically this game's version of a tip jar for the devs. Support them if you want, but it's not a requirement.
The other part of liveservice being patches/game changes, they also take the win here. Balance changes largely consist of fixing bugs and buffing weaker gear and overclocks, as well as adding new enemy types, overclocks, and seasons.
In Short? I Can't Recommend this Game Enough
It's hard for me to see another multiplayer game outdo this one in the foreseeable future. You don't have to worry about meta builds, toxic teammates/enemies, or liveservice traps. It can be as stressful or as chill as you want, and regardless of if you have friends to play it with, or just going it solo, it's a game you will never forget. 10/10
Actual Time Played: 700+ hours (ported Xbox save file to Steam)
Deep Rock Galactic sets the GOLD! standard for 4-player co-op games. The teamwork-driven gameplay is top tier. Every mission feels like a new experience as no two caves are the same thanks to properly implemented procedural generation.
DRG was created by developers who wanted to make a game they themselves would enjoy playing. That love shows throughout, and is the reason why the game feels so polished.
You can have an excellent experience playing very casually, or as sweaty as possible in the highest difficulties.
The audio design is phenomenal. Calm ambient dwarven hums start you off when landing in the Drop Pod, then adrenaline-pumping synthwave kicks in during swarms. Initiating extraction once mission objectives are complete never gets old.
Fully destructible environments. Community-driven updates.
The weapon arsenal starts simple but don't be fooled, it evolves into one of the most in-depth and satisfying loadouts in any shooter once you start finding Overclocks.
Customizing weapons and gadgets can make every class feel fresh, even after hundreds of hours.
NO FOMO. You can replay past Seasons (each season has a free battle pass) and unlock all previous content just by playing the game. You can find cosmetics and weapon overclocks in cargo crates or lost equipment packs that spawn by random chance in each cave.
DLC's give you so much bang for your buck. One single DLC pack (lots of different themes) will give you a skin for 24 weapons, weapon paintjob that can be applied to any weapon, new armor redesign, armor paintjob that can be applied to any armor, new pickaxe coating, etc. All. In. One. Pack.
Truly one of the best co-op games in the industry. Incredible dev team that truly cares, and it shows. Great solo but even better in a group (randoms or friends) because you get the dwarf banter which is worth it on its own.
I highly recommended playing every class (Engineer, Gunner, Scout, Driller) as they all offer completely different experiences.
11/10, Rock and Stone!
An important aspect of any game is the developer's attitude toward the game and its players
The developers of Deep Rock Galactic excel in all these areas. I love this game. I love the way the developers continue to improve it. I was genuinely surprised to learn that you can’t spend money on microtransactions in this game, and it doesn’t have a premium battle pass. Here, you truly get all the content for free after purchasing the base game.
Recently, I decided to try HELLDIVERS 2 because the concept and premise of these two games are very similar. However, I was shocked by how much better the developers of Deep Rock Galactic are compared to the developers of HELLDIVERS 2. In Deep Rock Galactic, we got a festive holiday event and beautifully decorated lobby for the New Year. Meanwhile, in HELLDIVERS 2, there was no holiday content at all, and new players who bought the game during the big winter sale received no free New Year’s gift.
To conclude, I have immense respect for the developers of Deep Rock Galactic because finding a multiplayer game for $10 (in my region) that doesn’t demand additional money at every turn and offers regular free content updates is incredibly rare these days. On the other hand, HELLDIVERS 2 costs $40 (in my region), has a premium battle pass, microtransactions, server issues at the start of the season, bugs everywhere, and a developer who doesn’t care about new players, along with a publisher that restricts my ability to purchase the game and might even block me from playing it in the future.
Everything is known in comparison: Deep Rock Galactic > HELLDIVERS 2
Rock and Stone, brothers
As a common player i definitely like the crazy modded games with 12 miners/players and the amount of absolute chaos that erupts. For anyone who reads this hopefully ill see u in a game ROCKANDSTONE!
An alright game to chill with friends but I find it a little bit boring for some reason. Maybe I haven't played it enough.
A fun gameplay loop with extremely adjustable difficulty settings. Plenty of accessibility and control options. Mod support. Seasonal content that doesn't exploit FOMO. An active dev team who seem to genuinely love the game and community.
Highly recommended.
Super great horde shooter with tons of customization and flexibility for killing bugs. Music ranging from beautiful tracks inspiring wonder while you stare in a crystal-laden cave to Intense horde music for ripping apart bugs with bullets or pickaxe. A very pleasant and simple art design with many unique environments to dig in. All the enemies have distinct looks/tells to help people Identify them in the horde with great enemy variety, requiring different strategies and approaches. There's lots of character in the voice acting with lots of charm. And best of all a great environment for fun and rewarding team play with a great community. So what are you waiting for? Let's Rock and Stone!
its a very unique and fun game. Its easy to lose track of time because you contently unlock new map or game modes. its fun and you should get it
One of the best games I've ever played hands down and is super friendly on the dlc transactions actually worth what you pay
for other games would make you pay 20 bucks for 1 skin
Did I mention how there's also battlepasses that is FREE and if you missed any previous battle passes the items in it are still obtainable via other methods in game
On top of all this goodness the gunplay, sound track, and frequent updates that add new content and so much each time all without having to pay anything
All dlcs are no progression based and every season of new content is always free for all
Peak game, it has it all, dwarves, bugs, all fun, cosmetic DLCs ONLY and most importantly... *ROCKS AND STONES!!!*
It's got a simple and fun gameplay loop, there's enough stuff even in just the Space Rig's lobby to keep you occupied for a while.
What do you even do as a dwarf? Simple, you gear up, drink, get drunk, dance, kick barrels everywhere EXCEPT for the barrel minigame, play jetty boots, annoy Mission Control till he starts fuming, go select an assignment, select your mission, go down into the caves, mine every single atom of minerals you can find, inflict genocide against the alien life down there, get back on the Space Rig. Rinse and repeat!
Does that sound a bit boring? Hmm, well if you play the same class, same weapons, same missions, same biomes then I can see why the loop would start to get stale, BUT you have 4 classes, all with 3 primaries and 3 secondaries which can both be upgraded in whatever way you see fit and also have their own unique modifications called overclock that can switch their behaviour entirely.
Let's not forget to mention all the mission types, Hazard levels, Deep Dives AND modifiers for custom HAZ 5+ missions!
So there's plenty enough to do as long as you keep it fresh :)
You'd think the game is only good with friends, which while it's true that you can have the most fun with your own friends, you can also just join or host a lobby, play with randoms and make some too if you got none!
99.9% of dwarves are friendly, will help the team get through with no problems and you don't even need a mic, press CTRL to bring out a laser pointer which can ping and say voicelines for EVERYTHING in this game, and even better, press V to ROCK AND STONE LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW!!!
And if you're too shy for randoms, luckly, BOSCO will be able to assist you in your missions; upgradable, reliable and sometimes even more competent than a real dwarf!
Is the game too hard?
Don't worry, there's a hazard level for everyone: HAZ 1 has barely any threats and lowest damage, HAZ 2 has a few bugs and they don't hurt that much so it's still pretty easy, HAZ 3 starts throwing at you a good amount of creepy crawlies for you to shoot and defend from with increased damage, HAZ 4 the 6 legged bastards start filling up the caves to an incredible level and damage taken is even greater, HAZ 5 is almost the highest level of danger you can encounter on Hoxxes with an absurd amount of bugs and damage so high you better be ready to run non stop!
If you want, you can also go HAZ 5+ with all modifiers and have fun in which ever hell hole you wanna go in, I won't spoil the fun! :)
(Elite Deep Dives are also an alternative, but I can't talk much from my experience. Despite having almost 200 hours I'm still pretty green)
Also, again, don't worry about DLCs and what not, like I said at the start, every DLC the game has is cosmetic and is there to support Ghost Ship more!
There's a Battle Pass, BUT it's always FREE!! It's full of goodies and you can also switch to past Passes too, which also increase or straight up unlock new stuff to deal with in the caves. (for better or worse...)
Honestly, I don't even know what to tell you more. Just watch some videos on why the game is great, you'll hear more of what I said here but in more detail I bet.
If you end up joining us at Deep Rock, we'll be waiting for you with enough rounds of beer to pass out enough times for a week!
Rock and Stone to all miners!
Oh, and watch out for the radon gas if you're gonna mess with the decorations during special events lmao
Beautiful, fun experience.
Casual and easy to get into with surprising depth and complexity
A definite must try
Extremely Fun, can play with family and friends. Can play with more than 4 players using in game mod.
This game has THE friendliest and most social player base of any game I've ever played, and you don't even need a mic as the game has a built in contextual voice communication system.
The devs have consistently released high-quality content (new weapons, mission types, enemies, etc.) beyond the base game all for free, never use FOMO against the player (any missed loot from the free-only season pass is always acquirable through regular play), never shove the paid DLC in your face (which is cosmetic-only, never pay-to-win), and the game has a fantastic and supportive community. Deep Rock Galactic is one of the absolute highest return-on-investment games you can purchase.
Rock & Stone!
Deep Rock Galactic (DRG) is more than just a game. It's an icon of cooperative PVE gaming. Most importantly, DRG is a mining company that encompasses true dwarven grit and determination.
Only with sheer determination can no more than four miners drive management crazy into early retirement with their joyous proclamations at finding large chunks of gold. Potential minor corporate shenanigans aboard the space station can be overlooked, a due respite post a successful dive (or sometimes pre-celebratory).
Go on, raise your pickaxe, and chant "We're rich!" repeatedly. Over and over again. What more incredible wealth is there than finding gold with fellow dwarven comrades? For, on Hoxxes IV, we are all frends of Karl.
[Disclaimer: I primarily play DRG on console. Hopefully, one day, management will allow us to mingle with full cross-platform.]
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Ghost Ship Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 85 |
Отзывы пользователей | 98% положительных (156882) |